Order 747 06/02/1987 became invalid. Accounting for medicines and medical products in medical organizations

Russian Federation


In order to further strengthen control over ensuring the safety and rational use of medicines, dressings and medical products in medical and preventive healthcare institutions, I approve:

"Instructions for accounting for medicines, dressings and medical products in treatment and preventive health care institutions financed by the State Budget of the USSR";

form N 1-MZ - “Statement of a sample of consumed medicines subject to substantive quantitative accounting”;

form N 2-MZ - “Report on the movement of medicines subject to substantive quantitative accounting”;

Form N 6-MZ - “Book of registration of invoices received by the pharmacy.”

I order:

1. To the Ministers of Health of the Union Republics:

1.1. Within a month, reproduce and distribute the instructions approved by this order to medical and preventive healthcare institutions.

1.2. Organize the study of the instructions by the relevant employees involved in the reception, storage, consumption and accounting of medicines, dressings and medical products in medical and preventive health care institutions.

1.3. Ensure strict control over compliance with these instructions.

2. To the President of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, heads of the III, IV main departments under the USSR Ministry of Health:

2.1. Bring the instructions approved by this order to treatment and preventive healthcare institutions and ensure the implementation of the measures provided for in paragraphs. 1.2, 1.3.

3. The heads of institutions of union subordination shall accept the instructions for execution and carry out the activities provided for in paragraphs. 1.2, 1.3.

4.1. Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR dated April 23, 1976 N 411 “On approval of instructions for accounting for medicines, dressings and medical products in medical and preventive health care institutions financed by the State Budget of the USSR.”

4.3. Order of the USSR Ministry of Health dated March 18, 1985 N 312 “On strengthening control over the implementation of medical prescriptions in medical, preventive and other institutions of the USSR Ministry of Health system.”

4.4. Forms NN: 1-МЗ, 2-МЗ, 6-МЗ, approved by order of the USSR Ministry of Health dated March 25, 1974 N 241 “On approval of specialized (intradepartmental) forms of primary accounting for institutions included in the State Budget of the USSR.”

4.5. Clause 1.6. Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR dated January 9, 1987 N 55 “On the procedure for dispensing ethyl alcohol and alcohol-containing medicines from pharmacies” regarding the recording of alcohol in the journal in form N 10-AP in medical and preventive institutions.

5. Entrust control over the implementation of this order to the Accounting and Reporting Department of the USSR Ministry of Health (comrade L.N. Zaporozhtsev).

First Deputy Minister
health care of the USSR

By order of the Ministry
health care of the USSR
dated June 2, 1987 N 747

with the USSR Ministry of Finance
March 25, 1987 N 41-31

for "____" _________________ 19

NN p.p.Name of medicinesSerial numbers of invoices (requirements)TotalBook entry mark
Toxic substances
Narcotic drugs
Scarce and expensive medicines

for _______________ month 19

signature full name
Attached invoices (requirements)
Checked the report
job title signature full name

That the medicines listed in paragraph 1 of the Instructions (medicines - medicines, serums and vaccines, medicinal plant materials, medicinal mineral waters, disinfectants, etc.; dressings - gauze, bandages, cotton wool, compress oilcloth and paper, alignin, etc.; auxiliary materials - waxed paper, parchment and filter paper, paper boxes and bags, capsules and wafers, caps, stoppers, threads, signatures, labels, rubber bands, resin, etc.; jars with a capacity of over 5000 ml, bottles, cans, boxes and other items of returnable packaging, the cost of which is not included in the price of purchased medicines, but is shown separately in paid invoices) and clause 3 of the Instructions (medicines received free of charge for clinical trials and research , are subject to capitalization in the pharmacy and in the accounting department of the institution on the basis of accompanying documents), are taken into account both in the accounting department and in the pharmacy at retail prices in total (monetary) terms.

Does this mean that all medicines and medical products listed above must be delivered to the pharmacy of a state budgetary institution and it is not allowed to accept medicines from suppliers directly to the department of a medical organization?

Is the Instruction on the accounting of medicines, dressings and medical products in medical and preventive healthcare institutions financed by the state budget of the USSR (approved by order of the USSR Ministry of Health dated June 2, 1987 No. 747) obligatory for use in state budgetary healthcare institutions?

Is it legal to appoint a financially responsible person from the nursing staff to accept medications from the supplier directly to the department of the medical organization, bypassing the pharmacy (for example, disinfectants to the disinfection department, immunobiological preparations (vaccines) to the epidemiological department) by order of the head of the medical organization?

If it is allowed to accept medications from suppliers directly to the department, then what documents are used to dispense medications from the receiving department to other departments of the medical institution? In this case, is it necessary to comply with the requirement to supply medications to the department in the amount of the current need for them for 10 days, with the exception of poisonous and narcotic drugs?

Having considered the issue, we came to the following conclusion:

When organizing the accounting of medicines, budgetary healthcare institutions apply the provisions of Instruction No. 747 to the extent that does not contradict later regulations issued.

The organization of warehouse accounting of medicines and medical products, provided for by the provisions of Instruction No. 747, has not lost its force and is subject to application by healthcare institutions at the present time.


First of all, we note that Instruction No. 747 has not lost its force. At the same time, the provisions of Instruction No. 747 are still applied by judicial authorities, incl. when making decisions regarding budgetary institutions. Based on the provisions of Instruction No. 747, specialists from the financial department build their explanations regarding the accounting of medicines, dressings and medical products in budgetary healthcare institutions.

Accordingly, budgetary healthcare institutions, when organizing the accounting of medicines, apply the provisions of Instruction No. 747 to the extent that does not contradict later regulatory legal acts.

Industry specific features of budget accounting in the healthcare system of the Russian Federation, approved. The Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia in 2007 (hereinafter referred to as the Industry Features), in terms of the Procedure for recording medicines and dressings (clause 20 of the Industry Features) were built on the basis of the provisions of Instruction No. 747. In the period from 2007 to 2017, no regulations were issued that abolished or amended the provisions of Instruction No. 747 regarding the organization of medication records in the case of the presence of a structural unit in a health care institution - a pharmacy - or its absence.

In the absence of a pharmacy as a structural unit of a healthcare institution, medicines should be supplied to the institution (departments, offices) only in the amount of the current need for them, equal to: for poisonous medicines - 5 days, narcotic drugs - 3 days, all others - 10 days. daily (clauses 19, 31 of Instruction No. 747). If there is no pharmacy in the institution, it is not allowed to prescribe medicines from a self-supporting pharmacy according to general invoices (requirements) for several departments (offices) and carry out subsequent packaging, moving from one container to another, replacing labels, etc. (clause 38 of Instruction No. 747) .

The use of a different approach when organizing warehouse accounting of medicines in a budgetary healthcare institution, in our opinion, may give rise to claims from regulatory authorities.

Expert of the Legal Consulting Service GARANT

In accordance with clause of the Regulations on the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, approved by resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 302004 No. 321 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, No. 28, Art. 162; 2006, No. 19, Art. 2080; 2008, No. 11, Art. 136; No. 15, Art. 1555; No. 23, Art. 2713) in order to improve the organization of medical care for victims of road traffic accidents, it is ordered:

1. Create a Commission of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation to coordinate activities aimed at improving the organization of medical care for victims of road traffic accidents (hereinafter referred to as the Commission).

2. Approve:

Regulations on the Commission according to Appendix No. 1;

Composition of the Commission according to Appendix No. 2.

3. To recommend that the health authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation create commissions in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to coordinate activities aimed at improving the organization of medical care for victims of road traffic accidents.

3. Control over the implementation of this order is entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation V.I. Skvortsova.

T.A. Golikova

Appendix No. 1
to the order of the Ministry
health and social
development of the Russian Federation
dated December 19, 2008 No. 747

Regulations on the Commission of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation for coordinating activities aimed at improving the organization of medical care for victims of road accidents

1. The Commission of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation for the coordination of activities aimed at improving the organization of medical care for victims of road traffic accidents (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) is a permanent coordinating body of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry), created to ensure coordinated actions in solving the problems of improving the provision of medical care to victims of road traffic accidents.

2. In its activities, the Commission is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry, as well as these Regulations.

3. The Commission includes representatives of the Ministry, the Federal Medical-Biological Agency, the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare and Social Development, heads and employees of federal state healthcare institutions subordinate to the Ministry, the Federal Medical-Biological Agency and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

4. The objectives of the Commission are:

development and coordination of activities aimed at improving the organization of medical care for victims of road accidents;

studying the causes of mortality and mortality in victims of road accidents;

interaction with commissions for coordinating activities aimed at improving the organization of medical care in case of road traffic accidents, created in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, to study the causes of mortality and mortality in victims of road traffic accidents;

development of proposals to reduce mortality among victims of road accidents;

5. In accordance with the assigned tasks, the Commission performs the following functions:

preparation of proposals from the Ministry on the main directions of implementation of measures aimed at improving the organization of medical care for victims of road accidents;

identifying priority areas in ensuring the implementation of measures aimed at improving the organization of medical care for victims of road traffic accidents;

preparation of proposals for improving the regulatory legal acts of the Ministry related to improving the organization of medical care for victims of road accidents;

coordination of interaction between the Ministry, services and agencies subordinate to the Ministry, the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on improving the organization of medical care for victims of road accidents;

organizational and methodological support of measures to improve the organization of medical care for victims of road traffic accidents in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

monitoring the implementation of measures to improve the organization of medical care for victims of road accidents;

analysis and assessment of the progress of implementation of measures to improve the organization of medical care for victims of road accidents.

6. The activities of the Commission are managed by the Chairman or, on his instructions, the Deputy Chairman of the Commission.

7. The work plan of the Commission is approved by the Chairman of the Commission.

8. The decision to hold meetings of the Commission is made by the Chairman of the Commission or, in his absence, by the Deputy Chairman of the Commission.

9. Meetings of the Commission are considered valid if more than half of its members are present.

10. Decisions of the Commission are made by a simple majority of votes of the members of the Commission present at the meeting and are documented in a protocol, which is signed by the chairman of the Commission and all members of the Commission. The dissenting opinion of the members of the Commission in written form is attached to the minutes.

11. Documentation related to the activities of the Commission is stored in the Department of Organization of Medical Care and Health Development of the Ministry.

Appendix No. 2
to the order of the Ministry
health and social
development of the Russian Federation
dated December 19, 2008 No. 747

Composition of the Commission of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation for coordinating activities aimed at improving the organization of medical care for victims of road traffic accidents


Veronica Igorevna

Deputy Minister of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (Chairman of the Commission)


Olga Vladimirovna

Director of the Department of Organization of Medical Care and Health Development of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia (Deputy Chairman of the Commission)


Mikhail Mikhailovich

Deputy Director of the N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medicine, Moscow Department of Health (as agreed)


Galina Sergeevna

Deputy Director of the Department of Organization of Medical Care and Health Development of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia


Sergey Fedorovich

chief freelance specialist of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia in emergency medical care, director of the St. Petersburg Research Institute of Emergency Medicine named after. I.I. Dzhanelidze of the Health Committee of the Government of St. Petersburg (as agreed)


Leonid Viktorovich

Deputy Director for Treatment and Prevention of the All-Russian Center for Disaster Medicine “Zashchita”


Sergey Fedorovich

Director of the All-Russian Center for Disaster Medicine “Zashchita”

Elena Petrovna

Head of the Industrial Medicine Department of the Medical Care Organization Directorate of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency


Valentina Ivanovna

Chief Researcher of the N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medicine, Moscow Department of Health (as agreed)


Zhanna Vladimirovna

Head of the Department of Special Development Programs of the Department of Organization of Medical Care and Health Development of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia

Evgeniy Vasilievich

chief freelance specialist of the Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development in anesthesiology and resuscitation, director of the Research Institute of General Reanimatology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Vladimir Mikhailovich

Chief freelance pediatric surgeon of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, Deputy Director of the Moscow Research Institute of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery


Pavel Olegovich

Chief freelance specialist of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia in forensic medical examination, head of the Department of Forensic Medical Examination and Medical Law of the Moscow State Medical and Dental University of the Federal Agency for Health Care and Social Development


Vadim Vladimirovich

Deputy Director of the St. Petersburg Research Institute of Emergency Medicine named after. I.I. Dzhanelidze of the Health Committee of the Government of St. Petersburg (as agreed)

Titov Igor Anatolievich

Deputy Head of the Department of Special Development Programs of the Department of Organization of Medical Care and Health Development of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia

(Executive Secretary of the Commission)


Lyudmila Stepanovna

Deputy Head of the Industrial Medicine Department of the Medical Care Organization Directorate of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency

Oleg Sergeevich

Chief Physician of the Federal State Institution "Clinical Hospital No. 85 of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency" (as agreed)


Valentina Ivanovna

Director of the Department for the Development of Medical Care for Children and Obstetrics Services of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia