Orders of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. On approval of the regional calendar of preventive vaccinations and the calendar of preventive vaccinations for epidemic indications Orders of the Ministry of Health for the year

    Appendix N 1. National calendar of preventive vaccinations Appendix N 2. Calendar of preventive vaccinations for epidemic indications

Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of March 21, 2014 N 125n
"On approval of the national calendar of preventive vaccinations and the calendar of preventive vaccinations for epidemic indications"

With changes and additions from:

calendar of preventive vaccinations for epidemic indications in accordance with Appendix No. 2.

IN AND. Skvortsova

Registration N 32115

The national calendar of preventive vaccinations has been approved. The order in which they are carried out is prescribed.

Mandatory vaccination against tuberculosis, pneumococcal and Haemophilus influenzae infections, diphtheria, whooping cough, polio, viral hepatitis B, and tetanus is provided. The calendar also includes vaccinations against measles, rubella, and mumps. The categories and ages of citizens who receive the listed vaccines are indicated.

Vaccinations can be performed by medical organizations that have the appropriate license.

Before vaccination, the person or his legal representative is explained the need for immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases, possible post-vaccination reactions and complications, as well as the consequences of refusing vaccination. Informed voluntary consent to medical intervention is drawn up.

All persons who should receive preventive vaccinations are first examined by a doctor (paramedic).

The requirements for health workers conducting vaccinations are given. Thus, they must undergo training on the use of immunobiological drugs and the provision of emergency or emergency medical care.

A calendar of preventive vaccinations has been established for epidemic indications. We are talking about vaccination against tularemia, plague, brucellosis, anthrax, rabies, leptospirosis, tick-borne viral encephalitis, Q fever, yellow fever, cholera, typhoid fever, viral hepatitis A, etc.

Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated March 21, 2014 N 125n “On approval of the national calendar of preventive vaccinations and the calendar of preventive vaccinations for epidemic indications”

Registration N 32115

This order comes into force 10 days after the day of its official publication

In accordance with Articles 9 and 10 of the Federal Law of September 17, 1998 N 157-FZ “On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1998, N 38, Art. 4736; 2000, N 33, Art. 3348; 2003 , N 2, art. 167; 2005, art. 25; ; 2008, Art. 3616; 2009, Art. 21; ; 2012, N 53, N 19, N 27, N 48, N 51, Art. 6688 N 125n “On approval of the national calendar of preventive vaccinations and the calendar of preventive vaccinations for epidemic indications” I order:

1. Approve:

1.1. Regional calendar of preventive vaccinations (Appendix 1).

1.2. Regional calendar of preventive vaccinations for epidemic indications (Appendix 2).

2. The order of the Moscow Department of Health dated March 31, 2011 N 271 “On approval of the regional calendar of preventive vaccinations and the calendar of preventive vaccinations for epidemic indications” shall be declared invalid.

3. Entrust control over the implementation of this order to the first deputy head of the Moscow Department of Health, A.I. Khripuna.

Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Moscow City Health Department G.N. Golukhov


Newborns in the first 24 hours of life

First vaccination against viral hepatitis B<1>

Newborns on days 3-7 of life

Vaccination against tuberculosis<2>

Children: 1 month

Second vaccination against viral hepatitis B<1>

Children: 2 months

Third vaccination against viral hepatitis B (risk groups)<3>

First vaccination against pneumococcal infection

Children: 3 months

First vaccination against diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus

First vaccination against polio<4>

First vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae infection (risk group)<5>

Children: 4.5 months

Second vaccination against diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus

Second vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae infection (risk group)<5>

Second vaccination against polio<4>

Second vaccination against pneumococcal infection

Children: 6 months

Third vaccination against diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus

Third vaccination against viral hepatitis B<1>

Third vaccination against polio<6>

Third vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae (risk group)<5>

Children: 12 months

Vaccination against measles, rubella, mumps

Fourth vaccination against viral hepatitis B (risk groups)<3>

Vaccination against chickenpox before admission to preschool educational organizations, children of orphanages<7>

Children: 15 months

Revaccination against pneumococcal infection

Children: 18 months

First revaccination against polio<6>

First revaccination against diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus

Revaccination against Haemophilus influenzae infection (risk groups)

Children: 20 months

Second revaccination against polio<6>

Children 3-6 years old

Vaccination against hepatitis A for children before entering preschool educational organizations<8>

Children 6 years old

Revaccination against measles, rubella, mumps

Children 6-7 years old

Second revaccination against diphtheria, tetanus<9>

Revaccination against tuberculosis<10>

Girls 12-13 years old

Vaccination against human papillomavirus

Children 14 years old

Third revaccination against diphtheria, tetanus<9>

Third revaccination against polio<6>

Adults over 18 years old

Revaccination against diphtheria, tetanus - every 10 years from the date of the last revaccination

Children from 1 year to 18 years old, adults from 18 to 55 years old, not previously vaccinated

Vaccination against viral hepatitis B<11>

Children from 1 year to 18 years, women from 18 to 25 years (inclusive), not sick, not vaccinated, vaccinated once against rubella, who have no information about vaccinations against rubella

Vaccination against rubella

Children from 1 year to 18 years inclusive and adults under 35 years of age (inclusive), who have not been sick, not vaccinated, vaccinated once, and have no information about measles vaccinations

Vaccination against measles<12>

Children from 6 months, students in grades 1-11;

students studying in professional educational organizations and educational organizations of higher education;

adults working in certain professions and positions (employees of medical and educational organizations, transport, public utilities); pregnant women; adults over 60 years of age;

persons subject to conscription for military service;

people with chronic diseases, including lung disease, cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorders and obesity

Flu vaccination


<1>The first, second and third vaccinations are carried out according to the 0-1-6 scheme (1 dose - at the start of vaccination, 2 dose - a month after 1 vaccination, 3 dose - 6 months after the start of vaccination), with the exception of children belonging to groups risk, vaccination against viral hepatitis B is carried out according to the 0-1-2-12 scheme (1 dose - at the start of vaccination, 2 dose - a month after 1 vaccination, 2 dose - 2 months after the start of vaccination, 3 dose - after 12 months from the start of vaccination).

<2>Vaccination is carried out with a vaccine for the prevention of tuberculosis for gentle primary vaccination (BCG-M); with incidence rates exceeding 80 per 100 thousand population, as well as in the presence of tuberculosis patients around the newborn - a vaccine for the prevention of tuberculosis (BCG).

<3>Vaccination is carried out for children belonging to risk groups (born from mothers who are carriers of HBsAg, patients with viral hepatitis B or who have had viral hepatitis B in the third trimester of pregnancy, who do not have test results for markers of hepatitis B, who use narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances, from families in which who are a carrier of HBsAg or a patient with acute viral hepatitis B and chronic viral hepatitis).

<4>The first and second vaccinations are carried out with a vaccine for the prevention of polio (inactivated).

<5>Vaccination is carried out for children belonging to risk groups (with immunodeficiency conditions or anatomical defects leading to a sharply increased risk of hemophilus influenzae infection; with oncohematological diseases and/or long-term immunosuppressive therapy; children born from mothers with HIV infection; children with HIV- infection; children in orphanages).

<6>The third vaccination and subsequent revaccinations against polio are given to children with the vaccine for the prevention of polio (live); children born to mothers with HIV infection, children with HIV infection, children in orphanages - a vaccine for the prevention of polio (inactivated).

<7>Vaccination against chickenpox is carried out according to the instructions for use of the medical immunobiological drug, followed by revaccination (the minimum interval between vaccinations must be at least 6 weeks).

<8>Vaccination against viral hepatitis A is carried out according to the instructions for use of the medical immunobiological drug, followed by revaccination (the minimum interval between vaccinations must be at least 6 months).

<9>The second and subsequent revaccinations are carried out with toxoids with a reduced content of antigens.

<10>Revaccination is carried out with a vaccine to prevent tuberculosis (BCG).

<11>Vaccination is carried out for children and adults who have not previously been vaccinated against viral hepatitis B, according to the 0-1-6 scheme (1 dose - at the start of vaccination, 2 dose - a month after 1 vaccination, 3 dose - 6 months after the start of vaccination).

<12>The interval between the first and second vaccinations should be at least 3 months.

The procedure for carrying out preventive vaccinations for citizens within the framework of the regional calendar of preventive vaccinations

1. Preventive vaccinations are carried out to citizens in medical organizations if such organizations have a license providing for the performance of work (services) on vaccination (carrying out preventive vaccinations).

3. Vaccination and revaccination are carried out with immunobiological drugs for the immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases, registered in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the instructions for their use.

4. Before carrying out a preventive vaccination, the person subject to vaccination or his legal representative is explained the need for immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases, possible post-vaccination reactions and complications, as well as the consequences of refusal to carry out a preventive vaccination, and informed voluntary consent to medical intervention is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of Article 20 of the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ "On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation"<*>.

6. If the timing of vaccination changes, it is carried out according to the schedules provided for by the regional calendar of preventive vaccinations and in accordance with the instructions for the use of immunobiological drugs for the immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases. It is allowed to administer vaccines (except for vaccines for the prevention of tuberculosis), used within the framework of the regional calendar of preventive vaccinations, on the same day with different syringes in different parts of the body.

7. Vaccination of children for whom immunoprophylaxis against pneumococcal infection was not started in the first 6 months of life is carried out twice with an interval between vaccinations of at least 2 months.

8. Vaccination of children born to mothers with HIV infection is carried out in accordance with the instructions for the use of immunobiological drugs for the immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases. When vaccinating such children, the following are taken into account: the child’s HIV status, the type of vaccine, indicators of immune status, the child’s age, and concomitant diseases.

9. Vaccination of children against tuberculosis born to mothers with HIV infection and who received three-stage chemoprophylaxis for mother-to-child transmission of HIV (during pregnancy, childbirth and the neonatal period) is carried out in the maternity hospital with vaccines for the prevention of tuberculosis (for gentle primary vaccination). In children with HIV infection, as well as when HIV nucleic acids are detected in children by molecular methods, vaccination against tuberculosis is not carried out.

10. Vaccination with live vaccines (with the exception of vaccines for the prevention of tuberculosis) is carried out for children with HIV infection with immune categories 1 and 2 (no immunodeficiency or moderate immunodeficiency).

11. If the diagnosis of HIV infection is excluded, children born to mothers with HIV infection are vaccinated with live vaccines without a preliminary immunological examination.

12. Toxoid, killed and recombinant vaccines are administered to all children born to mothers with HIV infection. For children with HIV infection, the specified immunobiological drugs for immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases are administered in the absence of pronounced and severe immunodeficiency.

13. When vaccinating the population, vaccines containing antigens relevant to the Russian Federation are used to ensure maximum effectiveness of immunization.

14. When vaccinating against hepatitis B in children of the first year of life, against influenza in children from 6 months of age, studying in educational institutions, and pregnant women, vaccines that do not contain preservatives are used.


<*>Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 26, Art. 3442; N 26, Art. 3446; 2013, N 27, art. 3459; N 27, art. 3477; N 30, art. 4038; N 39, Art. 4883; N 48, art. 6165; N 52, art. 6951.


Name of preventive vaccination

Against tularemia

Persons living in territories enzootic for tularemia, as well as those arriving in these territories

– agricultural, drainage, construction, other work on excavation and movement of soil, procurement, fishing, geological, survey, expedition, deratization

and pest control;

Persons working with live cultures of the causative agent of tularemia

Against the plague

Persons living in areas enzootic for plague.

Persons working with live cultures of the plague pathogen

Against brucellosis

In foci of goat-sheep type brucellosis, persons performing the following work:

– on the procurement, storage, processing of raw materials and livestock products obtained from farms where livestock diseases with brucellosis are registered;

– for the slaughter of livestock suffering from brucellosis, the procurement and processing of meat and meat products obtained from it.

Livestock breeders, veterinarians, livestock specialists in farms enzootic for brucellosis.

Persons working with live cultures of the causative agent of brucellosis

Against anthrax

Persons performing the following work:

– livestock workers and other persons professionally engaged in pre-slaughter livestock maintenance, as well as slaughter, skinning and cutting of carcasses;

– collection, storage, transportation and primary processing of raw materials of animal origin;

– agricultural, drainage, construction, excavation and movement of soil, procurement, fishing, geological, survey, expedition in anthrax-enzootic territories.

Persons working with material suspected of being infected with anthrax

Against rabies

For preventive purposes, people who have a high risk of contracting rabies are vaccinated: people working with the “street” rabies virus;

veterinary workers; huntsmen, hunters, foresters;

persons performing work on catching and keeping animals

Against leptospirosis

Persons performing the following work:

– on the procurement, storage, processing of raw materials and livestock products obtained from farms located in areas enzootic for leptospirosis;

– for the slaughter of livestock with leptospirosis, the procurement and processing of meat and meat products obtained from animals with leptospirosis;

– on catching and keeping stray animals. Persons working with live cultures of the causative agent of leptospirosis

Against tick-borne viral encephalitis

Persons living in areas where tick-borne viral encephalitis is endemic; persons traveling to areas endemic for tick-borne viral encephalitis, as well as persons arriving in these territories performing the following work:

– agricultural, drainage, construction, excavation and movement of soil, procurement, fishing, geological, survey, expedition, deratization and disinfestation;

– for logging, clearing and landscaping of forests, health and recreation areas for the population.

Persons working with live cultures of tick-borne encephalitis

Against Q fever

Persons performing work on the procurement, storage, processing of raw materials and livestock products obtained from farms where Q fever diseases are registered.

Persons performing work on the procurement, storage and processing of agricultural products in enzootic areas with Q fever.

Persons working with live cultures of Q fever pathogens

Against yellow fever

Persons traveling outside the Russian Federation to countries (regions) enzootic for yellow fever.

Persons handling live cultures of yellow fever pathogen

Against cholera

Persons traveling to cholera-prone countries (regions).

Population of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the event of complications of the sanitary and epidemiological situation regarding cholera in neighboring countries, as well as on the territory of the Russian Federation

Against typhoid fever

Persons engaged in the field of municipal improvement (workers servicing sewer networks, structures and equipment, as well as organizations carrying out sanitary cleaning of populated areas, collection, transportation and disposal of household waste).

Persons working with live cultures of typhoid pathogens.

Population living in areas with chronic water epidemics of typhoid fever.

Persons traveling to hyperendemic countries (regions) for typhoid fever.

Contact persons in areas of typhoid fever for epidemic indications.

According to epidemic indications, vaccinations are carried out when there is a threat of an epidemic or outbreak (natural disasters, major accidents in the water supply and sewerage networks), as well as during an epidemic, while mass vaccination of the population is carried out in the threatened region

Against viral hepatitis A

Persons at occupational risk of infection (doctors, nursing staff, food service workers at health care facilities, public service workers employed in food industry enterprises, employees in public catering organizations, as well as those maintaining water supply and sewerage facilities, equipment and networks).

Medical workers, staff of preschool educational organizations. Workers of summer health organizations. Persons traveling to disadvantaged regions and countries where outbreaks are registered.

Contacts in hepatitis A foci

Against shigellosis

Employees of medical organizations (their structural divisions) of infectious diseases and bacteriological laboratories.

Persons employed in the field of public catering and municipal improvement, including those who go to work in health camps. Staff of children's preschool educational organizations.

Children attending preschool educational organizations and going to organizations providing treatment, rehabilitation and (or) recreation (as indicated).

Employees of dairy processing enterprises involved in the transportation, acceptance of milk, production and storage of finished products.

According to epidemic indications, vaccinations are carried out when there is a threat of an epidemic or outbreak (natural disasters, major accidents in the water supply and sewerage networks), as well as during an epidemic, while mass immunization of the population is carried out in the threatened area.

Preventive vaccinations are preferably carried out before the seasonal rise in the incidence of shigellosis

- persons without a fixed place of residence (if they are identified) from 3 months to 15 years - once (if there is reliable data on previous vaccinations) or three times (if they are absent); persons who had contact with people arriving from countries (regions) endemic (unaffected) with polio, from 3 months of life without age limit - once; persons working with live poliovirus, with materials infected (potentially infected) with wild poliovirus, without age limit - once upon hiring

Against pneumococcal infection

Children aged 2 to 5 years and adults from risk groups, including persons subject to conscription for military service

Against rotavirus infection

Children for active vaccination to prevent diseases caused by rotaviruses

2. Vaccination is carried out by medical workers who have been trained in the use of immunobiological drugs for the immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases, the organization of vaccination, vaccination techniques, as well as in the provision of emergency or emergency medical care.

3. Vaccination and revaccination within the framework of the preventive vaccination calendar for epidemic indications is carried out with immunobiological drugs for the immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases, registered in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the instructions for their use.

4. Before carrying out a preventive vaccination, the person subject to vaccination or his legal representative is explained the need for immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases, possible post-vaccination reactions and complications, as well as the consequences of refusal to carry out a preventive vaccination, and informed voluntary consent to medical intervention is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of Article 20 of the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation”.

5. All persons who are required to receive preventive vaccinations are first examined by a doctor.

6. It is allowed to administer inactivated vaccines on the same day with different syringes to different parts of the body. The interval between vaccinations against different infections when administered separately (not on the same day) should be at least 1 month.

7. Vaccination against polio according to epidemic indications is carried out with oral polio vaccine. Indications for vaccinating children with oral polio vaccine for epidemic indications are registration of a case of polio caused by wild poliovirus, isolation of wild poliovirus in human biosamples or from environmental objects. In these cases, vaccination is carried out in accordance with the decree of the chief state sanitary doctor for the city of Moscow, which determines the age of children to be vaccinated, the timing, procedure and frequency of its implementation.

  • Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated April 26, 2018 N 192n "On amendments to the Regulations on the accreditation of specialists, approved by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated June 2, 2016 N 334n"
  • Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated December 21, 2018 N 898n “On amendments to the terms and stages of accreditation of specialists, as well as categories of persons with medical, pharmaceutical or other education and specialists subject to accreditation, approved by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated December 22, 2017 . N 1043n"


  • Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated June 15, 2017 N 328n "On amendments to the qualification requirements for medical and pharmaceutical workers with higher education in the field of training "Health and Medical Sciences", approved by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated October 8, 2015 N 707n "
    • Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated May 19, 2017 N 234n "On amendments to the Regulations on the accreditation of specialists, approved by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated June 2, 2016 N 334n"


    • Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated June 6, 2016 N 352n “On approval of the procedure for issuing a certificate of accreditation of a specialist, the form of a certificate of accreditation of a specialist and technical requirements for it”


      • Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated October 8, 2015 N 707n “On approval of qualification requirements for medical and pharmaceutical workers with higher education in the field of training “Healthcare and Medical Sciences” (as amended on June 15, 2017)

        year 2014

        year 2013

        • Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of November 11, 2013 N 837 "On approval of the Regulations on the model for developing the basic principles of continuous medical education of specialists with higher medical education in organizations carrying out educational activities under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, with the participation of medical professional non-profit organizations"