Principles of using underground space in cities: Russian and foreign experience. Use of urban underground space


In recent years, most major cities around the world have seen increased interest in the widespread use of underground space.

It is caused by increased urbanization, the rapid development of land transport, a shortage of urban territory and a number of other reasons. Intensive development of underground spaces in cities is an indispensable condition for the development of modern urban planning, which predetermines the possibility effective use urban area, improving the condition external environment, preserving the architectural and spatial integrity of historically developed areas of the city, as well as solving a complex of many others, including socio-economic problems.

The degree of use of underground space, equipment and technology of work depend on the size of the city, the nature and content of historical and future development, the concentration of the daytime population in various parts city, estimated number of cars, natural-climatic, engineering-geological and other conditions.

Principles of using underground space in cities: Russian and Foreign experience

The development of underground space is most relevant in the central, densely built and most visited areas of the city. Public centers of the city include: the central zone of the city, main highways, large public transport hubs. These zones are places of concentration of the “daytime” population, services for which should be as close as possible to their locations. In the central zone of the city, the presence of a valuable historical and architectural heritage, the integrity of urban planning ensembles of the past does not allow the development of administrative, business, cultural, entertainment and trade functions to a sufficient extent, as well as the expansion of the street network and landscaping areas of open spaces. Therefore, the central part of the city is the place of the most intensive use of underground space to accommodate these objects. Bringing trade and catering enterprises, entertainment and public utility facilities closer to areas of population concentration increases their attendance, increases their purchasing power and profitability of operation.

Such enterprises are located:

  • - under central streets (in Kyiv, Belgrade, Tokyo)
  • - under squares and intersections of central streets (in Vienna, Bellaria, Babenbergeni Schottentor, in Munich, in Moscow)
  • - in the system of public shopping centers (in Stockholm, Philadelphia, Montreal)

In the capital of the Celestial Empire, Beijing, by 2020 the Chinese are planning to build an underground city. The area of ​​the developed territory will be about 90 million m2. It is planned to create several financial districts in the city, which will house banks and other economic structures, as well as transport interchanges and large shopping centers. According to the architects, it is planned to commission up to 10 million m2 annually.

In world practice, the list of underground and semi-underground structures is very extensive and includes theater, concert and exhibition halls (the Laterna Magica theater and the Alhambra hall in Prague, the conservatory and the Center for Arts and Crafts in Paris, the Museum of Modern Art in New York), trading floors department stores and markets (Galeries Lafayette in Paris, Bull Ring in Birmingham), shopping and pedestrian malls and passage streets (Helsinki, Vienna, Osaka), railway stations (Warsaw, Brussels, Copenhagen, Naples, Sydney, Montreal), bus stations (Chicago, New York, Los Angeles) and air terminals (in Paris, Rome, Brussels, Washington), subways operating in more than 150 cities around the world.

Now the longest underground transport network in the world is the London Underground. Today, the underground has 275 stations, the length of the tracks is 408 kilometers, and the passenger flow of the London Underground is 3 million people. By 2020, the total length of the Beijing metro lines in the capital, according to the plans of Chinese metro builders, will be 561 km; there will be 19 metro lines in the city.

In connection with the widespread use of underground space in large cities for transport purposes, many designers think about the feasibility of constructing entire underground multi-purpose complexes, which could accommodate not only transport structures, but also all the premises for serving passengers along their route.

In recent years, transport facilities are increasingly being developed in conjunction with service and trade institutions. Examples include a bus station in Finland in conjunction with a shopping center, a bus station in Holland included in a shopping center, a bus station in Hamburg combined with a shopping center, public transport centers in Tokyo, Munich and other cities.

In many US cities, a number of large shopping centers have been created, providing the utmost concentration of services. Such shopping centers usually include food and department stores, cafes, restaurants and other public facilities, including concert halls, skating rinks artificial ice and swimming pools. For example, the La Rochelle shopping center with an area of ​​44 hectares houses a railway and bus station, a garage for 5 thousand cars, a theater, a multi-purpose hall, and a hotel. square retail premises- 72 thousand m2.

For transport services in new public centers, as a rule, several underground levels are created, used for the movement of underground rail transport, pedestrian crossings, underground parking lots and garages. Typically, the lowest underground level contains a subway station and underground sections of city underground roads; above there are underground tunnels for vehicles and underground structures for pedestrians.

For new public centers in Paris, Montreal, Helsinki, Los Angeles, London and other cities, underground sections of highways are being designed, often crossing the entire city in several tiers.

Several years ago, construction of a community center in Paris was completed.

New center includes public, administrative and residential buildings. It completely separates the paths of pedestrians and vehicles. The building complex has a multi-tiered composition with four to five underground floors. All types of urban transport in the new public center are concentrated in the underground space.

The main transit highway Paris-Normandy passes within the public underground, along it there will be main bus routes and an express metro line connecting the new center with the old central areas of the city.

On the lower (fourth from the surface) underground level there is an express metro line with a station located near the main public buildings of the complex. The next (third from the surface) underground level is reserved for the movement of long-distance vehicles. Even higher are local bus lines with a bus station. The uppermost underground level is occupied by building entrances connected to peripheral one-way roads with interchanges at three points.

In Finland, a project is underway to plan and build a new 3-level community center in Helsinki. It is designed on the shores of Teele Bay on an area bordered by the railway station and the parliament building. To completely separate the movement of pedestrians and vehicles, underground interchanges are provided at intersection points on all highways. The underground space will house parking lots and garages for the area, and passages connected to underground parking lots, retail and service establishments will be built.

To serve the population of Montreal, as well as nearby cities and suburbs, a large complex of retail, public and transport facilities is being created in the downtown area. The new public transport center of the city is being built on the site of the old buildings.

The complex includes three large department stores, 4 hotels, 8 cinemas, 5 high-rise administrative buildings, 30 restaurants, 20 large specialty stores and indoor markets, underground multi-level parking lots for 9 thousand cars. The usable area of ​​shops, restaurants, cinemas, bookstores and pedestrian galleries located in the center will exceed 1 million square meters. feet (90 thousand m2).

The city's main transport arteries pass through the new center: three underground metro lines, underground highways and two railway lines (National and Pacific). An underground expressway would connect the city's central area with the Trans-Canada Highway. It should be adjacent to pedestrian and shopping crossings with a length of 6.4 km, connected with underground parking lots, metro stations, service entrances for trucks and two central railway stations.

In Moscow, on the site of the Rossiya Hotel, a multifunctional complex will be built with hotels, a cinema and concert hall, a hall for chamber music, and retail and catering establishments.

It is planned to make maximum use of the underground space - parking lots for more than a thousand spaces will be equipped. In the underground part of the complex, the appearance of Moscow streets will be recreated; a system of underground passages will connect Red Square and the Manezhny complex on Okhotny Ryad.

In world practice, the construction of underground parking lots and garages is developing at a rapid pace. The advantages of underground garages and parking lots are obvious. Underground structures provide significant savings on territory (or practically do not require it at all, with the exception of an exit device), since they can be placed under existing parks, squares, squares, buildings, etc. In addition, territories can be used for underground (semi-underground) garages that could not be used for other purposes (ravines, areas with a large slope, various kinds excavations, small quarries, etc.)

IN functionally underground garages contribute to the separation of transport and pedestrian traffic and the general unloading of ground space. For example, several such projects are being implemented in Moscow. In the underground space under Tverskaya Zastava Square, a transport interchange with a multifunctional complex with a total area of ​​107,387.5 square meters is being built. m., including a multi-tier underground garage - parking for 731 cars, with a total area of ​​27,715 sq. m. m. A three-level parking lot for 1000 cars will be built under Pushkinskaya Square. Additionally, there will be souvenir shops, cafes and a small exhibition hall.

The desire to create an integral system of underground structures serving the central zone of the city deserves attention.

In many of the world's largest cities, during the reconstruction and construction of public centers, the main pedestrian movement is designed under the streets and squares at a depth of 3.5 m. along underground pedestrian streets-transitions with underground distribution halls having light-green wells (for illuminating underground premises). At the same level with these pedestrian underground communications, underground shopping, cultural, social and entertainment premises are being built sports objects cafes and restaurants with entrances oriented directly to the pedestrian underground level. The length of underground pedestrian communications is measured in hundreds and thousands of meters.

The current level of development of underground construction in megacities makes it possible to solve most problems regarding the cost-effective and environmentally safe placement of socially significant objects in a comprehensive and efficient manner. The annual rate of construction of underground facilities in the total volume of construction is in a fairly large range: from 5-8% in cities just developing this area economic activity(for example, in Moscow), up to 25-30% in the largest cities with extensive experience in this field (for example, in Paris, Tokyo, London).

Domestic and foreign practice of using underground space indicates the great importance of underground construction in cities. The scale and types of urban facilities located underground should be determined by social, economic and urban planning considerations, based on the need to create the best conditions for serving the population, as well as ensuring the most rational use of urban areas, increasing the efficiency of capital investments in urban planning.

The problem of creating and using underground space in the largest, largest and largest cities is becoming increasingly relevant due to the shortage of free territories and the accelerated development of mass and individual transport. Its solution is relevant in the densely built-up central part, as well as in individual public transport complexes of mass attendance.

The use of underground space not only facilitates transfer conditions, but also makes it possible to completely or partially relieve the central areas from transport structures and devices (garages and parking lots, service stations and gas stations, bus stations), traffic flows transiting in relation to the center, and highway routes and stations. rail transport (metropolitan).

Underground space can be “natural”, located below the surface of the earth, or “artificial”, formed by large-area floors

It is advisable to use it for transport, auxiliary and technical structures, premises and devices, the operation of which is not associated with a long stay of visitors and personnel. These include book depositories, automatic telephone exchanges, refrigerators, pawn shops, vegetable stores, and warehouses.

Public buildings with short-term stays for visitors include cinemas, shops, reception centers of consumer service institutions, libraries, archives, and museums. In a number of cases, transport structures and hubs in the centers of large cities operate in close connection with cultural and public service institutions. So-called public transport centers are emerging.

The principles of vertical zoning of underground space in the city can be formulated as follows:

· the levels closest to the surface of the earth up to the level of -4 m are reserved for pedestrians, continuous passenger transport, moving sidewalks, parking lots, and local distribution utility networks;

· levels at levels from -4 to -15 (-20) m are intended for subway routes or other rail transport and shallow vehicle tunnels, for multi-level underground garages, warehouses, reservoirs and main collectors;

· levels at levels from -15 to -40 m are reserved for tracks
deep rail transport, including urban railway diameters.

In the foreign practice of building a business center outside the historical core of the city, the experience of French urban planners is interesting. The new largest administrative, business and public center in the area of ​​Place de la Défense (in Paris) is located on the continuation of the main city thoroughfare, outside the historical city center.

Much attention When designing it, attention was paid to the organization of pedestrian and transport routes. Thus, the entire ensemble of new buildings has a multi-tiered composition and rises on a giant platform-podium, raised above the ground by 15-33 m, with a length of up to 1 km. This makes good use of the terrain. In this way, up to 4-5 floors of underground and semi-underground levels were created.

The main level of pedestrian traffic is a wide esplanade raised above the ground and located at the top of the platform, along the perimeter of which - mainly underground and in several tiers - there is transport. In the fourth underground level. Express and local line subways united by a station. The third is reserved for high-speed transit traffic in the Paris-Normandy direction. In the second, long-distance and local bus routes are laid out and an underground bus station is built. The first is reserved for approaches to buildings and exits to peripheral one-way roads with developed junctions and interchanges. At approximately the same level, the Paris-Versailles railway runs around the city from the north and west.

The project to renovate the center of Paris is based on something else. It was proposed to build a large underground complex of structures under the Tuileries Garden and the Louvre courtyard; This solution makes it possible to almost completely free the Tuileries area and st. Rivoli, the embankment of the Seine River from the Louvre to the Place de la Concorde, as well as to build underground parking garages of large capacity.. The complex of underground structures includes garages, parking lots, underground public buildings (theaters, cinemas, a hummock: a club, self-service eateries, a restaurant, shopping galleries/auxiliary and exhibition spaces of the museum). The construction of underground expressways helps to relieve the surface of the earth from transport.

The Philadelphia reconstruction project provides for construction in the central areas of this large industrial, commercial, financial and cultural center of the United States while preserving, as far as possible, the historical appearance of the city. The most interesting is the reconstruction of its oldest part. One of the first multi-level public transport complexes in the world is being created here, in which, according to the project, enterprises and institutions of citywide importance will be concentrated, visited not only by city residents, but also by visitors. Therefore, a community center must be served by several types of surface and underground transport.

The main feature of the plan is the maximum separation of traffic and pedestrian routes. Transport traffic is organized on several levels with extensive use of underground space. In the lower, second underground level, there are subway lines and a shallow high-speed railway (25 stations). The upper one is reserved for pedestrians. It has pedestrian crossings and lighted squares and courtyards buried below ground level with entrances to shops, restaurants, bars and others. trading enterprises. This technique provides natural lighting to all service institutions located below ground level and the underground passages themselves, facilitating orientation conditions. At the ground level there is a tier of the main retail premises, as well as the so-called “freight” station. Even higher, above the pedestrian and shopping tier at the level of the second above-ground floor, a passenger bus station is designed. Garages, technical and auxiliary premises were built at the top. All pedestrian levels are connected by escalators and mechanical lifts. Passenger car entrances are designed along the entire perimeter of the center, at the level of city streets. The project included 9 large parking lots.

The main ones are located near the ring road, the highway serving the center. Entrances and exits are provided by short special tunnels, as well as systems of distribution streets and local traffic passages.

An interesting project for the reconstruction of the central mouth largest city California - Los Angeles. The new compact multi-level center should be served by several modes of transport. The entire movement is organized on four levels. In the lower underground there is a line of a shallow underground highway. Two express metro stations are planned in the area. In the upper, underground section there are pedestrian crossings connected to the underground lobbies of both stations. The construction of an underground transport tunnel with a length of about 500 m is planned along the streets. A three-story garage has been built under Pershing Square. The main feature of the reconstruction plan is the creation of pedestrian inter-block boulevards at two levels - streets and overpass boulevards raised to a height of 5 m above the ground, which have a great length, up to 7 km, and pass not only along the main streets, but also inside the blocks, providing convenient and quick access to shops, restaurants, the central bus station, public and other buildings. All levels of pedestrian traffic are connected by stairs, ramps, and escalators, exclusively through which passengers are lifted.

A powerful and extensive system of underground pedestrian and transport communications is integral part reconstruction of the center of Montreal (Canada), providing for the construction in the central area of ​​the city of a large complex of shopping, public and service institutions for the population of Montreal itself, as well as small towns and settlements gravitating to it; The new center is being created on the site of the old building. On its territory there are department stores, hotels, cinemas, administrative buildings, restaurants, and multi-tiered underground garages. The main transport routes of the city, three metro lines, underground sections of expressways and two railway communications pass through it. This creates a good connection between the public and shopping center and all areas of the city and suburbs.

All buildings have several underground levels. The upper one is a system of entrances to the metro, stations and pedestrian crossings, directly connected to all buildings, parking lots and garages. In the passages of downtown Montreal you can find numerous retail establishments, the front of which stretches for many kilometers. Thus, a new type of underground shopping center developed in length is created. To illuminate passages, cafes and shops located below ground level, illuminated landscaped courtyards and squares with swimming pools and fountains are designed. The pedestrian levels are connected by escalators and elevators. All buildings in the future will have a common multi-level podium with an underground " bottom The largest structure has twelve underground tiers.

A different approach was used in the reconstruction of the old center of Helsinki. It is based on the relationship of new engineering and transport structures with existing and planned buildings and the urban landscape. The new public center will be connected to the northern and southern parts of the city by a powerful eight-lane highway, which will pass near the railway and partly above it. In addition, it is planned to reconstruct the main existing highway, the capacity of which will be increased, and the construction of traffic interchanges at different levels with underground tunnels. Under triangular area The construction of a multi-tiered structure is being designed. The underground levels will house parking lots and garages, tunnel passages associated with retail and service establishments. For organizations of continuous traffic movement, all highways at intersections have interchanges with curves of large radii.

The other part of the center includes administrative and business buildings. Under them there is an underground three-tiered area, partially open. There are highways at the top and parking lots below. A complex system of tunnels, bridges and entrance ramps connects all underground levels with the surface. A central bus station has been designed on a separate site (below the level of local city streets). The underground space is effectively used in the project of the business center on Vokzalnaya Square. Seven-story office buildings enclose a spacious parking lot on all sides, raised to the height of the second floor. The system of retail premises on the ground floor and basement is connected by passages connecting the center with the station and public transport stops.

In Moscow, one of the first urban planning complexes using underground space was the ensemble of buildings and structures on Kalinin Avenue. The structures and premises located on the southern side of the avenue occupy two floors, on which all warehouse, utility and engineering services are concentrated, united by a common transport tunnel 900 m long, 9 m wide. Variations in relief are successfully adapted for entrances and exits. In addition to the service tunnel with unloading areas and two-story warehouse, technical and utility rooms, the first underground level contains the banquet hall of the Arbat restaurant, showrooms of the House of Clothes, and a large beer hall. A three-tier underground parking garage is planned under the pedestrian zone on the southern side of the avenue.

The complex of underground passages of the shopping center was built in the crowded central part of Yerevan, at the intersection of three busy transport arteries and the ring boulevard. This decision arose in connection with the need to ensure safe traffic. A single urbanized underground space has been created with the placement of trade, public catering, cultural and consumer services.

About the Concept of development of underground space and the main directions of development of underground urbanization of the city of Moscow

At the present stage of urban development of Moscow, in the context of a reduction in territorial reserves, in order to create and develop a favorable living environment for the purpose of sustainable development of the city, an accelerated pace of development of underground space is necessary.

At the same time, only less than a third of the various facilities being built in the city have an underground part, and the share of underground structures in the total area of ​​facilities put into operation over the past five years does not exceed 8%.

The possibilities of using the underground space of the city of Moscow are limited by complex engineering-geological and hydrogeological conditions, the presence of already built and operated underground structures: the foundations of existing buildings, the metro and other objects of the city’s transport and engineering infrastructure, which leads to a significant increase in construction costs.

As a result of the influence of these factors, the area of ​​underground structures put into operation annually in recent years does not on average exceed 700 thousand square meters, and in the current Master Plan for the Development of the City of Moscow, the development of underground space as a separate direction of urban development of the city of Moscow is absent.

At the same time, an analysis of previously adopted design decisions shows that in most cases, refusal to develop underground space negatively affects the emerging planning and architectural-spatial structure of the city.

In order to create a favorable environment for life and sustainable development of the city through maximum use of the urban planning potential of underground space, the Moscow Government decides:

1. Approve the Concept for the development of underground space and the main directions for the development of underground urbanization of the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the Concept) in accordance with this resolution.

2. Department of urban planning policy, development and reconstruction of the city of Moscow:

2.1. Act as a government customer for the development of a city target medium-term program for the development of underground space for the period 2008-2010. (hereinafter referred to as the Program) and the main directions for the development of underground urbanization of the city of Moscow in the coming years.

By Decree of the Moscow Government of December 25, 2007 N 1127-PP, paragraph 2.2 of this resolution was amended

2.2. Together with the Moscow City Architecture Committee, the State Unitary Enterprise "NIiPI General Plan of Moscow", the State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Center for the Development of Reserve Territories", the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgorgeotrest", the Department of Consumer Market and Services of the City of Moscow in the third quarter of 2008, based on the Concept, develop and submit for approval to the Moscow Government a City Target medium-term program for the development of underground space for the period 2008-2010. and the main directions of development of underground urbanization of the city of Moscow in the coming years.

2.4. To finance the development of the Program and the activities provided for in this resolution using funds allocated to the Department of Urban Development Policy, Development and Reconstruction of the City of Moscow for 2007 as part of the Targeted Investment Program.

2.5. Before November 15, 2007, submit to the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the City of Moscow a forecast for the provision of financial resources for the proposed main activities of the Program for 2008 and subsequent years.

2.6. Together with the Department of State Construction Supervision of Rostekhnadzor, Moskomarkhitektura, State Unitary Enterprise "NIiPI General Plan of Moscow", State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Center for the Development of Reserve Territories", State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgorgeotrest", prefectures administrative districts the city of Moscow and other specialized organizations, in order to form a unified database on underground facilities on the territory of the city of Moscow, organize a system for recording existing, commissioned and designed underground structures.

3. Create a Coordination Council under the Moscow Government on the development of the underground space of the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the Coordination Council) under the chairmanship of the First Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government, head of the Complex of Architecture, Construction, Development and Reconstruction of the City of Moscow V.I. Resin.

4. To the Chairman of the Coordination Council in month period submit for approval to the Moscow Government the regulations on the Coordination Council and its composition.

5. Moscomarchitecture:

5.1. Together with the Department of State Construction Supervision of Rostekhnadzor, in the third quarter of 2007, prepare an action plan for the development and improvement of the regulatory legal framework in order to ensure the development of underground space.

5.2. When updating the General Plan for the Development of the City of Moscow, developing other types of urban planning, regulatory and legal documentation and draft laws of the city of Moscow regulating urban planning activities, provide for the development of sections ensuring the development of underground space.

6. The Department of Property of the City of Moscow, by August 30, 2007, prepare and submit for consideration during the development of the Program to the Department of Urban Planning Policy, Development and Reconstruction of the City of Moscow proposals for introducing additions and changes to regulatory legal acts relating to issues of property relations during the development of underground space.

7. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the First Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government, V.I. Resin.

Mayor of Moscow Yu.M. Luzhkov


The concept of development of underground space and the main directions of development of underground urbanization of the city of Moscow

In accordance with the Procedure for the development, approval, financing and monitoring of the implementation of urban target programs in the city of Moscow, approved by Decree of the Moscow Government of January 17, 2006 N 33-PP, based on the presented Concept for the development of underground space and the main directions for the development of underground urbanization of the city Moscow (hereinafter - the Concept) is expected to develop a city target medium-term program for the development of underground space for 2008-2010. (hereinafter referred to as the Target Program) and the main directions for the development of underground urbanization of the city of Moscow in the coming years.

The concept contains the following main sections:

I. Justification of the correspondence of the goals and the problem solved by the Target Program to the priority tasks of the socio-economic development of the city of Moscow.

II. Justification of the feasibility of solving the problem using a program-targeted method.

III. Possible options for implementing the Target Program.

IV. Main goals, objectives and activities of the Target Program, expected results.

V. Main indicators of the implementation of the Target Program.

VI. Financial support for the Target Program.

VII. Key implementers of the Target Program.

VIII. State customer and developers of the Target Program.

IX. Management and control over the implementation of the Target Program.

I. Justification of the correspondence of the goals and the problem solved by the Target Program to the priority tasks of the socio-economic development of the city of Moscow

At the present stage of Moscow’s socio-economic development, creating a favorable environment for life and ensuring sustainable development of the city is largely possible through the maximum use of the urban planning potential of underground spaces, which is currently underutilized. The implementation of the Target Program and the development of the main directions for the development of underground urbanization of the city of Moscow in the coming years will make it possible to sharply increase the commissioning of underground facilities for various purposes to a level that meets modern requirements for the urban environment and is necessary to solve the following priority tasks of the socio-economic development of the city:

Placement of large multifunctional complexes in the most urban-planningly significant and investment-attractive areas of the city, the construction of which, due to the current development, is possible only through the development of underground spaces;

Increasing the level of comfort of living in the city by ensuring the complexity of development with the placement of underground parking garages, social, cultural, shopping and other facilities within walking distance;

Reducing the excess parking load on the existing street and road network of the city by placing garages and auxiliary premises in the underground space during the construction and reconstruction of residential, public centers, administrative buildings, and trade enterprises. Increasing the capacity of the road network;

Increasing the revenue side of the Moscow city budget through tax and non-tax revenues from the activities of enterprises and organizations that will be located at facilities created in underground space.

II. Justification of the feasibility of solving the problem using a program-target method

The implementation of the main directions of urban development of Moscow, provided for by the General Plan for the Development of the City of Moscow, is carried out in the context of a constant reduction in territorial resources.

At the same time, the requirements for the provision of places for organized storage of cars, social, engineering and transport infrastructure.

A significant part of these objects can be located in the underground space of the city, and in recent years the pace of development of underground space has been constantly increasing in two main directions:

Mass construction of facilities that include underground structures;

Unique objects of citywide importance, such as the shopping center on Manezhnaya Square, the tunnel of the Third Transport Ring, the underground section of Zvenigorodsky Prospekt.

At the same time, the features geological structure the territory in which the city of Moscow is located, hydrogeological conditions, as well as the existing surface development and existing underground facilities significantly complicate the development of the underground spaces of the city.

As a consequence of this, less than 30% of various facilities under construction in the city have an underground part; as a result, the share of underground structures in the total area of ​​facilities put into operation over the past five years does not exceed 8%.

The study of foreign experience shows that optimal conditions for ensuring sustainable development and comfortable stay in urban agglomerations similar to Moscow in terms of indicators such as total area, population, ratio of historical and modern buildings, are achieved when the share of underground structures in the total area of ​​commissioned facilities is 20-25%.

An analysis of the implementation of the Master Plan for the Development of the City of Moscow until 2020 shows that the main negative factors hindering the development of underground urbanization in the city of Moscow are the following:

When planning city development, objective characteristics of the urban planning potential of the city’s underground spaces are insufficiently used as substantiating materials; as a consequence of this, when planning surface construction, the possibilities of placing objects in underground space are insufficiently used;

To date, the city has not developed a unified methodology for assessing the economic feasibility of underground construction, taking into account the influence of underground facilities on the development of engineering, transport and social infrastructure. In this regard, as a result of insufficient incentives for the construction of underground structures, large urban areas are built up with objects that can be located in underground space;

There is no unified citywide system of legal and technical regulation of the development of underground space. At the same time, an analysis of the existing regulatory framework shows that in the context of changing federal legislation and if there is a need for a significant increase in the volume of underground construction, regulatory support for the underground urbanization of Moscow must be carried out at an accelerated pace;

One of the main advantages of underground construction in the current development environment - the possibility of placing underground structures under natural complexes and cultural heritage sites - is used extremely rarely - as a rule, during the construction of unique transport infrastructure facilities.

Taking into account the above, effectively solve the assigned tasks and existing problems only possible using a program-targeted method.

III. Possible options implementation of the Target Program

Options for implementing the Target Program were determined on the basis of proposals for the placement of underground construction facilities for 2008-2010, prepared by the State Unitary Enterprise "Research and Design Institute of the General Plan of Moscow" with the participation of the Department of Urban Planning Policy, Development and Reconstruction of the City of Moscow, the Moscow Committee for Architecture and Prefectures of Administrative Districts, as well as taking into account indicators approved by the Medium-term program housing construction in the city of Moscow for the period 2006-2008. and tasks until 2010 in order to implement the national project “Affordable and comfortable housing for Russian citizens” and the Target program for the construction of parking garages in the city of Moscow for the period 2005-2007.

The construction of underground structures in the amount of 1 million 800 thousand square meters in the period from 2008 to 2010, according to calculations made by the State Unitary Enterprise "NIiPI General Plan of Moscow", corresponds to the minimum option for implementing the Target Program and provides the approved urban urban planning programs with underground facilities.

At the same time, when implementing the Target Program according to the minimum option, such important indicators of the quality of the urban environment as the provision of places for organized storage of vehicles and the capacity of the road network due to underground construction will not increase, but, on the contrary, may decrease.

The maximum option for implementing the Target Program provides for a maximum volume of underground structures commissioned in 2008-2010. at the level of 3.0 million sq.m.

To a large extent, the possibility of implementing this option depends on the pace of construction and the timing of commissioning of large multifunctional complexes, in which the share of underground structures, as a rule, does not exceed 30%.

The experience of implementing such projects in Moscow in recent years shows that one of the most important factors influencing construction time is the provision of engineering and transport infrastructure, primarily power supply.

In this regard, when comparing the maximum and single optimistic option for implementing the Target Program, which provides for the commissioning of underground facilities in the amount of 2.550 million square meters, taking into account the existing and planned level of development of urban engineering and transport infrastructure, in order to unconditionally implement the activities of the Target Program in deadlines an optimistic option for implementing the Target Program is proposed.

This option provides for the commissioning of Target Program facilities, linked to the development of the city's engineering and transport infrastructure, and provides the approved urban planning programs with the necessary volumes of underground construction.

In addition, when implementing this version of the Target Program and simultaneously with the increasing commissioning of underground structures in the required volume, a reserve for subsequent years will be ensured due to a significant increase in the number of objects for which in the period 2008-2010. It is planned to develop design and estimate documentation.

IV. Main goals, objectives and activities of the Target Program, expected results

A targeted program for the development of underground space in the city of Moscow will be developed with the aim of creating a favorable environment for life and ensuring sustainable development of the city through maximum use of the urban planning potential of underground spaces.

To achieve the goals of the Target Program, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. Ensure maximum use of underground space to form a modern planning and architectural-spatial structure of the city.

2. Develop the main directions for the development of the underground space of the city of Moscow.

3. Create a system for stimulating the development of underground space in the city of Moscow.

4. Increase the reliability, energy efficiency and durability of underground structures, ensure the safe operation of underground structures under design operating conditions, as well as in emergency situations.

In accordance with the specified goals and objectives of the program, it is proposed to carry out the following activities:

1. Activities aimed at ensuring maximum use of underground space for the formation of a modern planning and architectural-spatial structure of the city of Moscow:

1.1. Collection and systematization of information on existing, designed and under construction underground structures.

1.2. Preparation of proposals for the placement of underground structures during the implementation of urban urban planning programs.

1.3. Formation of basic address lists of underground construction objects.

1.4. Development of pre-project and competition documentation, which, under the conditions of the competition, provides for the return of funds to the budget of the city of Moscow for pre-project studies and development of competition documentation.

1.5. Preparation of proposals to clarify the financial support indicators of the Target Program when forming the budget of the city of Moscow and the targeted investment program of the city of Moscow.

Expected results:

1. Increasing the level of comfort of living in the city by ensuring the complexity of development with the placement of underground parking garages, social, cultural, shopping and other facilities within walking distance.

2. Ensuring the commissioning of underground facilities in the volumes necessary for the implementation of urban urban planning programs.

3. Reducing the area of ​​urban areas occupied by objects that can be located in underground space.

4. Increasing the level of provision of city residents with places for organized storage of vehicles and social and cultural facilities.

5. Reducing the excess parking load on the existing street and road network of the city by placing garages and auxiliary premises in the underground space during the construction and reconstruction of residential, public centers, and administrative buildings; trading enterprises.

6. Creation of a unified city-wide system for the development and implementation of pre-project and design documentation for the development of underground space.

7. Increasing the number of competitions for performing the functions of an investor in the construction of underground facilities.

8. Increasing the capacity of the road network.

9. Preservation of cultural heritage sites.

10. Preservation and development of green areas.

11. Development of a control system for the use and storage of soils during the creation of underground structures.

2. Measures to develop the main directions for the development of the underground space of the city of Moscow.

2.1. Development of a methodology for zoning city territories according to the conditions for the development of underground spaces, depending on various natural and man-made factors.

2.2. Development of a methodology for calculating the standard cost of construction of various types of underground structures under the influence of negative natural and man-made processes and phenomena.

2.3 Development of calculation methods standard indicators on designing the placement of consumer market objects and services located in underground spaces in Moscow districts, taking into account current urban planning standards.

2.4. Development of a zoning scheme for city territories according to the conditions for the development of underground spaces, depending on various natural, man-made and economic factors.

2.5. Development of the main directions for the development of underground urbanization, the relevant sections of the General Plan for the Development of the City of Moscow and other urban planning documentation.

Expected results:

1. Increasing the efficiency of using the urban planning potential of the city’s underground spaces.

2. Determination of the volumes and types of underground construction that is possible on the territory of the city of Moscow, taking into account the effects of negative natural and man-made processes and phenomena, as well as economic and other factors influencing the conditions for the development of underground space.

3. Improving the quality and reducing the development time of pre-project and design documentation for underground construction projects.

4. Creation of a monitoring system for the implementation of urban planning documentation for the development of underground spaces in the city and the preparation of supporting materials for updating the specified documentation.

3. Measures to create a system for stimulating the development of underground space in Moscow:

3.1. Conducting an analysis of the economic conditions for the implementation of underground construction projects in Moscow.

3.2. Performing an assessment of the influence of natural and man-made factors on the cost of construction of underground structures.

3.3. Development of a methodology for economic stimulation of the construction of underground facilities, providing for the following basic provisions:

3.3.1. The developed methodology will provide the opportunity to analyze the potential commercial (financial) results of the construction of underground facilities, as well as to prepare preliminary conclusions on possible revenues to the city budget during the implementation of underground construction projects at the expense of investors in order to stimulate investment activity in the development of underground spaces in the city of Moscow.

3.3.2. The methodology must be developed in accordance with the established practice of investment activity in the city of Moscow.

3.3.3. The methodology provides for the possibility of calculating the maximum permissible size encumbrances during the construction of underground facilities, taking into account the acceptable profitability of the investment project for the investor.

3.3.4. When developing the methodology, it is necessary to take into account the current level of market prices and the economic efficiency of the construction of various facilities for different districts of Moscow.

3.3.5. As a result of the development and approval of the methodology, it is necessary to ensure that the influence of the following natural and man-made factors on the cost of construction of underground structures is taken into account:

Engineering-geological and hydrogeological conditions;

Archaeological data;

Negative natural and man-made processes and phenomena (suffusion, changes in groundwater levels, vibration effects, magnetic fields, etc.);

Existing or planned underground structures, including underground parts or foundations of above-ground structures;

Availability of natural complex objects;

Existing biocenoses and forecast of their development.

3.3.6. In addition, the methodology must provide for the following planning and other restrictions, as well as measures aimed at maximizing the use of the urban planning potential of underground space:

Safety requirements;

Requirements for resource and energy saving;

Functional purpose of objects (separately for multifunctional complexes);

Dimensions of structures;

Type of structure: stand-alone or as part of an object with above-ground and underground parts;

Density of existing buildings (possibility of working from the surface or by panel penetration);

Requirements for underground structures, determined by existing or planned above-ground development;

The need for the construction of civil defense facilities;

Conditions for connecting to external networks;

The need to build autonomous sources of electricity, heat and water supply;

Possibility of placing municipal facilities;

The feasibility of financing construction (including partial) from the city budget;

Form of return of invested funds: sale, lease, concession, etc.;

Development of regulatory, legal and urban planning documentation to ensure the efficient use of underground space.

Expected results:

1. Increasing the volume of construction of underground structures.

2. Increasing the share of underground structures in the total volume of construction (including through the placement of engineering and transport infrastructure facilities).

3. Reducing inefficiently used underground spaces in the city.

4. Increasing the investment attractiveness of the construction of underground structures.

5. Increase in revenues to the budget of the city of Moscow during the implementation of investment projects.

6. Increasing the volume of extra-budgetary financing for the construction of underground structures.

4. Measures aimed at increasing the reliability, energy efficiency and durability of underground structures, ensuring the safe operation of underground structures under design operating conditions, as well as in emergency situations:

4.1. Development of technical and regulatory documentation for the development of underground spaces.

4.2. Development of technical and regulatory documentation for the operation and repair of underground structures.

4.3. Development of regulatory and legal documentation to ensure stimulation of the implementation of advanced domestic and foreign design, technological and organizational solutions during the development of underground spaces.

4.4. Development of a methodology for monitoring the condition of underground structures.

4.5. Study and implementation of advanced domestic and foreign experience in the development of underground spaces, as well as innovative technologies.

4.6. Development of a forecast of the impact of negative natural and man-made processes and phenomena on underground structures.

4.7. Development of regulatory and legal documentation in order to improve the safety of operation of underground structures.

4.8. Development and implementation of design solutions aimed at improving the operational safety of existing and under construction underground structures.

Expected results:

1. Increasing the reliability, energy efficiency, durability and safety of underground structures.

2. Improving the performance characteristics of underground structures.

3. Improving the quality of space-planning solutions for underground facilities.

4. Increasing the service life of underground structures without routine and major repairs.

5. Reducing operating costs of underground structures.

6. Reducing costs for current and major repairs of underground structures.

7. Providing design and construction in the city of Moscow with technical and regulatory documentation that meets modern requirements for reliability, energy efficiency and durability of underground structures.

V. Main indicators of the implementation of the Target Program

The main indicators of the Target Program are determined in accordance with the planned volumes of construction of underground structures by year of program implementation.

It is planned to increase the commissioning of underground facilities by 150 thousand square meters per year starting in 2008 and bringing this figure to 1 million square meters in 2010.

This increase will be ensured due to the fact that in order to improve the planning and architectural-spatial structure of the city, the Concept outlines a significant - up to 15% - increase in the share of underground structures in the total commissioning of housing, administrative and business development in the city.

Fulfillment of these indicators will ensure the achievement of the expected results of program activities, such as:

Increasing the level of comfort of living in the city by ensuring the complexity of development with the placement of underground parking garages, social, cultural, shopping and other facilities within walking distance;

Ensuring the commissioning of underground facilities in the volumes necessary for the implementation of urban urban planning programs;

Reducing the area of ​​urban areas occupied by objects that can be located in underground space;

Increasing the level of provision of city residents with places for organized storage of vehicles and social and cultural facilities;

Reducing the excess parking load on the existing street and road network of the city by placing garages and auxiliary premises in the underground space during the construction and reconstruction of residential, public centers, and administrative buildings; trade enterprises;

Increasing the volume of construction of underground structures, including the “closed method”;

Increasing the share of underground structures in the total volume of construction;

Increasing the capacity of the road network.

Summary indicators of the Target Program for the Development of the Underground Space of the City of Moscow




Total area of ​​underground construction facilities, thousand sq.m.


Share of underground structures in the total commissioning of residential, administrative and business development (%)

VI. Financial support for the Target Program

The sources of financing for the activities of the Target Program are funds from the budget of the city of Moscow (on a repayable basis when holding competitions to select investors for the design and construction of underground facilities).

The cost of carrying out activities is determined when developing lot documentation for holding competitions for selecting performers.

The amount of financial resources from the city budget required for the implementation of the Target Program is presented in the table.


Amount of financing from the city budget, million rubles.




Total 2008-2010

Activities aimed at ensuring maximum use of underground space to form a modern planning and architectural-spatial structure of the city of Moscow





Activities to develop the main directions for the development of underground space in Moscow





Measures to create a system for stimulating the development of underground space in Moscow





Measures aimed at increasing the reliability, energy efficiency and durability of underground structures, ensuring the safe operation of underground structures under design operating conditions, as well as in emergency situations









The implementation of all activities must take place on a competitive basis. The terms of the competition must provide for the return of funds spent on pre-design studies and development of competition documentation to the budget of the city of Moscow. Starting prices for the competition must be calculated on the basis of appropriate calculations of labor costs for the implementation of activities and approved by the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the City of Moscow. The indicated amounts of funding for the activities of the Target Program are adjusted and clarified when forming the budget and targeted investment program of the Moscow Government for the corresponding year.

VII. Key implementers of the Target Program

Department of Urban Development Policy, Development and Reconstruction of the City of Moscow

Department of Economic Policy and Development of the City of Moscow

Moscow Department of Land Resources

Department of Science and Industrial Policy of Moscow

Department of Consumer Market and Services of the City of Moscow


Prefectures of administrative districts of Moscow

State Unitary Enterprise "NIiPI General Plan of Moscow"

State Unitary Enterprise "MCORT"

State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgorgeotrest"

VIII. State customer and developers of the Target Program

The state customer and coordinator of the Target Program is the Department of Urban Development Policy, Development and Reconstruction of the City of Moscow.

The developers of the Target Program are the Department of Urban Development Policy, Development and Reconstruction of the City of Moscow, State Unitary Enterprise "NIiPI General Plan of Moscow", State Unitary Enterprise "MCORT", Department of Consumer Market and Services of the City of Moscow.

IX. Management and control over the implementation of the Target Program

The implementation of the Target Program is managed by the Department of Urban Development Policy, Development and Reconstruction of the City of Moscow in accordance with the Law of the City of Moscow dated July 11, 2001 N 34 “On State Target Programs in the City of Moscow” and resolutions of the Moscow Government dated December 13, 2005 N 1030- PP "On improving the procedure for placing state orders", dated January 11, 2005 N 3-PP "On improving the practice of developing and implementing urban target programs in the city of Moscow", dated January 17, 2006 N 33-PP "On the Procedure for development, approval, financing and control over the implementation of urban target programs in the city of Moscow."

Coordination of the activities of the executive authorities of the city of Moscow in the implementation of the Target Program is carried out by the Coordination Council under the Moscow Government for the development of the underground space of the city of Moscow, which includes representatives of the Moscow Municipal Economy Complex, the Complex of Architecture, Construction, Development and Reconstruction of the City of Moscow, and the Economic Policy Complex and development of the city of Moscow.

Monitoring the progress of implementation of the Target Program activities is carried out by the Moscow Government in the prescribed manner. The state customer of the Target Program bears full responsibility for the implementation of the Target Program, the implementation of the Target Program activities in a timely manner and the targeted use of funds from the Moscow city budget allocated for implementation.

In order to monitor the implementation of the Target Program activities, the state customer provides:

Development and approval of annual plans for the implementation of the Target Program;

Collection of data from the implementers of the Target Program on the implementation of target indicators;

Collecting uptake data Money provided for the implementation of the activities of the Target Program;

Based on the reports of the implementers of the activities, preparation of an annual report on the progress of the Target Program.

The purposeful use of underground space in cities has a long history. Under the ground, the ancestors located defensive and religious structures, galleries of secret passages, storage facilities and housing. Construction began to be especially active below the surface of the earth with the development of engineering support systems. It is difficult to list what is hidden there in modern city. However, all underground structures can be combined into five groups.

Networks and utility equipment urban development belongs to the first group. Plumbing systems are the most common. These include infrastructure for cold and hot water supply, as well as water disposal: domestic, storm and industrial sewerage.

Not only network pipelines, but also equipment are placed within urban areas. Very often it is installed in underground structures. Inspection rooms, pumping and pumping stations, boiler rooms, boiler rooms and heating points are buried underground.

Steam and gas pipeline systems are laid underground, equipped with special equipment, which is often hidden underground. If necessary, build tanks for water, other liquids and compressed gases.

In urban engineering special place occupied by power supply and communication systems electronic communications. As a rule, electricity and weak current potential are transmitted through metal or fiber optic cables. Together with the equipment of transformer, relay telephone and relay stations, they are also buried in the ground.

As a result of technical progress, engineering systems are updated and further developed. Today it is difficult to predict what new equipment will present to the cities of the 21st century. For example, local systems for pneumatic transport of solid waste already exist. They currently operate within a neighborhood or residential group, moving waste to storage, sorting and packaging stations. Perhaps in the future waste will be transported through such systems to waste treatment plants.

Industrial, technical, household and warehouse facilities are often located underground. There are entire underground factories of defense significance. Separate workshops and laboratories are buried, which need to be protected from dust and noise. Or vice versa, prevent clogging environment from industrial sources (for example, radiation).

Rice. 14 Underground shopping and pedestrian streets:

a – longitudinal section of a building in Northbrook (USA), b – the same, in Edinburgh (England).

In order to save urban areas, consumer service enterprises such as laundries and dry cleaners are being created underground. Warehouses are also located there. Vegetable storage facilities, refrigerators, fuel and lubricant warehouses, water and gas storage facilities are widespread in cities.

Cultural and entertainment institutions, trade and public catering are the most attractive to the population. The underground space is convenient enough to accommodate institutions of this group. In occasional service premises, the absence of daylight is acceptable, since people are not expected to be in them permanently. But when choosing a design solution, as a rule, they consider an alternative: to build underground or on the surface.

The construction of underground structures involves serious investments that significantly exceed capital investments in above-ground facilities. However, inflating the cost of underground construction can be economically justified, and above all, in densely built-up areas of the city center where land is very expensive. In addition, less energy is required in the ground to heat rooms in cold period year, which can lead to a reduction in operating costs.

Entire pedestrian and shopping streets of considerable length are being built underground. As a rule, galleries are located on several levels.
In Fig. 14a shows a cross-section of such a structure. Here, citizens move along the retail premises for rent in direct paths from one level to another. To reach the galleries of another level, there are stairs and ramps, but there are also wall-mounted decorative elevators.

The esplanades are illuminated artificially. However, the core, whose height reaches two tiers, also receives natural light. This made it possible to use natural green spaces in the interior.

Section of another linear structure built under open market shown in Fig. 14.6. It interestingly combines old buildings with new volumes. Escalators are used instead of ramps and elevators. Although the surface has skylights, it is successfully used as a market area. The commissioning of a shopping and pedestrian mall increased the attractiveness of ground-based stores and shopping pavilions.

Rice. 15 Compact underground center in Minneapolis (USA), section through the central part.

Rice. 16. Underground shopping and recreational complex on Manezhnaya Square in Moscow (a team of authors led by architect.
MM. Posokhin):

a – section; b – plan; 1 – entrance from the metro station lobby, 2 – the same, from the surface of the square.

In the practice of urban planning, the construction of compact malls takes place. A section of one of them is shown in Fig. 15. The structure represents a three-level system, two of which are working levels, and the lower one is used as a warehouse. It is equipped with ramps for cargo transport with goods.

Rice. 17. Underground transport highway in the existing development:

a – laid under buildings, b – the same, under the walking esplanade; 1 – steel pipes with a monolithic reinforced concrete core laid by the punching method; 2 – vertical structures made using the “wall in soil” method; 3 – dimensions of existing foundations; 4 – anchor fastenings with pile bushes; 5 – retaining layer of the embankment, 6 – drainage layer; 7 – collector for communications; 8 – additionally buried foundations.

The rectangular central courtyard, somewhat elongated between two rows of shops, has one peculiarity. Its lightweight steel roof is raised above the roofing of these stores, allowing the spaces to be illuminated with natural light through skylights.

Rice. 18. Project for the reconstruction of Tverskaya Street in Moscow. Fragment of the section using underground space for the roadway and for parking (Workshop No. 2 of Mosproekt-2).

Many very diverse structures of the road transport group are removed underground, pursuing two goals. First, reduce harmful influence noise on the urban environment, and secondly, to achieve savings in areas occupied by transport communications.

Traffic at street intersections and stretches between intersections is organized by building overpasses and tunnels. Let's consider methods for constructing underground structures. On stages, passages are laid underground in certain cases. For example, when a highway is straightened in a densely built-up area or a new highway is cut through the development. In Fig. 17a shows one of the options for constructing a tunnel in the protected zone of the historical and architectural environment of the city.

It has a dual function. On the one hand, within its boundaries there is a diversified traffic flow, which is carried out along two parallel streets, shown as a dotted line below on the plan. On the other hand, the tunnel is a two-level intersection with a city street perpendicular to it.

An interesting interpretation of the “wall in soil” method is interesting here. The side walls of the tunnel could not be completed by traditionally installing equipment on top, so they were erected by horizontal tunneling, pumping the solution using a water-air method. The adit coverings were made by pressing steel pipes and then installing a reinforced concrete core in them.

Another example, illustrated in Fig. 17, b, is simpler, since it was carried out on a route free of buildings. Through traffic was transferred underground, which made it possible to build a walking esplanade in place of the roadway of the river embankment, while simultaneously reducing the impact of traffic noise on the adjacent buildings.

Rice. 19 Underground garages

a – pitched-screw type; b – the same, rotary with an elevator cabin rotating around a vertical axis; c – with a monorail conveyor lift, 1 – lift machine room; 2 – lift cabin; 3 – installed vehicle, 4 – conveyor monorail; 5 – a platform for cars moving on a monorail.

One of the most serious transport problems in Russian cities is the problem of storing individual vehicles. In past times, it was not given due attention. Town planners assumed that mechanical engineering industry countries cannot meet the demand for cars.

Rice. 20. Semi-underground parking garages:

a – inscribed in a hill; b – in the courtyard, combined with an underground passage for loading goods into stores (entry into the underground space from the ends);
c – in the “well” courtyard, covered at the floor level of the second floor and using the dimensions of the building; d – the same, but under part of the yard, 1 – air exhaust from the garage, 2 – gas-tight ceiling; 3 – surface of the cut hill; 4 – travel to shops; 5 – ramp (arrows indicate entrances to the garage).

The projects of new urban formations included solutions with a minimum number of parking lots by international standards. During the reconstruction of old built-up areas, they were practically not provided for due to the lack of free space within the blocks. As a result, the streets, alleys and courtyards of large cities were filled with settling cars.

Within old buildings, the described phenomenon can be mitigated by constructing underground parking lots. Temporary parking lots must be built simultaneously with administrative buildings and shopping and recreational complexes. Sometimes they are combined with retail buildings, placed in specially designated tiers of shopping and pedestrian streets. One such solution is shown in Fig. 18. The fragment shows how the parking lots in the lower tiers were solved underground structure under Tverskaya street in Moscow.

Multi-storey parking lots are being built within the courtyard space of the blocks (Fig. 19). As a rule, they should be compact and not occupy large areas. Therefore, ramp entrances to tiers of multi-person parking lots, such as those shown in Fig. 19, d, rarely done. More often, ramps are replaced with elevators (Fig. 19, b and c).

Multi-storey multi-car parking lots are complex engineering structures, the construction of which can take years. In the conditions of functioning residential buildings, such construction is not always feasible, therefore, all over the world, when reconstructing residential areas, they resort to the solutions shown in Fig. 20. In one case, the terrain is used (scheme a and c), in another - they are combined with entrances to the warehouse areas of stores (scheme b), in the third - short ramps are arranged (scheme d).

Partial placement of a parking lot within the dimensions of a building is rational if it is built according to two- and three-bay schemes, but with internal supports in the form of columns. Adapting the basements of houses with internal walls is irrational, since it requires large expenses for punching and strengthening openings or replacing walls with pillars.

Underground space

"...1. Underground space is recognized as a part of the subsoil used as an environment for people to stay, for the placement of industrial, scientific and other activities, and also used as an environment for the occurrence of processes with practical application.

2. Objects of underground space may be natural or artificially created subsoil cavities, as well as other subsoil areas suitable for use for the purposes specified in paragraph 1 of this article.

3. Other subsoil resources located within this site, including energy, are not recognized as an integral part of the underground space of a subsoil plot.

4. Underground space does not include natural cavities that are completely filled with solid, liquid, gaseous substances and (or) their mixtures in a natural state..."



Official terminology.

    2012. See what “Underground space of the subsoil” is in other dictionaries: Bosom

    - (Subsoil) Subsoil, part of the earth's crust Concept and composition of the subsoil fund, the right to use subsoil Contents Contents Section 1. Concept, objects and subjects of the right of use. - this is the part of the earth’s crust located below the soil layer, and when it... Investor Encyclopedia State ownership of subsoil- 1) (for the purposes of the Constitution of the Russian Federation) form of ownership of land and others Natural resources

    2012.; 2) (for the purposes of the Law of the Russian Federation On Subsoil) the form of ownership of subsoil, the objects of which are: a) subsoil within the boundaries of the territory ... Environmental law of Russia: dictionary of legal terms

    - are part of the earth’s crust located below the soil layer, and in its absence below the earth’s surface and the bottom of reservoirs and watercourses, extending to depths accessible for geological study and development. N. within the boundaries of the territory... ... Large legal dictionary Bosom

    Central America- (Central America) Information about Central America, history and geography of Central America Information about Central America, history and geography of Central America, politics and economics Contents Contents 1. Geography Coast Relief Geological ... Underground structures

    - (a. underground structures; n. unterirdische Bauwerke; f. ouvrages souterrains; i. instalaciones subterraneas) industrial objects, c. x., cultural, defense and communal purposes, created in the mountain ranges. rocks under daytime... ... Geological encyclopedia

    underground boat- This term has other meanings, see Underground boat (meanings) ... Wikipedia TERRITORY OF THE MUNICIPALITY