Signs of allergic stomatitis with photos, treatment of diseases of the oral mucosa in children and adults. Lip allergies: causes, symptoms and treatment

An allergy to the lips may require different treatment, it all depends on its type. First you need to understand what such an allergy is and how it manifests itself, and only after that ask the question, how to treat allergies on the lips? An allergic reaction on the lips is medically called allergic cheilitis, a disease caused by various stimuli having direct contact with this area. And it is characterized by constant itching, redness and swelling. In some cases, rashes may still be present different shapes both on the labial border and around it.

In addition to such discomfort, allergic cheilitis causes cosmetic defect, and that's only half the problem. The fact is, in the absence of timely treatment, such allergic reactions can cause certain complications, including death. Allergic cheilitis can have different causes, for example, it often occurs due to exposure of the lips to wind, frost and sun. Also, the most common causes include certain foods, low-quality cosmetics, oral hygiene products and any other exposure chemical components from various things.

Allergy symptoms

Symptoms of allergic cheilitis can appear either simultaneously or gradually. Increasing pain may be present. In this case, not only the lips are almost always affected, but also the area around them. When the allergic reaction is still mild, a person cannot recognize it and apply any treatment. Thus, he triggers the disease.

The allergy is especially aggravated when the patient continues to smear lipsticks on his lips, use toothpastes, or anything else that provoked an allergic reaction. Therefore, with any change in the lips and feeling of discomfort, it is necessary to pay due attention to this. Against the background of typical allergy symptoms, specific signs may also appear, for example:

  • itching sensation caused by neurotransmitters nervous system(for example, histamine);
  • the appearance of blisters with their further opening (an ambiguous sign, since these blisters can be confused with herpes, and vice versa);
  • redness with further formation of a rash;
  • the appearance of a small rash;
  • the appearance of chronic cracks;
  • formation of blisters, as with hives.

Specific signs of allergies on the lips include the phenomenon of drying and peeling against the background of hyperemia. When the surface of the lips long time dries out, this usually provokes the formation of cracks. As for chronic cracks, after restoration of the surfaces of the lips, they then appear every time an allergy worsens and mainly in the same places. Often with allergic cheilitis, the mucous membrane of the lips and the red border itself can become inflamed. In such cases, soreness of the lips occurs when palpating the allergy-affected areas.

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What is allergic cheilitis?

In medicine, cheilitis allergic origin occurs in different manifestations depending on the causes and symptoms.

For example, if an allergy on the lips is provoked by stress, depression, the presence endocrine disorders and weakened immunity, it is called exfoliative cheilitis.

This type of allergy is characterized by peeling against a background of cracks and redness. If peeling is observed around the lip and wounds on the mucous membranes, then this is contact cheilitis from chemical irritants. It most often affects teenage girls over 14 years of age who begin to paint their lips with low-quality lipsticks.

Meteorological cheilitis occurs due to exposure of the lips to cold, wind, sun, radiation and humidity. This type of allergy is characterized by hyperemia, infiltration of the lips, their drying out and the formation of crusts.

Often the appearance of allergies on the lips is influenced by various diseases teeth and oral cavity. For example, the most common are caries and periodontal disease. This type of allergic cheilitis is called glandular cheilitis; it causes enlargement of the lips, and small salivary glands become inflamed. Also, this type of allergy can occur against the background of abnormalities salivary glands, genetic predisposition, infections, trauma and so on.

Atopic cheilitis has similar symptoms to atopic dermatosis and diffuse neurodermatitis. It occurs due to poor diet and diseases of the digestive system, and is aggravated by cold weather.

If there is a lack of B vitamins in the body (retinol, riboflavin, thiamine), then hypovitaminous cheilitis may occur, in which the corners of the lips, their red border and tongue become inflamed.

Along with this, the appearance of chronic cracks on the lips can often be observed, which are usually provoked by neglect of the rules of oral hygiene, licking and biting lips.

Today we will talk about the manifestation of allergies on the lips, its causes, symptoms and treatment. The lips immediately catch the eye, and their disproportion due to swelling, coupled with considerable discomfort from tingling, tension, and sometimes itching, creates a big problem.

The life of a modern person is directly related to various factors, which can subsequently provoke allergic reactions, such as taking a variety of medications, unfavorable environmental conditions, a variety of household chemicals and cosmetics, and much more.

Allergy manifests itself in the form of skin irritation, and is one of the diseases that affects a huge part of the population. Facial allergies are quite common and can cause a lot of inconvenience. Often the place on the face where allergic irritation appears is the lips. The skin on the lips is delicate and sensitive, and can be susceptible to reactions to various irritants. This condition may be caused by the following reasons:

Possible causes of lip allergies

  • Exposure to weather factors, especially frost and cold;
  • low-quality cosmetics and decorative lip cosmetics;
  • oral hygiene products (toothpaste, oral balms);
  • dental prostheses;
  • Food.

Lip allergies have various manifestations, it is necessary to distinguish it from other diseases that have similar symptoms, such as herpes. Allergies on the lips create a not very attractive appearance, and can significantly complicate the process of eating.

Symptoms of lip allergies

  • Cracks;
  • small rash;
  • edema;
  • redness;
  • maceration; wetting of the skin around the lips;
  • peeling;
  • tingling, feeling of fullness, tension;
  • crust formation;
  • blisters.

These symptoms appear gradually, not all at once. Allergies can affect not only the lips, but also the area around them.

Treatment of lip allergies

Treatment consists of taking antihistamines recommended by an allergist, which will help relieve swelling, itching, peeling and other manifestations.

If treatment with antihistamines does not resolve the problem, then it is possible to use medicinal hormonal ointments, which will be prescribed exclusively by a doctor. They will help you quickly remove unpleasant manifestations.

After removal acute symptoms allergies, you can use compresses and balms to eliminate dryness and cracks in the skin of the lips, helping to moisturize them and restore water balance.

Allergies are not a pleasant phenomenon, but if you take the necessary measures in time, the situation is completely correctable. Under necessary measures This means timely seeking help from doctors - an allergist and a dermatologist.

What kind of misfortune is this?

Cheilitis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the lips. It occurs quite often, since lips by their nature are susceptible to the influence of external factors. This part of the face does not have a protective layer. Due to weather conditions, especially low temperatures, the skin becomes very dry and may crack and peel. All this contributes to the development of inflammation.

Use of cosmetics and improper hygiene can also cause the development of a disease to which men and women are equally susceptible; cases of symptoms of the disease in children have been recorded.

There are a large number of different forms of the disease, let's look at the main ones.

The occurrence of contact allergic cheilitis on the lips is associated with exposure to chemicals on the surface of the lips.

The most common reagents are toothpaste, lipstick, and the material from which the denture is made. Most widespread The disease has been observed in women over 20 years of age.

Symptoms of the disease are localized at the point of contact of the allergen with the lips; redness can appear not only on the red border, but also on the skin around the lips or on the mucous membrane. This form of cheilitis is manifested by erythema, the appearance of small watery blisters. If left untreated, the skin dries out and small grooves and cracks appear.

During treatment, it can be difficult to identify the source of the allergic reaction. To eliminate symptoms, a course of antihistamines, such as Tavegil, Suprastin, Fenkarol, is prescribed.

For local impact corticosteroids are prescribed in the form of an ointment, for example, Lorinden. It is applied to the red border of the lips no more than 6 times a day.

Meteorological - everything is in my name

The causes of meteorological cheilitis on the lips are weather conditions. The more express terms environment, the higher the risk of developing symptoms of this form of the disease.

Negative factors include: too low or high temperature, high or low air humidity, solar radiation, wind, dust in the air.

All people who spend a lot of time outdoors are susceptible to this form of the disease, but men suffer from it more often, since women use lipstick to protect their lips from the effects of climatic conditions.

The first signs of meteorological cheilitis are severe dryness of the lower lip and a feeling of tightness of the skin. The lower lip becomes richly red, a noticeable difference is visible compared to the upper lip, and swelling appears.

After this, the skin gradually dies and scales form, which are easily removed.

The disease is chronic, so symptoms recur from time to time.

Meteorological cheilitis is often confused with other forms of the disease, so before making a diagnosis, the doctor conducts a thorough interview. For treatment it is necessary to reduce the influence of natural conditions as much as possible.

Before going outside, be sure to use hygienic lipstick. In case of a protracted form, hormonal ointments Elokom, Advantan and a complex of vitamins are prescribed.

Atopic cheilitis

Occurs in the case of atopic dermatitis or neurodermatitis, often the disease is the only symptom of the mentioned diseases.

Often the cause is the presence of atonic allergies caused by a reaction to food, cosmetics, dust, drugs, microorganisms. Children aged 7 to 17 years, regardless of gender, with a genetic predisposition are susceptible to this type of inflammatory process.

Symptoms of the disease are mild swelling of the lip border, burning and itching in this area, and increased dryness.

Subsequently, the lips and adjacent skin begin to peel off, and flakes of keratinized skin appear. This type of cheilitis is characterized by intense damage in the area of ​​the corners of the lips, as well as increased dryness of the face. The disease takes a long time to treat, the symptoms are pronounced in autumn and winter.

Patients are prescribed antihistamines, for example, Erius, Tavegil, Claritin and B vitamins. Corticosteroid drugs can be administered in case of a protracted form of the disease, but the course of treatment should not exceed three weeks. For local treatment, Flucinar and Lorinden ointments can be prescribed.

A prerequisite is to follow a diet, according to which it is necessary to exclude pronounced allergens, such as coffee, chocolate, citrus fruits, strawberries.

Glandular strikes men more often

The cause of inflammation predominantly of the lower lip in granular cheilitis is hyperplasia, hyperfunction or heterotopia of the small salivary glands.

There are primary and secondary forms of the disease, the first is associated with a genetic pathology of the salivary glands, and the second develops due to other diseases, for example, lupus erythematosus, leukoplakia, lichen planus.

The disease affects people over 50 years of age; it occurs in men much more often than in women.

Symptoms of the disease appear in the area where the small salivary glands are located, when the red border of the lip passes into the mucous membrane. Droplets form on the salivary glands, which primarily wet the lower lip. Due to excessive salivation, it begins to dry out, cracks and erosions may form.

In some cases, the salivary glands may become infected, causing pus to accumulate inside. A yellow-brown crust will appear on the lips, and treatment will be protracted. Prolonged progression of granular cheilitis can lead to a precancerous form.

If the disease is caused by a genetic predisposition, then anti-inflammatory ointments are used in treatment: Hydrocortisone, Prednisolone. Hypertrophied salivary glands are subjected to excision or electrocoagulation. The secondary form of the disorder can be cured through complex therapy of the underlying disease.

Exfoliative - where to look for its causes?

Exfoliative cheilitis has not yet been fully studied, so doctors only assume that the causes of symptoms lie in neurogenic factors.

Patients with this form of disorder are characterized by the presence of mental disorders. There are two types of the disease: dry and exudative.

With the first, patients are characterized by depression, with the second – increased anxiety. Scientists note that the risk of pathology increases in people with genetic predisposition and diseases thyroid gland.

The process is localized, symptoms appear only on the red border of the lips, but do not spread to the skin and mucous membrane. In the dry form, the blood supply to the surface of the lips is disrupted, resulting in the formation of dry scales. gray, which resemble mica.

In the center they are attached to the skin of the lips, and at the edges they lag a little behind. The scales are easy to remove from the surface, redness will remain in their place, but within a week new ones will appear.

The exudative form is much more painful. The lip border area swells, becomes inflamed, and the scales are yellow-brown in color. The crust is so pronounced that it seems to be spread over the entire red part of the lips. When the crusts fall off, intense redness associated with hyperemia of the lips becomes visible, but the skin does not undergo erosion.

Patients complain of severe pain and burning, making it difficult to eat and talk. Often with this form the mouth is left slightly open.

When treating exfoliative cheilitis, it is necessary to first eliminate the cause of the disease. Patients are prescribed tranquilizers, antipsychotics or antidepressants, depending on the form of the disease.

For local treatment, hygienic lipsticks, ultrasound administration of hormonal drugs, radiation therapy. In complex therapy, Pyrogenal, vitamins C and B, immunostimulants, and autohemotherapy are prescribed.

Lip inflammation caused by ultraviolet radiation

Actinic cheilitis is inflammatory disease lips caused by increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. This is one of the manifestations of an allergic reaction. Most often, the disease manifests itself in children due to prolonged exposure to the sun in the spring and summer.

This form also occurs in men 30-60 years old. The disease has a pronounced seasonal nature, worsens in spring and summer, and in the autumn-winter period the symptoms disappear.

Comes in two forms:

  1. Dry form The symptoms resemble dry exfoliative cheilitis, only the disease manifests itself on the lower lip.
  2. At exudative form swelling of the red border of the lower lip is observed, some areas become distinctly red. In special cases, blisters appear on the lips, which over time burst and become covered with a dry crust. During treatment, the epithelium is restored and the crust disappears.

In particular advanced cases lips become very dry, deep cracks appear, which can develop into ulcers or warts. This form is dangerous from the point of view of the risk of developing cancer of the lower lip.

People, influenced ultraviolet radiation, should avoid direct exposure to sunlight and use hygienic lipsticks with high level UV protection. The course of treatment includes a complex of vitamins and anti-inflammatory ointments Afloderm, Sinoderm. During the period of remission, it is recommended to use protective creams and balms for preventive purposes.

Candidiasis on the lips

Caused by excessive proliferation of yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. Most often, this form of cheilitis affects children, the elderly, and women of childbearing age.

The greatest incidence rate has been recorded in places with a warm climate and high humidity, for example, near the sea coast.

The main reason is reduced immunity, which can be caused by seasonality, past illnesses, and poor lifestyle.

Candidal cheilitis begins with redness of the outer surface of the lips and the mucous membrane inside, swelling and a gray-white film appear. A white cheesy coating forms on the mucous membrane, which, when cleansed, reveals inflamed areas.

The surface of the lips becomes very dry, cracks form, the tightness of the skin makes it painful to open the mouth, and seals form in the corners of the lips. If not treated in a timely manner, the disease becomes complicated by candidal stomatitis.

When treating fungus on the lips, antifungal ointments based on nystatin or clotrimalose are prescribed. Be sure to rinse your mouth with soda or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

If local treatment at home has no effect, the doctor prescribes antifungal drugs(Diflucan) for oral administration. You should definitely take immunostimulating drugs and vitamin complexes.

A dermatologist will tell you more about different types of disease:

Angular cheilitis

A form of angular cheilitis affects the skin at the corners of the lips. The inflammatory process is caused by fungi of the genus Candida or streptococci. There are several causes of the disease, among them:

On initial stage diseases, the corners of the mouth become barely noticeably inflamed, a burning sensation is felt when opening the mouth, and during conversation, cracks form.

Subsequently, at the site of the skin lesion you can see white coating, which is easily removed, exposing the inflamed surface. This form of the disease can develop into chronic. In addition, in the absence of timely treatment, signs of the disease will spread to the lips and mucous membrane.

Treatment is carried out at home using antifungal drugs (Fluconazole, Candide) or antibacterial ointments (Fusiderm). No irritating foods are allowed, and careful hygiene is recommended.

Manganotti disease

It is considered a precancerous condition, therefore, when treating it, it is necessary to carefully monitor the dynamics and constantly conduct tests for the presence of malignant cells. The lower lip is most often affected by this disease.

Men over 55 years of age are at greatest risk. Manganotti cheilitis develops with atrophy and disruption of metabolic processes inside the lip mucosa.

Numerous factors can provoke the process: injuries, sun exposure, chemical and temperature irritants, problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

This form of the disease is manifested by the appearance of red erosion, which is surrounded by inflammation. After some time, the lesion will be covered with a smooth polished crust, after removal of which bleeding will begin. The disease is chronic, so when the first symptoms appear, appropriate measures must be taken.

During treatment, the cause of its appearance is eliminated and the oral cavity is sanitized. To heal erosions, use: Methyluracil ointment, Solcoseryl and vitamin A.

Corticosteroids are prescribed to relieve inflammation. If no positive dynamics are observed or malignant cells are detected, surgical intervention is prescribed. Operative method the entire damaged part is removed down to the healthy epithelium.

Cheilitis is an inflammatory disease of the lips, but there are so many varieties of it that it is impossible to independently understand which form of symptoms appeared. The diagnosis can only be made by an experienced specialist, and the sooner treatment is prescribed, the better for the patient.


The most common causes of lip allergies include:

  • decreased immune defense of the body due to chronic diseases and deteriorated environmental conditions;
  • the reasons for the frequent development of cheilitis may depend on hereditary predisposition;
  • often long-term antibiotic therapy and hormonal medications lead to the occurrence of allergic manifestations on the lips;
  • Weather phenomena (cold, wind, ultraviolet rays) are of no small importance;
  • A common cause of lip allergies is the presence of chemical elements in cosmetics and personal care products;

  • Quite often children are brought to an allergist who have contact view diseases on the lips occurred after playing with my mother’s cosmetics;
  • in addition, quite often there is a negative reaction to new dentures for teeth made of plastic;
  • a rash can appear even on dental powder and toothpaste;
  • The causes of the disease may be hidden behind professional activities that are associated with harmful effects.

However, most often allergic symptoms develop on food allergens Therefore, it is important for patients to follow a hypoallergenic diet, excluding the most harmful foods.

Types of allergic manifestations on the lips

Allergic cheilitis is classified into different forms:

Traumatic The disease occurs when the skin in the lip area is injured. With this form, swelling of the oral mucosa, numbness of the lips, and pain at the site of the rash are noted. As a rule, with this form of allergy, an additional course of antibiotic therapy is prescribed.
Exfoliative It is characterized by hyperemic edging of the lips, on which a rash appears, and then the skin begins to peel off. This form of the disease can be provoked by a lack of vitamins B and C in the body, disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland, as well as a malfunction of the central nervous system.
Contact This type of allergy is most often observed in children under 14 years of age. Symptoms of the disease manifest themselves in profuse peeling of the skin on the child’s lips and the appearance of wounds on the oral mucosa. As a rule, cheilitis develops when in contact with chemicals.

Meteorological The reasons for the development of allergies of this nature develop under the influence of natural phenomena (wind, low air temperature, high humidity, ultraviolet rays). Hyperemia appears on the lips, accompanied by infiltration and dry skin on the lips. Subsequently, the area of ​​the rash becomes crusty.
Glandular This kind of lip allergy occurs as a result of the inflammatory process of the salivary glands. Most often occurs in adolescents and young children, especially when congenital anomaly salivary gland, chronic injuries, mental disorders and hereditary predisposition to the disease.
Atopic This type of cheilitis is similar to the manifestations of atopic dermatoses. A rash on the lips appears in patients suffering from digestive diseases that are accompanied by dietary disorders. Usually, atopic allergy worsens in the cold season.
Eczematous It is one of the eczematous manifestations that worsen when allergies occur.
Macrocheilitis The prerequisites for the development of this form of the disease are infectious process allergic nature when microcirculation of lymph and blood is disrupted.
Hypovitaminosis The causes of this allergy are characterized by a lack of thiamine, retinol and B vitamins in the body. This disease is characterized by a rash in the lip area and constantly appearing cracks.

Symptoms of the disease

The symptoms of allergic cheilitis are very similar to herpes rashes.

  • At the very beginning, the lips and surrounding area swell;
  • a small rash and hyperemia occurs;

  • symptoms of the disease are manifested by severe itching;
  • Children may experience a sudden increase in body temperature.

Mandatory treatment of allergic symptoms is necessary, otherwise the disease may develop into chronic process. Sometimes it's possible dangerous complication in the form of Quincke's edema, the appearance of which requires emergency medical care.

Carrying out diagnostics

Lip allergies are quite common, but they are very difficult to diagnose. Many symptoms of an allergic disease are often similar to the symptoms of various infections.

To clarify the diagnosis, a number of laboratory tests are performed, including skin testing and blood tests.

There are two types of allergy tests that are most effective: on the skin and on the mucous membranes. It is important to consider that skin tests It is quite dangerous to carry out on children. Therefore, they are performed only in the presence of the attending physician.

The test result about which allergen caused the symptoms of the disease is known after 1-2 days.


The reason for this may be a slow response to various pathogens.

They are exogenous causes just like:

  • Sun rays;
  • freezing;
  • cold;
  • toothpaste;
  • cosmetic products, since they contain various chemicals that can cause an allergic skin response.

Impact can also be caused by objects that contact with lips:

  • various spiritual instruments;
  • mouthpiece;
  • various stationery items, they are most often put into the mouth without even thinking that they are also allergens for us.

Food, a special place should be given to red fruits and vegetables.

Video: Features of allergic cheilitis


Lip allergies are divided into several types.

Damaged reaction: appears as a result of damage to the lip circumference.

  • The symptom is that the mucous membrane on the lips is damaged and they become tense.
  • There will be a painful sensation nearby; because of this, the lips become inactive, as if they were frozen.
  • In this case, the doctor often prescribes a course of antibiotic therapy.

Exfoliative cheilitis: With this type of allergy, the lips peel off.

  • The risk of this occurring may be unhealthy if the lips are closed incorrectly;
  • with a small amount of vitamins in the body, mainly groups B and C;
  • if the function of the thyroid gland is damaged, due to any changes in the functioning of the nervous system.

Contact allergic inflammation: This diagnosis is often given to teenagers.

  • Occurs after close contact with substances of a chemical nature.
  • After which the area begins to peel off and disappear.
  • Sores appear on the mucous membrane itself, which cause discomfort.

Meteorological: occurs under meteoric conditions:

  • windy weather;
  • extreme cold;
  • high humidity;
  • ultraviolet radiation.

This type of disease is marked by swelling, the skin of the lips becomes dry and crusty.

Granular inflammatory process: expressed by prolonged inflammation in the salivary glands. It is found most often in children 14-18 years old, often with congenital pathologies of the salivary glands, in people with chronic injuries, if there is a genetic predisposition, or with various mental lesions, which often also leads to this.

Atypical inflammation: occurs in people who have disorders of the gastrointestinal system, impaired diet. This disease should not be confused with atypical dermatosis, since they have the same symptoms.

Macroinflammation: The precursors of this disorder are damage to the lymph and blood circulation. Manifests itself under the reaction of infectious causes.

Hypervitaminosis inflammation: if the body lacks vitamins such as retinol, thiamine. Cracks can also appear if personal oral hygiene is not observed or if there are bad habits.

Video: Exfoliative cheilitis and its features


At first, the symptoms are similar to herpes. But this is by no means him. In this case, the skin:

  1. swelling;
  2. cracks;
  3. covered with small rashes;
  4. slight numbness around the lips.

If there is a small rash around the lips, then over time they:

  1. become covered with blisters;
  2. the labial area swells;
  3. the epidermis of the lips instantly becomes red;
  4. unbearable itching appears;
  5. lips become chapped, which is a good indication that this is an allergy.

Because of this, shortness of breath sometimes appears.


Many people ask what to do when they are worried about allergies on their lips? Now he will try to find out.
The main treatment begins with taking antihistamines. The following are recommended: Suprastin, L-cet.

If you experience such symptoms, it is better to consult a doctor. IN medical institutions You will be given an allergen test to identify the causes of your allergies. This will help you avoid contact with these allergens.

The doctor can also prescribe you hormonal creams and gels. It is very dangerous to use these ointments without consultation since the mucous membrane is located near the lips

  • If you have swollen lips, lotions will help.
  • If you feel dry, apply compresses.
  • Moisturizing lipstick and cream, which can be purchased both in pharmacies and cosmetic stores, will add moisture to your lips.
  • There is no need to lick the labium; the skin of the labium will become drier.
  • If your allergy causes itching, your doctor will help by prescribing compresses for this.

Video: Laser treatment of cheilitis

Traditional methods of treatment

Allergies on the lips are sometimes treated with folk remedies.

  • If cracks appear, apply a small amount of drops of juice from a fresh aloe leaf to the lip area.
  • You can also lubricate this area with sea buckthorn oil.

Allergies on the lips sometimes appear due to incorrectly selected toothpaste; allergies to lipstick and fluoride appear. It can be treated in the same way as general allergies on the lips. This type of allergic reaction occurs not only in adults, but also in children.

Symptoms of lip allergies

If your lips are swollen, cracked, or covered with a small rash, then it is entirely possible that you have an allergy to your lips. The main thing is not to confuse cheilitis with herpes, because at first they have similar manifestations.

The main symptoms of lip allergies are:

  • small rash
  • hives
  • bubbles
  • swelling
  • redness
  • cracks

Symptoms of cheilitis can appear either immediately or one by one, and both the sponges themselves and the perioral area can be affected. If large-scale urticaria or Quincke's edema appears, immediate medical attention is required.

How to cure lip allergies?

Treatment for lip allergies almost always involves taking antihistamines. Histamine is the substance that provokes allergic reactions; popular products from this group include Claritin, Eden, Suprastin.

If you have an allergy around your lips, you should not ignore professional doctor's help.

If your lips are swollen due to allergies, your doctor may prescribe hormonal-based gels and ointments - for example, Fluorocort or Flucinar; choosing hormonal medications on your own may be unsafe, since they will be used in the vicinity of the mucous membranes. But you can always carry antihistamines with you to provide first aid in case of an unexpected exacerbation of the condition.

Additional means of treating lip allergies include lotions and ointments that can relieve the symptoms of the disease. For example, to eliminate the feeling of dry lips, compresses, moisturizing dull lipsticks or balms are useful. But licking dry lips will lead to even greater dehydration.

To get rid of cracked lips, you can use the following remedies: Allergy red spots Allergy throat swelling

Like allergies of any etiology, allergic stomatitis occurs in people of all ages. It is difficult for people with weakened immune systems, the elderly, and children to tolerate it. Treating allergic stomatitis is quite difficult; the main thing is to correctly determine the cause of the disease and select a set of medications as quickly as possible.

Signs of allergic stomatitis with photos

There are several forms of allergic stomatitis, each of which is characterized by characteristic symptoms. All of them can lead to the development of disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system - the patient becomes irritable, emotionally unstable, sleeps poorly, and cancerophobia (fear of getting cancer) may appear.

The ulcerative-necrotic variety is considered the most severe. It is characterized by hyperemia of the mucous membranes of the mouth, the formation of multiple ulcers covered with a gray coating. The latter contain necrotic foci. The submandibular lymph nodes become enlarged and salivation increases. The patient's body temperature rises, he complains of headaches and severe discomfort in the mouth, which worsens while eating.

If vesicles filled with clear liquid, then this indicates a bullous form of stomatitis. Vesicles are bubbles and can have different sizes. As the disease progresses, they burst, leaving behind erosions with a fibrous coating on their surface. At this stage, the patient notices an increase in pain, which becomes especially intense when chewing food or when talking. Several erosions can merge into a single large wound. Then the patient's condition will deteriorate sharply. Headaches will begin, appetite will decrease, and fever is often observed.

There is another form of the pathology in question - catarrhal-hemorrhagic or catarrhal. Its main symptom is xerotomia (excessive dryness of the mucous membranes). Another pronounced symptom is a “varnished” tongue. Usually the patient's teeth prints are clearly visible on it. You can clearly see how stomatitis manifests itself in the photo accompanying the article. The following signs are also present:

Reasons for the development of the disease

The reason for the development allergic form stomatitis becomes an allergen exposure to a person. If an irritating substance enters the body, the occurrence of an inflammatory process can become one of the symptoms of a general allergic reaction. In some cases, the allergen acts directly on the mucous membranes in the mouth, then we will be talking about the manifestation of an allergy localized in the oral cavity.

A general allergic reaction, one of the symptoms of which can be stomatitis, develops when the body of a person prone to allergies is exposed to substances that cause individual intolerance. This could be plant pollen, bee products, food or, for example, medicine.

The development of the contact form of the disease is possible when local impact allergen. In this case, dentures, mouth rinses, toothpaste or chewable/lozenges are common causes of stomatitis. Some materials used in dentistry can cause increased sensitivity of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity:

There are categories of patients who are at risk for developing contact allergic stomatitis. These include people suffering from carious lesions or chronic tonsillitis. There is also a high probability of pathology occurring in people susceptible to other types of allergies, with dysfunction of the endocrine system or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in a chronic form.

In children, allergic stomatitis often develops when an irritant substance enters the body with dirty hands– for example, after touching a flowering plant, a child may lick his fingers. In some cases, allergic stomatitis can act as a sign of severe pathological processes, which include:

  • exudative erythema multiforme;
  • Behçet's disease;
  • Stevens-Johnson syndrome;
  • Lyell's syndrome;
  • scleroderma;
  • vasculitis;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis.

Features of the course of the disease in children

It is important to differentiate allergic stomatitis in children from other forms of this pathology, which require a fundamentally different approach to treatment. This can only be done by a qualified specialist. The child’s immune system is imperfect, so children suffer the disease much more severely than adults. In the absence of timely treatment, a secondary infection may develop, then the patient’s condition will worsen and the duration of therapy will increase.

In the initial stages of the development of allergic stomatitis, the child complains of a burning sensation or soreness in the oral cavity. Upon visual examination, you may see that the tongue, cheeks or lips are slightly swollen. The child secretes saliva intensely, and a layer of plaque accumulates on the tongue. Sometimes there is a sour smell from the mouth.

In children, allergic stomatitis often develops as a symptom of a general allergic reaction. It can be caused by pollen, food or medications. In the contact form, the irritant enters the body from orthodontic structures that the child wears on the teeth, with chewing candies or toothpaste. In younger schoolchildren and preschoolers, it can occur against the background of carious lesions.

Ways to treat mouth allergies

In addition to consulting an allergist, you will need to get recommendations from a dentist. First of all, further contact with the allergen is excluded:

  • hypoallergenic diet - exclude hot spices, pickled and smoked foods, red fruits, rinse the mouth after eating clean water or an antiseptic solution;
  • if the disease is of medicinal origin, a revision of the therapeutic course is required;
  • if irritants are part of the prosthesis, the latter is removed, after completion of treatment of stomatitis, a structure is made for the patient from a different material;
  • Sometimes you need to change your mouthwash and toothpaste.

The doctor will also recommend taking medications in tablet form and ointments for topical use. To eliminate pain in children, it is recommended to use medications designed to ease teething. These are Dentol-baby, Kalgel, Dentinox. Since with the development of allergic stomatitis in a child, bacterial infection may require treatment with antibiotics. Otherwise, therapy is practically no different from “adult” therapy.

Group of drugs Examples Contraindications by age
Antihistamines Suprastin up to 3 years (there is a children's version of the medicine)
Tsetrin syrup – up to 2 years; tablets – up to 6 years
Fenistil up to 1 month
Loratadine up to 2 years
Antiseptic Inhalipt up to 1 year (up to the age of three, use with caution as prescribed by a doctor)
Holisal up to 1 year
Hexoral up to 3 years
Kamistad up to 3 months
Vinylin Not recommended for children due to lack of information on safety of use in this age category
Local painkillers Lidochlor contraindicated in young children
Lidocaine Asept up to 2 years applied with a tampon
Accelerating tissue regeneration Propolis – spray up to 12 years
Solcoseryl not recommended for under 18s

If the disease is severe, the doctor may prescribe corticosteroid therapy. In some cases, they are administered by drip. Drugs in this group are extremely rarely used in the treatment of children, since in such cases there is a high risk of relapse of the inflammatory process.

Treatment of allergic stomatitis at home

Facilities traditional medicine can be an excellent addition to medical therapy prescribed by a doctor and a hypoallergenic diet.

When treating children, it is not recommended to resort to the active use of homemade compositions, whereas if we are talking about stomatitis in an adult, which was caused by prosthetics, they will be useful and effective. Some of the most popular recipes include:

  1. Potato compress. Grate the raw potato tuber on a fine grater and apply for 10 – 15 minutes. You can pre-wrap it in sterile gauze.
  2. Fresh carrot juice. Raw carrots grate, squeeze out the juice. Dilute with warm boiled water in a 1:1 ratio. Hold it in your mouth for 2 minutes and spit it out.
  3. Honey infusion. Use with caution, as beekeeping products are highly allergenic. 1 tbsp. Pour chamomile into a glass of boiling water and leave for 5 minutes. Add liquid natural honey(2 tbsp). rinse the mouth 3-4 times a day for 1 minute.
  4. Herbal oil. Mix equal amounts of linseed and sea buckthorn oil with propolis and rosehip oil. Pre-melt the propolis in a water bath. You need to lubricate the wounds with the resulting composition, rinsing your mouth before doing this.
  5. Infusion of calendula and chamomile. Mix 1 tsp. chamomile with 1 tsp. dried and crushed calendula. Pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for half an hour. Use for rinsing the mouth, but no more than four times a day. If you repeat the procedure more often, there is a risk of drying out the mucous membrane.

Causes of allergic stomatitis

The occurrence of allergic stomatitis can be associated with the penetration of an allergen into the body or direct contact with the oral mucosa. In the first case, allergic stomatitis will serve as a manifestation of a systemic reaction (to pollen, medications, mold, food products etc.); in the second, a local reaction to irritating factors in direct contact with the mucous membrane (toothpaste, dentures, medicinal lozenges, mouth rinses, etc.).

The development of contact allergic stomatitis is most often associated with increased sensitivity to materials used in dentistry: preparations for topical anesthesia, metal fillings, braces, orthodontic plates, crowns, acrylic or metal dentures.

in acrylic dentures, allergic factors are usually residual monomers, in in rare cases– dyes. When using metal dentures, an allergy to alloys containing chromium, nickel, gold, palladium, platinum, etc. may develop. In addition, caries plays a certain role in the pathogenesis of allergic stomatitis, chronic tonsillitis, as well as pathogenic microorganisms and their metabolic products accumulating in the prosthetic bed, which irritate the mucous membrane.

Contact allergic stomatitis is more often observed in patients suffering from chronic gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, colitis, dysbacteriosis, helminthiasis, etc.), endocrine pathology(diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, menopausal disorders, etc.). This is explained by the fact that organic and functional disorders in these diseases change the body’s reactivity and cause sensitization to contact allergens.

Other allergic diseases contribute to the development of severe forms of stomatitis: drug disease, food allergy, rhinitis, urticaria, eczema, Quincke's edema, asthmatic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, etc.

Allergic stomatitis does not always occur in isolation; sometimes it is included in the structure of systemic diseases - vasculitis, hemorrhagic diathesis, exudative erythema multiforme, systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, Behcet's disease, Lyell's syndrome, Reiter's syndrome, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, etc.

Classification of allergic stomatitis

Depending on the character clinical manifestations There are catarrhal, catarrhal-hemorrhagic, bullous, erosive, ulcerative-necrotic allergic stomatitis.

From the point of view of etiology and pathogenesis, allergic stomatitis includes medication, contact (including dentures), toxic-allergic, autoimmune dermatostomatitis, chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis and other forms.

Taking into account the speed of development of symptoms, allergic reactions of immediate and delayed types are distinguished: in the first case, allergic stomatitis, as a rule, occurs in the form of angioedema. If a delayed allergic reaction occurs, symptoms of allergic stomatitis are most often detected a few days after exposure to the allergen. Sometimes allergic stomatitis to dentures develops after 5-10 years of their use, i.e. after a long period of asymptomatic sensitization.

Symptoms of allergic stomatitis

Manifestations of allergic stomatitis depend on the form of the disease. Thus, catarrhal and catarrhal-hemorrhagic allergic stomatitis are characterized by xerostomia (dry mouth), burning, itching, impaired taste sensitivity (sour taste, metallic taste), discomfort and pain when eating. An objective examination reveals hyperemic and swollen oral mucosa and a “varnished” tongue; in the catarrhal-hemorrhagic form, petechial hemorrhages stand out against the background of hyperemia and bleeding of the mucous membrane is noted.

Bullous allergic stomatitis occurs with the formation in the oral cavity of vesicles of various diameters with transparent contents. Usually, after opening the blisters, allergic stomatitis turns into erosive form with the formation of erosions on the mucous membrane covered with fibrinous plaque. The appearance of ulcers is accompanied by a sharp increase in local pain, especially manifested when talking and eating. When individual defects merge, extensive erosive surfaces can form on the mucosa. Possible deterioration in general health: loss of appetite, weakness, increased body temperature.

The most severe in its manifestations is the ulcerative-necrotic form of allergic stomatitis. In this case, a sharp hyperemia of the mucous membrane is determined with multiple ulcers covered with a dirty-gray fibrinous coating and foci of necrosis. Ulcerative-necrotizing allergic stomatitis occurs against the background of severe pain when eating, hypersalivation, high temperature, headache, submandibular lymphadenitis.

General symptoms of allergic stomatitis may include functional disorders of the nervous system: insomnia, irritability, cancerophobia, emotional lability.

Diagnosis of allergic stomatitis

An examination of a patient with allergic stomatitis is carried out by a dentist with the involvement, if necessary, of related specialists: an allergist-immunologist, dermatologist, rheumatologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, etc. In this case, collection and analysis is important allergy history and identifying potential allergens.

When visually assessing the oral cavity, the doctor notes the moisture content of the mucous membrane, its color, the presence and nature of defects, and the type of saliva. During the dental examination, attention is paid to the presence of dentures, fillings, and orthodontic devices in the oral cavity; their composition and terms of wearing, changes in the color of metal prostheses, etc.

Chemical spectral analysis of saliva and determination of pH make it possible to produce high-quality and quantification microelements content and evaluate the ongoing electrochemical processes. Additional Research for allergic stomatitis may include a biochemical analysis of saliva with determination of enzyme activity, determination of pain sensitivity of the mucous membrane, hygienic assessment of dentures, scraping from the mucous membrane Candida albicans and etc.

Allergological examination involves an exposure test (temporary removal of the prosthesis with assessment of the reaction), a provocative test (returning the prosthesis to its place with assessment of the reaction), skin allergy tests, immunogram study.

Differential diagnosis of allergic stomatitis must be carried out with hypovitaminosis B and C, herpetic stomatitis, candidiasis, mucosal lesions due to leukemia, AIDS.

Treatment of allergic stomatitis

Therapeutic measures for allergic stomatitis will depend on the cause that led to the development of the disease. The fundamental principle of therapy for allergic diseases is the exclusion of contact with the allergen: diet, abolition medicinal product, refusal to wear dentures, changing mouthwash or toothpaste, etc.

Drug therapy for allergic stomatitis usually involves the prescription of antihistamines (loratadine, dimethindene maleate, chloropyramine, etc.), vitamins B, C, PP, and folic acid. Local treatment of the oral mucosa is carried out with antiseptics, painkillers, enzymes, corticosteroid drugs, healing agents (sea buckthorn oil, etc.).

Patients in whom allergic stomatitis occurred as a complication dental treatment, in the future, consultation with a dentist-therapist, orthopedic dentist, orthodontist is necessary; changing fillings or crowns, replacing braces, denture bases, etc.

Target setting. Explore clinical picture and measures emergency care for acute allergic conditions. Familiarize yourself with the clinical manifestations of drug and microbial allergies in the oral cavity, learn differential diagnosis and treatment methods.

Anaphylactic shock. There are light, medium and severe form anaphylactic shock. In mild forms in the prodromal period, patients complain of weakness, itchy skin, sore throat, and abdominal pain. If help is not provided in a timely manner, patients lose consciousness.
In severe cases, patients lose consciousness in the first minutes (sometimes seconds). The skin first turns pale, then acquires a cyanotic tint, and there is a protrusion on the forehead. cold sweat. Blood pressure progressively drops and may not be detected as vascular collapse develops. The pulse is thread-like, barely detectable. The pupils are dilated, weakly react (or do not react) to light (in case of fainting, the pupils react actively to light). Often clonic seizures, remotely audible dry wheezing, involuntary bowel movements and urination.

Urgent Care. The patient must be positioned so that the legs are slightly elevated. Urgently inject intravenously 0.5 ml of a 0.1% solution of adrenaline to normalize blood pressure. If adrenaline cannot be administered intravenously, it is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly. If necessary, the adrenaline injection is repeated after 10-15 minutes. To avoid an overdose of adrenaline, mezaton can be administered intravenously (0.3 or 0.5 ml of a 1% solution in 20-40 ml of a 20% glucose solution).
In case of anaphylactic shock in the blood large quantities biologically active substances are released, primarily histamine. Therefore, it is urgently necessary to administer antihistamines intravenously, as well as corticosteroids (50-100 mg of hydrocortisone, or 30 mg of prednisolone, or 4.8 mg of dexamethasone in 10 ml of 20% glucose solution). If corticosteroids are not available for intravenous administration, then 135 mg of hydrocortisone is administered intramuscularly. Next, you need to give the patient oxygen, ensure an influx fresh air, apply a heating pad to your feet. When indicated (bronchospasm), 10 ml of a 2-4% aminophylline solution in 10 ml of a 20% glucose solution is administered intravenously. To improve cardiac activity, 1 ml of 0.06% corglycon solution is added to these solutions. IN mandatory a resuscitator is called; after recovery from anaphylactic shock, the patient must be hospitalized.
Damage to the oral mucosa drug allergies. Diagnosis of such lesions is not difficult if there are rashes on the skin. A carefully collected allergic history also allows us to establish the allergic genesis of manifestations in the oral cavity and suggest a specific allergen. It is also important to take into account the features of the clinical course of drug allergies, in particular the nature of the rash. Drug allergic rashes on mucous membranes and skin are characterized by polymorphism. They can be macular, papular, vesicular, bullous, etc. Rashes on the skin and mucous membranes of the mouth with drug allergies can resemble the rashes observed with eczema, erythema multiforme, lichen planus, and lichen rosea.
Drug allergies are characterized by a sudden, attack-like onset involving several organs and systems, sometimes with severe general symptoms and a feverless state, as well as relative independence of symptoms from the drug involved. The same medicine can cause a wide variety of allergic changes, and the same allergy symptom can be caused by a wide variety of medications.
Catarrhal changes in drug allergies can be observed on the entire mucous membrane of the mouth and lips or in individual areas. At the beginning of the development of the process, patients note a slight burning or itching in the affected area, then soreness and dryness appear in the oral cavity. On examination, limited or diffuse foci of bright red hyperemia, sometimes with a bluish tint, are revealed. The mucous membrane is usually swollen, with pronounced tooth marks on the cheeks and lateral surface of the tongue. The tongue is hyperemic, there is atrophy of the filiform papillae, which have a varnished appearance. Gingival papillae enlarged, swollen, painful, bleed easily when touched. Sometimes there may be hemorrhagic rashes on the hyperemic oral mucosa. Catarrhal changes usually occur on the 2-4th day after reintroduction allergen medications, less often - more often late dates. Flow catarrhal symptoms usually mild. They are quickly eliminated after discontinuation of allergen medications.
Catarrhal lesions of the oral cavity of allergic origin should be differentiated from similar manifestations in diabetes mellitus, hypovitaminosis B12, B2, and fungal infections.

Erosive lesions of the oral mucosa. More often they occur after taking sulfonamides, iodine, acetylsalicylic acid, and prednisolone-type drugs. The onset of the disease is characterized by a burning sensation and itching in certain areas of the mucous membrane and skin. After a few hours or days, single or multiple erythemal spots and subepithelial blisters of various sizes (from 3 to 10 mm or more) appear on the mucous membrane. The blisters are usually filled with clear liquid; Due to constant trauma by teeth, hard food or dentures, the covering of the blisters quickly ruptures, exposing erosive surfaces. Touching the erosion causes pain and bleeding. The localization of the lesion elements can be very different, including keratinizing and normally non-keratinizing areas of the oral mucosa.
In some cases, erosions merge, spreading to the entire mucous membrane of the mouth. The tongue is usually coated and swollen. The gingival papillae are swollen, hyperemic, and bleed easily. The submandibular lymph nodes are enlarged and painful on palpation.
Sometimes so-called fixed erythema or erosion develops when taking sulfonamides and iodine preparations. When these drugs are taken again, the corresponding changes are repeated in the same limited areas of the mucous membrane or skin. That's why they are called fixed. In the mouth, fixed lesions are most often located on the dorsum of the tongue.
General state Patients with erosive lesions of the oral cavity do not always suffer. In a mild form, minor discomfort may occur without an increase in body temperature. In more severe cases, when the entire mucous membrane of the mouth is involved in the process and most of skin, your body temperature may rise and your health may worsen. There is an increase in regional lymph nodes, they are mobile, painful on palpation.
Conditions in which all mucous membranes and skin are involved in the inflammatory process are described in the literature as mucocutaneous syndromes (Lyle, Stevens-Johnson).
It is necessary to differentiate erosive lesions of the oral mucosa of allergic origin from similar lesions in erythema multiforme, pemphigus, and acute herpetic stomatitis.
In the diagnosis of allergic lesions, anamnesis (burdened allergic heredity), additional examination methods (histaminopepsis index, specific release of histamine by leukocytes, basophil degranulation test, etc.) are essential. Skin tests can only be performed during remission.
Treatment. Depending on the severity and extent of the pathological process, antihistamines are prescribed intramuscularly (1% solution of diphenhydramine 2 ml 2 - 3 times a day, or 2% solution of suprastin 1 ml 2 - 3 times a day, or diphenhydramine 0.05 g 3 times a day, or suprastin 0.025 g 3 times a day, tavegil 0.001 g 2 times a day, diazolin 0.1 g 2 times a day, fenkarol 0.05 g 3 times a day, e-aminocaproic acid, protease inhibitors - trasylol, contrical). Good therapeutic effect observed from intravenous administration of 10 ml of 30% sodium thiosulfate solution. In mild cases, stopping the allergen medication is sufficient.
Local treatment includes irrigation of the oral cavity with anesthetic aerosols, corticosteroids, baths with antihistamines, and applications of ointments containing corticosteroids. Usually, after three days of use of these drugs, a significant decrease in the inflammatory process and a tendency to epithelization of erosions are noted. At this stage, corticosteroids can be discontinued by limiting local treatment to antiseptic rinses and applications of keratoplastics (carotolin, rosehip and sea buckthorn oil, oil solution of vitamins A, E, etc.).
Prevention. The allergen drug is discontinued for a long period or for life.

Contact allergic stomatitis. According to the mechanism of occurrence, changes in the oral mucosa during contact allergies are classified as a delayed-type reaction. The reason for these changes is increased sensitivity to materials and drugs used in dentistry. Most often, an allergic reaction occurs when using acrylic dentures.
Changes in the mucous membrane usually appear 7-14 days after contact with the allergen in the form of hyperemia and pinpoint hemorrhages. Bubbles and erosions are observed much less frequently. Typically, areas of damage to the oral mucosa are limited to the place of contact with the material. Sometimes the lesions spread to the skin around the mouth and to other areas.
One of the first symptoms of a contact allergy is a burning sensation in the oral mucosa and dryness, which may be accompanied by loss of taste and nausea. In severe cases, dizziness and breathing problems are possible.
There is an opinion that the decrease in tolerability of prostheses increases as the time elapses after their manufacture increases.
In addition to methyl methacrylate and dyes that make up the prosthesis, allergens used in dentistry (cobalt-chromium, etc.) and even gold can be allergens. Statements that mercury from amalgam causes sensitization of the body are greatly exaggerated, given the frequency of use of amalgam and cases hypersensitivity To her. But if an allergy to amalgam does occur, it is manifested by burning, hyperemia, swelling, and sometimes the appearance of erosion.
When diagnosing great importance given to the anamnesis, since contact allergies are more often observed in persons with an “allergic history”. An elimination test is important - removing the prosthesis from the oral cavity for 3 - 5 days. Exclusion from the use of prostheses led to significant improvement, and use of them led to relapse. For diagnostic purposes, skin tests and other laboratory methods can be used.


Damage to the lips that extends to the mucous membrane and red border is called cheilitis, and pathological process, localized in the area of ​​the tongue - glossitis. Both cheilitis and glossitis are often identified as symptoms of various diseases and are considered as an independent pathology in very rare cases. Allergies to the lips and tongue occur:

  1. In case of hypersensitivity to chemicals, which include components of dental materials (metal alloys, ceramics, cements, etc.), decorative cosmetics, oral care products (toothpastes, rinses), stationery (pencils, pens if you are used to holding them in the mouth), sweets and chewing gum. Also etiological factor may be the use of musical instruments that require contact with the lips to create sound.
  2. With increased sensitivity to sunlight.
  3. In patients suffering from atopic dermatitis, eczema, chronic stomatitis.

The types of lesions of the lips and tongue of an allergic nature can be presented in the list:

  • contact cheilitis;
  • contact glossitis;
  • actinic cheilitis;
  • atopic cheilitis;
  • eczematous cheilitis.


Contact allergic cheilitis is caused by a delayed reaction and is recorded mainly in women; lip allergy symptoms include:

  • severe itching;
  • severe swelling;
  • redness;
  • burning sensation;
  • the appearance of small bubbles;
  • erosion after opening of the bubbles;
  • peeling.

The disease worsens after repeated contact with the allergen. With widespread damage, patients complain of pain that worsens while eating or talking. Allergic contact glossitis, or tongue allergy, is in many cases combined with cheilitis; the tongue turns red, the papillae are atrophied upon examination, and taste sensitivity may be impaired.

Actinic cheilitis refers to inflammation of the lip tissue caused by exposure to sunlight. The exudative form is manifested by the presence of a rash on the lips in the form of blisters, after which erosions and crusts are found, painful upon contact with food, upon pressure, or movement of the lips. There is also swelling and redness, itching of varying intensity. Patients suffering from the dry form of actinic cheilitis complain of burning and severe dryness of the lips, the appearance of peeling - gray, whitish scales. The lips turn red and erosions may appear.

Atopic cheilitis is a pathology that occurs most often in children who are diagnosed with atopic dermatitis.

The changes are most pronounced in the area of ​​the corners of the mouth and are manifested by itching, pain when opening the mouth, a feeling of tightness, dryness and flaking, cracks that bleed when damaged. Allergies around the mouth can be complicated by a bacterial, viral or fungal infection.

Acute eczematous cheilitis is characterized by:

  • redness and swelling of the lips;
  • intense itching;
  • the presence of a rash in the form of blisters;
  • the presence of erosions and “serous wells”, crusts;
  • peeling.

“Serous wells” are called erosions that remain after the opening of the vesicles due to the presence of serous discharge. Drying of the “well” leads to the appearance of yellowish crusts.

In the chronic course of eczematous cheilitis, the tissue of the lips thickens and a rash appears in the form of vesicles and nodules. Painful cracks, crusts, and areas of peeling appear.

Chronic aphthous stomatitis is a disease with a chronic relapsing course, the exact causes of which are unknown. It is characterized by the presence of aphthae – erosions or ulcers localized on the oral mucosa. Scientists are inclined to think that the development of aphthous stomatitis is due to allergic mechanisms in combination with impaired immune status. The presence of chronic pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, infection with viruses, bacteria and fungal agents is of decisive importance. The vast majority of patients are children of various age groups. Symptoms of oral allergies include:

  1. Burning and itching in the affected area.
  2. Pain while talking or eating.
  3. The presence of round or oval aphthae on the mucous membrane of the lips, tongue, cheeks, and gums.

Aphthae are observed for two weeks; they can become covered with a grayish coating or transform into deeper lesions - ulcers that heal with the formation of scars.


To do this, a survey is conducted with a detailed clarification of aspects of professional activity, a description of episodes of exacerbations, if they happened in the past. Thus, a patient may notice that a rash and itching appear after using a certain lipstick or visiting a dentist.

Additionally, diagnostic tests such as a complete blood count and skin tests are used. In the case of aphthous stomatitis, it is necessary to search for foci of chronic infection, therefore the range of examination methods is significantly expanded, including a biochemical blood test, electrocardiography, radiography of the chest organs, determination of markers of chronic hepatitis, etc. The diagnosis and treatment of allergic cheilitis and glossitis is carried out by an allergist and a doctor. dermatologist; if necessary, patients are consulted by doctors of related specialties.


In the case of allergic contact cheilitis and/or glossitis, it is necessary to find the allergen and further prevent contact with it (replace dentures, use other cosmetics). Antihistamines, cromones (cetirizine, ketotifen), ointments with glucocorticosteroids (elokom) are used.

With actinic cheilitis, the main measure to prevent exacerbations is to reduce the duration of sun exposure, especially if professional activity patient's work involves working in solar insolation conditions. Creams with sun protection effect, ointments with glucocorticosteroids, and vitamin therapy are prescribed.

  • In the treatment of atopic cheilitis the following is used:
  • antihistamines (Tavegil, Zyrtec);
  • desensitizing agents (sodium thiosulfate);
  • glucocorticosteroids (prednisolone, mometasone);
  • sedatives (seduxen).

Histaglobulin, a drug that is a complex of human immunoglobulin and histamine, can also be used. It has an antiallergic effect by inactivating free histamine in the blood serum. It is administered intradermally.

Treatment of eczematous cheilitis is carried out with the help of antihistamines, desensitizing, sedatives. Mandatory local therapy using corticosteroid ointments. Helium-neon laser exposure is also used.

In the treatment of chronic aphthous stomatitis necessary medications are antihistamines (zaditen), vitamins (ascorutin), antiseptics (miramistin), local anesthetics(lidocaine), immunostimulants (imudon). Films with atropine are used, antibacterial agents, anesthetics. To restore the epithelium, solcoseryl is prescribed. Sanitation of foci of chronic infection and physical therapy (helium-neon laser) are also required.


Allergies can occur in patients at any age, even if there have been no inappropriate reactions to plants in the past, medications, pollen and other allergens were not noticed. The appearance of such reactions in the body may indicate malfunctions of the immune system or genetic changes in the patient’s body. Blood cells, which are responsible for the formation of antibodies to pathogenic microorganisms, at some point may react negatively to substances in the body, which causes allergies.

According to experts, about a third of the world's population suffers from severe allergies. About 20% of all cases of rash occur in the oral cavity.

Experts distinguish two groups of causes of the disease:

  1. Substances entering the patient's body. These include medications, pollen, mold and much more. Such substances can cause peculiar reactions of the immune system, expressed in rashes, burning and itching of soft tissues and the oral mucosa. The immune system can react unfavorably not only to potent and antibiotic drugs, but also to any other medications. Negative reaction skin and mucous membrane can also be caused by hormonal imbalances or poor ecology;
  2. Substances that come into contact with the oral mucosa. These include objects that have a direct impact on the mucous membrane and irritate it. For example, dentures made from low-quality materials can cause allergic reactions. Pathogenic microorganisms and their metabolic products that accumulate in the prosthesis bed can irritate the mucous membrane. Allergic stomatitis of the contact type can be provoked by medications used in dental treatment.


Experts distinguish the following forms of the disease:

  • Catarrhal form
  • Catarrhal-hemorrhagic form
  • Bullous form
  • Erosive form
  • Ulcerative-necrotic form

Depending on the pathogenesis (origin) and etiology (causes), allergic stomatitis includes drug-induced, toxic-allergic, contact and autoimmune dermostomatitis, recurrent chronic aphthous stomatitis and other forms.

Based on the speed of development of clinical manifestations, allergies are divided into delayed and immediate types. In the first case, symptoms are detected some time after the irritant effect. In the second case, the disease occurs in the form of Quincke's edema (acute angioedema, life-threatening for the patient).

Clinical manifestations

General symptoms

In most cases, the symptoms of allergic stomatitis are as follows:

  1. Swelling and hyperemia (redness) of the oral mucosa
  2. Burning, itching, swelling in the mouth, pain with any irritation of the mucous membrane
  3. Swelling, excessive shine and smoothness of the tongue
  4. Possibility of a rash on the labial surface
  5. The presence of watery blisters, which, if burst, expose ulcers

IMPORTANT: An allergy to dentures can be accompanied by symptoms such as seizures bronchial asthma, sore throat, feeling of bitterness and tingling in the mouth, changes in salivation.

Symptoms in children

Since the oral cavity is connected to other organs ( respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract), the baby may have digestive problems, difficulty breathing, excessive salivation, and loss of taste.

According to experts, such signs are usually provoked by the following factors:

  • Eating junk food
  • Overheating of the body
  • Extensive dental caries
  • Taking medications
  • In some cases - installing a filling, wearing a brace system

Treatment of illness in children can be complicated chronic pathologies and weakness of the immune system.


Diagnosis of the disease involves the collection of information about the allergen by a specialist for its rapid identification and initiation of therapy. A visual examination of the condition of the oral mucosa is also required. If there are orthodontic or dental structures, their service life and the material from which they are made are determined.

The doctor performs a chemical analysis of the composition of saliva (taking into account the acidity level). This is necessary to identify microelements and their content in saliva and establish current electrochemical reactions. Sometimes it is necessary to perform a biochemical analysis to determine the enzymatic activity and pain threshold of the patient.

Additionally, the composition of the installed structures is analyzed, allergy tests and scrapings from the mucous membrane are taken to check for the fungus Candida albicans.


Before treating a disease, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause of its occurrence. If symptoms appear, you should visit a dentist; his appointment may require a visit to an endocrinologist, dermatologist, gastroenterologist, or allergist-immunologist.

The specialist primarily pays attention to the condition and color of the mucous membrane, the presence of ulcers and their location, the quality and condition of installed dental fillings and dentures. To find the main allergen, a number of the following tests are required:

  1. General blood and urine analysis
  2. Chemical spectral analysis of saliva
  3. Scraping from the mucous membrane
  4. Biochemical analysis of saliva for enzymatic activity
  5. Immunogram (indicators of the state of the patient’s immune system)
  6. Skin allergy tests

IMPORTANT: If there are dental or orthodontic structures, the doctor can temporarily remove them and understand how effective this measure is.

For allergic stomatitis, treatment requires avoiding contact with the allergen, so it may be necessary to review the diet, replace structures, medications and oral care products. When developing against the background of eczema, lupus erythematosus, urticaria, bronchial asthma and other ailments, treatment of a systemic disease is necessary.

For treatment, antihistamines (antiallergic) drugs can be prescribed, for example, Zodak, Tavegil, Suprastin, Loratadine, Fenistil. In severe cases, the doctor prescribes intravenous injections glucocorticosteroids. For severe pain, it is necessary to take painkillers (Analgin, Ketorol, Ibuprofen). Additionally, the doctor may prescribe vitamins C, B, PP and A. Mild forms of the disease are treated with wound healing and antiseptic mouth rinses with solutions of Chlorhexidine or Miramistin. To treat the affected area, dental gel agents Kamistad and Cholisal, Solcoseryl paste, and sea buckthorn oil are used.

Prognosis and prevention

Timely detection of the disease allows you to quickly (within a couple of weeks) eliminate it in the initial stages. In other cases, treatment takes much longer.

Prevention requires the following measures:

  • Proper nutrition
  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Regular oral hygiene and control over its condition
  • Timely treatment of caries and gum diseases
  • Preventive visits to the dentist to remove dental plaque, correct dentures and replace them if necessary
  • Use of high-quality materials in dental treatment and prosthetics

Allergy burning is one of the most unpleasant symptoms, although not as intrusive as skin itching. Constant and painful, itching can lead to depression, chronic insomnia and even lead to suicide. The burning sensation is less intrusive and not so constant, but with allergies it can transform into contact dermatitis on the skin and a corresponding inflammatory process on the mucous membranes that came into contact with the allergen. How to recognize and prevent these processes?

Causes of burning skin

Burning is a subjective sensation generated by sensory nerves. In some cases, a burning sensation can be an analogue of pain impulses; in this case, the burning sensation is called neuropathic pain. These cases occur as a result of injury to the nerve, or its viral infection, for example, with postherpetic intercostal neuralgia.

During an acute allergic reaction, biologically active substances are released, of which histamine is the most active. It is he who can directly influence numerous sensitive endings located in different layers of the skin and sensitive mucous membranes.

It must be said that burning in allergies to mucous membranes develops much more often than on other skin layers: the reason for this is the rich innervation and vascularization (supply of blood vessels) of the mucous membranes. In the event that a burning sensation is present on both the mucous membranes and the skin, then initially the sensation occurs precisely on the mucous membranes.

The burning sensation itself can sometimes be difficult to describe, since the pure burning sensation is not known to many people. The closest of the “standard tests” is an attempt to bite through a pod of hot pepper. The resulting sensation will be a “pure burning” on the oral mucosa.

Sometimes patients complain of scratching, sometimes of a feeling in the mouth, in the oropharynx. Since the mucous membranes are not able to “itch,” such sensations can be equated to a burning sensation.

Most common locations

As with other manifestations of allergies, burning occurs in areas that meet the following requirements:

  • have rich vascularization (blood supply);
  • well innervated by sensory nerves (head, neck, face, chest);
  • has abundant and loose subcutaneous tissue, which facilitates the release of biologically active mediators of allergic reactions.

Burning sensation of the skin

An allergy in the form of burning skin rarely occurs in an “empty place,” that is, on unchanged skin. Over time, signs of allergic contact dermatitis appear on the skin, as the process becomes chronic. In this case, the skin turns red, in addition to burning, itching is associated. The most unfavorable course is the so-called contact dermatitis, in which the allergen directly interacts with the skin. For example, such an allergen can be gasoline and diesel fuel, which gas station workers interact with.

In addition, contact dermatitis develops in some workers Food Industry, cleaners and technicians on poultry farms.
If the allergen that causes the burning of the skin is food or enters the body through the respiratory route, then the chances of developing contact dermatitis are significantly lower.

With the development of a disease such as contact dermatitis, various elements of a rash may form on the skin over time. Most often this is:

  • (spread redness);
  • (dense nodules);
  • erosions (skin defects, very unfavorable for secondary infection);

With a long course of dermatitis, the allergy, in addition to burning of the skin, causes a roughening of the skin pattern and the appearance of suppuration. Over time, the process can transform into eczema.

What allergens can cause burning on the skin? As stated above, most of them are . These include the following:

  • dust. It can be household and industrial, museum and library;
  • dandruff and elements of dried sebum. Often found in bed linen and pillowcases that have not been changed for a long time;
  • animal allergens: feathers and bird down and droppings, dog and cat hair, less often – dry droppings and wool of large and small livestock;
  • marine allergens: fish scales, copepods (daphnia). They are included in dry food for aquarium fish and are very allergenic. Their allergen has a similar structure to shrimp. This is not surprising, since both are crustaceans;
  • bee products: honey, bee bread, pollen, pollen, dead fruit, royal jelly, propolis;
    synthetic detergents, bleaches, household chemicals.

Therefore, it is advisable for a person with a high allergic background to avoid contact with the substances and environments described above.

Burning feeling in the throat

An allergy, when a burning sensation in the throat develops, can be an unfavorable harbinger of an allergic and even. The thing is that the throat is a collective concept. The pharynx enters it; the epiglottis lies deeper, which closes the path to the trachea during swallowing food. If a burning sensation occurs in this particular place, this may indicate that at first the voice will become hoarse and wheezing, then difficulty in exhaling will begin, and, possibly, suffocation will occur.

Burning sensation of tongue

Burning tongue - allergies, usually food. Since the tongue has a very good blood supply, sometimes this symptom occurs before the allergen is swallowed. In this case, you can immediately spit it out harmful substance. For example, with an allergy to shrimp, a burning sensation occurs after 1 - 2 minutes. If your tongue burns, you need to quickly take antihistamines before signs of bronchospasm begin.

You can also suck on a piece of ice. It will help slow down the absorption of allergens if the burning sensation has occurred recently. If the burning sensation has been bothering you for a long time, then ice can only interfere with the normal outflow of blood and prolong the time of discomfort.

Burning in the mouth

Burning in the mouth – an allergy in which the mucous membrane suffers. A triad of mucosal lesions often occurs: eyelids – nasopharyngeal mucosa – oral mucosa.

This happens when inhaling caustic substances (then the mucous membrane in the mouth is affected later than others), or when eating an allergen. Then such allergic stomatitis occurs first.

First aid for allergic burning

What to do with these unpleasant symptoms? You need to perform actions in the following sequence:

  • stop contact with the allergen;
  • take an antihistamine. Any one may be suitable, but if you are driving, it is not recommended to use old 1st generation drugs. This does not mean at all that they will not help you. They are quite strong (“Suprastin”, “”, “”, “”), but have a number of side effects - sedation and decreased reaction. Therefore, it is better to use 3rd generation drugs ("", "").

These medications must be in the first aid kit of every allergy sufferer.

Attention! In the event that the burning sensation turns into signs of bronchospasm (difficulty exhaling, wheezing, dry wheezing, barking cough) – taking antihistamines of any generation is prohibited, as they can depress the respiratory center. As a result, the cough reflex decreases, and the lumen of the bronchi becomes even smaller, as they become clogged with viscous and colorless sputum.

  • Compresses can be applied to the skin with cold water, you can rinse your mouth with cold water. Reducing the temperature prevents further development of edema and urticaria;
  • in case of skin burning, a gel, cream or ointment containing an antihistamine, for example, Fenistil-gel, which can be used even in children, is applied topically.

Attention! It is not recommended to use hormonal ointments on your own without consulting your doctor. Many are captivated by the quick effect, but there is also the other side of the coin: it soon becomes clear that no other means help: the body is “hooked” on corticosteroid hormones.

After some time, it turns out that this hormonal ointment also requires more and more frequent application. Then you have to turn to a more modern and potent hormonal ointment, and the whole circle repeats again. This is how a person becomes addicted to drugs.

This addiction is all the more dangerous because it is very difficult to “jump off of it.” But the dose of hormonal drugs applied to the skin can be reduced using heparin ointment. If you first rub this ointment into the skin, then after some time the amount of hormonal ointment can be reduced by three to five times, and it will have the same effect. This is achieved by thinning the blood and improving the absorption of the active medicinal substance.

These ointments and creams include:

  • "Flucinar";
  • "Celestoderm";
  • "Akriderm";
  • "Lorinden";
  • "Elokom";
  • "Beloderm";
  • "Sinaflan";

The most powerful hormonal ointment is considered, for example, “Dermovate”, which contains clobetasol.

If you managed to cope with the burning of the skin and mucous membranes in the immediate situation, you should take care of your body: carry out wet cleaning, minimize the presence of contact allergens at home. It is very important to adhere to a hypoallergenic diet, sleep and rest patterns.

A course of taking enterosorbents, which have a detoxification effect by sorbing many allergens in the intestines, has a good effect. To the most active

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It is extremely difficult to predict the occurrence of allergies and a person learns about his illness only when he skin All sorts of rashes appear. Allergies on the lips cause a lot of grief, which gives the face an unaesthetic appearance and causes constant discomfort to a person.

An increasing number of people suffer from the harmful effects of all kinds of irritants. Moreover, the most seemingly harmless factors can provoke an unexpected reaction from the body: the gentle rays of the sun, fragrant flowers pleasing to the eye, vital medications and much more.

Allergy on the lips (cheilitis) can be triggered by any kind of irritant that comes into contact with the lips. Pathology develops especially often for the following reasons:

  • Chemical components of cosmetics, hygiene products, plastic prostheses, metal objects (mouthpieces on musical instruments, pens, lipsticks, etc.).
  • Products are allergens.
  • Using cosmetics from dubious manufacturers. In many cases, cheilitis is provoked by lipstick. That is why women over 18 years of age are at risk. But it happens that small children, playing with their mother’s cosmetics, smear lipstick on their lips. This quite often becomes the cause of cheilitis in a child.
  • Work in hazardous production (chemical plant, etc.).
  • Stressful conditions, depression.
  • Violation of the body's metabolic functions (failures of mineral metabolism, hypovitaminosis).
  • Failure to comply with hygiene rules.
  • Infection entering the body.
  • Systematic licking or biting of lips.
  • Aggressive sun, wind and other weather phenomena.

Very often, an itchy rash appears around the lips, which swell and turn the patient’s life into sheer agony. Launched form pathology can lead to disastrous consequences. Therefore, it is extremely important to apply for medical assistance at the first manifestations of allergies.

Types, stages, signs of the disease

Acute cheilitis - severe symptoms. With adequate and timely treatment, it disappears without a trace.

If cheilitis is not treated, the pathology progresses and develops into the chronic stage of its course. This form is dangerous due to its exacerbations, which slowly but surely lead to the most sad consequences(damage to internal organs and even death).

Types and their characteristics

  • Exfoliative cheilitis develops in people with weak immunity, hereditary predisposition etc. The lips become red and cracked, and the lip rims become itchy and flaky.

  • Contact cheilitis on the lips usually develops in teenage children and is caused by chemicals in food, toothpaste, powder or cosmetics. The skin around the lips peels off, and wounds form in the mouth and on the mucous membranes.

  • Meteorological cheilitis is caused by radiation or strong wind, frost, high humidity, or scorching rays of the sun. The lips turn red, dry out and become crusty. If the meteorological type of pathology is not treated, it can progress to a life-threatening, difficult-to-treat stage.

  • Glandular cheilitis, as a rule, occurs in 12-year-old children and is triggered by disruptions in the metabolic functions of the body and other reasons. The minor salivary glands become swollen and inflamed. The patient develops periodontal disease and other oral diseases.

  • Atopic cheilitis occurs in people with gastrointestinal disorders or abuse junk food. Has signs of atopic dermatitis. It worsens in winter or during the off-season.

  • Macrocheilitis occurs in people with a genetic predisposition or is provoked by infections. This disease is very difficult.

  • Hypovitaminous cheilitis occurs in those who neglect the rules of oral hygiene and systematically lick their lips. Inflammation begins in the corners of the lips, on the tongue and in the red border area. Chronic cracks appear on the lips. As a rule, it develops in people who have a lack of vitamin B in the body.

  • Angular cheilitis. Inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes of the corners of the mouth leads to the formation of sores, which tend to itch and hurt. Develops in children or elderly women who suffer from angulitis due to skin aging. This pathology can be triggered by any kind of dysfunction or skin infections.


Allergy in the initial stage of development is determined by the following characteristics:

  • redness appears on the red border of the lips due to enlarged capillaries;
  • the surface of the border becomes dry and peels.

The pathology develops and acquires the following symptoms:

  • lips become very dry and cracked;
  • at the site of redness, small blisters appear, which open and turn into erosions;
  • swelling appears in the affected area;
  • my lip hurts and itches.

Symptoms occur simultaneously or gradually, but are always accompanied by pain, which gradually intensifies. As a rule, the pathology affects the lips and the area around them.

The first symptoms are so unnoticeable that many do not pay any attention to them and continue to contact the irritant. Specific ones include:

  • redness and rash, sometimes in the form of blisters;
  • blisters that appear with hives;
  • dry lips;
  • peeling;
  • severe itching;
  • pain at the site of inflammation and in the mouth;
  • cracks on the lips.

Any of the symptoms listed is a good reason to visit a specialist. A competent doctor will help you get rid of this unpleasant pathology once and for all.

Symptoms may occur that pose a serious threat to the patient's life. You should immediately call an ambulance if he:

  • swollen lips;
  • nails and lips have become blue;
  • “something extra” in the throat;
  • heat;
  • itching in the throat and mouth;
  • various breathing disorders;
  • swollen tongue.

As a rule, lip allergies recur from time to time. If you do not determine the cause and do not get rid of the allergen, symptoms will not keep you waiting.


At the first symptoms of pathology, a doctor’s consultation is necessary. After diagnosing and identifying the root causes of the allergy, contact with the allergen must be excluded.

As soon as the first sign of cheilitis appears, you should take antihistamines that block the development of allergies: Suprastin, Diazolin, etc. After all, it is histamine, produced by the human body, that provokes the development of allergies.

  • Hormonal external agents: “Ftorokort”, “Flucinar”, etc.
  • Absorbents: “Polysorb”, etc.

Traditional methods

  • lubricate lips fresh juice aloe;
  • lubricate the areas of inflammation with sea buckthorn oil;
  • mix zinc ointment And fish fat; apply the resulting substance overnight.
  • if the lip is swollen, you can fight the swelling with compresses and lotions.

Before treating cheilitis using traditional recipes, you should consult your doctor.

Preventive measures

  1. Do not skimp on cosmetics and hygiene products.
  2. Follow the rules of hygiene.
  3. To cure, not cure, diseases.
  4. In unfavorable weather conditions, wrap your face in a scarf or collar.
  5. Avoid aggressive rays of the sun.
  6. Protect yourself from stressful situations.
  7. In winter and during the off-season, strengthen your immune system.
  8. By adhering to the rules listed above, you can significantly reduce the possibility of developing allergic cheilitis.