Signs of early ventricular repolarization syndrome. Manifestations of early ventricular repolarization syndrome, diagnosis and treatment

Most pathologies of the cardiovascular system, one way or another, affect the ECG picture. The main disorders that are recorded are various types of arrhythmias associated with the course of the main disease. At the same time, it is almost impossible to determine the nature of the deviation and the degree of its danger from just one picture of such a study, not counting egregious cases.

Early ventricular repolarization syndrome is an incidental finding on the ECG chart. It is not considered a disease and does not have its own code in the ICD classifier.

We are talking about a very mysterious, quiet state, which until recently was not given due attention due to its apparent harmlessness and comparative safety.

Indeed, pathological deviation from the norm is common: according to research. Approximately 10-30% of adults on the planet suffer from this syndrome. Others point to more modest figures (no more than 8%).

But this does not mean there is no threat. Against. It became known that under certain conditions the condition progresses, causing cardiac arrest and death.

No treatment as such is required. Since it is just an indicator on a graph, the root cause needs to be addressed.

Early ventricular repolarization syndrome or EVR is of metabolic origin and is caused by improper movement of potassium, calcium, and magnesium ions into and out of myocytes. Hence the deviation of electrical activity in the structures of the heart.

Normal physiology involves two phases of muscle fiber activity.

At the first stage, complete contraction occurs, depolarization occurs, that is, the implementation of the charge received from the sinus node. The second phase is repolarization, observed at the moment of relaxation of structures. At this stage, a violation occurs.

The accumulation of impulse is noted too early. The heart contracts repeatedly and is unable to rest. Muscle relaxation does not occur. The organ is working hard, which became clear relatively recently.

Over time, the ability of the myocardium to function normally is lost. Failure is the logical result of the heart being in this position for a long time.

However, this is not an axiom. The heart has a significant margin of safety. Because here everything is akin to playing roulette. If you are lucky, the condition will not make itself felt for many years.

Why is the disease dangerous?

The consequences of the development of early ventricular repolarization syndrome are characterized by complete or partial, gradual loss of contractility of the muscular organ.

This is not a one-time process; it takes more than one year to fully develop. The duration varies among patients. It all depends on individual characteristics.

Complications are associated with disruption of the normal ejection of blood from the left ventricle into the aorta and its movement in a large circle. Both distant organs and systems and the myocardium itself suffer.

Possible consequences include:

  • Heart attack.

  • Acute necrotic process. Cardiac structures die, and even with successful treatment, sclerosis occurs. Replacement of normal active muscle tissue with scar compounds. They are not able to work like myocytes. Therefore, the patient’s companion becomes constant coronary artery disease with the prospect of early death from a relapse of the emergency condition.

  • Stroke. A similar phenomenon, but affecting the nerve tissue of the brain. The ischemic variety is typical. That is, an acute malnutrition of a separate area of ​​cerebral structures. Heart failure.
  • Without clear prospects for resuscitation and restoration of vital functions. Because there are fundamental anatomical violations. Even if the organ can be “started”, it is highly likely that it will stop again. Cardiogenic shock.

The culmination of a decline in the contractility of muscle structures. It consists of insufficient supply of the body with nutrients and oxygen at a general level.

Blood pressure drops, critical arrhythmia occurs. Recovery from the onset of this condition is almost impossible; mortality is close to 100%.

  • The patient has extremely low chances even with successful recovery from the acute process. Over the course of a couple of years or less, relapse and death occur. Vascular dementia.

As a result of insufficient blood flow to the brain. Stroke is not the only possibility. Changes may also be a consequence of it.

The possibility of life-threatening results has recently been discovered. Only after the unpleasant discovery did active research into the problem begin. The risk is currently assessed as moderate.

In the presence of a mass of concomitant pathologies and negative prognostic factors - pronounced.

The moments of development of the process are diverse. The basis is made up of groups of objective phenomena. They are not under the control of the patient himself.

  • Bundle branch block. It is characterized by the development of obstruction of the electrical impulse from the sinus node along special fibers.

The condition is rarely complete. Patients with total blockade do not live long. This is also not an independent disease, but a consequence of third-party pathological processes.

  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. A disease accompanied by the growth of the muscle layer of the organ. This is a very common condition. It develops more often in representatives of the stronger sex. Apparently, this is due to genetic factors or bad habits. Also reduced resistance (resilience) to negatively influencing factors. Read more about the disease.

  • Systemic, often autoimmune diseases of connective tissue. Lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis and others. Cause gradual destruction of cardiac structures.

The condition has irreversible consequences and is therefore considered extremely dangerous. Early repolarization of the ventricles is a clinical variant; it develops against the background of disruption of normal metabolism, resulting in the replacement of tissue with scar tissue.

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The condition is genetic or caused by disturbances in the prenatal period.

Both options lead to myocardial deformations. The former are accompanied by a host of other symptoms, not only of cardiac origin.

Deformations of the maxillofacial area, distant organs and systems are possible.

    Recovery is carried out surgically. But this is not a guarantee that the syndrome will stop. Medicinal correction with drugs is also required.

As profile medical statistics clearly demonstrate, the main contingent of patients with early ventricular repolarization syndrome are professional athletes, as well as fanatical lovers of outdoor activities.

Apparently, this is due to increasing phenomena and metabolic abnormalities.

  • The approximate number of sick athletes is 60-70%. Perhaps the number is more significant. Because close attention to SRRH was paid relatively recently. Previously, people turned a blind eye to such deviations. Neuroendocrine diseases.

A common variant is hypothalamic syndrome of the same type.

Causes a danger to the reproductive and cardiovascular systems, increases the risk of developing endocrine conditions.

  • Puberty(puberty). The most dangerous moment determines the onset of early repolarization syndrome, especially often (in approximately 20% of adolescents, ECG is detected on the ECG). This is temporary, but it is strongly recommended to be observed by a cardiologist so as not to miss the right moment.

Subjective factors

In addition to the reasons already mentioned, a group of phenomena has a subjective origin.

  • Smoking. Patients with physiological dependence on nicotine suffer from SRRD more often than others. This is due to a partial disruption of normal metabolism. This is a dangerous process. As the body gets used to the harmful substance, there is an increase in resistance to therapy.

After 5-10 years of constant tobacco use, quitting the habit is no longer enough. A long rehabilitation period under the supervision of a cardiologist will be required. Drug therapy.

  • Alcohol abuse. It works in the same way.
  • Excess of oral contraceptives.

The syndrome of premature myocardial repolarization is well masked; it is extremely difficult to determine its true cause. This is not a matter of one day, perhaps not a week.

Fortunately, the process leads to dangerous consequences relatively late. There is a possibility that they will never come.


Early ventricular repolarization syndrome has no manifestations as such. This is not a diagnosis, but a clinical finding.

The main list of manifestations is determined by the disease that caused a disruption in the normal movement of the charge.

Possible signs include:

  • Chest pain. Low intensity. It is possible to differentiate cardiac discomfort from muscular discomfort, neuralgia, using a typical feature. They do not increase with breathing or changing body position. Usually, unpleasant sensations occur in attacks and waves. Continue relatively little.
  • Arrhythmias. By type most often. An increase in the number of heartbeats per minute is possible, and in about 30% of situations it is observed. In addition to this type, related ones also arise. They directly indicate a disruption of normal metabolism in the myocardium. Fibrillation is also common.
  • Dyspnea. In a state of complete rest or against the background of intense physical activity. Depends on the underlying pathological process.

Cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle and pallor of the skin are also possible. The list of manifestations is determined by the main diagnosis. The most likely ones are presented.


There may be a complete absence of typical signs. This is the most dangerous clinical option.


The survey presents certain difficulties. It is carried out under the supervision of a cardiologist. The duration depends on the severity of the condition. In non-critical cases, it is indicated on an outpatient basis.

Sample list of events:

  • Oral questioning of the patient. In most cases, there are no pronounced manifestations or they are nonspecific, which does not provide an accurate indication of the possible condition.
  • Anamnesis collection. Lifestyle, family history, duration of the course and other points, also previous illnesses.
  • Measurement of blood pressure and heart rate. Both indicators are changed, how depends on the root cause.
  • Daily monitoring. Registration of specified levels within 24 hours. Appointed as needed.
  • Electrocardiography. Basic examination technique. Actually, it is based on the results of the ECG that repolarization syndrome is determined.
  • Echocardiography. To assess organic abnormalities in the heart.
  • General blood test, biochemical, hormones. Plays an important role in assessment. Makes it possible to diagnose endocrine and metabolic pathologies.

As part of the expanded technique, MRI is used.

Signs on ECG

Early repolarization, also known as a “J wave” or “J-spot elevation,” is an electrocardiographic abnormality consistent with an increased connection between the end of the QRS complex and the beginning of the ST segment in two adjacent leads.

Among the typical features of pathological deviation from the norm:

  • Widening of the T wave, growth of the peak in height.
  • ST interval shift upward.
  • Serrated R shape.
  • Presence of J-wave.
  • Raising point J above the isoline.

It is also possible for your heart rate to speed up or slow down. The signs are typical enough to make a diagnosis (if you can say so about the described condition).

The syndrome of early ventricular repolarization on the ECG has typical features. But accurate decoding requires high qualifications. In addition, specific abnormalities may be confused with other findings.

The phenomenon of SRRH never exists in isolation. The main points are found in one, two or all leads. Based on this criterion, they speak of three types of condition.


Therapy is conservative or surgical. The main disease must be eliminated. It all depends on the primary diagnosis. Medicines:

  • Antiarrhythmic. Amiodarone or Hindin as needed in small courses.
  • Cardioprotectors. Mildronate and others. Supports the heart.

Other medications are provided as part of additional assistance.

Surgical therapy consists of implanting a defibrillator, which brings the rhythm back to normal and prevents the stop of the muscle organ.

A significant role is played by lifestyle changes. Under no circumstances should you smoke, consuming alcohol even in minimal doses is impossible due to the likelihood of complications, all the more so you need to give up drugs.

It is sometimes impossible to do this on your own; the assistance of a narcologist is required. Now there is a developed system of anonymous help, so there is no need to be afraid of the stigma.

Whenever possible, the diet is adjusted. Fats are minimized, of artificial origin completely, of natural origin - partially. Fast carbohydrates are not needed. More vitamins and protein.

A diet correction is indicated in accordance with treatment table No. 10. There is no need for such a strict diet, but you can take the specified menu as a starting point.

Physical activity is kept to a minimum, but cannot be completely eliminated. This will lead to aggravation of the pathological process.


The syndrome of early repolarization of the ventricles of the heart is dangerous due to premature death from stopping the functioning of the muscular organ. The likelihood of such an outcome is determined by the main diagnosis.

  • Defects, previous heart attack, defects due to cardiomyopathy are more likely to lead to death.
  • Potentially treatable conditions contribute to full recovery, but also with some conditionality.
  • In later stages, anatomical defects are possible that are irreversible in nature.

Conclusion - the best prognosis is determined by timely initiation of treatment.

Let's summarize

SRR is a finding on the ECG, which is caused by metabolic disorders in cardiac structures.

Recovery is indirect and consists of eliminating the underlying disease under the supervision of a specialist. Inpatient treatment is possible. The basis is the use of medications.

The prognosis is generally favorable; in rare cases, the patient may die from complications. There's no point in relaxing. Everything has its time.

Early ventricular repolarization syndrome (ERRS) of the heart is an electrocardiographic phenomenon that is detected by ECG. It does not cause pathological changes in the functioning of the heart and body and, as a rule, does not pose a threat to life and health. Recently it occurs in 5–8% of the population. A special risk group includes people experiencing increased physical activity. It is rarely diagnosed in older people, due to the presence of other cardiac problems.


Normal ventricular repolarization is provoked by a process in which more potassium leaves the cell than sodium enters. This exchange creates a negative charge inside and a positive charge outside. This leads to the cessation of excitation of one fiber and the spread of the impulse to neighboring areas like a chain reaction. This mechanism corresponds to the diastole phase.

Repolarization allows the myocardium to prepare for systole and stimulates the excitability of nerve fibers. The phase of cardiac depolarization depends on the quality and duration of this process. Electrical changes begin in the septum between the ventricles and gradually spread to the myocardium of the left and right ventricles. Early repolarization disrupts the process of electrolyte exchange and changes (significantly accelerates) impulse conduction.

Causes and risk factors

The causes of changes in heart rate have not been reliably established. Often, SRS is diagnosed while taking medications of a certain group (for example, α2-adrenergic agonists - Clonidine). The provoking factor may be any pathology: increased concentration of fats in the blood (familial hyperlipidemia), connective tissue dysplasia or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. It is possible that the anomaly is inherited or develops against the background of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

People who regularly engage in intense sports are at particular risk. With excessive physical exertion, the cardiovascular system is forced to work at an accelerated rate, which leads to disruption of the repolarization process.

Pathology often occurs in people with congenital or acquired heart defects, including abnormalities in the structure of muscles and blood vessels. Placental insufficiency, hypoxia during intrauterine development or during childbirth can be a provoking factor for SRR in babies. In addition, in children, neuroendocrine diseases are often the cause of early repolarization.


The syndrome of early repolarization of the ventricles of the heart in medicine is classified according to several criteria. According to the first, changes can occur with or without damage to the cardiovascular system. Depending on the nature of the course, SRS can be permanent or transient.

Doctor A.M. Skorobogaty proposed his classification of changes in heart rate depending on the location of ECG signs. First type: violations are observed in the V1-V2 area; second type: changes are noted in leads V4-V6; the third type is not characterized by the predominance of deviations in a certain area.


The peculiarity of this condition is that it does not manifest itself in any way externally, there is no clinical picture. Often the syndrome is diagnosed in completely healthy people during a routine examination. It can be detected only by specific changes on the ECG:

  • changes in the T wave and ST segment;
  • deviation of the ST segment from the isoline by 1–3 mm upward (often the rise begins after the notch);
  • the ST region has a rounded shape and turns into a high positive T-wave;
  • wide base of the T wave;
  • the convexity of the ST segment is directed downward.


The syndrome can only be determined by conducting a cardiographic examination. For this purpose, an ECG, daily heartbeat monitoring with Holter, ultrasound of the heart and electrophysiological study are performed. Additionally, an ECG is performed after physical activity, which aggravates the manifestation of the anomaly.

The cardiologist may prescribe a potassium test. So, after taking medications (Panangin, potassium chloride or Rhythmocor), the signs of the syndrome on the ECG become more pronounced. Tests with Atropine and Isoproterenol are used in exceptional cases due to acute adverse reactions.

During diagnosis, it is extremely important to differentiate early ventricular repolarization syndrome from other cardiac pathologies: Brugada syndrome, pericarditis and myocardial infarction.


SRS does not require special treatment. However, doctors give recommendations, adherence to which will help avoid the development of more complex cardiac problems. First of all, it is important to regularly conduct an ECG and visit a cardiologist for a preventive examination.

Medical experts recommend completely giving up bad habits (alcohol, smoking and substance abuse). It is worth reducing intense physical activity, as it provokes an attack of tachycardia and can lead to the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system. It is important to limit excessive emotional experiences, stress, and also ensure proper rest and sleep.

It is necessary to monitor your diet, limiting the consumption of animal fats. The basis of the diet should be fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as foods rich in vitamins, magnesium and potassium (nuts, seafood, herbs, etc.).

Sometimes, in severe cases of arrhythmia that provoke heart failure, surgical intervention is performed - radiofrequency ablation of an additional beam. For this purpose, a catheter is inserted into the bundle and destroyed. However, this method is used extremely rarely, since there is a high probability of developing cardiac tamponade, damage to the coronary vessels or pulmonary embolism.

To maintain health, antiarrhythmic drugs can be prescribed: Novocainadamide - 0.25 mg every 6 hours, Ethmozin - 100 mg 3 times a day and Quinidine sulfate - 200 mg three times a day. It is recommended to carry out energy-tropic therapy, which includes taking magnesium, phosphorus, carnitine and B vitamins. Neurovitan (1 tablet per day), Kudesan (2 mg per 1 kg of weight), Carnitine (2 times a day, 500 mg), etc. .

Forecast and dangers

Despite the fact that SRR is a variant of the norm, such changes should not be ignored. Possible answers to the question of why the pathology is dangerous and what complications there may be are:

  • heart block;
  • paroxysmal tachycardia;
  • atrial fibrillation;
  • sinus tachycardia and bradycardia;
  • extrasystoles;
  • ischemic heart disease.

The danger of SRR is the unpredictability of further deviations in the functioning of the heart muscle.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, giving up bad habits and limiting excessive physical activity will help reduce the risk of developing the syndrome. To detect changes in a timely manner, it is worth undergoing an annual preventive examination with a cardiologist, even if there are no complaints about your health.


This article is posted for educational purposes only and does not constitute scientific material or professional medical advice.

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A specific cardiac syndrome, found not only in patients with cardiac dysfunction, but also in healthy people, is called premature or early repolarization syndrome. For a long time, doctors treated the pathology as a variant of the norm, until its clear connection with disturbances of sinus heart rhythm was revealed. Detection of the disease is difficult due to its asymptomatic course.

What is early ventricular repolarization syndrome?

Changes in the ECG (electrocardiogram) that have no obvious cause are called early (or accelerated, premature) ventricular repolarization syndrome (ERVRS). The pathology has no specific clinical signs and is detected after undergoing an electrocardiograph examination in both patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system and healthy people. Disease code according to ICD-10 (international classification of diseases) – I 45.6. Diseases of the circulatory system. Premature arousal syndrome.


Heart contractions occur as a result of changes in the electrical charge in cardiomyocytes, during which potassium, calcium and sodium ions move into the intercellular space and back. The process goes through two main phases, which alternately replace each other: depolarization - contraction, and repolarization - relaxation before the next contraction.

Early repolarization of the ventricles of the heart occurs due to a disruption in the conduction of impulses along the conduction paths from the atrium to the ventricles, activation of abnormal pathways for transmitting electrical impulses. The phenomenon develops due to an imbalance between repolarization and depolarization in the structures of the apex of the heart and the basal regions, when the period of myocardial relaxation is significantly reduced.

The reasons for the development of pathology have not been fully studied by scientists. The main hypotheses for the occurrence of early repolarization are the following assumptions:

  1. Changes in the action potential of cardiomyocytes associated with the mechanism of potassium release from cells, or increased susceptibility to a heart attack during ischemia.
  2. Disturbances in the processes of relaxation and contraction in certain areas of the myocardium, for example in type 1 Brugada syndrome.
  3. Genetic pathologies are mutations of genes responsible for balancing the processes of ions entering cells and their release outside.

According to statistics, accelerated repolarization syndrome affects from 3 to 10% of healthy people of different ages. This pathology is more often found in young men aged about 30 years, athletes or people leading an active lifestyle. Among nonspecific risk factors, doctors note the following phenomena:

  • Long-term use or overdose of certain medications (for example, adrenergic agonists).
  • Congenital hyperlipidemia (increased fat content in the blood), which provokes the development of atherosclerosis of the heart.
  • Changes in the connective tissue of the cardiac ventricles, in which additional chords are formed in them.
  • Acquired or congenital heart defects.
  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
  • Malfunctions of the autonomic nervous system.
  • Neuroendocrine problems.
  • Electrolyte imbalance in the body.
  • High blood cholesterol levels.
  • Excessive physical activity.
  • Hypothermia of the body.


Early ventricular repolarization syndrome in children and adults can have two development options regarding the functioning of the heart, blood vessels and other organs involved in the functioning of the system - with and without damage to the cardiovascular system. Based on the nature of the pathology, a distinction is made between transient (periodic) and permanent SRR. There is a classification into 3 types depending on the location of ECG signs.

Signs of early ventricular repolarization syndrome

Premature ventricular repolarization syndrome is characterized primarily by changes in the electrocardiogram (ECG). Some patients experience various symptoms of cardiovascular disorders, while others completely lack clinical signs of the disease, the person is and feels absolutely healthy (about 8–10% of all cases). Violation of the repolarization process on the ECG in a child or adult is reflected in the following main changes:

  1. The ST segment rises above the isoline.
  2. There is a downward-facing convexity on the ST segment.
  3. There is an increased amplitude of the R wave, in parallel with a decrease in the S wave or its disappearance.
  4. The J point (the point at the transition of the S segment to the QRS complex) is located above the isoline, in the interval of the descending limb of the R wave.
  5. The QRS complex is widened.
  6. At the interval of the descending knee of the R wave there is a J wave, visually resembling a notch.

Types of ECG changes

Based on the changes detected on the electrocardiogram, the syndrome is divided into three types, each of which is characterized by its own degree of risk of complications. The classification is as follows:

  1. First type: signs of the disease are observed in a healthy person, in the chest leads studied in the lateral plane with an ECG (the likelihood of complications developing is low).
  2. Second type: localization of signs of the syndrome - inferolateral and inferior ECG leads (the likelihood of complications is increased).
  3. Third type: signs are recorded in all ECG leads, the risk of complications is the highest.

When playing sports for at least 4 hours a week, the ECG shows signs of an increase in the volume of the heart chambers and an increase in the tone of the vagus nerve. Such changes are not symptoms of pathology and do not require additional examinations. During pregnancy, an isolated form of the disease (without affecting the mother’s cardiac activity) does not in any way affect the development of the fetus and the process of gestation.

Manifestations of pathology

Clinical signs of early ventricular repolarization are detected only in the form of the disease with disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The syndrome is accompanied by:

  • Various types of arrhythmia (ventricular extrasystole, tachyarrhythmia - supraventricular and other forms, ventricular fibrillation, accompanied by loss of consciousness, stopping pulse and breathing, etc.).
  • Fainting (loss of consciousness).
  • Diastolic or systolic dysfunction of the heart, hemodynamic disorders caused by it - hypertensive crisis, pulmonary edema, cardiogenic shock, shortness of breath.
  • Tachycardial, hyperamphotonic, vagotonic, dystrophic syndromes (especially in childhood or adolescence), caused by the influence of humoral factors on the hypothalamic-pituitary system.

Why is ventricular repolarization syndrome dangerous?

The phenomenon of early ventricular repolarization has long been considered one of the normal variants. Over time, it became clear that the permanent form of this pathology can provoke the development of arrhythmia, myocardial hypertrophy, other complications, and cause sudden coronary death. Therefore, if characteristic changes are detected on the ECG, it is necessary to undergo an examination to detect or exclude more serious diseases of the cardiovascular system.


Early myocardial repolarization syndrome can provoke severe complications that are dangerous to the health and life of the patient. The following severe consequences of the development of pathology are common:

  • coronary heart disease;
  • atrial fibrillation;
  • paroxysmal tachycardia;
  • heart block;
  • sinus bradycardia and tachycardia;
  • extrasystole.


Due to the asymptomatic development of premature repolarization syndrome, it is discovered by chance, as a result of an examination on an electrocardiograph. If characteristic changes in readings are detected, additional tests are performed such as:

  • Registration of ECG under additional physical activity.
  • To express the manifestation of signs - a test using potassium or novocainamide.
  • Daily ECG monitoring.
  • Lipidogram.
  • Blood chemistry.

During the diagnostic process, the disease must be differentiated from pericarditis, hyperkalemia, Brugada syndrome, electrolyte imbalance, and arrhythmogenic dysplasia in the right ventricle. After consultation, the cardiologist prescribes a comprehensive examination, which necessarily includes echocardiography (ultrasound of the heart) and cardiac angiography.


Treatment of the disease is aimed at preventing the development of serious complications from cardiac activity. If life-threatening arrhythmias or other pathologies are detected, the patient is indicated for drug treatment, and in some cases, surgery. An invasive treatment method is used by radiofrequency ablation of an additional beam.

Correction of the patient’s lifestyle recommended by the attending physician is important. A patient with early repolarization is advised to limit physical activity and psycho-emotional stress. It is necessary to give up bad habits (smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages) and for the patient to comply with a special diet and regular monitoring by a cardiologist.


Correction of the patient’s eating behavior is carried out in order to balance his daily diet and enrich it with B vitamins and microelements such as magnesium and potassium. It is necessary to eat more raw vegetables and fruits, be sure to include sea fish and seafood, liver, legumes and grains, different types of nuts, fresh herbs, and soy products in the menu.

Drug therapy

Treatment with medications is indicated only in the presence of concomitant cardiac pathologies (arrhythmia, coronary syndrome, etc.). Drug therapy is necessary to prevent complications and the onset of acute critical conditions. Medicines of the following pharmacological groups can be prescribed:

  • Energy-tropic drugs. They relieve the symptoms of the syndrome and improve the activity of the heart muscle. Possible prescriptions: Neurovitan (1 tablet per day), Kudesan (adult dosage - 2 mg per kilogram of weight), Carnitine (500 mg twice per day).
  • Antiarrhythmic drugs. Ethmozin (100 mg 3 times a day), quinidine sulfate (200 mg three times a day), Novocainamide (0.25 mg once every 6 hours).


If the patient’s condition worsens, severe clinical symptoms of moderate and high intensity (fainting, serious heart rhythm disturbances) that are not amenable to conservative treatment, doctors may recommend the necessary surgical intervention, including the use of minimally invasive methods. The following operations are prescribed according to indications:

  • Radiofrequency ablation (if additional pathways or severe arrhythmia are detected). Elimination of the additional bundle helps eliminate arrhythmic disorders.
  • Implantation of a pacemaker (in the presence of life-threatening heart rhythm disturbances).
  • Implantation of a defibrillator-cardioverter (for ventricular fibrillation). A small device is placed under the skin on the chest, from which electrodes are inserted into the cavity of the heart. Through them, at the moment of arrhythmia, the device transmits an accelerated electrical impulse, due to which the heart function is normalized and the heart rhythm is restored.

Prevention and prognosis

The prognosis for most patients diagnosed with premature ventricular repolarization syndrome is favorable. In some cases, the disease can threaten a situation critical to the patient’s life. The task of the cardiologist is to timely identify this possibility and minimize the dangerous consequences of heart rhythm disturbances.


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Early repolarization syndrome - symptoms, signs in children and adults, treatment

Signs of early ventricular repolarization syndrome are conventionally divided into two groups.

  1. The first group of symptoms is typical for people whose pathology causes complications. The main ones are fainting and cardiac arrest. Fainting occurs against the background of deteriorated blood supply to the brain, which, in turn, occurs due to impaired contractile function of the ventricles. The second sign occurs against the background of ventricular fibrillation. In this case, a person can be saved only if medical assistance is provided. Otherwise, death occurs.
  2. The second group of symptoms is typical for most people diagnosed with SRGC. In the early stages of the development of pathology, a person does not feel any symptoms. The presence of the disease can only be detected by an ECG; this most often happens by accident or during a routine medical examination. For such patients, the development of complications is very low.

There are no characteristic clinical signs of early ventricular repolarization syndrome. There are only specific changes on the ECG:

  • ST segment and T wave changes;
  • in a number of branches, the ST segment rises above the isoline by 1-2-3 mm;
  • often ST segment elevation begins after the notch;
  • the ST segment has a rounded shape and directly passes into a tall positive T-wave;
  • the convexity of the ST segment is directed downward;
  • The base of the T wave is wide.


The phenomenon of early ventricular repolarization in most cases affects the myocardium of both ventricles. But this doesn't always happen. Pathology may take on a different character, which determines its classification:

  1. Left ventricular hypertrophy, accompanied by disturbances in repolarization processes. A similar pathology occurs against the background of the development of arterial hypertension or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
  2. Disorders affecting the anterior septum can cause disturbances in the processes of propagation of excitation, which is transmitted by the atrioventricular connections to the ventricles. With this pathology, combined blockades of one of the bundle branches may occur. Another concomitant pathology may be widening of the QRS complex, which is caused by slow impulse conduction.
  3. Disorders affecting the posterior lateral wall of the right ventricle are characteristic of critical occlusion of a branch of the left coronary artery. With this pathology, there is a high risk of developing extrasystoles and disturbances in internal ventricular patency.
  4. Disorders concentrated in the inferior wall of the left ventricle. This pathology often occurs after suffering a heart attack apex of the heart. Complications are similar to those described for the previous type of pathology.

SRS is considered dangerous due to the fact that it occurs without certain signs and can only be detected by chance during a cardiogram when diagnosing another disease.

The following changes are observed:

  • A change in the P wave, which indicates atrial depolarization.
  • The QRS complex shows the depolarization of the ventricle of the heart muscle.
  • Violation of the T wave.

With a complex of symptoms, premature cardiac repolarization syndrome is determined.

In such situations, the process of generating an electric charge starts earlier. This appears on the electrocardiogram as follows:

  • The ST complex rises from the J index.
  • The lower edge of the R wave is characterized by certain notches.
  • The growth of the ST complex shows concavity.
  • T wave asymmetry.

It is necessary to understand that there are much more nuances that indicate the syndrome that has arisen; only a specialist can decipher them. Next, treatment is prescribed.


Making a diagnosis is difficult due to the fact that the clinical picture is asymptomatic. To identify pathology, it is necessary to conduct a number of studies, including:

  • Holter monitoring.
  • Tests that evaluate the body's response to potassium.
  • Electrocardiography. Prescribed after intravenous injection of Novocainamide and exposure to physical activity.
  • Studies to determine the degree of lipid metabolism.
  • Determination of the presence of certain biochemical elements.

In addition to the electrocardiogram, there are other methods that can detect repolarization.

Heart ultrasound is one of the methods for diagnosing the disease.

Among them, the most famous are:

  • echocardiography;

For a more detailed study, the patient may be prescribed an ECG with physical and medicinal stress, additional blood and urine tests, and daily Holter monitoring. In addition, the doctor may ask for EGC to be done regularly, to ensure that the results are not erroneous, and to identify the persistence of characteristic changes.

Since this syndrome is an electrocardiographic phenomenon, it can only be established with a certain examination:

  • (echocardiography):
    • stress echocardiography (for impaired ventricular contractility)
    • resting echocardiography;
  • Holter monitoring during the day;
  • electrophysiological study.

In addition, tests are carried out on a bicycle ergometer or treadmill: after physical activity, the heart rate increases, and the ECG signs of SIRS disappear.

A potassium test is used: after taking potassium chloride, panangin or rhythmocor at least 2 grams, the severity of ECG signs of repolarization syndrome increases.

A test with isoproterenol and atropine is not used due to severe side effects.

It is important to distinguish between SRR and myocardial infarction, pericarditis, Brugada syndrome. For this purpose, differential diagnosis is carried out.

Provoking factors

The reasons that cause the pathology have not been fully identified. Factors that increase the risk of developing the syndrome have been precisely identified:

  • Prolonged use of strong medications, overdose.
  • Congenital, acquired defects of the heart muscle.
  • Severe hypothermia.
  • Dyslipidemia is an abnormally elevated level of lipids and lipoproteins in human blood.
  • Improper development of connective tissue, which led to the formation of additional chordae.
  • Damage to the heart with an increase in heart size, heart failure and disturbances in heart rhythm and conduction (cardiomyopathy).
  • Nervous system disorders.
  • Failure of electrolyte balance.
  • High cholesterol levels.
  • Excessive physical activity, including sports.

The main causes of this pathology are as follows:

  • ailments of a neuroendocrine nature, which most often manifest themselves in childhood;
  • hypercholesterolemia in the blood;
  • heart defects, both congenital and acquired, as well as disturbances in the structure of the conduction system;
  • changes that are observed in systemic diseases and affect connective tissue;
  • hypertrophic cardiomyopathy;
  • movement of an impulse in roundabout ways.

The following people are at risk of developing this pathology:

  • professional athletes;
  • teenagers whose puberty is too active;
  • children with congenital heart defects and various developmental pathologies.

Complications and prognosis

You should not consider early ventricular repolarization syndrome a harmless disease with which you can live peacefully, lead your usual lifestyle and not think about anything. If your previous lifestyle is not changed and scheduled visits to the cardiologist are not carried out, you may face a high risk of complications. Which ones? Let's figure it out.

  1. Episode development ventricular tachycardia.
  2. There is a high probability of transition of ventricular tachycardia to ventricular fibrillation, which is an urgent and very dangerous condition.
  3. Oxygen starvation of all internal organs and systems.
  4. There is always a possibility of cardiac arrest, which leads to death.

You should always be aware of these complications, especially when a visit to a cardiologist is postponed.

The prognosis for the development of SRRS is favorable. It is believed that in 28% of cases it increases the risk of death from a cardiac cause, but many researchers suggest that the likelihood of death with SRGC is much lower than with smoking, alcohol abuse and excessive indulgence in “heavy” foods.

Previously, the syndrome was considered safe, and no therapy was prescribed. It has now been proven that it can serve as a provoking factor for the formation of arrhythmia and hypertrophy of the heart muscle. A mandatory examination is prescribed to identify dangerous pathologies.

With hyperlipidemia, a serious increase in the lipid index is detected. It has not yet been possible to find out the connection with SRRZh. Dysplasia may occur.

The syndrome often occurs in the presence of heart defects and other anomalies in the myocardial conduction system.

SRR can cause a number of complications:

  • Heart block.
  • Arrhythmia.
  • Extrasystole.
  • Bradycardia.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Ischemic disease.

What is the danger of early ventricular repolarization syndrome?

The process of repolarization is very important for the body, since it prepares the heart for systole and also ensures normal excitability of the muscles of the organ. In addition, the duration and quality of relaxation of the organ is reflected in the phase of its contraction.

During normal heart function, both phases of its contraction occur in strict sequence:

  1. First, the depolarization process starts in the interventricular septum.
  2. After this, it spreads to the left and right ventricles, followed by a relaxation stage.

What is the danger of early ventricular repolarization syndrome? Despite the fact that there are no patient complaints with this deviation, its signs do not relate to the normal functioning of the organ. Today it has been precisely proven that early cardiac repolarization syndrome can create conditions favorable for the development of myocardial infarction. Doctors also note that it is difficult to diagnose dystrophic changes and hypertrophy with this deviation.

In many patients, SRS was detected against the background of the following disorders:

  • attacks of atrial fibrillation;
  • paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia;
  • extrasystole.

The danger of the disease arises if an attack of fibrillation causes ventricular fibrillation. This often ends in the death of the patient.

Recently, early ventricular repolarization syndrome (EVRS) has become very common - 8% of completely healthy men, women and children learn about a similar ECG phenomenon during routine examinations. The risk group includes:

  • patients with heart pathologies that are accompanied by interruptions in work;
  • people actively involved in sports;
  • black men;
  • patients with dysplastic collagenosis.

Most patients ask what early ventricular repolarization syndrome means. It represents an uncharacteristic change in the electrocardiogram curve and can be permanent or transient. Very often, the ECG phenomenon occurs in adolescents and children. There are 3 types that have common characteristics, but differ in severity:

  • maximum – has more than 6 leads;
  • moderate – consists of 4-5 leads;
  • minimal – characterized by 2-3 leads.

Early ventricular repolarization syndrome occurs not only in patients with acquired or congenital heart pathologies, but also in those who have:

  • hypertrophic cardiomyopathy;
  • connective tissue dysplasia (spider fingers, joint hypermobility, mitral canal prolapse);
  • familial hyperlipidemia;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • neurocircular dystonia;
  • genetic predisposition.

In a number of studies, scientists have proven that the ECG phenomenon of early ventricular repolarization can lead to sudden coronary death if accompanied by episodic syncope of cardiac origin. The syndrome often contributes to the development of diseases such as:

  • heart failure;
  • supraventricular arrhythmia;
  • sinus tachycardia and bradycardia;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • atrial fibrillation;
  • paroxysmal tachycardia;
  • deterioration of hemodynamics;
  • damage to heart vessels, etc.

If, after an electrocardiogram, you are faced with a problem such as early ventricular repolarization syndrome in children, then you need to know that to confirm the diagnosis, the child will need to be fully examined. To do this, doctors suggest taking detailed blood tests (from a finger and a vein) and urine, as well as doing several ultrasounds of the heart. The frequency depends on the patient's health condition.

This diagnosis in childhood is not a death sentence. The examination is carried out in order to exclude disturbances in the functioning of the heart and its rhythm. Only a cardiologist can determine whether there are pathologies in the main muscle of a person. He prescribes regular examinations of the child at intervals of several months. The syndrome occurs in those children who had problems with blood circulation in the womb.

If your child is diagnosed with early ventricular repolarization syndrome, in the future you will need to:

  1. Reduce physical activity and reduce its intensity.
  2. Protect your child from all kinds of stress.
  3. Follow your diet.
  4. Ensure that the child leads a healthy lifestyle.

Teenagers are most susceptible to this condition. This is especially evident during puberty. Elements of early ventricular repolarization syndrome represent subtle changes in the functioning of the heart. Children must undergo a comprehensive examination, which, in addition to tests, includes ECHO-CG and ECG. If pathologies are not identified, then treatment is not prescribed. Doctors recommend that parents:

  1. Check your child every six months.
  2. Give children vitamins.
  3. Make sure that the child leads a calm lifestyle (without stress and strong physical activity).
  4. Feed children healthy and varied foods.

During studies that involved monitoring professional athletes, it was found that about 80% of them have bradycardia (the heart rate reaches 60 in 1 minute). The syndrome of early repolarization of the ventricles of the heart is manifested in the predominance of vagal influence and the development of adaptive wall thickening in the left ventricle. Such people should:

  1. Reduce loads.
  2. Avoid constant use of medications (dopings).
  3. See a doctor.

When an expectant mother is diagnosed with early repolarization syndrome of the ventricular myocardium, she begins to panic, she is very worried and the question arises of how this situation will affect the baby and the gestation process. Scientists have proven that the ECG phenomenon does not in any way affect the development and health of the fetus if the pregnant woman does not have other serious diseases (for example, arrhythmias).

How does it show up on an ECG?

The diagnosis is made after electrocardiography. The ECG shows the following picture:

  • Elevation of the segmental segment ST.
  • There is an unevenness in the ST segment downwards.
  • Expansion of the amplitude of the R wave together with a decrease or disappearance of the S wave.
  • Elevation of the J point corresponding to the ST complex.
  • Prolongation of the QRS complex.

In some situations, on the segment of the downward R wave, a J wave appears, which in appearance is similar to jagged edges.

Such manifestations are better determined when the number of myocardial contractions decreases.

Against the background of ECG changes, three types of disorders have been identified. They are determined by the following risks of complications:

  • First type. Symptoms are observed on the right and left sides of the chest leads of the electrocardiogram. The formation of complications is rare.
  • Second type. Observed in the inferior and inferior lateral leads. Complications develop more often.
  • The third type is in all leads. Very high risk of complications.

Normal ventricular repolarization is provoked by a process in which more potassium leaves the cell than sodium enters. This exchange creates a negative charge inside and a positive charge outside. This leads to the cessation of excitation of one fiber and the spread of the impulse to neighboring areas like a chain reaction. This mechanism corresponds to the diastole phase.

Repolarization allows the myocardium to prepare for systole and stimulates the excitability of nerve fibers. The phase of cardiac depolarization depends on the quality and duration of this process. Electrical changes begin in the septum between the ventricles and gradually spread to the myocardium of the left and right ventricles. Early repolarization disrupts the process of electrolyte exchange and changes (significantly accelerates) impulse conduction.

Causes and risk factors

The causes of changes in heart rate have not been reliably established. Often, SRS is diagnosed while taking medications of a certain group (for example, α2-adrenergic agonists - Clonidine). The provoking factor may be any pathology: increased concentration of fats in the blood (familial hyperlipidemia), connective tissue dysplasia or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. It is possible that the anomaly is inherited or develops against the background of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

People who regularly engage in intense sports are at particular risk. With excessive physical exertion, the cardiovascular system is forced to work at an accelerated rate, which leads to disruption of the repolarization process.

Pathology often occurs in people with congenital or acquired heart defects, including abnormalities in the structure of muscles and blood vessels. Placental insufficiency, hypoxia during intrauterine development or during childbirth can be a provoking factor for SRR in babies. In addition, in children, neuroendocrine diseases are often the cause of early repolarization.

Many people faced with early ventricular repolarization syndrome ask the question: “Is it dangerous?” This phenomenon was discovered relatively recently, and the main thing that a person who has heard this needs to know is that this is not a diagnosis, since the syndrome does not affect the functioning of the heart in any way and is only reflected on the cardiogram. The reasons for the appearance of this syndrome in different individuals are not yet clear.

People with dark skin are more likely to suffer from this disease

According to scientists, repolarization can most often be found in the following individuals:

  • young men;
  • athletes;
  • persons leading a sedentary lifestyle;
  • people with dark skin.

There are also variable suspected causes that can cause the syndrome to appear. They do not appear in all people with similar factors, but, according to statistics, it is in such people that repolarization can most often be detected:

  • The presence of congenital pathology of the cardiac conduction system.
  • Heart defects.
  • Taking certain medications, for example, Clonidine.
  • Excess fats in the blood.
  • Joint dysplasia, excessive mobility.

Taking certain medications, for example, Clonidine, can cause this pathology

Changes in the electrical charge in the cells of the heart produce contraction of the organ, which is divided into the contraction itself (depolarization) and relaxation (repolarization) of the heart muscle before the next contraction. Actions alternately replace each other.

With the ECG phenomenon, there is a discrepancy in the work of the heart muscle, the consistency between depolarization and repolarization is disrupted. The relaxation process proceeds at an accelerated pace.

There is still no clear definition of the causes of the syndrome. But the presence of certain signs increases the likelihood of developing pathology:

  1. Long-term use of drugs that affect adrenergic receptors.
  2. Destruction of connective tissue in the heart muscle.
  3. Increased cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
  4. Electrolyte imbalance, which often occurs as a result of dehydration due to excessive alcohol consumption.
  5. Thickening of the wall of the left ventricle.
  6. Heart defects acquired in utero or after birth.
  7. Exposure to low temperatures.

The occurrence of the syndrome at the genetic level cannot be ruled out.

The main causes of this pathology are as follows:

  • ailments of a neuroendocrine nature, which most often manifest themselves in childhood;
  • hypercholesterolemia in the blood;
  • heart defects, both congenital and acquired, as well as disturbances in the structure of the conduction system;
  • changes that are observed in systemic diseases and affect connective tissue;
  • hypertrophic cardiomyopathy;
  • movement of an impulse in roundabout ways.

The following people are at risk of developing this pathology:

  • professional athletes;
  • teenagers whose puberty is too active;
  • children with congenital heart defects and various developmental pathologies.

The reasons that cause the pathology have not been fully identified. Factors that increase the risk of developing the syndrome have been precisely identified:

  • Prolonged use of strong medications, overdose.
  • Congenital, acquired defects of the heart muscle.
  • Severe hypothermia.
  • Dyslipidemia is an abnormally elevated level of lipids and lipoproteins in human blood.
  • Improper development of connective tissue, which led to the formation of additional chordae.
  • Damage to the heart with an increase in heart size, heart failure and disturbances in heart rhythm and conduction (cardiomyopathy).
  • Nervous system disorders.
  • Failure of electrolyte balance.
  • High cholesterol levels.
  • Excessive physical activity, including sports.

Characteristic signs

The ECG phenomenon can occur for a long time without any special symptoms. Under equal study conditions, it occurs both in healthy people and in patients with abnormalities in the functioning of the heart.

In adults

If a person is prone to sudden fainting, or there are cases of cardiac arrest due to cardiac arrhythmias in the family, then repolarization of the ventricles can provoke the development of arrhythmias of various types:

  • the work of the heart becomes ineffective due to uncoordinated contraction of muscle fibers - ventricular fibrillation;
  • disturbance of the heart rhythm, expressed by a strong impulse, cardiac arrest, anxiety, lack of air - extrasystole;
  • accelerated painful heartbeat - tachycardia.

In the treatment of these disorders, vitamin therapy is of great importance. A lack of B vitamins in the body negatively affects the nervous system and heart function. A person receives them with food or as tablets (for example, “Maxi-Chel”, “Napravit”):

  • B1 – found in legumes, meat, cereals, rose hips, milk, eggs.
  • B3 – any cabbage, cereals, green peas, potatoes.
  • B5 – present in green vegetables, sprouted wheat, dark rice. Additional use of pantothenic acid is recommended.
  • B6 – kidneys, liver, eggs, cereals, nuts, fish.