Signs that your wife is cheating. Key signs of a wife cheating on her husband - exposure

The main signs of female infidelity that will help you understand whether your wife remains faithful to you or whether she willingly jumps on other people’s beds.

Just now I received a comment from my reader saying that you all write about what kind of men are cheaters and how they can be exposed.

What about women?

After all, they change no less!

I will disappoint you (or make you happy 🙂), my male readers: according to statistics, women cheat much less often.

However, this does not mean that ladies wear a chastity belt without taking it off.

The fair sex also wants to go to the left, so today we will determine with you signs of female infidelity that will help you understand whether your wife or girlfriend remains faithful to you or whether she willingly jumps on other people’s beds.

Two views on female infidelity

My regular readers know that various forums are one of my favorite sources of life examples.

This time too, when I wandered into a forum about family relationships, I saw the topic: “I suspect that... What to do?".

Among the many tips there was one very interesting post.

A certain Vanya wrote that betrayal (neither male nor female) does not exist at all.

Sex is not cheating, but an ordinary source of pleasure.

It's the same as eating not only at home, but also in restaurants.

Marriage is a relationship between two people that is based on common interests, mutual feelings and spiritual comfort.

And in general, it’s the 21st century, and you all live by the old rules and dwell on the topic of female infidelity.

Topicaster was indignant: “Loyalty is the basis of marriage and he will not forgive his wife if he catches her cheating.”

In short, they argued about female infidelity for about four pages.

Of course, everyone remained to their own opinion.

I told you this story because not everyone perceives betrayal as the collapse of family relationships; for many (and there are more and more adherents of free marriage) it is a trifle not worth attention.

Before you look for signs of female infidelity, decide on your attitude towards the very fact of infidelity in order to be fully armed if the fact of female infidelity is confirmed.

Behavioral signs of female infidelity

If a woman has to hide something for a long time, lie and get out, then her behavior changes.

Naturally, her husband spends the most time with her, so who, if not him, is the easiest to bring the traitor to clean water.

So, the main behavioral signs of female infidelity will be as follows:

  1. An unexpectedly huge amount of work has fallen in, which is why the woman is constantly late at work, goes to the office on weekends, and goes on business trips.
  2. A peaceful happy state.

    Your wife has stopped nagging you about the shelf in the bathroom that you haven’t been able to hang for months, about the dirty socks scattered around the house, about the “hairy” sink after shaving.

    She simply stopped noticing what used to drive her crazy.

  3. A sign of female infidelity may be an inadequate reaction to a phone call: the wife flinches, quickly looks at the screen, hangs up the call, or constantly leaves the room in order to answer.
  4. Loss of interest in important things: family matters, children, parents, mutual friends, household issues, etc.

    It seems to you that your wife is constantly thinking somewhere else.

  5. Psychologists consider a change in habits to be a sign of female infidelity. For example, before you called on the phone several times during the day, but now your wife never calls you, and when she answers your call, she tries to end the conversation quickly.

Signs of female infidelity: see how her appearance changes

Remember what your wife was like when you first started dating, how she carefully looked after her appearance, how she tried to conquer you with her beauty.

After several years of marriage, her ardor waned: her sexy underwear was replaced by comfortable cotton floral panties, her legs were no longer shaved in the winter, makeup was only for going out in public, her home uniform was an old tracksuit, etc.

You are used to this, because you fell in love with your wife not only for her appearance.

But then, out of the blue, metamorphoses began to occur with the wife’s appearance: a new haircut, a mandatory manicure and pedicure, no excess hair on the body, always with makeup, hair styling and a subtle aroma of perfume, always in beautiful clothes and shoes heel.

Oh, and she didn’t seem to have such a black lace lingerie set.

Changes in appearance for the better are one of the most common signs of female infidelity.

Don’t rush to accuse your significant other of infidelity: it is quite possible that your wife is trying this way for you, and not for someone else’s uncle, but it’s worth keeping an eye on your wife.

Other signs of female infidelity

If you could not determine from the behavior and appearance of your wife whether she is cheating on you or not, then here are a few more obvious signs of female infidelity:

    Sex has become different: the wife offers to practice new positions or role-playing games, behaves more aggressively in bed, and began to express her dissatisfaction with you as a man.

    The other side of the coin is a complete loss of interest in sex.

    Why does she need you if she satisfies her needs with another man?

  1. New cosmetics, perfume, jewelry, clothes, which, according to the wife, “she bought for herself,” “was given to her at work,” “was given by a friend,” although such an abundance of new arrivals had never been observed before.
  2. When she comes home, she immediately rushes to the shower.
  3. Your spouse no longer needs you.

    Previously, she asked to pick her up from work, help her carry her purchases from the store, visit a friend in the hospital, fix the heater at work, resolve issues with Vodokanal, but now she has stopped asking you for help altogether.

    Just a couple of months ago, she hated your absences for fishing, and called all your friends “boobs,” forbidding you to communicate with them.

    Today, she doesn’t even pay attention to the phrase: “Honey, I’ll go have a beer with friends” and tries to quickly send you fishing for the whole weekend.

You will also be interested to know the reasons for female infidelity,

which are described in the following video:

What to do when signs of female infidelity confirm infidelity?

If you find several signs of female infidelity at once, then you should call your wife for a frank conversation.

If she admits to infidelity or you find out that your spouse is cheating on you in some other way, there is no need to throw a scandal, take on the role of Othello, throw her things and yell: “Prostitute! I will never forgive you!”

Don't cut from the shoulder!

You are both adults who have linked your destinies together for a reason.

Anything can happen in family life, and betrayal is not always the worst thing.

Listen to my advice:

  1. Take time to think if your unfaithful significant other asks for forgiveness and claims that he wants to save the family.
  2. Think about what exactly could have pushed your loved one to cheat: your indifference and inattention towards her, sexual dissatisfaction, revenge for your betrayal, etc.
  3. Decide:
    • do you love the traitor, despite her terrible act;
    • can you find the strength in yourself and forgive her, never remembering what happened;
    • Do you want to continue living with this person or will you be better off without her?

Reveal signs of female infidelity and it’s not hard to bring the traitor out into the open.

It is much more difficult to decide what to do next with this situation.

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Most men suspect their wives of cheating. Frequent quarrels and bad mood lead a man to such thoughts. As the popular saying goes, trust, but verify, so you need to prove your guesses or, God forbid, refute them. How do you know if this is true? How to identify the signs we will try to highlight and summarize them in this article.

My wife looks better

If your wife has begun to take better care of herself, although you noticed that she did not do this before. A girl usually spends more time in front of the mirror, primping herself. A woman always wants to look beautiful, but in marriage she could relax a little and, perhaps, not always wear makeup. The husband is not going anywhere, and many girls believe that they no longer need to look beautiful in front of him. If a man notices such a dramatic transformation, then this is the first sign of the appearance of someone who looks at her more often than her husband.

If your wife has always looked great for many years, and long periods of getting ready and changing clothes in front of the mirror are the norm for you, then you are very lucky. This means that your wife still cares what you think about her. Then let's move on to the next sign.

Jealous wife

If a woman begins to cheat on her lawful chosen one, then at the subconscious level she begins to think about what would happen if she found out that he was cheating on her. From here, it is natural that a woman will begin to relate to everything that is happening around her: to friends, to work, and even to the dog, with whom he should walk in the evening.

Psychology says that the behavior of the cheating party will be compared with the honest one. A girl can start scandals out of the blue, openly suspect him of cheating, staging scenes of jealousy. So, she seems to be trying to become a victim and avert suspicion from herself.

My wife moved away

If your wife begins to move away from you for unknown reasons, this is another sign of his wife cheating on you. It is not you who now lives in her soul, but someone else. If previously you could share stories with each other about the events of the past day, now she should be withdrawn and thoughtful, speaking and acting with caution. Such signs of a wife’s betrayal and physiological changes will give rise to suspicion for the husband.

Meetings with friends became more frequent and longer, she developed new hobbies and preferences, and her wife began to work more and more often. If you come late, and she is not angry, as she did before, and, perhaps, on the contrary, she is happy about your delays - another sign of a wife cheating on her husband. You can conduct the test for treason on any suitable day. To do this, specifically monitor her behavior, analyze her attitude to your same actions and her reaction, and if everything is confirmed, then you can monitor her directly.

Changes in sex life

Both parties cannot but rejoice at new ideas for sexual pleasures, but the one who suspects infidelity should still think about what the new behavior during sexual intercourse is connected with. The familiar, ordinary thing turned into wild, bright colors - it’s possible that she learned this on the side. Although, it is possible that if the wife cheats, the sex life will come to zero, since she will be satisfied with everything far from home. But still, if a woman does something she hasn’t done before, think about it. The main thing here is not to confuse. Suddenly she read a lot of smart books and decided to change something herself. A woman will want to add variety to your relationship in order to awaken faded feelings, and for this you will present her with: “You’re cheating! Where did you learn this?”

Changes in wife's behavior

If in your relationship before suspicion it was not the norm, for example, to call each other to kiss before leaving the house, or your shirts did not have time to iron, and now everything has become the opposite, then these are another signs of your wife’s betrayal. Only you know how to find out about this and what behavior you need to pay attention to.

If the wife is hiding

Let's say your wife always talks on the phone without leaving your side and calmly answers calls. Now your wife's behavior may give you pause. She becomes nervous during conversations, tries to move away from you during a conversation, hides her phone, erases messages - this is another way to determine her wife’s infidelity. The signs of this are obvious.

For appearance's sake, messages from you will be left on the phone, if there were any. As a rule, husbands very rarely write anything to their wives, especially romantic ones. In the most extreme cases for them, they write: “Don’t forget to buy me cigarettes.” Women certainly won’t keep such messages. This is already your fault. You know that they love with their ears, so you could write to her at the end “I love you” or “Come quickly, I miss you”, it’s not difficult. A woman will keep messages of this kind for a very long time.

So, you noticed that your messages and letters from friends remain on her phone, she tries to delete the rest, and if she hasn’t done this before, then you have discovered another first sign of your wife’s betrayal. If you have already suspected, then contrary to the principles of decency, you still need to look at her phone. You can find a lot of interesting things there: SMS, new phone contacts, strange photos...

Physical evidence of treason

Indirect evidence of a spouse’s infidelity may include movie tickets found on her, various souvenirs, and flowers given by a colleague. Although a smart wife will not bring them home, give them to a friend or leave them at work. By direct evidence we mean condoms in your bag or pocket, even if you use them at home, why would she carry them with her? This also includes emergency contraceptive pills, or a started pack of rubber products.

Men's intuition

Men's intuition helped win wars, what can we say about exposing his wife. Even if there is no obvious sign of his wife’s betrayal, but the man feels something, you need to pay attention to it. The slightest changes in his wife's behavior can give him an impetus for this. We earnestly ask suspicious men not to divorce their wives because of some kind of simple intuition. Check all your guesses first, and then draw conclusions. Better yet, find within yourself the reasons for her behavior; maybe she just wants to punish you for something, and that’s why she’s cold towards you.

Online password - password for personal life

If before your wife did not hide anything from you, but now she blocks her pages on social networks, changes passwords, hides all information on the Internet from you - these are yet another signs of your wife’s infidelity. What they are in your situation is up to you to analyze. If she hides something, it means she definitely has something to hide from you. Unless, of course, the secret is a birthday gift prepared for you or something similar.

Don't forget to look at your browsing history in your internet browser. Many of them don't even know about its existence. Once you go into history, you will understand what she was looking for there or who she was communicating with. If the story turns out to be erased, then you yourself will figure out what the signs of your wife’s betrayal are.


If your chosen one has always admired you, and then suddenly began to point out your shortcomings to you, reproaching her husband for being wrong - this is the right start for her to look for the right man, if she has not already found one. She will subconsciously compare both men and make comments to you.

If your wife begins to systematically turn off her phone when she should be in touch, does not answer your calls or hangs up without explaining the reason, this is another reason to think about it. If you know that she has a meeting, you should not continue to call her and sort things out.

If you used to pick up your wife from work, and you are suddenly asked not to do this, on the contrary, go, otherwise someone else will see her off.

The signs of a wife cheating on her husband can be listed endlessly, but only you will find the right ones. Because you, like no one else, know the character and habits of your chosen one. Don’t be lazy to double-check your guesses. Don’t stir up a scandal if she simply went to the store, and you immediately felt the urge to talk to her. Trust your wives, and then you won’t have to read such articles and look for signs of your wife’s infidelity. There is no need to take the test in this situation. It’s better if a man does everything to ensure that his wife never does it for him!

Loving people, when getting married, hope that their relationship will forever remain honest, pure, and that there will be no third person in it. Men, but often, tormented by doubts and suspicions, they do not know how to reliably find out, and at the same time not destroy the love union. In this article we will try to answer the following questions:

  • how to find out with 100% accuracy whether your wife is cheating?
  • What are the main signs of cheating?
  • What to do if cheating has already happened?

First of all, you need to figure out why doubts about your wife’s fidelity crept in right now. What prompted your suspicions? There are rare cases when a woman looks away if everything is in order in the family. And therefore, in order to understand whether there could be betrayal, it is necessary to look at the relationship detachedly and objectively.

Possible reasons

There may be a mass:

Indirect signs of betrayal

Men can be inattentive to the external changes of their halves, but by changes one can determine the betrayal of his wife. There are about 15 points.

  • The first sign: the wife has her head in the clouds. A thoughtful, dreamy look, a wandering smile, moist eyes. Sometimes he laughs, sometimes he cries, without explaining the reasons for the surging emotions.
  • The woman began to carefully monitor her appearance. New hairstyle, always wearing makeup, signed up for a fitness center, beautiful underwear.
  • Previously, my wife would throw the phone in a visible place without thinking, but now she won’t let it out of her hands., social network passwords have been changed, secrets have appeared - a serious reason to think about it. Now she doesn’t chat with her friend on the phone in front of you, but retreats to the bathroom and answers phone conversations in monosyllables. Even worse, the wife decided to sometimes stay overnight with a friend or sister. At the right moment, neither your friend nor your wife can be reached by phone, and only after some time does the wife call back from her mobile phone.
  • Darling began to stay late at work more often, meet friends outside the home, and began to have social hobbies, although my wife used to love spending time with her family. He reacts negatively to the offer to meet him from work.
  • Sexual behavior has changed. Having fallen in love with another man, a woman often tries to distance herself from marital obligations. There are a lot of reasons why sex will definitely happen tomorrow, but not now: the woman is tired, has a headache, is upset about something, etc. Sex itself is changing, a woman is not leading in bed as before.
  • Appeared criticality, irritability. The wife nags her husband over trifles, makes a bunch of complaints, does not thank him for the good, but notices the bad.
  • Indifference. A woman doesn’t care when a man returns home, his well-being, how things are going at work, she no longer cares whether a man pays attention to other women.
  • Admiration for others. A mysterious colleague, friend, friend’s husband appears in the conversation, who turns out to be smart, olfactory, and hardworking. At the same time, the wife clarifies every time that she has only friendly, friendly relations with this man and she is not attracted to him as a man. This does not mean that the wife is already cheating, but you should still be wary.


There are not enough indirect signs to accuse a wife of cheating. Therefore, you need to pay attention to physiological signs. So, how can you tell by looking at your body whether there has been cheating?

  • The girl was once again late at work. When your wife comes home, look at her appearance: disheveled hair, tights with arrows, rumpled clothes, swollen lips - signs of betrayal.
  • Worth a look on the face. Women experience irritation after touching male stubble. If there were kisses with another man, then it will be noticeable.
  • In close contact with a lover the woman takes in his scents. Men's eau de toilette, body odor, if they are strangers, are noticeable. If there was sex, then the woman has a specific smell: this is the smell of lubricant and sperm. But even if the wife doesn’t smell like anything, as if she just got out of the shower, it’s strange. How to check without giving away unusual interest? Meet your wife at the door, hug, kiss, inhale the aroma of skin, hair, body.
  • If the wife came home and went to the shower, offer your help: rub your back. After sex, there will be redness and bites on the body, especially in the chest, thighs, and arms.

Evidence of betrayal

But there are ways that allow you to be sure of a girl’s infidelity with 100% accuracy. How to make sure your wife is cheating?

  • Can you tell cheating by looking at your underpants? Yes. There is a special set of infidelity: within 72 hours after a possible betrayal, you need to take your wife’s underwear and take it to the laboratory.

Fact: after sex, a woman’s genitals secrete fluid containing elements of sperm for another three days.

Treason proven

Before convicting your wife of cheating, you should talk frankly with yourself: are you ready to separate, are you ready for... Isn’t it your fault that your wife has lost interest in you and started looking elsewhere? Do you love her even after the betrayal or now you can’t live with her under the same roof? How serious was her affair? How to understand the wife's action? What to do now?

First, sit down and talk. Find out how important these relationships outside the family are for her. Then it all depends on how you feel: if pain and resentment overpower your former feelings for your loved one, then you need to separate. Because constant reproaches will still not allow you to return sincere love relationships.

It may turn out that the wife herself wants to go to her lover. And you also need to be prepared for this. For some, this blow may be worse than betrayal. But if you decide to stay together and continue to build family relationships, you will have to make serious efforts to restore trust and understanding. You may need the help of a psychologist. But in any case, a lot will have to change in marriage. This is a difficult, traumatic situation for everyone. The choice is yours.

Video consultation

Ten signs from Alexander Samsonov.

There are actually many reasons why men and women cheat. This can include a thirst for adventure or variety, boredom, problems, interpersonal conflicts, revenge, jealousy and much more. Who is most prone to infidelity - a man or a woman? Psychologists say that representatives of both sexes cheat equally, but cheating is different and it differs between men and women. There are various key signs of a wife cheating on her husband. Basically, this is a reluctance to have sex, coldness in communication, unwillingness to help each other and much more.

Signs of a wife cheating on her husband - “symptoms” of cheating

Every man strives to find out when his wife is cheating, so that he can subsequently withstand the blow and emerge not as a weakling, but as a winner. That’s why guys are so jealous of their significant other - they react violently to a girl’s change in image, they don’t like it when she communicates with men or checks her correspondence. To understand that your wife is cheating on you, become observant and notice if all these symptoms are present in your relationship.

Strange behavior. Sometimes you can recognize a wife's infidelity by strange behavior. She was calm, but suddenly, out of the blue, she became very active, began to take an interest in things she had not been interested in before - for example, football, and began to show other character traits that had not previously been characteristic of her.

Little attention. If a wife cheats on her husband, she behaves like a schoolgirl on the principal's carpet - she lowers her eyes, is shy, tries to translate topics and communicates little. In general, communication that has gone south may well suggest female infidelity. This man becomes simply not interesting to the lady.

Comparisons. Perhaps you noticed that your wife began to constantly compare you with someone - then it is quite possible to assume that she is cheating on her husband and is trying to understand who is better.

I don't care. When a woman loves a man and remains faithful to him, she experiences quarrels and arguments acutely. If you notice that your wife does not try to discuss the conflict, avoids sorting things out and takes omissions lightly, you can assume that she is cheating (constantly or not, you can tell by other signs).

Loyalty. To understand that they have started to cheat on you, it is enough to pay attention to such a fact as the response to your mistakes. You are late, she does not react, you stay late with friends - she remains silent and happily goes about her business. Female infidelity can be described as a complex thing, so if your wife suddenly becomes sharply loyal to you, she is unlikely to be faithful.

Doesn't allow himself to be met. Sometimes you can recognize your wife's infidelity by whether she is happy to see you outside the house or not. If she often turns off the phone, does not answer the phone and forbids you to meet her, the fact of female infidelity is obvious.

There's plenty of work to do. One of the most obvious signs of female infidelity is delays at work and a reluctance to somehow resolve the situation. You ask to spend the evening together - she has overtime work, you want to meet her - they will give her a ride.

The appearance of a friend. Or at least a good friend with whom she often sees says that this is not friendship at all, but real infidelity on her part.

It's impossible to find her free. You call her, come to her work, and she can sneak off somewhere or simply make an excuse that she forgot her phone. Sometimes it’s enough to rummage through your phone to understand whether a wife is cheating on her husband or not. When exposing female infidelity, all means are good.

Loss of respect. The main ones are the loss of respect for your man. If she started calling you names or, even worse, cursing, this means that she has simply lost interest in you and has long been interested in something else.

Doesn't want sex. This is the most important sign of female infidelity - she has completely cooled down to sex and does not see in you the attractive male she once wanted so much. Constant shirking, complaints about poor health, eternal reasons why you can’t or don’t want to - all this can indicate a woman’s infidelity.

Overnight stays. If your wife used to spend the night with you, and later began to stay overnight “supposedly” with her friends, this indicates her infidelity. How to find out whether your wife is constantly cheating or not - talk to several of her friends and this will help bring out the unfaithful one.

New company. Sometimes new friends or companies to which you are not invited can talk about female infidelity. Think about how often people don’t invite you along and come up with the most ridiculous excuses for this? Perhaps a woman has been interested in someone else on the side for a long time, but you don’t even suspect it.

Appearance – top class. Has she suddenly changed her image, started wearing makeup differently and carefully selects her wardrobe before going out? Where is she dressing up like that? Such reliable signs of female infidelity show you that you need to become more attentive to your other half.

Passwords. The key signs of a wife cheating on her husband are passwords wherever possible. Especially if you previously had open access to her personal space. When there is nothing to hide, nothing is hidden. Remember this and don't let yourself get cuckolded.

Tied to the phone. The main signs of a wife’s betrayal are sometimes veiled under harmless communication. Does she never part with her gadgets and is constantly texting with someone? Perhaps this correspondence is not as harmless as it might seem and indicates her infidelity. Ask leading questions and be prepared to keep your ears open.

Doesn't talk on the phone in front of you. When the wife starts, she distances herself from him as much as possible. You can notice this from her telephone conversations. Goes to another room or to the balcony? Perhaps she is saying something that is clearly not intended for your ears.

Doesn't laugh at your jokes. Reliable signs of female infidelity vary. One of them is that your girlfriend no longer laughs when you want to show your sense of humor in all its glory. The reason is that she is already funny with someone else.

A break in words. Almost immediately, she threatens you that she will leave. At the same time, either she herself does not give you love, or she begins to demand too much of it. All these incomprehensible moments in behavior do not indicate anything good and can make it clear that they are cheating on you.

One of the main signs is that you don't know anything more about her and she has become a mystery. If a woman is silent about her adventures, then you may not like them.

The article will tell men how to detect signs of female infidelity and accurately determine the infidelity of their spouse.

It is equally unpleasant for both women and men to find themselves in the role of a deceived spouse. However, if they are actively discussed, and wives do not hesitate to share details of love affairs “on the side” of their unfaithful “halves,” then deceived men often try to hide the real situation in the family from prying eyes until the last moment.

If a man doubts his wife’s fidelity, he will have to watch her for a while and only then draw conclusions.

How to understand that your wife is cheating? Clear signs of a wife's betrayal

The most conclusive and irrefutable evidence of his wife’s infidelity can be straight Talk, in which she herself admits what happened. After such recognition, you will no longer have to look for any hidden signs and be tormented by guesses.

However, if you believe the statistics, less than 2% of wives who had sex “on the side” at least once admitted it to their spouse.

IMPORTANT: A man who suspects his wife of cheating needs to be patient and under no circumstances blame his wife for anything or try to sort things out ahead of time.

A sharp change in the wife’s mood, both for the better and for the worse, should alert you. And if, in addition, your wife began to actively update her wardrobe and experiment with her appearance, carefully read the article below.

The first sign of female infidelity

Periodic mood swings can occur even among the most faithful wives. Also, a sudden desire to change her appearance can occur in a woman who does not even think about cheating.

What is the first sign that will tell your husband that family happiness is under threat?

First of all, in such a familiar and dear woman a riddle appears. A look, a smile, words or actions will definitely give her away sooner or later. And she will become distant. Thoughts about another man will come first, so a dreamy expression on her face and deep thoughtfulness are also some of the signs of cheating.

How to recognize your wife's cheating behavior?

You can understand that your spouse is unfaithful by changing behavior. Often a woman, having started a romantic relationship “on the side,” quickly loses interest in what is happening in her own family, from household chores and hobbies to sex with her husband.

All the lady’s thoughts are occupied with the new man. They are distracted by the need to cook food, keep the house in order, and take care of the children. All this begins to noticeably irritate, the woman tries to avoid doing her usual household chores, avoiding the company of household members, preferring to be alone with her phone or tablet.

However, some married ladies, subconsciously trying to make amends and hide the fact of betrayal, begin to behave unnaturally friendly and caring. This is the second common extreme of behavior among women who have broken their promise to be faithful spouses.

IMPORTANT: Any obvious change in the wife’s behavior may be the “first bell.” But this does not mean that betrayal has already happened. Perhaps, tired of everyday life and an uninteresting husband, the woman just decided to add bright colors to her own life.

Signs of female infidelity: 15 points

An unexpected change in a wife’s appearance and behavior is not all that can hint to her husband about her infidelity. There are many other signs, and here are the most obvious ones:

  1. She always has her phone with her, messages on social media. networks are hidden. Even if the cheating wife doesn’t betray herself outwardly, she will keep the phone as far away from her husband’s eyes as possible. If a woman corresponds with her lover online, then she will probably change the passwords for the pages.
  2. Diet, fitness, swimming pool. The wife suddenly began to actively take care of herself, she is very concerned about how she looks. For no apparent reason she went on a diet or joined a gym. Well, we don’t even need to talk about the fact that a woman who had lost weight and pumped up urgently needed new dresses and several sets of openwork underwear. Of course, she will also change her hairstyle and do a manicure. It's simple. She needs to impress her new partner.
  3. Her best friend needs help more and more often. Today she tearfully asks to sit with the children for a day, and next week to help with wallpapering. A few days later, there is again an urgent matter that the friend is not able to handle on her own. In general, this very friend began to appear in your life too often. But only she herself may not be aware of this, and all the stories about her friend may in fact turn out to be a cover. When the spouse once again goes to “help”, it will be enough to surprise the women and visit them. Perhaps no more evidence will be needed.
  4. The wife began to stay late at work, attend corporate events, and spend her free time in a new company. She returns from such meetings in high spirits, but it quickly deteriorates at home.
  5. The wife began to criticize and compare, using other men as an example., although before everything suited her.
  6. The woman no longer seeks to spend time together. There are no more cozy family evening gatherings in the kitchen over a cup of tea, she does not ask her husband about work, does not talk about her affairs.
  7. The wife stopped arguing and begging. She no longer proves that she is right. She silently steps over the socks scattered around the apartment, and silently carefully puts the kitchen cabinet door hanging on one hinge into place.
  8. She now prefers to visit friends and relatives herself. She explains this to her husband in different ways, but there are always reasons not to go together. He also doesn’t allow himself to be met in the evening.
  9. She started missing calls. Then suddenly it turns out that the phone is “malfunctioning”, discharged, or even left at home. Of course, none of this is true.
  10. Advanced training courses, trainings, failure at work- all these are reasons to stay. Well, the phone, of course, will turn on only after the end of the “training”.
  11. The woman began to avoid looking at her. And if he suddenly meets his husband’s eyes by chance, he will hasten to turn away or leave the room with a preoccupied look.
  12. She is irritated by any physical contact. Gentle hugs and kisses are a thing of the past. If the husband expresses his dissatisfaction, the wife suggests taking a mistress.
  13. She complains about lack of communication. She blames her husband for this, although she herself pushes him away at the man’s first attempt to improve the relationship.
  14. She no longer meets halfway in conversations and actions. All the husband's actions are harshly criticized or ridiculed. It seems that she no longer cares whether the family survives.
  15. Changes in sex. Marital sex will not remain the same. The wife may completely lose interest in the once desirable man, or, on the contrary, she may suddenly take the initiative and offer a new position or game in bed. But this is worth talking about separately.

One of the signs of female infidelity is indifference to her husband

Sexual signs of wife's infidelity

A wife's attempts in all ways can be considered a sexual sign of female infidelity avoid sex. She either falls asleep before her husband, or finds “urgent” things to do around the house and finishes them when her husband has already fallen asleep. This can go on for quite a long time, and when the deceived husband still manages to get sex from his legal wife, surprises may await him in bed:

  • She became cold and indifferent. Passion, mutual caresses and hugs, kisses and games - it’s all as if it never happened. It seems that she tolerates sex with her husband, and does not enjoy it.
  • My wife unexpectedly asked me to diversify sex. Perhaps she has developed new techniques, she has become more relaxed or demanding. This behavior can be perceived as an attempt to compare a husband with a lover - who can give more in sex?
  • In a fit of passion, the name of another man flew out of the lips of his beloved wife. There is no need to comment here.

One of the signs of female infidelity is reluctance to have sex with your husband

Physiological signs of female infidelity

A woman's body can also tell the story of infidelity. Evidence of infidelity may include:

  • Foreign odors. Be it the smell of men's perfume, sweat, or, conversely, body odor after a shower. Many men will be able to accurately determine by smell whether their spouse had sex “on the side.” By the way, if after sex with her lover she had time to swim, then she probably updated her makeup and hairstyle.
  • Facial skin irritation. After a passionate encounter, a woman’s cheeks and chin may be left with irritation and redness from male stubble.
  • Bruises of unknown origin. On the chest, legs, arms, thighs. And you never know where else. It is advisable for the wife to explain their origin.

Bruises of unknown origin on a woman’s body are one of the signs of infidelity

How to recognize your wife's infidelity by looking at your underpants?

Those who are looking for a way to recognize their wife’s infidelity by looking at their underpants will be quite surprised. This sign is not any marks left on the underwear during sex, but the underwear itself.

If buying a new set at least once a week has recently become a pattern, most likely the woman quite often enters into sexual contact with someone she wants to impress. If this lucky man is not a husband, then any other signs of betrayal become secondary.

A wife can buy sexy underwear before another betrayal

Those men who are looking for a way to bring their wife out into the open actually need to start from a completely different side, namely from themselves. While the missus is once again “late at work,” it’s worth thinking about why everything happened this way.

Perhaps the woman’s infidelity was preceded by her requests to be heard, loved and desired? After all, it is often husbands who push women into the arms of strange men.

In many cases, female infidelity occurs at the moment when the husband turns away in difficult times, instead of lending a shoulder. A woman needs male attention, and if she doesn’t get it in the family, she will definitely get it on the side.

Perhaps now is the time to “gather stones”? And if this is really the case, the right thing to do would be not to look for signs of his wife’s infidelity, but to have a frank conversation with his wife, which may still be able to save the family.

Video: Does a girl cheat? Signs and how to check