Problems of development of knowledge-intensive production in the modern Russian economy. WEB resource of scientific and practical conferences Prospects for the development of high-tech production in the Russian Federation

In the modern world, there is a new rise of interest in understanding and assessing the role of the scientific and technological factor in the process of economic development. This is due primarily to the rapid development of science in the last century, and, above all, to the spread of the information revolution, which has fundamentally changed the face of the modern economy, the intensification of global competition in the markets of knowledge-intensive products, the uneven rates of economic growth in individual countries, etc. According to expert estimates, in industrialized countries such as the USA or Japan, a 75-85% increase in GDP is achieved through the scientific and technical sphere and the intellectualization of the main factors of production.

Today, more than ever, intellectual resources, along with territory, population, subsoil wealth, resource-saving and environmentally friendly technologies of a diversified industry, form the potential for economic growth, determine the standard of living, ensure global leadership, and serve as an indicator of the strategic level of the country’s economic power and its national status. It is no coincidence that by the end of the 20th century, R&D expenditures in the world had reached enormous levels.

Considering the dynamics of the development of scientific and technological progress and its target orientation in developed countries in the last century, we can distinguish several stages of this process. Thus, at the first stage (40-50s), it was aimed primarily at creating weapons systems and ensuring military-technical superiority. At the second stage (60-80s), this goal was not removed, but a qualitatively new task was added to it - ensuring stable rates of economic growth and increasing the global competitiveness of key industries. At this stage, the contribution of the factor of scientific and technological progress becomes decisive; its importance is greater than the contribution of capital, land and labor costs. The third, modern stage is characterized by the fact that developed countries have begun to formulate and solve a set of new, mainly socio-economic problems that require a shift in priorities in scientific and technological policy towards information services, medicine, ecology and other aspects of sustainable growth and improving the quality of life.

The increasing importance of the scientific and technological factor in ensuring economic growth in the second half of the 20th century is confirmed, first of all, by global experience. Today, there are many countries known that, in the short term of their economic development, achieved fairly high rates of economic growth: 7-10% per year. Meanwhile, only a few demonstrated such economic dynamics in the medium and, especially, in the long term. However, it was these few who relied on the growing importance of the scientific and technical factor in economic development. Suffice it to recall the so-called West German and Japanese “economic miracle,” which was characterized by the fact that consistently high rates of economic growth were maintained for almost 25-30 years.

Moreover, Japanese researchers K. Hashimoto and A. Minoue note that, starting from the 60s. at the macro level, Japan's GDP growth of 54% was achieved through the introduction of scientific and technological advances. For Japan period 1960-1995. It was characterized by a high share of spending on science in GDP, increasing from 1.11 to 2.98%. The share of spending on science in the state budget during this period was at the level of 3.5-4%.3 An example of the fact that economic growth closely corresponds with the process of scientific and technological development is the fivefold increase in GDP in the 80s in the economies of countries -- "Asian tigers". South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong increased the science intensity of their GDP by one and a half to two times and approached the indicators of European countries, and South Korea has already reached the American level.

In the mid-90s. Some newly industrialized countries have significantly outpaced economically developed countries in terms of growth in R&D spending. Taiwan can be considered the undisputed leader. Its R&D spending grew at 17% a year in real terms during this period. In second place is Korea (an increase of 12%). During this period, R&D expenditures in France and Germany grew by 2% per year, in the USA - by 0.6%.

In the last decade, China can serve as an example of economic growth due to the development of new and high technologies. It is for this purpose that the Shenzhen Economic Zone was created. The percentage of high-tech products in the gross industrial product increased from 8.1 to 35.4%. Considering the experience of the above-mentioned countries, it should be especially noted that the sustainable potential for economic growth in these countries was formed by updating the structural and technological base of the economy, during the transition to higher technological structures.

Today, obtaining new knowledge is an expensive public good, since the peculiarity of the current stage of the scientific and technological revolution is that it gives rise to complex scientific and technical problems, the development of which is associated with expensive projects. The results of technological change are not always predictable. In addition, the relationship between the additional costs of obtaining new knowledge and the final results that determine the effect of using this knowledge is not straightforward.

In these conditions, for many countries, the task of finding a reasoned answer to the question: what level of R&D funding can be considered optimal for the development of the national economy and the successful economic activity of individual enterprises becomes extremely urgent. It is of great practical importance in conditions of limited investment opportunities, both in individual states and individual firms. Another question arises: is it possible to use the funds spent on science with greater social benefit and impact for some other purposes.

According to one study, only 5% of total R&D expenditures ultimately result in new products that are successful in the product market. According to more recent data, approximately 10% of new products and technologies created by firms are based on the latest results of fundamental research. There are estimates that the rate of return on investment in R&D of private US industrial companies ranged from 3 to 54%, and at the industry level - from 0 to 36%. On average, the annual rate of return on private investment in R&D has been estimated at 20-30%.

Currently, in world practice, the thesis about the importance of accumulating new knowledge for the successful economic development of individual sectors of production and society as a whole, in principle, does not raise serious objections. It is confirmed by the historical experience of modern civilization. However, in macroeconomic theory today there are no unambiguous quantitative criteria that would allow an integral assessment of scientific and technical potential and compare the value of scientific results. It is even more difficult to trace the cause-and-effect relationships between the acquisition of new knowledge and economic growth indicators, since any economic system is influenced by a large number of heterogeneous, but often interdependent factors.

The ever-increasing influence of the scientific and technological factor on the economic development of countries encourages economists to look for the key to theoretical justification and modeling of these processes, which allows them to evaluate and predict the significance of individual components of technological progress in economic dynamics.

Over the last century, many works by foreign and domestic authors have been devoted to the study of economic problems of science and high technology. After the seminal works of I. Schumpeter and N.N. Kondratiev began studying the contribution of scientific and technological progress to economic growth. In 1956, in an article by the American scientist M. Abramowitz, the influence on the growth of gross product was noted not only by material capital and labor, but also by another factor - an intangible one, embodying scientific and technological progress. It was followed by the works of other well-known economists J. Tinbergen, R. Solow, Z. Harrod, J. Hicks, E. Mansfield, C. Griliches.

In the works of these authors, various studies were carried out within the framework of three-factor neoclassical growth models with a production function of the form Y(t)=. Using, as a rule, a statistical array of indicators of the dynamics of US development in different periods of time, the authors were able to obtain inconsistent, but always quite high estimates of the contribution of scientific and technological progress to economic growth. Thus, the contribution of the third generalized factor, including primarily scientific and technological progress without taking into account adjustments for improving the quality of labor and capital, varied in statistical series from 30% in 1909-1929. up to 78% in 1929-1959 and 69% in 1948-1957. This pointed to the important role of technological progress in modern economies.

However, the weakness of neoclassical models was manifested in the fact that scientific and technological progress itself was considered in them as a kind of collective argument of the production function, combining all other factors of production, in addition to labor and capital. Most of the theoretical models constructed were limited by the assumption that technological progress depends only on time and is actually weakly connected with the processes within the economic system being modeled.

In particular, from neoclassical models it followed that all countries that received equal access to modern technologies should have an equilibrium growth trajectory, converging rates of increase in labor productivity (of course, adjusted for differences in starting conditions, population growth rates, capital saving rates and factors beyond the scope of the modeled economic processes). But, as Solow admits, talking about such a situation can only be said in relation to the most industrialized countries and is inappropriate when comparing them with the countries of Latin America, Africa and most Asian countries.

This circumstance served as a stimulus for the transition to the construction of economic growth models based on the idea of ​​human capital accumulation, in which scientific and technological progress is considered as an endogenous process. These models interpret ongoing technological changes as the result of R&D by economic agents who seek to maximize their profits over a fairly long period of time.

An important theoretical breakthrough occurred in this direction in the mid-80s. P. Romer, R. Lucas, F. Aguillon and P. Howitt, J. Grossman and E. Helpman and a number of their other followers used new approaches to constructing models of economic growth, providing for the ability to generate inherent (endogenous) technological changes. As a result, the modeled system receives additional impulses for growth at the same ratio of costs of traditional factors of production - labor and capital. In its most general form, this occurs due to the accumulation of human capital, which induces an increase in economies of scale in production.

New models made it possible to formalize the intuitively understood and therefore easily accepted at the conceptual level connection between the mechanisms of economic growth and the processes of obtaining and accumulating new knowledge, which is then materialized in technological innovations. At the same time, they led their authors to a number of far-reaching assumptions regarding the reasons for the observed differences in the rates of economic growth of individual countries, the effectiveness of various measures of state scientific, technical and industrial policy, the influence of globalization processes, international integration and trade on the rate of economic growth.

In particular, in the works of P. Romer, the proposed model reveals the macroeconomic function of science: the rate of economic growth is directly dependent on the amount of human capital concentrated in the field of obtaining new knowledge. And this really means that the R&D sector influences the economy not only directly through new applied ideas and developments. Its very existence is a necessary condition for economic growth in this model, since it provides.

The process of rapid growth of costs for science and education in the structure of material production is reflected in the concept of “knowledge intensity” of economic sectors. In general, the products of any production or industry are called F-intensive if the share of costs for factor F in its cost is higher than the average share of similar costs in the cost of products of other industries or sectors of the economy.

market knowledge-intensive products

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Chapter 1. The role of knowledge-intensive industries in the modern economy

1.1 Scientific and technological progress as a factor of economic growth: theoretical approaches

1.2 Formation of a market for knowledge-intensive products and services

Chapter 2. Problems and prospects for the development of knowledge-intensive business in Russia

2.1 Definition of the knowledge-intensive sector of Russian industry

2.2 Some prospects for knowledge-intensive production


List of used literature


The current stage of world economic development is characterized by an accelerated pace of scientific and technological progress and an ever-increasing intellectualization of the main factors of production. Intensive research and the development of new technologies based on them, entering world markets with them and the deployment of international integration in the scientific and production sphere within the framework of the emerging global economy have in fact already become a strategic model of economic growth for leading developed countries.

Currently, advanced or improved technologies, equipment and other products containing new knowledge or solutions account for 70 to 85% of gross domestic product growth in these countries. They concentrate more than 90% of the world's scientific potential and control 80% of the global high-tech market.

The dominant fifth technological order today, the limit of sustainable growth of which will be reached in the second decade of this century, is already being replaced by the reproductive system of the next technological order, the most likely key factors of which will be biotechnology, artificial intelligence systems, global information networks and integrated high-speed transport systems. Progress in technology will entail further globalization of the economy, the formation of a single world market for goods, capital, and labor. Simultaneously with the change of technological generations, comparative advantages are being formed that will determine the geopolitical competition of the mid-21st century. This opens up the opportunity for countries seeking to join the ranks of leaders in global scientific and technological progress to become participants in the coming technological breakthrough.

Equally, such an opportunity opens up for Russia, which, recovering from the total economic, scientific and technological collapse of the last decade, faces the need for a fateful choice: either it is included in the process of globalization and takes a strong position in it based on the use of scientific and technical progress and high technology, or it will continue to try to ensure its modest existence primarily through revenues from the export of natural resources, falling into ever deeper dependence on Western markets and technologies.

If Russia really intends to become an active participant in global technological transformations, then the shortest way to achieve this goal is the speedy restoration of the knowledge-intensive industrial sector as the most promising basis for the sustainable development of the country and its economic security in the future. Identification of the possibilities for realizing the set goal, as well as the likely nature of the projection of trends in globalization and internationalization of the scientific and technological sphere onto Russia, is of strategic importance for it, which determines the relevance of the topic in theoretical and practical terms.

The purpose of the work is to study the problems of development of high-tech production in Russia.

1) reveal the role of knowledge-intensive industries in the modern economy;

2) study the problems and prospects for the development of knowledge-intensive business in Russia.


1.1 Scientific and technological progress as an economic factorgrowth: theoretical approaches

In the modern world, there is a new rise of interest in understanding and assessing the role of the scientific and technological factor in the process of economic development. This is due primarily to the rapid development of science in the last century, and, above all, to the spread of the information revolution, which has fundamentally changed the face of the modern economy, the intensification of global competition in the markets of knowledge-intensive products, the uneven rates of economic growth in individual countries, etc. According to expert estimates, in industrialized countries such as the USA or Japan, a 75-85% increase in GDP is achieved through the scientific and technical sphere and the intellectualization of the main factors of production.

Today, more than ever, intellectual resources, along with territory, population, subsoil wealth, resource-saving and environmentally friendly technologies of a diversified industry, form the potential for economic growth, determine the standard of living, ensure global leadership, and serve as an indicator of the strategic level of the country’s economic power and its national status. It is no coincidence that by the end of the 20th century, R&D expenditures in the world had reached enormous levels.

Considering the dynamics of the development of scientific and technological progress and its target orientation in developed countries in the last century, we can distinguish several stages of this process. Thus, at the first stage (40-50s), it was aimed primarily at creating weapons systems and ensuring military-technical superiority. At the second stage (60-80s), this goal was not removed, but a qualitatively new task was added to it - ensuring stable rates of economic growth and increasing the global competitiveness of key industries. At this stage, the contribution of the factor of scientific and technological progress becomes decisive; its importance is greater than the contribution of capital, land and labor costs. The third, modern stage is characterized by the fact that developed countries have begun to formulate and solve a set of new, mainly socio-economic problems that require a shift in priorities in scientific and technological policy towards information services, medicine, ecology and other aspects of sustainable growth and improving the quality of life.

The increasing importance of the scientific and technological factor in ensuring economic growth in the second half of the 20th century is confirmed, first of all, by global experience. Today, there are many countries known that, in the short term of their economic development, achieved fairly high rates of economic growth: 7-10% per year. Meanwhile, only a few demonstrated such economic dynamics in the medium and, especially, in the long term. However, it was these few who relied on the growing importance of the scientific and technical factor in economic development. Suffice it to recall the so-called West German and Japanese “economic miracle,” which was characterized by the fact that consistently high rates of economic growth were maintained for almost 25-30 years.

Moreover, Japanese researchers K. Hashimoto and A. Minoue note that, starting from the 60s. at the macro level, Japan's GDP growth of 54% was achieved through the introduction of scientific and technological advances. For Japan period 1960-1995. It was characterized by a high share of spending on science in GDP, increasing from 1.11 to 2.98%. The share of spending on science in the state budget during this period was at the level of 3.5-4%.3 An example of the fact that economic growth closely corresponds with the process of scientific and technological development is the fivefold increase in GDP in the 80s in the economies of countries -- "Asian tigers". South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong increased the science intensity of their GDP by one and a half to two times and approached the indicators of European countries, and South Korea has already reached the American level.

In the mid-90s. Some newly industrialized countries have significantly outpaced economically developed countries in terms of growth in R&D spending. Taiwan can be considered the undisputed leader. Its R&D spending grew at 17% a year in real terms during this period. In second place is Korea (an increase of 12%). During this period, R&D expenditures in France and Germany grew by 2% per year, in the USA - by 0.6%.

In the last decade, China can serve as an example of economic growth due to the development of new and high technologies. It is for this purpose that the Shenzhen Economic Zone was created. The percentage of high-tech products in the gross industrial product increased from 8.1 to 35.4%. Considering the experience of the above-mentioned countries, it should be especially noted that the sustainable potential for economic growth in these countries was formed by updating the structural and technological base of the economy, during the transition to higher technological structures.

Today, obtaining new knowledge is an expensive public good, since the peculiarity of the current stage of the scientific and technological revolution is that it gives rise to complex scientific and technical problems, the development of which is associated with expensive projects. The results of technological change are not always predictable. In addition, the relationship between the additional costs of obtaining new knowledge and the final results that determine the effect of using this knowledge is not straightforward.

In these conditions, for many countries, the task of finding a reasoned answer to the question: what level of R&D funding can be considered optimal for the development of the national economy and the successful economic activity of individual enterprises becomes extremely urgent. It is of great practical importance in conditions of limited investment opportunities, both in individual states and individual firms. Another question arises: is it possible to use the funds spent on science with greater social benefit and impact for some other purposes.

According to one study, only 5% of total R&D expenditures ultimately result in new products that are successful in the product market. According to more recent data, approximately 10% of new products and technologies created by firms are based on the latest results of fundamental research. There are estimates that the rate of return on investment in R&D of private US industrial companies ranged from 3 to 54%, and at the industry level - from 0 to 36%. On average, the annual rate of return on private investment in R&D has been estimated at 20-30%.

Currently, in world practice, the thesis about the importance of accumulating new knowledge for the successful economic development of individual sectors of production and society as a whole, in principle, does not raise serious objections. It is confirmed by the historical experience of modern civilization. However, in macroeconomic theory today there are no unambiguous quantitative criteria that would allow an integral assessment of scientific and technical potential and compare the value of scientific results. It is even more difficult to trace the cause-and-effect relationships between the acquisition of new knowledge and economic growth indicators, since any economic system is influenced by a large number of heterogeneous, but often interdependent factors.

The ever-increasing influence of the scientific and technological factor on the economic development of countries encourages economists to look for the key to theoretical justification and modeling of these processes, which allows them to evaluate and predict the significance of individual components of technological progress in economic dynamics.

Over the last century, many works by foreign and domestic authors have been devoted to the study of economic problems of science and high technology. After the seminal works of I. Schumpeter and N.N. Kondratiev began studying the contribution of scientific and technological progress to economic growth. In 1956, in an article by the American scientist M. Abramowitz, the influence on the growth of gross product was noted not only by material capital and labor, but also by another factor - an intangible one, embodying scientific and technological progress. It was followed by the works of other well-known economists J. Tinbergen, R. Solow, Z. Harrod, J. Hicks, E. Mansfield, C. Griliches.

In the works of these authors, various studies were carried out within the framework of three-factor neoclassical growth models with a production function of the form Y(t)=. Using, as a rule, a statistical array of indicators of the dynamics of US development in different periods of time, the authors were able to obtain inconsistent, but always quite high estimates of the contribution of scientific and technological progress to economic growth. Thus, the contribution of the third generalized factor, including primarily scientific and technological progress without taking into account adjustments for improving the quality of labor and capital, varied in statistical series from 30% in 1909-1929. up to 78% in 1929-1959 and 69% in 1948-1957. This pointed to the important role of technological progress in modern economies.

However, the weakness of neoclassical models was manifested in the fact that scientific and technological progress itself was considered in them as a kind of collective argument of the production function, combining all other factors of production, in addition to labor and capital. Most of the theoretical models constructed were limited by the assumption that technological progress depends only on time and is actually weakly connected with the processes within the economic system being modeled.

In particular, from neoclassical models it followed that all countries that received equal access to modern technologies should have an equilibrium growth trajectory, converging rates of increase in labor productivity (of course, adjusted for differences in starting conditions, population growth rates, capital saving rates and factors beyond the scope of the modeled economic processes). But, as Solow admits, talking about such a situation can only be said in relation to the most industrialized countries and is inappropriate when comparing them with the countries of Latin America, Africa and most Asian countries.

This circumstance served as a stimulus for the transition to the construction of economic growth models based on the idea of ​​human capital accumulation, in which scientific and technological progress is considered as an endogenous process. These models interpret ongoing technological changes as the result of R&D by economic agents who seek to maximize their profits over a fairly long period of time.

An important theoretical breakthrough occurred in this direction in the mid-80s. P. Romer, R. Lucas, F. Aguillon and P. Howitt, J. Grossman and E. Helpman and a number of their other followers used new approaches to constructing models of economic growth, providing for the ability to generate inherent (endogenous) technological changes. As a result, the modeled system receives additional impulses for growth at the same ratio of costs of traditional factors of production - labor and capital. In its most general form, this occurs due to the accumulation of human capital, which induces an increase in economies of scale in production.

New models made it possible to formalize the intuitively understood and therefore easily accepted at the conceptual level connection between the mechanisms of economic growth and the processes of obtaining and accumulating new knowledge, which is then materialized in technological innovations. At the same time, they led their authors to a number of far-reaching assumptions regarding the reasons for the observed differences in the rates of economic growth of individual countries, the effectiveness of various measures of state scientific, technical and industrial policy, the influence of globalization processes, international integration and trade on the rate of economic growth.

In particular, in the works of P. Romer, the proposed model reveals the macroeconomic function of science: the rate of economic growth is directly dependent on the amount of human capital concentrated in the field of obtaining new knowledge. And this really means that the R&D sector influences the economy not only directly through new applied ideas and developments. Its very existence is a necessary condition for economic growth in this model, since it provides.

The process of rapid growth of costs for science and education in the structure of material production is reflected in the concept of “knowledge intensity” of economic sectors. In general, the products of any production or industry are called F-intensive if the share of costs for factor F in its cost is higher than the average share of similar costs in the cost of products of other industries or sectors of the economy.

market knowledge-intensive products

1.2 Formation of a market for knowledge-intensive products and services

The emergence of knowledge-intensive industries is the result of the natural evolution of technological development, when the ever-increasing costs of science and education required the creation of a closed reproduction loop in the economy, ensuring a return on the funds spent, including expanding the research and development base and improving the education system. In addition, as noted in studies of technical, economic and technological development, there is explicitly or implicitly the idea of ​​a functional connection between the costs of science development and the scientific and technical level of manufactured products.

The profitability of knowledge-intensive industries at all stages of their development is higher than in industries with a conservative type of development. A characteristic feature of the largest and most successful high-tech industries is that most of their products are designed to meet the needs of the general population. Hence the high profitability indicators (as is known, on average in the world economy the level of profitability to investment capital of 7-8% is considered normal).

The process of rapid growth of costs for science and education in the structure of material production is reflected in the concept of “knowledge intensity” of economic sectors.” In general, the products of any production or industry are called F-intensive (labor-intensive, resource-intensive, knowledge-intensive, time-intensive, energy-intensive, etc.) if the share of costs for factor F of its value is higher than the average share of similar costs in the cost of products of other production or economic sectors.

It is customary to classify as knowledge-intensive products those products in the production of which the share of research and development costs in total costs or sales volume is at least 3.5-4.5%. This barrier value of the criterion for the knowledge intensity of products is not strict and universal: firstly, it varies in different countries; secondly, the methodology for attributing R&D costs (that is, their structure) is also different in different countries. There is another indicator - science productivity, which is understood as the ratio of sales volume of high-tech products to R&D expenses for a certain period of time (usually a year). The criterion for the effectiveness of science output is the relative growth in sales of new (from the point of view of the next generation of technical products, qualitatively different from the previous one) high-tech products with high consumer qualities on the market compared to the growth of the entire knowledge-intensive market (including outdated products developed earlier, but still sold on the market ).

The quality of growth of the knowledge-intensive market is influenced by two circumstances: the first is that the market is growing mainly due to sales of products and services that correspond to the level of advanced technology1 in the consumer market and the manufacturing sector; secondly, the proportion of the population oriented toward the consumption of high-tech products must increase.

Knowledge-intensive markets are markets for products of the fifth and higher technological structures. The core of the fifth technological order consists of the electronics industry, computing, fiber optic technology, software, telecommunications, robotics, gas production and processing, and information services. Currently, the industrial development of the sixth technological structure is taking place, the core of which includes nanoelectronics, genetic engineering, multimedia interactive information systems, high-temperature superconductivity, space technology, fine chemistry, etc.

The main distinctive and characteristic features of the formation of knowledge-intensive industries and the formation of a knowledge-intensive market sector in industrialized countries are:

advanced science and scientific schools in all main areas of fundamental and applied research;

an effective and accessible system of education and training of highly qualified personnel, traditions and authority of high technical culture;

the emergence of a new type of social entity with specific needs for scientific and technical innovations;

an effective system for protecting intellectual property rights and disseminating innovations;

the state importance of a number of branches of applied sciences for strengthening the defense capability and technological independence of the country;

ability and determination in obtaining, mastering and, most importantly, large-scale and operational use in industry of scientific and technical achievements that ensure technological leadership and increased competitiveness;

integration into the global financial system and active ability to create a favorable investment climate in one’s own country;

skillful use of the advantages of a program-targeted methodology for planning and financing large scientific and technical projects, combining the targeted focus of research, development and production on a specific result with promising areas of work for system-wide, fundamental purposes;

high dynamism of production, manifested in the constant updating of its elements (objects of research, development and production, technologies, circuit and design solutions, information flows, etc.), changes in quantitative and qualitative indicators, improvement of the scientific and production structure and management system ;

ability for active and effective investment and innovation activities (in production, in accordance with global practice, the rate of renewal of the active part of fixed production assets should reach 10-13%, in the scientific and experimental base - 30-40% per year);

a high share of experimental and experimental production in the structure of the production apparatus of the economy;

preferential use of only advanced technologies in production;

high unit costs for R&D in the production structure;

long full life cycle of many types of products (from conception to disposal), reaching 10-15 or more years (airplanes, for example, are in operation for 30-40 years, constantly needing preventive maintenance and repair, and to this stage one must also add stages of their development and production; in electronics, instrument making, etc. the situation is, of course, different);

the key role of state support (primarily financial and tax) for innovative projects and industries at the initial stage of their formation;

improvement of the pricing system, the content of which is to take into account all production costs, including the costs of research and development, the management system for innovative projects, the system of education and advanced training of workers, the system of recreation of highly qualified personnel, etc.;

the presence of highly qualified scientific, engineering, technical and production personnel, absolutely predominant in the total number of employees;

the presence of unique scientific schools and development teams capable of creating products that are competitive on the world market, maintaining leadership in the development of the scientific directions and technologies necessary for this, etc.

The development of a knowledge-intensive market is closely related to the globalization of the economy. These processes are not only interconnected, but also mutually dependent: without one there is no other. The growth of knowledge-intensive markets occurs due to the redistribution of financial, production, material and labor resources from other markets. Companies operating in the high-tech sector of the economy, on the one hand, take advantage of this process, and on the other hand, they themselves accelerate it through their activities.

It is difficult to call a sufficiently complete and perfect study of the mechanism of capital movement in the new economy using scientific and technological achievements. As a rule, standard explanations apply:

the high profitability of such industries, associated with high industry productivity, makes them attractive to investors;

enterprises use their monopoly position and redistribute value through the price mechanism, “exploiting” economic entities operating in other markets.

It should be noted that these explanatory schemes are only a fixation of secondary effects, since within the framework of standard models of the global financial and credit system and equilibrium markets, it is not clear why exactly these high-tech industries became priority (leading industries).

A hypothesis explaining the objective basis for the leading development of knowledge-intensive industries in the modern economy. In our opinion, we should proceed from the fact that the idea of ​​the mechanism for equalizing the rate of profit between industries in the context of globalization of markets and the world economy must be adjusted, taking into account the specific pricing mechanism for knowledge-intensive, innovative products.

The traditional idea of ​​this mechanism is based on the fact that when determining prices, the average level of costs for the production of a particular product is implicitly assumed. And this is correct - but only if you do not take into account industry (technological) differences in both industrial and personal consumption. At the present stage of technological development, consumption standards in different sectors of the economy differ significantly. They depend on the general level of education of the majority of workers in the industry, production culture, methods of recreation (restoring the ability of personnel to work), etc. At the time of hiring labor, its cost is already predetermined by the market and, on average, depends little on the personality of a particular employee. For knowledge-intensive industries, the costs directly for R&D and payment of highly qualified personnel and indirectly for the education system and the “recreation and leisure industry” have increased significantly compared to other industries. These costs are publicly recognized by consumers and are statistically reflected in an increase in the relative value of added value in the cost structure of products and, therefore, determine the statistical phenomenon of high industry labor productivity in the form of output per employee. There is no doubt that labor productivity in knowledge-intensive industries is generally higher than in industries of lower processing, but statistics overestimate its real value. Determining the real value of labor productivity in knowledge-intensive industries requires a separate study.

The secondary effect of this phenomenon is that the formation of new high-tech structures allows, through the cost mechanism, to redistribute part of the newly created value and ensure a local increase in the rate of profit for individual producers. Consequently, free capital in credit and (or) financial form rushes into these new industries. This leads to an increase in the capitalization of high-tech companies; as a consequence, a new market expands and a new type of consumption is created and, accordingly, a new market. Thus, the permanent formation of ever new markets leads to the emergence of a specific mechanism that ensures the continuously reproducible redistribution of part of the newly created value from production based on old technological structures to more advanced ones.


2.1 Definition of the knowledge-intensive sector of Russian industry

To determine and identify the knowledge-intensive sector of Russian industry itself, reliable estimates of the costs of industry R&D and industry production volumes in comparison with the threshold value of the industry knowledge intensity criterion are required.

For definiteness, let us establish:

1. As an indicator of the “knowledge intensity of products of an economic sector”, the article understands the ratio of R&D costs Vr&d of each selected industry to its production volumes Vvp.

2. “Knowledge-intensive” are those industries in which the indicator of the knowledge intensity of products is 1.2--1.5 times higher than the world average level for the manufacturing industry of industrialized countries (currently it is, as already noted, 3.5--4 ,5%) .

Data on R&D financing in the USSR and the Russian Federation and the science intensity of GDP, taking into account military developments and extra-budgetary funds, illustrated the processes of disintegration of the Soviet system of science support and the mechanism for assimilation of R&D results in the field of material production. Thus, in 2008, despite some real increase in spending on science, in comparable prices they amounted to only 19.7% of the 1991 level (or 9.2% of the highest for the study period, 1989).

The aviation industry (AI) is understood as a set of enterprises (firms), research institutions and design organizations for the development, production, repair and modernization of military and civil aviation complexes, as well as ground equipment for aviation systems. Core intermediate and final products of the aviation industry, according to the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities of Products and Services (OKDP), are included in the statistical branch “Production of air and spacecraft” (code 353).

The total volume of production of the aviation industry in 2006 amounted to about 20% of 1991 in comparable prices, the share of military products decreased to 22-23% of its total volume. Since 2007, mainly due to export supplies, product growth began. In 2007--2008 total production volume increased by 43.3%. The production of civil aviation equipment in 2008 compared to 2007 was 130%.

The rocket and space industry is a set of enterprises, research institutions and design organizations for the development, production, repair and modernization of combat missile systems and space missile systems, ground equipment for space systems and samples of space technology for civil and military purposes. Core intermediate and final products of the rocket and space industry (RPI), according to OKDP, are included in the statistical industries “Production of air and spacecraft” (code 353) and “Production of special machines and equipment for various sectors of the economy” (code 292). Conventionally, the RKP can be divided into the space sector, which produces space products, and the missile sector, which produces military missile systems.

Expenditures on civil space in the Russian Federation relative to GDP are more than twice as low as expenditures on non-military space programs in the United States. If we compare absolute costs in dollar terms, Russia is more than 22 times inferior to the United States. For comparison: in 1989, the USSR's expenditures on all space activities amounted to $13.8 billion, which was only 2.1 times less in absolute terms than in the United States.

Radioelectronic complex - a set of enterprises (firms), research and design organizations for the development, production, repair and modernization of equipment and equipment for radio, television and communications, computers, scientific equipment and instruments. Profile intermediate and final products, according to OKDP, are included in the statistical industries “Production of finished construction metal products, tanks, reservoirs and steam boilers (code 281) (from the product type “Direct charged particle accelerators” to “Equipment for physical research” and “ Radiation diagnostic instruments and installations"), "Production of electronic computer equipment, its parts and accessories" (code 302), "Production of insulated wires and cables" (code 313), "Production of equipment and apparatus for radio and television" (codes 320 --323), “Production of medical devices and instruments; instruments for measurements, verification, testing, navigation and other purposes, except for optical instruments" (code 331).

In 2008, the level of production of electronic equipment products was 143% compared to 2007. This happened due to an increase in the production of integrated circuits, vacuum devices, resistors and switching products, as well as a revival in the production of civilian products in consuming industries and an increase in exports.

Chemical industry - a set of enterprises (firms), research and design organizations for the development and production of chemical synthesis products, polymer resins, materials and plastic products, production of glass and glass and ceramic products. Core intermediate and final products of high-tech chemical industries, according to OKDP, are included in the statistical sectors “Production of other chemical products” (code 242), “Production of chemical fibers and threads” (code 243), “Production of polymer resins, materials and plastic products” (code 252), “Production of glass and glass products” (code 261) and “Production of non-metallic mineral products not included in other groups” (code 269).

Only part of the chemical industry can be classified as a knowledge-intensive sector. From the description of industrial statistics it is clear that the production of pharmaceuticals belongs to the chemical industry, and the production of complex medical equipment is included in instrument making. The production and supply to Russian medical institutions of a wide range of medical equipment, equipment, devices and tools produced at defense industry enterprises has increased. In general, the production of medical equipment amounted to 119.7% by 2007.

Nuclear industry (ATI) - a set of enterprises (firms), research and design organizations for the extraction of radioactive ores, production of radioactive substances, development, production, repair, modernization and disposal of nuclear reactors, radiation installations for the national economy and nuclear equipment power plants, and the acquisition and disposal of nuclear weapons.

Historically, the Ministry of Atomic Energy of the Russian Federation includes a division that provides management of Russian nuclear power plants (NPPs). Accordingly, statistics include the cost of electricity generated at nuclear power plants in the gross output of the nuclear industry. Although the production of electricity at nuclear power plants is statistically included in the fuel and energy complex, the operation of technical systems in its economic content is the consumption of the final product of the nuclear power plant. Therefore, the statistical combination of nuclear industry products and nuclear power plant products into a single set can rightfully be called the nuclear complex (ATC). Core intermediate and final products of ATK, according to OKDP, are included in the statistical sectors “Extraction of radioactive ores” (code 12), “Production of radioactive substances, fuel elements and sources of ionizing radiation for various purposes” (code 233), “Production of finished construction metal products, tanks, reservoirs and steam boilers" (code 281) (product types "Thermonuclear and plasma installations", "Nuclear reactors and equipment of nuclear power plants" and "Radiation sources") and "Electricity production by thermal, gas turbine, diesel, tidal, nuclear and hydroelectric power plants "(code 401). The products of enterprises for the development, production, repair, modernization and disposal of nuclear weapons, according to the Unified Classifier of Supplies of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, belong to “Group 11”.

Calculations showed that the gross production volume of ATK at current prices in 2007 amounted to about 36 billion rubles. The increase in production for 2008 was 121.8%.

From the above it is clear that the nuclear complex, unlike the ARKK, the radio-electronic complex, and the chemical industry, combines production of both the mining and manufacturing industries, as well as the production and distribution of electricity.

Summing up the sales volumes of individual types of products that fall under the definition of knowledge-intensive gives the “net” volume of the knowledge-intensive sector. Enterprises and organizations of the knowledge-intensive sector also produce non-core products, which increases the real sales volume of the selected population.

Thus, the knowledge-intensive sector of Russian industry is a set of enterprises (firms), research and development organizations for the development, production, repair and modernization of products produced by the above-mentioned OKDP codes, that is, meeting the criteria of knowledge-intensive products.

The dynamics of the volumes of the knowledge-intensive sector of Russian industry largely correlates with the rate of decline or growth in output of the military-industrial complex, and the discrepancy is explained by the growth of production of the nuclear complex and the knowledge-intensive part of the chemical industry.

2.2 Some prospects for knowledge-intensive production

As international experience shows, in the process of development of a knowledge-intensive industry, some contradictions and problems can very quickly arise. In particular, a situation may arise of a sharp increase in costs and a decrease in the economic efficiency of invested funds. The reason for this phenomenon is that the supposed high profitability of the knowledge-intensive industry attracts an excessive influx of funds from a variety of sources, ranging from those associated with the implementation of government programs and ending with deposits of private firms and banks. This circumstance requires the ability to carry out a preliminary assessment of possible options for investment in a knowledge-intensive industry in comparison with the real effect that this investment will give.

Further, this paper proposes an approach to solving this problem by creating some model structures to describe the interaction between a research organization and an industrial company in a knowledge-intensive industry in the process of developing a new product or technology.

This approach is based on the idea of ​​an instruction or order that a firm submits to an NIO for execution. This instruction (task) can be formulated both in absolute form (to develop a new product with certain parameters with certain tolerances) and in relative form (to develop a new technology with reduced consumption of a scarce resource per product by a certain number of percent compared to a similar one). indicator in existing technology).

In addition, the customer informs the NIO the amount of financial resources that he considers possible to allocate to pay for the proposed task.

Thus, for R&D organizations, certain boundaries are formed for the set of possible decisions and actions related to the purchase of necessary equipment, the preparation of an experimental base, the attraction of an additional number of specialists of a certain direction and qualifications, etc., related to increasing their innovative ability.

In particular, for R&D organizations related to the development of resource-saving technologies in a certain industry, we can assume that the innovative ability of such an organization is measured by the number of resource-saving projects completed over a certain period of time, for example, in a year. This indicator can be more accurately determined by assessing the quality of the work performed. Here, as a meter, it is proposed to use the average value of resource saving, determined from various sets of resource-saving technologies developed by this research and development institute.

This method of measurement can be justified by the fact that a real version of resource-saving technology that meets all customer requirements can only be obtained with some probability, since complete success of scientific research and a positive outcome of development work in this difficult and risky matter can never be guaranteed.

In the economic and mathematical model of a resource-type industrial enterprise, one of the main elements - the set of feasible solutions (plans) - is a linear polyhedron in the positive orthant of a multidimensional space, the dimension of which is determined by the number of different technologies used in the enterprise. It is usually specified by a system of linear inequalities regarding the desired intensity values ​​of these technologies. The right-hand sides of these inequalities contain information about the quantities of available production resources, and each coefficient of the system is the rate of consumption of the resource used in the mode of unit intensity of the technology used.

Obviously, the task of developing resource-saving technology in its simplest formulation is to reduce these consumption coefficients as a result of the research, which will increase the intensity of certain types of production and thereby increase the output of the corresponding products.

The value of total income (profit), which is the sum of private profits obtained as a result of the use of all applied technologies, is taken as the objective function to be maximized in this enterprise model. It is expressed as a nonlinear convex (quadratic) function of the desired intensities.

The results of numerous simulation calculations performed using models of the presented type give grounds to assert that a decrease in the consumption coefficient of an important resource for one of the technologies used in the optimal plan by 10% leads to an increase in private profit from this technology by 5-8%.

This circumstance may serve as a reason for a further increase in R&D funding from the enterprise if previous orders are successfully completed.

Based on the above, a possible process for reconciling the interests of the customer and the research and development institution seems to be as follows:

a) the customer (industrial enterprise) defines a range of technological problems for which it is necessary to find an effective solution, while approximate desired amounts of reducing the costs of the most important resources for main production operations are reported and the priority of various areas is established; in this way, an initial version of the order is formed, which already contains the outlines of many possible solutions from the point of view of the consumer of scientific products;

b) the contractor (NIO) analyzes the information received and, on its basis, finds those areas of work that are of particular interest to him and the solution of which can be obtained in a reasonable time. At the same time, the research institute, as a rule, expresses a certain opinion regarding the importance and expected effectiveness of those areas of research proposed by the customer. Critical comments made at this stage can serve as the basis for subsequent adjustments to the original version of the assignment. At the same time, the contractor determines and indicates in his response to the customer the possible methods and volumes of the problems posed, together with information on the required amounts of financing and the intended areas for spending these funds. This creates an idea of ​​the possible options for fulfilling an order depending on the level of funding and the boundaries of many scientific and technological solutions from the point of view of the contractor;

c) the above exchange of information serves as the basis for further coordination of the interests and positions of the contracting parties, as a result of which they either come to the conclusion that joint work is useless and impossible, or sufficiently accurately determine the terms of the contract, the goals of the study, the timing of its implementation, the expected economic efficiency, as well as the size and methods of financing the project.

Thus, in the case of a positive decision to carry out the work, a certain working version of the description of the boundaries of the set of possible solutions, which was discussed earlier and which serves as the basis for our further analysis, is formed.

The interaction between an industrial enterprise and a research organization during the implementation of a project has a dual nature. The enterprise formulates its requirements (order) for R&D in fairly specific (deterministic) terms. For example, to solve the problem of creating a new resource-saving technology, this order can be expressed as the maximum amount of relative savings (as a percentage of the amount of resource consumption in the existing technology) of a resource of a certain type and having certain characteristic properties.

At the same time, the response from R&D, as a rule, is precisely focused on meeting the specified requirements, but can be presented in the form of a number of development projects that are different from each other, each of which only to one degree or another fully meets the stated conditions of the order. This means that in this case there will be further interaction and joint work to select and debug the most suitable technological solution.

In a fairly general case, we can assume that the activities of research and development institutions to create new production technologies are stochastic (probabilistic) in nature, and its results can be described using a stochastic model, i.e. setting the probability distribution law for the emergence of new technologies that meet customer requirements. The use of such a stochastic research and development model allows us to estimate the value of the mathematical expectation (expected average value) of the resource saving indicator for a series of technologies being developed and give a preliminary conclusion about the possibility of high-quality order fulfillment given the financial receipts from the customer.

At the same time, it seems obvious that this characteristic will be greater the greater the innovative potential, i.e. This research organization has great opportunities to use the experience and knowledge of highly qualified specialists and to apply modern technical and measuring devices.

This circumstance can be quantitatively justified by using the stochastic NIO model.

For greater certainty, let us consider the process of constructing a stochastic R&D model using the example of developing a resource-saving technology based on some already existing one in order to reduce the consumption of one (the most important) resource.

Thus, the set of models presented in the work makes it possible to describe and study the dynamics of the mechanism of direct and feedback between the elements of knowledge-intensive production and determine the best ways of its functioning. The specified set of models is included as a submodel in the current basic model for managing technological development. Experimental calculations have confirmed its effectiveness.

In the most general sense, it is true that by investing money in research and development, industrial firms not only serve their own interests, but also contribute to the progress of the entire society, which, as a rule, gains more from scientific achievements in the field of knowledge dissemination than itself. NIO that achieved it.

The direct creator of specific innovations, products and technological processes is applied science, which is based on the success of fundamental research.

In this regard, the problem of the relationship between industry and the scientific community must be considered in a fairly broad aspect, presenting these social systems as inseparable parts of a single scientific and production complex.

To study the properties of this complex, it is useful to use the approach that was proposed above using the example of interaction between an industrial company and a research institute in the development of resource-saving technologies.

From the above example, in particular, it follows that, in principle, it is possible to develop such relationships between parts of the complex in which industrial enterprises, comparing their possible costs with the magnitude and reliability of the effect expected from the activities of the scientific community, as a result establish fairly accurate ratios or cost rates in its contracts with various research and development organizations.

First of all, this applies to the behavior of knowledge-intensive industries that are closely related to the production of high-tech products.

These technologies currently include:

production of electronic computers and communications equipment that make it possible to process increasingly large amounts of information in less time; this group includes telefaxes, radars, communications satellites, telephone switches, computers and central processing units, as well as peripheral equipment and software;

optoelectronics, which includes the design and creation of electronic products and computers containing light emitters or detectors, in particular, optical scanners, optical disks for laser players, photocells for solar panels, photosensitive semiconductors and laser printers;

electronics itself, which includes the production of electronic components, including integrated circuits, printed circuit boards, capacitors, resistors, etc.;

creation of automated production complexes, including numerically controlled machines, robotics, automatic transport carts and other equipment that allows increasing the flexibility of the production process and reducing the level of human participation in this process;

the field of aerospace technologies, which includes the creation of new models of aircraft, civil and military helicopters, artificial Earth satellites, the development of new types of turbojet engines, autopilots and training stands;

creation of new materials, semiconductors, fiber optics, new composite materials, etc.;

biotechnology as the application in medicine and industry of the latest achievements of genetics to create new drugs, including hormonal drugs, and other therapeutic agents used in healthcare and agriculture;

technologies other than biological ones, but used in medicine, such as nuclear resonance imaging, echocardiography, new chemical compounds and technological processes used in the manufacture of drugs;


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Traditionally, the analysis of regional economic problems and problems of development of knowledge-intensive industry occurs quite separately from each other. A meaningful analysis of the economics of knowledge-intensive industries covers the technical and economic characteristics of products and technologies, problems of competition and state industrial policy, etc., but almost all of these problems are posed and solved “outside” the actually existing heterogeneous economic space. The country is considered as a single whole, especially since many high-tech industries, due to objective economic characteristics, must indeed act in a consolidated manner on the global and domestic markets. Those. geographical factors are present in sectoral economic research, primarily in the context of international economic relations and national competitiveness in the context of globalization.

The country's security in the broad sense of the word and its technological independence in the 21st century will be determined by its intellectual production potential, the level of fundamental and applied science, and the availability of qualified specialists. Sustainable development of the domestic scientific and technological base is the most important task in modern conditions. Therefore, the most important market resource of the domestic national economy is the accumulated scientific and production potential, the ability of scientific personnel to generate new ideas and technologies.

At the same time, one of the results and manifestations of the ongoing systemic economic crisis in the economy is the curtailment of high-tech industries and types of products, the degradation of the technological structure of industry, the decline in demand for scientific and technical products and, as a consequence, the reduction in the production potential of high-tech industrial enterprises in the most important industries.

At present, Ukraine still continues to maintain a fairly high intellectual and production potential. The main task of the public administration system is to include all available resources in the technological, and, consequently, economic development of the country, change the deformed structure of the domestic economy, and thereby ensure the competitiveness of products.

In these conditions, the role of knowledge-intensive industries, industrial enterprises and organizations of the country, characterized by increased technological and innovative mobility, capable of developing and implementing high-tech knowledge-intensive products in a short time and with less risk, is especially increasing.

To ensure the competitiveness of manufacturing enterprises in modern economic conditions, effective management is especially necessary throughout the entire technological chain of production and sale of products and services, including professionally trained intellectual resources, modern methods and mechanisms for managing the potential of knowledge-intensive enterprises.

The activities of a knowledge-intensive industry are inextricably linked with the use of high technologies, the contribution of which to the total cost of manufactured products is usually a very significant part of it. We can say that knowledge-intensive industries produce mainly high-tech products.

Currently, knowledge-intensive industries necessarily include the aerospace industry, the production of computers, the production of electronics and automation equipment, as well as the pharmaceutical industry.

Other sources refer to knowledge-intensive production as industrial production, in which the production of products is associated with the need to carry out a larger volume of theoretical calculations, scientific research and experiments. Typically, a knowledge-intensive production is considered to be one in which research and development work accounts for at least 60% of all costs associated with the preparation and release of products. This includes aircraft and shipbuilding, the creation of rocket and space systems, the production of electronic equipment, computer hardware and software, nuclear reactors, unique instruments for scientific research, etc. The main part of the costs falls on the development of optimal product designs, the creation of new materials, development of new schemes, ensuring the required reliability, environmental friendliness and safety of service.

As international experience shows, in the process of development of a knowledge-intensive industry, some contradictions and problems can very quickly arise. In particular, a situation may arise of a sharp increase in costs and a decrease in the economic efficiency of invested funds. The reason for this phenomenon is that the supposed high profitability of the knowledge-intensive industry attracts an excessive influx of funds from a variety of sources, ranging from those associated with the implementation of government programs and ending with deposits of private firms and banks. This circumstance requires the ability to carry out a preliminary assessment of possible options for investment in a knowledge-intensive industry in comparison with the real effect that this investment will give.

Zhiglyaeva Anastasia Viktorovna, 3rd year student of the Faculty of Economics and Law, REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov, Moscow [email protected]

High technology: role in the modern economy, problems and development prospects

Annotation. The article is devoted to the study of the characteristics of high-tech technologies and industries, their impact on the economy. The experience of countries in the world characterized by the highest level of development of technology and innovation has been studied. The most important factors for the development of the knowledge-intensive sector of the economy are identified. An analysis of the main problems impeding the successful development of high technology in the Russian Federation was carried out, and directions for development and improvement were identified to improve the situation. Key words: high-tech technologies, high-tech sector, development models, incentive methods, development directions.

In modern conditions, considerable attention is paid to the search for factors of economic growth, economic development, and increasing the competitiveness of national economies in the global community. One of the fundamental factors is the development of the knowledge-intensive sector of the economy and an increase in the share of high-tech industries. The study of the nature and characteristics of high-tech technologies, their qualitative characteristics serves as the basis for the further development of scientific, technical and innovation policy of the state, timely identification and elimination or minimization of obstacles to development. Countries are interested in achieving high rates of development of high-tech technologies and securing positions in international rankings of innovative and technological development. This necessitates constant monitoring of indicators characterizing the state and level of development of knowledge-intensive industries, correct interpretation of the results obtained and drawing practically significant conclusions. Planning and forecasting the development of knowledge-intensive industries and timely adjustments to development strategies are of great importance. Today, there are various approaches to defining “high-tech technologies”, which is usually explained by the peculiarities of the areas of application of such technologies, the dynamic development of science and technology, which constantly brings new aspects and details in understanding this term. So, according to G.I. Latyshenko, the definition of “knowledge-intensive technologies” is based on the very concept of “knowledge intensity” as an indicator characterizing technology, reflecting the degree of relationship between technology and scientific research and development. According to this approach, technologies that exceed the average value of the knowledge intensity indicator in a specific area of ​​the economy (for example, in agriculture, in the manufacturing industry, etc.) are considered knowledge-intensive. High-tech technologies are also defined as “technologies based on highly abstract scientific theories and using scientific knowledge about the deep properties of matter, energy and information.” It is advisable to highlight the main specific features that characterize high-tech technologies:high need for resources such as knowledge, intellectual and creative potential, information;progressiveness, the ability to determine the strategic direction of economic development;the list of high-tech technologies and industries is dynamic, largely dependent on the level of development of basic technologies;high-tech technologies are closely interconnected with the development of relevant research areas;the development of high-tech technologies is in relationships with the activities and development of small and medium-sized businesses. It is also necessary to pay attention to the characteristics of knowledge-intensive sectors of the economy, among which the most significant are the following:significant volumes of investment, mainly in research and development;high competitiveness of manufactured products (knowledge-intensive);orientation towards intensive growth and development, therefore, a significant reduction in energy intensity and material intensity of production as extensive factors;development at an accelerated pace in comparison with basic industries;when a high level of development is achieved, they influence the structure of the economy as a whole and its individual elements, contribute to the modernization of related sectors of the economy;significantly influence the increase in export potential; characterized by qualitatively new working conditions. At the present stage, it is important for the economy not only the development of certain types of high-tech technologies, but also the creation of high-tech industries, the formation and continuous improvement of the market for high-tech technologies. The knowledge-intensive sector of the economy is a part of the economic system, including groups of industries that produce products, carry out work and provide services using the latest achievements of science and technology. The specificity of this sector of the economy lies mainly in the objective need for significant capital investments in the research field, the need to create a large-scale developed infrastructure for research and development, and the special importance of the exchange of scientific and technical knowledge and technologies with foreign countries. What are the main conditions and characteristic features of the formation of a knowledge-intensive sector of the economy? First of all, this is a high level of development of scientific schools, advanced scientific research, both in fundamental and applied fields. An integral component here is an effective model for training highly qualified and scientific personnel in accordance with the latest trends and market needs. The basis in this context is, of course, the quality and accessibility of education, the interaction of science and production, the authority and traditions of high technical culture. It should be noted separately the importance of unique scientific schools and development teams for creating highly competitive products that can be highly valued on the scale of the global, world market of high-tech technologies. The degree of protection of intellectual property rights is of great importance. The particular relevance of this issue today is due to the fact that the results of mental labor act as objects of market relations. However, excessive regulation of this area also leads to negative consequences for economic development and the effective development of knowledge-intensive segments, in particular, due to the formation of the so-called “intellectual monopoly”. Let us note that the central place in the knowledge-intensive sector of the economy and its dynamic development is occupied by intellectual potential. This sector accumulates intellectual capital, which actually functions here in its pure form. That is why the formation of this sector of the economy is closely connected with significant investments in “specific assets,” that is, the study of unique technologies, acquisition and improvement of specific skills, competencies and knowledge that can be used primarily in this area. The next most important criterion is focus on a specific result, that is, a goal-oriented approach to the process of obtaining, mastering and using advanced achievements in the field of science and technology; desire to increase competitiveness and achieve technological leadership. The implementation of this principle is important both at the level of individual firms, enterprises, and on a regional scale, the national economy as a whole. Modernization and the dynamic development of production are also a necessary condition for the formation of a knowledge-intensive sector of the economy. Thanks to this, the demand for scientific and technical innovations is maintained. In addition, the scientific and production structure, research objects, and management systems in this area are being improved. The structure of the production apparatus of the economy is also important—a large share in it should be pilot and experimental production.

It is impossible to establish and improve a knowledge-intensive sector without a financial component, which is expressed, first of all, in the allocation of financial resources for large scientific and technical projects. It is also important to create a favorable investment climate and promote integration into the global financial system. In order to make the most effective, rational use of diverted funds, it is necessary to actively use program-target planning methodology. This methodology at the present stage is an alternative to the budget-estimated approach, ensuring the effective distribution of funds in priority areas. Another significant factor is the pricing mechanism, accounting for production costs, which are also quite specific in the knowledge-intensive sector. These costs are associated primarily with the development of a system of recreation for highly qualified personnel, management of high-tech and innovative projects, as well as the organization of scientific and technical work. In addition to the above characteristics and factors, it should be noted that the process of globalization has a great influence on the development of the knowledge-intensive sector of the economy. In a globalizing world, technology transfer, movement of labor resources, and capital are of great importance. Attracting capital into knowledge-intensive industries is associated, firstly, with the profitability of such industries, which, in turn, depends on the level of industry labor productivity. Secondly, an increase in the number of firms in the knowledge-intensive sector creates advantages both for the firms themselves (in terms of employee remuneration, prospects for entering global markets, etc.) and for intensifying the development of the sector. In general, there is a greater spread of scientific and technological achievements due to the internationalization of production and capital as integral components of globalization; redistribution of resources from other sectors of the world economy is carried out. The scale of the knowledge-intensive sector in the economy largely characterizes the economic and scientific-technical potential of the country, acts as the basis for strategic development and national security, in particular, from the position of independence, high competitiveness of domestic producers and manufactured products, and also influence the development of other sectors of the economy. Speaking about the growing popularity and importance of knowledge-intensive technologies, high-tech and innovative industries, it is necessary to clearly understand the basic principles, compliance with which is the key to the success of the development of the national economy in these areas. To do this, it is advisable to turn to the experience of leading countries in the field of development of science and technology and identify the factors that allowed these countries to achieve high results. According to the international ranking (out of 126 countries), the following countries in the world achieved the highest values ​​of the Global Innovation Index (Global Innovation Index-GII) in 2016: Switzerland, Sweden, Great Britain, USA, Finland, Singapore. Russia is in 43rd place in this ranking with an indicator of 38.50 points (maximum 100 points). There are other ratings, indicators are calculated using different methods, taking into account different components and criteria. According to Bloomberg Business, the leading countries in scientific, technical, and innovative development in 2016 were: South Korea, Germany, Japan, Switzerland, Singapore (Russia ranks 12th in the ranking). What driving factors influence the technological, research, and innovative development of these countries? First, let's look at the main models of scientific and technological development: European model. Characterized by the key role of the state in regulating knowledge-intensive industries and technological development. The central place is occupied by technological platforms (TP), which are an association of representatives of science and education, government and business in order to develop common approaches in various scientific and technical fields. However, the initiator of the creation of a TP is, as a rule, representatives of large businesses. The key area of ​​activity is the rationalization of the structure of the economy, the creation of a favorable innovation environment. The American model. Comprehensive support for small business, basic science and education are priority areas of government activity, but in general its intervention is kept to a minimum. Venture capital is of particular importance, as it allows one to overcome critical periods quite successfully. In addition, this model, like the American model of the national economic system, is characterized by a mass focus on achieving success, including personal success (in self-realization, etc.). The priority direction is the implementation of large-scale targeted projects that cover all stages of the production cycle (from the generation of ideas to operation). The Asian model (using the example of China). The entire system of organizing and promoting developments, creating a new science-intensive product is under strict control by the state. Technoparks, incubators, areas of scientific and technological development and other objects of innovation and scientific and technical infrastructure are created and regulated “from above”, the predominance of the vertical structure is clearly expressed. Strict centralization is largely due to mentality, historically established features of culture and the social sphere. However, despite the seemingly excessive “overregulation” of the knowledge-intensive and high-tech sector, China managed to create a unique investment mechanism that ensures a very high share of investment in the country’s GDP (up to 50%). The development of scientific, technical and technological spheres in Japan is also of significant interest. One of the priority areas for Japan is the coordination of the activities of various sectors in the field of science and high technology, as well as ensuring sensitivity to the achievements of global scientific and technological progress. The main role in the formation and distribution of R&D costs, the development of various forms of cooperation between fundamental and applied science with real production, and the effective development of advanced technologies belongs to the state. However, the private sector (its share) is the main stimulator of the development of high knowledge-intensive and innovative technologies accounts for 80% of incentive measures and functions, while the government's share is 20%). The entire set of methods for stimulating scientific and technical activities and the progressive development of the knowledge-intensive sector of the economy can be divided into two main groups - methods of direct and indirect stimulation. Let's consider direct methods used in advanced foreign countries:creation of scientific and service infrastructure in regions where scientific and experimental activities are concentrated;implementation of targeted programs aimed at increasing business activity in scientific and technical activities;implementation of government orders mainly in the form of contracts for research (with in order to ensure initial demand);budget financing, provision of preferential loans to enterprises that train highly qualified personnel and carry out scientific research;free transfer or provision on a preferential basis of land plots, state property for high-tech, innovative enterprises and organizations. Indirect methods of stimulation include providing various benefits to economic entities that specialize primarily in scientific and technical areas; providing tax benefits in the field of investing in high-tech, knowledge-intensive projects. In addition to the above methods presented in general form, it is advisable to reflect some features using the example of specific countries or groups of countries. Thus, in Sweden, the provision of loans as a stimulating and supporting measure, including without payment of interest, has become widespread. In Germany, there is a practice of providing gratuitous loans to cover 50% of the costs of introducing innovations. In the Netherlands, Japan, and Germany, free patent attorney services are provided for applications of individual inventors, as well as fee waivers.

The USA, Japan, and China are characterized by the presence of powerful government organizations that provide comprehensive scientific, technical, financial and production support for knowledge-intensive industries. Also, Japan, the USA, and the UK are striving to expand preferential taxation for universities, research institutes, and the implementation of programs of financial and technical support for industries performing R&D on the topics of government organizations. In the Republic of Korea and Singapore, tax holidays are actively used as tax incentives, the duration of which can reach 20 years. In countries such as England, Germany, France, Switzerland, the Netherlands, funds are being created for the introduction of innovations, taking into account possible commercial risks. Along with foreign leading countries, modern Russia is also faced with the most important tasks for the development, development and effective implementation of advanced technologies in various sectors of the economy ; The role of knowledge-intensive industries is significantly increasing. Today, the profile of the knowledge-intensive, high-tech sector of the domestic economy differs from the profile of the 1990s and early 2000s. Thus, in the structure of the knowledge-intensive sector, according to data for 2014, innovation-active enterprises have a significant share. However, indicators such as the level of investment activity (0.0380.748%), the level of product profitability (4.522.6%) negatively characterize the operating activities of the knowledge-intensive sector. These results of the analysis are associated, in particular, with the deterioration of the economic situation in general, with the low level of development of factors of production of national industry. Of course, the low interest of private investors in financing R&D programs and large projects in comparison with technologically more developed countries is also reflected. The greatest growth is demonstrated by the production of advanced technologies that are not completely new to Russia (despite a slight decrease since 2014). Three leaders clearly stand out: knowledge-intensive types of economic activity, research and development, and manufacturing. It should also be noted that the highest growth rates of advanced technologies are characteristic of the following types of activities within the manufacturing industry: production of electrical equipment, electronic and optical equipment (growth rates in 2015 – 117.3% compared to 2014 and 292.2% compared to 2010 .); metallurgical production and production of finished metal products (growth rate in 2015 – 105.6% compared to 2014 and 380% by 2010); chemical production - without the production of explosives (growth rates in 2015 - 220% by 2014 and 275% by 2010).

There has been a slight decline in indicators of innovation activity and development since 2014. This phenomenon is primarily explained by the reduction in funding for innovation from the federal budget. Investing in innovative developments and large projects during a crisis period seems very difficult. In addition, activities related to the development and implementation of innovations are associated with high risks. It is quite difficult to predict the future payback of projects. Therefore, in difficult economic conditions (including foreign economic ones), investments in the development of technologies that have a fairly high return and have already been tested and used before are less risky. It should be noted that there is a positive trend towards a gradual increase in the share of high-tech exports. In particular, in 1999 this share in total exports was only 3%, and in 2011-2012 it was no more than 1.3%. According to data for 2013-2015, this figure exceeds 1011%. However, it is impossible to deny the very serious dependence of the Russian economy on imports. At the moment, exports remain focused on raw materials, and the share of the manufacturing industry is not high enough (including taking into account high-tech and knowledge-intensive industries). Thus, speaking about the development of knowledge-intensive industries in the Russian Federation over recent years, it is necessary to highlight the following positive trends: an increase in the number of innovation-active enterprises aimed at introducing innovations in order to increase competitiveness; an increase in the knowledge intensity of industries and GDP (domestic R&D costs as a percentage of GDP increased by 10.78% in 2015 compared to 2011, the average annual growth rate was 2.6%); a gradual increase in the share of goods created in knowledge-intensive industries, using advanced technologies, in the volume of exports and a simultaneous reduction in the volume of imports; significant growth rates in production and the introduction of advanced technologies in certain sectors of the manufacturing industry. Along with the above positive factors, we note the negative aspects: a decrease in innovative activity, investments of enterprises’ own funds in technological development, modernization (to a greater extent due to the current economic situation, the problematic state of the national economy generally); a very large “gap” between high-tech imports and exports, a significant dependence of the domestic economy on imports (including companies on the import of machinery and equipment, which are fixed assets); low level of profitability (profitability) of products of knowledge-intensive industries, investment activity. A very important question is what contribution high-tech technologies make to the economy, what is the return from the introduction and use of such technologies. To answer this question, it is necessary to consider several aspects of the impact of high technology on the economy. At the same time, it is, of course, important to take into account the level of development of these technologies and the degree of efficiency of R&D. At a fairly high level of development, the knowledge-intensive, high-tech sector of the economy produces significant increases in added value, which in turn can provide a significant increase in GDP. Thus, already in the 1960s, the intensive introduction of high-tech technologies in sectors of the national economy of Japan made it possible to achieve a GDP increase of more than 50%. Today, many developed countries are demonstrating an increase in GDP in direct connection with the development of high and knowledge-intensive technologies. In particular, according to data for 2013, GDP growth in the United States is ensured by activities and a developed scientific and innovation base by more than two-thirds. Due to their progressiveness (a distinctive feature of knowledge-intensive industries and technologies), knowledge-intensive industries and technologies act as a powerful intensive factor of economic growth. Many researchers pay special attention to the quality of such growth - it is much higher compared, for example, with growth due to the use of extensive factors. It is advisable to note that in order to significantly accelerate GDP growth, it is necessary not only to develop the knowledge-intensive sector of the economy as such. A key role is played by the transfer of technology to other industries, sectors, or achieving the effect of “diffusion of technologies in high-tech production”. This means building effective cooperation chains between knowledge-intensive and other industries, spreading the scale of influence of advanced technologies. It is important to emphasize that often the contribution of the factor of scientific and technological progress in achieving the country’s global superiority in key sectors of the economy becomes decisive in comparison with the contribution of capital and labor. Let us recall the second stage of the rapid progress of science and technology in the USA and other developed countries (1960-1980). At this stage, it was assumed that the United States would achieve leading positions in such sectors of the economy as precision engineering, the aviation and space industries, electronics, and pharmacology. It was STP that played a key role in the development and improvement of production. In addition to the direct influence, the development of high-tech technologies and innovative activity can influence the dynamics of GDP through other socio-economic mechanisms, phenomena and processes. Let's take employment as an example. Thanks to the progressive development of technology, more high-tech, high-performance jobs (HPM) are being created. Centers and zones for accumulating intellectual potential and highly qualified personnel are emerging. In particular, the demand for engineering personnel is growing. At the same time, it is worth noting the advantages for enterprises (at the microeconomic level) operating in other sectors of the economy. By introducing new technologies and advanced equipment, enterprises have the opportunity to achieve savings in labor costs. After such events, the labor intensity of products is reduced, and material costs for production (material consumption) are also reduced. That is, the influence of intensive factors (capital productivity, material productivity) increases and extensive factors decrease. Thus, the introduction of achievements of science and technology into production, process automation are important reserves for reducing the cost of manufactured products. However, it is necessary to take into account the cost of the innovative activities themselves, and therefore it is important to maximize the efficiency of their implementation to increase cost recovery. Taking into account all of the above examples, arguments and analytical conclusions, it is advisable to note that through the expansion of markets for high technology and products, employment in this area, contribution to macroeconomic development, the influence of high technology on the level and quality of life of the population of a particular country. Here again the question arises about the quality of economic growth, which is primarily manifested in the strengthening of the social orientation of the economy. Of course, high-tech technologies often make it possible to radically change the technological structure, move to a qualitatively new level of consumption and satisfaction of needs. The spread of innovations in medicine and pharmaceuticals can improve the quality of medical care, treatment and prevention of serious diseases. “Breakthrough” methods and technologies are designed to significantly contribute to reducing mortality rates and increasing life expectancy. Also, the active development of high-tech technologies is an important factor in increasing the defense capability of the state, improving environmental protection and resource management, energy efficiency, etc. All this affects the quality and standard of living. However, unfortunately, the state’s innovative policy does not always guarantee the dissemination of results in society and among the population. Of great importance is the level of development of socio-economic mechanisms, infrastructure, and various institutional conditions, which determine the acceptability of scientific and technical achievements and innovations. In the process of studying the development of knowledge-intensive technologies in the Russian Federation, the characteristics of the transformation of the knowledge-intensive and high-tech sector of the economy over certain time periods, many problems were identified that directly or indirectly affect the progressive development of technologies, slowing it down. It is advisable to consider a set of problems, having previously systematized them, for example, by identifying several enlarged blocks, groups according to the content and specificity of the problems in a specific area. Problems of financing high-tech technologies. Imperfection and insufficient level of development of the public-private partnership mechanism; ineffectiveness of the use of allocated budget funds by leading institutions of innovative and scientific and technological development; inefficient structure of investment in fixed capital associated with the predominantly raw material specialization of the national economy. As a consequence, the concentration of funds in the fuel and energy complex and, accordingly, their deficit in the areas of development and implementation of R&D results. In this regard, difficulties arise in ensuring the innovative phase of national production. Insufficiently effective organization of financing procedures in terms of choosing priority areas. Regulatory and legislative problems. They are directly related to the legal framework for regulating knowledge-intensive industries. One of the main problems can be identified as the insufficient systematization of legal norms in the sphere of regulation of knowledge-intensive and high-tech industries, and the low degree of consolidation of legal acts. As a result, law enforcement practice is complicated, and legislative contradictions often arise (in particular, in the sphere of influence of normative legal acts of different legal force). Another pressing problem is the lack of effectiveness of program documents that define strategic directions for development. That is why the failure to meet a number of significant target indicators is due not only to the difficult economic situation and market conditions, but also to an unclear presentation of the expected final results and insufficient structuring of key provisions to achieve results.

Problems of an infrastructural and institutional nature. Today in the Russian Federation, the scientific, technological, innovation, technical and implementation infrastructure requires further development. This is necessary for the intensive and full development of the innovative potential of Russian regions, to increase investment attractiveness, as well as expand the knowledge-intensive sector of the economy, develop new areas and opportunities. Despite the presence of positive trends in the development of domestic engineering, the market for engineering and industrial design services in Russia is only at the stage of formation in comparison with developed countries. In addition to the three main blocks of problems, a number of other obstacles to the development of knowledge-intensive and high-tech industries and industries in modern Russia can be identified. Thus, many researchers and experts see a significant problem in the decline in the prestige of engineering specialties, as well as the quality of education in higher technical specialties. It should also be noted that direct “copying” of foreign experience in the development of knowledge-intensive, high-tech and innovative industries in Russia is impossible and impractical due to significant differences between the domestic economy and the national economies of foreign countries. However, there is a need for exchange (including on a global scale) of scientific and technical knowledge, technologies, and promising ideas. As for the current state of affairs, there is insufficiently complete and effective interaction with foreign leaders, and often a lack of up-to-date information about the latest approaches and trends. In particular, according to estimates by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, in 2015, only 17.9% of engineering and industrial design organizations were involved in international cooperation, and the share of projects implemented jointly with foreign companies amounted to only 1.5% of the total concluded contracts. Other problems in the development of high-tech technologies and the so-called “innovation spiral” of the Russian economy include the general deterioration of the economic situation, relations with foreign countries (problems of a political and geopolitical nature), a significant corruption component of economic relations, a high degree of monopolization of the domestic economy, insufficient demand for knowledge-intensive and innovative products. Despite the presence of a wide range of problems that together significantly slow down the high-tech and innovative development of the economy, Russia has powerful potential, including natural resources, personnel, intellectual, information and other components, and there are also sufficient opportunities for further expansion and effective development of existing potential. Many years of practice, the opinions of analysts, experts, and manufacturing companies show that the entire set of priority areas for the development of knowledge-intensive sectors of the Russian economy can be conditionally divided into three segments:ensuring the dynamic development of high-tech manufacturing sectors, mainly in order to create a modern base for re-equipment and industrial modernization. This group of priorities involves, in particular, the use of the latest technologies in the field of extraction and processing of raw materials, and is focused primarily on the strategy of import substitution;priority areas that are directly related to the strategy of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation, as well as its high position in world science ;technologies that can satisfy demand for products in many areas; focus on solving socially significant problems, increasing the competitiveness of mass-market products in foreign markets. In this context, it is worth highlighting social innovation, as well as considering innovation as a social process expressed in the interaction of various professional and organizational groups. This approach allows us to more fully take into account and predict the real needs of society and the market, and covers the process from the moment the idea arises to the practical application of the results. For Russia, the most important areas are the development of effective public-private partnerships, increasing the activity of private investors, clearly identifying key areas for priority financing, using existing competitive advantages and potential, primarily human and intellectual. When implementing the principles of import substitution, increasing the level of independence and self-sufficiency, it is still advisable to establish, if possible, cooperation with foreign countries that have achieved high results in innovative and scientific and technical development. In addition, the adaptation of individual mechanisms and directions from foreign experience, taking into account national characteristics and interests, can also ensure the achievement of positive results. Finally, a goal-oriented approach, combining the efforts of various structures can ensure the development of new niches in the world market, increasing the global competitiveness of domestic producers, and, consequently, further macroeconomic development.

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