The procedure is ozokerite. Application of ozokerite: paraffin applications, layering and baths

Ozokerite- This natural material, belonging to the group of petroleum bitumen. It is a mineral wax and is used in medical purposes in dehydrated form. It is used in melted form as a warming agent, activating metabolic processes and an anti-inflammatory agent.

General indications

Ozocerite therapy is advisable if the patient has the following health problems:

  • related to neurology - traumatic injuries elements nervous systems s, neurological diseases(neuritis, radiculitis, neuralgia, consequences of a stroke);
  • dermatological diseases of a non-infectious nature, without purulent discharge;
  • ailments musculoskeletal system, in particular joints (osteochondrosis of the cervical, lumbar and other parts, bursitis, arthritis and arthrosis, tenosynovitis, gonarthrosis, spinal hernias), complex therapy for planovalgus foot, heel spurs, as well as eliminating the consequences of injuries;
  • diseases digestive system– inflammation of the gastric and intestinal mucosa, ulcerative lesions, intestinal dystonia, bile duct obstruction, chronic hepatitis;
  • urological problems - inflammation of the bladder, urinary tract, stones bladder etc.;
  • recovery period after operations on elements of the musculoskeletal system;
  • diseases of the ENT organs, inflammation (bronchitis, tracheitis, pleurisy, etc.), cough.

Appointments for children

  • complex therapy of cerebral palsy;
  • incorrect placement of the feet, flat feet due to birth injuries;
  • spastic muscle paresis in infants;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • torticollis.

Often performed in combination with massage and electrophoresis.

Diseases of the genital organs

The use of ozokerite therapy is relevant for diseases:

  • inflammation of the uterus and ovaries;
  • infertility;
  • inflammation of the pelvic peritoneum;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • prostatitis;
  • sexual weakness in men, decreased libido in women;
  • dysmenorrhea.

Methods of use for medicinal purposes

Instructions for use imply initial preparation of the material. The substance is sold in pharmacies in the form of black candles, which must be melted in a water bath until liquid form stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula. IN medical institutions special equipment is used for heating. It is prohibited to melt the substance in the microwave due to its high flammability. Next, the melted mass in the required dose is used relative to the chosen method.

  1. Compresses. For a warming compress, a wide bandage or piece of gauze is folded into 8 layers and the resulting pad is dipped into the melted ozokerite mass. Wring out the excess, wait until it cools to a comfortable temperature and apply to the affected area. A second similar pad is applied on top, but with a higher temperature - about 70 degrees; it should not touch the skin, but only the previous layer of gauze. Everything is wrapped in wax paper on top and insulated.
  2. Flatbread. The melted mass is poured thin layer(up to 1.5 centimeters) onto baking sheets lined with wax paper. When cooled to a temperature of 45-50 degrees, the mass partially hardens. From it you will need to cut a piece of the required size for the applique. The layer is carefully separated and applied to the required area of ​​the body, covered on top with a piece of polyethylene or a cotton-gauze bandage a couple of centimeters larger than the piece of ozokerite itself. At this method exposure temperature is lower.
  3. Paraffin boots. Paraffin treatment for foot problems in newborns and children is usually implemented in this way. The preparation of ozokerite is carried out in a standard way; you will need two identical pieces of mass, sufficient in size to wrap the child’s legs from the tips of the fingers to the knees. Upon reaching a comfortable temperature of the formation, it is first applied to back surface shins, after which the free ends are folded over the front of the leg and foot. A kind of boot is formed on the legs, which is fixed with polyethylene and elastic warm socks on top.
  4. Baths. The method involves immersing hands or feet in a bath of melted substance for a certain period of time.

Course regardless of specific method usually consists of 12 procedures performed daily with a break after every two procedures per day. If necessary, therapy is repeated after 3-4 months.

Use of ozokerite in cosmetology

In cosmetology, mountain wax is used as part of procedures to improve skin condition, therapy dermatological problems, and improving the efficiency of other cosmetics. The benefits of procedures with ozokerite are revealed in the following areas:

  • increased tone and improvement general condition skin for aging and dehydrated dermis, combating wrinkles;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • complex effect on the problem of cellulite.

For procedures, cosmetic paraffin is used - it is mixed with Vaseline and other additional components. It is applied in different ways:

  • layer with a brush on the face and chin in a melted form, where each subsequent layer has high temperature compared to the previous one. Used to warm tissues and improve their nutrition;
  • apply warming compresses;
  • carry out heat treatment with ozokerite cakes, making wraps with them;
  • baths for limbs.

At home, it is better to use the cake method, applying them in the form of a mask to the skin, as the safest of all listed.

Side effects

Numerous reviews about the effectiveness and safety of the technique do not guarantee the absence of harm from ozokerite therapy. Side effects usually occur in patients with hypersensitivity to the substance, which requires discontinuation of treatment. A local skin reaction in the form of irritation, itching, rash, as well as short-term disturbance functional state internal organs.

The possibility of a burn cannot be ruled out - mountain wax is applied in melted form, and it is important to strictly observe the temperature regime so as not to harm the skin. Highest probability Serious burns occur when used independently.

Contraindications to ozokerite therapy

You should refuse to undergo physiotherapy if there are contraindications:

  • allergy to the substance;
  • increased body temperature, fever;
  • a decrease in the pumping function of the heart, which causes a deterioration in the blood supply to organs and systems;
  • acute diseases of the heart muscle;
  • high blood pressure;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • the presence of neoplasms (both benign and malignant);
  • decreased blood clotting rates;
  • chronic ulcerative lesions of the stomach and intestines;
  • severe liver disease;
  • gangrenous forms of inflammation of the walls of blood vessels;
  • vein blockage;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy;
  • some gynecological diseases at increased risk development of suppuration;
  • pregnancy.

Chemical composition and properties

In its structure, the product is a mixture of solid saturated hydrocarbons, resinous substances and mineral oils. The composition of mountain wax includes numerous components useful for humans: magnesium, titanium, sodium, sulfur, zinc, mineral oils, petroleum resin, ceresin, etc. The shelf life of the substance is unlimited.

Treatment with mountain wax is common in physiotherapy due to the properties of a unique substance:

  • low thermal conductivity in combination with high heat capacity allows the use of ozokerite as a raw material for heating in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and circulatory disorders;
  • irritating effect – when applied to the skin, mineral wax stimulates blood circulation processes, improves metabolism in tissues;
  • analgesic property;
  • light compression action that helps relieve swelling;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • antiseptic effect.

Video about the nuances of physiotherapy

The use of ozokerite at home requires special care due to the physical properties of the material. The video describes a personal experience in using mountain wax and how to conveniently melt and apply it.

Ozokerite is a waxy mass from dark brown to black in color - a substance of petroleum origin. Ozokerite contains paraffin, mineral oils, resins and other substances. To free it from foreign inclusions, raw ozokerite is melted and washed with water, and then with acid, and bleached with special bleaching clay (Fuller's earth). Commercial ozokerite is black, green, yellow or white, depending on the degree of bleaching. Purified ozokerite melts at a higher temperature (65°C to 80°C) than paraffin; it consists almost entirely of high molecular weight hydrocarbons. Acids and alkalis have no effect on ozokerite. It holds oils and other additives firmly. Ozokerite is insoluble in volatile alcohols, but soluble in benzene, kerosene and other hydrocarbons.

The term "ozokerite" was first proposed by Glocker in 1833. First chemical analysis Ozocerite was produced by the famous French chemist Walter in Paris in 1840.

Clinical experience with the use of ozokerite indicates that the most favorable results are achieved when treating inflammatory and metabolic-dystrophic diseases. Ozokerite applications have a positive effect on inflammatory processes, accelerate recovery processes, increase immune parameters, normalize the tone of the autonomic nervous system, and stimulate blood circulation. Inclusion of ozokerite applications in medical complex increases the effectiveness of spa therapy in the treatment of pathologies of the digestive system, urination and metabolism.

The effect of ozokerite on the body consists of temperature, mechanical and chemical factors. In addition, numerous chemical components ozokerite and the possibility of their penetration through the skin cause significant changes in the overall reactivity of the body.

Ozokerite is characterized by very low thermal conductivity, high heat capacity and heat-retaining ability. Convection heat transfer in ozokerite is weakly expressed, therefore, when it is applied to the skin, a layer quickly forms, the temperature of which is close to the skin temperature, and the transfer of heat to the body from the overlying layers occurs very slowly. This makes it possible to use ozokerite with high temperature(60-70 C) without fear of causing a burn.

The mechanical factor of the action of ozokerite is due to its ability, when solidified, to decrease in volume by 10-12%, which is accompanied by slight compression of the underlying tissues (compression effect). This promotes deeper distribution of heat. The compression effect of ozokerite is most pronounced during circular applications, when an area of ​​the body is covered from all sides, for example, on the limbs, while tissue swelling is reduced, because thanks to thermal effects the outflow of tissue fluid and lymph improves.

The chemical effect of ozokerite is due to the presence in it of biological active substances(having an estrogen-like, acetylcholine-like effect), capable of penetrating through intact skin into the body and, entering the humoral channel, causing a parasympathicotonic effect. Ozokerite also contains substances with antibiotic properties. It has been established that ozokerite can have an anti-inflammatory, absorbable, analgesic, antispastic, desensitizing effect, and stimulates regeneration processes.

Indications for use of ozokerite

Diseases of the joints and spine of a dystrophic and inflammatory nature in advanced or chronic stage; consequences of damage to the musculoskeletal system; diseases and injuries peripheral nerves, spinal cord; diseases of internal organs (chronic pneumonia, pleurisy, hepatitis, cholecystitis, gastritis, colitis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum); chronic and subacute inflammatory diseases female genital area, secondary infertility; chronic inflammatory diseases of the ear, nose and throat; skin diseases; diseases peripheral vessels limbs in initial stages, chronic thrombophlebitis.

Technique of procedures

Ozokerite is heated to required temperature in electric paraffin heaters or in a water bath. Sterilization of used ozokerite is carried out by heating in a water bath to a temperature of 100 degrees for 10-15 minutes. When reusing ozokerite, 25% of the unused substance is added to it.

There are several ways to use ozokerite:

  • layering (molten ozokerite t 65-70 C is applied to the skin with a brush);
  • ozokerite baths (the limb is coated with ozokerite, and then immersed in a vessel with molten ozokerite at 60-70 C;
  • napkin-application (gauze folded in 8-10 layers is immersed in molten ozokerite t 50-55 C, wrung out and applied to the site of treatment, covered with oilcloth, and then with a blanket or quilted pad);
  • cuvette-application (molten ozokerite in a layer 1.5-2 cm thick is poured into cuvettes, frozen ozokerite t 48-50-54 C is removed from the cuvette onto an oilcloth and applied together with it to the areas to be exposed).

The latter technique is most often used in practice. Ozokerite is also used for abdominal treatment in the form of rectal and vaginal tampons at a temperature of 55-60 C. The choice of treatment method is determined by the form of the disease, the localization of the process, the phase and stage of the disease. Usually the procedures are carried out daily or every other day, the duration of the procedure is from 15 to 30-40 minutes, the course of treatment is 10-20 procedures. After the procedure you should rest for 30-40 minutes.

Treatment courses can be repeated at intervals of at least 3-4 months. Ozokerite can be combined (alternating procedures) with galvanization or electrophoresis, ultrasound therapy, phototherapy, massage, physical therapy, shared mineral baths. The intervals between ozokerite treatment and one of the listed procedures should be at least 1-2 hours. For the elderly and children, ozokerite is heated to a lower temperature (48-52 C); The duration of the procedure is reduced to 15-20 minutes. In children's practice, preference is given to the napkin-application method (napkins are moistened with ozokerite temperature 48-49 C and a compress is applied).

The use of ozokerite is contraindicated in feverish conditions, decompensation of cardio-vascular system, acute and subacute diseases hearts, severe forms, hypertension, emphysema, bronchial asthma, dystrophies, tuberculosis, benign and malignant tumors, tendency to bleeding, blood diseases, with callous and penetrating ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, ulcerative enterocolitis, serious illnesses liver, gangrenous forms of obliterating endarteritis, acute and subacute thrombophlebitis, thyrotoxicosis, epilepsy, with suppurative processes in the pelvic organs, during pregnancy.

Storage: at a temperature not higher than + 25 C.

Ozokerite is a hydrocarbon that belongs to the group of petroleum bitumens and is a mineral. It is used for scientific and technical purposes, as well as in medicine for the purpose of physiotherapeutic manipulations.

Composition and chemical properties

Ozokerite in its structure is a complex mixture of solid saturated high-molecular hydrocarbons, mineral oils and resinous substances. The consistency of ozokerite depends on the amount of resinous-asphalt substances and oils in its composition. It can vary from soft, pasty-like to hard and brittle, plaster-like. Most often, ozokerite is waxy, and its hardness varies depending on temperature.

The color of this substance also depends on its composition and can vary from light yellow to black. Brown and green ozokerite are also found. This substance is distinguished by a characteristic kerosene odor. It does not dissolve in water, alkalis and alcohol, but it can dissolve in kerosene, gasoline, chloroform and some other substances. Ozokerite is very flammable, so it must be protected from fire.


Treatment with ozokerite is quite widespread today. The main branch of its use is physiotherapy. This substance has low thermal conductivity and high heat capacity, so it is used to prepare warming compresses for certain diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as for chronic inflammatory diseases with impaired peripheral circulation.

Chemical composition medical ozokerite has a superficial irritating effect on the skin, which causes a rush of blood. Thus, the treatment allows you to stimulate blood circulation in the subcutaneous capillaries and improve metabolism in the area affected by the compress. Ozokerite has analgesic, absorbable, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. Based on it, ozoparaffin, ozokeramin, ozokerafin and even ozokerafin wipes are produced.

Treatment with ozokerite is usually carried out in sanatorium-resort settings. It is also often included in the complex rehabilitation activities in outpatient settings. The list of indications includes arthrosis, arthritis, contractures, radiculitis, myositis, neuritis, bedsores, trophic ulcers shins, as well as some chronic diseases during remission, for example, urethritis, cholecystitis, pyelonephritis, etc. Also included complex therapy treatment with ozokerite is used for infertility, both female and male, and during post-traumatic rehabilitation.

Instructions for use (method and dosage)

The instructions for ozokerite recommend using it in the form of compresses or by cuvette application. Compresses, like cakes prepared in ditches, are applied to dry clean skin. Excessive vegetation, if present, must be shaved off. It is recommended to undergo the procedures in a lying position.

To prepare a compress, you need to fold a wide bandage into 8 layers, making a so-called pad. Ozokerite is melted in a water bath or in a special apparatus. The pad is moistened in the solution, then allowed to dry, cool to a temperature of approximately 45-50 ° C and applied to the affected area. The second pad with a temperature of 70-80 ° C is placed on top of the first without contact with the skin. The compress is covered with oilcloth or wax paper, and a blanket is placed on top.

When using the cuvette-application method, hot liquid ozokerite is poured into cuvettes lined with wax paper. The cake is allowed to cool to 45-50 °C and removed by the edges of wax paper. The cake is placed on the affected area with paper up, and a blanket or something else is placed on top of it for insulation.

Apply an ozokerite compress for 30-40 minutes or a little more, then remove it and wrap the application site with a warm scarf for 40 minutes. The procedure is repeated daily or every other day; a total of 15-20 procedures are usually required.

Side effects

Side effects usually occur in people with hypersensitivity or intolerance to this substance. In this case, treatment must be stopped.


It is also necessary to take into account contraindications to ozokerite when planning treatment. The drug is contraindicated in patients with any diseases in acute stage, and also with chronic diseases during periods of exacerbation. Ozokerite is also contraindicated in cases of bleeding or the threat of bleeding, in the presence of tumors, both malignant and benign, and organ ulcers. digestive tract, with tuberculosis, severe pathologies of the cardiovascular system, urolithiasis, damage to the liver and pancreas.

Ozokerite (Greek ozo - smell + keros wax - odorous, or mountain wax) is a mineral from the group of petroleum bitumens. Ozokerite deposits are found as admixtures with silicon and calcareous rocks. Ozokerite consists mainly of a mixture of solid hydrocarbons of the paraffin series with some admixture of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons of the same series. Its elemental composition: 84-86% carbon and 13.5-15% hydrogen. Ozokerites from different deposits differ in their chemical composition. The composition of ozokerite includes 40-60% ceresin, 1-7% paraffin, up to 12% petroleum resins, 1-3% asphaltenes, from 25 to 45% mineral oils, as well as up to 5% mechanical impurities and up to 3% water. The presence of biologically active substances in ozokerite can be considered established. The color of ozokerite (from light green or yellow to brown and even black) depends on the content of resins and asphaltenes in it. The consistency of ozokerite is determined by the presence of liquid hydrocarbons in it and can be from soft to hard. The specific gravity ranges from 0.8 to 0.97. Ozokerite is soluble in gasoline, benzene, chloroform, and various resins; it is practically insoluble in water, alcohol and alkalis.

Ozocerite therapy is a method of heat treatment based on the use of heated ozokerite as a thermal agent. Ozocerite therapy is one of the youngest methods of heat therapy. It was proposed and introduced into medical practice at the end of 1942 by Professor S.S. Lepsky. At first, ozokerite played the role of only a paraffin substitute. However, in the future, as the issue is studied in more detail and accumulated clinical experience It turned out that it differs from paraffin not only physical properties And chemical composition, but also the characteristics of the physiological and therapeutic effect. A major role in the study of physicochemical and medicinal properties ozokerite played created in the composition Central Institute Traumatology and orthopedics problem laboratory. The generalization of experience in the use of ozokerite in medicine was facilitated by a conference on ozokerite treatment, held in 1949 in Moscow, and instructions published on this problem (1945, 1950). In 1950, the USSR Ministry of Health, by a special order, proposed that all medical institutions widely use ozokerite treatment. Since then, treatment with ozokerite has become one of the very popular and widespread methods of heat treatment, successfully used in many medical, preventive and health resort institutions. For treatment with ozokerite, an isolated room is allocated (6 m2 per 1 couch, but not less than 12 m2 with one couch), equipped with general exchange supply and exhaust ventilation, providing 4-5 air exchanges per hour. The floor of the premises should be covered with linoleum. The kitchen where ozokerite (and paraffin) is heated must have an area of ​​at least 8 m2. The kitchen walls are lined with glazed tiles to a height of 2.5 m, and the floor is lined with Metlakh tiles. Tables for heating and pouring ozokerite must be covered with heat-resistant material. The kitchen room must be equipped with a fume hood for heating ozokerite. Ozokerite should be heated only in special heaters or in a water bath. Due to the fact that ozokerite is highly flammable, it is prohibited to heat it over an open fire. Even standard ozokerite comes to medical institutions not hydrated enough. Ozokerite, which has been found to contain water, must be dehydrated before use. This is achieved by prolonged heating of ozokerite to 100 °C until brown foam ceases to form on the surface and cracking stops. When reusing ozokerite, 15-25% of the mineral that has not been used is added to it.

There are several ways medicinal use ozokerite, reminiscent of paraffin treatment techniques.

1. Layering technique. Molten ozokerite at a temperature not exceeding 55 ° C is applied with a flat paint brush to the corresponding area of ​​​​the skin, previously lubricated with Vaseline, fish oil or any other indifferent ointment. To apply subsequent layers, ozokerite at a higher temperature (60-70 ° C) is used. After applying an applique 1-2 cm thick, it is covered with oilcloth and wrapped in a blanket or a special quilted pad.

2. Method of ozokerite baths. The hand or foot is first coated with ozokerite at a temperature no higher than 55 °C, and then immersed in an oilcloth bag filled with ozokerite at a higher temperature (55-65 °C). The bag is tied along the edge with a tightening knot. The limb placed in the bag is wrapped in a warm blanket.

3. Napkin-application technique. A gauze napkin soaked in molten ozokerite, folded in 6-8 layers, is wrung out and laid out on oilcloth to cool to the required temperature. For the procedure, use 2-3 such multi-layer gauze napkins, placing them one after the other. The top of the napkins is covered with wax paper or oilcloth and a quilted pad or blanket. The temperature of the first napkin adjacent to the skin should not exceed 50 °C. If more napkins are applied, the temperature of subsequent napkins increases and on the outside it can reach 70-80 °C. In children, the temperature of the first napkin is 38-40 °C, and subsequent ones are applied at a gradually increasing temperature to 55-60 °C.

4. Cuvette-application technique. Molten ozokerite is poured into metal cuvettes onto an oilcloth previously placed there, protruding at the edges by 4-5 cm. The dimensions of the cuvette must correspond to the area where the ozokerite is applied. Cooling in the cuvette, ozokerite turns into a cake (2-5 cm thick). Such a cake at the required temperature (50-60 °C) is removed from the cuvette along with oilcloth and applied to the skin, a padded jacket is placed on top of it and everything is wrapped up.

Ozokerite procedures lasting 30-60 minutes are carried out every other day or two days in a row with a break on the third day, less often daily. The course of treatment consists of 10-15 procedures. After ozokerite procedures, the body is not washed, and the remains of ozokerite are removed with cotton wool and Vaseline. Rest after the procedures is 30-60 minutes. From special methods Vaginal tampons made of ozokerite are most often used. Using a forceps, a cotton swab is moistened in sterilized ozokerite, cooled to 45-55 ° C, and inserted into the vagina through an ebonite speculum, leaving it there for several hours. Usually 2-3 tampons are used. At the end of the procedure, the tampon is removed. There is no need to carry out subsequent douching. Such vaginal tampons are used alone or in combination with ozokerite applications to the pelvic area. Ozokerite tampons are prescribed every other day. 10-12 procedures are used per course of treatment. Reuse ozokerite for vaginal procedures not allowed.

When using ozokerite treatment for elderly and children, ozokerite is heated to more than low temperatures(48-52 °C), and the duration of the procedures is reduced to 15-30 minutes. In children's practice, preference is given to the napkin-application method of exposure.

Ozokerite treatment is used in combination with galvanization or medicinal electrophoresis, ultrasound therapy, phototherapy, massage, physical therapy, mineral baths. They are used in different days or on the same day with an interval between ozokerite treatment and one of the above procedures of at least 2-3 hours. Ozokerite treatment thanks to thermal, mechanical and chemical action ozokerite affects the autonomic nervous system, metabolism, tissue blood flow and lymphatic drainage, the activity of internal organs, incl. and organs internal secretion. It has been established that ozokerite treatment has a resolving, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, vasodilating, desensitizing and antispastic effect, and stimulates regeneration processes. It is generally accepted that the therapeutic effectiveness of ozokerite treatment is slightly higher than paraffin treatment.

The main indications for ozokerite treatment are chronic inflammatory diseases of superficial tissues and internal organs, consequences of diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal and peripheral nervous systems, diseases of the female and male genital organs, skin diseases, diseases of the ear, nose and throat, adhesions abdominal cavity, peripheral vascular diseases in the initial stages, children cerebral paralysis, polio and its consequences, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

Ozokerite treatment has the following contraindications: acute and purulent inflammatory processes of various localizations, severe general atherosclerosis, ischemic disease heart disease, angina pectoris III FC, circulatory failure stage II, cirrhosis of the liver, malignant and benign tumors, thyrotoxicosis stage II-III, chronic glomerulonephritis and nephrosis, pregnancy and lactation, tendency to bleeding, fever.

When carrying out ozokerite treatment, the following safety measures must be observed:

1) due to the formation of vapors with an unpleasant suffocating odor when heating ozokerite, this procedure must be carried out in a room with well-functioning supply and exhaust ventilation, preferably in a fume hood;

2) when ozokerite is heated, some spattering occurs. Personnel conducting heating must use safety glasses, apron, sleeves and gloves;

3) ozokerite easily burns when heated, so heating it outside of a water bath should be avoided under any conditions. In addition, with direct heating, there is a high probability of ignition of the resulting vapors;

4) to prevent burns, you must remember following rules: a) ozokerite should not be applied to wet skin or mucous membranes; b) prevent moisture from entering the molten ozokerite; c) the procedure should be immediately suspended if the patient complains of a burning sensation; d) if it is necessary to carry out procedures for patients with impaired thermal sensitivity, they should be guided by the thermometer readings and begin ozokerite treatment with lower coolant temperatures;

5) in order to reduce the soiling of ozokerite, you can resort to mixing it with paraffin (30-50%).

Ozokerite is a hydrocarbon that is directly related to petroleum-type bitumens. Acts as a mineral and is used for scientific and technical purposes. He has also found his role in the medical field, because he facilitates the implementation of physiotherapeutic procedures. Treatment of ozokerite at home has become popular, which is used to treat wide range pathological processes. Let's look at what ozokerites are and how they are used in medical practice.

The structure of the product is a complex mixture consisting of hydrocarbons that are molecular and saturated. There are also mineral oils and resinous elements. The consistency features depend on the amount of certain substances, including oils. It can be in the form of ointment, plaster, or it can become more liquid.

In practice, a composition similar to wax is more often used, and its hardness changes regularly, depending on the temperature regime. Depending on the purpose of using ozokerite, the selected consistency is determined.

The same can be said about color indicators of this substance. They are influenced by the composition, so the tone ranges from yellow to black. And they also meet the brown one, green color. Regardless of the shade, the substance is endowed with the characteristic smell of kerosene. And it is also not capable of dissolving in water, alcohol, or alkali, but it can be “absorbed” by gasoline and some other substances. The composition is highly flammable, so it should be kept away from fire. It must be used carefully in compliance with the rules and safety precautions.

If you study general medicinal properties, then the composition helps with various diseases and has several effects simultaneously:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anesthetic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • expanding.

After completing the therapeutic course, you can easily note the result indicating an improvement in the condition. The patient has more motor activity, painful sensations pass, the general tone increases.

What are the indications for the use of the substance?

Indications for use are varied and numerous, but often such treatment is relevant in the case of problems with the musculoskeletal system. Here are the conditions in which the procedure will be truly useful and necessary:

  • joint problems (arthritis, bursitis, arthrosis, radiculitis, myositis);
  • renal pathologies;
  • diseases related to the bladder;
  • at ;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • genitourinary diseases in males;
  • problems with the functioning of ENT organs;
  • Ozokerite is used on cervical region to kid;
  • pathologies of gynecological nature;
  • for skin diseases;
  • muscle spasms, neuritis, sciatica, fractures;
  • bedsores;
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • rehabilitation measures after injuries.

Ozokerite applications help accelerate the process of tissue regeneration, resorption of scars and adhesions. The product is even indicated for use by small children.

For children

Positive results can be obtained in case of decreased tone lower limbs for the baby so that he can stand and walk confidently. So, the indications for ozokerite are presented in large quantities, so it is necessary to pay attention to them Special attention and use the composition strictly for its intended purpose. The use of ozokerite for children plays a special role.


Contraindicated in case of pathologies that are at the acute stage. Contraindications for ozokerite boil down to the following list of conditions:

  • bleeding;
  • abscesses and purulent wounds;
  • tumor processes and phenomena;
  • ulcerative gastric lesions;
  • tuberculosis;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • urolithiasis;
  • problems with the pancreas;
  • epilepsy;
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy;
  • illnesses thyroid gland.

These are the indications and contraindications for the use of this composition. Before starting self-therapy, you need to consult a specialist.

Features of acquiring the substance

You can purchase the composition for physiotherapy at pharmacy. Sold in the form of briquettes and dosage form- like ozokerite applications. The price depends on the weight of the package, packaging features and the manufacturer itself. In general, the price range starts from an amount of 140 rubles or more. Ozocerite substances are commercially available, which contain special healing herbs and cosmetic effects.

Best before date

The shelf life of this drug is unlimited, provided it is stored at temperature conditions not exceeding 25 degrees.

How to use at home?

The product can be used in several types and forms of therapy:

  • ozokerite application;
  • special compress;
  • ozokerite baths.

All types of medicine should be applied strictly to clean skin. If there is abundant vegetation on it, you need to shave thoroughly. According to the instructions for use, physiotherapy itself is carried out in a lying position.

Performing compresses

Treatment of joints can be achieved through the use of special compress. To do this, it is necessary to follow a certain sequence of actions.

  1. The bandage or gauze is folded into 8 layers to make a special pad.
  2. The composition is melted using a water bath or using an apparatus. It is prohibited to provide direct contact of the substance with a source of elevated temperature conditions, which is associated with its ability to ignite easily.
  3. Next, you need to perform the ozokerite procedure by soaking the prepared gasket in the liquid and cooling it to a temperature of 50 degrees.
  4. A second gasket is made using a similar method, but it must have a higher temperature of 70-80 degrees.
  5. The sequence of application of the elements is as follows: first comes the first pad, then comes the second, which should not touch the patient’s skin. After this, oilcloth or special waxed paper is laid. And on top of all this is a quilted jacket.

As you can see, making an application with the available high-quality substance ozokerite is quite simple. The use of such applications should be regular.

Features of the use of flat cakes

Another type of ozokerite therapy involves the use of special cakes. This is a common option for ozokerite treatment, which also requires adherence to a special sequence.

  1. To carry out ozokerite therapy, the product is poured into special cuvettes, which are lined with wax paper. The size of the container depends on the required application area.
  2. Treatment with ozokerite requires that the product must cool down. Temperature range – up to 55 degrees. After this, it is removed from the cuvette using the same paper.
  3. Next, you can proceed directly to ozokerite treatment. It is assumed that the resulting cake will be applied to the site of the lesion so that the paper remains at the top.
  4. Then the resulting composition is superimposed cotton gauze bandage or a special padded jacket.

Both ozokerite therapy is effective. The difference between the methods lies in the current temperature regime - after all, in the second case it is lower. Ozocerite treatment does not last long: the product is applied for a period of up to one hour. But on average, the duration of interaction with the skin is no more than 40 minutes. This procedure must be repeated daily or every other day. In general, physiotherapy involves a course of 15–20 procedures.