Blood transfusion procedure for low hemoglobin. Consequences and dangers of blood transfusion with low hemoglobin

For the first time, when doing a clinical blood test of a child, parents are faced with the concept of “hemoglobin”. Level this indicator in the blood constantly changes depending on the age of the baby. But in some cases, deviations from the norm may involve potential danger. In the article you will learn about the reasons for low and high hemoglobin in children, and what the hemoglobin level should be depending on age.

Hemoglobin and its main task in the body

Hemoglobin is a special protein found in red blood cells - erythrocytes. In tests it is designated Hb or HGB. This protein is in the blood of every person and has a complex structure. Hemoglobin contains an important non-protein component called heme. Heme contains iron, and it is what gives blood its red color.

Important! The main task of hemoglobin is to transport blood gases throughout the body - it combines with oxygen in the lungs, delivers oxygen to those tissues where there is little of it, and in return takes carbon dioxide and also carries it to the lungs; then combines again with oxygen, etc.

A particularly large amount of hemoglobin and red blood cells is present in newborns. In a child, in the first three days after birth, normal hemoglobin is maximum and amounts to 145-225 g/l. After this period, the breakdown of “unnecessary” red blood cells begins, which lasts about three weeks, and by 5-6 months high hemoglobin decreases to 95-135 g/l.

Determination of the amount of hemoglobin in the blood

To find out what the child’s hemoglobin level is at a particular moment, the pediatrician orders a clinical blood test. During laboratory research The number of blood cells and how much hemoglobin in grams is contained in 1 liter of blood is determined. For this reason, the unit of measurement for hemoglobin is grams per liter (g/L).

How is a blood test for hemoglobin performed:

  • Blood for clinical analysis Most often, capillary is taken, i.e. taken from the finger. IN in rare cases Venous blood is taken from children for analysis;
  • Blood test results may vary depending on what hours the blood was taken. They also depend on the amount of food eaten before the procedure. For more accurate results, it is recommended to take blood from the baby in the morning and on an empty stomach;
  • Sometimes a blood test is done a short time several times to compare indicators (during illness). In this case, it is important for the adult to ensure the most identical conditions for conducting the study in the child - take the test at the same hours, venous or capillary blood, on an empty/full stomach, etc.

Table with hemoglobin norms in children by age

Hemoglobin levels in children vary constantly and depend entirely on the age of the baby. The blood of newborns contains more hemoglobin and red blood cells than that of older children and adults. In the first year of life, there is a physiological decrease in the concentration of iron-containing protein in the blood, which is quite normal for infants. A table with hemoglobin norms will help parents compare the results of a clinical blood test with the norms in accordance with WHO recommendations.

On a note! To keep hemoglobin levels under control, the pediatrician prescribes 1-2 times a year hematological examination every child in for preventive purposes. Children with chronic pathologies donate blood for analysis more often - more than 3 times a year.

Hemoglobin content in the blood of children under 1 year of age (average values)

Child's age Hemoglobin, g/l
1 day of life220 180-240
5 days of life190 160-200
10 days of life180 160-190
1 month175 160-190
2 months150 120-160
3 months140 120-160
4 months135 120-140
5 months135 120-140
6 months130 120-140
7 months130 120-140
8 months130 120-140
9 months130 120-140
10 months125 110-140
11 months125 110-140
12 months120 110-140

What is the hemoglobin level in premature babies?

In children born ahead of schedule, hemoglobin levels are lower than in full-term newborns. The lower limit of normal for such a child is 160 g/l. Meanwhile, by 4 weeks of life in a premature baby, the hemoglobin level begins to decrease, while doctors call the lower limit of normal by 1 month 100 g/l. When the hemoglobin level is below 85 g/l in children under one year of age, the condition is considered critical and a donor blood transfusion is performed.

Babies born prematurely are more likely to suffer from anemia than their peers born at term. This is due to lack of maturity internal organs child.

Average hemoglobin levels in the blood of children aged 1 to 7 years

Child's age Hemoglobin, g/l Acceptable variant of hemoglobin norm, g/l
1 year120 110-140
1.5 years120 110-140
2 years125 110-140
3 years125 110-140
4 years125 110-140
5 years130 120-140
6 years130 120-140
7 years130 120-140

Some conclusions that can be drawn from this table with standards:

  • At 1 year of age, a clinical blood test should show a hemoglobin result in the range of 110-140 g/l.
  • At 2 years of age, the hemoglobin norm in most healthy children is at the same level as at 1 year of age. It happens that a child does not gain weight well by a given age, is not active, often asks to be held, and gets tired. These symptoms may be signs of developing anemia, so you should consult a doctor.
  • Until the age of five, the hemoglobin level increases slightly or remains the same. It is permissible to increase the lower and upper limits by 5 units.
  • After 5 years, there is an increase in hemoglobin levels, so the results of a blood test will already show figures of 120-140 g/l.

On a note! By the year infant replenishes iron reserves and other microelements actively involved in the process of hematopoiesis, thanks to meat and plant products. With a sufficient intake of iron in food, hemoglobin after 14-18 months begins to be independently synthesized in the body in the required quantity.

6 factors affecting hemoglobin levels in children

  1. Age– newborn children experience a maximum concentration of hemoglobin in the blood, which begins to decline almost immediately after birth. It is for this reason that the child’s age is indicated in the clinical blood test form for a correct assessment of the result obtained;

    note! One year old child may have a hemoglobin level of 120 g/l, which is considered normal; at the same time, for a 2-3 month old baby, this indicator is a clear sign of anemia.

  2. Pregnancy and childbirth mother– diseases of the mother’s hematopoietic system during pregnancy, significant blood loss during childbirth, multiple pregnancy and premature birth can affect the baby's hemoglobin levels;
  3. Power supply– Breastfed children are less likely to suffer from low hemoglobin, unlike babies fed an adapted formula. Also, one of the most common reasons for changes in hemoglobin levels is nutritional disturbances in a child older than 6 months. Failure to introduce complementary foods for a long time, lack of meat and cereals in the diet lead to a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  4. Health– significant fluctuations in hemoglobin levels from normal often indicate that the child has hidden diseases, about blood thickening due to a lack of fluid in the body, etc.;
  5. Heredity– if one of the parents has had high or low hemoglobin throughout their life with in good condition health, then this genetic factor can pass on to the child;
  6. Seasons– a slight decrease in hemoglobin in the blood is observed in most children in the autumn-winter period.

All about hemoglobin from Doctor Komarovsky (video):

An increase in hemoglobin levels is inextricably linked with an increase in the level of red blood cells. When hemoglobin is slightly higher than normal, doctors usually do not attach any importance to this fact. Increased hemoglobin in children is often caused by non-dangerous causes - too high content iron in the diet or not enough moist air in the room where the child spends most time.

You can determine the scale of the problem using a table by comparing the readings of a child’s clinical blood test with the permissible level of the upper limit of hemoglobin.

Child's age Upper limit permissible level hemoglobin, g/l
5 days of life200
10 days of life190
1 month160
12 months130
Over 12 months140

Symptoms of high hemoglobin

High hemoglobin in most cases does not manifest itself as any symptoms in the child’s health. In rare cases, with a significant deviation in the amount of protein from the norm, there may be a deterioration in appetite, fast fatiguability, drowsiness, frequent headaches and increased blood pressure.

Causes of increased hemoglobin

To the very common reasons high hemoglobin in the blood include:

Fluid deficiency in the body

When dehydrated, the blood thickens, thereby causing an increase in hemoglobin. This is possible with ARVI, accompanied by fever, intestinal infections with vomiting/stool upset, increased sweating, diabetes mellitus etc.

Respiratory system diseases

In chronic diseases of the respiratory system, it often develops respiratory failure. The body's tissues need oxygen, so the number of red blood cells increases significantly to compensate the body for the lack of oxygen.

Heart failure

Chronic failure of the cardiac system in children is caused by congenital heart pathology and is a common cause increased level hemoglobin.

Diseases of the renal system

In kidney diseases that increase excess secretion of the hormone erythropoietin, the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells remains stable high level.

Blood diseases

In some blood diseases, increased growth of red blood cells begins, and hemoglobin also significantly exceeds permissible norm. The same effect is observed in the presence of benign and malignant tumors in organism.

The danger of high hemoglobin in children

Severe blood thickening threatens to disrupt the functioning of internal organs and body systems, form blood clots and worsen brain activity. With a constant high level of hemoglobin, excess iron can accumulate in the pancreas, kidneys, and liver, which disrupts their function and can subsequently cause pathological conditions these organs.

What to do if you have high hemoglobin?

Increased hemoglobin in children is not a disease, but one of the symptoms of poor health. The task of parents and pediatrician in this case is to find out the cause high content hemoglobin in the child’s blood and do everything possible to regulate this indicator as soon as possible.

  • If hemoglobin has increased as a result of an illness, the doctor will prescribe treatment with blood thinning medications, selecting correct dosage according to the child's age.
  • If the problem is in the daily diet with a large presence of iron-containing products, then adults should review their baby’s menu, including more fish, legumes, white meat chicken and turkey.

Low hemoglobin in a child

A decrease in the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells is interpreted by most doctors as an unambiguous sign of the presence of one of the most diverse anemias (iron deficiency, radiation, post-infectious, etc.).

Anemia in a child younger age diagnosed when hemoglobin decreases depending on the specific age. Depending on the level of protein concentration in the blood, three degrees of anemia are diagnosed - mild, moderate and acute.

Symptoms of low hemoglobin

Anemia in a child rarely goes unnoticed. One or more pronounced symptoms are often observed:

  • complete lack of appetite;
  • causeless muscle weakness;
  • dizziness, fainting;
  • pale skin;
  • sleep disturbances (drowsiness or, conversely, insomnia);
  • dry skin, peeling;
  • low-grade body temperature;
  • the appearance of white spots on the nails, etc.

Low hemoglobin in a child - mother’s opinion:

Causes of low hemoglobin in children

Low hemoglobin in children is most often a consequence iron deficiency anemia.

  • Iron deficiency in infants is often caused by the mother's anemia during pregnancy, which prevents the baby from accumulating the required supply of the element in the body.
  • In children older than six months, failure to introduce complementary foods leads to iron deficiency. All reserves of the element accumulated during the period of intrauterine development are depleted by 6 months; and breast milk and formula do not contain enough iron to full development and growth. As a result, the baby develops a lack of iron, which leads to anemia by the age of one year.
  • By the age of five or six years, iron deficiency is usually caused by an inadequate, unbalanced diet. This is possible if a child refuses to eat porridge, meat dishes, or the whole family follows a vegetarian diet.

Other causes of low hemoglobin in children include:

  • acute or chronic blood loss;
  • disruption of red blood cell production;
  • hemolytic anemia (destruction of red blood cells);
  • spicy and chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract;
  • past infectious diseases;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • taking certain medications, etc.

The dangers of low hemoglobin

In a state of anemia (low hemoglobin content), the child’s well-being worsens. The organs are in a state oxygen starvation, because do not receive enough oxygen. Lack of hemoglobin leads to a weakened state of health, susceptibility to frequent colds, decreased immunity. If the problem for a long time remains unresolved, there is a risk of delays in intellectual and/or physical development child.

What else you need to know about hemoglobin infant. What to do if you have anemia:

What to do if your hemoglobin level is low?

Only a doctor can determine whether a child has anemia based on a clinical blood test. First, the pediatrician must identify the cause of this state to choose the right treatment.

  • In case of iron deficiency anemia, the child is prescribed mandatory medications with iron (Maltofer, Ferronat, Totema, etc.). Taking medications is usually spread over a course of 6-8 weeks.
  • If the child infancy hemoglobin for short term reached less than 85 g/l, this condition is assessed by medicine as critical and requires a blood transfusion. For babies older than 12 months, transfusion is performed in a different case - if hemoglobin has dropped to 70 g/l or lower.

Menu for maintaining normal hemoglobin

Introducing complementary feeding to an infant is the best way to normalize hemoglobin levels in the blood without medical intervention. The diet of a child from 6 months to one year must include following products: lean boiled meat, fillet sea ​​fish, pureed vegetables and legumes. In addition, they promote iron absorption fresh fruits red, dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes), rosehip decoction, compotes from dried apples and pears, as well as dairy products(baby cottage cheese, yogurt, bifidok, unsalted cheese).

In case of iron deficiency anemia, an iron-fortified diet often comes to the rescue.

  • For infants under 6 months of age, the daily iron requirement is 0.27 mg/day.
  • Infants from 7 months to one year (during rapid growth) need 11 mg of iron per day.
  • Children 1-3 years old are recommended to consume foods containing 7 mg of iron per day.
  • For children aged 4 to 7 years, the recommended iron intake is 10 mg/day.

The table below contains a list of products that help maintain normal hemoglobin levels.

Name Iron content per 100 g of product
Peanut5 mcg
Buckwheat8.3 mcg
Green pea7-9 mcg
Corn grains3.8 mcg
Pine nuts3 mcg
Dogwood4.2 mcg
Oat groats5.6 mcg
Cashew nuts3.9 mcg
Liverpork – 20.2 mg

beef – 7 mg

chicken – 3 mg

Wheat groats5.4 mcg
Pistachios60 mg
Lentils11.8 mcg
Spinach13.5 mcg
Barley grits7.4 mcg

Note! If the child’s next routine examination reveals that the hemoglobin in the blood has dropped several readings below normal, parents should not fall into despair. Often it is the lack of iron intake from diet that causes main reason anemia in children, which means normalizing the diet will gradually solve the problem.

Prevention of anemia

Tips to help you avoid problems associated with childhood anemia:

  • During pregnancy expectant mother it is necessary to take tests on time. This will allow timely detection of a decrease in hemoglobin in blood cells and, if possible, eliminate it. Also, a pregnant woman should not neglect taking multivitamins and take them as prescribed by the doctor.
  • From breastfeeding Mothers should also not refuse without reason. From mother's milk Iron is absorbed much better than from the most expensive adapted milk formulas.
  • During lactation, a nursing mother needs to control her menu, make the diet varied, enrich it with fresh and healthy products. It is from what is on the mother’s table that the baby will receive so much important proteins, iron and all the vitamins necessary for hematopoiesis.
  • Introduce complementary foods to your child in a timely manner, because by the age of 6 months, the child no longer has enough iron accumulated in his body, as well as the mineral supplied with breast milk.
  • If your baby has been introduced to complementary foods, there is no need to try to wean him off the breast at the same time. The enzymes contained in mother's milk will help the baby correctly and fully absorb iron from the new food introduced in complementary feeding.
  • Cow's milk should not be introduced into complementary foods for children under 12 months of age. Many well-known pediatricians recommend holding off on using this product until the child is 1.5 years old. Use cow's milk infants is a risk factor for the development of anemia.
  • Children under 2 years of age should not be given black tea as a drink. This is unacceptable, since tea contains tannins that bind iron and prevent this element from remaining in the body.
  • Every day and as often as possible you need to spend time with your baby fresh air. Walking saturates the lungs with oxygen and also stimulates the formation of new blood cells.
  • Take your child regularly for checkups with the pediatrician. If necessary, take your baby and all tests prescribed by your local doctor. This will allow timely and timely identification of any errors in the state of health and hematopoietic system baby.

How often do you need to get tested for hemoglobin?

In accordance with WHO recommendations, healthy child to determine the amount of hemoglobin must be examined once a year. In the presence of chronic diseases, children are examined regularly, including repeated clinical blood tests.

When taking a clinical blood test for hemoglobin, the following nuances should be taken into account:

  • The hemoglobin concentration will be lower if you take a blood test from a child in horizontal position(lying down).
  • After eating a meal, the amount of hemoglobin decreases. Also, less hemoglobin is observed when taking the test in the evening.
  • If a health care professional applies excessive pressure on a finger while drawing capillary blood, the blood sample may intercellular fluid and dilute it. Because of this, the hemoglobin result will be 5-7% lower than the actual level.
  • In the event that a fence occurs venous blood, and the tourniquet was applied for a long time by a health worker during the procedure, vascular stasis will occur and, as a result, the hemoglobin level will be elevated.

Any changes that suddenly arise in the baby’s condition should alert parents. For example, if the child began to get irritated for no reason, became capricious, circles appeared under the eyes, or the baby became pale. But you shouldn’t sign up for a blood donation without permission from a doctor. If you suspect your child has anemia, the first thing you should do is contact your pediatrician.

The disease anemia is accompanied by tinnitus, severe shortness of breath and dizziness. Otherwise, such signs are characterized as in the composition of the blood. IN in case of emergency Doctors prescribe blood transfusions for low hemoglobin after childbirth, in a newborn and other children.

In human blood, doctors do not consider it as a separate pathology, but there are some symptoms of anemia by which it can be recognized.

Patients should remember that the necessary information can be found from general analysis, but most people rarely undergo such a procedure.

If present following symptoms anemia, you should immediately consult a doctor:

  • Weakness.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Bad memory.
  • Poor appetite.
  • Dizziness or fainting.

Warning signs

If you do not contact a specialist for a long time if the above symptoms are present, the body suffers, which leads to an incorrect acid-base balance.

There are symptoms that represent processes occurring in the human body that entail consequences of a threat to life and health:

  • Respiratory dysfunction.
  • Vomiting and diarrhea.
  • The skin becomes white and rough.
  • Hair fragility.
  • The appearance of fungal infections on the nails.
  • Cracked lips.
  • Muscle cramps.
  • Change in taste.

It must be remembered that each patient may exhibit symptoms of anemia to a greater or lesser extent. Most people do not even suspect why anemia can develop.

In order to replenish the level of hemoglobin in the body, the body needs to provide required amount gland. This substance can penetrate into the blood through food. The daily dose is from 10 to 20 mg; if the patient does not consume foods containing iron, then the blood is not enriched with the necessary components, which leads to a decrease in hemoglobin. This disease is called anemia.

Iron is not absorbed in the body

Consumption daily norm iron is not enough for human body, it is very important that it is also absorbed. This process is quite complex, in which a large number of people take part. chemical substances. That is why vitamins are also very necessary, which should also enter the body with food. An important component in this process is folic acid.

There are other reasons for a decrease in hemoglobin in men and women - this is low production of enzymes, mainly found in older people.

It is worth noting that in most patients, there is a decrease in hemoglobin, even with good production. This process occurs when, due to injury or injury.

Indications for transfusion

There are a number of indications for blood transfusion with low hemoglobin, which is performed only when medicinal method powerless:

  • Large blood loss.
  • Pulmonary failure.
  • Urgent surgery.
  • For oncology.

Execution technique

Most patients ask the question: how is a blood transfusion done? This procedure is performed as follows:

  • Examination of the patient, clarification of the necessary data for blood transfusion.
  • Determination of Rh factor and.
  • Donor selection.
  • Clarifying the compatibility of the donor and the patient.
  • Injecting 25 ml of blood into the patient to identify side effects.
  • Injection of blood should not be faster than 50-60 drops per minute.
  • Observation of the patient by specialists in the clinic.
  • A day later, urine samples are taken for analysis.

It is worth noting that the correctness of the procedure is not accompanied by complications; sometimes women experience the consequences of a blood transfusion after such a procedure.

Difficulties arise in situations of extensive transfusion, or when using artificial substitute. In some patients, complications occur that resolve in hidden form, this indicates that the injected blood is not compatible with the patient’s component.

If upon secondary administration red blood cell mass complications begin, the procedure should be stopped immediately. That is why blood transfusion should be carried out by experienced specialists.

Blood transfusion in infants and premature babies

Maternal and neonatal hemolytic anemia is associated with various antigens.

Hemolytic anemia manifests itself as follows:

  • Death of the fetus in the womb.
  • Birth with edema.
  • Development of severe jaundice.
  • Severe form of anemia.

If a disease is detected in the fetus during pregnancy, an intrauterine blood transfusion is performed, strictly under ultrasound control.

A newborn baby may have a complex form of development hemolytic disease, which is accompanied yellow coloring skin, as well as an enlarged liver. In such cases, the child undergoes an exchange transfusion procedure, which is carried out using 160-170 ml of blood. The blood used is infused for several days,

It is very important to select a donor who meets all the criteria. Transfusion of mother's blood to premature babies is strictly contraindicated. Now you know how blood transfusion is done in case of low hemoglobin in oncology, in premature babies and what the consequences of this procedure may be.

Few parents are prepared for the birth of their child prematurely. Most often the birth premature baby becomes a difficult challenge for the whole family. This happens because everyone is waiting for the birth of a plump, rosy-cheeked little one, counting on returning from maternity hospital in a maximum of 5 days, and in general, as a rule, they make optimistic plans for the future. A huge amount of information for expectant and young parents, including the Internet, television, and print publications, is devoted to a normal pregnancy, childbirth without complications and caring for healthy newborn. When something starts to go wrong, parents find themselves in an information vacuum, which sometimes aggravates an already difficult situation.

For the first time in Russia, a resource has been created entirely dedicated to the problem premature birth and prematurity. This resource was created by parents for parents who are expecting or have already given birth to a child prematurely. We experienced from our own experience a lack of information during the period of maintaining pregnancy, nursing the baby in the maternity hospital and perinatal center. We felt an acute shortage of funds for specialized care, which is so necessary for the full physical and mental maturation of a child outside the womb. I have more than one month behind me, spent at the incubator, then at the crib in endless waiting, fear and hopes for recovery. As the baby grew, more and more information was required about the care, development, and education of a child born prematurely, which would be adapted to our situation and which is very difficult to find. This experience gives us reason to believe that the information posted on our website will help young mothers and fathers be more prepared for the birth of their dearest baby, and therefore go through this difficult period in life easier and more calmly. Knowledge and experience will make you more confident and help you focus on the most important thing - the health and development of your baby.

As materials for creating the site, we used medical and pedagogical literature, reference books, practical guides, opinions of specialists in the field of obstetrics, gynecology and neonatology, child psychology and pedagogy, materials from foreign resources, as well as the invaluable experience of parents whom we met and became close friends thanks to our children.

We draw your attention to the fact that the materials presented here are not a “recipe” for you and your child, but are only intended to help you understand the situation, dispel some doubts and orient yourself in your actions. Mention of any medicines, equipment, brands, institutions, etc. is not advertising and cannot be used without the consent of specialists.

We hope that we will be useful to you from the moment your baby is born and grow with you. If you have any questions, wishes or suggestions, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it!

Sincerely yours,

The last quarter of a century has been marked by an increase in the survival rate of premature babies. There is a particularly strong increase in the survival rate of very premature infants. In this regard, such a disease as anemia has become a frequent companion in the growth of a child.

General information

Thanks to scientific research in medicine, the survival rate of children with 3 and 4 degrees of prematurity varies from 50% to 70%. In this case, prematurity of 1 or 2 degrees is characterized by 90% and 95% survival. The figures are quite impressive, especially considering that 25 years ago children with grades 3 and 4 had modest chances of continuing to live.

However, every coin has two sides, and in this case reverse side became anemic. The disease accompanies almost every premature baby and begins to manifest itself along with intensive growth and development. However, it is worth noting that this disease does not put an end to further normal life child and with proper treatment does not leave a mark.

Causes of low hemoglobin in premature babies

Anemia, or more simply put, an insufficient amount of hemoglobin in the blood can occur for several reasons:

  • Iron deficiency
  • Vitamin E deficiency
  • Folate deficiency
  • Slowing or stopping erythropoiesis (the creation of red blood cells)

Professor Shulman first spoke about anemia of prematurity back in 1959. He also identified 3 main conditions of anemia corresponding to:

  • Early anemia
  • Intermediate anemia
  • Late anemia

Early anemia in premature babies

The first form of anemia that occurs in premature babies. This form appears in more than half of newborns. Development occurs at 4-8 weeks of life. The causes of its occurrence can be both prenatal dystrophy and birth trauma, as well as hospital infection.

Since the baby is premature, his blood contains fetal hemoglobin, which differs from the hemoglobin of an adult. Also characterized by immaturity Bone marrow child. Because he was born prematurely, the bone marrow is not able to fully perform its function of creating red blood cells. However, the decisive role in the fall in hemoglobin levels is played by sharp increase oxygen saturation of the blood. Actually, the increase itself occurs from 455 to 90-95%. This is due to the spontaneous breathing of the premature fetus.

Since the body strives for balance of all systems, against the background of a sharp oversaturation with oxygen, the body gives signals to suppress the functions of erythropoiesis. Accordingly, the hormone erythropoietin ceases to be produced and is not detected in the blood. However, intensive growth and development does not stop, the child grows, but the reutilization function does not work or functions insufficiently due to a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin. Consequently, the iron balance becomes negative. All this leads to a decrease in blood hemoglobin to very low values, up to 70 g/l. Such indicators force the body to begin the process of erythropoiesis again. At this point, the stage of early anemia ends.

Intermediate anemia

Due to the activation of the processes of creating red blood cells, their level approaches normal (about 110 g/l), however, in the process of its creation, iron is consumed. As mentioned above, incoming iron is not retained in the body, and what is already available is wasted. Therefore, anemia of premature babies becomes the last, most dangerous stage associated with a lack of iron in the body.

Late anemia in premature babies

In addition to the rapidly consumed iron, whose supply is depleted by 16-20 months, there is a severe deficiency folic acid, which is also necessary for the child. The supply of this vitamin is depleted within 2 months. In addition, it is worth remembering that the disease is aggravated by illness.
This is primarily due to the prescribed antibiotics, which are necessary for immature immunity. Medicines suppress the activity of the gastrointestinal microflora and the process of vitamin reproduction is inhibited.

A larger amount of stored substances enters the body in the last 2 months of pregnancy and is consumed just as quickly. Therefore, in case of illness or birth trauma, which subsequently affects the absorption of vitamins, can cause hypovitaminosis. The child becomes a hostage, on the one hand, treatment for the disease, and on the other, restoration of the body after prescribed medications. However, neither antibiotic treatment nor fortification of the body can be canceled, since both will harm the growing body.


First of all, treatment depends on the stage of anemia. For initial stage this can be supplementing the diet with vitamins for both the child and the mother. A transfusion of red blood cells is possible, but it will only have a temporary effect. In this case, it is considered correct to transfuse compatible erythropoietin to restore the function of erythropoiesis. With low hemoglobin, respiratory and cardiac disorders may occur. Rapid heartbeat, disturbances in heart and breathing rhythms. In this case, the child remains in the hospital for full monitoring and recovery. At this time, adequate treatment takes place according to the examination and prescriptions of the attending physician.

Treatment of the late stage differs little from the initial stage, with some exceptions. Late stage caused by deterioration of the condition due to exhaustion of the body. Therefore, in addition to the measures described above, a complex for caring for the child is necessary. Must be natural nutrition, healthy sleep and long walks. In addition, it is important to especially monitor the mother’s diet, as well as prescribe vitamins C and E.


Timely seeking help corrects the consequences of anemia. Prevents tissue hypoxia and, as a consequence, lag in physical and mental development. After the treatment, clinical registration is required throughout the entire growth of the baby. Also, for the first time, a mandatory examination by a pediatrician is prescribed once a week with a control blood test at least once every 2 weeks.

Anemia occurs in almost all premature babies. In many cases, rational feeding and proper care are sufficient to correct the condition.

Anemia of prematurity is a very common diagnosis; it occurs in almost all premature babies, as well as in cases where the pregnancy was multiple.

Throughout pregnancy and while breastfeeding
breastfeeding women should take iron supplements
with multivitamins (tardiferon, ferrogradumet, materna, etc.).

Early anemia of premature babies

Early anemia occurs in healthy premature babies in the second month of life and usually ends by the end of the third. In sick children, anemia develops earlier. In mild cases of anemia, hemoglobin decreases within the range of 83-110 g/l, red blood cells - to 3,000,000-3,500,000. It is manifested by pale skin, but the child’s behavior does not change, he actively sucks, and gains weight well.

Anemia medium degree severity is characterized by a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin to 66-82 g/l and is accompanied by pallor of the skin and mucous membranes, weakness, and loss of appetite. At severe course anemia, the hemoglobin level drops below 66 g/l, the number of red blood cells - below 2,800,000. The child gains weight poorly, becomes lethargic, has shortness of breath, and the pallor of the skin increases.

The severity of anemia depends on the child's maturity - the lighter the child at birth, the more severe it is. In children weighing less than 1.5 kg, anemia is more pronounced.

IN severe cases blood transfusion is indicated. In mild cases, rational feeding, regular long walks outdoors, massage, daily bathing.

In premature babies, anemia develops due to:

  • increased destruction of red blood cells in premature infants in the first months of life;
  • faster increase in blood volume compared to full-term babies;
  • functional immaturity of the bone marrow.

Late anemia of premature infants

In the second half of the year, premature babies may develop late anemia. It is especially pronounced in very premature babies and in children or one child of twins. Late anemia can be prevented by timely intake of iron supplements. They are prescribed from 2-3 months of age and continue with short breaks for several months (2-3 weeks on, 2 weeks off, etc.).

The cause of late anemia of prematurity is iron deficiency. Deposition of iron reserves in the fetal body occurs at latest dates intrauterine life, and premature babies are born with its deficiency. The main food for children of this age is breast milk- also contains small amounts of iron.

Prevention of anemia in premature babies

  • Breast-feeding ;
  • timely introduction of juices and meat products;
  • correct mode;
  • staying in the fresh air;
  • monthly blood test;
  • conducting a preventive course of iron supplements in half the dose (2-3 mg/kg/day) in risk groups;
  • Children born weighing less than 1800 g are prescribed iron supplements for the entire first year of life at a dose of 2.5 mg/kg/day.

Expert: Svetlana Avdeeva, pediatrician
Olesya Manutsevich

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