Duration of action of Viagra 50. How long will Viagra allow you to have sex

Under conditions of an unfavorable environmental situation, lifestyle, and age, men experience a variety of sexual disorders. If the problem is not identified in a timely manner, impotence will begin to actively develop. In this case, full sexual intercourse without the use of special medications will be impossible. The stimulant Viagra is very popular. Why do men prefer this particular drug? How long does Viagra last?

How does Viagra work?

To find out how long a drug lasts, you need to understand how it works. Viagra comes in the form of blue tablets. The main active ingredient is sildenafil (selective PDE 5 inhibitor). It is thanks to this substance that a man experiences a full erection.

It is important to remember what is prohibited. Any medication should only be prescribed by a doctor. A specialist will be able to determine the optimal dosage of sildenafil, which will not harm health and will be highly effective. Who should take this stimulant? Medicine for a man whose erection is not sufficient for sexual intercourse. Also, in some cases, Viagra is prescribed for premature ejaculation.

It is important to remember that the drug only eliminates the symptoms of impotence, but does not cure it.

The principle of action of Viagra is as follows:

  • Sildenafil promotes the release of nitric oxide in the blood;
  • Dilates blood vessels;
  • Increases blood flow to the cavernous bodies of the penis;
  • Relaxes the smooth muscles of the pelvis.

So, when taking Viagra, 95% of men achieve. It is important to know that an erection stimulator will not be effective without full stimulation of arousal. Consequently, the drug has no effect on male libido or psyche. Therefore, without the desire for sex, there will be no erection.

How long does it take for Viagra to work?

As a rule, Viagra tablets are available in a dosage of 100 mg. This is the average dose that is most often prescribed. But, in pharmacies you can find 25, 50 and 150 mg of sildenafil. Consequently, the time for an erection to occur after taking the drug depends on the dosage and the individual characteristics of the man’s body. There is no exact time period.

If a man takes a 100 mg tablet, a full erection will occur 20-50 minutes after use. Some representatives of the stronger sex, with strong arousal, note the onset of an erection after 15 minutes. Sildenafil is quite easily and quickly absorbed into the blood. But, for the fastest possible effect, it is recommended to follow simple rules:

  1. Take Viagra tablet on an empty stomach. The instructions for use of the drug indicate that the medicine can be taken regardless of food. But, fatty foods can reduce the absorption of the active substance. Consequently, the effect of the product will be weaker. If you do not adhere to this rule, the effect may occur within 2 hours.
  2. To ensure that the effect of the pathogen occurs very quickly, the tablet is washed down with plenty of water.

It is worth checking the speed of action with a minimum dosage. So, to begin with, a man is prescribed 50 mg of sildenafil. You need to take the pill 40 minutes before the intended sexual intercourse. If the drug acts quickly and the erection is stable, this dosage is sufficient. Depending on age and the presence of chronic diseases, the dose of Viagra will be reduced or increased.

It is not recommended to combine Viagra with alcohol. Alcoholic drinks may reduce the speed of action of the tablets. Also, a large amount of alcohol reduces the sensitivity of the genital organs, and therefore the erection will be weak. You can use the stimulant once every day. If you use the medicine more often, sildenafil will have the opposite effect - there will be no erection at all. Increasing the dosage of the drug may provoke the development of priapism.

In order for a man to feel as confident as possible, he must know not only the time of onset of the action, but also the period for maintaining the positive effect. Only in this way will he be able to plan his sexual intercourse and romantic dinners with a woman. As a rule, men prefer those drugs that retain their effect for a long period of time. Viagra belongs to the list of just such stimulants.

It is impossible to determine the exact period of action of Viagra. Every man’s body is an individual mechanism. The retention of sildenafil also depends on the characteristics of the man. Much depends on the age and body weight of the young person. Numerous reviews indicate that Viagra retains its maximum effect for 4-5 hours. 2 hours after taking the pathogen, a decline in effectiveness begins.

Also, there are cases when the effect of the pathogen lasts throughout the night. During this period, a man can perform sexual intercourse. The erection disappears, as always, after the ejaculation process. But, you should not abuse the drug. It is better to use it in extreme cases. Otherwise, the body will develop an addiction, and the effect of the pill will be ineffective.

There are some myths about the effects of Viagra that are not supported by medical research:

  • Sildenafil provokes an excessively prolonged erection. Taking Viagra very rarely provokes priapism - only if the male body is predisposed to this. After ejaculation, the penis gradually returns to a calm state.
  • The rapid action of Viagra leads to painful sensations during a strong erection. The effect of the stimulant occurs gradually, during the first half hour after administration. There is no sharp increase in erection. Therefore, there should be no pain in the penis or scrotum.

Duration of action of popular analogues of Viagra

Drugs analogues of this pathogen are quite popular. Fortunately, pharmacology provides a wide choice. As a rule, the dosage of the active component sildenafil remains the same, but additional components may vary. The principle of operation of analogues is the same as that of the original. But the reception option is often different.

The following analogues differ in quality and speed:

  • Viagra gel. The drug's composition and principle of action are completely identical to Viagra tablets. But, due to the gel form, it is quickly absorbed and penetrates into the general bloodstream. Therefore, the action comes much faster. Using one packet of Viagra gel allows you to have sexual intercourse within 15 minutes.
  • Viagra Soft. This drug is available in tablet form. But the tablet is not washed down with water, but dissolves under the tongue. Therefore, the effect of the stimulant also occurs faster (20 minutes after administration).
  • Royal Viagra. The advantage of this product is its natural composition. The tablets consist of natural aphrodisiacs and stimulants. The product should be taken 20 minutes before the intended sexual intercourse, washed down with plenty of water.

The period of validity of these analogues also differs. Thus, the peak effectiveness of sildenafil gel occurs after an hour and a half, and the effect itself lasts for at least 6 hours. A persistent, full-fledged erection from taking Viagra Soft is observed within 4 hours. The most effective remedy with a long period of action is Royal Viagra. Thanks to its natural base, just 1 tablet of the product provides a full erection within 1 week. Therefore, taking this drug is permissible no more than once every 7 days.

Many people are interested in the question of why Viagra has become so popular among men with potency problems. Is this a miracle drug or a panacea? In fact, neither one nor the other. Viagra has become so acceptable for regular use for another reason - because it has specific characteristics regarding its duration of action. In order to eliminate any possible doubts regarding this matter, read the following information.

Of course, the duration of action of Viagra is the main question of interest to all men. After all, how important it is for any man to be able to give pleasure to a woman, and for quite a long time.

In truth, this question does not yet have a clear answer. The effect of this drug is purely individual in accordance with the man’s physique, the characteristics of his digestive system and the individual tolerance of the tablets. Some representatives of the stronger sex say they feel the effects of Viagra for more than 4 hours. Others boldly declare that it is possible for them to observe a good effect from Viagra even the next morning. That is, we want to say that it works individually for each individual man.

It is necessary to seriously consider how to take Viagra for clear planning of intimate relationships. For example, the drug is taken on an empty stomach or before eating, that is, good news - in this case the drug will work faster and more effectively than taking it directly after a meal. The reason for this is simple and clear - the stomach will be more congested, and therefore the tablets will take much longer to completely dissolve and enter the blood. Therefore, you should not immediately refute the effectiveness of taking Viagra, but pay attention to this fact and always take into account the time delay for Viagra to be well absorbed by the body.

In order to understand how long Viagra can last, it is necessary to clearly understand the mechanism of erection. At first, sexual arousal acts in a similar way: it expands the blood vessels of the pelvis, increases the flow of blood to the penis, after which the penis hardens, increases in size and volume - and all these are sure symptoms of an erection. True, upon completion of sexual intercourse, the sexual tension of the penis decreases, its filling with blood ceases to be so intense, the erection disappears and the penis returns to its usual state and size.

If you are taking certain specific medications, plus a number of chronic diseases of the body, then there will be a deterioration in vascular blood flow throughout the body, and subsequently in the small vessels and capillaries of the penis. In this situation, even intense sexual arousal does not lead to the usual normal increase in blood flow to the penis - this is there, an erection does not appear or is present, but to an extent that is completely insufficient to fully begin and maintain sexual contact. If such situations are repeated for a long time, then all the symptoms indicate the presence of a disease called erectile dysfunction.

Another huge advantage of taking Viagra is that it has a beneficial effect not only on potency and maintaining an erection, but can also improve the very quality of sexual intercourse, lengthen its duration, and significantly improve the vivid sensations during orgasm.

Please note the following useful information. It will be useful to any man so that he himself understands how effective the tablets of a known drug will be in terms of duration exclusively in his individual case. Based on the scale below, you can accurately determine the effect of taking Viagra.

  1. The penis has increased in size, but the hardening stage has not yet fully occurred.
  2. The penis has become hard enough, but, unfortunately, it is not in such a state to successfully begin penetration.
  3. The penis is hard enough to initiate sexual intercourse, but not hard enough.
  4. The penis is in a state of absolute erection, hard and ready for penetration.

It is interesting that grades three and four, that is, a state of completely satisfactory erection, is achieved in 80% of men suffering from erectile dysfunction after they have taken a dose of Viagra of 100 milligrams.

How long does it take for Viagra to work?

The results of clinical studies of Viagra gave rather ambiguous and contradictory results regarding the time of onset of the drug's action. In the first case, the effect of Viagra began to act only after two hours after taking the drug and food with it, and in another study - almost instantly, a quarter of an hour after 1 tablet containing 100 mg of the active substance was washed down with a large amount of cold boiled water. In real practice, this specific drug begins to work approximately 30-60 minutes after it is taken. As we have already recalled, the duration of action of Viagra is just over four hours.

The active substance of Viagra, sildenafil, is quite well absorbed into the blood, in particular after taking 1 tablet containing 100 mg of the main substance, the maximum concentration of the drug in the blood on an empty stomach occurs within half an hour to an hour.

But if Viagra is taken in combination with fatty and difficult-to-digest foods, then the time for complete absorption into the blood automatically increases to about half an hour.

The drug is taken orally with plenty of water. The initial dosage should be 50 mg, that is, half a regular tablet, and no earlier than 45 minutes before the intended sexual contact. Taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and health, the dose of the substance can be increased to 100 mg or its consumption can be reduced to 25 mg. It is better to discuss this dosage with your doctor. Viagra should be taken no more than once every 24 hours.

Who should not use it?

  • anatomical deformations of the penis;
  • angulation processes;
  • venous fibrosis;
  • Peyronie's disease;
  • myeloma in varying degrees;
  • blood cancer;
  • stomach or intestinal ulcer;
  • presence of angina or heart failure;
  • post-infarction or post-stroke conditions;
  • instability of blood pressure.

As you can see, the duration and quality of action of Viagra is determined by how much the man’s body tolerates the constituent components of Viagra. It is important to observe the timing of meals with taking this remedy, since they are mutually dependent. Another important detail is that an overdose of the drug is unlikely to continue intimate pleasure, but on the contrary, cause very unpleasant consequences both for the whole body and for the intimate sphere.

Viagra is one of the best. It works by increasing blood flow to the corpora cavernosa of the penis. The drug has a high degree of safety and effectiveness. In addition to the usual tablets, it is produced in the form of mint tablets, capsules and instant tablets.

How long does it take for Viagra to work?

In most cases, Viagra begins to act within 30 minutes after administration. But if you have eaten heavily, the effect may appear later. This characteristic is also influenced by the man’s condition (psychological and physiological). For example, stress prevents a person from relaxing. Therefore, the effect of the tablet may be delayed.

How long does Viagra last?

A Viagra tablet lasts from 4 to 5 hours. The following factors may affect this period:

  • age;
  • alcohol;
  • diet;
  • general health;
  • dosage;
  • drug interactions.

Please note that you need to apply only after consulting a doctor. This will help avoid side effects.

If after taking the pill the penis does not relax for 4 hours or more, consult a doctor immediately. A rare disorder known as "priapism" can negatively affect a man's reproductive function.

It is difficult to find a more popular drug for improving potency than Viagra. It is she who first comes to mind for any man who notices problems in the sexual sphere. After purchasing such a product, many people wonder how long Viagra lasts? How many hours will this drug last?

The effect of tablets on the human body is purely individual. Many factors play a role, including why the man had such problems in the first place. Viagra is not a drug; it does not eliminate the causes of erectile dysfunction, and therefore sometimes there is no effect at all.

The work of Viagra is directly related to the active substance included in its composition. This is sildenafil, which increases blood flow to the pelvic area. As a result, the spongy and cavernous bodies are stretched, the penis enlarges and an erection occurs. At the same time, sensitivity increases and libido increases.

This effect is possible due to the blocking of an enzyme that normally prevents blood from flowing normally into the penis. It also destroys substances, the presence of which is very important for an erection. The effect of the drug ceases after sexual intercourse is completed, or at the end of the duration of action. At this moment, the enzyme begins to work again, and therefore the blood leaves the penis.

Some men noted that for the full effect of Viagra, no third-party stimulation is required at all. In reality this is not the case. Tablets do not lead to the production of the necessary components, they only interfere with their destruction. At least minimal sexual arousal is very important for the drug to work.

Terms of use

Viagra tablets are taken shortly before sexual intercourse. How quickly the effect appears depends on the individual characteristics of the person and the selected dosage. Most often, 100 mg of the drug is prescribed. In this case, the result is usually observed within a period of thirty minutes to an hour. However, there are cases where an erection occurred after about fifteen minutes.

The active component of the drug is well absorbed, and therefore begins to work relatively quickly. To further increase these indicators, you should follow two main rules. Firstly, wash down the product with a sufficient amount of water. Secondly, this should be done before meals, on an empty stomach.

If problems appear for the first time, it is better to use minimal dosages. They are 25-50 mg, and the effect usually appears within forty-five minutes.

If the tablets are taken after meals, especially fatty or any other heavy foods, the results will appear much later. In some cases, a man had to wait about two hours, since the components of the composition required more time to dissolve and be absorbed into the bloodstream. Combining Viagra with alcohol is also not worth it, as this will negatively affect erection.

Duration of effect

The duration of action of Viagra depends on many different factors. For example, the situation is affected by:

  • Condition of the digestive system;
  • Age of the person;
  • His physique;
  • Individual sensitivity of the body to the drug.

On average, the tablet's duration of action is believed to be approximately four hours. However, there is information according to which some men had enough of a single dosage for the whole night. Moreover, there have been cases of continued action even in the morning. Thus, there is no clear answer to the question of the duration of the effect.

You should not increase the dosage of Viagra, wanting to extend its working time. These tablets are not suitable for systematic use; they can be used only in small quantities, as needed. Otherwise, the body will soon get used to the action of sildenafil and will stop responding to it altogether. At first, the period after which the effect of use is observed will increase significantly, and then it will disappear completely.

Contraindications and side effects

Viagra has earned its popularity not only due to its effective work, but also its relatively good tolerability. It leads to negative consequences somewhat less often than other analogues. However, this drug is still not suitable for every person.

The tablets have a list of contraindications, which mainly boil down to various diseases of the cardiovascular system. For example, doctors prohibit the use of Viagra for:

  • Heart failure;
  • Heart attack;
  • Stroke;
  • Arterial thrombosis;
  • Coronary heart disease;
  • Angina pectoris;
  • Cerebral circulation disorders;
  • Multiple myeloma;
  • Leukemia;
  • Uncontrolled hypotension;
  • Cellular anemia.

The issue of contraindications should never be ignored. According to studies conducted during the year, 1,473 cases of negative consequences were associated with Viagra. Moreover, more than 500 of them were fatal. Of this number, 200 deaths were associated with a heart attack, and about a hundred more were due to sudden cardiac arrest during intimate intimacy.

However, such serious consequences usually occur only if a person ignored contraindications and used Viagra while having some kind of problem with the cardiac system. At the same time, many side effects are known, which most often occur when the dosage is exceeded by 50 mg. Among them:

  • Dizziness;
  • Tinnitus;
  • Deafness;
  • Problems with smell;
  • Nasal congestion;

  • Stomach upset;
  • Change in clarity of vision;
  • Skin redness.

To reduce the likelihood of negative consequences, you should not use Viagra at the same time as food, alcohol or other drugs. It is acceptable to consume it simultaneously with aspirin, since the drugs do not interact with each other.

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Sildenafil citrate lies. Its action is a chemical substance that causes the blood to flow out of. As a result, blood circulation in this organ increases, and confidence appears. Once aroused, nerve impulses from the brain travel to the penis, where certain chemicals are released that relax the contracted muscles of the penis, allowing them to fill with blood. The end of sexual intercourse or the effect of the drug leads to the destruction of these substances, after which the muscles contract again and do not allow a sufficient amount of blood to pass into the organ.

Viagra was originally created as a drug to treat heart disease, but clinical trials revealed its famous “side effect.”

Some men who use this drug are sure that no stimulation is required for its effect - they take a pill and a miracle happens. This is not entirely true. Without sexual arousal, Viagra-based erections will be very difficult, since this is what releases the chemicals that revitalize the manhood. By itself, it does not provoke the production of these substances, but only contributes to the blockade of the enzyme that destroys them and prevents them from reaching their intended destination.

The speed and duration of action of Viagra

As for the time after which the drug begins to act, the effect can be quite different. It depends on the characteristics of the male body. In most clinical studies, it began after fourteen minutes (minimum), however, in general, men begin to feel an erection after half an hour. The drug lasts about four hours, but the effect begins to decline after two hours.

For Viagra to work as quickly as possible, the drug should be taken on an empty stomach.

To accelerate the effect, independent of food or alcohol intake, sex therapists recommend taking Viagra Soft, which must be dissolved in the mouth. When taken on an empty stomach, the drug will begin to act quickly, that is, within fifteen to thirty minutes in the presence of sexual arousal. Taking it after a meal will slow down the effect for an hour, but the quality of the erection in any case will compare favorably with an erection without the drug.

Some men note the duration even the next morning after taking the pill. You can replace it with the drug "Cialis", the effect of which lasts for thirty-six hours.