Foods that make your stomach bloat: causes and prevention. How to avoid bloating: foods that cause gas

Poor nutrition can often lead to flatulence, so you need to be especially careful when choosing products for preparing various dishes. Foods that are beneficial to human health when taken in large quantities cause gas formation. It is important to maintain moderation in daily diet nutrition, otherwise excessive consumption of legumes, baked goods, raw vegetables or dairy products can lead to pathologies of the digestive system. What foods make your stomach bloat? This is what we will try to find out.

Causes of flatulence in adults

Why do adults suffer from flatulence? The causes and treatment of this unpleasant phenomenon are interrelated, since therapy must begin with the search for the original source of the problem. In the body of most adults, over time, there is a loss of enzymes responsible for processing the gastrointestinal tract of dairy products containing lactose. This enzyme is present in a child’s body in sufficient quantities, so milk is very beneficial for children. At the same time, absolute lactose intolerance in some cases is also characteristic of childhood. This fact forces us to come to the conclusion about the individuality of each organism.

As a result of poor processing of certain foods, the body of an adult may suffer from indigestion of cooked dishes by the stomach. In this situation, the intestines continue to digest the remains of digestive products, which leads to fermentation and gas formation in the gastrointestinal tract. The causes of flatulence in adults (we will consider treatment below) may be associated with the following diseases:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • irritable bowel syndrome.

In the latter case, the malaise may be accompanied by swelling and spasms. The absence of enzymes necessary for the normal functioning of the human body has bad influence on the functioning of the pancreas, the dysfunction of which is associated with the disease pancreatitis. The presence of formations in the intestinal cavity is often the cause of bloating, since the exit feces difficult.

Causes of bloating in children

Spasms and severe pain during gas formation in children subside as the gases pass. This problem begins to worry babies and their parents from the age of two weeks. It may be associated with the lack normal mode nutrition in nursing mothers. Breastfeeding artificially can cause bloating in children if the child is fed an inappropriate or low-quality formula, which should be discarded.

According to statistics, colic and bloating are observed in every 3-4 children, often boys. Discomfort in children occurs more often in the second half of the day. Bloating in children stops at 4 months, since the main cause of bloating and gas formation is no longer associated with imperfections in the gastrointestinal tract. Incorrect nutrition can cause the problem.

What foods make a child's stomach swell? Stable bowel function can be disrupted by children after three years of eating food with increased content fiber and starch, carbonated water. After five years, children are fed the same dishes that adults prepare for themselves. Parents should be extremely careful when choosing foods for children of any age. It is necessary to teach the child not to overeat, not to talk while eating, and not to eat sweets in large quantities.

List of foods that cause gas

The list of foods that cause gas and bloating in the intestines includes:

  1. Legumes. Eating peas and beans that were not soaked in water before cooking.
  2. Bakery. Fresh flour products cooked with yeast that causes fermentation in the body.
  3. Sweet drinks containing carbon dioxide and sugar increase flatulence.
  4. Eggs and meat dishes. Protein in foods cannot always be digested well by the stomach, which leads to the process of rotting in the intestines.
  5. Drinks made with yeast. Beer and kvass often cause bloating.
  6. Milk products. Fresh milk-based products contain lactose, which causes flatulence, but consuming yogurt, fermented baked milk or kefir improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  7. Fruits and vegetables. Eating raw cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, garlic, herbs, peaches, apples, grapes, cherries leads to increased gas formation, and prunes lead to intestinal problems.
  8. Cabbage. Product in different types containing coarse fiber and sulfur, it is better to consume it after stewing, otherwise it causes bloating.

In healthy people, consumption of the listed products is not capable of causing gas formation. Severe flatulence occurs in those suffering from gastrointestinal diseases.

Composition of products that cause gas and bloating

According to statistics, adult population 30% suffers from flatulence. Discomfort is caused by an increase in the size of the abdomen with accumulated gases. The process is associated with slow digestion of food. If cabbage makes your stomach bloat, then the subsequent release of gases can be explained by fermentation.

Nutritionists do not recommend consuming foods that are difficult to digest. To the greatest extent, these include white cabbage, cauliflower, and legumes, since they immediately undergo fermentation upon entering the intestines. Heavy foods include:

  • goose and chicken eggs;
  • lamb;
  • pork;
  • mushrooms;
  • chocolate and other sweets.

The abdominal area of ​​the human body increases due to the accumulation of excess fat and the appearance of folds on the abdomen. For lovers alcoholic drinks Doctors often diagnose gastritis. Often the stomach swells from beer in those who drink it in large quantities. Drinkers' bodies are susceptible chronic fatigue, pain and feeling of heaviness in the abdomen. At the same time, their liver is imperceptibly destroyed due to the development of latent hepatitis.

Onions and garlic contain fructans, plant fibers that cause flatulence. At individual intolerance people get sick from garlic or onions consumed in small quantities. Flatulence occurs as a result of consuming foods that contain the following components:

  • lactose;
  • coarse fiber;
  • sugar;
  • yeast;
  • sorbitol;
  • raffinose.

The human body does not produce enzymes, the action of which is associated with the breakdown of stachyose and raffinose, which are rich in legumes. This is why peas make you swell and gases form in the colon. This is also often due to improper processing of legumes before consumption. When beans make you feel puffy, you need to reconsider the way you cook them.

Particular care and attention is important when choosing fruits. To prevent them from causing bloating due to their fructose content, it is important not to consume them in large quantities. Ignoring this rule often leads to excess weight and discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract.

Antispasmodics of natural origin

Knowing what foods make your stomach bloat, you can improve the digestive process by adding certain types of spices to your food. By consuming the foods listed below, you can improve the body's absorption of foods. These include:

  • dill;
  • thyme;
  • ginger;
  • marjoram;
  • fennel;
  • cumin, etc.

They are very useful because they are antispasmodics that have natural origin. They help relieve inflammatory processes, eliminate pain, have carminative and choleretic effect. For example, drinking ginger tea reduces negative impact gases on the state of the gastrointestinal tract.

Choosing the right products

What other foods make your stomach bloat? Gastroenterologists recommend not to eat foods that are incompatible with each other, i.e. proteins and carbohydrates. It is important for adults to replace dairy products with fermented milk. To reduce the risk of flatulence, you can carefully select cabbage varieties that should be soft, so the following varieties of vegetables are most suitable:

  • Brussels sprouts;
  • Savoy;
  • broccoli;
  • colored.

The winter variety of white cabbage can cause stomach and intestinal irritation if the vegetable is consumed raw. Blue cabbage can be considered an even heavier variety. The soft-leaved variety of white sugar cabbage is easier on the digestive system.

Salt and spices in large quantities can also cause bloating. You should not eat a lot of fried or fatty foods, as well as baked foods. The foods you eat are healthy if they do not cause fermentation in the intestines. These include:

  • potato;
  • wheat bread;
  • dietary meat;
  • fish;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • baked fruits;
  • dairy products;
  • sunflower and olive oil.

It is best to leave the listed products for the first half of the day. This is due to the slowing down of the digestion process during sleep. Otherwise, the toxins accumulated during the day will cause discomfort at night. As a result, in intestinal cavity toxins will penetrate.

The right choice of dishes

To prevent flatulence, it is important to follow recommendations related to proper nutrition, cooking and combining foods with each other. They should have the least amount of starch, which causes the body to produce insulin, which causes bloating. Knowing which foods cause bloating, you should remember that it is better not to consume at the same time:

Positive influence buckwheat and rice porridges have an effect on the intestines, egg omelettes, boiled vegetables, boiled fish etc. For proper preparation, it is important to follow the following recommendations:

  • Use vegetable oil as a salad dressing;
  • do not eat freshly prepared bread;
  • soak beans in water to swell them before cooking;
  • chew food thoroughly, eating it in small portions;
  • do not drink sugary drinks during meals;
  • drink water 30 minutes before and after meals.

The foods you eat should reduce gas formation.

Treatment of flatulence in adults with medications

For adults suffering from frequent attacks of flatulence, it is important to consult a doctor promptly. A nutritionist will usually develop a diet plan to help relieve discomfort. The patient should not eat foods that cause increased gas formation in order to facilitate the treatment of flatulence. To reduce excessive flatulence, experts recommend taking the following medications:

  1. Enterosorbents (activated carbon, Polysorb, Smecta, etc.).
  2. Carminative drugs (defoamers - Infakol, Espumisan, Kuplaton, Kolikida).
  3. Prokinetics (Domperidone, Motilium, Trimedat).

Adsorbents absorb harmful substances, toxins, excess gases. Defoamers help destroy gas bubbles accumulated in the intestines. This ensures acceleration of the process of absorption and removal of processed products from the body. The action of prokinetics is aimed not only at breaking up gas bubbles, but also at increasing the number of contractions of the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, after eating food passes with reduced secretions.

Elimination of gas formation in children

Diagnosis of flatulence in a child will be made possible by monitoring his diet. The problem can be solved by establishing a food intake routine. In some cases, tests will be required so that the doctor can make an accurate diagnosis. This will allow you to prescribe the desired therapeutic course. The imperfect digestive system in infants requires compliance certain rules, which makes feeding comfortable:

  1. Place the baby in an upright position for 10-15 minutes immediately after the next feeding, which will allow the baby to burp the air accumulated in the digestive tract.
  2. Massage the tummy in a clockwise direction periodically 1.5-2 hours after feeding.
  3. Place the baby on his stomach so that the bubbles of accumulated gas come out on their own.
  4. Apply a warm heating pad or heated diaper to the baby's tummy.
  5. Use a pharmacy tube to remove gases, pre-lubricating with Vaseline, which will avoid damage to the skin.

The basis of drugs that neutralize gas formation in the intestines of a child is smecticone. This substance ensures the binding of gases, followed by dissolution and removal from the body. The drug "Smecticon" can be given to newborns, since it is not able to be absorbed into the bloodstream. Other most common drugs:

  1. "Bobotik";
  2. "Infacol";
  3. "Colikid";
  4. "Espumizan".

You can give your baby an infusion of anise, fennel and chamomile. These can be special teas, for example, “Babushkino Lukoshko”. Among the preparations based on these herbs one can highlight “Bebinos”, “Baby Calm”, “Plantex”, etc. Against dysbacteriosis, the doctor can prescribe “Linex”, “Lacidofil”, “Bifiform baby”, etc.

Folk remedies against flatulence

If it swells, what should you do? Flatulence can be treated with folk remedies based on various herbs. These include:

  • valerian root;
  • Dill seeds;
  • fennel;
  • ground cumin;
  • mint leaves, etc.

A basil-based drink has a calming effect on the stomach. Accumulated gases and colic can be eliminated with healing chamomile infusion. The drink can be consumed every time after meals. Abdominal colic can be relieved aromatic oil chamomile or basil, using them to massage the abdomen in the navel area.

To eliminate flatulence, you can make tea from angelica and dill, taken 1 tsp each. Helps fight gas in the intestines the following herbs:

  • sagebrush;
  • yarrow;
  • dandelion;
  • red and yellow cilantro;
  • centaury;
  • St. John's wort;
  • horsetail;
  • Dubrovnik;
  • mallow, etc.

Decoctions of medicinal cardamom reduce swelling, soothe colic, and help strengthen the functioning of the stomach and pancreas. Dissolved in a glass helps to quickly relieve bloating. warm water cinnamon (0.5 tsp) along with honey (1 tsp). Tea with ginger is useful to relieve stomach cramps.

A diet for bloating helps get rid of flatulence and discomfort. Meals should be measured and regular. You should exclude certain foods and adhere to certain cooking rules.

Bloating with flatulence or constipation occurs at any age and causes a person discomfort and severe pain. The cause of this unpleasant phenomenon may be overeating, stress, gastritis, pancreatitis or eating fatty foods. Diet for bloating helps to get rid of strong gas formation, eliminates symptoms and painful sensations. It is necessary to adhere to it regularly, supplemented by walks and light exercise.

Symptoms of bloating

  • an unpleasant feeling of abdominal distension with a noticeable heaviness on the stomach;
  • nagging or cramping pain;
  • belching after eating;
  • severe uncontrolled gas formation;
  • prolonged constipation or diarrhea;
  • severe heartburn;
  • bloating, a noticeable increase in its volume;
  • unpleasant sour taste in the mouth;
  • colic in the side;
  • decreased appetite.

All symptoms do not necessarily appear at the same time. Even if 2-3 signs are present, it is necessary to reconsider the diet and begin appropriate treatment. Before doing this, you should definitely consult with a specialist and undergo an examination to ensure there are no stomach diseases. A diet for bloating is prescribed only by a doctor based on the patient’s complaints, taking into account his age and eating habits.

Diet features

The diet for flatulence and bloating is designed to ensure the normal functioning of the intestines, stomach and other digestive organs. Only when correct observance diet, you can get rid of increased gas formation, seething and unpleasant sensations. The diet has few specifics and is easy to follow at any age.

Here are the basic principles of nutrition:

  • The diet should be balanced, and meals should be fractional. The diet involves eating 5 meals a day and observing food combinations. Mixing carbohydrates with proteins or sweets with salty foods is not recommended. Fruits should be eaten separately, no earlier than an hour after meals.
  • There is a ban on semi-finished, concentrated or processed foods. Proper nutrition involves avoiding chips, sausages, hamburgers, bouillon cubes and other unhealthy fast food.
  • Snacks and sandwiches between meals are excluded. If you have an acute feeling of hunger, it is recommended to drink a glass of water and wait some time until you have a full lunch.
  • You can drink tea, juices or milk drinks only between meals. It is prohibited to drink food with them.
  • Each piece must be chewed thoroughly until completely chopped. Food treated with saliva breaks down faster during digestion and is better digested by the stomach.
  • The food should be warm. Cold dishes should be warmed up slightly. You should not overeat; it is better to have lunch and dinner at the same time.

A diet for bloating also involves avoiding carbonated drinks, raw vegetables and legumes. Excessively fatty foods, spicy dishes and milk due to the lactose content are prohibited.

List of prohibited products

Discomfort and turmoil in the stomach can be caused by incompatible foods. Fatty and hot foods mixed with drinks, sweets and baked goods have the same effect. A diet for bloating involves a complete rejection of junk food, a ban on sweet, salty and smoked foods.

The following products are prohibited:

  • legumes: beans, peas and lentils with beans;
  • fresh grapes and raisins, pears;
  • any nuts;
  • lamb, fatty fish;
  • fresh yeast baked goods;
  • cabbage, radishes and onions;
  • all carbonated drinks, including mineral water;
  • corn;
  • instant cereals, instant noodles from bags;
  • millet, pearl barley;
  • products containing soy;
  • boiled eggs;
  • milk, cream and ice cream;
  • smoked, fried meat dishes.

If bloating is caused by lactose intolerance, patients are prohibited from consuming milk and fermented milk drinks, baked goods, and muesli. Bran, which often causes flatulence, is also better not to eat. Many people find it helpful to give up cookies, buns, sweeteners or coffee. Doctors also recommend stopping eating apples, dried fruits and chocolate for a while.

Diet rules for bloating

The diet for intestinal flatulence during treatment is based on the principles proper nutrition. Thoroughly chewed food in small portions is digested faster and does not cause fermentation and rotting of the leftovers. The list of recommended products is quite extensive, allowing you to diversify your daily menu with delicious dishes and snacks.

  • meat and fish low-fat varieties, boiled chicken;
  • beets, carrots and pumpkin;
  • all cereals, except pearl barley and millet;
  • fermented milk drinks, if you are not allergic to lactose;
  • prunes, pomegranates and apricots;
  • black bread that has been left for a day;
  • scrambled eggs and omelettes;
  • soups with vegetables;
  • greens, vegetable salads;
  • white bread in small quantities;
  • tea, juices, cocoa.

The diet for bloating is based on prohibition harmful products, reducing the amount of salt and sugar in dishes. It involves limiting the consumption of fiber, starch and fructose. Food should be steamed or oven-cooked. All liquid soups, water-based porridges and meat broths are beneficial for a swollen intestine.

Must be observed following tips doctors:

  • the main dishes on the menu should be soups, cereals and steamed vegetables;
  • It is not recommended to boil hard-boiled eggs; it is better to make baked omelettes;
  • sour apples cannot be eaten fresh; they must be eaten baked;
  • dishes should be stewed in a small amount of water without adding salt;
  • You should drink 2-2.5 liters of still water per day;
  • in case of severe flatulence, you need to sit for 1 day rice diet, using boiled rice no added salt;
  • unsweetened tea with the addition of fresh mint helps with bloating;
  • if you have dysbacteriosis, you need to eat more yoghurts with lactobacilli;
  • You can prepare infusions of chamomile, mint, St. John's wort, drink them half a glass half an hour before meals.

The diet for bloating should be supplemented with self-massage, various exercises and walks. For severe pain, you can use a heating pad or apply a compress with a warm towel. There is no need to starve or overeat; nutrition should be correct and varied.

Flatulence is a common manifestation that occurs due to poor nutrition. In most cases, this condition occurs in people following fruit or vegetable diets. Patients experience unpleasant bursting sensations in the abdominal area. Let's find out why this occurs.

A person begins to feel heartburn, belching, colic in the intestines and stomach, which cause severe discomfort. After the first symptoms of flatulence appear, patients begin to think about what foods should be in their diet. In this article we will look at why some vegetables cause bloating and unpleasant bursting sensations.

When consuming vegetables, in the stomach a large amount of gases begin to form, which lead to unpleasant consequences. Vegetables contain a certain amount of carbohydrates, which help the proper functioning of the intestinal microflora. If a person begins to overeat, his stomach begins to swell. Such a manifestation is a consequence poor digestion food. Food enters the intestines as a heavy load, disrupting general state body. A person begins to develop flatulence.

In this section we will find out which vegetables cause bloating.

  • Increased gas formation is caused by legumes. These vegetables include peas, beans, beans, lentils, and soybeans. Dishes prepared from them are very difficult for the stomach to digest. They enter the intestines almost undigested. Processed with the help of bacteria. In this case, a person may feel bloated.
  • White cabbage, cooked or raw, causes flatulence. The fact is that it contains raffinose, which is poorly digested by the stomach. It can only be broken down by bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. During the splitting, gas begins to form. A person's stomach begins to swell. Broccoli is no exception. Despite the fact that it is enriched with a large number of vitamins, it provokes the occurrence of gases.
  • Potatoes can cause nutritional flatulence. The fact is that it contains a large amount of fiber and starch, which create an astringent effect. The work of intestinal peristalsis deteriorates, and the maintenance of muscle tone is destroyed. As a result, a person's stomach begins to swell.
  • Onions are effective means in the fight against colds and viral diseases. If flatulence occurs from onions, it is necessary to find out why the formation of unpleasant sensations occurred. To prevent bloating, it is recommended to consume onions only after heat treatment. It is recommended to eat it steamed. When fresh or fried, onions cause flatulence.
  • Fresh green pepper makes your stomach swell. It is not recommended for patients suffering from flatulence long time. Such people can only eat yellow and red varieties. Peppers of these colors cause flatulence only when overeating. Red and yellow varieties are almost harmless. Can be consumed at any time of the year.
  • Radishes and radishes can make your stomach bloat. When symptoms appear, it is necessary to find out why the unpleasant sensations occurred. Such vegetables eat the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, creating discomfort. They provoke digestive problems. Because of this, the patient begins to feel increased gas formation.

What vegetables are beneficial?

In this section we will find out which vegetables have a beneficial effect on the body.

  • An excellent helper in eliminating flatulence are zucchini. They need to be heat treated. They improve food digestion, increase appetite, and reduce gas formation. Even as part of a dish, they easily improve the digestive process. It is recommended to consume zucchini boiled, stewed or fried. In this state they improve their effect.
  • Carrots have a positive effect on the body. It contains a large amount useful substances, vitamins and microelements. Carrots are allowed to be consumed fresh. You can prepare salads seasoned with sour cream.
  • Pumpkin has a beneficial effect on the body. This product very high in calories. Pumpkin can be baked or added to various dishes. It contains energy substances in the form of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, which remove stagnant gases from the body.
  • You can get rid of flatulence with the help of beets. It is used in boiled form. Added to various dishes. Beetroot juice has a positive effect on the body. To do this, the vegetable is peeled. The juice is squeezed out using a juicer or blender.
  • You can eat cucumbers without fear. Such vegetables contain a large amount of water. They easily remove toxins and stagnant gases from the body.
  • Garlic has a negative effect on the human body. Its fruits can destroy the mucous walls of the stomach and intestines. When using garlic raw and in large quantities, the stomach begins to swell. But garlic can also be used to treat flatulence. Young green leaves are used for this. They are thoroughly washed and ground in a blender. The resulting mixture is added to various dishes. They improve appetite and improve the digestion process. Dried garlic easily removes the heaviness of the stomach, improves the general condition and level of immunity.

Nutrition adjustments

If a person’s stomach is swollen, then first of all you need to pay attention to your diet.

  • You can eliminate increased gas formation in the intestines by giving up street food and fast food. Such food contains a large number of carcinogens that negatively affect the human body. Low-quality synthetic food causes bloating, belching, aching pain and colic in the stomach. Frequent consumption of such foods can cause gastritis and stomach cancer.
  • Increased gas formation in the intestines is caused by foods containing dyes. It is necessary to stop consuming sweet carbonated water and sweets. It is necessary to limit the consumption of kvass, beer, and carbonated mineral water.
  • You should adhere to a gentle diet. It is not recommended to consume large amounts of salty, spicy, overcooked food. You should not eat large quantities of grilled chicken, smoked meats, and canned food.
  • Food must be heat treated. To avoid poisoning and increased gas formation, it is necessary to avoid raw, undercooked and undercooked food. You should limit your sushi consumption.
  • The diet should include fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and microelements. Experts recommend buying complex vitamins in pharmacies.


Name Description Contraindications Cost, rub
Creon Designed to improve food digestion. Prescribed for patients with chewing dysfunction. Easily eliminates flatulence and diarrhea. Improves the exocrine function of the pancreas. The drug is contraindicated in patients suffering from acute pancreatitis. From 253
Trimedat A drug developed to regulate the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract. Designed to eliminate dyspeptic disorders. Easily eliminates increased gas formation in the intestines. The drug is not recommended for hypersensitive people and children under three years of age. From 197
Pancreatin Designed for patients leading a sedentary lifestyle. Neutralizes chronic inflammatory conditions. Easily eliminates bloating and diarrhea. Improves food digestion. The drug is not recommended for patients with acute pancreatitis. From 20
Espumisan A drug that reduces flatulence. Designed to eliminate excess formation and accumulation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract. The drug easily eliminates all symptoms of poisoning. The drug is not recommended for children under six years of age and people suffering from intestinal obstruction. From 254
Festal It is an enzyme preparation. Improves the exocrine function of the pancreas. Eliminates disruption of the circulation of bile acids. Eliminates bloating and gas formation in the intestines. The drug is prohibited for children under three years of age. Not recommended for patients suffering from exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, liver failure, hepatitis and hyperbilirubinemia. From 127

Other methods

  • In order to eliminate gas formation in the intestines, need to do exercises. Physical activity has a beneficial effect on the human body. You can do gymnastics, jogging or cycling. Effective exercises include crescent lunges or spinal arches. To do this you need to get on all fours. As you inhale, bend your back inward. As you exhale, arch your back outward. Physical exercise Easily relieve bloating.
  • Flatulence is caused by stressful situations, nervous breakdowns. Therefore, experts recommend not paying attention to any current situations. It is necessary to limit the body from any emotional shocks. According to statistics, people who limit their emotions live longer than people worried about every little thing. If stressful situation If you can’t avoid it, you need to take medications that suppress emotions and calm the body. Such medications include Valerian Extract, Afobazol, Atarax, Tenoten, Phenibut.
  • If a person has a swollen stomach, then he needs to sign up for a massage. You can also massage yourself. To do this, you need to perform massaging movements in the lower abdomen. They can be performed either clockwise or counterclockwise.
  • An effective method to eliminate flatulence is yoga. It improves blood flow and respiratory system. Yoga improves peace of mind, clears negative baggage. She happens to be a powerful antidepressant and the source of a slim figure.
  • If a person has a swollen stomach, then he needs to be in the fresh air as much as possible. Oxygen not only gives strength, but also improves the body's performance. People who often walk in the fresh air do not suffer from flatulence, respiratory problems, weakness and sleep disturbances.
  • You can eliminate gas formation in the intestines using traditional methods. By excellent means are dill seeds and dill oil. The oil is dripped onto a piece of refined sugar and consumed three times a day. An infusion of dill seeds is consumed one teaspoon three to four times a day. You can also use decoctions and infusions from medicinal herbs. Chamomile, calendula, fireweed, peppermint, and rose hips are perfect.

Flatulence is not separate disease . Increased gas formation is considered a consequence of problems associated with the gastrointestinal tract. Such patients are advised to change their diet and start eating more fresh fruits and vegetables. It is necessary to give up fast food, low-quality unhealthy food that contains dyes.

Bloating is so common in people nowadays different ages, which has something similar to an “epidemic”. And this is not surprising, because from poor diet, high levels of stress, taking various medications and daily interaction with toxic emissions in environment people are increasingly confronted with this problem face to face.

When the stomach is swollen, a person feels uncomfortable, sometimes awkward, as the stomach suddenly begins to churn or suddenly urges to go to the toilet, but everything can turn out to be much more serious than you think. This may occur due to some serious disease that is hidden under the guise of flatulence. Bloating is one of the most common symptoms of candidiasis and has also been associated with digestive disorders, autoimmune reaction, allergies and even cancer in some cases.

Simply put, “bloat” refers to the sensation of accumulated gas in the digestive system; this accumulation causes the abdomen to swell unpleasantly. large sizes. Some people jokingly call such a swollen tummy “pregnant,” but there is nothing to laugh about. Bloating is different from belly fat because it is temporary and caused primarily by accumulated gas that stretches the abdominal walls, causing it to puff up and stick out.

Luckily, in most cases there is no need to worry about bloating. It can be eliminated with small changes in diet and lifestyle, although not always. There may be something big hiding behind the feeling of fullness, flatulence and abdominal pain. If you can find the cause of bloating, then you need to decide whether it is compelling enough to see a doctor.

If you have bloating, check for other symptoms, such as:

  • heat
  • skin rash or hives
  • watery eyes, sore throat, or other allergy symptoms
  • constipation or diarrhea
  • nausea or vomiting
  • blood in urine or stool
  • unexplained weight loss
  • problems going to the toilet
  • painful sensations when palpating lymph nodes in the groin, throat or armpits
  • fatigue
  • attention problems and brain fog
  • irregular periods
  • haemorrhoids

What causes bloating and gas?

You're probably wondering what causes bloating. There are dozens various reasons causing flatulence - allergic reactions, hormonal imbalance, thyroid dysfunction, intestinal problems and much more. The number of reasons is large, but by collecting more information about the body's reaction to various foods and circumstances, it will be easier to choose the one that causes bloating symptoms in you.

Bloating itself is a consequence of digestive problems. What's even more confusing is that many various factors affect the health of the intestine, its ability to digest food properly and the body's ability to get rid of waste. So many different factors can lead to bloating, including those that may seem unrelated to the problem of flatulence, such as sleep quality and stress, for example. This problem can affect anyone at any time.

Most people confuse belly bloating with excess fat tissue or edema, but they are not the same thing. Fluid does not stay in your abdomen unless you have swelling in your face, ankles, and legs and bloating at the same time.

In most cases, the causes of increased gas formation in the intestines are: improper digestion of protein ( protein food not digested properly and fermentation begins), inability to fully break down sugars and carbohydrates (some complex sugars require enzymes to digest and may be lacking) and imbalance intestinal microflora. The digestive tract is home to trillions of good and not so good bacteria that are constantly fighting, and when there are too many “bad bacteria” for one reason or another, a temporary imbalance occurs that can lead to bloating due to excessive gas production.

If your stomach is constantly swollen and gassy, ​​you need to look for reasons first and identify the health problem itself that can cause bloating.

What causes a swollen belly in an adult: 10 possible reasons

1. Digestive disorders

In people with functional gastrointestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome, gluten-sensitive celiac disease and ulcerative colitis, most common symptom- bloating, gas formation, big belly. According to research, bloating occurs in 23-96% of people with irritable bowel syndrome, 50% of sufferers functional dyspepsia and 56% with chronic constipation.

2. Fluid retention (called edema or ascites)

It happens that body fluids begin to accumulate throughout the body, including the abdominal and pelvic areas, which causes excess bloating and weight gain. You may notice that some jewelry and clothing become too small for you, or you begin to sweat more, your joints ache, and your skin feels tight to the touch. This may be due to liver disease or even in rare cases with cancer may also be a sign of liver failure or hepatitis, symptoms of which include yellowing of the skin (jaundice), whites of the eyes and abdominal pain.

3. Dehydration

Have you ever noticed that if yesterday you ate too much salty food and drank alcohol, today you end up with symptoms of dehydration and bloating? But the more water you drink, the less likely occurrence of bloating. Dehydration and electrolyte imbalance inhibit digestion and lead to flatulence.

When the body tries to cope with the effects of dehydration, it begins to store water in case the situation happens again, plus you may become constipated. This means that as soon as you start drinking normally, all the liquid starts to accumulate in the abdomen and thighs area, and you look slightly swollen.

4. Constipation

This is probably the most obvious cause of bloating - you need to go to the toilet! Irregular bowel movements can often cause heaviness in the stomach, pain, discomfort and bloating. The causes of constipation are poor nutrition, low fiber in the diet, low fluid intake, sedentary or inactive lifestyle and stress.

5. Food allergies

Often, food allergies, sensitivities or intolerances (to lactose, for example) are the main causes of gas and bloating. Foods that cause gas include dairy products, foods containing gluten (bread, pasta, muffins, cereals, etc.) and certain types of carbohydrates called FODMAPs ( f fermentable O ligo-, d And-, m onosaccharides and P oliols).

There are dozens of other possible food allergies(shellfish, nuts, eggs), and if your body does not accept any of them, it will let you know about it. FODMAP carbohydrates are difficult to eliminate from your diet because there are so many of them and each is unique in terms of tolerance. An elimination diet will help you identify which foods cause bloating (apples, avocados, for example) because they are not completely broken down and absorbed.

6. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth syndrome

Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth is caused by high levels of abnormal bacteria in the digestive tract, usually living in the intestines (dysbiosis), where they can accumulate due to antibiotics, digestive disorders or inflammation. Typically, different strains of bacteria live in the large intestine in strict balance, which helps the absorption of essential nutrients, but when the bad bacteria become more numerous, various minor damage to the intestinal walls and other unpleasant symptoms occur. Some foods can cause excessive growth of bad bacteria, which, in turn, multiply and release their waste products directly into the intestines, leading to digestive disorders and excessive gas formation.

7. Infection

Bloating and swelling can occur due to various types of infections that cause inflammation in the digestive tract and pelvic organs and the production of a large number of white blood cells. In this case, other symptoms of infection may be present, such as fever, redness and pain, and enlarged lymph nodes, which signal the presence of a serious infection in the body.

8. Intestinal obstruction

Sometimes severe bloating abdominal pain along with constipation, nausea and vomiting may indicate intestinal obstruction caused by the presence of scar tissue or a tumor. When they grow and begin to put pressure on the intestines, “congestion” occurs, and fluid and stool do not find a natural outlet. If you have encountered this, then you will not confuse this illness with anything, because every trip to the toilet turns into torture.

9. Hormonal changes

PMS is known to cause bloating and digestive problems, as the likelihood of constipation and fluid retention increases during this period. This is common and not a problem until other serious symptoms appear, such as irregular menstrual cycles, fibroids, or severe cramps. Bloating before or during your period is very common, as is water retention about two weeks before.

What causes bloating in women before, during or after menstruation? In the first days of the female cycle, the so-called follicular stage, estrogen levels increase and the walls of the uterus thicken. During ovulation, bloating may become even worse as the amount of blood and fluid in the body increases. If everything is functioning normally in reproductive system women, then along with excess accumulated fluid, blood and dead tissue, bloating will also pass.

10. Cancer

Cancer is far from the main cause of bloating, but one of the signs of uterine and colon cancer is flatulence. This is why it is extremely important to talk to your doctor if you have tried dozens of ways to get rid of bloating and digestive problems, but still have not achieved tangible results and have not found the reason why your stomach is swollen.

Foods that cause flatulence

Diet plays a huge role in regulating how much air and food ends up inside your body. digestive tract. What to do if you have bloating? For everything to go smoothly, the diet should consist of foods rich in fiber, 25-30 grams of which should be present in the diet daily. This is easy if you eat whole foods including vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, grains and legumes. This will make it easier to track the body’s reaction to a particular product and find exactly the one that causes flatulence. Remember that bloating depends on your lifestyle as a whole, and not just on the food on your plate, if you thought that only after eating your stomach becomes bloated.

Foods that help fight bloating:

  • Probiotics:“Good bacteria”, called probiotics, live in the human digestive tract and fight “bad bacteria” that can cause digestive problems and other problems. unwanted reactions. They can be taken as food supplements, but best source probiotics are considered to be foods rich in them, namely: kefir, yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut and tea mushroom.
  • Natural dairy products: I always recommend eating everything natural, this also applies to dairy products. Of course, it’s more common to go and buy everything in a supermarket, but everything there is pasteurized and homogenized. During the production process, enzymes necessary for proper digestion are destroyed; natural dairy products are recommended even for people with lactose intolerance. It is better not to buy yogurt with artificial ingredients, choose mature varieties of cheese and cottage cheese instead of cream cheese, kefir and natural yogurt instead of milk, as they contain less lactose.
  • Watery fruits and vegetables: Vegetables and fruits contain water, important electrolytes and beneficial enzymes that help relieve bloating. naturally. Eat more fresh and cooked leafy greens, cucumbers, celery, dill, artichokes, watermelons and melons, berries and steamed vegetables.
  • Herbs, spices and teas: Natural, soothing and digestive herbs and medicinal plants, such as ginger, dandelion, aloe vera and fennel have been used for thousands of years to soothe a raging stomach. Some medicinal plants work as diuretics and help the body get rid of excess liquid, and others, in turn, like ginger, for example, relax the muscles in the digestive tract and promote the natural release of waste, that is, they help with constipation. Eat fresh herbs all types: parsley, oregano, rosemary, peeled ginger root, aloe vera juice, herbal teas and essential oils. Do not forget about such a folk method of treating not only colds, but also intestines, as bone broth and green tea.

Now that you have learned about what to do if your stomach is swollen, and have become acquainted with the list of foods that you need to eat to overcome flatulence, let's talk about those foods that can aggravate the situation. Let's start with the fact that each person's reaction to a particular product may be different, and there is no such list that includes all of them. However, the following foods are the most likely to cause bloating in most people:

  • sugar and sweets: sugar easily begins to ferment in the intestines, which can promote the growth of candida yeast-like fungi and cause inflammatory processes.
  • Most dairy products: including flavored yogurts with sugar and artificial ingredients, and many other dairy products that lose beneficial enzymes and microorganisms during the manufacturing process.
  • Refined grains and grain products: Gluten is difficult to digest for most people, as are corn, oats and other grains in some cases.
  • among vegetables it is not easy to digest broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, onions and even garlic: they contain sulfur and some types of FODMAP carbohydrates
  • legumes contribute to gas formation.
  • carbonated drinks.
  • chewing gum.
  • in some cases, fermenting fruits such as apples, peaches and other fruits with pits, avocados.
  • artificial sweeteners and sweet alcohols containing aspartame, sorbitol, mannitol and xylitol.

A few more tips to help cope with flatulence:

1. Talk to your doctor

If you cannot find the main cause of bloating, consult a doctor who will conduct all the necessary examinations in order to identify the right one from hundreds of factors, diseases and disorders. How to treat bloating and gas? There are many different diagnostic tests that a doctor can prescribe to get a complete picture of what is happening: stool, blood, ultrasonography for the presence of “congestion”, examination of the patency of the intestines, stomach, enema, esophageal manometry, breath test, endoscopy or colonoscopy with biopsy. Knowing the causes and treatment will be found!

2. Play sports

An active lifestyle helps the digestive system function optimally as it helps fight bloating, increases metabolic rate, blood circulation and the circulation of lymphatic fluid throughout the body, which helps cleanse the body of waste products faster. Enjoy all the benefits of exercise and exercise approximately 3-4 times a week for 30-60 minutes. Don't drink sugary sports drinks after your workout!

Can exercise make the condition worse? In some cases it can, especially if you overtrain. Overtraining puts the body into a stressful state, in which the adrenal glands actively produce the stress hormone - cortisol. Training should serve to strengthen your overall health and improve your well-being, and not worsen your overall health, digestive system function, or add more stress.

3. Drink enough fluids

In order for fiber to do its job properly, you also need to drink plenty of fluids to combat flatulence. The amount of liquid you drink per day is different for each person, but you should start with at least 6-8 glasses a day. Adequate fluid intake is important for effective fight with bloating, you should be careful when choosing drinks.

Carbonated drinks with artificial colors, flavors and additives can worsen bloating symptoms. Alcohol also causes flatulence, as do drinks containing caffeine. It is better to drink plain water, tinctures with fresh pieces of fruit or herbs (lemon, grapefruit, basil) or herbal teas.

4. Reduce stress

Everyone knows that when a person is irritated, tired, sad or overloaded with work, malfunctions appear in the body, including malfunctions in the digestive system. Stress and fatigue have a huge impact on digestion. This is because the work of the intestines and the brain are closely related. vagus nerve. In the walls of the gastrointestinal tract there is a whole network of receptors that collect, analyze hormonal and chemical changes and send report messages to the human central nervous system, or more precisely to the part of it that is responsible for the intestines. The brain receives these messages, processes them and starts the intestines, which in turn produces enzymes, saliva and secretions necessary for normal digestive process, it also controls the production of hormones responsible for appetite.

Irritation and stressful situations can cause changes in this communication network and distract the brain from the digestive process in order to save energy and direct it in another direction. Stress increases cortisol levels, changes blood sugar levels and affects the production of other hormones, which can lead to constant feeling hunger, constipation or swelling.

It is quite obvious that there is nothing shameful in human physiology, but, nevertheless, such beautiful word"flatulence",

meaning bloating due to increased gas production, is in the untouchable category: it is taboo to discuss it.

By sharing that you are “suffering from a migraine” or “your blood pressure is up,” you can certainly get a good dose of sympathy, but revelations that your “stomach is swelling” will cause, at a minimum, bewilderment. But the problem is very common!

Gases: where do they come from?

What gases live in our body and where do they come from?

Everyone has gases. Most gases are a waste product of bacteria that live in the intestines.

1. Stomach
Normally, the stomach contains about 900 ml of air daily. Air gets there when eating and drinking. For example, with a drunk glass of water, up to 200 ml of air can enter the body. Eating quickly helps you swallow more air. Excess air accumulated in the stomach is expelled from the body during belching.

2. Small intestine
Physiological processes occur in the small intestine chemical reaction- hydrochloric acid (stomach contents) mixes with alkali (intestinal contents), and a reaction occurs with the release of carbon dioxide. Some of the carbon dioxide is absorbed into the blood, and some moves further and leaves the large intestine.

3. Colon
In the large intestine, as a result of bacterial fermentation of the intestinal contents, gases are formed, which include hydrogen, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, mercaptan and methane in various proportions.
Mercaptan and methane are compounds that give intestinal gas an unpleasant odor. In addition, they are highly toxic and flammable.

The body has a special detoxification system, thanks to which these toxic intestinal gases do not circulate in the bloodstream, but are eliminated.

One liter is approximately the same amount of gas released on average human body per day. The composition of these gases can change significantly depending on what food you eat, what air you breathe during the day, depending on the types of bacteria in your gut, and depending on how long you retain the gases inside your body.

Typically, your rectum will release 9% nitrogen, 21% hydrogen, 9% carbon dioxide, 7% methane, 4% oxygen and 1% hydrogen sulfide (this component gives the unforgettable aroma of your farts) during a fart.

The smell of this gas is formed by tiny amounts of components containing sulfur and nitrogen, which are formed in our body due to incompletely digested food and due to bacteria living in the rectum.
The sulfur compound is mainly hydrogen sulfide and mercaptan (an organic sulfur compound in which oxygen is replaced by sulfur).
The nitrogen compounds are mainly skatole and indole.

99 percent of the gas you produce doesn't smell. The unpleasant odor of gases is largely due to the presence of sulfur compounds in them, such as hydrogen sulfide.
In the process of converting food into useful nutrients, the bacteria produce a smelly byproduct of hydrogen sulfide (the same stench that comes from rotten eggs).

Although not all products are complex carbohydrates contain sulfur; beans, onions, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, milk and many other foods contain it.

The gaseous response of bacteria to nutrition varies from person to person (since everyone has a unique "collection" of microorganisms), there are basic gas-generating ingredients:

  • Fructose - natural ingredient plants such as onions, corn, wheat and even pears. Often found in sugar syrup for soft drinks and fruit drinks.
  • Lactose is a sweet natural ingredient that is added to various foods.
  • Raffinose - found in grains and various vegetables.
  • Sorbitol – found in almost all fruits and is also used as an artificial sweetener in dietary products. Yes, sugarless gum, candy, and anything else deceptively sweet from sorbitol can cause bloating.

Foods that are rich in sulfur include cabbage, eggs and meat. It is because of this food that “human” gas may have a stronger odor.

It is noteworthy that that beans and legumes lead to the production large quantity gas, but its smell is not so strong.
Another remarkable fact is that the pressure that is exerted on our intestines due to the gas accumulated in it is sometimes twice as much as the pressure of air pumped into a regular car inner tube!

By the way, women fart no less often than men. According to several studies, when eating the same food, women tend to release even more concentrated gas than men.

“Something was eaten wrong!”

Why does my stomach swell? The very first thing that comes to mind in this case is the relationship with the food consumed: “Oh, I probably ate something wrong.”.
Is it so? Yes and no - indeed, a lot depends on the food you eat, but not everything. If the reason for concern has recently appeared and flatulence is a fleeting phenomenon in your life, it is quite possible that the culprit is precisely what got into the stomach.

As already mentioned, in principle, the digestion of any food is a fermentation process. When there are not enough enzymes for digestion, gases are formed.
Fermentation and breakdown of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates occurs in the duodenum and small intestine. And absorption occurs in the large intestine. 90% of microflora lives in the large intestine.

Products that could affect the normal level of gases in the body:

  • foods that cause gas formation (cabbage, legumes, apples, highly carbonated drinks);
  • food that causes fermentation processes (kvass, beer, black bread).

It is impossible to completely eliminate products that cause gas formation; there are too many of them. Gas formation may cause legumes(beans, peas, beans, soybeans) , yeast-containing products, flour, apples, cabbage(white cabbage, broccoli, kohlrabi, cauliflower) , tomatoes, carbonated drinks, milk, bran, starches (potatoes), sauces, corn, etc.

Paradoxical but true: many healthy foods cause bloating. Especially those that are rich in dietary fiber - cereal flakes, beans and other legumes. Dietary fiber is essential for health, but its absorption is associated with the active release of gases. This does not bother most people, but those suffering from bloating should not eat a lot of fiber-enriched bread; it is advisable to limit the consumption of fruits, nuts, and seeds. Healthy cereal bars, by the way, are also problematic in this sense. High protein diets, including the Atkins diet, often lead to gas and bloating.

The foods that cause gas are united by one thing: carbohydrates - sugars. It is sugars, and these include starch and many other easily digestible carbohydrates, that are food for microbes living in the large intestine. Try keeping a food diary. For a week or a little longer, write down everything you eat. Determine what you eat on days when your stomach is bloated and when you don't. Most likely, it turns out that your stomach is bloated from food that contains sugar (especially lactose), which is included in many products.

Give up dairy products for a week and see what difference it makes. If the gases disappear, lactose intolerance is evident.

In the absence of enzymatic disorders in the body, the problem of gas formation can be dealt with first of all by limiting the consumption of these products and generally avoiding overeating.
The average serving volume should be no more than 200-250 ml. Then the food bolus will reach the colon digested and the microbes will get almost nothing.

By the way, rice is the only carbohydrate, starch, that does not form gases in the body, but, on the contrary, adsorbs them.

The simplest treatment for flatulence, unless, of course, it is caused by an intestinal disease, is to avoid eating foods that contribute to the formation of gases and eating properly.

  1. Eat slowly - If you eat in a hurry, you will swallow a lot of air.
  2. Chew your food thoroughly - larger pieces take longer to digest, which means they spend more time in the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. You need to chew food with your mouth closed and do not talk with your mouth full - this will allow you to swallow less air.
  4. Do not drink hot drinks, wait until they cool down a little - when drinking a hot drink, you try to cool it by opening your mouth and swallowing a lot of air.
  5. Reduce your consumption of carbonated drinks, including sparkling wines and beer.
  6. Don't chew gum - chewing gum “helps” you swallow more air.
  7. Don't drink through a straw.
  8. Don't smoke after eating. It's best to quit smoking completely: o).

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get rid of flatulence through dietary changes alone. You will have to be examined by a gastroenterologist to find out whether any parts of the digestive tract are seriously affected.
If this is so, it’s worth saying “thank you” to flatulence - after all, it was he who initiated the examination: with an accurate diagnosis, after which it is possible full treatment, which means getting rid of not only flatulence, but also many other problems that would sooner or later develop in the case of an advanced course of the disease.

But if no serious diseases requiring medical intervention are identified, then nutrition correction is a really big and effective step towards getting rid of flatulence.

Common causes of flatulence

It should be noted that the causes of long-term tormenting flatulence are quite diverse:

1. Insufficient enzyme activity.
Because of this, food is not digested as successfully as it should, so lower sections the intestines accumulate a large amount of undigested residues. The processes of fermentation and decay are activated, which is accompanied by the release of gases in increased quantities. Usually this problem is a consequence of diseases upper sections digestive tract (gastritis, duodenitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis), dysbacteriosis and other inflammatory processes in the intestines. Residues of food accumulate in the lower intestines, which should have been digested, but this did not happen due to the presence of the above diseases.)

2. Impaired intestinal motility.
This happens after organ surgery abdominal cavity. Due to the fact that the movement of food masses is slowed down, fermentation and putrefactive processes intensify, and more gases are formed.

3. Wrong food combinations.
The main source of gas formation inside us is 2 processes: fermentation and rotting. If food stays inside us longer than it should, it begins to decompose on its own, releasing large amounts of smelly gases.

There are combinations of foods that are guaranteed to slow down or even stop the digestion process. For example, fat (like milk, by the way) is known for its digestion-slowing properties. Fat envelops the walls of the stomach with a thin film, preventing the secretion of digestive juices.
Moreover, when the fat itself is digested, carbon dioxide is released. That is, fatty foods give a double “gas effect”.

Or, for example, if you eat sweet food, washing it down with juice, and before that eat heavy, protein food (as often happens during feasts), then flatulence may occur. The same can be said about the combination of any milk products with animal proteins or unsweetened fruits. In addition, drinking soda with food also causes flatulence.

By the way, it turns out that the combination of nuts and dried fruits for the majority of the population will result in explosive flatulence, which will “delight” those around you for several hours!

For more details about food combinations... just Google it - there is plenty of information on this topic.

4. Stress, nervous overload.
We got nervous and got a stomach ache - a familiar situation, isn’t it? In a stressful situation stomach problems may worsen. Unpleasant experiences are one of the most important factors in the development of irritable bowel syndrome. This disorder manifests itself at the slightest excitement with abdominal pain and diarrhea. Due to overexcitation of the nervous system, spasm of the intestinal muscles occurs. Gases accumulate, the intestines stretch unnecessarily, which is felt as pain.

5. Bad habits.
When eating in a hurry, which is called “on the go,” talking during a meal, or chewing gum for a long time, a much larger amount of air enters the stomach than is acceptable. Unfortunately, this does not pass without a trace: the air will wander through all parts of the digestive tract, causing rumbling in the stomach, sometimes pain, until it leaves the body. In addition, in the presence of air, the optimal ratio of microorganisms, which should normally be in the intestines, changes. Therefore, the digestion process is disrupted even more, and the manifestations of flatulence are aggravated.

Help your intestines with exercises

You can quickly eliminate bloating by increasing intestinal motility. If you do not have acute conditions, severe infectious diseases and tumors in the abdominal cavity, this can be done with simple physical exercises.

The following exercises stimulate the intestines and facilitate the passage of gases:

Bend forward alternately to one leg, then to the second.

- “Bicycle”: from a lying position on your back, bend your knees and try to imitate riding a bicycle. 15 repetitions of circular leg movements are enough.

Lie on your stomach on a hard surface. Lean on your hands and begin to gradually lift your torso, bending in the lumbar spine. 10 lifts are enough.

Lying on your back, legs slightly bent at the knees: quickly pull in and relax your stomach. 15-20 times daily.

Abdominal massage. It is important to do it in a clockwise direction so that it coincides with intestinal peristalsis. Start movements with light superficial ones, moving on to deeper pressures.

Perineal muscle training and anus: squeeze and unclench the anus up to 50 times daily.

This complex will be enough for you to significantly reduce the phenomenon of bloating. Within 3-5 days, all unpleasant symptoms will be completely eliminated. You will feel better and your stool will normalize.

Drug therapy for flatulence

What about medications?
Is it possible to take a pill and make everything go away immediately?

The following groups of drugs can be used to treat bloating:

  • antispasmodics;
  • enzymes;
  • adsorbents;
  • analgesics;
  • enveloping agents;
  • prokinetics;
  • defoamers.

✅ Adsorbents(activated carbon, smecta, polysorb) absorb gases and are removed from the body along with them. It would seem that the issue is resolved! They are prescribed if the cause of bloating is poor nutrition.
But along with unnecessary and inconvenient gases, they remove everything else that they can absorb. And adsorbents are capable of a lot, since they are completely non-selective - they work only due to their porous structure...
Therefore, together with them, both vitamins and minerals, and microorganisms that are normal inhabitants of the intestines.

If swallowed, activated charcoal may stick to the esophagus, causing discomfort.
In addition, the ability to adsorb gases is directly proportional to the size of the particles, so powdered enterosorbents are preferable in the treatment of flatulence; tablets should be chewed.
Activated carbon You need to drink it well with water.

✅ Defoamers They work differently: they release gases from mucous vesicles, precipitating foam, which impairs the absorption of nutrients and reduces enzyme activity.
Probably, defoamers are the most popular group of drugs for bloating. This includes the well-known Espumisan - “in
belly hurricane" and all his relatives. The active ingredient is simethicone.
Their action does not bring those side effects that are described for adsorbents, but it also develops more slowly. Therefore for emergency assistance Adsorbents are taken in the form of short courses, and defoamers are taken for longer courses.

✅ Enzymes. Flatulence often occurs against the background chronic diseases digestive system. Patients may exhibit various abnormalities, for example, inflammatory processes of the pancreas, accompanied by low enzymatic activity and slow digestion. In this case, it is impossible to do without enzymes that break down nutrients and accelerate their absorption.
To improve digestion, the use of enzymatic medications (panzinorm, pancreatin, festal, mezim) is recommended - as prescribed by a doctor.
Everyone knows the names: “Mezim” is irreplaceable for the stomach.” “The stomach can’t do it - Festal will help” and others, no less interesting. The principle of operation is simple: if you drink the medicine, the food will be digested.
In fact, there is an addiction and after long-term continuous use, your own organs significantly reduce the production
own enzymes. Can be used as a temporary remedy for chronic pancreatitis, gastritis and cholecystitis. TO side effects refers to diarrhea.
Enzymes are strictly contraindicated in the presence of hepatitis and intestinal obstruction.

If during the examination changes in the level of acidity of gastric juice are detected, agents are used that normalize the secretion of hydrochloric acid, as well as enveloping drugs(Almagel, Phosphalugel, Sucralfate, Vikair, etc.).
They are prescribed to protect the inflamed gastric mucosa.

✅ Prokinetics- drugs in this group normalize the contractions of the muscles of the esophagus and stomach. Often the problem of flatulence is caused by slow movement of food masses. In this case, the food simply “stands” in the stomach and intestines, without moving lower, and begins to ferment with the formation of gases. Treatment consists of accelerating the process of food evacuation, while gases are eliminated under the action of peristalsis.
Prokinetics seem to “push” food into in the right direction, thereby reducing the feeling of heaviness in the upper abdomen, including that occurring after overeating, belching and other unpleasant symptoms.
Motilium, Motilak, Domperidone, Passazhix are sold without a prescription in almost all countries of the world.

✅ Antispasmodics. Many people who suffer from flatulence experience severe abdominal pain due to the accumulation of gases. They can be either permanent or periodic. The pain is more like sharp spasms that most often occur after eating, especially against the background of overeating.
In these cases, the doctor prescribes antispasmodics from the trimebutine group. In addition to improving intestinal motility, they relieve spasms of the digestive system. Trimebutine normalizes the evacuation of gases, preventing them from accumulating, and also promotes the dissolution of gases.

First aid for bloating

Group of drugs Mechanism therapeutic effect Representatives Mode of application
Adsorbents Drug particles actively adsorb various substances on their surface. They trap gases and remove them from the body. Activated carbon Use 1 hour before meals at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight 3-4 times a day. It is advisable to crush (chew) the tablets and drink ½ glass of water.
Polyphepan 1 tbsp. l of the drug is dissolved in a glass of warm water. Consume before meals 3-4 times a day.
Polysorb 1 heaping tablespoon of powder is dissolved in ½ glass of water. Take 1 hour before or 1 hour after meals or taking other medications.
Smecta The contents of 1 sachet are dissolved in ½ glass of water. Take before meals 3 times a day.
Defoamers Surfactants destroy finely bubbled foam containing gas, reduce its volume and reduce pressure on the intestinal walls. Espumisan Take 2 tsp or 2 capsules. The frequency of administration is 3-5 times a day.
Kolykid Take 1 tablet 3-5 times a day during or after meals.
Prokinetics Helps enhance intestinal motility and eliminate gases. Strengthen motility, accelerate the evacuation of intestinal contents. They have an antiemetic effect. Motilium Fast dissolving lingual tablets. 1 tablet is placed under the tongue, where it quickly dissolves, after which the drug is swallowed without washing down.
Passazhiks Adults: 1 tablet 3 times a day, half an hour before meals.
Gastric juice Increases the acidity of gastric juice with reduced secretion of hydrochloric acid. Facilitates the digestion of food, reduces putrefactive and fermentation processes in the intestines. Natural gastric juice 1-2 tablespoons during or after each meal.
Enzyme preparations Contains pancreatic enzymes and auxiliary components. Promote the breakdown of fats and plant fiber, as well as the absorption of nutrients. Pancreatin Take 150,000 units/day. Tablets or capsules are swallowed without chewing during meals, washed down with 1 glass of non-alkaline liquid (water, juices).
Creon Consume 20,000-75,000 units of EP lipase during each meal.
Festal 1-2 tablets immediately after meals, with a small amount of water.
Antispasmodics Relax smooth muscle intestinal wall, eliminating spasm. Reduce pain caused by bloating. Papaverine 40-60 mg (1-2 tablets) 3-4 times a day.
No-shpa 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day.
Phytotherapy Infusions of medicinal herbs normalize intestinal motility and promote rapid elimination of gases. They also eliminate spasms and reduce pain due to gas accumulation.
Also medicinal herbs stimulate the production of food enzymes
Camomile tea Brew 2 teaspoons with a glass of boiling water, leave for 3 hours. Take 1/3 cup 4 times a day.
Infusion of dill, fennel, caraway Pour 2 teaspoons of seeds into a glass of boiling water and leave for up to 2 hours. Take ¼ cup every hour.
Mint infusion Brew 2 teaspoons of crushed leaves with a glass of boiling water. Drink in small portions throughout the day.

Attention: Doses are for adults. For children, drugs are available in the form of suspensions. The doctor selects the dosage based on the weight and age of the child.

Traditional medicine against bloating

  • The following helps with bloating and increased gas production: folk remedy, proven by many generations. Take two tablespoons of dill seed and pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew and strain the broth through a fine strainer. Drink half a glass several times a day.
  • From funds traditional medicine good carminative tea. It is made from equal parts of fennel fruit, valerian root and mint leaves. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes and take a third of a glass 3 times a day.
  • A drink made from cumin helps with flatulence. Pour 1 teaspoon of ground cumin into 250 ml of boiling water, let stand for 15 minutes with the lid closed, stir) or dill (1 teaspoon of seeds, pour 150 ml of boiling water, strain after 10-15 minutes).
  • You can also eat a teaspoon of ground cumin and drink plenty of water. It works as a carminative, relaxes the intestines, facilitates the passage of gases, and relieves pain associated with flatulence.

There is a point in fighting flatulence - the reward will not just be getting rid of unpleasant symptoms, but also improving the digestion process as a whole, the quality of which, as is known, depends on longevity, appearance, and the general perception of life.
Based on materials from,,

PS. Many women experience bloating before menstruation due to changes in hormone levels. Women before menopause complain about the same problem. During menopause, bloating is often accompanied by constipation. In this case, it is advisable to consult a doctor and nutritionist.

The condition improves by taking B vitamins and eating foods containing potassium and magnesium. If bloating is accompanied by pain and cramping, it is advisable to go to bed and put a warm compress on your stomach.