Foods high in vitamin E. Which foods contain large amounts of vitamin E?

Once you know which foods contain vitamins E, you can create your diet in such a way that it will not only be nutritious and tasty, but also healthy. Vitamins of this group are one of the most important and strong antioxidants that prevent the development of diseases cancerous, and also slow down the aging process.

What is vitamin E and what is your daily requirement?

Tocopherol, the second name for vitamin E, is a substance that is involved in the most important biochemical processes in our body:
  • Positively affects work vascular system.
  • Normalizes menstrual cycle, as well as reproductive function.
  • Slows down the formation of blood clots, which can cause heart attacks or strokes.
  • Has antioxidant properties. His struggle with free radicals, this substance protects the body from the slow stop of vital functions.

Those macro- and microelements that are called free radicals are chemical compounds that can contribute to the development cancer diseases and pathologies. A significant increase in vitamin E intake will reduce the risk of cell damage.

Daily norm E-group vitamins for the body - 0.3 mg per 1 kg of weight in adults, as well as 0.5 mg per 1 kg in children. Often, children receive the required rate vitamin c mother's milk, and adults - only from food. About the benefits of vitamin E -.

What foods are high in vitamin E?

IN natural conditions Vitamin E is produced only in plants; sometimes it is synthesized by bacteria, but this is very rare view, which is difficult to obtain. Plant seeds are richest in E-group vitamins. This is explained by the fact that embryos need this element for growth. Based on this, grains, nuts and products synthesized from them are most equipped with vitamin E.

Table of vegetable oils - the main sources of vitamin E

So, plant seeds have a high content of vitamin E, especially for oilseeds, which will become clear from the following table:

To get the required dose of vitamin E, an adult needs to eat about 25 g of oil made from plant based or its analogues. Since it is highly resistant to high temperatures, cooking in vegetable oil takes place without loss of tocopherol content.

It is also worth noting that eating raw seeds, such as pumpkin or sunflower seeds, which contain 21.8 mg of vitamin E per 100 g, is healthier than eating food with high content refined oil. This is due to the fact that a person receives not only vitamins, but also various fats, which have a bad effect on metabolism, physique and heart function.

E-group vitamins are also found in excess amounts in coconut and palm oils. However, you should not overuse them in your diet, as they contain many elements that can negatively affect the human metabolic process.

Butter - advantages over vegetable oil

100 grams of butter contains 1 mg of tocopherol. Relatively less than with a similar volume of vegetable oils, and the product itself cannot be used as a main dish in the diet, however, it only has a positive effect on your diet if you add it to your food.

Table of Nuts Rich in Vitamin E

All nuts contain vitamin E, but which ones have more, you will find out from the table:

What fruits and vegetables contain vitamin E?

Fruits and vegetables are the daily sources useful substances, including vitamin E:

It is known that different cereals contain different amounts of E-group vitamins. They are contained maximum in buckwheat – up to 6.6 mg per 100 mg of product.

Important: The more intensively the cereal has been processed, the less nutrients it contains. Thus, unpolished rice contains 20 times more tocopherol than the polished product.

Bread baked from high-grade flour (without grain shells and bran) contains virtually no tocopherols, however, when using whole grain flour, its content can increase to 0.9 mg per 100g. When buckwheat is processed into flour, a product with 2.1 mg of vitamin E per 100 g is obtained.

Milk and dairy products

Natural milk is a real storehouse of vitamins, including the E-group. This is due to the fact that growing mammals need this substance for development and healthy work vascular system. Products derived from it also contain vitamin E:
  • cream contains 0.2 mg per 100 g of product;
  • whole milk - 0.1 mg per 100 g;
  • sour cream - 0.13 mg per 100 g.

Video: What foods contain vitamin E?

The video will help you learn in more detail which foods contain vitamin E and why it should be consumed:

During the difficult period of menopause for every woman, the urgent question is how to support your own body and minimize adverse consequences. The simplest and most accessible way is a balanced diet, optimal in fats, carbohydrates, minerals, proteins and vitamins.


Vitamin E, tocopherol, is essential. He is responsible for youth, health and beauty. Vitamin E for menopause:

  • improves blood circulation and oxygen saturation of tissues;
  • normalizes hormonal levels;
  • prevents cataracts;
  • prevents the formation of free radicals;
  • eliminates senile pigmentation;
  • prevents the formation of tumors;
  • resists thrombosis;
  • improves blood composition;
  • helps speed up metabolism;
  • prevents diseases of the heart and blood vessels, as well as the brain;
  • increases tissue elasticity;
  • protects blood vessels;
  • reduces the risk of breast and ovarian tumors;
  • normalizes digestion;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • gently neutralizes the causes of menopause.

Daily norm for menopause

Vitamin E intake levels vary by age, gender and general condition person. During menopause they are quite high and amount to up to 200 mg per day. For example, a child needs only 15 mg, and healthy woman reproductive age 75 - 100 mg. During pregnancy, you need to take vitamin E in a dosage of 400 mg. Dosage for women in menopause optimal for maintaining ovarian function, as well as the level of production in female body estrogen and progesterone.

Foods Rich in Vitamin E

Where is vitamin E found? In products plant origin. The leaders in its content are nuts (almonds, cashews, etc.), seeds and vegetable oils. Sprouted wheat seeds are unique in this regard. Rich useful vitamin green vegetables, such as spinach, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, green beans and peas. Kiwi, mango, apples, bananas, peaches, raspberries, and rose hips also contain this substance. Vegetarian food, as a rule, is balanced in tocopherol content.

The question arises, where else is vitamin E found? It would be a misconception that tocopherol is not found in products of animal origin. It is there, but is present in smaller quantities. For example, butter contains 25 mg per 100 grams of product. In addition, its structure is such that it collapses when exposed to heat. Housewives who like to overcook food are depriving themselves of this essential substance.

Cereals and coarse, gray flour are also valuable source fiber and vitamins. Preference should be given to minimally processed varieties, such as wild, unpolished rice and buckwheat.

The following table will help you briefly imagine the amount of tocopherol in food:

Vitamin E in foodsApproximate volume in mg per 100 g
Wheat germ oil215
Soybean oil120
Cottonseed oil100
Linseed oil57
Sunflower oil50
Cod, including liver5
Bread, flour3

This list is far from complete, but these products contain the maximum content of natural tocopherol.

Artificial sources

It is not always possible to satisfy the daily need for vitamins through food alone. Menopause is often accompanied by exacerbations of chronic digestive diseases, metabolism is disrupted, absorption in small intestine. In this case, it is advisable to use balanced vitamin and mineral complexes for women mature age. You can buy them at any pharmacy, and the results will be excellent.

Opponents of multivitamin preparations may choose capsules or tablets containing only vitamin E in oil or oil solution for oral administration. These medications are inexpensive and no less effective.

Many ladies use the above vitamin not only internally, but also externally, adding it to shampoos and creams for hair, face and body. This method enrichment of factory cosmetics quite justified. It can make hair soft and shiny, and skin smooth and moisturized.

Absorption and drug interactions

Vitamin E is perfectly absorbed along with fats. Consumption on an empty stomach is not recommended. Heat and ultraviolet radiation lead to its destruction. You should not combine it with antibiotics. Caffeine and sleeping pills interfere with the absorption of vitamin E. Ascorbic acid, on the contrary, enhances its effect, as well as simultaneous administration with selenium. It enhances the effect of anticoagulants, anti-epilepsy drugs and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Taking with medications containing iron and silver is prohibited.

Signs of tocopherol deficiency and excess

Vitamin deficiency manifests itself in the following:

  • deterioration of skin condition and the appearance of senile pigmentation;
  • hair loss;
  • fatigue;
  • brittle nails;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • irritability;
  • drop in hemoglobin level;
  • fragility of blood vessels;
  • muscle wasting;
  • decreased concentration;
  • deterioration of heart function;
  • slowing down metabolic processes.

A person who discovers the described signs should immediately contact a therapist to get advice on minimizing adverse consequences for good health.

An overdose is also possible, since vitamin E belongs to the group fat-soluble vitamins and accumulates in the body. Great harm can cause a thoughtless attack medicines. An excess of vitamin manifests itself as follows:

  • diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • headache;
  • lethargy;
  • abdominal pain.

In most cases, these symptoms go away on their own after some time. It would be useful to take absorbents for several days after the onset of the disease.

A well-designed diet can get rid of all negative manifestations menopause, improve physical and emotional condition, normalize the production of female sex hormones and slow down aging. Food should contain at least half of the daily requirement for vitamin E.

Every woman’s menu should consist of foods high in vitamin E:

  • vegetable oil;
  • fresh vegetables, fruits and berries;
  • legumes;
  • greenery;
  • nuts;
  • fatty fish and meats;
  • milk, cottage cheese and cheese;
  • brown bread;
  • unprocessed cereals.

Don't forget about foods with calcium:

  • eggs;
  • dairy products;
  • soya beans;
  • yeast.

Boron-rich foods:

  • asparagus;
  • raisin;
  • prunes;
  • peaches.

Of course, you need to avoid smoking and drinking alcohol, which contributes to the removal of vitamins and minerals from the body and leads to intoxication. Dieting, exercising in moderation exercise In the fresh air you can maintain health, youth and beauty for a long time even after 50 years.

Vitamin E – important element for any organism, protection from the environment depends on its work negative impact. Tocopherol has an antioxidant effect, protects the body from aging and many diseases.

Daily value of vitamin E

It is important to consider how much tocopherol should enter the human body per day. In addition, there are conditions when the need for it increases. Daily requirement is:

  • For infants – 3 mg;
  • For infants up to 12 months. – 4 mg;
  • Children under 3 years old – 6 mg;
  • Children 4-10 years old – 7 mg;
  • Teenagers and men – 10 mg;
  • Girls and women – 8 mg;
  • Pregnant women – 10 mg;
  • Nursing mothers – 12 mg.

As you can see, the need for vitamin E changes with age, health status, and depends on factors external environment that affect the body. IN medicinal purposes a dosage of 100 mg per day may be prescribed.

The need for vitamin increases in the following cases:

  • If your diet contains a large amount of oils and fats ( seafood, fatty fish, legumes, oils). The lack of vitamin can be covered with 0.4 mg per 1 g of fatty acids;
  • People over 50 years of age who are susceptible to to a greater extent chronic diseases and infections associated with gallbladder, liver, pancreas;
  • During stress overexertion, after surgical intervention, after injuries, burns;
  • Pregnancy, reception hormonal drugs, birth control pills and other toxic substances;
  • In low birth weight newborns;
  • With a deficiency of selenium in the body.

Children receive the vitamin from their mother, while adults get it from food. It is necessary to understand which foods contain tocopherol. It is equally important to know how to properly consume vitamin E so that it is well and completely absorbed.

Tocopherol in pharmaceutical preparations is absorbed easily and in full, it is beneficial for the body. Additionally pharmaceutical drugs prescribed when radiation levels increase, severe stress, during menopause.

Tocopherol is better absorbed together with selenium and vitamin A, as well as iron salts. All these substances are found in food. Therefore, this component can easily be included in any diet.

What foods contain vitamin E?

The synthesis of this substance is carried out by plants. IN human body it is not produced or accumulated, its excess is excreted naturally. When choosing food products, you should give preference plant sources. This allows you to correctly compose and significantly diversify your diet.

The concentration of the substance is high in vegetable oils; sunflower, corn, soybean and wheat germ oils are especially useful. Herbs rich in tocopherol are dandelion, rose hips, nettle, raspberry leaves, alfalfa.

A considerable amount of the vitamin is found in sunflower seeds and apples, nuts, cereals, legumes, and green vegetables. Animal products also contain this substance, milk, beef, lard, egg yolks, liver. It is worth taking a closer look at where tocopherol is found.

Plant sources

Plants are the main suppliers of tocopherol. It accumulates in the embryos because they need it for full growth. Nuts, plant grains and products made from them are the most best sources tocopherol.

Vegetable oils are obtained by pressing seeds and plants, so they also contain a lot of this substance. The list of the most vitamin-rich oils includes:

It is enough to include natural vegetable oil in your diet to provide for yourself required quantity vitamin E. It is worth considering that important fact that tocopherol is resistant to exposure high temperatures. It does not collapse when heated.

Coconut and palm oils contain tocopherol, but it is not recommended to use them for preparing hot dishes, they contain a lot harmful substances, which when heated are converted into carcinogens and negatively affect the body. Use in cooking and consumption pure form raw seeds and nuts are even preferable to using oil.

Animal sources

Butter is a worthy source of tocopherol; per 100 g of product there is 1 mg of the beneficial substance. Even those who adhere to dietary and low-carbohydrate diets should add it to their diet, however, in limited quantities. And here fish fat, contrary to popular belief, is not a source of vitamin.

Animal products contain a relatively small amount of E, the liver is rich in it, the content is 1.62 mg per 100 g, but there is little of it in meat and lard, only about 0.6 mg per 100 g, but they contain many other essential substances. It is worth considering that strong heat treatment of meat leads to the destruction of tocopherol.

Dairy products can be used as additional sources of tocopherol. Among them, cream and sour cream come first - they contain about 0.12-0.2 mg per 100 g, natural milk - 0.09 mg of vitamin per 100 g. A small amount is found in cheese and dairy products.

Cereals and flour, products made from them

A limited amount of the vitamin is available in cereals. But it is worth considering their processing, since unprocessed rice contains 20 times more of this substance than polished rice. Similarly, it is worth taking into account the degree of grinding and the number of operations performed on the grain.

As a source of tocopherol, you should use bread made from whole grain flour; its concentration reaches 0.8 mg per 100 g of product, but in white flour the content of the substance is so insignificant that it can be ignored.

Fruits, fresh vegetables, nuts

These are the main components of the daily diet healthy person, they contain a large number of different useful substances. Despite the fact that the concentration of vitamin E in them is low, due to the volume of consumption they become its main sources.

You can select following products from this category, the vitamin content is calculated per 100 g:

  • Legumes (beans) – up to 1.7 mg;
  • Broccoli – up to 1.2 mg;
  • Peas – up to 0.8 mg;
  • Green salads – up to 0.5 mg;
  • Kiwi – up to 1.1 mg;
  • Apple – up to 0.5 mg;
  • Spinach and tomatoes – up to 0.7 mg.

Larger amounts of the substance are present in nuts. Oils made from them, such as peanut oil, are also rich in them. But it is quite expensive, which does not allow it to be used as a main product - a supplier of vitamins. Therefore, it is better to consume nuts in small quantities. The leading places are occupied by walnuts and hazelnuts; consumption of almonds and pine nuts will bring benefits.

In general, to meet the body's needs for vitamin E, it is enough to make salads daily from fresh vegetables and fruits, and season them with wheat germ oil - 2-3 small spoons. Can be combined different types

oils that suit your taste to get more vitamins. The diet should also include fresh fruits , porridges from unprocessed cereals, soups with cereals, as well as fresh herbs. Such nutrition will protect cells from destruction and preserve reproductive function for a long time. Vitamin E can withstand processing temperatures up to 200 degrees, but does not tolerate exposure to light or.

chemical substances

Freezing also kills the vitamin, its amount is reduced by almost half, it is affected by long-term storage of products, long-term frying and preservation.

TOP 5 food products with Vitamin E Affordable products used in nutrition every day, which can be bought at the nearest store, are in great demand. Food products with the most high performance

  1. The vitamin E contents that are present in the diet of almost every person are as follows:
  2. Sunflower oil – 67 mg per 100 g.
  3. Buckwheat – 6 mg/100 g.
  4. Beans – 3.8 mg/100 g.
  5. Chicken egg – 2 mg/100 g.

Beef liver – 1.3 mg/100 g.

What is vitamin E for?

The main value of tocopherol is that it gives youth and restores reproductive function. There are many more useful properties vitamins that are important for the human body. He participates:

  • In cellular nutrition;
  • In hematopoiesis;
  • Normalization of the immune system;
  • Stimulation of muscle tone;
  • Removing toxins from the body;
  • Affects the nervous system;
  • Resists carcinogenic bacteria and microbes;
  • Used to prevent anemia and diabetes.

Tocopherol is friends with vitamin C and A, allowing them to be better absorbed and protecting them from oxygen exposure. But it is poorly compatible with vitamin D. It blocks toxins and free radicals, which is why tocopherol is actively used in cosmetology.

It is added to creams and masks for mature and aging skin to restore skin elasticity. It moisturizes the skin, brightens, restores blood supply and structure, and slows down aging.

Vitamin E after 45 years allows women to reduce the risk of heart disease. It has a beneficial effect on work thyroid gland, helps during pregnancy, eliminates signs of toxicosis. Its benefits for hair are invaluable; taking it allows you to restore hair from the inside.

Tocopherol must be supplied to the human body regularly. Balanced diet, fresh food, minimal heat treatment - everything you need to maintain human health. This will allow you to always remain beautiful and enjoy every new day!

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Vitamin E is an antioxidant that is amazing in its properties, the properties of which, as it turns out, have not yet been fully studied. It has long been known to protect the body from aging and heart disease. And the results of recent studies also indicate that it can slow down and even completely prevent the development of cancer, which kills 8 million people every year. In view of this, the interest of scientists and ordinary people is growing both in the antioxidant itself and in what foods contain vitamin E.

Products containing vitamin E

An undeniable advantage of vitamin E is that it does not dissolve in water and is not destroyed by high temperatures, alkalis and acids. That is, products containing vitamin E do not require special processing to preserve beneficial properties; you just need to remember that in the light and outdoors, as well as under the influence of chemicals or ultraviolet radiation, E cannot be preserved in products long time. So what foods rich in vitamin E are known today?

  1. Nuts: walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, pistachios - as well as seeds. It is this food that contains a large amount of antioxidant;
  2. Berries of sea buckthorn, rose hips, viburnum, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, cherries;
  3. Many vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, radishes, leeks, potatoes, broccoli, cabbage, leafy vegetables such as spinach;
  4. Fruits: peaches, apricots, nectarines, kiwi, mango, papaya, avocado, pomegranate - they contain a small amount of vitamin E, but here it is combined with vitamin C, which enhances the effect of the first;
  5. Dried fruits: dried apricots, prunes;
  6. Cereals: oats, wheat, barley;
  7. Legumes: peas, soybeans, asparagus, beans;
  8. Fish: eel, squid, salmon, pike perch, tuna,
  9. However greatest number antioxidants contain various vegetable oils: cedar, flaxseed, corn, sunflower, palm, soybean, cottonseed, sesame and olive. If the amount of E-vitamin is important to you, it is better for the oil to be unrefined, since some of it is lost during refining;
  10. But products of animal origin practically do not contain E.
Vitamin E content in products (per 100 g)
Product Amount of vitamin E
Walnuts 23 mg
Almond 24.6 mg
Hazelnut 25.5 mg
Peanut 10.1 mg
Pistachios 6 mg
Hazelnuts 20 mg
Sea ​​buckthorn 5 mg
Rose hip 3.8 mg
Kalina 2 mg
Blueberry 1.4 mg
Raspberries 0.6 mg
Blackberry 1.2 mg
Strawberry 0.29 mg
Cherry 0.32 mg
Cucumber 0.1 mg
Tomato 0.4 mg
Carrot 0.6 mg
Radish 0.1 mg
Leek 0,92
Potato 0.1 mg
White cabbage 0.1 mg
Broccoli 0.78 mg
Spinach 2.5 mg
Peaches 1.1 mg
Apricots 0.95 mg
Nectarines 1.1 mg
Kiwi 0.3 mg
Mango 0.9 mg
Papaya 0.3 mg
Avocado 0.9 mg
Pomegranate 0.4 mg
Dried apricots 5.5 mg
Prunes 1.8 mg
Oats 1.7 mg
Wheat 3.2 mg
Barley 0.57 mg
Peas 1.7 mg
Soybeans 11 mg
Black Eyed Peas 2.5 mg
Beans 1.7 mg
Acne 5 mg
Squid 2.2 mg
Salmon 1.8 mg
Tuna 6.3 mg
Zander 1.8 mg
Olive oil 4.5 - 7 mg
Linseed oil 50 mg
Corn oil 40 – 80 mg
Sunflower oil 48 – 60 mg
Palm oil 105 mg
Soybean oil 50 - 100 mg
Cottonseed oil 50 - 100 mg
Sesame oil 50 mg
Cedar oil 54.8 mg

The importance of vitamin E for human health

As mentioned above, eating foods that contain vitamin E is extremely important. The fact is that this vitamin performs seven functions in the human body:

  1. It has a rejuvenating effect, because it is an antioxidant. E-vitamin fights free radicals, which are nothing more than aggressive parts of molecules that cause aging;
  2. Participates in blood biosynthesis;
  3. Prevents the formation of blood clots;
  4. Takes part in the synthesis of hormones;
  5. Strengthens the immune system;
  6. Has an anticarcinogenic effect;
  7. Promotes the successful functioning of muscle and nerve tissue.

This is why adding foods that contain this antioxidant to your diet is so important. The daily intake of vitamin E varies. It depends mainly on the age, gender and individual condition of the person:

Gender and age Daily normvitamin E intake
Children (up to 6 months) 3 mg
Children(7 – 12 months) 4 mg
Children(1 – 3 years) 6 mg
Children(4 – 10 years old) 7 mg
Men (from 11 years old) 10 mg
Women (from 11 years old) 8 mg
Women (during pregnancy) 10 mg
Women (during breastfeeding) 12 mg

In short, to overestimate the importance and role of vitamin E for health and appearance human is impossible. However, it is necessary to take into account the main rule - everything is good in moderation. By following it, you will be able to maintain longevity and beauty, so necessary for everyone.

Whether it is necessary to an ordinary person know about vitamins? If we're talking about about which foods contain vitamin E, it’s a must! After all, this will help you stay young, active and healthy for as long as possible, as well as prevent such dangerous illnesses, like Alzheimer's disease or cancer. How to eat to live a full life until old age?

Vitamin E is a group of structurally similar compounds (tocopherols), which are presented in 4 forms: alpha, beta, gamma, delta. The first is the most active and widespread.

Tocopherol is a fat-soluble compound. It is a strong natural antioxidant. It protects against cancer and provides reproductive functions in men and women.

This unique element is capable of much! It slows down aging, strengthens the immune system, normalizes blood circulation, and is responsible for fast recovery, prevents the formation of blood clots. For women it is simply priceless! After all, it is this vitamin that prevents the skin from losing its elasticity and becoming covered with age spots.

The value of this component is evidenced by the fact that without its participation not a single biochemical reaction takes place in the body.

Newborns receive tocopherol from breast milk, and adults - with products (which is more useful and safe) or tablets. You can find vitamin E in many foods. Vegetable oils can fully supply the body with it:

  • oil obtained from wheat germ. Contains 400 mg tocopherol 100 g;
  • soy – 160 mg;
  • corn – 80 mg;
  • sunflower – 70 mg;
  • olive – 7 mg.

But consuming so much oil every day is not the most rational type of diet, so you need to know what other foods (with fewer calories) contain vitamin E.

Tocopherol is present in high concentrations in the following components of the normal diet:

  • oatmeal – 3.4 mg;
  • pasta – 2.1 mg;
  • meat products: beef liver – 1.62 mg; beef – 0.63 mg; lard – 0.59 mg;
  • eggs – 0.6 mg;
  • dairy products: butter – 1 mg; cottage cheese – 0.4 mg; cream – 0.2 mg; sour cream – 0.12 mg.

Quite a lot of vegetables and fruits contain vitamin E, so it doesn’t hurt to figure out which garden products contain the most of it. The list of leaders in the presence of tocopherol includes:

  • beans – 1.68 mg;
  • broccoli – 1.2 mg;
  • kiwi – 1.1 mg;
  • leek – 0.92 mg;
  • green peas (fresh) – 0.73 mg;
  • tomatoes, spinach – 0.7 mg;
  • apples – 0.51 mg.

You can also find vitamin E in foods that don't appear as often in your daily diet. These include:

  • nuts: almonds – 24.6 mg; walnut - 23 mg; hazelnuts – 20.4 mg; peanuts – 10.1 mg; cashews – 5.7 mg;
  • dried apricots – 5.5 mg;
  • wheat – 3.2 mg;
  • sea ​​buckthorn berries – 5 mg; rose hips – 3.8 mg; viburnum – 2 mg;
  • blueberries – 1.4 mg; blackberry – 1.2 mg;
  • squid - 2.2 mg; salmon – 1.8 mg, tuna – 6.3 mg.

The table will help you get a detailed answer to the question of which foods contain vitamin E. It lists all (not just available or common) nutritional components in which it is present. With its help, anyone can create a complete and varied “vitamin” menu.

For those who are determined to replenish vitamin E reserves for themselves and their family members, information about the norms of its consumption will be useful. They depend on age. Children from 4 to 10 years old require 7 mg, men – 10 mg, women – 8 mg (during pregnancy – 10 mg, during lactation – 12 mg).

To cover physiological norm, 2-3 tsp of olive oil or 12 g will be enough sunflower oil. The daily amount of tocopherol is contained in 100 g of oatmeal or corn. And here butter replenish daily norm It will be simply impossible, since you will have to eat 1 kg of this product per day!

But in general, if you add up the amount of tocopherol that enters the body (provided good nutrition) for breakfast, lunch and dinner, it turns out that it will be quite enough in order not to resort to pharmacy vitamins. However, its deficiency threatens vegetarians.

Storing and preparing products with tocopherol: how to preserve the valuable vitamin?

Vitamin E is a fairly stable compound. It withstands heat treatment almost without loss. But this element is afraid of sunlight. This should be taken into account when choosing a place to store food. It also breaks down when exposed to oxygen, so it is best to use sealed containers for storage.

When frozen, the concentration of tocopherol remains unchanged, so frozen fruits or meat retain the entire set of these vitamins.