Products that contain the most protein. Protein absorption rate

Nutrition occupies one of the most important places in our lives, since without nutrients we will not be able to grow and develop. All organs of our body require oxygen, vitamins, microelements, and water. We get all this with food.

Our body consumes many different substances. The main ones are proteins, carbohydrates and fats. These substances support our vital functions, give us energy, strength, and help the body grow. They are also involved in the processes of thermoregulation, formation of new cells, maintenance normal level blood sugar and many others. Therefore, the question quite logically arises: “Which foods are protein foods?”

What are proteins?

Proteins, or proteins, are very important for our body. These are organic substances that are synthesized in our body from amino acids that have a special peptide compound. Protein foods (a list of products will be presented below) are important for humans, since not all amino acids are produced in the body. Therefore, it is important to provide your body with proteins during meals.

Why do our bodies need proteins?

These substances monitor the quality of human life. They perform a number of functions, without which certain processes cannot take place in the body.

  1. Helps with metabolism. Proteins take an active part in the biochemical reactions of the body.
  2. Participation in the formation and maintenance of the correct shape of cells, providing the cytoskeleton.
  3. Ensuring an adequate immune response, participation in the cell cycle.
  4. Participation in the transport of various substances through the bloodstream.
  5. Formation of bone, connective and muscle tissues.

Entering the body with food, proteins are broken down into amino acids, then from them various substances necessary for different tissues and organs are synthesized. There are a number of important amino acids that have no analogues in our body, so they must come to us every day with food. What food should you eat to replenish your protein reserves?

Eating Healthy with Protein

Lack of protein leads to very serious problems with health, diseases such as dystrophy may occur, slow growth, decreased immunity, pathological processes in the liver, weight loss, changes in the endocrine system. Protein foods (the list of products is actually small) should be as close as possible to the protein composition of our body. This identity is valuable and useful because structural elements The body does not spend time processing food, so absorption occurs quickly.

Excessive consumption of carbohydrates and fats leads to many diseases. The most common among them are diabetes and obesity. But a large number of protein does not have such harmful effects on the body. Therefore, many programs for losing weight and maintaining it at a certain level are based on the consumption of protein foods. It brings a lot of benefits and keeps you feeling full for a long time.

Protein foods - what are they?

Our daily diet consists of carbohydrates, fats and proteins found in all the food we eat. Experts have found that in the diet healthy person There should be 2 g of protein per 1 kg of total human body weight. It follows that products containing greatest number Proteins, with a balanced diet, should make up 40% of our diet. Protein foods, the product list of which consists mainly of meat, dairy products and fish, contain amino acids and other beneficial substances. After all, we do not consume pure protein; along with it comes a certain percentage of fats and carbohydrates. That is, by eating meat, for example, we “kill two birds with one stone” - we provide our body with fats and fill it with proteins.

Protein products for weight loss

Useful protein food when consumed, it helps to normalize body processes that ensure its vital functions. This entails a decrease excess weight And general health improvement. What is a protein food? Almost all of it consists of animal products. But it must be taken into account that the balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates is important. By consuming foods that contain not only a lot of proteins, but also fats, you cannot lose body weight. This means that you will not be able to lose weight and improve general state health by eating jellied meat or fried meat.

Here are the most common protein foods for weight loss (list):

  • chicken fillet (contains 24 g of proteins per 100 g of product);
  • beef (contains 30 g of protein per 100 g);
  • cottage cheese (contains 35 g of protein per 100 g);
  • canned fish;
  • shrimp (22 g protein per 100 g);
  • chicken or quail eggs(contain protein in pure form, if consumed without the yolk).

What does a protein diet consist of?

The basis of a protein diet is to reduce the intake of carbohydrates and fats and increase the amount of protein in food. But you should remember that you cannot completely give up carbohydrates, since they are a source of energy for the body and are involved in the synthesis of amino acids. Try to eat complex carbohydrates: legumes, whole grain cereals and pasta, buckwheat porridge, bread made from coarse flour varieties, rice, vegetables and fruits. If possible, limit your carbohydrate intake to the first half of the day. The consumption of fats should not be completely excluded from the diet, since they are involved in the process of absorption of vitamins and minerals, and are also a colossal source of energy for the body.

You should perceive protein foods for weight loss not as a forced measure, but as a balanced diet, according to which the average daily intake of proteins is 100 - 120 g, fats 80 - 100 g, carbohydrates - 300 - 400 g.

The benefits of proteins for expectant mothers

It is most important for expectant mothers to maintain a healthy diet and protein diet. Protein food for pregnant women, the list of which we have already indicated above, performs the following functions:

  1. It is the basis for fetal development.
  2. Prepares the mother's body for breastfeeding.
  3. Activates immune processes to fight infections and viruses.
  4. Responsible for lactation processes.
  5. Transports minerals, vitamins, microelements and other useful substances.
  6. Strengthens the mammary glands, uterus and placenta, preparing the body for childbirth.
  7. Contribute to the regulation of hematopoietic function, protects the mother’s body from anemia.
  8. Has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora.
  9. Improves blood supply to the fetus.

If future mom ignores the list of protein foods for the diet and “eats for two”, this can contribute to the gain of fat mass, which will negatively affect the upcoming birth, and in the future may affect the health of the child.

Protein intake standards for pregnant women

The norms for protein consumption by pregnant women are practically no different from the norms that athletes and athletes should adhere to. ordinary people. However, nutritionists recommend that expectant mothers increase their average daily protein intake to 2.5 g per 1 kg of a woman’s body weight. So, if the body weight is 60 kg, then a woman should eat 120 g of proteins per day.

The most acceptable protein diet for expectant mothers is five meals a day. Daily norm protein should be divided into five meals.

1 dose - 30% protein (≈36 g).

2nd dose - 10% protein (≈12 g).

3rd meal - 40% protein (≈48 g).

4th dose - 10% protein (≈12 g).

5th meal - 10% protein (≈12 g).

It is advisable to take the first meal no later than an hour after waking up. Dinner should be no later than two hours before bedtime. This scheme will ensure optimal absorption of nutrients and serve as the basis healthy development child and wellness future mother.

Contraindications to the use of proteins by pregnant women

A situation often arises when pregnant women do not want to eat protein foods prescribed by specialists. This can lead to a decrease in hemoglobin and oxygen starvation fetus, its slow intrauterine development, liver diseases, renal failure and a general deterioration in the health of both mother and child. However, not everyone is recommended to eat a protein diet. If a pregnant woman has problems with the heart, kidneys, liver, there is an increased risk of hypertension or there is a tendency to swelling, and her body refuses to consume a sufficient amount of foods containing protein, consultation with specialists is necessary: ​​nutritionists, obstetricians-gynecologists and neonatologists .

Protein food: list of products, menu

We recommend that pregnant women make two lists: a menu for the day and a list of foods prohibited for expectant mothers. To the list of prohibitions include fresh bread, sauces, sweets, salted fish, hamburgers and other street food, canned vegetables and mushrooms. Try to avoid fried and stewed foods. All cooked food should be done in a steamer, oven or air fryer.

  • meat (especially turkey, beef and rabbit);
  • all varieties of red fish;
  • salmon caviar;
  • seafood (but remember that they excessive use may cause allergies in a child);
  • dairy products- kefir, matsoni, natural yoghurts, curdled milk;
  • quail eggs;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits (must be present in the hedgehog daily diet).

Make delicious and balanced menu every day, eat only those foods that you like, then any meal and any protein diet will benefit both you and your baby.

Sample menu for one day of a protein diet

Breakfast: a piece of boiled meat (beef, rabbit or poultry) weighing no more than 200 grams, finely grated carrots with sour cream, unsweetened tea.

Lunch: boiled lean fish- 200 grams, 100 grams of boiled beans or beans, salad from any raw vegetables(cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, onions and others).

Dinner: 150 grams of cottage cheese with a fat content of no more than one, one glass of kefir and biscuits.

This diet is suitable not only for pregnant women, but also for those who want to lose excess weight. Knowing what constitutes protein foods, using imagination and foods recommended by a nutritionist, you can achieve the desired results in just a few minutes. short term. There are many types of protein diets. Many of them provide meals at least 5 times a day. Don't forget to drink plenty of water if you want to lose weight. It should be noted that no diet provides for the consumption bakery products and sweets (except honey).

Before you start using a protein diet, you need to make sure there are no contraindications. It is also important not to forget about exercise while eating protein. They will only bring benefits, since the process of getting rid of extra pounds will accelerate with active image life. Experiment, get healthier and lose weight with pleasure.

A healthy, balanced diet helps cope with various diseases, eliminate fat deposits, and build muscle mass. Eating foods that contain protein is necessary for the creation of new body cells, the synthesis of hormones, enzymes, and the formation of muscle fibers. Protein nutrition is especially important in adolescence when the body grows and develops intensively.

Protein intake rate

A protein molecule is half composed of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. In addition, it contains sulfur, phosphorus,. Forms amino acids necessary for the life of the body.

About half of the amino acids are not synthesized by the body, so they must come from food.

Depending on the composition of the product, the presence in it of everything necessary for the human body essential amino acids, a distinction is made between so-called complete and incomplete protein.

By this characteristic Products that contain animal protein are considered complete.

Until recently, it was believed that plant foods contained incomplete protein because it lacked some essential amino acids. This opinion is refuted by modern research.

Vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and grains contain complete plant proteins. In addition, they are digested easier and faster than those of animal origin.

It is believed that daily requirement an adult is 90-120g of protein. The norm for a child or adolescent during the period active growth increases by 2-3 times.

If there is a lack of food containing protein, anemia (anemia) develops and emotional tone decreases.

Excessive intake of protein foods disrupts the functioning of the digestive system. In the large intestine, food debris rots and ferments, causing increased amount uric acid, gout and urolithiasis develop.

In addition, excess consumption of protein foods contributes to the formation of fat deposits.

Protein food intake standards change over time.

Some modern scientists, after conducting experiments on volunteers - athletes, military personnel, students - came to the conclusion that 25 g of protein per day is sufficient. Other scientists are convinced that 60g of protein food per day is sufficient for an adult of working age.

Academician N.M. Amosov did not adhere to a strictly defined norm; he consumed approximately 50 g of meat and a little milk every day to deliver essential amino acids to the body.

Should you completely give up animal protein?

There is still no consensus in the scientific community whether it is worth consuming protein foods of animal origin.

Plant food, having broken down in the digestive system of an animal, ultimately forms cellular protoplasm. According to many years laboratory research, protoplasm does not contain components that cause it to age.

Therefore, some scientists are convinced that the main cause of various diseases and aging is clogging of the cellular protoplasm of the body, disruption of its natural structure.

When eating animal protein, a small blockage manifests itself as a disease. With increasing contamination of protoplasm, the body rapidly ages, and cellular processes in it are disrupted.

In addition, the digestion of protein foods of animal origin requires significant energy expenditure, about 60-70% of that obtained from a serving of meat. This energy expenditure is especially undesirable in the case of a serious illness.

While scientists argue, it remains to be decided individually whether it is worth giving up meat completely. Some combine products that contain animals and vegetable protein. Moreover, pure protein foods do not exist in nature.

What are the harms of meat?

Before you make a list of daily animal and plant protein foods to lose weight or build muscle mass, it’s worth learning about possible harm eating meat.

A number of scientists believe that for many centuries people ate fruits, tubers, and nuts. Only after mastering fire did people begin to heat treat and eat various meat products which contains animal protein.

A predator, unlike people, eats raw meat; its mouth is acidic, not alkaline. The human body has not yet adapted to quickly digest and remove lifeless mass, the result of heat treatment of meat.

When processing meat food, the digestive system works to the limit, which is why it wears out more quickly. In addition, meat takes up to 8 hours to digest. plant food twice as fast.

If the kidneys and liver no longer cope with removing excess uric acid, the result of the breakdown of animal protein, it is retained in the body, causing the development of various diseases: gout, rheumatism, tormented by attacks of causeless headaches.

According to legend, in ancient China, a method of execution was used when the criminal was fed exclusively boiled meat. After a month or two, the kidneys stopped coping with the elimination of protein breakdown products, which caused poisoning of the body.

To remove the results of the breakdown of protein foods of animal origin, about 40 g of water are required for each gram, which significantly increases the load on the kidneys.

It has been proven that products containing animal protein decompose twice as fast as plant foods.

In addition, before death, the animal experiences, which is why there is a mass in the meat. harmful substances, causing an increase in blood pressure, spasm and atherosclerosis of blood vessels after consumption.

According to modern research, abuse of diets containing predominantly protein causes the development of kidney stones.

These compounds stimulate the nervous system, causing the release of digestive enzymes and gastric juice. As a result, the gastric mucosa becomes more irritated and the load on the kidneys increases. Memory and attention are impaired, irritability and insomnia appear.

Plant foods containing protein

Any plant exposed to the sun from chemical elements, obtained through the soil, synthesizes amino acids, produces sugars. After digestion, plants do not poison the body with harmful compounds, but supply it.

The following foods contain the most vegetable protein:

  • legumes (soybeans, peas);
  • cereals (, barley, rice);
  • nuts and seeds.

It is useful to include cabbage, carrots, eggplants, potatoes, and greens in your diet.

It is possible to achieve delivery of a complete set of essential amino acids to the body by consuming a variety of protein plant foods.

Another way: to get essential amino acids, you should eat plant products with the inclusion of a small amount of meat in the diet.

For example, cook beans, rice, pasta with veal, poultry or fish. Options:

  • chicken with rice;
  • boiled beans with veal;
  • rice with pink salmon;
  • spaghetti with meat sauce.

List of animal protein products

The most protein is in beef, pork, rabbit meat, and poultry.

Of all the varieties of beef, veal is the least fatty, it is well absorbed by the body, which is why it is often used in weight loss programs. Pork has the least fat in meat varieties. It is better to cook beef or pork in a steamer or oven.

Rabbit meat is a product rich in protein, its content is up to 20%.

There is a lot of protein in offal - tongue, liver, kidneys, brains, udder, spleen. In addition, by-products contain a lot minerals, primarily iron, as well as vitamins A, B, C.

You should avoid eating sausages, ham, ham, and brisket due to their high fat content.

Fish protein, unlike meat protein, is absorbed almost completely, 92-98%. Most of it is in tuna, up to 24%. The content is also high in another useful product - fish caviar.

The protein of a chicken egg is absorbed by the body almost completely and much faster than from beef, although the egg has a high calorie content.

What to combine with foods containing protein

To digest meat, the body requires a maximum of gastric juice. In addition, the absorption of protein foods is affected by fats, sugars, and acids, so some combinations should be excluded from the diet.

Fatty foods do not go well with protein foods, since fatty foods increase digestion time and slow down the secretion of gastric juice. It is allowed to combine protein foods of animal origin with animal fats, plant origin– with vegetable fats.

It is possible to speed up gastric secretion by including fresh herbs and vegetables in the diet.

The secretion of gastric juice and the digestion of food are slowed down by the influence of sugars, so you should not combine this food with protein foods.

Acidic foods slow down the secretion of gastric juice, which also interferes with protein digestion.

Products that contain protein are best combined with non-starchy foods and juicy vegetables: cabbage, zucchini, cucumbers, radishes, parsley. This menu helps digest food and remove various harmful compounds.

Should not be included in the diet at the same time protein products and, turnips, pumpkin, carrots, beans, peas, potatoes.

Milk is best consumed separately, on its own. Warm, unboiled milk is better absorbed.

Live foods that have not undergone heat treatment help to absorb proteins.

You should not simultaneously consume two or more types of foods that contain protein. As a rule, they have different chemical compositions that require appropriate enzymes to break down. For example, you should not combine meat and fish, cheese and nuts, meat and eggs, meat and milk, meat and cheese.

Table 1. Protein content in food
ProductProtein content per 100 g of product, g
Cereals, legumes
Oat flakes "Hercules"11
Corn grits11
Barley groats10
Wheat bread7,6
Rice groats7
Black bread6,5
Powdered milk26
Dutch cheese26
Russian cheese23
Low-fat cottage cheese18
Fat cottage cheese14
Processed cheese8,4
Sweetened condensed milk7,2
Cow's milk3,2
Sour cream 10% fat3
Full fat kefir2,8
Fatty food
Mayonnaise "Provencal"2,8
Creamy margarine0,3
Plant food
Green peas5
Fresh porcini mushrooms3,7
Kohlrabi cabbage2,8
White cabbage1,8
Bulb onions1,7
Green onion1,3
Sweet pepper1,3
Black currant1
Meat and fish
Rabbit meat21
Horse mackerel18,5
Beef liver17,9
Beef kidneys17,9
Boiled sausage17
Canned sardines in oil16
Beef heart16
Beef lung15,2
Pork stew14,9
Boiled sausage "Doctorskaya"12,8
Chicken egg12,7
Cod liver4,2
Other products
Coffee beans13,9
Cocoa powder12,9
Cream cake5
Ice cream3,3
Modified: 02/16/2019

Eating foods high in protein is necessary for building muscles, promoting the absorption of carbohydrates, and stimulating metabolism. Proteins can be of plant and animal origin.

Protein foods - what are they?

A large number of proteins are contained in following products(per 100 g):

It is important to know! Products that contain an increased amount of protein relative to other foods also saturate the body with iron, calcium, and vitamin B12.

All these beneficial substances are very important for red blood cells, as well as fortresses bone tissue person.

List of animal products and their protein content

Products of animal origin contain a considerable amount of protein.

The list of protein content is as follows (per 100 g):

  1. Milk and fermented milk products - 2.5-2.9;
  2. Chicken liver - 18.0–21.0;
  3. Eggs - 12.5;
  4. Salmon - 25.4;
  5. Beef - 19.5;
  6. Pork - 25.0;
  7. Lamb - 18.5;
  8. Chickens - 19.5;
  9. Liver - 17.5;
  10. Beluga - 24.0;
  11. Caviar - 28.0–30.0;
  12. Duck - 15.8;
  13. Caviar - 27.0;
  14. Chickens - 22.6;
  15. Rabbit, hare meat - 24.0;
  16. Chicken stomachs - 20.0–21.0;
  17. Gusyatin - 29.0;
  18. Beef tongue - 16.1;
  19. Tuna - 23.0;
  20. Sardine - 23.7.

If you are wondering what protein foods are, what foods they are, a list of protein foods, an experienced nutritionist will help you.

List of plant products and their protein content

Products of plant origin have a huge advantage - they contain virtually no fat and cholesterol, which distinguishes them from products of animal origin.

So, for example, 100 g of beef contains up to 20% of the recommended amount of fat and 30% of cholesterol in the blood, while soy does not contain cholesterol at all and contains only 1% fat.

But anyway The intake of animal products is necessary for the daily diet.

For an adult, the daily intake of animal protein should be at least 30% of the total food intake, and the total amount of protein should be within 150 g.

Protein foods are what plant products?

  1. Pistachios - 20.3;
  2. Soybean - 35.0;
  3. Peas - 23.0;
  4. Lentils - 24.8;
  5. Pumpkin seeds - 30.1;
  6. Hazelnuts - 16.0;
  7. Walnut - 13.6–14.3;
  8. Buckwheat - 12.6;
  9. Semolina - 11.3;
  10. Bread - 8.0;
  11. Mushrooms - 0.9–3.3;
  12. Apples, pears - 0.4;
  13. Berries - 0.5–1.0;
  14. Millet - 12.1;
  15. Garlic - 6.5;
  16. Green peas - 1.0;
  17. Brazil nut - 14.2;
  18. Potatoes - 2.0.

List of protein contents of available foods

It would also be interesting to know about protein foods – what kind of food products are they and what is the protein content in them?

Below is a list of protein content in foods (per 100 g):

  1. Egg powder - 45.0;
  2. Cheese cheese - 18.0;
  3. Hard and processed cheese - 23.4-29.0;
  4. Cheesecakes, casserole - 16.4-18.9;
  5. Liver pate - 18.0;
  6. Canned meat - 15.0-20.0;
  7. Cutlet, chop - 20.0;
  8. Soy protein isolate - 90.0;
  9. Ham - 22.6;
  10. Lamb kebab - 22.9;
  11. Cervelat - 24.0;
  12. Smoked salmon - 25.4;
  13. Pasta - 10.0–11.3;
  14. Beefsteak - 28.8;
  15. Sausage mince - 15.2;
  16. Cottage cheese - 14.0–18.0;
  17. Boiled veal - 30.7;
  18. Ham - 14.3.

List of the healthiest protein foods

The ideal animal protein product is egg, because it is almost 100% absorbed by the body.

The absorption of proteins of animal origin is 70–90%, and that of plant origin is 40–70%. The most healthy protein foods are found in foods such as veal, followed by beef, rabbit and pork.

It is also worth highlighting that any food containing large amounts of protein may not be entirely healthy, because contains a lot of fats and carbohydrates.

As previously noted, egg white is one of the useful ones, representing a low-calorie product, so you don’t have to worry about eating 5-6 eggs a day, but you can eat only 2-3 eggs a day. in a day.

One more useful product considered low-fat meat. Nutritionists recommend eating meat that is steamed, grilled or boiled. Moreover, meat contains the required amount of animal fats that the body needs; the main thing is not to exaggerate when consuming such a product.

Nutritionists insist on mandatory daily use cottage cheese 200 g per day, because it is low-calorie and contains practically no fats and carbohydrates.

Dream high content protein, but its usefulness is inferior to oatmeal, which can be supplemented with various fruits and berries, saturating the body with protein, absorbed in the body within 6-8 hours.

Note! Some plant proteins do not contain enough essential amino acids, so it is better to diversify your diet with foods of animal origin.

Protein products for gaining muscle mass in combination with training

The main components of muscle growth are regular training and sports nutrition.

Eating protein foods is a must in the diet proper nutrition, but you also shouldn’t forget about counting calories, because the energy for building muscles lies precisely in nutrition.

The norm for protein intake for an athlete who has gained weight is 2 g per 1 kg of weight.

Professionals advise consuming animal protein for greater weight gain.

Diet for required quantity You can make the protein mass yourself. For example, in daily diet an athlete who weighs 85 kg should include: 0.5 kg of chicken, 200 g of cottage cheese, 5 eggs and 0.5 liters of milk. You can alternate with fish, legumes, etc. Calorie content for a set muscle mass needs to be increased almost 2 times.

“Protein foods – what kind of foods are they, a list of protein foods” are questions that are always of interest to people who strive for a slim figure.

Protein products for weight loss

Protein foods stimulate metabolism, which is beneficial for weight loss and appetite decreases.

Many people trying to lose weight do not plan their diet correctly, and also wonder: what are protein foods?

The necessary diet, consisting of the right foods, has a positive effect on changes in the body during weight loss.

But such a diet is also useful for the following:

Common protein diets. Their principles for eating protein foods

There are many types of diets, and some of them necessarily include protein foods with a high protein component or are even based only on protein products.

A protein diet mainly includes:

  • Fish;
  • Lean meat;
  • Milk;
  • Low-fat cottage cheese;
  • Cheese with a fat content of no more than 25%;
  • Soy products (milk, cottage cheese).

Diet according to Dr. Dukan

The Dukan diet includes 4 phases and stages:

In addition to performing the 4 phases, the Dukan diet consists of following the following rules:

  1. Drink plenty of fluids (1.5 liters per day);
  2. Daily consumption of bran;
  3. Morning exercises;
  4. Daily walk in the fresh air.

Hayley Pomeroy's diet - losing weight without fasting

This diet is aimed at speeding up metabolism. The diet from Hayley Pomeroy consists of a special nutrition program in which a person loses extra pounds without abstaining from food, removing fat cells naturally.

This diet includes a fully written menu for each day and a list of foods for each phase that are allowed to be consumed.

Atkins diet

The Atkins diet is about reducing your carbohydrate intake., due to which the body can gain fat reserves.

As with many diets, you need to drink plenty of fluids when following the Atkins diet. Avoiding foods high in carbohydrates, according to Atkinson, will significantly reduce your calorie intake.

Following a diet without carbohydrates can significantly affect the body, because dizziness, weakness and headaches may appear. These symptoms disappear over time and the body adapts to the changes.

Protein-rich recipes for weight loss

What dishes can be prepared from protein products? It should be not only healthy, but also tasty food.

Cottage cheese casserole



  1. Combine cottage cheese, egg yolks, sugar and vanilla, then add the remaining ingredients and beat with a mixer until smooth.
  2. Beat the whites until a white mass forms and add to the dough.
  3. Put everything in silicone mold, lubricated with oil.
  4. Cook for 30-40 minutes in an oven preheated to 180-200°C.

Red fish with spinach cooked in an omelette



  1. In a bowl, beat the egg, add sour cream, salt, add defrosted and chopped spinach.
  2. Cut the fish into pieces, salt and pepper.
  3. In a silicone mold, greased butter Pour in the resulting mixture and place the fish in the center.
  4. Place in the multicooker basket and cook in the “steam” mode for 15 minutes.

Protein is involved not only in the formation muscle tissue and promotes weight loss, it also plays a significant role in the structure of the skeleton.

Protein deficiency significantly affects the imbalance of nitrogen balance; the body “feeds” on its own tissues, which is why it is so necessary in the diet of every person.

This video will tell you what protein foods are, what foods they are, a list of protein foods and much more.

From this video you will learn how to select protein foods for weight loss.

Greetings, friends! Today we're looking at protein-rich foods. From it you will learn everything about the usefulness and necessity of this nutrient, learn how to choose the right protein products, and also get acquainted with... I won’t reveal all my cards in order to maintain some intrigue.

So, everyone pricked up their ears and got ready to absorb megabytes useful information.

Protein-Rich Foods: Theoretical Framework

It just so happens that bodybuilding is not only about stupidly pulling weights, but also about a responsible approach to nutrition. However, the vast majority of people visiting Gym, negligently (not clothes :)) relate to nutritional issues, and in particular to the main building element for muscles - protein. You should not blame them (you) for this, this is a normal phenomenon, and it is due to the fact that initially the human diet is depleted in this nutrient. And implementation new habit– consuming more protein-rich foods is a rather unpleasant and leisurely process.

In general, if you look up the statistics, then the majority (about 80% ) “gym girls” and fitness ladies don’t grow (in terms of increasing muscle volume), because their diet lacks quality (high protein and low fat) protein products. Our article today is dedicated to the answers to these and many other questions.


Before powerfully plunging into the theory, I would like to remind “new” and already experienced visitors and readers that in our pantheon there is already one entry devoted to building and nutritional issues, and it sounds like this. Therefore, I strongly recommend that you first familiarize yourself with this creation, and only then move on to its logical continuation.

So, I would like to start with a brief “historical” information about protein.

Protein-Rich Foods: The Truth About Protein

From a bodybuilder’s point of view, protein is the building block for creating new muscle structures. This is a fundamental nutrient in the diet of an athlete (and not only) on which muscles are based. In food sources, protein is in the form of amino acids (raw material for building proteins), which are replaceable, irreplaceable (not synthesized by the body) and conditionally irreplaceable.

Visually, the classification looks like this.

Very often in literature (especially foreign) You can find the following image of essential amino acids.

Those people who want to gain “good” weight (not fat), build muscle, or simply lead a healthy lifestyle should include protein-rich foods in their diet. This is due to the fact that protein is one of the main factors for muscle repair and growth. A diet consisting (including) of high-protein foods is the basis for building a harmonious body.

Therefore, it is very important to understand, especially for beginners, that before you even think about “how to build muscle?”, you must first think about your diet, replacing various simple carbohydrates(bread, cookies, rolls, etc.) for protein.

Most people start their training adventures from scratch (impatient and went) and in the end (after the lapse of 2-3 months and absence visible results) I miss training with iron. And this happens because, even after a well-done workout, what is thrown into the body’s furnace is not building material, but the usual diet (potatoes, sausages, bread, etc.). Or quality (percent protein content) and the amount of protein consumed does not reach the bar for triggering growth mechanisms.

Protein-rich foods: how to choose the right one

Now let's look at how you need to choose the right protein-rich foods. Not many people know how to wisely buy food in stores or supermarkets. The following tips will help you stay properly full at all times.

Tip #1. Protein mix

When choosing nutritional building blocks, always strive for a combination of animal and plant proteins. If you are actively engaged in building your body, then you should consume 1,5 gr (women) and 2 grams (men) of protein per kilogram of body weight. Always remember that:

  • animal proteins are more complete proteins. They contain all the necessary amino acids to create new protein structures in your body. Animal proteins include: poultry, fish, meat, eggs, dairy products (kefir, fermented baked milk, Varenets), cheese and milk;
  • Protein sources from vegetables, grains, fruits and nuts are incomplete. They lack one or more amino acids needed to create new proteins. The body uses them by breaking them down into individual amino acids. The latter are then combined with other amino acids (from other products) to create new building blocks;
  • Always read the product ingredients information (the nutritional value) On the other hand, sometimes the most expensive product does not mean the most useful. Position “amount of proteins in 100 gr” - the higher the value, the better (low fat).

Compare two products that were on the same fish shelf in the store.

Tip #2. Soybeans

Soy is a complete type of protein, a good alternative to animal protein from red meat. Include foods such as soybeans or tofu in your diet. This will significantly increase your protein levels.

Tip #3. Food rating

Many types of protein (eg nuts, beans, whole grain) include alimentary fiber(fiber). It helps digest food better and gives you a longer feeling of fullness. On the other hand, some protein foods (whole milk, beef) contain saturated fats which lead to blockage of the arteries. Choose healthier protein alternatives, such as lean meats (poultry) and skim milk.

Tip #4. Avoid

Avoid in every possible way various semi-finished products rolled up in jars or vacuum packaging. Often, to extend their service life, various chemicals are added. (preservatives, class E additives, etc.). Also avoid various sausages and sausages. In fact, they contain much less meat (protein) than stated by the manufacturer.

Tip #5. Balance

Keep a balance between the amount of carbohydrates and protein you consume. On average, the latter should account for 25-30% , and for carbohydrates - about 55-60% . Protein-rich foods help control weight by staving off the feeling of hunger.

Tip #6. Changes

It is very problematic to change your usual diet for so many years at once. Therefore, smoothly and gradually introduce new eating habits. For example, swap ground beef for turkey or sausage for chicken breast. Change your cooking methods - instead of frying, simmer or grill, a microwave and a double boiler will also help you. Use only egg whites instead of whole eggs, eliminating bad cholesterol from your diet.


In fact, concerns about excess cholesterol from chicken eggs greatly exaggerated. You can calmly, without a second thought, consume up to 3-4 eggs every day.

Tip #7. Meal schedule

All your efforts to choose protein-rich foods will be in vain if you do not learn to manage your diet. To do this, you need to keep a food diary in which you write down at what time and what dish you will eat the hamster. This system will eliminate various snacks and long breaks between meals.

Tip #8. Ingenuity

No matter how strong-willed a person you are, sometimes there come moments when you want to stop eating right and eat to the fullest :). To avoid such breakdowns, periodically experiment with your diet - try new products (combinations), new recipes and dressings.

So, here, it seems, that’s all, let’s move on to the highlight of the program, namely...

Protein-rich foods: what are they?

I don’t know about you, but I am very sensitive to nutrition issues, and I always devote the greatest amount of time to choosing the right foods, including protein foods. In fact, now my choice is always predetermined, because... I know which gastronomy contains the most protein, but I used to pore over studying the packaging and reading the ingredients.

In general, it is customary to highlight the following protein sources: (presented in descending order of value).

Now let's go through the highest protein foods from each protein source.

Protein Rich Foods: Protein Sources

No. 1. Meat and poultry

Many people consider meat, due to its fat content, bad source squirrel, on the one hand this is true. But on the other hand, who is stopping you from choosing low-fat varieties? Include in your diet the following types meat:

  • lean beef (steak, beef stroganoff);
  • chicken (breasts, fillet);
  • turkey (fillet);
  • rabbit meat;
  • deer meat.


In all further figures, the following notation is used: the protein content/fat content in 100 g product.

No. 2. Fish and seafood

Fish is perhaps the best source of essential amino acids necessary for the repair and growth of muscle tissue. It contains six times more protein than dairy products, making it one of the richest sources building material. Remember this and include the following types of fish and seafood in your diet:

  • tuna (natural);
  • salmon (fish fillet);
  • sardines;
  • mackerel;
  • anchovies;
  • mullet;
  • tilapia;
  • shrimps;
  • squid;
  • lobsters;
  • milk.

No. 3. Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are an excellent source of protein and other essential nutrients. They contain fiber and many vitamins that the body needs to function properly. However, it must be remembered that many vegetables (eg potatoes) contain a large amount. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the selection of such products with knowledge.

Include the following types of fruits and vegetables in your diet:

  • Chinese fuzhu (soy asparagus);
  • tofu;
  • soya beans;
  • beans;
  • brown rice;
  • spinach;
  • asparagus;
  • avocado;
  • banana.

No. 4. Nuts and seeds

In addition to being relatively high in protein, nuts and seeds are also rich in fats that are good for the brain and nervous system. And because before 60% The human brain is made up of good fats, then include the following types of seeds and nuts in your diet:

  • pumpkin seeds;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • (peanut butter);
  • almond;
  • hazelnut;
  • walnuts;
  • Brazilian nut.

No. 5. Eggs, cheese and dairy products

Eggs are an excellent source of protein (egg white) for building muscle mass. High in calcium and vitamin D, dairy products are an ideal post-workout snack.

Include in your diet:

  • eggs (chicken, quail);
  • cottage cheese (low fat or up to 5% ) ;
  • kefir (low fat);
  • milk (low fat cow);
  • skimmed milk powder;
  • cheese (Oltermani 9% , Adam).


Protein-rich foods and their effects on the human body have been the subject of numerous studies and many scientific reports. Even though meat contains more protein, some studies suggest that it's better to eat more fruits and vegetables because they contain fiber and other vital nutrients.

When compiling your food basket, it is important to remember that your diet should be balanced in all nutrients, and not just in proteins. Therefore, always rely on the base - and you will always be well-fed and healthy.

Well, in conclusion, as promised, a little scientific.

Protein-Rich Foods: What Science Says

IN 2012 year at the Pennington Research Center (USA) one Scientific research regarding protein, calories and weight gain. It produced unusual results that suggested that weight gain depended on the amount of calories consumed, not the amount of protein consumed.

Most nutritionists believe that the proteins, fats and carbohydrates contained in a person's diet have a greater impact on weight gain than the number of calories consumed in food. This study proved the opposite.

During it 25 laboratory rats of brave people were imprisoned in the metabolic ward for a period 12 weeks Volunteers were required to eat approx. 1000 extra calories per day beyond what they needed to maintain their weight. Their diets contained 5% , 15% And 25% calories from protein respectively.

All volunteers gained weight (which is not surprising), although the low protein group ( 5% ) gained slightly less weight. Most of the extra mass is fat. In the medium and high protein groups, people also gained muscle mass. The low protein group lost muscle.

Any differences in weight between people are most likely due to various expenses energy for activity and keeping warm (protein causes higher heat loss).

Results say low protein diet caused muscle loss (which is bad for an athlete). Besides, no big difference between a diet containing 15% squirrel and higher ( 25% ) . The study also found that higher protein diets will not help a person lose weight unless they reduce the number of calories they consume. Calories have highest value in weight gain, and their decrease is consistent with the results of other studies. Of course, the quality of the diet also matters: it is easier to reduce the number of calories consumed if a person eats a lot of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.


Another note is written, today we continued to deal with nutritional issues and talked about the topic - high protein foods. After reading, you have only one thing left to do - hit the grocery store and stock up on everything the right products. Well, you can handle this just fine without me, bon appetit!

PS. Whoever writes a comment will immortalize himself in history!

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in your social network status - plus 100 points for karma, guaranteed :) .

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Proteins are the main element biological life on our planet. This is a very diverse compound in structure and species specificity - a polymer based on carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen and other elements. The usefulness of products - sources of proteins (proteins) is determined by the presence of such essential amino acids and the possibility of their absorption. Also, in addition to proteins, products contain additional organic and inorganic compounds that affect their nutritional value and digestibility, as well as the ability to regulate biochemical processes in the body after they are digested.

Why is it important to eat high protein foods?

Eating your diet with foods that contain plenty of protein is important for a number of reasons. One of them is the fact that protein (or protein, as it is also called) is involved in the structure of muscle tissue. It is for this reason that high-protein nutrition is recommended for professional athletes, people involved in fitness, and also for children. foods with the highest protein content.

Supporters healthy image life and quality nutrition should know that their daily protein requirement is calculated based on weight. For every kilogram of human weight per day there should be 2 grams of protein. That is, if a person weighs 70 kilograms, then he should include about 140 grams of protein in his food per day. Studying the list of foods that contain a lot of protein, you will notice that some of them are quite high in calories, while others, on the contrary, provide very little energy. This fact should also be taken into account when choosing the right diet.

On the other hand, according to experts, the daily requirement for protein should generally be 40% of the total food. This is one of the keys to rational nutrition.

Protein is very important to eat physically active people, because it is able to restore the expended energy of a person. When excess protein occurs in the body, it does not turn into fats and does not lead to extra pounds, unlike carbohydrate food. Before the main table of proteins in products is described, it is worth paying attention to negative qualities protein food.

Energy value of proteins

With energy consumption human body Protein performs important functions as an energy source. During the digestion process, energy that is extremely important for the body’s functioning is released from foods - this is energy value or calorie content, which is measured in kilojoules (kJ) or kilocalories (kcal).

The average energy value of protein is 3.8 kcal/g or 16 kJ/g. It may vary depending on the composition of the product.

Protein in cheese, cottage cheese and milk

Cottage cheese contains about 14% protein. It is very beneficial for the body. It is high in calcium, which in some cases may be required for protein processing. Depending on the fat content of the cottage cheese, the protein content in it may vary slightly. It is recommended to add low-fat cottage cheese to your diet. how much protein is in one egg.

Hard cheese is made from cottage cheese. But its protein content is twice as high. So, on average, 100 grams of cheese contains about 30 grams of protein. It is worth noting that hard cheese is very high in calories, and you need to add it to your diet in small quantities.

The table of proteins in products also contains information that milk consists of only 5% of them, despite the fact that cottage cheese and cheese are its derivatives.

Protein content in meat products

Both animal and plant protein are very important for the body. The list of products containing it should start from the first. Animal protein is also called complete protein. This is due to the content of a complete amino acid complex in it. protein food list.

Products containing protein large quantities animal origin – these are meat products. Their list starts with chicken and turkey. Every 100 grams of chicken or turkey meat contains about 20 grams of protein. It is easily digestible from these products. In addition, these two types of meat are considered dietary due to their low calorie content. They definitely need to be added to a balanced diet.

Products with the highest protein content can also include another type of meat - beef. There are about 25 grams of protein per 100 grams of beef meat. But it is much more digestible more complicated by the body. That is why it is better to eat it boiled.

A large amount of protein is found in beef, pork or lamb liver. About 18 grams per 100 grams of product. It is recommended to use it stewed.

There are other products that contain large quantities of animal proteins. This is fish and seafood. It is a storehouse of protein and other useful microelements. Any fish is easily digested by the body, which absorbs all the beneficial substances. Proponents of a healthy diet should definitely include this type of protein-containing product in their diet.

Protein in eggs

When we're talking about Regarding protein-containing products, the natural question is how much protein is in one egg. vegetable protein food list.

Chicken eggs can be different sizes and weight, but on average two eggs are 100 grams total weight. Accordingly, one egg can contain about 50 grams of mass. Per 100 grams of this product there are 17% proteins. This means that one egg contains about 8.5 grams of protein.

It is from this product that protein is best absorbed. Its calorie content is quite low. Chicken eggs also contain many beneficial acids, which participate in important metabolic processes of the human body.

Protein in cereals

Protein is found in a number of cereals. In addition, each of them is useful for the good functioning of the digestive organs. Protein in food products, that is, in cereals in this case, is contained in different quantities. But it is absorbed equally well. what foods contain a lot of proteins?

Buckwheat consists of 12% proteins of plant origin. It is very beneficial for the body. Oatmeal is no less healthy and comes second in the list in terms of protein content. It contains 11 grams of protein per 100 grams of cereal. Wheat groats are in the same position as oatmeal. It also contains 11 grams of protein.

Rounding out the list of protein-rich cereals are rice and corn. They contain 7-8% protein. Porridges are very useful for the human body, but when adding them to the diet, it is worth remembering that the bulk of them are carbohydrates.

Other High Protein Foods

There are other favorites for protein content. What foods have a lot of proteins? Primarily soybeans, lentils and Brussels sprouts.

A product such as Brussels sprouts contains only 9% protein by weight. But it is low in calories, and in order for it to be absorbed by the body, a large amount of energy is required. Therefore, 9 grams of protein per 100 grams of such a product is considered quite a lot. Because of this, this product is classified as high in protein. protein in food products.

Soy contains vegetable protein. The list of foods containing protein puts it at the top. It contains about 14 grams of protein in every 100 grams of product. It can be called the first in protein composition in plant products. It is known as a product that is often used instead of meat in Food Industry. But in the daily diet it is better to give it a place as a side dish. It can replace porridge.

Final table of protein-rich foods (per 100 g)

Meat and fish:

Name Qty Name Qty Name Qty
Beef 23 gr. Pork liver 19 gr. Anchovies 24 gr.
Mutton 19 gr. Heart 15 gr. Salmon 21 gr.
Pork 26 gr. Lobster 26 gr. Sardines 19 gr.
Veal 23 gr. Sea bass 24 gr. Herring 18 gr.
Rabbit 24 gr. Sturgeon 22 gr. Tuna 24 gr.
Chicken 22 gr. Halibut 19 gr. Mackerel 17 gr.
Roast duck 10 gr. Saida 24 gr. Trout 18 gr.
Boiled sausage 15 gr. Hake 15 gr. Pink salmon 21 gr.
Ham 13 gr. Cod 20 gr. Salmon 21 gr.
Bacon 22 gr. Sprats 18 gr. Flounder 19 gr.
Beef liver 18 gr. Pollock 16 gr. Mullet 26 gr.


Dairy products:


How to lose weight with protein foods

It is not uncommon to have a question regarding losing excess weight with food containing a lot of protein. It's possible. Diets with a predominance of protein foods are considered quite successful. This is due to the fact that protein is not converted into fat. It is worth noting that with such a nutrition system it is strictly forbidden to give up carbohydrates. There should be at least 100 grams per day. To lose weight, you should only use a list of foods that contain quite a lot of protein, are easily digestible and are considered low-calorie. First of all, these are chicken, turkey, cottage cheese, eggs, Brussels sprouts, and soy.

Protein nutrition: menu for the week

Protein nutrition is most often chosen by those who watch their figure, engage in fitness, bodybuilding or professional sports. Gained great popularity protein diets for weight loss. The principle of such a diet is that a deficiency of carbohydrates is created, which are the main sources of energy. As a result of this, metabolic processes are rearranged, and fat deposits begin to be consumed.

A large number of different protein diets have been developed for weight loss. Some diets include a complete rejection of carbohydrates and fats, some allow a small amount of them. All diets have advantages and disadvantages, as well as one common disadvantage - unbalanced nutrition. Nutritionists advise using protein diets with caution and only while losing weight.

The protein nutrition menu includes low-fat foods. It is recommended to boil, stew, bake or steam products.
Sugar, all fast carbohydrates and high-calorie sauces are completely excluded. You need to eat at least 4 times a day.

First day
  • Breakfast - low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Lunch - yogurt and one grapefruit.
  • Lunch - two chicken breasts, broccoli, a cup of sour milk.
  • Dinner - a cup of cottage cheese, 1 medium grated carrot.
Second day
  • Breakfast - yogurt, apple.
  • Lunch - any lean meat, cheese, tomato, bell pepper.
  • Lunch - 200 g of fish, carrot salad, 0.5 apples and celery.
  • Dinner - vegetable salad, two eggs.
The third day
  • Breakfast - yogurt and a glass of strawberries.
  • Lunch - a cup of grainy cottage cheese with parsley.
  • Lunch - two chicken breasts, spinach, 0.5 cups of fermented baked milk.
  • Dinner - 200 g of meat, zucchini and tomato salad, 2 slices of ham.
Fourth day
  • Breakfast - a cup of cottage cheese.
  • Lunch - sour milk, 0.5 cups of raspberries.
  • Lunch - 200 g of any lean meat, carrots, milk.
  • Dinner - vegetable with herbs, 2 eggs.
Fifth day
  • Breakfast - yogurt, two tangerines.
  • Lunch - a cup of grainy cottage cheese.
  • Lunch - 200 g any sea ​​fish, tomato salad with parsley and red pepper, yogurt.
  • Dinner - 200 g of cottage cheese, an apple and one carrot.
Sixth day
  • Breakfast - cottage cheese, milk.
  • Lunch - sour milk.
  • Lunch - two chicken breasts with beans, yogurt.
  • Dinner - two slices of ham with corn and broccoli, an egg.
Seventh day
  • Breakfast - kefir, half a cup of any berries.
  • Lunch - a cup of cottage cheese, a slice of ham.
  • Lunch - roast chicken liver, leaf salad with apple.
  • Dinner - yogurt with fruit.

A prerequisite for the above diet is to drink 2 liters of water per day and take vitamin complexes so that the body does not develop a deficiency of nutrients. The menu is approximate and products are subject to change.