Blown ear symptoms treatment. Features of ear pain due to local hypothermia

Ear and toothache considered the most intense. The occurrence of ear pain does not depend on the time of year. Contrary to popular belief, it can blow out in the summer, and, more often than not, this happens. The heat forces you to open the car windows and public transport, this is exactly how otitis media forms due to drafts. Ear pain has an unpleasant tendency to appear at night, when a person is getting ready to sleep.

Blown ear: symptoms

  • Few people pay attention to the first symptoms, although if you take measures in advance, you can avoid excruciating pain and sleepless nights. Such signs include ear congestion and temporary hearing loss. Especially after driving high speed or spending time in a draft.
  • The appearance of pain in the ear indicates inflammation, i.e. otitis. The pain intensifies or appears only at night; during the day it is either tolerable and gradually forgotten, or does not appear at all.
  • According to its characteristics, the pain can be different - pressing, aching, throbbing, or there is a shooting in the ear. By the way, last symptom most unpleasant. The pain can be constant, with periods of fading. When swallowing, the ear may become blocked, which indicates that discharge, possibly even purulent, appears in the middle ear.
  • Otitis media can also affect general condition patient. Most often, weakness is noted, and body temperature may rise.

What to do if your ear blows?

If your ear hurts at night, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Only after examination and research is it possible to determine the exact cause of the pain.

Ear pain can occur for many reasons. This symptom does not necessarily have any connection with otitis media. Do not forget, for example, about caries, or its complications - periodontitis. Dentistry and otolaryngology are borderline sciences and have much in common. Of course, the most common cause of ear pain is inflammatory processes, both acute and chronic.

An incorrect diagnosis and, accordingly, incorrect treatment can provoke increased pain, especially when moving, when loud sounds. What to do if your ear is blown out, but there is no way to see a doctor?

First of all, you need to warm up your ear using a blue lamp or salt heated in a frying pan (use it like a compress). It is worth remembering that if there is purulent discharge from the ear, you can’t heat it. The presence of discharge indicates an active inflammatory process; heat can significantly worsen the condition.

If there is no discharge and the ear is simply blown out, you can proceed to the next stage of treatment. You need to instill drops. Boric or chloramphenicol alcohol can be used as drops. Before instillation, the liquid must be preheated to 37 degrees. You can use ready-made dosage forms, the indication for use of which is the treatment of otitis media. Most popular means is "Otipax", but before using it it is necessary to mandatory Consult your doctor and strictly follow the instructions.

After completing all the procedures, you cannot go outside; you must be in a warm room without drafts for several hours. If you simply need to go outside, you should wear a headdress that will completely protect your ears - a scarf or a hat, regardless of weather conditions.

Ear pain: treatment with folk remedies

  1. Except traditional medicine, you can also use folk remedies. A mixture made from honey and flour will help relieve pain and warm the ear. It will require 1 tbsp. l. flour and 0.5 tbsp. l. honey The ingredients must be mixed until smooth, wrapped in gauze and applied to the ear overnight, securing the compress with a warm scarf.
  2. Paraffin turundas can be considered an excellent remedy. You can purchase a ready-made copy at the pharmacy or make them yourself using a bandage and melted wax. Such turunds will allow you to warm up the ear and remove accumulated earwax, which can become an additional factor of inflammation.
  3. Propolis and bay leaves can be used as folk remedies. To do this, use propolis tincture with vodka. Use the resulting solution to wipe the ear area and leave a cotton swab soaked in this solution. The tincture should not be allowed to get into the ear; treatment will only take place in pairs.
  4. To prepare drops from bay leaf, you need to brew 2-3 pre-crushed leaves of the product. This solution should sit for several hours, only after that it will be ready. Bay decoction You need to put a few drops in your ears. And after instillation, cover your ears with a cotton pad.
  5. Don't forget about compresses. The simplest and most accessible ingredient for preparing a compress is vodka, boric alcohol. But such measures will only be effective if early stage development of the disease. To prepare a compress, you need to heat the vodka, soak a large piece of cotton wool in it and cover the area around the ear with the soaked cotton wool. In order not to get wet bed sheets, and leave the solution inside; the cotton wool must be covered with a plastic bag and secured with a scarf. This compress should be done at night. You can also use propolis, which, according to some doctors, is more effective.
  6. Chamomile decoction can also treat ear pain. You must first prepare an infusion of 1 tsp. chamomile herbs and 1 tbsp. hot water. The product must be allowed to brew and strain. The resulting infusion should be used to rinse the ears.

Ear pain is unpleasant and its consequences can be quite severe. Don't tolerate it painful sensations, it is best to contact a qualified specialist at the first symptoms. Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure, for these reasons it is necessary to follow basic safety rules and take care of your health.

appears in the ears when neglected form, improper treatment colds or viral diseases. The patient mainly complains of pain in the ear. This symptom may be a sign of the development of another disease. Treatment is selected depending on what caused the cold ear.

In the ear in medical practice is called "sharp" otitis media" This is a disease characterized by inflammation of the middle ear.

A sore ear is easier to treat with a cold, in contrast to the appearance of a possible infectious process.Inflammation of a certain part of the ear can be caused by any mechanical damage, poor hygiene, allergies, etc.

The causes of the disease may be different.Factors influencing the development of a cold:

  • Hypothermia of the body
  • Launched form
  • Uncured
  • Prolonged rhinitis

Colds in the ears can occur in both children and adults.If left untreated, the inflammatory process will be prolonged and will lead to pathological complications in the future.

Cold in the ear: symptoms

is a common ear disease characterized by unpleasant symptoms.

A cold in the ear or otitis media can take two forms:

  1. Spicy catarrhal otitis media. When the inflammatory process begins, pus does not form. It is the initial stage of the development of the disease. The inflammation affects the entire middle ear cavity. With this form, the mucous membrane swells and becomes inflamed. As a result, the lumen narrows, which has a beneficial effect on the development and spread of infection.
  2. . Characterized by the discharge of pus from the ear. Occurs when it hits auditory tube various infections. All parts of the middle ear are involved in the inflammatory process. May leak into mild form, or can become severe and chronic.

The main symptom of a cold in the ears is unbearable and severe pain. Typically, pain in the ear is sharp or dull.

In this case, fluid accumulates in the ear, which puts pressure on the eardrum, resulting in pain.

If ear pain is associated with a cold, the patient may experience the following symptoms:

  • Sleep disturbance
  • Collection of green or yellow mucus
  • Loss of appetite
  • Fever
  • Irritability
  • Hearing impairment
  • Fluid discharge from the ear
  • Itching in the ear

In the future, pain in the ear due to a cold is accompanied by a secondary bacterial infection. The fluid that accumulates in the ear can be different: brown, yellow, white.

Stops functioning normally due to fluid accumulation. As a result, the patient's hearing is impaired: there is no sound transmission to the bones of the middle ear, and then to the brain. The discharge of this fluid outwards indicates a rupture of the membrane.Signs of a cold in the ear do not appear immediately, but after some time.When the first symptoms of an ear cold appear, you should consult a doctor. An otolaryngologist can diagnose an inflammatory process in the ear and prescribe adequate treatment.

Ear medications for colds

If in the background colds If an inflammatory process develops in the ear, then special vasoconstrictor drops, Vaseline oil. At severe pain Painkillers with an effect are prescribed.

Painkillers and antibacterial drugs for the ear include: Sofradex, Otinum, Albucid, etc. For cleansing eardrum for pus, drugs such as Polymyxin, Rivanol, Etonium, etc. are used.

Drops should be introduced into the ear using a pipette, which must first be boiled. The solution should be warm, 36-37 degrees.

In most cases, the infection enters the ear from, so it is necessary to treat not only the ear, but also the nasal cavity. For this purpose, use the following drops:

  • Lysocine
  • Sulfacyl sodium
  • Glazolin
  • etc.

These drugs relieve swelling of the mucous membrane and help reduce the load on the membrane.

Severe disease is treated with and antibacterial drugs(Tsifran, Flemoklav, etc.). The accumulated pus must be wiped with cotton wool and pre-moistened in hydrogen peroxide. Antibiotic therapy eliminates all symptoms, and the patient feels better.

Useful video about otitis media.

For external use, you can use alcohol. Do not use this product in your ears. Drops of alcohol entering the eardrum can cause a burn. As a result, sound sensitivity hearing aid will be violated.Some medications should not be used in the treatment of otitis media. One such remedy is boric alcohol. Since he is toxic substance, it may cause harm.

The drugs should be used only after consultation with a specialist. Treatment of a cold in the ear should be taken seriously to avoid more serious complications.

How to treat a cold in the ear: traditional methods

A cold in the ear can be cured not only with medicines, but also methods traditional medicine. To eliminate pain and inflammation, various medicinal turundas, oils, etc. are used.

The most effective methods in the fight against ear colds are:

  1. Juice onions. It needs to be cut and then squeezed out the juice. Moisten a cotton swab and place it in your ear for 30 minutes.
  2. Flaxseed and onion oil. Take equal amounts of onion and flax oil. Soak a cotton swab in the prepared mixture and insert it into sore ear for 3 hours.
  3. Drops in the ear based on tincture of marsh rhizome. To prepare the tincture you will need 10 g of raw materials and 100 ml of vodka. Pour the raw materials with vodka and leave for 10 days. Place 3-4 drops of the prepared tincture in your ears. Simultaneously remedy can be taken orally 30 drops.
  4. Decoction of bay leaf. Pour a glass of water into an enamel bowl and add 5 bay leaves. Bring the broth to a boil and leave for 2-3 hours. For ear colds, instill 7-10 drops of the decoction and take 2 tablespoons orally.
  5. Tincture for otitis. Propolis should be poured with vodka and left to infuse for 24 hours in a cool place. Soak a cotton swab in the resulting tincture and wipe your ear several times a day.
  6. In addition to propolis tincture, it is used to treat otitis sunflower oil with alcoholic extract of propolis in a ratio of 2:1. Make a flagellum from gauze, moisten it in the solution and place it in the ear for several hours.
  7. Calendula tincture. Buy a tincture at the pharmacy and dilute it with water. Moisten the cotton wool and place it in the ear. Place dry cotton wool on top. It is advisable to stay in this position for as long as possible.
  8. Camomile tea. Add a teaspoon of dried chamomile flowers to a glass of hot water. Leave for 30 minutes and then strain. It is necessary to rinse with the prepared chamomile infusion.
  9. One of the common ways to treat ear colds is a compress with heated salt. Heat salt in a frying pan. Make small bags out of fabric and add salt. Apply the bags every 1-1.5 hours until the pain goes away.

When choosing one of the treatment methods, you should consult your doctor.Traditional and alternative medicine at joint use will give a positive and effective result.

Preventing colds in the ear

  • Must be protected children's body from, especially in infancy.
  • Vaccinate all household members against influenza in a timely manner.
  • If possible, vaccinate children under 2 years of age against pneumococcal infection. Streptococcus bacteria are the causative agents of ear infections.
  • Passive smoking is one of the causes of otitis media. Places with tobacco smoke should be avoided.
  • It is necessary to promptly treat not only acute respiratory diseases, but also diseases of the ENT organs.

It is important to remember that only adequate and correct treatment of ear colds will avoid complications. After a course of treatment in for preventive purposes It is recommended to visit an otolaryngologist to examine the ear cavity.

Ear pain usually occurs completely unexpectedly and causes a lot of trouble - both for children and adults. For development pain can have a complete impact various factors, but in any case, it is sometimes simply impossible to endure such pain. To eliminate it, you need to know the root cause of this phenomenon. A doctor can make an accurate diagnosis, but it is not always possible to immediately see a specialist. Therefore, if your ear is blown, time-tested methods will come to the rescue.


If a person has been in a draft or cold for a long time, then after a couple of hours this can affect his health. A runny nose and sore throat often occur, although hypothermia can also affect the health of the ears, which begin to hurt. A blown ear can be identified by characteristic symptoms:

  • The ear becomes blocked and hearing deteriorates somewhat. Many people do not pay attention to such symptoms, and they are the first signs that severe ear pain will soon occur.
  • Severe shooting pain. If the ear hurts a lot, then we can say that an inflammatory process has started. Painful sensations become stronger at night, thereby disturbing a person’s sleep. During the day there may be little or no pain.
  • If the inflated ear becomes blocked while eating, then one may suspect that there is purulent mass in it.
  • Are increasing cervical lymph nodes, this is especially noticeable on the sore side.
  • The strongest headache, which often develops into migraine. Painful sensations can also affect the teeth, in which case the patient’s jaw seems to cramp.
  • The temperature is rising. This is especially common in children or weakened adults. Sometimes the temperature rises to very high levels.

If such signs appear, you should first examine oral cavity for dental damage. It must be remembered that pulpitis gives almost identical symptoms.

Most often, ears begin to hurt at night, when it is not possible to visit a doctor. Children always suffer more from ear pain; they become irritable and whiny. To eliminate this phenomenon, you should know what help can be provided.

First aid

If a child or adult has a blown ear and this manifests itself as acute pain, it is necessary to help the patient as quickly as possible. The first aid algorithm is as follows:

  • eliminate draft. A sore ear is sensitive to any hypothermia, so you should close the windows;
  • V ear canal insert a cotton swab dipped in slightly warmed vodka or diluted medical alcohol. Cover the top of the sore ear with a piece of dry cotton wool and wrap the head with a warm scarf;
  • If you don’t have alcohol on hand, you can soak a cotton ball in heated vegetable oil, then insert it into your ear and insulate it.

The patient should be put to bed and given a drink warm milk or tea. In most cases, the pain begins to subside within an hour, and the patient can fall asleep peacefully. But, even if the pain does not remind you of itself in the morning, you should still visit a doctor so that he examines all parts of the ear for damage.

When the ear has blown, it is advisable to immediately put on a thin woolen cap on the patient. In many cases, this step is enough to prevent the pain from progressing.

How to treat a blown ear

If your ear is blown out, then it can be treated with both medications and methods that have been proven over the years. Most often, to relieve pain, people resort to the following methods:

  • Take anti-inflammatory and painkillers. Most often it is Aspirin, Analgin or Ibuprofen. Adults take medicine in tablets; it is better to give syrup to small children.
  • Compresses. A warm compress can also help cure a leaky ear. To do this, take vodka or vegetable oil, heat them slightly in a water bath, moisten them with small piece gauze and apply around the ear. From above you should insulate the ear with a piece of cellophane and dry cotton wool, then tie a scarf around your head. This compress should be kept for at least six hours..
  • Pain and inflammation can be reduced with anti-inflammatory medications. ear drops. Most often, Otipax is administered to the affected ear. This drug contains Lidocaine, which quickly relieves pain. If there is a suspicion of a perforated eardrum, then Otipax should not be injected!

It is always very difficult to treat pregnant women. This is due to the fact that the choice of medications that can be used during pregnancy is very limited. But Otipax and Ibuprofen are allowed for this group of patients. Other medications can only be used after a doctor's prescription.

To calm down sharp pain in the ear, you can drop a couple of drops of warmed water into it vegetable oil. This method of treatment was used by our grandmothers. After just 10–15 minutes, the pain becomes weaker and the patient can sleep peacefully.

Treatment with peroxide

You can treat a blown ear at home using hydrogen peroxide. This drug is good for otitis media and fungal pathologies. Peroxide helps stimulate blood circulation in the ear canal. For the treatment of ear diseases, only a 3% solution can be used. If the concentration is higher, the drug should be diluted with boiled water.

If an adult or child has a blown ear, then you can help him in this way. A cotton swab is moistened in a peroxide solution, lightly wrung out and placed in the ear canal. When there is suppuration from the ear, the flagellum is periodically changed. Continue the procedure until the pain subsides.

There are a number of contraindications to the use of hydrogen peroxide. Do not use the solution for severe kidney pathologies, herpes and high level hormones produced by the thyroid gland.

Traditional methods

Traditional recipes will also help you cope with severe ear pain. But the use of such methods requires special caution. Otherwise there is big risk harm your health. The main recommendations can be highlighted as follows:

  • any solutions for compresses and tinctures can only be used warm;
  • medicinal herbs for preparing decoctions and tinctures must be purchased from a pharmacy chain or collected in environmentally friendly places;
  • no need to resort to medicinal herbs if the patient is allergic to them.

Before using any traditional medicine recipes, you should consult your doctor. If for some reason this is impossible to do, then you should select recipes that definitely will not cause harm.

You should not resort to dubious traditional medicine recipes when treating ear pathologies. And it is strictly forbidden to do this, as it can lead to partial or complete loss hearing

Warming up

Help eliminate ear pain and you can treat your ear at home using a blue lamp. In this case, the lamp must be kept at a distance of 20–30 cm from the auricle. The patient's eyes should be covered with a cotton napkin. The procedure is continued for about 15 minutes. The distance from the lamp to the ear can be adjusted based on the patient’s sensations.

If you don’t have such a lamp in your house, it doesn’t matter. It is quite possible to warm up a sore ear using salt, rice, buckwheat or millet heated in a frying pan. To do this, pour a glass of cereal or coarse salt into a cast-iron frying pan, heat for 5 minutes, and then pour into a thick cotton bag or sock. This “hot water bottle” is applied to the sore ear for 20 minutes. If it is very hot, then another thin towel is placed under the ear.

Bay leaf tincture

You can cure ear pain at home with: water infusion from bay leaf. Take two large leaves and grind them into powder, then pour a glass of boiling water, cover and leave for 2 hours. After infusion, the solution is filtered through a couple of layers of gauze and 3 drops are instilled into each ear canal.

After instillation, the ear is thoroughly insulated. To do this, you can wrap your head in a scarf or wear a woolen hat.

Garlic lotions

Traditional medicine suggests treating ear pain with garlic cloves. To prepare them, take two cloves of garlic, grate them on a fine grater and add 5 drops camphor oil. Take a piece of bandage, fold it into a couple of layers and spread the resulting pulp evenly on it. The bandage is folded into a turundic shape and placed in the sore ear.

Keep the turundum in the ear canal until a burning sensation is felt. After that medicine removed, and the ear is instilled with anti-inflammatory drops.

Take a teaspoon of vodka and add 5 drops to it alcohol tincture propolis and add a teaspoon of hot water. A gauze pad is moistened in the resulting solution and placed in the sore ear. This method is good to use on initial stage illness when slight congestion has just appeared in the ear.

Onion treatment

A piece of onion is grated on a fine grater, then the pulp is wrapped in a piece of bandage, forming a turunda. Place the turundum in the ear, wrap a scarf around your head and hold it until a slight burning sensation is felt.

The onion is peeled and baked in the oven. Next, wrap the hot vegetable in cotton cloth and apply it to the sore ear. Wrap everything in a scarf and keep it there for about an hour.

Onions are great antiseptic. It relieves inflammation and has a detrimental effect on many types of bacteria.

When the ear blows out, a person simply feels unbearable pain. To eliminate this phenomenon, you can drip Otipax into the ear canal, warm it with heated salt, or drip it with vegetable oil. But even if the pain goes away quickly, it is advisable to see a doctor as soon as possible.

The ear can get sick at the most inopportune moment, during a trip or in the middle of a vacation, if you are making a long journey, you just need to lose your vigilance for a while open window and the next day the alarming pain will already make itself felt. Even for an adult, ear pain is not an easy experience, but for a child it is completely unbearable, so try to take action right away.

What to do if Of course, it is best to consult a doctor as soon as possible; inattention to the disease can provoke complications. Since, most likely, the ear has blown out the symptoms of otitis media, the pain can be sharp, aching, shooting, periodic and constant, there is an extremely high nerve endings, so pain may occur, as well as a reaction to sound or shaking. The doctor can determine the type and phase of atitis, prescribe appropriate treatment in the form of physiotherapy, even antibiotics are possible if the disease is advanced and complications arise.

But what if the pain hits you in a place where you cannot immediately see a doctor? how to treat is widely known different types ear warming compresses. As a rule, they are made on the basis of boric, ethyl or levomecithin alcohol. Boric alcohol is the most popular option, although it is the least effective; it is simply an old-fashioned method that has not been eliminated since Soviet times. Boric alcohol does not heal, but simply warms and therefore anesthetizes; such treatment can only be effective in the early stages of the disease. In pharmacology, there is a normal approved analogue boric alcohol These are Otipax drops.

If you have a cold, you don’t know, then it’s best to try compresses, this is the simplest and effective way. Vodka is often used to make compresses as the most accessible remedy, you need to moisten cotton wool with preheated vodka, make a cut in the cotton wool for the ear, and place it around it. Put a plastic bag on top, wrap everything with a scarf and leave it at least overnight. Although it is better to use tinctures instead of vodka, for example alcohol tincture of propolis. You can also soak tampons in alcohol and place them directly into the ear canal.

Among folk recipes when you have a blown ear, it is known how to treat it, an onion compress is considered effective: pieces of onion also need to be wrapped in cotton wool and placed in the ear, the main thing is not too deep, so that after the end of the procedure it is not difficult to remove them. Onion compress relieves pain well. If you mix onions with oil (linseed or butter are good) to a homogeneous slurry, then the resulting solution can also be soaked in tampons and inserted into the ear. Oils can help a lot with ear pain, you can use camphor oil, put it in your ears. During illness, it is important to maintain warmth at all times, so you can wear a hat even if you have not worn a compress.

Good effective folk remedy is a chamomile infusion; you can buy chamomile at any pharmacy. The infusion should be prepared in the ratio of 1 teaspoon of dried chamomile per glass of hot water, let it brew, then strain. You can use this infusion to rinse your ears.

It is important to remember that when you have a blown ear, you must know how to treat it and treat it with great responsibility. After all, otitis media is very dangerous disease, if you do not take any treatment and start its consequences, it can be irreversible. You need to be careful about the health of your own ears, especially if you are moving or vacationing at sea. As they say, it is better to prevent the disease itself than to forcefully treat it. And this is 100% true.

Pain in auditory organ may occur suddenly after exposure to a draft or wind. If you have a blown ear, how and how to treat it at home, it is better to consult a specialist. However, you can take the first steps to improve your well-being yourself.

Causes and symptoms

The expression “blown ears” is largely a collective term, since the pain can be caused not only by the wind, but also by failure to take precautions when using air conditioning, as well as walking without a hat in cold weather. It’s quite easy to catch a cold in your ears even in the summer, if, for example, you drive in a car with the window slightly open or sit in a draft. In this case, the air flow blows away the heat generated by the human skin, and a zone of local (local) hypothermia is created.

Unpleasant sensations, as a rule, occur suddenly a few hours after excessive hypothermia of the head. The middle part of the hearing organ is most susceptible to hypothermia.

In this case, the pain is very severe, so people are often at a loss as to what to do if their ear is blown and hurts, and the symptoms have the following characteristics:

  • slight weakening of hearing and loss of hearing at the initial stage;
  • later pain in the organ (aching and dull) or sharp lumbago, which is very difficult to endure;
  • increased pain in the evening and at night and weakened during the day;
  • increase lymph nodes on the affected side;
  • a headache that becomes constant can radiate to the teeth;
  • Over time, the patient's body temperature rises and lethargy appears.

Often symptoms appear unexpectedly, in the evening or at night, when it is quite problematic to see a doctor. Then the question arises: what to do if your ear is inflated (perforated)?

First of all, you need to carefully examine the auricle and ear canal for the presence of fluid (exudate). The patient's further actions depend on this. In addition, these symptoms should be separated from signs possible illness teeth (periodontitis, caries), which can be very similar.

The solution to the presence of discharge, often accompanied by a feeling of congestion, is always the same - contact an otolaryngologist. Such signs may indicate developing otitis media. Particularly attentive should be taken when symptoms appear in children, pregnant and lactating women.

The doctor usually prescribes drug treatment, which includes anti-inflammatory, antipyretic drugs, and, if necessary, antibiotics.

Warming up is contraindicated because it can accelerate the development inflammatory process. Therapy is mainly carried out at home.

In the absence of liquid, a different algorithm of actions is used. So, if your ears are blown out, what to do and how to treat? There are several ways to help yourself and your loved ones:

  1. Eliminate or relieve pain with paracetamol, aspirin, ibuprofen, or cold medicines available in home medicine cabinet(Rinza, Pharmacitron, Flucold).
  2. Warming up with dry heat. An ultraviolet (“blue”) lamp is well suited for these purposes. However, if it is not available, use a sock or soft linen bag with rice or salt heated in a frying pan, which is applied to the diseased organ every hour for 10 minutes. A heating pad can also be effective in this situation.
  3. Warming compress. For adults best option compress - vodka, for children - using heated vegetable oil. The bandage is impregnated with one of these products and placed around the auricle, with a layer of cotton wool and paper or cellophane film placed on top. All this is fixed with a bandage or a warm scarf. To increase the effect, you can insert a gauze turunda soaked in boric or ethyl alcohol into the ear canal, but you need to be careful to avoid burns. The compress should be kept for about 5 hours twice a day, it is best to apply it at night.
  4. Special drops. They are able to stop quickly enough pain syndrome and alleviate the patient's condition. Otipax, Otinum, Sofradex, Otofon, Normax drops have proven themselves well. All of them contain an anesthetic component, and some contain antibiotics.

In women in the first trimester of pregnancy, the choice of medications is very limited in order to avoid negative impact for the fruit. To relieve pain, it is better to use Otipax and Nurofen, and base therapy on the basis of vegetable oils, herbs and vasoconstrictor drugs.

Traditional medicine offers a wide choice of remedies for what to do when you have a cold ear. Exists large number natural components that can stop inflammation, weaken discomfort and warm the affected organ. Several folk recipes on how to treat the ear if it’s blown.

  1. The use of onions, known for their antiseptic properties, is possible in several ways:
    • The peeled onion is baked, ground to a mushy state and cooled to a temperature of 30-35 degrees. The resulting mush is decomposed thin layer on a bandage, which is folded and inserted into the ear canal for half an hour.
    • A small piece of fresh onion is wrapped in several layers of gauze and placed in the ear canal for 30 minutes, after a while the procedure is repeated. Do not insert the tampon deep into the canal to avoid burns.
    • The top of the onion is cut off, cumin seeds are poured into the cavity, wrapped in foil and baked in the oven until soft. Then the juice is squeezed out of the bulb, and warm drops are instilled into the ear canal overnight (5 drops each).
  2. Drops of heated vegetable oil (olive, flaxseed, sunflower) are instilled with a pipette overnight and covered with a cotton swab.
  3. Chamomile infusion is good for relieving inflammation at an early stage. A tablespoon of dried flowers is poured into a glass of boiling water, left for half an hour and carefully filtered. Rinsing is carried out using a microenema or a syringe with the needle removed.
  4. Two parts of honey are mixed with one part of propolis alcohol tincture. Apply 3 drops at night.
  5. Two or three leaves of crushed dry bay leaf are poured into two glasses of boiling water and left for 2 hours in a tightly closed jar, then filtered. Drops 5-6 drops. There is also a known option for infusing bay leaves with vodka, but such liquid should not directly enter the canal. Use a cotton swab moistened with it, healing effect tinctures provide vapors.
  6. Flour and honey are mixed until smooth in a 2:1 ratio. The mixture is applied to auricle and covered with a warm bandage.
  7. Shilajit in an amount of 3 grams is dissolved in 10 ml of hot water, then gradually the amount of liquid increases to 100 ml. A teaspoon of the resulting mummy solution is mixed with the same amount of albucid and boric alcohol. The mixture heated to 38 degrees is instilled into the ear canal (up to 10 drops) four times a day.