Please leave work early. What does a sample leave application look like?

Irina Davydova

Reading time: 5 minutes


Have you come to work, but are not in a working mood at all? Look at the amount of work that needs to be done, but your thoughts fly away from the workplace, somewhere into fragrant nature, where the leaves of the trees rustle with inspiration and birds sing, or somewhere in a warm corner of your home, where you want to relax in peace or just Do you want to watch your favorite team's match on TV?

There is an exit - find good reasons to leave work early .

Often, management does not welcome spontaneous leaving work early, as well as being late for work. Therefore, so that the boss does not have unnecessary questions, need to find convincing reasons to take time off from work.

You can immediately exclude reasons such as lack of sleep, overwork, absent-mindedness from the list of weighty arguments, but here:

  1. Unbearable toothache is a weighty argument. You can make a martyr face and say that the pills are not helping and you need to urgently visit the dentist.
  2. Real estate issues . Preparing documents for the purchase, sale or exchange of an apartment, house or other real estate is quite suitable for leaving work early.
  3. Family matters . The child has his first matinee in kindergarten, a parent-teacher meeting or the first bell at school, as well as health problems for your family - for such reasons, the boss will definitely allow you to leave work early.
  4. Everyday problems . You have been flooded by your neighbors or you have flooded someone, the lock on the front door does not work, and you are waiting for emergency services - reasons why you may not come to work at all, unless, of course, you notify your superiors in time.
  5. Transport. If you have a personal car, then taking time off from work will not be difficult for you. After all, the car can stall halfway, break down, or simply sit in a traffic jam for an unlimited time. Another option for a plausible “excuse” from a day of work for a non-superstitious person could be stealing a car. In this case, you tell the boss that you will be at the police station all day, so you will not come to work today.
  6. Exams passage. This, of course, is a weighty argument, but after assessing your knowledge at a university or driving school, you will have to present your boss with a document that will confirm your presence there and not at the workplace.
  7. Visiting official bodies. For example, you urgently need to get to the passport office, gas service or water utility. This will serve as a decent option for taking time off from work.
  8. Blood donation– another argument thanks to which you can take time off from work for the whole day. According to our legislation, a donor is entitled to two paid days after donating blood. But no one will do your work for you. Therefore, you can say that you are going to donate blood to a friend who needs your blood type, but literally the next day you will definitely be at your workplace.
  9. Visit to the hospital. You can go up to your boss and say that you feel pain in your chest, that you haven’t had a fluorography done for a long time, that you suspect tuberculosis or pneumonia, and to dispel all doubts you need to take a day off from work and have a chest x-ray done.
  10. Meeting of relatives. Sometimes it happens that relatives whom you have not seen for a very long time come to visit. You need to meet them from the train or plane - they won’t be able to do without you, and for you this is an opportunity to leave work early.

If you don’t want to look for any reasons to take time off from work, but you really want to take a break from everyday work, then write without any explanation or imaginary reasons application for one day without pay . The boss will let you go in any case, and you will rest and get down to work with renewed vigor.

How to fill out an application for time off for previously worked time - sample? How can you earn time off?

The term time off can be interpreted in different ways.

Not a single organization can do without emergency workload, this could be preparation for submission of reports, delivery of planned work for a certain job, software failures, i.e. all work that requires urgent return. During such periods, management decides to send employees to work overtime or on weekends. Consent from the employee, so to speak, does not really matter, because... if you don’t want to spoil your relationship with management personnel, then go ahead and go to work.

There are several options for using time off:

  • receive additional funds for your salary;
  • arrange time off for the employee’s vacation;
  • arrange any time off at the employee's discretion for his own needs.

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In any case, any of the options requires approval from management or your immediate superior.

In this case, regarding time off, it is necessary to negotiate on shore. If you need money and want to be paid for overtime or weekends, then negotiate with management and issue an order. Payment for such work is carried out in accordance with the order. The order specifies: release dates, list of employees and amount of payment.

Another practical option is to write an application for time off on account of your vacation. If you have a good relationship with management, you can negotiate amicably in words. And before going on vacation, remind them that you will not leave when your vacation ends, but for so many days, taking into account the time previously worked. Those days that you were absent from the workplace will be assigned to you as working days. It’s better to do everything officially, by order for an additional day of vacation.

And finally, we move on to the application for time off, a day for which the employee previously worked and can use for his own needs. If you decide that you will need time off as an additional day for rest or any important matters, inform management about this.

How to write an application?

An application for time off can be submitted several days in advance, or on the day of emergency leave from work. There is only one caveat, if your manager approves the time off.

We write an application for leave in this way:

  • On the right side of the header of the application for time off, indicate the position and full name in whose name you are writing (general director, manager, boss, chief accountant, etc.).
  • Further from whom: position and full name.
  • Below, in the middle of the sheet, we write the APPLICATION in capital letters.
  • The text of the application for time off is as follows: I ask you to provide time off for such and such a date, for the time previously worked (be sure to indicate the date when you earned this day), then indicate the reason (reasons may be different).
  • Below the text, step back a little, and be sure to put the date of completion on the left, and the signature and transcript of the signature on the right.
  • An application for time off must be certified by the supervisor.

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Sample application for time off for time worked:

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In the life of every working citizen, there are times when one or more free days are needed in the middle of the work week.

According to labor legislation, a working citizen has the right to receive and use one day of vacation. Among employers and employees, this is called time off.

As such, the concept of “time off” in the Labor Code ceased its official existence in 2002. It is used only in a colloquial style among working citizens and employers.

Art. 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation regulates days off for the time worked in advance. A working citizen can use such leave in parts or one day at a time, at his own discretion. To exercise this right, you must draw up an application indicating the date on which the employee plans to receive “leave.”


An employee may need time off for various reasons. Each type has its own characteristics, so they should be considered separately.

Whatever the circumstances and reasons, it is important to remember that it is best to provide advance notice or negotiate the need for time off in advance with your employer.

The most common types:

  • for family reasons. Any working citizen has the right to ask for one-day (or several days) leave for family reasons. The employee is recommended to notify the employer of a difficult life situation that requires an urgent solution. You should not overuse writing statements with the wording “for family reasons”.
  • at your own expense. There are cases when a working citizen plans his absence from the workplace, but the time off has not yet been earned. Then it is possible to write a petition asking for a free day off during the work week. The employee will be given unpaid time off. In this case, the cost of a working day (days - if the employee takes several free days off) is deducted from the salary.
  • towards the vacation. It is given to working citizens who have worked at one enterprise for more than 6 months.
  • according to a donor certificate. Donors of blood and its components. Donating blood and its components frees you from the need to work that day. It is important to remember that if the donor citizen still works on the same day, then, if he wishes, he can ask for time off at a time convenient for him. Time off is also provided on the day of the examination related to blood donation.
  • for unused vacation. Provided to employees who were unable to take their entire vacation (for example, an urgent call to work).

List of situations - valid reasons that must be indicated when writing an application:

  • funeral;
  • wedding;
  • birth of a child;
  • doctor's certificate (for urgent surgery);
  • resolving personal issues with the help of authorities whose working hours coincide with the worker’s work schedule;
  • urgent departure/departure, etc.

It is important to remember that the employee’s desire to get a vacation is not enough. The consent and permission of the employer is also required.

How to fill out an application correctly?

Be sure to do it in writing!

To draw up such an application, the employee is guided by the application for the next vacation. Sometimes large enterprises have ready-made forms to fill out for all cases; you can also find an example application on the information board near the HR department or ask for the form directly from the HR department employees.

If possible, it is better to coordinate vacation planning with management. In case of emergency, as a rule, the employer takes the position of a subordinate and gives time off.

Application requirements:

  1. Filling out the header. The upper right corner contains information about the manager (you must indicate your full name), and from whom the document is coming (indicating the position and name of the department, your full name must also be indicated).
  2. In the middle of the sheet, the word “statement” is written in small letters, followed by a period.
  3. Contents of the statement. A sentence asking for time off begins with a capital letter and the date of the expected day off is indicated. If possible, the reason is indicated.
  4. End of document. On the left side is the date of writing the application, on the right side is the signature followed by decoding.

Video: Nuances and regulatory documents

What does a sample application for time off look like for previously worked time?

Performing duties overtime, on a weekend or a holiday is rewarded. A working citizen has the right to ask for a paid day of rest, and the manager should not refuse him.

It is important to remember that if the employee remained at work on his own initiative, the employer is not obliged to pay for this period.

Time off for previously worked hours should not be less in duration than the time spent on overtime work.

A citizen can keep a calendar and mark the days off when he worked overtime, or he can contact the human resources department for such information. Many large enterprises have installed a card system that tracks their presence at the workplace.

Some managers offer one day off, for example, for two working Saturdays (subject to a short day). Whether to choose compensation in monetary terms or take a day off – the decision rests only with the employee.

This type of day off is paid.

Sample application for previously worked time:

For family reasons 2019

In some organizations, in an application for family reasons, it is not necessary to indicate the reason for the leave. However, it is worth at least talking with your manager, and in the application still indicate in parentheses the reason for the requested day off. This is necessary in order not to be denied leave.

Depending on whether the day is taken from the employee’s vacation fund or at his own expense, it will depend on whether the day off is paid or not.

Photo: Sample application for family reasons

At your own expense

If a working citizen has not yet worked enough time to receive annual leave, or has already used it, then he can write an application for time off at his own expense. Vacation at your own expense is a solution for a citizen who does not want to earn absenteeism.

It is important to remember that the cost of the working day during which the citizen was absent from work will be deducted from the salary.

In order for the employer to provide a day off, the employee should inform the boss of his desire in advance.

To avoid absenteeism, a working citizen can take time off at his own expense. It is not paid.

Photo: Example of an application at your own expense

On a day off on account of vacation

A working citizen can write a leave application against future leave. It is important to remember: vacation is reduced by the number of days off (they are paid).

Photo: On account of vacation

Time off for donation is regulated by Russian law and obliges the employer to provide a subordinate with an additional day off (while maintaining wages) regardless of the employee’s length of service.

A day off must be allowed for donor testing. If an employee is present at the workplace on the day of donating blood and its components, the employer is obliged to provide a paid day off convenient for the employee (at the discretion of the employee).

It is important to remember that in this case, the donor citizen must write a written consent to go to work. Compliance with this condition is especially important if the work is based on difficult, dangerous and harmful working conditions.

The employee is obliged to inform his boss about his desire to be a donor of blood and its components and warn about absence from work on the day of donation.

Photo: According to donor certificate

Sometimes there are cases when an employee has not used vacation for the previous calendar year. Then you need to change the wording in the appeal form:

“Please provide one day from the unused portion of annual leave for ... year (specify).”

In this case, you only need to indicate the year in which there is unused vacation.

This day off is paid.

Photo: For unused vacation

Where to get an extraordinary day

Sometimes, due to production needs, the employer informs and asks employees to work overtime. In this case, an overtime order must be issued describing the compensation. It can be in monetary terms or provided in the form of time off.

To know for sure that an employee can take advantage of the right to leave, you need to request information about overtime from the HR department. Based on the working time sheet, it is possible to find out whether paid time off is due.

Art. 152 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation regulates the rules of compensation to employees for overtime hours worked.

How many days in advance should I give to the manager?

If the employee is planning his vacation. Therefore, he gives the written application in advance (one to two weeks in advance) so that the manager has time to sign the document, and later there are no misunderstandings about the subordinate’s absence from work.

This is especially true for those who work on a shift schedule. In this case, the process of signing the application is longer.

If possible, it is better to prepare the application in 2 copies and personally take it to your manager for signature. If it is not possible to meet with the manager, you need to leave 1 copy with the secretary or HR employee. It is necessary to put the number of the incoming application on both copies.

There are life situations when an employee is present at work, and on that day he needed a day off. It is possible to draw up an application on the same day, the main thing is that the boss signs the document.

But emergency situations happen, and the citizen had absolutely no plans to be absent from the workplace. The employee does not have the opportunity to come to work to write a statement and sign it. In this case, we can only hope that the employer will accommodate you and allow you to write a statement later. But at the same time, it is necessary to notify the employer about the occurrence of an emergency!

Application for time off - paid or unpaid - both of these options can be used by a working citizen. It is important to record in writing the employee’s desire to receive leave and confirm the document with the employer’s signature.

Employees with more than 6 months of experience at one enterprise have the opportunity to use vacation time as paid leave. Other categories of workers can also take advantage of this opportunity, but only in extreme cases.

The application must be written in accordance with the requirements for the preparation of such documents and agreed with management. In any case, you need to inform your manager in advance about the need for vacation, so as not to get absenteeism.

If there are documents confirming the reasons for the leave, they (photocopies) must be attached to the application.

Labor legislation does not define time off; in essence, it is an additional day of rest. That’s why you need to write an application for a day off. There are circumstances when it is necessary to leave for several hours or a work shift during working hours. That's when time off comes in handy.

Usually this is the time that the employee has accumulated due to previously worked hours or other circumstances. For example, an application for time off is written in the following cases:

  • the presence of a shift worked by order on a weekend or holiday, as well as formed from other overtime in excess of the established working hours;
  • in family circumstances, when days off are required by law;
  • donating blood at designated points;
  • if necessary, take a day towards the next next vacation;
  • need to leave the workplace for several hours.

Reasons for time off

An additional day of rest can only be provided by agreement of both parties. The employee writes an application, and the employer either approves it or refuses it. At the same time, if there is a production need, management has the right to refuse and will not violate the requirements of the law.

Typically, time off is considered to be time previously worked, i.e. already paid. An additional day of blood donation is subject to payment. The exception is vacation time, which is essentially a vacation day and is paid accordingly. The remaining options can be considered hours without saving earnings.

They cannot refuse time off based on an application if the employee:

  • retirement age;
  • has a disability;
  • is a participant in the Second World War;
  • is a relative of a serviceman who died as a result of military duties.

Persons who worked in the organization less than six months, no time off is allowed.

The best way to resolve issues related to the provision of vacations, time off and other additional days of rest is to reflect them in the collective agreement. In an organization where there is a trade union cell, it puts forward proposals on issues regarding the work and rest of the team. The employer is obliged to consider them and include them in the collective agreement. Each employee is required to read the contract and know their rights.

When to write an application for leave?

An application for an additional day of rest can be written directly on this day, but then you need to be sure that the circumstances are favorable for management to approve it. It is better to do this in advance so that the manager has the opportunity to assess the possibility of releasing the employee during working hours, agree on the application and issue an appropriate order.

The absence of an employee from his place without a good reason is absenteeism. Therefore, if it was not possible to notify the employer in advance about the forced absence for a valid reason, then you can later provide evidence and work off the missed day. Otherwise, the manager has the right to impose a disciplinary sanction on the employee, considering absence from work as a violation of the company’s labor regulations.

How to write an application for time off?

All statements addressed to the manager from the employee are written in free form. The application for time off must indicate the specific date when it is needed and the reason.

It is important that in cases such as marriage registration, the birth of a child, the death of a loved one, etc., the employer does not have the right to refuse time off.

When filling out an application, you must adhere to the rules of office work, which require you to indicate the following information:

  1. At the top of the page on the right is the addressee to whom the document is addressed, namely the name of the organization, the position of the manager, his full name.
  2. Below is written information about the employee applying for time off: his position and full name.
  3. In the middle of the sheet the name is indicated - a statement.
  4. Below is a text that reflects the essence of the request, allowing you to know exactly on what date the applicant wants to receive the day and on what basis it can be provided. If the application is submitted urgently, a valid reason must be provided for approval.
  5. The date of the application, the employee’s signature and its transcript are indicated under the text.

The document is transferred to the manager’s secretary or to the personnel department. After approval, an order is drawn up to grant time off, which the employee must be familiarized with upon signature.

If there are hours worked in advance, the application must indicate the day on which they were worked. If there is no such time, then the application indicates the reason for the need for time off and provides a day without pay.

How to write an application for time off at your own expense for 1 day, sample

A leave of absence without the availability of time worked in advance is considered a leave without preservation of earnings, i.e. at the expense of the employee. The employer should be notified of this need in advance with a statement indicating the date of absence and the reason.

Most often, the reason for an additional day without earnings is related to family circumstances, undergoing a medical examination, etc. It is better to indicate it in the text of the application, which may cause a positive decision by management.

The application form will be similar to any others received by the employee in the office.


The legislation allows the donor to receive a day of rest for donating blood. At the same time, it is reflected in the timesheet and paid as a regular working day. The donor will need to provide evidence in the form of a certificate on Form 402 issued by the blood transfusion station.

The employer may allow the employee to optionally take a day or several days from the next vacation. In total, such time off may not exceed 14 days. All of them are payable like regular holiday pay.

In some cases, it becomes necessary to leave work for several hours. To prevent absence from being perceived by management as absenteeism, it is better to back it up with a statement. Then the timekeeper will note the amount that was actually worked. This is especially important for hourly wages.

When writing an application for a leave of absence of several hours, you must indicate the period of absence with the exact time of separation from work and return.

Video: Leave without pay

In the legislation of the Russian Federation there is neither the very concept of “time off”, nor a documented form of a document called “application for time off”. Instead, terms such as “day off for vacation”, “additional day off”, etc. are used. However, if an employee of an enterprise has a need not to go to work on some day, he may well turn to his superiors with a request to give him “time off” and everyone will understand.

A common situation is when an application for time off is written at the expense of previously worked time. For this case, a sample application is prepared at the very beginning of the material, and a blank form is also attached:


Reasons for time off

You won’t be able to just take time off - practice shows that usually an employee is required to either work an additional day off in advance or subsequently, or take time off towards a future vacation or as leave without pay.

In some cases, due to operational necessity, management may deny an employee an additional day off, and this will not be a violation of the law - time off is granted only with the mutual consent of both parties.

It is also worth remembering that those employees who have worked at this enterprise for less than 6 months are not entitled to time off at all.

  • WWII participants;
  • pensioners;
  • people with disabilities;
  • close relatives of military personnel who died in the performance of military duties.

In companies with a shift schedule, agreements between employees to replace each other if necessary are widespread. This way allows not to disrupt the production process and at the same time suits all parties.

But large enterprises where trade unions are active often have a developed and approved collective agreement, which stipulates a separate clause on the conditions for granting time off and additional vacations. If such a document exists, then each employee of the organization must be familiarized with it against signature already at the employment stage.

When to write a leave application

In advance (at least a few days in advance), the employee must notify management of his desire by writing a statement, and the employer must give permission to take time off with an appropriate order. An application for time off can be written directly on the day of the day off, but in this case, in the absence of very serious reasons, the chances of management’s consent are noticeably reduced.

If there is no statement, then the employer may interpret the absence of a subordinate at the workplace as “absenteeism,” that is, a direct violation of the work schedule, and punish him, up to and including dismissal (in case of systematic violations). This can be avoided provided that the employee, within a few days after the “absenteeism,” provides the manager with written evidence of valid reasons for his absence and works the allotted time.

Main features of drawing up an application for time off

As mentioned above, there is no unified application form for time off, so each employee can write it freely. Important condition: the document must contain

  • Company name,
  • information about the manager,
  • information about the employee.

It is also advisable give reasons, for which the employee requests an additional day off and specific date, in which he would like to receive it. The reasons may not be specified, but do not forget that in a number of cases (the birth of a child, a wedding, a funeral, etc.), the employer by law does not have the right to refuse an employee.

Instructions for writing an application for time off

From the point of view of office work, an application for time off has a completely standard form and should not cause much difficulty in processing.

  1. First, in the upper right corner you need to enter information about the addressee. Usually it is indicated here
    • position of the head of the organization (director, general director, etc.),
    • full name of the organization, indicating its organizational and legal status (IP, LLC, ZOA, JSC),
    • last name, first name, patronymic of the director.
  2. After this, information about the employee (position, company name, last name, first name, patronymic) is prepared in the same way.
  3. The line just below indicates the locality where the enterprise is registered, as well as the date the application was written.
  4. Then in the middle of the line you need to indicate the name of the document.
  5. The main part should be devoted essence of the statement. Here you must enter the desired date of the additional day off and the basis for it (previously worked working hours or on account of future vacation, etc.). If an employee has an emergency need for time off, this must also be noted.
  6. Application required sign with the obligatory decoding of the signature and hand it over to either the secretary or the head of the organization personally.

Examples of applications for time off

Application for leave at your own expense for one day

Any person may have an urgent need for one day free from work, when they need to immediately resolve some personal issues. The term “time off”, which is colloquial, in the Labor Code can be deciphered as follows:

  • administrative leave for 1 day;
  • not using one day from the next vacation, upcoming or “time off”;
  • missing a day worked on a day off.

In any case, it is necessary to notify the employer in writing and obtain his positive resolution.

The application form is standard:

  • “header” on the right edge, containing the addressee of the application and the applicant’s data;
  • the title of the document “application” located in the middle of the sheet;
  • text where you need to provide the date and reason for future time off;
  • The filing date is indicated below and the applicant’s personal signature with a transcript is placed.

to CEO
LLC "Niva"
Abdullin I. I.
from the sales manager
Lukoshkina V.Yu.


I ask you to give me time off at my own expense on 04/28/2017 for personal reasons.

Application for time off for a previously worked day

It happens that employees are forced to work on a weekend or holiday in accordance with production needs, or to exceed the work schedule established for them. If an employee already has overtime, he could verbally agree in advance with his superiors when exactly it will be compensated with rest. But it is better to draw up the document in writing. If there has been no overtime, but it is planned, you can ask your boss to provide an additional day off for the required date with subsequent work off.

to CEO
Asgard LLC
Petrashevsky Anatoly Petrovich
from the caretaker
Otrivinov Leonid Iosifovich


I ask you to provide me with a day of rest on March 25, 2017 for the time previously worked on 01/01/2017.

NOTE! If the time was not worked earlier, and a day off is still necessary, a statement must be drawn up with a mandatory indication of the reasons.

Application for leave for family reasons

Sometimes unforeseen situations happen in life that require the participation of a working person. Sometimes they can be solved in 1 day, sometimes it takes longer. In case of particularly valid reasons (wedding, funeral, birth of a child), the employer’s consent is not required; it is enough to notify him in time with a statement. Usually such reasons can be documented. But it is always better to obtain the consent of the person in charge.

When applying for time off(s) for family reasons, follow the usual application form accepted in your organization. Special recommendations:

  • correctly formulate the reason for the future absence (do not write maxims like “I won’t be sober enough the morning after a family holiday”);
  • if you do not want to indicate the reason, write “for family reasons,” but in this case, the prior consent of management is especially desirable;
  • If possible, support the reason with relevant documentation (certificate, certificate, extract, etc.).

FOR YOUR INFORMATION! They have every right not to give an extraordinary day off if the employee has worked at the enterprise for less than six months, and at the same time he does not belong to preferential categories - pregnant women, those with young offspring, minors.

to CEO
Simeriada LLC
Lyubomirov Anton Vladimirovich
from the cashier
Gorodenko Lyudmila Stepanovna


I request that you give me time off at my own expense on February 17, 2017 to attend my cousin’s funeral.

Application for time off for donating blood

A person who becomes a donor is entitled to certain social guarantees, including an additional day off. Unlike regular time off, a “donor” day is entered into the timesheet and paid as a working day. You can use this day not immediately after donating blood, but at any time by agreement with the employer.

IMPORTANT! If the day of delivery falls on a weekend, the right to an additional day of rest still remains; it can be exercised on any working day that suits the employee and his management, or it can be added to the next vacation.

It is better to submit an application for alleged participation in donation and, on this basis, release from work the day before (although the law does not oblige this), and then confirm its fact by providing a certificate in form No. 402-u.

to CEO
Amaterasu LLC
Yampolsky Ruben Afanasyevich
from an accountant
Natasova Tatiana Igorevna


I request that you release me from my work duties on April 19, 2017 in connection with my donor function and provide me with an additional day of rest on April 20, 2017.

Application for time off due to vacation

If the employer does not mind, and production needs are not affected, the employee can ask for one or several days of rest, which can subsequently be “bited off” from the annual paid leave due. You can also use this right if there are unused days left on your vacation that has already been taken off. The duration of absence from work due to vacation cannot exceed 14 calendar days, which are subject to payment. These days can be divided into any intervals that management agrees to. It is important to follow the general rule that the indivisible compulsory part of the vacation cannot be less than 14 days.

ATTENTION! It is within the power of the manager not to agree to such time off. He has every right to do this. since such days of rest are provided only by agreement of the parties. the exception, as always, is for preferential categories of employees.

to CEO
LLC "Inspiration"
Zarenkova Polina Konstantinovna
from purchasing manager
Rozanova Anna Valerievna


I ask you to provide me with additional days off on March 10 and 11, 2017 as part of my regular annual paid leave.

Application for leave for a few hours

Sometimes an employee needs to leave to resolve an important issue, but there is no need to be absent the entire working day. In some cases, management simply meets halfway without formalizing this agreement in any way. However, with this approach, situations are possible when time off, even formally permitted, but not supported in any way by documents, can be regarded as absenteeism if an unscrupulous manager decides to fire his subordinate. An oral agreement is very difficult to prove, and in such cases the court will not be able to side with the unfairly offended employee. A written statement, especially one indicating a confirmed good reason, is a sufficient justification for absence from work.

In addition, sometimes every working hour is important in terms of labor remuneration, for example, with an hourly wage system, then even a short absence will need to be properly documented. On the accounting sheet for that day, you will need to indicate the actual number of hours worked minus the missed ones - the basis will be as follows: once a written statement from the employee.

It must be written in the standard form accepted in the given company, or in accordance with the general rules of business. Upon application, you must obtain a management permit. Some organizations additionally issue a corresponding order.

It is better to indicate and document the reason for absence in the application, but the law does not oblige you to do this.

to CEO
Fireworks LLC
Lukanovsky Evgeniy Romanovich
from senior administrator
Drahomanov Dmitry Ivanovich


I ask you to allow me to leave my workplace on April 28 for 3 hours from 11:00 to 14:00 in connection with a visit to a medical facility with a young child.