Anti-inflammatory herbs. Effective remedies for colds

New diseases regularly appear around the world that require compulsory treatment and elimination. It has been proven that one of the most effective methods To combat them is the use of anti-inflammatory herbs. Thanks to them, you can not only stop using low-quality chemicals, but also improve the condition of the entire body. Quite often, herbs are used in the preparation of tinctures.

Therapeutic effect of herbs

Herbs with anti-inflammatory effects have the most valuable qualities, and first of all, they purposefully treat a specific ailment (both independently and in combination with other herbs). In addition, thanks to plants, it improves general state the body, the immune system is stabilized. Medicinal herbs have the following basic properties:

  • antipyretic;
  • pain reliever;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Plants with anti-inflammatory effects have the following qualities:

  1. Protect the mucous membrane from mechanical and chemical damage.
  2. They have an antimicrobial effect.
  3. Activate mucosal renewal.
  4. Reduce education of hydrochloric acid.

The medicinal herbs used are different in each case, depending on the type of disease, as well as the goal pursued.

Types of Anti-Inflammatory Herbs

The following types are used to prepare tinctures and liqueurs: medicinal herbs:

  • tannins,
  • salicylates,
  • gallic acid,
  • phytosterols.

Salicylates are aimed at treating joint diseases (raspberry, meadowsweet, peony). Treatment open wounds carried out with the help of tannins (bergenia, alder). Phytosterols are powerful antioxidants that help lower cholesterol levels and improve immunity. Gallic acid has a powerful antiviral effect and is found in tea leaves and ink nuts.

TOP 7 anti-inflammatory herbs

To obtain the most effective tinctures, they are most often used the following types herbs with powerful anti-inflammatory effects:

  1. Yarrow – has a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory effect. This herb is a powerful antiseptic and can be used as a hemostatic agent.
  2. Rosemary - a shrub with this name can be found in many regions. The plant is credited with not only anti-inflammatory properties, but also analgesic, tonic, and stimulating properties.
  3. Ginger is a natural anti-inflammatory agent actively used in Asian countries. Promotes improvement cerebral circulation, helps to lose weight.
  4. Turmeric is not only an excellent anti-inflammatory agent, but is also used in the treatment of autoimmune diseases.
  5. Garlic is a natural antibiotic known all over the world. A tincture made from it perfectly cleanses the blood.
  6. Parsley - a tincture from the plant is used in the treatment of diseases of the stomach, kidneys, and to strengthen immune system, in the fight against cancer.
  7. Licorice is an anti-inflammatory plant with a wide spectrum of action. Used in the treatment of fungal and viral infections, gynecological diseases, ulcers, etc.

Preparation of tinctures

Having found a suitable recipe for preparing a liqueur or tincture, you must strictly follow the proposed recommendations, use only high-quality raw materials, as well as an alcohol-containing drink (vodka, 40–70% ethyl alcohol). The raw materials are crushed, placed in a bottle and filled with alcohol in a ratio of 1:5, 1:10. The mixture is infused for 1–1.5 weeks, and it needs to be shaken periodically. The finished tincture is filtered through cheesecloth.

The medicinal solution should be transparent and have the aroma of the plant from which it was prepared.

Anti-inflammatory tinctures are stored in opaque glass bottles for several years and taken in strict accordance with the recipe.

Anti-inflammatory female herbal mixture is recommended for use in gynecological diseases. The composition includes medicinal herbs, which are traditionally used for many pathologies of the genital area in women.

Indications for use

  • cervical erosion;
  • fibrocystic mastopathy;
  • fibroids;
  • postpartum mastitis;
  • other inflammatory pathologies female organs.

The natural preparation is used as the main or aid to the main therapy. Before treatment, consultation with a specialist is recommended.

Beneficial features

The collection has a complex effect on female body, providing anti-infective, hemostatic, antispasmodic effects, as well as;

  1. Absorbable. Regular use helps to resolve tumors and relieve pain.
  2. Antitumor. Relieves inflammatory and tumor processes in the female genital area.
  3. Regulates metabolic processes. Regulates hormonal background, neutralizes toxins in the body.
  4. Diuretic. Removes excess fluid from the body, including the mammary glands.
  5. General strengthening. Heals, strengthens the immune system, delays aging.


Traditional healers have used the gifts of nature in the fight against diseases of the genital area since ancient times. Beneficial effect confirms many of them traditional medicine. Ready fees are combined agents, the components of which are selected in a certain proportion, which allows you to achieve the most effective result. Herbs enhance and complement each other's effects.

The anti-inflammatory collection for women contains the following plants:

  1. Bergenia root. Renders effective action for erosions, tumors, it is characterized by a large percentage of anti-stress activity. Preparations based on this substance have anti-inflammatory, wound healing, and antimicrobial effects.
  2. Calendula. Helps cope with various female pathologies, restores natural microflora, facilitates menstruation.
  3. knotweed. It is characterized by an anti-inflammatory, hemostatic effect, reduces pain during menstruation, and helps with infertility.
  4. Dandelion. It has a calming, anti-inflammatory effect, relieves spasms and pain.
  5. Raspberry leaf. Thanks to its general strengthening, antiseptic effect, it is effective against inflammatory processes in the female body. Natural phytohormones normalize hormonal balance, enhance ovarian function.
  6. Yarrow. It has long been used for gynecological problems; it has hemostatic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-infective, and antispasmodic effects.
  7. Celandine. Effective in the fight against infections, inflammatory processes in the female organs, eliminates the source of infection, suppressing the growth of harmful organisms, viruses, fungi, and also prevents the formation of adhesions and cysts.
  8. Peppermint. It has a bactericidal, disinfectant effect and is used in the treatment of female infertility, normalizes hormonal levels, reducing the amount of male hormone.
  9. Wormwood. Actively used in folk medicine for elimination inflammatory processes, cysts, thrush, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, and also helps in the fight against oncology of the female organs and other gynecological pathologies.
  10. Horsetail. It has anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and antiseptic properties. Removes swelling, strengthens the immune system, heals ulcers, removes toxins.
  11. Chamomile. Due to its pronounced anti-inflammatory functions, it treats many women’s ailments of an inflammatory nature, fights pathogenic microorganisms, restores the vaginal mucosa.
  12. Coltsfoot leaf. Effective in complex therapy inflammatory processes. This excellent remedy to combat pathological discharge. Eliminates the source of inflammation, disinfects, and has a resolving effect.
  13. plantain leaf. Fights pathogenic microorganisms such as strepto-, staphylococcus and others, heals wounds, promotes cell regeneration, and is effective for infertility.
  14. Oregano. Included in many preparations for the treatment of female diseases, it promotes restoration and renewal of damaged tissues, has an antibacterial effect, and also rejuvenates and eliminates irritation.
  15. Cuff. The plant contains many vitamins and microelements. They have a complex effect on the female body, allowing you to cope with many gynecological diseases. Phytosterols regulate hormonal levels and normalize work endocrine system, fight inflammation, have a hemostatic effect, and also prevent the growth of tumors.

Mode of application

The drug is taken orally in the form of infusions. To prepare for 1 tbsp. l. The mixture takes 500 ml of water. The grass is poured, left for 2 hours, squeezed out, filtered.

Take the finished product in 4 divided doses, half a glass half an hour before meals.


Herbs have contraindications, so they should be taken with caution. Contraindications – individual intolerance ingredients included in the composition.

Where can I buy

The online store "Russian Roots" offers to buy Anti-inflammatory women's collection on favorable terms. The medicinal herbs that are included in the composition are collected in ecologically clean areas. Delivery is available throughout the country (couriers, post office). Purchase in the capital natural remedy You can go to any of the herbal pharmacies in the network. The safety and quality of the product is confirmed by relevant documentation.

Attention! All materials published on our website are protected by copyright. When re-publishing, attribution and a link to the original source are required.

Herbal treatment today is no less relevant than new pharmaceutical medications. More and more research is devoted to the effectiveness of herbal components, and at the same time, specialists in this field are increasingly convinced that some herbs in their healing effect can compete with what is commonly called “synthetic drugs.”

The main advantage of herbal treatment is considered to be a minimum of side effects - plants are present in the human diet, and therefore his body is accustomed to assimilate them correctly, which cannot be said about synthetic compounds that were derived artificially.

In addition, herbal treatment is a less expensive option and therefore suitable for all people.

There are quite a lot of herbs with anti-inflammatory effects found in nature - the exception is poisonous plants, which cannot be taken internally or externally. The category of anti-inflammatory herbs can be divided into subcategories - depending on which organ requires treatment.

Anti-inflammatory herbs for the gut

Herbs with anti-inflammatory effects for treating the intestines must meet several parameters:

  • have an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • reduce the production of hydrochloric acid;
  • activate mucosal renewal;
  • provide protection for the mucous membrane from chemical or mechanical damage.

Calamus root

It has choleretic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and tonic effects. For colitis caused by biliary dyskinesia, this ingredient will help not only relieve inflammation, but also reduce constipation. Calamus root increases the secretion of the gallbladder, which eliminates stagnant process, and digestion improves. Calamus root also helps to increase secretion gastric juice, and for this reason it should not be used by people with high acidity. It is indicated, including for lack of appetite, flatulence and achylia.


Chamomile is a leader in the category of anti-inflammatory herbs, because it can be used for any inflammatory processes, both externally and internally. In particular, tea with chamomile flowers will help relieve inflammation in the intestines, but it does not eliminate the cause of this pathology.

For chamomile to provide a lasting anti-inflammatory effect, it must be taken for several months.

Flax seeds

Flax seeds envelop, relieve inflammation and give a mild laxative effect. Therefore, they are used for intestinal inflammation caused by irritation of the colon due to constipation. Flax seeds promote the formation of mucus, which protects tissue from damage.

Anti-inflammatory herbs for joints

Herbs used to treat joints, as a rule, have a complex effect and affect not only cartilage tissue, but also metabolism, the condition of which is associated with the digestive tract.

willow bark

Basic active substance willow bark - salicin, which is similar in action to aspirin. Willow bark is a fairly neutral plant in terms of compatibility with other drugs and herbs, and therefore it is often included in anti-inflammatory herbal collections for the treatment of joints.

Lingonberry leaf

This ingredient affects the mineral composition cartilage tissue, which is why it is considered one of the first assistants in the treatment of joints.

Anti-inflammatory herbs for colds

During colds, herbs with diaphoretic effects are highly valued.

Linden flowers

If we accept lime tea at the onset of a cold, this will help prevent complications. Linden flowers have an anti-inflammatory effect, reduce fever and intoxication due to their diaphoretic effect (as they contain the glycoside tiliacin).

Raspberry branches and leaves

Raspberry branches contain salicylic acid, thanks to which a decoction based on them reduces the temperature. Raspberry branches also help relieve inflammation and strengthen the immune system, which is why they were used in ancient times to treat herpes.

Anti-inflammatory herbs for skin

Chamomile and string are often used to treat inflammation of the skin.


If you lubricate the affected areas with chamomile decoction, it will help speedy recovery skin. This is why girls often use chamomile decoction as a tonic - it helps relieve inflammation and prevent the appearance of new ones.


Often used to treat diathesis in children. It has an anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory effect and therefore baths with an infusion of this herb are very popular in dermatology. The string contains carotene, ascorbic acid, tannins that affect the skin and relieve illness.

Herbs have long been used to heal and promote human health. Some herbal teas can even relieve inflammation. To use herbal teas for inflammation, you need to know which herbs are most beneficial for a particular disease and learn how to brew a good cup of herbal tea. Be aware that some herbs may cause allergic reaction and various side effects, so before you start drinking herbal teas daily, we recommend that you first consult your doctor about this.


Part 1

Selecting Herbs with Anti-Inflammatory Properties

    Try one of the most effective anti-inflammatory herbs. There are many herbs with anti-inflammatory properties. The anti-inflammatory properties appear to be a result of bioflavonoids, phenolics, and other substances in the plant acting as antioxidants. To the most effective herbs with anti-inflammatory effects include:

    • Cayenne pepper (fruit)
    • Chamomile (flower)
    • Licorice (root)
    • Turmeric (root)
    • Willow bark (bark)
    • Common yarrow (flowers and leaves)
  1. Herbs with anti-inflammatory effects that promote digestion. Herbal teas may also have a positive effect on certain types of inflammatory processes in gastrointestinal tract, such as cramps, nausea and diarrhea. If you want to use herbs to treat a digestive disorder, then choose herbs that have positive influence on digestive system. Herbs that have a positive effect on inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract include:

    Use licorice or mullein for respiratory inflammation. For respiratory inflammation, make tea from licorice or mullein leaves. For example, if you have a cold or bronchitis, you might want to drink licorice root or mullein leaf tea. Tea made from these herbs will help reduce inflammation in the throat, sinuses and lungs.

    For inflammation Bladder make tea from corn silk. For bladder inflammation (cystitis, urethritis), we recommend drinking corn silk tea. Corn silk is used in folk medicine around the world as an anti-inflammatory agent.

    • To make corn silk tea, take some silk from a fresh ear of corn. Corn silk is the white fiber between the corn and its leaf wrapper.
  2. Apply a herbal tea compress to relieve skin inflammation. For skin diseases with inflammatory processes, you can apply a compress of calendula, goldenseal or myrrh. Greatest benefit can be obtained by applying tea directly to the skin.

    • To prepare tea compress, brew a cup of tea with one of the above-mentioned herbs, then let the tea cool until the water becomes slightly warm. The tea can also be refrigerated to enhance its anti-inflammatory effects. Cold will help relieve swelling and inflammation.
    • Once the tea has cooled, take a clean cloth and soak it in the tea, then wring it out lightly.
    • Then apply the cloth to the area of ​​skin with inflammation.
    • Do not apply the tea compress to chapped or infected skin. In this case, seek help from a doctor.

    Part 2

    Anti-inflammatory tea brewing process
    1. Measure out the amount of herbs. To make dry herb tea, you will need one teaspoon (5 grams) of your chosen herbs. If you have fresh herbs, then you will need about three teaspoons (15 grams) of herbs. IN fresh herbs there is still water, so they weigh more than dried.

      • If you are making tea from willow bark, throw three or four pieces of bark (each 2.5 cm) into boiling water. Then cover the kettle with a lid and boil the tea for 15-25 minutes.
    2. Place the herbs in a tea strainer. Pour the herbs into a tea strainer, then place the strainer in a cup. If you don't have a strainer, simply pour the herbs into a cup and once the tea is steeped, strain it.

      Pour boiling water over the herbs. Pour boiling water over the bowl of herbs and wait 10-15 minutes for the tea to brew. Once the tea is steeped, remove the tea strainer from the cup or strain the tea through a fine sieve to remove the herbs.

      • The tea is best drunk fresh, but can be stored in the refrigerator for 1-3 days. One serving contains about 170-225 ml of liquid.
    3. Drink three to four cups of tea daily. You can drink three to four cups of tea every day. Do not drink more than four cups without first consulting your doctor, naturopath or herbalist.