Proven recipes and subtleties of pickling cabbage in jars. Crispy salted cabbage for the winter: recipes and secrets

Salt or ferment cabbage - what could be easier? However, not every family, especially young ones, knows how to quickly and tasty pickle cabbage. To make it crispy, aromatic, appetizing...

We will need:

  • Cabbage - 2 medium-sized forks, total weight approximately 5 - 6 kg.

For pickling, we choose mid-late varieties of cabbage. If you don’t know how to distinguish it, just ask the sellers at the market, they will tell you. In our region, cabbage of the “Slava” variety is usually offered for pickling.

  • Carrots – 6 – 7 pieces.
  • Salt – 4 – 5 tablespoons.

A special trick to improve the taste and increase the usefulness when pickling cabbage is to use Himalayan salt. If you can’t find Himalayan salt, buy regular gray coarse rock salt and grind it in a coffee grinder. Why is that? The answer is in the article "".

  • Kitchen “helpers” include a wide enamel or plastic basin with a capacity of 12–15 liters for mixing.
  • An enamel pan with a capacity of 6 - 7 or more liters - for pickling.
  • Sharp knife, grater, vegetable shredder, cutting board.

12 simple steps to delicious cabbage:

Here are the steps you need to take to quickly and tasty pickle cabbage:

1. Grind coarse Himalayan or rock salt in a coffee grinder to a fine crumbly powder.

2. Grate all the pre-washed and peeled carrots on the coarse side of a grater.

3. Wash the cabbage heads and remove the top leaves.

4. First, one fork: chop half into thin strips using a vegetable cutter or shredder, cut the other part larger with a knife, leaving plates of cabbage leaves.

The fact is that finely shredded cabbage produces juice for pickling faster, while larger cabbage is responsible for the crunchy properties and delays acidification and softening of the finished product.

5. Place the slices in a bowl and mash well, crush with your hands or a wooden masher.

The success of its pickling largely depends on how well you remember the cabbage. It’s bad if you don’t crush it and if you crush it. It is important to recognize when the cabbage has reached the desired consistency, when it is sufficiently soft, moist and at the same time strong and elastic.

6. Add half the carrots to the bowl where the mashed cabbage is already located, mix everything thoroughly and add half the prepared salt. Mix again. Transfer to a pickling container and compact well.

7. Repeat the same with the 2nd fork. Add to the pickling container and compact. At the same time, the cabbage will decrease in volume right before your eyes.

8. All that remains is to place a plate of smaller diameter on the compacted cabbage-carrot mixture and press it down with a weight, for example, a jar of water or something quite heavy.

9. Cover the top with clean gauze to prevent dust from getting inside.

10. Very quickly the cabbage will give juice - its own brine, it is advisable that it is covered to the top. If there is not enough brine, add a heavier weight.

11. The next day, pierce the cabbage in several places with a knife or sushi stick to release the carbon dioxide formed during the fermentation process. If this is not done, the cabbage will become noticeably bitter. Perform this simple procedure daily while the salting process is in progress.

12. If the room is warm, then after 2 days you can transfer the cabbage to jars and put it in the refrigerator. If it's cool, it will take 3-5 days. It is important to catch the moment when the cabbage is still elastic, crisp and not over-acidified.

Don't wait for it to be completely ready. It’s better to put it in jars early and put it in the refrigerator than to be late. In the refrigerator it will easily reach the desired condition. If you are late with the bookmark, the cabbage will turn sour, become soft and tasteless.

By the way, when you transfer the cabbage into jars, crush and compact it thoroughly. It will produce juice again and will keep well in its own brine. Leave 4-5 centimeters free at the top of the jar: in the cold, the fermentation process continues for some time, and the cabbage juice can overflow.

Now you know how to quickly and deliciously pickle cabbage. Try it, you will get wonderful results!

What's good about salted cabbage?

It improves the friendly intestinal microflora, nourishes the body with vitamins and minerals, harmonizes the acid-base balance, removes harmful substances, reduces bad cholesterol, and improves metabolism!

Bon appetit and good health!

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How to pickle cabbage at home to get an incredibly tasty preparation? Experienced housewives are happy to share tips and favorite recipes. Therefore, you can use them to make your first pickling.

How to pickle cabbage at home: recipe

You will need:

Medium fresh carrots – 2 pieces
- cabbage – 2.6 kg
- coarse table salt – 2 large spoons
- granulated sugar - a small spoon
- a few laurel leaves
- black peppercorns – 4 pieces
- liter of purified water

Subtleties of preparation:

Prepare a brine for pickling vegetables. Boil water, add granulated sugar and kitchen salt. Keep the contents on the stove for a couple of minutes. Remove from heat and cool thoroughly. Prepare the vegetables: wash the cabbage, divide it into several slices, cut out the hard stalk. Cut the veins from the leaves and chop the pulp into thin strips. For slicing, it is convenient to use a shredder or a knife. Wash the carrots, remove the peelings, and chop them into long strips.

Combine the vegetables, stir, press lightly, allowing the juice to come out. Fill the jars with the prepared contents, alternate the vegetable layers with bay leaves and pepper. Pour the prepared brine over the pulp, cover with lids, and let stand for three days. Periodically pierce the pulp with a long stick. Cover the filled containers with lids and store them in a cool place.

Salting cabbage and beets at home


Head of cabbage – 4 kg
- beets – 2 pieces
- garlic head
- a couple of horseradish roots
- table salt – 100 g
- half a glass of sugar
- laurel leaf – 4 pieces
- black peppercorns
- a pair of carnation umbrellas

Subtleties of preparation:

Make a brine: boil clean water, combine with the required amount of salt, granulated sugar, spices, water and cloves. To cool, set the mixture aside. Wash the cabbage head, cut out the dense stalk with coarse veins, and chop into arbitrary slices. Chop the vegetables into thin strips. Chop the peeled beets into cubes. Chop the horseradish and garlic after peeling. Use your hands to crush the cabbage a little, stir with horseradish and garlic. Transfer the contents into a jar, layering with beets. Cover the container with a lid and place pressure on top so that the contents are well salted. Stir the mixture periodically. After the specified period, transfer the mixture into jars and move them to a permanent storage location.

Try it too.

How to properly salt cabbage at home

Head of cabbage – 20 kg
- table salt – 0.4 kg
- carrots – 0.6 kg

Wash the cabbage heads, cut out the stalk, and immediately chop them into strips or large pieces. Wash the carrots, peel the skins, and grate them on a fine grater. Add a measured amount of salt into the prepared contents, mix thoroughly, transfer to a container for salting, and cover with pressure. Place the mixture in the refrigerator and keep for 3-4 days. Store for permanent storage.

If you are preparing a workpiece for the first time, you can view “how to pickle cabbage at home video”.

And a couple more interesting recipes:

Recipe No. 1

Cabbage fork – 5 kg
- medium carrot
- hot peppers - a couple of pieces
- a few garlic cloves
- salt – 30 g

Wash the vegetables, remove the peel, and chop into long strips. This can be done conveniently in a food processor or using a special shredder. Cut the capsicums in half and remove the seeds. Remove the husks from the garlic and chop into thin slices. Mix the vegetables, place in a suitable container, sprinkle with salt. Mash the pulp with your hands until the vegetables release their juice. Leave the contents for three days. Stir the contents several times during settling. Distribute the mixture among containers and close with treated lids.

Do it in this variation.

Recipe with apples

Cabbage fork – 3 kg
- apple – 1 kg
- carrots – 0.2 kg
- three large spoons of salt
- granulated sugar - a couple of partial spoons
- 3.1 tbsp. spoons of dill
- a couple of liters of water

Wash the cabbage, remove the stalk, and chop into slices. Wash the apples and throw away spoiled fruits. Wash the carrots, cut off the peel, grate. Make a brine: pour salt and sugar into cold water, stir. Combine dill seeds, chopped carrots, and cabbage pulp in another container. Tamp the contents well, pour in half a liter of brine, lay the apples tightly, add some of the pulp again, fill with brine, add a layer of apples and a final layer of cabbage, tamp, pour over the rest of the brine and place a round plate. Keep the plate under pressure for about a week, put it in jars and transfer it to a storage place.

Salted cabbage is a traditional Russian dish. It always becomes a wonderful decoration for any feast, both everyday and festive. Recipes for salted cabbage are extremely simple, but with their help you can prepare an excellent delicacy. Let's look at the best of them in our article, learn how to select ingredients and learn all the intricacies of such a culinary process as quick pickling.

How to choose and prepare cabbage for pickling

The most important thing is to choose the right fresh vegetables for preparations, otherwise the dish may not turn out as crispy and juicy as you would like. A good cabbage for rolling has the following characteristics:

Recipes for canned salted cabbage require advance preparation. It consists of the following:

  1. Remove a few flaccid top layers from the head and cut into large pieces.
  2. Visible damage must be removed.
  3. For some recipes, the head of cabbage needs to be chopped into thin narrow strips with a shredder, knife, grater or food processor.
  4. The vegetables used in the recipe must be washed and peeled. The spices must be sorted out, removing spoiled fragments.

How to quickly and tasty salt cabbage at home

There are many recipes for pickling at home, each of them requires one or another preparation time. Recipes for quick salted cabbage are the most popular. The preparation prepared using them can be eaten as a separate appetizer, or added to other dishes, for example, borscht or salads. Let's look at the most interesting recipes.

Hot method in brine without vinegar

The hot method allows you to get pickles as quickly as possible, literally within a day you can already taste the dish. Both white and red forks are suitable for this preparation. The main ingredient is sometimes chopped, but the classic recipe simply calls for cutting into small portions. You can serve the dish with herbs and onions.


  • dense cabbage forks;
  • 1 carrot;
  • a few peppercorns;
  • bay leaf – 2-6 pcs.;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. table salt;
  • half a tablespoon of sugar.

  1. The cabbage should be chopped (shredded if desired).
  2. Grate the carrots on a grater (preferably on a so-called Korean grater).
  3. Mix the vegetables, place them in a sterilized, dried jar in layers, add spices to each one.
  4. Salt and sugar should be diluted in hot water. Keep the brine over low heat until it boils. Pour vegetables over them.
  5. Place the open container in a deep container for one to two days. Then cover it with a lid, but do not roll it up. Store in the cold.

Instant cooking with beets in Georgian style

The dish according to this recipe turns out incredibly tasty and spicy, and looks beautiful due to the pink tint imparted by the beets. The dish is stored for a very long time, it can stand all winter. Quick pickles will be a great addition to any dish. It is very easy to prepare, it does not require much time or effort, you just need to follow the instructions.


  • two kilograms of fresh cabbage;
  • garlic (medium head);
  • 2 medium beets (oblong);
  • several bay leaves;
  • peppercorns;
  • 3-5 cloves;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • a mixture of fennel, dill seeds and cilantro (3 teaspoons in total);
  • two full tablespoons of salt (non-iodized);
  • 180 g sugar;
  • 150 ml table vinegar (preferably natural apple cider vinegar).

Recipe step by step:

  1. Wash the vegetables and chop them. The cabbage is cut into portions, removing the stalk, and the beets are cut into thick slices. The garlic should be peeled and cut into large pieces. Place vegetables in enamel dishes.
  2. In order to make the marinade, you need to boil water and add spices. Boil the brine for five minutes and add the remaining ingredients.
  3. Cool the liquid to 20 degrees.
  4. Pour the brine into a container with vegetables, put pressure on top, and store for about three days.
  5. Afterwards, the cabbage is laid out in containers, filled with brine and tightly closed with nylon lids. An open jar can be stored for three days.

Preparing for the winter in jars

Sauerkraut contains folic acid and vitamin C, which are very beneficial for the body. A salad made from it is an excellent addition to fatty dishes that people often prepare in winter. Below is a classic recipe, but if you want, you can add bay leaves, apples, cranberries, pickled cloudberries, currant leaves, spices or any other ingredients that could improve the taste.


  • cabbage (approximately 1.7-2 kg);
  • large carrots;
  • a tablespoon of salt.

  1. Chop the forks, grate the carrots, and place the vegetables on a clean, dry surface.
  2. Pour salt into the vegetables and mash them thoroughly.
  3. The cabbage must be compacted tightly into the container. Each new layer must be pressed well until the juice flows. Cover with a cloth and leave at room temperature.
  4. To circulate gases, you need to pierce the workpiece with a wooden wedge several times a day. If you don’t do this, the dish will be bitter.
  5. The dish will be ready when it stops fermenting. You can understand this by how the gases stop coming out. After this, the jar can be closed with a nylon lid and hidden in the refrigerator.

With apples and cranberries in a barrel

It’s difficult to get a wooden barrel now, so you can use large enamel dishes to prepare quick salted cabbage. A dish with apples and cranberries will be very original and festive. It is very easy to make, the process takes no more than a week. Below is a classic recipe, but you can add some other spices.

Ingredients for preparing a kilogram of salted cabbage:

  • carrots and apples - 100 grams each;
  • cranberries – 80 grams;
  • salt – 30 grams.

  1. Peel and chop the cabbage. Add the rest of the grated ingredients to it. Add salt and mix thoroughly.
  2. Add the vegetable mixture, pressing down well until the juice flows.
  3. We cover the barrel with a wooden board and put pressure on top. Leave in a warm place. Periodically it is necessary to remove the rising foam.
  4. You should pierce the salted cabbage with a sharp wooden object to release excess gases. When fermentation is over (5-7 days), the dish will be ready.

With bell peppers, carrots and onions in a jar

An incredibly tasty and spicy salad that is a must make. It looks unusual on the table and attracts attention with its brightness. Recipes for white salted cabbage with vegetables are very simple, but the dishes they make are simply excellent. They give them a unique aroma. In winter, such a salad will be simply irreplaceable at any feast, especially a festive one.

Ingredients for 3 liter glass jar:

  • cabbage - 3 kg;
  • carrots - 600 g;
  • red bell pepper - 600 g;
  • onion - 600 g;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 50 ml vinegar;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

  1. Remove the top layers from the fork, chop, salt, squeeze until the juice comes out. Three carrots, cut the onion into rings, and the bell pepper into thin strips. Mix everything in a large container, season with vegetable oil and sugar.
  2. Dissolve vinegar and a little water and add to vegetables.
  3. After sterilization, put the salad in a jar and compact it. We put a nylon lid on top and put it in the refrigerator.

A simple recipe with horseradish and garlic pieces

This pickle has an unusual and slightly spicy taste. It is valued for its simplicity, speed of preparation, and originality of salting. And adding ginger root to the recipe adds a touch of piquancy. The special ingredients in the composition make the canned dish durable, and also help strengthen the immune system and help in the prevention of colds.


  • cabbage - 6 kg;
  • carrots - 0.3 kg;
  • 145 g salt;
  • 50-70 g sugar;
  • 1.5 heads of garlic;
  • horseradish root - 0.2 kg;
  • ginger root - 0.15 kg.

  1. Cut the cabbage into pieces. Grate the carrots, ginger and horseradish, and crush the garlic.
  2. Place the ingredients in a large container and mix thoroughly until the juice comes out.
  3. Place the vegetable mixture at the bottom of the bucket and apply pressure.
  4. Fermentation lasts three days, during which it is necessary to regularly release gases from the salting.

With honey and lemon

Recipes for salted cabbage with lemon and honey are very popular now. The dish turns out very tasty and aromatic, and honey gives it a special tenderness. The amount of lemon indicated in the recipe can be changed at your discretion, adding more or less acid. It is advisable to take liquid honey. The water for the recipe must be boiled; some people even add spring water.


  • cabbage;
  • large carrots;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 4 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l honey;
  • medium lemon

  1. Chop the cabbage, grate the carrots, cut the lemon into small pieces. Combine all ingredients in an enamel bowl and squeeze well.
  2. In a separate container, dilute salted water with honey and boil.
  3. Divide the vegetable mixture into jars, compact them, pour in the marinade, close with nylon lids and leave in the dark for 24 hours.

In Armenian

The dish according to this recipe is not only salty, but also spicy. It will be an excellent addition to meat and barbecue. Recipes for aromatic salted cabbage in Armenian require special ingredients, but now it’s not difficult to get them. Their quantity can be changed according to personal preferences, for example, some are prepared without garlic or cinnamon.


  • 2.5 kg cabbage;
  • 50 g garlic;
  • 200 g carrots;
  • 1 beet;
  • 100 g celery root;
  • 2 hot peppers;
  • 20 g cilantro;
  • cherry leaves;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 150 g salt;
  • 10 pieces. peppercorns;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • half a cinnamon stick.

  1. First you need to prepare the starter. Boil water, add salt and all the spices, and cool.
  2. Cut the cabbage into portions, cut the remaining vegetables into slices. Pepper is cut into rings, celery root into strips, and garlic into small cubes.
  3. Cover the bottom of the barrel or pan with cherry leaves, lay the cabbage tightly, sandwiching it with the vegetable mixture.
  4. Fill the dish with chilled brine and leave under pressure for two to three days at room temperature.

Korean Chinese cabbage recipe

This is a spicy, specific dish that will appeal to connoisseurs of the exotic. Based on it, another famous Korean dish is prepared - kimchi, which has long been loved not only in Korea, but also in other countries of the world. There are no difficulties in the manufacturing process. It is important to prepare the most important ingredient correctly, and seasonings will improve its taste.


  • Chinese cabbage – 3 kg;
  • red hot pepper;
  • garlic – 3 heads;
  • salt – 250 g.

  1. We lower the head of cabbage into the water, take it out and divide it into four parts. Dissolve and salt, leave for a day, and then rinse. For convenience, it is better to immediately cut them into small squares.
  2. Crush the garlic and mix with the same amount of pepper until a homogeneous paste is formed. You need to rub each piece with it.
  3. The dish is kept warm for a day and then placed in the refrigerator.

Calorie content of salted cabbage

The advantage of quick salted cabbage is not only its mind-blowing taste, but also its ability to benefit the body, because it is low in calories. Per 100 grams of product there are from 19 to 50 calories, depending on the ingredients added. An excellent option for those who are on a diet. There are a lot of vitamins A, C, B, iron, potassium. Eating soaked cabbage helps normalize intestinal function. Recommended for peptic ulcers and colds.

When to salt cabbage according to the lunar calendar 2019

You can make pickles in October on the dates 2 to 5, 9, 12, 14, 17, 20 to 22, 30. The following November dates are also suitable for this: 1, 6 to 8, 11, 13, 15-16, 18, 20-21, 29. It is not recommended to cook during the full moon; it is better to do it during the growing month. Salted cabbage will release juice well and absorb the aromas of spices. Days when the moon is in Virgo, Cancer, and Pisces are not suitable for conservation. If you want to make a crispy dish, it is better to cook it on the fifth or sixth day of the new month.


Recipes for salted cabbage are varied, so we invite you to watch a video that demonstrates one of the easiest. Even a beginner can prepare a delicious dish using it. The material shows all the secrets of shredding cabbage for quick pickling, and explains many of the subtleties. This video is a must watch for anyone who wants to pickle cabbage.

Cabbage is a healthy vegetable plant with a high content of vitamin C and minerals. How to salt cabbage in jars for the winter? To successfully pickle cabbage at home, you don't need expensive ingredients. Pickling is a simple way of preserving food for future use in a natural way, based on fermentation in its own juice. When salting, water is used.

Each housewife has her own recipe for pickling cabbage with the addition of chopped Antonov apples or carrots, lingonberries or cranberries, etc. There is another option for storing cabbage in jars for the winter - pickling.

The main difference from fermentation is faster cooking with the addition of acid (vinegar). For comparison: salting takes from 3 to 7 days (depending on the recipe), marinating - from two hours to two days. But crispy fermented cabbage is healthier than pickled cabbage.

The benefits and harms of sauerkraut

In fermented cabbage, nutrients are preserved 2 times better than in a regular fresh vegetable. Preparations are necessary in winter and spring for vitamin deficiency. The vegetable contains a large amount of vitamin C (up to 75 mg in the stalk and up to 50-52 mg in the leaves per 100 g), minerals (potassium, phosphorus and calcium).

Moderate consumption of salted cabbage has a positive effect on digestive processes, and the fiber content has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora. Vitamin C is a faithful friend of the immune system, helping to strengthen it.

Salted cabbage is not recommended for people with ulcers and diseases of the duodenum, kidney failure and problems with the pancreas. It is better to exclude sauerkraut from the diet if the acidity of gastric juice is increased.

The characteristic crunch, loved by true connoisseurs of the preparation, is obtained only from autumn and winter varieties of white vegetables. Summer cabbage is absolutely not suitable. If you take the wrong base for cooking, no spices, additional ingredients or unique recipes will save the situation. Therefore, you can ferment cabbage so that it is crispy only from late varieties of the vegetable.

  1. The larger the cabbage is cut and prepared, the better the nutrients are preserved.
  2. Do not use iodized salt when pickling.
  3. Ancestors prepared vegetables for the winter according to the lunar calendar. According to popular belief, it is better to cook on a new moon.
  4. The ideal place to store the product is glass jars or wooden barrels that have undergone special cleaning with a bleach solution and repeated rinsing with water before cooking. Do not use large aluminum cans. It will spoil the taste.

For chopping, use a wide paring knife. If you prefer thinly sliced ​​cabbage, use a special grater or food processor (if time is limited).

Classic recipe for pickling in a jar


  • White cabbage – 2 kg,
  • Carrots – 1 piece,
  • Bay leaf – 2 pieces,
  • Salt – 40 g,
  • Black pepper (peas) - to taste.


  1. To ferment cabbage tasty and quickly, I take a special vegetable grater. I peel the carrots and grate them coarsely, as for Korean carrots. I follow a similar procedure with cabbage.
  2. I put the chopped vegetables in a large bowl. Carefully, with effort, I knead it with ordinary rock salt. I add 2 bay leaves broken into small pieces.
  3. I mix and squeeze the cabbage and carrots until juice forms. To avoid making a mistake with the amount of salt, I taste it.
  4. I put the vegetable mixture in the jars, not all the way to the top. I leave room for free release of liquid.
  5. I place the jars with a deep tray underneath. From time to time I pierce the fermented product with a wooden stick (or an ordinary Japanese one, called “hashi”). 1-2 times a day is enough. This simple action is necessary to remove gas formations.
  6. I leave the jars in the kitchen at room temperature for 2-3 days. I determine the completion of the fermentation process by the disappearance of cloudy water and the foam cap on top of the product.
  7. I cover glass containers with lids. I put it in the refrigerator for a day.

I serve the appetizer on the table, garnished with fresh onions and seasoned with sunflower oil. Bon appetit!

How to salt according to the classic recipe in brine


  • Cabbage – 3 kg,
  • Carrots – 400 g,
  • Water – 2.5 l,
  • Salt – 5 tablespoons,
  • Sugar - 3 large spoons,
  • Dill seeds, caraway seeds - to taste.


  1. Wash the white vegetable thoroughly in cold water. I remove the upper leaves with damage. I chop it coarsely. I chop the carrots using a grater.
  2. I combine the two main ingredients in a deep bowl. Gently mix and knead.
  3. I transfer it to banks. I don’t compact the vegetable mixture too much. I add cumin and dill seeds to each jar.
  4. I pour water into the pan. I add salt and sugar and cook on the stove. Having brought it to a boil and dissolved all the crystals, set it to cool.
  5. After 10-15 minutes, I pour the hot liquid to the top. I cover the top with multilayer gauze. I leave the jars in the kitchen for 48 hours. From time to time, the salting needs to be “disturbed” (pierced) with a wooden stick. The frequency of the procedure is 2 times a day.
  6. After 48 hours, I pour the brine from the jars into a clean saucepan. I put it on the stove. Add sugar and bring to a boil again. I pour the slightly cooled brine into jars. I close the lids and leave on the kitchen counter until completely cool.
  7. I put the pickling in the refrigerator. After 3 days, try the delicious preparation and treat your household.

Video recipe

Classic marinating recipe: tasty and quick


  • Cabbage – 1 kg,
  • Carrots – 1 piece,
  • 9 percent vinegar - 4-5 large spoons,
  • Water – 500 ml,
  • Sugar – 5 tablespoons,
  • Vegetable oil - 5 large spoons,
  • Salt – 1 tablespoon.


  1. I put granulated sugar in a saucepan with water, pour in vegetable oil and add salt. Bring to a boil under the lid. Remove from the stove and leave to cool.
  2. I chop cabbage and carrots on a special grater. I stir. I fill the jar with vegetables.
  3. I pour vinegar into the slightly cooled but hot brine. I'm in the way. Pour into vegetable mixture. I wait for it to marinate, 4-5 hours is enough.

Cabbage in jars with tomatoes for the winter

For harvesting, you will need ripe medium-sized tomatoes with a dense structure.


  • White vegetable – 10 kg,
  • Tomatoes – 5 kg,
  • Salt – 350 g,
  • Celery, dill seeds, cherry and currant leaves, hot pepper - to taste.


  1. Washing vegetables. I chop the vegetable. I leave medium-sized tomatoes whole.
  2. I put chopped cabbage in a large bowl, followed by tomatoes. I sprinkle currant and cherry leaves on top for flavor, celery and dill. This is one layer. I do at least three.
  3. I cover the top of the dish with a clean cloth. I press down with a weight. I monitor the release of juice and the fermentation process. You need to wait 3-4 days.
  4. I transfer the finished mixture into jars. I set it to cool for 12-16 hours.

The product is ready to use!

Helpful advice. To speed up salting, you can prepare a special brine. For a liter of water you will need 2 tablespoons of salt and 150 g of sugar. I fill the product with brine. I'm waiting 2 days.

Pickling cabbage in jars with beets


  • Cabbage – 2 kg,
  • Beetroot – 500 g,
  • Carrots – 1 piece,
  • Garlic – 1 clove,
  • Water – 1 l,
  • Sugar – 150 g,
  • Salt - 2 large spoons,
  • Black pepper – 10 peas,
  • Bay leaf - 3 leaves,
  • Table vinegar 9% – 150 g,
  • Sunflower oil – 3 tablespoons.


  1. I chop vegetables. I don't try to chop the cabbage too finely. I chop carrots and beets using a special vegetable cutter. This handy kitchen tool will help you make small blocks. I cut the garlic into pieces.
  2. Mix the ingredients in a deep bowl.
  3. I wash the lids under boiling water and sterilize the jars.
  4. I put a mix of fresh chopped vegetables into jars. I press lightly.
  5. I prepare the marinade on the stove by adding spices to the water. I achieve a transparent color. At the end of cooking I add vinegar.
  6. I pour the brine into jars. I seal with lids and cool naturally. I transfer the preparations to the refrigerator. After 2 days you can open and eat.

Video cooking

Cabbage in jars with apples


  • Cabbage – 2 kg,
  • Carrots – 400 g,
  • Apples – 4 pieces,
  • Sugar – 70 g,
  • Salt – 70 g,
  • Allspice – 10 peas,
  • Black pepper – 20 peas.


  1. I chop cabbage and carrots using a special grater. I add salt and sugar. Mix thoroughly, pressing lightly.
  2. I throw in peppercorns and bay leaves. Once again I mix the vegetables with spices.
  3. I'm working on apples. I carefully take out the core. I cut it into pieces.
  4. I put the vegetables in jars. I press it a little, then add the apple layer. I repeat several times until completely filled. I leave 5 cm on top to release juice during fermentation.

Helpful advice. To prevent juice from leaking, place a deep bowl under each jar. You can place one large tray under glass containers.

  1. I leave the preparation for 3 days. In the morning and evening, I pierce the vegetable mixture to release excess gases using a wooden skewer.
  2. After 3 days, I place the preparations in the refrigerator. I let the dish sit for four days, remembering to use a wooden stick from time to time.
  3. I store the finished product in a cold place - a cellar or refrigerator.

Helpful advice. I serve sauerkraut on the table, supplemented with finely chopped onions and pieces of pickled apples. You can pour vegetable oil on top. It will turn out incredibly tasty.

Cabbage in jars with cranberries and honey

Instead of granulated sugar, the recipe uses a natural sweetener - honey.


  • Cabbage – 1 kg,
  • Carrots – 2 medium sized pieces,
  • Honey – 1 large spoon,
  • Salt – 20 g,
  • Cranberries – 15-20 berries,
  • Bay leaf – 1 piece,
  • Sunflower oil – 2 large spoons,
  • Black pepper – 5 peas.


  1. I wash and clean the cabbage. I remove dirty leaves. I chop the vegetable using a sharp kitchen knife. Be careful! If you are not confident in your abilities, use a convenient vegetable grater.
  2. I peel the carrots, then grate them.
  3. I pour the cabbage into a bowl. I put salt. Mix thoroughly with your hands, pressing lightly.
  4. I add other ingredients to the cabbage mixture. I stir.
  5. I place vegetables in pre-prepared containers. I compact it using a masher. I make several holes in the nylon kitchen lid. I cover the jars with new “seals” and put them in the refrigerator.
  6. After a day, take out the containers and pierce the fermented mixture with a stick to release the gases.
  7. It will take 7 days for complete preparation. Once or twice a day, take out the blanks and pierce them. This is a very important moment in cooking!
  8. I put the appetizer on a plate, pour it over with vegetable oil and garnish with cranberries.

Helpful advice. Cranberries can be added fresh to the finished dish or salted along with cabbage and carrots, making them a participant in fermentation.

Is it possible to salt early cabbage?

You can salt early cabbage. The preparation will not be a complete replacement for a tasty and crispy snack made from late varieties, but if the yield of young cabbage is high, your efforts and labors in the country will not be in vain.


  • Young vegetable – 8 kg,
  • Water – 8 l,
  • Horseradish - 1 large root,
  • Garlic – 100 g,
  • Red beets – 300 g,
  • Parsley – 1 bunch,
  • Granulated sugar – 400 g,
  • Salt – 400 g.


  1. I am preparing the main ingredient for pickling. I wash it thoroughly and remove the top sheets if there is damage. I remove the stalks.
  2. I shred the cabbage using a large and well-sharpened knife. I transfer it to a large container.
  3. I peel the garlic. I cut it into small pieces. I peel the beets and chop them on a coarse grater.
  4. I put the vegetables in a large enamel bowl. First cabbage, then beets, add chopped parsley and garlic on top. I repeat the layers several times.
  5. I put a pan of water on the stove. I put sugar and salt. Bring to a boil, stirring thoroughly until the ingredients are completely dissolved.
  6. I leave the brine to cool. Then I pour it into an enamel bowl. I close it with a large lid and press it down with a heavy object. I leave it in the kitchen for 2 days.
  7. I transfer the pickling into clean jars. I close the top with plastic lids and put them in the refrigerator. After 3-4 days, the tasty preparation is ready for consumption.

How to salt cauliflower in jars for the winter


  • Cabbage – 1.5 kg,
  • Beets - 1 medium size piece,
  • Carrots – 1 piece,
  • Garlic – 3 cloves,
  • Allspice – 3 peas,
  • Black pepper – 6 peas,
  • Water – 1.5 l,
  • Sugar – 100 g,
  • Salt – 100 g.