Check the company by name. Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRUL)

16 Apr

Hello! In this article we will talk about the purpose of OGRNIP.

Today you will learn:

  • How does the OGRNIP and OGRN number stand for?
  • How to find out the reliability of OGRNIP;
  • How to obtain a certificate of registration of individual entrepreneurs.
  • How to find out OGRNIP and OGRN by TIN

    You can find out OGRNIP and OGRN by TIN through the tax website, having received an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs or the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, respectively.

    Abbreviations OGRN and OGRNIP

    If you decide to leave the ranks of employees and want to, you must register with the tax authorities. It consists of submitting a package of documents to register a new company.

    When the tax authority checks your information, it enters it into a special database for all companies in the country. It's called or.

    In order to somehow separate organizations within these registers, the state has developed special numbers that are assigned to each entrepreneur upon registration.

    There are separate numbers for individual entrepreneurs, called OGRNIP. For legal entities - simply OGRN. These numbers reflect information about the registered company and record its affiliation with the all-Russian register.

    These identifiers were introduced to simplify control over legal entities and individual entrepreneurs by government agencies, as well as for the safety of business participants themselves. It is by using the registration number that non-existent companies can be identified and unreliably provided data can be identified.

    Structure of OGRNIP codes

    The number under which your company is registered in the unified register is 15 digits.

    Each of them carries certain information about the registered individual entrepreneur:

    • The first number means the organizational and legal form of the business (for example, individual entrepreneur - number “3”);
    • The 2nd and 3rd digits indicate the year of registration of the company;
    • The 4th and 5th digits indicate the region of Russia in which the individual entrepreneur is opened;
    • The 6th and 7th digits indicate the number of the inspection in which the individual entrepreneur is registered;
    • from 8th to 14th - this is the individual number assigned to a specific individual entrepreneur (it is unique and cannot be the same for different individual entrepreneurs);
    • The 15th is a control digit by which the reliability of the specified OGRNIP can be determined.

    Let's look at the decoding of numbers in OGRNIP using an example.

    The entry “308631926800049” in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs means the following:

    • 3 – business owner – individual entrepreneur;
    • 08 – year of opening of the company – 2008;
    • 63 – individual entrepreneur registered in the Samara region;
    • 19 – individual entrepreneur registered with Federal Tax Service No. 19;
    • 2680004 – unique number;
    • 9 – check digit.

    To calculate the check digit, you need to divide the number consisting of the first 14 digits by 13 and write down the last digit of the remainder. Let's look at this using the previous example. OGRNIP 308631926800049 ends with the number “9”. We got it as follows. Divide the number from the first 14 numbers by 13: 30863192680004/13 = 2374091743077.231. We multiply the integer part of the resulting number by 13: 2374091743077*13 = 30863192660001. Next, subtract the resulting number from the original 14-digit number: 306319268000 - 30863192660001 = 9. This is the check digit.

    It is the last digit that is used to check the OGRNIP. She speaks about the reality of the entire issue. If, based on the results of the calculations, the resulting figure does not coincide with the one at the end of the number, it means that you have a non-existent OGRNIP.

    OGRN structure

    OGRN has in general the same structure as OGRNIP. The difference is the number of digits in the number: there are not 15, but 13. This is due to the smaller number of digits in the unique number. There are 5 of them, not 7, like OGRNIP. This reduction in numbers follows from the fact that the number of individual entrepreneurs significantly exceeds the number of legal entities.

    Let's look at this using the example of OGRN 1061102018174:

    • “1” – means a legal entity;
    • “06” – year of opening of the company – 2006;
    • “11” – a legal entity is registered in the KOMI Republic;
    • “02” – indicates the number of the tax office where the company was registered;
    • “01817” – unique number;
    • “4” is a check digit.

    To calculate the last digit in the OGRN, you need to divide the number from the first 12 digits by 11. Using the example of OGRN 1061102018174, we find the number “4”. 106110201817/11 = 9646381983.363636. 9646381983*11 = 108110201813. 10110201817 - 10110201813 = 4.

    What is OGRNIP

    Now let's look at what OGRNIP is for individual entrepreneurs. The Register of Entrepreneurs contains the identifier of each individual entrepreneur that was registered or. This information is constantly updated and is available to any interested party.

    OGRNIP– this is a kind of case number that is assigned to each individual entrepreneur upon registration. This numerical value encrypts all information about the business owner and his activities.

    A digital designation instead of a surname and initials makes it possible to simplify the system for regulating market relations. The full names of some entrepreneurs may be the same, and to prevent this from causing confusion, there is an OGRNIP that identifies individual entrepreneurs not only by last name and first name.

    Each such number is assigned once for the entire existence of the individual entrepreneur and does not change under any circumstances. If an entrepreneur closes his company, the OGRNIP goes into the archive.

    Without a certificate, you will not be able to engage in business activities legally. Otherwise, this is fraught with fines and even criminal liability. By registering your business with the tax office, you receive a OGRNIP or OGRN depending on the type of enterprise.

    The document contains the following information:

    • Full name of the entrepreneur - for individual entrepreneurs and name of the company - for;
    • OGRNIP or OGRN number;
    • Name of the tax office where registration took place;
    • Date of issue of the certificate;
    • Series and number of the document, as well as the signature of the official.

    To obtain a OGRN certificate for an organization or OGRNIP for an individual, you must submit a package of documents to the tax office. The submitted information is verified within 5 days. At the end of this period, you will have a valid OGRNIP in your hands, which gives you the right to engage in one or another activity.

    You can also submit documents via the Internet. To do this, you need to connect your personal account on the tax office website and fill in all the required fields. The submitted form will need to be digitally signed. The original certificate will be issued to you at the tax office at the place of registration.

    Obtaining a certificate is a paid service. An individual entrepreneur will pay 800 rubles for a OGRNIP certificate, a legal entity will pay 4,000 rubles. The state fee can be paid at the bank and the receipt can be attached to the package of documents for registration.

    OGRNIP and change of surname

    During the course of business as an individual entrepreneur, various changes may occur that will have to be registered with the tax authority. One of them is changing your last name. It is accompanied by documentary registration in the registry office. This could be a marriage certificate or a change of surname.

    Since an individual entrepreneur is registered under his last name, with its change the information in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs will also change. Within three days after changing your last name, you will need to contact the tax department where you registered as an individual entrepreneur.

    In this case, changing the OGRNIP is not provided. The ID number is assigned to you for the entire duration of the IP. It does not change, but the certificate form itself will be different. There will be a new series and issue in it. The changes will also affect data in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. Now, according to your OGRNIP, a new surname will be listed.

    The document is changed within 5 working days. You need to contact the tax office with a document confirming the change of name, a passport and a valid OGRNIP certificate.

    The main state registration number (OGRN, read as “ogereen”) is assigned when making an entry about the state registration of a legal entity in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE) and is issued by the tax authority at the place of registration of the legal entity.

    Only legal entities have OGRN. If you decide to check the OGRN of a company, organization or partner enterprise, you can do this on our website. Do you want to check a company by OGRN online? Fill out only one field and all the necessary information is in front of you.

    OGRN for verification:

    OGRN is the most important means of individualizing a legal entity (organization, company, enterprise) OGRN must be indicated on official seals, and on ordinary seals and stamps - at the discretion of the management of the legal entity.
    In Russia OGRN was first introduced on July 1, 2002.

    The following goals were pursued when introducing this identifier:

  • systematization of legal entities in Russia through the main state registration number;
  • creating the opportunity for market participants to verify, using the OGRN, the reliability of information about counterparties and their integrity;
  • strengthening control over existing legal entities and newly created ones when issuing OGRN by the tax authority
  • OGRN of the organization

    Before the introduction of the OGRN by the Federal Law “On Registration of Legal Entities,” it was possible to identify a company only by TIN: this number indicates that the organization belongs to a certain body of the Federal Tax Service and registration information in this department. The OGRN number contains more complete information about the enterprise.

    The OGRN of an organization is a combination that can be verified. It is enough to divide the first 12 digits of the identifier by 11. The remainder must coincide with the last (check) digit. This way you can quickly verify that the organization’s OGRN is valid.
    In the case of OGRNIP, the check is carried out in a similar way: the correspondence of the remainder of dividing the first 14 digits by 13 and the check digit is checked.

    Using our service, you can check the registration data of a legal entity and protect yourself from interaction with fly-by-night companies.

    The organization's OGRN, OGRNIP and TIN are the main identifiers of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. They are assigned once and remain unchanged until the organization is liquidated. Therefore, using the OGRN you can easily find out the TIN, and vice versa, and then view the information about the organization available to everyone.

    OGRNIP - the main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur. Unlike OGRN, this identifier consists of 15 digits, the last one is the control one.

    The 13 digits of the OGRN carry certain information. The first digit indicates the nature of the entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities - initial registration or change of data. The second and third are the last two digits of the year the entry was made. The fourth and fifth are the number of the subject of the Russian Federation in which issued by OGRN. The sixth and seventh digits correspond to the number of the interdistrict tax office that issued the OGRN. The next 5 digits of the OGRN are the number of the record of registration of a legal entity in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in the year the record was made. The last 13th digit of the OGRN is the control digit. The OGRN is indicated:
    • in all entries in the state register related to this legal entity (organization, company, enterprise);
    • in documents confirming the entry of relevant entries into the state register;
    • in all documents of this legal entity along with its name;
    • in information on state registration published by registration authorities.
    Why is the OGRN checked?

    Verification of information about the OGRN of a legal entity (organization, company, enterprise) is carried out:

  • to confirm the existence of a legal entity;
  • checking the accuracy of documentation received from the counterparty;
  • obtaining information about the last name, first name and patronymic of the director of a legal entity;
  • finding out whether a legal entity is on the so-called “black list” of tax authorities, which includes shell companies;
  • finding out whether the director of a legal entity (enterprise, company, organization) is on the so-called “black list” of tax authorities, which includes persons who have ever held the position of directors in shell companies;
  • finding out the TIN of a legal entity;
  • finding out the legal address of the company.
  • Often companies provide incomplete data, or simply do not carefully check their own data in documents, while in some cases, for example, when concluding an agreement, it is necessary to indicate the full details of the counterparty, including TIN and, as a rule, OGRN. In this article, we will talk about what a primary state registration number is and how to find it using your taxpayer identification number.

    What is OGRN and why is it needed?

    Today, there are many different ways to identify a company.

    For example, you can find out information about an organization using OKPO - this is an all-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations. Any company, be it a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur, has a code of eight or ten digits, which is assigned at the time of registration of the legal entity. Also, information about the company is “protected” in the OGRN code, which indicates that the enterprise is included in the state register.

    Before the introduction of the main state registration number by the Federal Law “On Registration of Legal Entities,” it was possible to verify a company only using the TIN, which stores basic information: data on the organization’s affiliation with a certain body of the Federal Tax Service and registration information in this department.

    Searching by OGRN provides more information. OGRN consists of 13 digits, each group of which has its own purpose and contains encrypted information about:

    • the year the organization was registered;
    • subject of the Russian Federation and local registration authority;
    • record number.

    The first digit indicates the nature of the entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities - initial registration or change of data. The second and third are the last two digits of the year the entry was made. The fourth and fifth are the number of the subject of the Russian Federation in which the registration document with a unique number was issued. The sixth and seventh digits correspond to the number of the interdistrict tax office that issued the number. The next 5 digits are the number of the entry on registration of a legal entity in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in the year the entry was made. The last 13th digit is the control digit.

    What does check digit mean? The organization number is a combination that is easy to verify. To find out the reality of the number, simply divide the first 12 digits of the identifier by 11. The remainder must match the last digit. This way you can quickly verify the validity of the company registration number.

    OGRN is indicated:

    • in all entries in the state register related to this legal entity (organization, company, enterprise);
    • in documents confirming the entry of relevant entries into the state register;
    • in all documents of this legal entity along with its name;
    • in information on state registration published by registration authorities.

    Once you know the company registration number, you can find out:

    • whether the enterprise actually exists;
    • authenticity of company documentation;
    • Full name of the person heading the company;
    • presence in negative registers of the tax inspectorate;
    • business reputation of the manager;
    • legal address;
    • individual taxpayer code.

    Check the counterparty in SPARK

    How to find out OGRN by TIN

    Previously, in order to find out the main state registration number by TIN, you had to make a request to the tax office, and in principle, you can follow this path today, but you are unlikely to need it, because now everything is much simpler and faster. The same is true if, on the contrary, you want to find out the TIN according to the OGRN.

    There are several ways to check the OGRN: 1. Check through the online service of the Federal Tax Service

    The check can be carried out on the website

    The algorithm of actions is as follows:

    • go to;
    • enter your Taxpayer Identification Number;
    • enter the numbers from the picture;
    • view the results.

    The search results will appear in the form of a table, which will include: the name of the company, its address, OGRN, INN, KPP, the date of assignment of the main state number and, in case of termination of activity or invalidation of registration, the date of termination of activity or invalidation of registration.

    2. Check in the SPARK system

    If you know the registration number in SPARK, just enter this number. Also, if you only know the INN - taxpayer number, just enter it in the search bar.

    After which you will be taken to the company card, where all registration data will be collected, including the number you are looking for:

    This code will also be indicated in a separate section of the SPARK menu “Registration data”.

    Get demo access to SPARK

    Instead of a conclusion

    OGRN is the one and only number for an individual organization. This is a unique number, which is uniform throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation, assigned to the organization and entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. So, in addition to the fact that this number is required for signing documents, it is simply convenient to use. And it won’t be difficult to find out; the most basic information about your counterparty is enough.

    Any person (individual or legal) who has found a potential business partner will want to make sure of his reliability. Using the TIN of a legal entity, an interested party will be able to find out what a particular company does, whether it is registered and whether it currently exists. Check the company both by identification number and in other ways. Let's take a closer look.

    To find a company by TIN, you need to parse the structure of the number

    Assigns an individual TIN to legal entities. This allows you to streamline everyone who pays taxes in the Russian Federation. Firms have received a personal digital code consisting of 10 digits since 1993, in accordance with the norms of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

    The number contains information about its location. Each number carries specific information, for example:

    • The first two reflect the code of the subject of the Russian Federation (enshrined in Article 65 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation), within which the company is registered.
    • The two digits below are the number of the tax office responsible for inspection in a particular locality.
    • The next five digits are the tax record number of the legal entity in the local OGRN office.
    • The last figure is a control number, and is used rather to most accurately identify the company.

    Consequently, the TIN is assigned by the local branch of the Federal Tax Service where the organization was registered. Using the first four digits of the identification code, you can accurately identify the tax office.

    Having found it in the SOUN (the directory of tax authorities that register taxpayers throughout the country), the interested person can go there to the specified address and request all the information about the company of interest.

    What information can you find out about a company using its TIN?

    Using the TIN you can find out about the activities and financial condition of the company

    It is used by the tax service to determine a specific taxpayer company and other persons. With its help, Federal Tax Service employees can look up an organization in the database and find out whether taxes are paid, etc.

    Plus, the taxpayer number is used when preparing accounting and tax reporting for a specific organization. Typically, the TIN is indicated on the official website of the company, in its title documentation used and in the forms of various agreements.

    First of all, using the TIN, you can find out whether the organization exists. The applicant will be able to determine:

  • Has the organization been registered?
  • Is the company still functioning or has it been liquidated?
  • What is it called, what address is it located at and what does it do.
  • What property does the company own?
  • What is its financial position - is it profitable or liquid, are there any debt obligations, etc.
  • In what cases is this necessary?

    TIN is assigned to legal entities, but has no legal force

    The number itself has no force, since it is only a means for organizing and searching in the Federal Tax Service databases. However, it is assigned to legal entities without fail.

    TIN is used by legal entities in the following cases:

    • When concluding commercial agreements, including when providing legal support to an enterprise (for example, through outsourcing companies).
    • When preparing and submitting reporting documentation to the tax office.
    • Applying for a loan from a bank, from the state, etc.

    Therefore, an identification number is required in all financial transactions carried out by businesses.

    Important! As a rule, the TIN and the reason for registration code (abbr. KPP) are required in order to identify any separate branch of the same company. Both codes are usually indicated along with payment details.

    Please review the following information carefully:

    • When is the organization registered?
    • Where and by what department.
    • What type of activity is indicated (according to OKVED).
    • Does the organization have debts, is it involved in litigation, etc.

    But there is one caveat - state databases on legal entities are not completely open. You can obtain a complete list of information from the tax office only with the written consent of the counterparty company that needs to be checked. Without permission, the interested person will only be able to obtain the following information:

    • Whether the person is engaged in entrepreneurial activity.
    • Are there any lawsuits against this company?
    • Company name and location.

    Typically, “clean” companies freely provide basic information about themselves and do not make a secret of their TIN, OGRN or KPP. When a company with which you are agreeing on something refuses to provide this information, you should think twice.

    The same applies to cases when the received data does not coincide with the declared information. For example, if a potential partner was registered recently, although it positions itself as a company with many years of experience, or does not do what is specified in OKVED, you can be wary.

    How to check a company

    Information about an enterprise by TIN can be ordered both via the Internet and at local branches of authorized bodies. Let's look at several ways:


    You can check a company by TIN online without leaving your home

    The easiest way is to visit the Federal Tax Service website ( and enter the TIN of the company you are interested in in the search bar. In addition to the identification number, the organization can be found:

    • Entering OGRN.
    • Indicating the name of the legal entity and the region in which it passed state registration.

    The opportunity to apply for information about various companies is reserved for legal entities and individuals in accordance with the provisions:

    • Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 2013.
    • Federal Law on state registration of legal entities.

    Having made a request, the user will later receive a PDF file with data on the state registration of the company.

    Another way is to simply enter the word “TIN” and the ten-digit code assigned to the organization into Google or Yandex. Usually, this is how you can access the company’s website.

    But you should be skeptical about the information provided on the company’s website. Unlike the Federal Tax Service and other government agencies, enterprises are not responsible for information posted on Internet sites. It is better to turn to official sources of information about legal entities.

    At the Federal Tax Service office

    To obtain information from the tax office you need a passport and an application

    An interested person or his representative (by power of attorney, etc.) can independently visit the local tax office and request information about a specific company. To do this you will need:

  • Write a corresponding statement (indicating the reason for the request).
  • Indicate the TIN of the company of interest and other information.
  • The applicant himself must provide personal and contact information.
  • You can collect information by presenting a copy of the application to the department.

    Direct appeal to the Register of Legal Entities. persons

    You can request the necessary information from the Register of Legal Entities by going to the official website of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. The portal is publicly accessible and services are provided free of charge. As a result of the request, the interested person will receive a register extract (in paper or electronic form) containing basic information about the organization.

    Alternative ways to find information about an organization

    There are many other ways to collect the necessary information about a legal entity. It all depends on what type of information is needed and in what time frame.

    Let's say you want to find out whether a lawsuit has been filed against a specific company. To do this, you can visit the official website of the FSSP ( You will need to fill in some information about the company you are interested in in order to get it into the database of enforcement proceedings and find out what its status is at the moment (does it have debts, etc.).

    You can find out about all arbitration proceedings in which the organization is involved in the database of arbitration cases by following the link to Another option is to make a request on the website, which also contains information about the participants in the proceedings.

    This can also be done by contacting specialized intermediary firms that collect information about various organizations on order. You can order information both from local companies and on special online platforms on the Internet. The service, of course, is not free - the cost reaches up to several thousand rubles, depending on the requested data.

    But there are many advantages: usually, such companies provide not only general information about the company of interest, but also conduct a comprehensive analysis of documents and information from various databases. For example, the customer will be informed how reliable it is to conduct business with a specific legal entity, what is the current state of affairs of the organization, what awaits it in the near future, etc.

    So, TIN is a number assigned to any organization, with which you can find basic information about it. You can check any organization not only through the tax office, but also using other services. However, when checking, it is better to focus on official sources - information from the database of the Federal Tax Service and other government agencies is the most reliable.

    Video on how to find out as much information as possible about a company using TIN and other data:

    The presence of OGRN is mandatory for enterprises, organizations, individual entrepreneurs, regardless of the form of ownership and nature of activity.

    An individual taxpayer number (TIN) is assigned to individuals and legal entities.

    The information encoded in identifiers allows, knowing one number, to find out another, for example, OGRN by TIN (and vice versa).

    General information

    The OGRN symbols stand for “main state registration number.”

    Without an identifier, it is prohibited to engage in any type of activity on the territory of the Russian Federation.

    To obtain it, you must contact the tax office with an application, passport and constituent documents.

    After 10 days, the legal entity receives a Certificate of Registration with the Tax Service (an official document of strict reporting).

    The code is stored in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities () and the federal taxpayer database of the Federal Tax Service.

    An individual entrepreneur is required to contact the Federal Tax Service office to receive an application, a passport and a receipt for payment of the duty.

    The period for issuing the Certificate, where the OGRNIP is indicated, is 5 days. The registration number is recorded in the Federal Tax Service database.

    What is the difference between the codes

    TIN is assigned to individuals and legal entities at the regional tax office. Individuals are registered from the first days of life.

    Enterprises and organizations of any form of ownership receive an identification code after state registration.

    An individual entrepreneur has a TIN of an individual.

    The differences between OGRN and TIN are as follows:

  • OGRN contains 13 digits, the individual number is 10 or 12.
  • The main registration code is intended for legal entities, TIN - for individuals and legal entities.
  • The OGRN Certificate contains a link to the taxpayer number.
  • The main classifier is stored in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the Federal Tax Service. The individual taxpayer number is in the federal tax service list.
  • The taxpayer code does not contain information about the tax office where it was issued.
  • Identifiers cannot be changed (with the exception of changing the full name for the TIN). The validity period is until termination of activity/death, after which they are subject to archiving.
  • Legal regulation

    Federal Law No. 129-FZ dated 08.08.2001 “On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs” is mandatory for all business entities.

    Registration is the responsibility of local Federal Tax Service departments.

    The information is included in the unified state register. The information is open and accessible to everyone.

    From the date of entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the period of activity of the legal entity begins. Confirmation of inclusion in the state register is the “Certificate of Registration with the Tax Service.”

    Obtaining information about the counterparty

    To check the OGRN, you can use the taxpayer identification number.

    Basic methods

    Possible ways to obtain information about the counterparty’s OGRN through the TIN include:

    • personal appeal to the tax department;
    • postal item;
    • Federal Tax Service register;
    • information portals.

    When contacting the tax service, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is issued.

    Step by step instructions

    The procedure for searching for OGRN depends on the chosen method.

    When applying in person to the territorial branch of the Federal Tax Service, you must:

    • apply for an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities about the subject of interest;
    • present your passport;
    • pay the state fee.

    The state fee depends on the urgency of issuing the extract: within a day - 1900 rubles, the next day - 900 rubles, after 2 days - 800 rubles, after 7 - 200 rubles.

    The package of documents when sending an application by mail includes an application and a certified copy of the passport.

    On the Federal Tax Service website you must:

    • select search criterion;
    • enter the TIN, name of the legal entity;
    • reflect the code to confirm the request.

    On third-party sites, the request procedure is similar.

    Further verification of the OGRN consists of comparing the data provided by the potential partner with the official ones.

    Displayed information

    Knowing the decoding of identifiers, you can draw conclusions about the counterparty:

    • who he is;
    • where did you start your career?
    • in what year?

    An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs and Rosstat based on them will make it possible to check the business reputation of the partner.

    Decoding codes

    The digital identifier code contains information, knowing which, you can verify the real existence of the counterparty and the absence of signs of fraud.

    The numerical identifier of enterprises and organizations is divided into 6 subsections, each of which has its own meaning:

  • The first digit indicates affiliation: “1” - legal entity, “2” - individual entrepreneur and “3” - government agency.
  • Second - third - registration period (for example, “14” - 2014).
  • The fourth - fifth is the code of the region where the classifier was assigned (for example, “01” - in the Republic of Adygea, “77” - in Moscow).
  • Sixth - seventh - identification of the tax service where the OGRN was assigned. To accurately determine the location, the previous two digits are taken into account. For example, “7712” is the tax department number “12” in Moscow (“77”).
  • Eighth-ninth-tenth-eleventh-twelfth indicate the registration number in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  • The thirteenth is verification (code authenticity). The encoding of an individual entrepreneur contains 15 digits that coincide with the value of the OGRN in sections I-III.
  • The next section contains 9 digits of the registration entry in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.
  • The last digit is for control.
  • The number of digits in the TIN determines affiliation: 12 – individual; 10 – legal.

    The individual number code for a legal entity contains 4 sections:

    • 1-2 digits – region code;
    • 3-4 – tax office numbering;
    • 5-9 – legal entity number;
    • 10 is a verification number.

    Verification numbers are intended for the tax service to determine the authenticity of a document without referring to the state register.

    The need for verification

    Checking the main registration and individual numbers allows you to obtain information about the future partner before concluding an agreement.

    Information that can be obtained by knowing the codes includes:

  • The presence or absence of a counterparty in the Federal Tax Service database. Lack of data means that the company is fictitious or the details are fake.
  • Checking the integrity of a partner:
    • correspondence of the registration address;
    • the number of companies listed at a specific address;
    • debt to pay taxes and fees;
    • the amount of penalties;
    • presence in the list of disqualified persons who do not have the right to engage in entrepreneurial activity.

    Using the Federal Tax Service database, you can check in a legal way in order to reduce the risk of doing business.

    Based on a coded request to the state register of legal entities, the applicant is provided with information about the name, form of formation, location, authorized capital, place and date of registration.

    The magazine “Bulletin of State Information” publishes messages about the liquidation, transformation of legal entities, as well as decisions of the Federal Tax Service on the upcoming exclusion of legal entities from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

    Thus, OGRN and TIN provide the opportunity to choose among companies of the same name to obtain the necessary information.