PS Sibur: a tool for “improving in small steps. How small steps will lead you to big results Small steps to a big future

In honor of the recent registration, I wanted to write a few words about Baby Steps. Despite the fact that spokons are very far down on my list of preferences, I cannot help but note that this manga is a very pleasant thing. And with multi-sided coverage of the event called “Hei-chan in tennis and what came of it” and the general outline of the narrative (which has already been written about here). There is a lot of material, it’s interesting to read, and from time to time you catch yourself thinking that it’s as if echoes from one of the intense matches are reaching you: the sharp sounds of hitting the ball with a racket, the creaking of the soles of sneakers, the heavy breathing and screams of the players and the calm voice of the referee: “Fifteen – love.” But in the cloudless sky above the court, two dark, disturbing clouds hovered.

First: A large amount of material easily turns from positive to negative when you see that translators into English are ten volumes behind the author, and our teams of translators into Russian are predictably located even further. And the manga continues to be published, and without being an expert in Nihon and, accordingly, not being at the “cutting edge” of the plot and not keeping a finger on its pulse (they want to, perhaps news from the field can help), it’s difficult to make at least some forecasts, how much more the author plans to sculpt and when approximately he plans to call it a day. One friend wrote from his experience that he put the manga on pause for a whole year, and when he returned, he realized with horror that during this time only ONE match ended. That is, all this can continue for a very long time. And at the moment of realizing such a prospect, a picturesque picture was vividly drawn in front of me: I am sitting in front of the computer with glasses and reading chapter 1077 of Baby Steps, and in my pocket I have a passport, because on the way to the post office to collect my pension there will be time to reflect on the events of the next volumes

The second, related to the first: no matter how clearly the romantic line seems not to be the main one in the plot, it is still extremely pleasant and Nat-chan is a very nice girl. And the next stage of a relationship is perceived as a flower that doesn’t bloom often and looks even more beautiful because of it. And here comes what dear Alexey wrote in his review: “For a long, long time the author did not develop the romantic thread and it seemed that he did not know what to do with it, but in the end he found a solution. And it's great." I haven’t read up to chapter 170 yet, but I came across intelligence information about an event that will take place in chapter 310. And we can assume that if the genres were swapped in the calm/romance combination, then it might simply not have existed. A
perhaps the author actually picked up this trick from shoujo authors and plans to effectively resolve the situation in the future with festive fireworks. Be that as it may, with the “retirement” prospect looming before my mind’s eye, I would really not like to darken the picture with “incomplete happiness.” In general, the disposition is still vague and unclear and what to do about it, too
unclear. Either forget about the title for a serious period of time, or master what you have and still wait. However, waiting is a common thing for anime/manga lovers

Do you like to dream? Do you have cherished desires and inspiring goals?

Surely there is, because “a man without a dream is like a bird without wings...”

We all dream, set goals, but how often do we achieve what we want? What do we do to get closer to our dreams? Often, for a number of reasons, this remains at the level of a dream, like Manilov, the hero of N.V.’s work. Gogol’s “Dead Souls”, in whose office there was always some kind of book, bookmarked on page fourteen, which he had been constantly reading for two years and at the same time he himself was building “castles in the air” at the window.

We dream...and keep putting off action. We plan to start everything from next Monday, from the first day of the month, or from the moment when favorable circumstances arise, which does not give us any idea of ​​exactly when this will happen.

Coaching comes close to this like nothing else, helping us clarify our vision and determine steps towards realizing our goals.

M. Atkinson says: “There are four stages of development that ensure the fulfillment of any dream. To accomplish what you intend to do, you must become clear to yourself:

1. A clear plan.

2. Consistent steps to implement the plan within a given time frame.

3. The main application is perhaps stakeholders who will share the outcome of the plan.

4. Significance – the group of people who will benefit from these actions and results.”

And this is the key point...

There will be no results if we simply make a plan, determine that our goal is achievable, real, environmentally friendly and that we have all the resources to achieve it, and when we come to the moment to act... we do nothing...

What if you take a small step every day? A small action, a few minutes - it's simple. Then you gain confidence in your own actions and you can increase the time. A small new action that gradually becomes a habit and brings you closer to your goal.

Why are many small steps easier to take than one big one? Because taking big steps is more difficult and sometimes it’s just scary. Dividing a complex task into small steps makes the complex simple and allows you to feel success and confidence.

There is a very interesting formula:

If you improve something by 1% every day, then in a year its efficiency will increase 38 times.

If you do 1% worse, then in a year the efficiency will practically be zero.

One small action today is one step bigger and better than yesterday - this is what easily and maximally moves us towards the goal.

In order to implement this, coaching will help you answer the questions:

  • What can I do for 5 minutes every day to get closer to my goal?
  • What small step can I take today?
  • What can I do today to improve myself (certain skill, workflow...)?
  • What small step today will allow me to develop the habit I want?

Gradually you will begin to notice changes and begin to enjoy them.

You will see that new actions become familiar and natural to you.

Small steps and small changes are known to lead to big results.

What small step towards your best life can you take right now?

Maybe this is training in Coaching?

God, I'm not asking for miracles or mirages,

but about the power of every day.

Make me observant and resourceful,

to stop in time in the diversity of everyday life

on discoveries and experiences that excited me.
Teach me how to properly manage the time of my life.

Give me a subtle sense,

to distinguish the primary from the secondary.
I ask for the power of abstinence and moderation,

so that I don’t flutter and slide through life,

and planned the course of the day wisely, could see the peaks and distances,

and at least sometimes find time to enjoy art.
Help me understand that dreams cannot be a help.

No dreams of the past, no dreams of the future.

Help me to be here and now

and perceive this moment as the most important.
Save me from the naive belief that everything in life should be smooth.

Give me a clear consciousness that the difficulties,

defeats, falls and failures are only a natural part of life, thanks to which we grow and mature.
Remind me that the heart often argues with the mind.
Send me someone at the right moment,

who has the courage to tell me the truth,

but say loving her!
I know that many problems are being solved,

If I don’t do anything, then teach me patience.
You know how much we need friendship.

Let me be worthy of this most beautiful and tender Gift of Fate.
Give me a rich imagination so that at the right moment,

at the right time, in the right place, silently or speaking,

give someone the warmth they need.
Make me human

who know how to reach those who are completely below.
Save me from the fear of missing out on something in life.
Give me not what I want for myself,

but what I really need.
Teach me the art of small steps.

(Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Prayer)

Big changes can only be achieved through small changes! This is painstaking daily work, but only it brings results.

If you take a small step every day towards your happiness, you will definitely achieve your desired goal! A unique technique will help you find inner peace, get more money, live an interesting life, look much younger... You already have everything you dream of.

The art of small steps

  1. Let go of the past
    Forget about the bad things that are in the past. When we cling to the mistakes of the past, we prevent ourselves from becoming better.
  2. Fill yourself with new energy
    Don’t be shy to dream, because even the wildest dreams come true. If you concentrate on what is happening to you and pay more attention to the positive aspects, life will become easier.

    To remember about positive thinking, put a bracelet on your left hand and wear it constantly. Every time you want to go the usual way - complain about what is happening and feel sorry for yourself, spend money on an unnecessary thing, eat a chocolate bar as a consolation, look at the bracelet, think about good things and do not do anything that can harm your happiness. Insanely effective!

  3. Think constructively
    Think about what exactly you want to bring into your life, and start making small changes... An ideal figure, a new job with a good income, a happy personal life - choose whatever you want and slowly act in this direction.

Small steps most effective and least painful. Plus you can see the results right away!

Total one habit per week can completely change your life in a year! The idea is simple: make one small positive lifestyle change every week, and by the end of the year you will be amazed at what has happened.

If you are interested in this information, I advise you to read the book “One Habit a Week”. You will learn how to get in 52 weeks what you have dreamed of all your life.

We do everything in a hurry.

The pace of life is increasing, and the habit of rushing forward is becoming the norm. We want everything to happen quickly and according to our wishes: happiness now, success today, health and eternal love are also included. The only problem is that reality is in no hurry to listen to our ultimatums and life does not change just because of desire. Not everyone succeeds in teaching themselves the patience and endurance of a long-distance runner, and we give up.

"What's the matter? Why am I fighting like a fish against ice, but there is still no result? Maybe I'm not working hard enough or too lazy? Maybe I’m going in the wrong direction or doing something wrong?” - such questions arise in the minds of everyone without exception.

Hard work and discipline are definitely valuable qualities when trying to make changes in our lives and achieve our goals. However, even hard work and perseverance are often not enough to get the results we expect. Lack of an effective strategy can be the biggest obstacle. In our fast-paced times, we try to achieve as much as possible as quickly as possible and this impatience usually leads to disappointment and failure. This is why so many people set New Year's goals with such passion only to see their endeavors fail just a few months later.

Sometimes we are unable to even take the first step because our dreams, goals and desires seem so overwhelming, so grandiose, and so unattainable that we give up before we even begin. It's like a person at the bottom of a mountain looking up at the top with his head up and realizing that he will never get there. Dreams begin of a magical plane that will take him to the top and other fantastic scenarios. But as soon as he looks at his feet, takes the first step, it turns out that everything is not so scary and quite doable.

The theory of small steps can be used to make any changes in our lives: from official affairs, to developing your business, education, losing weight or improving health, acquiring healthy habits, and so on.

How to learn to take small steps

This may be the simplest yet most effective strategy that will lead us to success. The ability to break down complex tasks into many simple steps and achieve their implementation is the main secret to achieving your goals, no matter how high they are. All the happiest and most successful people will tell you that they reached their level only thanks to this technique. They win a small victory and then take the next step forward.

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What is a mini-victory?

A mini-win is a realistic, quickly achievable, small part of a larger goal. Your tiny battles will vary depending on your specific intent, timing, and motivation. This strategy works because we are now able to see tangible progress and it doesn't take too long to achieve it. So we feel a sense of accomplishment and become more excited to move on to our next mini-goal, using these small successes as stepping stones to bigger things.

Despite the fact that we have not yet achieved our global goal, we no longer experience moral suffering from its unattainability and our powerlessness, but feel pleasure from every victory, from every step towards the top. Do you feel the difference?

A few examples


You want to live a healthy and active life. You cut out a photo of your idol from a magazine, imagine your new muscular body in great detail, then look in the mirror and... fall into a deep depression from the difference between your ideal and you. Mission Impossible. End.

It is much better to use the theory of small steps and break your global goal into simple and understandable segments:

  • try to lose weight by 1 kilogram every month, and not immediately by 20 in a year;
  • replace one daily meal with fruit, or have one vegetarian day a week, drink plain water instead of sugary soda. Doing this is much easier and more realistic than eating junk food from your table, which usually ends in defeat within the first week or two at most;
  • train for , then 10, then complete a half marathon, rather than aiming to race a marathon straight away. Even many successful long-distance runners say that they don't run 26 km, they run 1 kilometer 26 times in a row.


Always learn something new, but don’t do it at the same time and in different directions:

  • take only one course at a time;
  • improve only one of your skills, and not all at the same time;
  • Try to make just a few contacts at each event, but keep them personal and intentional.

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We all want to be more organized and get more done. But if we simultaneously try to clean up the office, take all the trash out of the house and immediately change our work organization, then we usually fail on all fronts and everything remains as it is.

Instead, if we focus on one task or habit first, we have a good chance of success. Finish one project first, then add another change, then another, and soon your life will be unrecognizable:

  • choose and get used to using it;
  • finally sort out the things in the closet or magazines and CDs;
  • remove from the work or kitchen table;
  • clean your ;
  • develop the habit of putting each thing in its place;
  • one hour every day;

This strategy will be useful to you in almost all areas of life when trying to achieve any goal you may have. Just take small steps, enjoy each mini-victory, and you won’t even notice how quickly and easily you will reach the very top. And remember that it’s not too late to start taking small steps at any age.

Small steps towards a big goal

Tatiana Tour

© Tatyana Tour, 2016

© Alisa Neshina, cover design, 2016

ISBN 978-5-4483-1337-0

Created in the intellectual publishing system Ridero


In today's world, success is measured by having a variety of skills. Individuals with creative abilities, a high level of adaptability and personal effectiveness are of increased interest. If in the 80-90s knowledge of a foreign language was considered a luxury, then at the beginning of the 21st century every self-respecting person speaks at least one foreign language without fail.

Society systematically increases demands and sets more and more new goals for us, and more and more tension is felt in the reality around us. We are afraid of not being able to do something in time. We are frightened by the prospect of missing something important. The relay for the title of “the most successful person on Earth” involves an increasing number of participants. From young to old, everyone strives to embrace as many skills as possible with their consciousness, to acquire as many abilities as possible. Often in this race, understanding of the deeper meaning of what is happening is lost. It happens that only after many years of aimlessly running in circles does a person stop and think. He asks himself: “What is all this for? What really inspires me? What am I living for? What makes me truly happy? The truth of life is that many adults at some point realize that their tasks and goals are the authorship of others. As a rule, it belongs to the parents. However, realizing this is half the battle. The maximum task is to build your reality in accordance with your own desires and dreams. Sometimes this is very difficult, because for this you have to radically change your life.

Becoming part of a large social mechanism, we, parents, are also involved in the proposed game. Our children become only pawns on the playing field. In pursuit of the title “Good Mom,” many women tirelessly take their children from one section to another. Nowadays, the school schedule of a three-year-old child can compete with the busy schedule of a top manager of a large company. Many dads send their sons to sports clubs that they dreamed of in their own childhood. Parents are afraid of missing out on something important; they are afraid that they will “not give” their child the necessary skills. Unfortunately, when choosing developmental activities, few people take into account the unique talents and inclinations of the child himself, and very few people even think about such an important component of child development as a harmonious emotional state. In this regard, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of constant and trusting interaction with one’s own children. The growing generation are individuals just like you and me. While still kids, they are already able to guide us adults in the direction they need. You just need to learn to listen to them. And, of course, to create all opportunities for full and high-quality education for children in the areas of their choice.

This book is an attempt to help parents navigate the complex but interesting path of children's development. Our area of ​​interest mainly covers the creative space. Despite this, the book will be useful to any parent. After all, we all want our children to receive not only benefits from studying, but also pleasure. And finally, it is difficult to argue with the fact that the global task of parents is to raise their children to be harmonious, comprehensively developed and happy individuals. I would like to believe that this book will help you find answers to questions related to this task.

The idea of ​​writing this book first came to me when my daughter Sonya turned 4 years old. Like any “good mother,” I was puzzled by the search for an institution worthy of the talent of my capable daughter. Unfortunately, when choosing developmental directions for our children, we are often guided by our own unfulfilled dreams. Parents tend to send their children to those sections that they themselves did not get into. As educators, we shy away from activities in which we have failed in one way or another.

As a little girl, I dreamed of becoming a ballerina. Then, many years ago, my parents and I came across an adequate teacher. Looking at my two-meter dad and tall mom, he said: “Your daughter will never become a ballerina.” That is why, first of all, Sonya and I went to choreography.

There was music in my childhood. I was afraid to send my daughter to music school - the memories of how I survived for ten years playing four musical instruments were too strong. It was obvious to me that my daughter’s psyche could not withstand such a load. In this regard, the choice fell on studios: famous and regional ones. There were a lot of them, but we “blown away” from each one. The education system in most cases was built on the principle “we don’t care how the child feels; the main thing is that the parent who pays the money is happy.” This approach is definitely not close to me. I was not going to satisfy my ambitions at the expense of Sonya.

And when I got into show business, I fully felt the scale of the disaster. These were completely different games with adult rules. Many parents strive to make their children “stars”. However, they are unlikely to realize all the consequences associated with such a choice. In most cases, the child's psyche cannot withstand heavy stress (both physical and emotional). We get crippled souls, but this fact is relegated to the background. The main thing is that we are “in the mix”, the main thing is to maintain our status and not lose the opportunity to move in the glamorous circle.

Often we, parents, have to make a choice without being completely sure that it will be useful for our children. Mature people doubt, listen to what is happening, and observe from the sidelines. And only then do intermediate conclusions. However, there are adults who, beyond any doubt, are confident that they know exactly what will be best for their child. In my opinion, we should not forget that the basic needs of any baby are love, warmth, care and the opportunity to be heard. I really want to believe that it is this need that parents will take into account when choosing a studio, section, school or teacher for their children. At the moment, I am saddened to see how every year the problem becomes more pronounced and the situation more tense.

We are raising special children. The new generation is better than us, it is more perfect. Not because it has any unique feature. This is partly true, because the age of development of information technology, freedom of movement and ways of self-expression is leaving its mark. Our children require a different approach, because from the very birth they call us with all their being to respect their personality. They cannot be treated the way they once treated us. They won't understand and won't forgive.

It’s easier for modern children than it was for us, but it’s also more difficult at the same time. We had a plan outlined in advance by society: October boy, pioneer, Komsomol member. Our parents made all the choices for us. We had to live up to their hopes with our lives. Of course, many of us have dramatically changed our vector of movement over time. But at the very beginning of the journey, we did not need to make any decisions due to the lack of such an opportunity. Today's children find it much more difficult to decide on their future. Due to the heightened desire for independence, they strive to build their own childhood plans. In parallel with this, we, parents, place great responsibility on them and offer our own model of the future. The flow of information and proposals is truly enormous. How to help children navigate this big world? How can we support their identity and allow their creativity to flourish? What can parents do to lend a helping hand to their son or daughter? What dangers and difficulties await us on the path of child development? I wrote this book about this and much more. I hope you enjoy the time you spend reading it and benefit your children.

Best regards, Tatyana Tur

Chapter first.

Before you make a choice

“Whenever, after putting the book down, you begin to weave the thread of your own thoughts, the book has reached its goal. If, in search of precise instructions and recipes, feverishly leafing through the pages, you are annoyed at their paucity, know that even if there are tips and prescriptions in this book, they appeared not by the author’s will, but in spite of it.”

Janusz Korczak, How to Love a Child.

Modern children

The global transformations taking place in the world, which have affected all areas of life, along with positive changes, have a significant impact on the psychophysical state of children. The most important factors influencing the emotional and mental well-being of a child are the family, the children's community and the media. For many modern children, upbringing surrounded by adults and a lack of communication with peers have become relevant. The growing generation is deprived of a natural environment for communication and yard games. This factor led to the fact that children began to lose various skills necessary for communication (empathy, the ability to find compromises, the ability to achieve their goals peacefully). At the same time, the modern generation has access to various development centers, clubs and activities for every taste.