Psychosomatics of hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids, psychological causes. What are the psychological causes of hemorrhoids? Main symptoms of hemorrhoids

1. HAEMORRHOIDS- (Louise Hay)

Causes of the disease

Fear of the last line. Anger at the past. Fear of giving vent to feelings. Oppression.

Love is with me. There is enough space and time for everything I want to do.

2. HAEMORRHOIDS- (V. Zhikarentsev)

Causes of the disease

Fear of the forbidden line, the limit. Anger towards the past. Fear of letting go of the process. A painful feeling.

A Possible Solution to Promote Healing

I release from myself everything that is different from love. There is a time and a place for everything I want to do.

3. HAEMORRHOIDS- (Liz Burbo)

Physical blocking

Hemorrhoids are varicose veins of the anus and rectum. The development of hemorrhoids is promoted by stagnation of blood in the veins of the rectum and pelvis with prolonged overflow of blood and increased pressure on the venous walls (constipation, sedentary lifestyle, frequent carrying of heavy objects, etc.).

Emotional blockage

Hemorrhoids speak of emotional stress and fear that a person does not want to show or discuss. These repressed emotions become a heavy burden. They appear in a person who constantly forces himself to do something, puts pressure on himself, especially in the material sphere. Perhaps this person is forcing himself to do a job he doesn't like. Since hemorrhoids occur in the rectum, final area of ​​the colon, the patient tenses and pushes himself because he wants something faster finish. He is too demanding of himself. Emotional tension is most often created by desire have something or someone, which, in turn, grows out of a feeling of material disadvantage or inability to make decisions.

Mental block

The stronger the feeling of uncertainty in oneself and in the future, the more suffering hemorrhoids cause. In order to drown out this feeling, you force yourself do, to have. If it doesn't work out as quickly as you want, you start to get angry with yourself and overexert yourself. You must gain faith in this world, that is, first of all, trust the Universe, trust our mother, planet Earth, who takes care of all her children.

You must learn give yourself freedom become more confident and express your feelings boldly. Recognize your right to have fears in the material sphere. Read also the articles and, as well as the article if hemorrhoids are accompanied by bleeding.

4. HAEMORRHOIDS- (Guru Ar Santem)


Reluctance to let go of what should go away according to natural laws. Greed.


A woman had to undergo surgery for hemorrhoids only because she did not want to throw away a large amount of canned vegetables that had already spoiled in her pantry. She walked around and felt sorry for her jars and worried that they needed to be thrown away. From strong emotions of this kind, the energy inside the body begins to circulate incorrectly and this is expressed on the physical level in the form of hemorrhoids. Here, too, the law of similarity is manifested - feces must leave the body, and letting them out is painful if the anus is not in order. It can be sad to let go of things, money, or even energy - something that relates to the navel chakra.

When considering the causes of a disease such as hemorrhoids, physical factors are most often mentioned. However, we should not forget about such a phenomenon as the psychosomatics of hemorrhoids, because it also plays a significant role in the emergence of this delicate problem. Let us tell you how Louise Hay interprets hemorrhoids.

What is psychosomatics?

Psychosomatics is a branch of science that studies the influence of the emotional sphere on physical health. According to this teaching, any experienced or suppressed feeling forms a certain energy around a person. Accordingly, good experiences have a positive effect on health, and all kinds of negativity undermine it.

It’s not for nothing that people hear that all diseases come from nerves. Psychological factors are especially relevant for women, due to their greater impressionability.

Impact of emotional state on the rectum

According to psychosomatics, hemorrhoids and other problems with the rectum occur due to the destructive influence of psychological conditions:

  • rectal spasms are caused by fear of accepting the results of one’s own activities;
  • incontinence - the desire to get rid of the consequences of your work as quickly as possible;
  • paraproctitis - fear of criticism in professional activities;
  • cracks in the rectum are caused by an internal struggle between duty and reluctance to fulfill it;
  • bleeding is caused by negative emotions directed towards obstacles on the way to the goal;
  • inflammatory processes - big plans and doubts about their implementation;
  • infectious inflammation - the desire to blame one’s own mistakes on others;
  • fungus causes melancholy and disappointment;
  • hemorrhoids - resentment towards loved ones, abandoning things halfway, postponing important issues for later;
  • Cancer is caused by denial of oneself and the results of one’s own activities, fear of criticism, hatred, and resentment.

Louise Hay's opinion on hemorrhoids

As mentioned above, general health depends significantly on the nervous system. Most psychologists and psychiatrists agree with this point of view. For example, the author Louise Hay, popular among women, was able to substantiate the relationship between hemorrhoids and psychological state. She showed how human emotions affect the body.

Mrs. Hay guarantees that by finding the feelings and thoughts that gave rise to the development of the disease, you can quickly and effectively get rid of it. This directly applies to hemorrhoids, since its symptoms, according to the theory of this female writer, are an indicator of the patient’s emotional state.

Determining the root cause of the disease

To find the factors that provoked the development of the disease, you need to carefully delve into your own consciousness. To do this, you need to take the following steps:

  1. Determine the psychological reasons that gave rise to the appearance of hemorrhoids. To do this, remember all the feelings, thoughts and emotions that visited you before the development of the disease.
  2. Once you find a stereotype, work through it.
  3. Practice self-hypnosis: think that you are quickly and successfully moving towards recovery.

These simple actions, performed systematically every day, will help over time to get rid of not only physical illness, but also psychological problems.

Causes of hemorrhoids according to Louise Hay's theory

According to Hay's teachings, the causes of hemorrhoids in both women and men are associated with the following emotions:

  • strong resentment;
  • dissatisfaction with the past;
  • fear of expressing your emotions;
  • fear of missing out on opportunities;
  • depression;
  • old anger;
  • fear of separation.

Ms. Hay argues that for effective healing, a person must not only have a positive attitude, but also develop a recovery plan. The patient must convince himself that he can easily eliminate all the things, thoughts and emotions that prevent him from living comfortably. The main goal is to get rid of everything except love.

In addition, Louise Hay claims that the origins of hemorrhoids lie in a feeling of guilt and a subconscious desire for punishment. Women are more often susceptible to this. Therefore, you need to realize that the past is gone and will not return. And at the moment you love yourself, accept all your actions and thoughts. To achieve this, you need to forgive yourself and get out of a depressed state.

The relationship between psychological causes and diseases

It turns out that by creating a psychological blockage, people undermine their health, provoking the occurrence of various diseases. According to Hay and other psychologists, this indicates the suppression of fear, and, in addition, enormous emotional stress. This is reflected in constantly forcing yourself to take actions that you don’t really want to do.

This often happens in situations where a person has to do things he doesn’t like. At these moments, due to the desire to speed up oneself, tension arises in the anus and, as a result, hemorrhoids appear. Such a person is very demanding of himself. He often makes the same demands on others.

The desire to change yourself, someone or something provokes the emergence of emotional tension. The origins of such desires are most often hidden in a feeling of material insecurity or in the inability to make one’s own decisions.

Psychological blockages develop on the basis of emotions, as the female writer Hay convincingly proved. The stronger the doubts about the future, the more and more strongly a person forces himself to act. When something doesn’t work out for him, irritation appears, fueled by the fear of not achieving what he wants. At this moment, the person increases his efforts, bringing the body into even greater tension. As a result, it is most likely impossible to avoid the occurrence of diseases.

What needs to be done to get rid of the psychological factors that provoke hemorrhoids?

Ms. Hay has found a way to get rid of such emotional traps. This method, at first glance, is very simple, but in reality everything is much more complicated. You need to relax, let go of negative emotions and problems and let trust in the Universe into your heart. It is necessary to get rid of psychological burden, feel freedom, become confident in yourself and your abilities.

If you get rid of emotional problems, diseases will also disappear. More often, this technique is practiced by women, since men, who have a more practical approach, consider it ineffective.

In addition, you need to repeat simple settings every day:

  1. I have sufficient skills and time to complete the tasks I desire.
  2. I get rid of everything that has nothing to do with love.
  3. I gain confidence in myself and in the future and from now on I am not afraid to show feelings and emotions.

From now on, in situations where you remember your illness, follow these simple steps. Positive attitudes need to be spoken every day, because it is in this case that they will heal the mind and, therefore, heal the body.

The main thing is to remember that without accepting and rethinking your own perception of the situation, yourself and the world around you, you will not succeed at all. Phrases will remain just phrases. Only by daring to look at your own problems without embellishment will you be able to accept them. And such an attitude towards reality and correctly chosen positive attitudes will help your consciousness fight diseases more effectively.

Life's troubles, depression, hemorrhoids - such a series of events is not accidental. In this everyday chain, everything is interconnected, and with its help the psychosomatics of hemorrhoids and the rectum as a whole are well explained.

Hemorrhoids – physical and mental pain

There are serious health problems - hemorrhoids prevent you from working fully and enjoying life, and no treatment helps. Sound familiar? You are not alone: ​​many patients cannot recover from the disease, since they completely exclude the psychological component of the disease.

Mind and body are a common whole

Not only our mood, but also our health depends on our thoughts. On the theory that an excellent mood serves as a guarantee of good health, and that bad thoughts can lead to the development of many unpleasant, serious diseases, a successful basis for the psychosomatics of hemorrhoids has been built, which helps to overcome the disease.

The popular saying on social networks that thoughts are material can be applied not only to financial well-being, but also to one’s own health. And if we add to this the favorite phrase of our grandmothers, that all diseases are caused by nerves, then the occurrence of hemorrhoids due to nervousness does not even need to be proven.

Psychosomatics claims that the human body is a shell that flexibly adapts to everything, even to the most intimate thoughts of the owner. She is sensitive to any changes in his mental state and always tries to signal problems. Signals will be expressed in the form of various pathologies, pain, discomfort and unpleasant sensations.

Please take note! Psychosomatics gurus consider any pain a signal to start changing something in your own life, or at least change your attitude towards yourself and the people around you.

What do rectal diseases signal?

In psychosomatics, each human organ is identified with specific symbols and concepts. The rectum is a symbol of labor, work, activity.

Important! If problems arise in the rectum, including exacerbation of hemorrhoids, this is considered a habit of running away from everyday problems, a desire to avoid work or solving some problem.

Any possible pathology of the rectum specifically indicates a certain human condition:

  • Inflammatory process - in dreams there are many global plans and there is a gnawing uncertainty that the plans are not being realized.
  • Infectious disease - a person tries to shift his failures onto the shoulders of others.
  • Fungal infection - regret about a failed attempt to do something work-related.
  • Purulent inflammation - fear that others will not like the results of work.
  • – fear of the results of the work performed.
  • Bleeding - hatred of people who interfere with the implementation of the plan.
  • Enlarged veins – inability to complete what you start, anger at relatives, habit of solving problems at the last minute.
  • Cancer – self-criticism, digging into oneself, non-acceptance of oneself or the results of one’s work, mental wounds, old grievances, hatred, fear of criticism.
  • Cracks in the anus are self-compulsion, an internal conflict between the reluctance to do a specific job and existing responsibilities.
  • Fecal incontinence is the desire to quickly get rid of the results of work.
  • Constipation is the habit of keeping in your head something that is long overdue to be forgotten.

Subconscious causes of hemorrhoids

Attention! It is important to know what are the psychological causes of hemorrhoids that aggravate the unpleasant disease. When you have a problem with hemorrhoids, you need to delve into your thoughts to identify the emotional component of the disease.

Hemorrhoids signal tension and fears that a person holds deep in his soul and does not want anyone to know about them. Suppressed emotions are a heavy burden that is deposited not only in the soul, but also physically destroys the body.

Possible psychological reasons for the development of hemorrhoids:

  • Heavy thoughts that lie like a bloody burden on the heart cause very real physical burden in the form of hemorrhoids. Blood accumulates in the nodes, requiring release, as well as thoughts that should long ago disappear.
  • The fear of losing a loved one, the fear of parting with a loved one, seems to generate constipation processes in the body, which leads to an exacerbation of the disease.
  • Anger, anger at events that have occurred, or hostility directed at a specific person may not be reflected on your face, but will certainly result in physical problems.

How to cure hemorrhoids by controlling thoughts?

Removing the symptoms of hemorrhoids is not a problem with the help of a qualified doctor, but these will only be effective measures for a while. A relapse of the disease can occur at the first, smallest trouble, which a person will take very seriously, as always. The explanation is simple: the root cause of the disease is psychological.

The development of the disease is influenced by many factors and the thoughts in our head do not seem to be such an important point. Yes, a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, many bad habits, weak venous walls are the main causes of the disease and all efforts of doctors are aimed at eliminating symptoms and pain, but treatment must be comprehensive.

Psychosomatics does not offer new ways of treatment, it provides an opportunity to reconsider the principles of life. Let medications be at the forefront, but they will not work if the patient does not learn to cope with his emotions.

This is important! Live life to the fullest and you won’t be afraid of hemorrhoids. Leave the job you don't like, lose your inhibitions. Don’t accumulate heavy thoughts and grievances, don’t be afraid to lose and give. Try to constantly acquire new knowledge and experience. Don't live in the past, share love and tangible values. Just be happy!

Doctors have already proven that many diseases have psychosomatic roots, that is, their main cause is wrong thoughts, lifestyle and constant negative emotions. are also closely related. Stress and negative experiences destroy not only the soul, but also the body. Even in ancient scientific works, a connection was established between emotions and the physical state of a person.

Unfortunately, few doctors attach importance psychosomatic causes of hemorrhoids, but this fact cannot be completely denied. It is necessary to know what connection exists between emotions and intestinal disease, what psychological causes cause the disease and whether mental treatment for hemorrhoids is possible.

Psychological causes of hemorrhoids

In traditional medicine, it is believed that hemorrhoidal disease is associated with inflammation of the rectum, congestion in the intestines, poor diet, excess weight and a sedentary lifestyle. But, on haemorrhoids influence and psychological reasons:

  • negative projections of the past;
  • unconscious and unprocessed fear;
  • suppression of emotions, feelings and own desires;
  • stop of spiritual development.

These facts indicate that haemorrhoids occupies an important place in psychosomatics and has psychological roots. Any stress at work or during study can cause blood stagnation and result not only in psychological discomfort and life troubles, but also affect a person’s physical well-being. The functioning of internal organs is disrupted. Therefore, a qualified doctor must take into account the specified psychological factors that affect well-being when selecting therapy, and be sure to inform the patient about them. The doctor is obliged to tell the patient about possible psychological causes that may, in the future, despite proper treatment, lead to an exacerbation of this disease.

Psychology of hemorrhoids, according to experts, is directly related to traumatic events of the recent past or childhood. First of all, with prohibitions, fear of letting go of the situation and becoming not a victim, but the author of your life. For example, when a person forces himself to eat something he doesn’t like or do boring work. This can ultimately lead to emotional overstrain and blocking of certain areas of the body.

The connection between emotions and intestinal diseases

The intestine is an organ of the digestive system that is responsible for the absorption of beneficial nutrients and the removal of undigested food debris and toxins. Intestinal problems may be associated with the following emotional manifestations:

  • constipation – with conservative thoughts, uncertainty about the future, fear of change;
  • diarrhea - fear and weakness in front of others, self-doubt, low self-esteem;
  • diseases of the small intestine are associated with an irrational attitude to life.

Hemorrhoids according to psychosomatics associated with the following provoking emotions:

  • cruelty;
  • sadness;
  • sadness;
  • fears of failure;
  • fear of criticism from others;
  • constant subconscious anxiety;
  • hatred.

In addition, character traits such as stinginess, greed, resentment, rancor, and the desire to take revenge on someone can provoke the disease. And the more a person is fixated on negative feelings, emotions and destructive actions, the faster and more clearly the disease manifests itself. If the source of destructive emotions is not eliminated in time, the disease will not be completely cured. It will get worse from time to time.

Psychologists are sure that by suppressing their true feelings, a person is in a state of constant stress. He alone cannot understand his emotions and cope with them. When negative emotions are overwhelming, overstrain occurs in the body, which leads to the appearance and exacerbation of various diseases, including hemorrhoids. At the mental level, stagnation and psychological discomfort arise.

Psychosomatics is the main reason

Psychosomatics of hemorrhoids speaks of the cessation of the spiritual development of a person as an individual. From this point of view, causes of psychosomatic hemorrhoids, provoking the development of the disease can be divided into several groups:

Emotional or cluttering thoughts with negative experiences. These include:

  1. The energy accumulated in the nodes does not allow blood to circulate normally through the vessels.
  2. Self-control leads to the development of congestion in the rectum.
  3. Hemorrhoidal cones and nodes appear in the anal area.

Stress and fear. This group includes metaphysical reasons and factors that do not allow a person to relax.

  1. Constraint when doing work that you don’t like or the obligation to be in a job you don’t like.
  2. Constant dissatisfaction.
  3. Psychological pressure or psychological violence in the family.
  4. The state of a victim when a more powerful person manipulates.

Metaphysical group of factors.

This refers to violations of the lower chakra of a person. It has exhausted its energy resources or is closed.

The psychosomatic causes of hemorrhoids have been sufficiently studied and indicate that the spiritual or subtle body is asking for help. It has stopped developing and suggests that it is time for the individual to get rid of outdated attitudes. Physical ailments become a cry from the heart and a reflection of psychological problems. Scientists believe that if a doctor helps identify the psychological cause, then it will be much easier to defeat the disease.

Psychosomatics of hemorrhoids in women

Psychological causes of hemorrhoids in women associated with their impressionability and emotionality. They are more susceptible to stress than men. For example, excess weight. Women's constant dieting, self-control and fear of seeing an extra kilogram on the scale for fear of losing a husband or loved one. This only leads to “eating” negative feelings: envy of a rival, uncertainty about one’s femininity, despair, etc.

For women, a great concern is the feeling of uselessness not only for the man they love, but also for their own grown-up children.

Thus, psychologists identify the following factors that provoke hemorrhoids in women:

  • poor nutrition due to stress: too frequent or, conversely, poor;
  • subconscious race for the ideal figure;
  • fear of getting rid of a job you don't like;
  • nervous overload;
  • subconscious fear of saying “no” to a tyrant man.

As a rule, if a woman is encouraged by someone from the outside, then her nutrition will normalize, uncertainty and fear will go away, and, consequently, her physical and mental state will normalize. This is due to the fact that women, due to lack of self-confidence, tend to create an unattractive image for themselves.

Most common reason psychosomatics of hemorrhoids in women– hiding true feelings and emotions. Due to the forced passive state, constipation occurs, which can develop into hemorrhoidal disease.

Liz Burbo about the psychological causes of hemorrhoids

By Liz Burbo hemorrhoids– stagnation of blood in the rectum and pelvic organs, which is caused by frequent constipation, a sedentary lifestyle or constant carrying of heavy objects and lifting heavy objects.

Causes of hemorrhoids, according to theory Liz Burbo, the following:

  1. An emotional block that keeps a person fearful and stressed. It occurs when a person strives for something unattainable and constantly feels his inadequacy. For example, he wants to have a new job, but this remains only a dream. Doing nothing, being afraid of changes and failures, a person continues to go to work he doesn’t like every day and strives to quickly get rid of current affairs. This creates emotional tension in the rectal area, which can ultimately lead to constipation and inflammation.
  2. Mental blockage. It is provoked by lack of confidence in oneself and the future, which causes great suffering to a person. He forces himself to do something to get the desired result, but when it doesn’t work out, a mental block quickly arises. A person begins to get angry at himself, at those around him, at the whole world. Becomes passive.

To get rid of psychosomatics of hemorrhoids Liz Burbo suggests learning to trust the Universe. Only by learning to trust can you feel strength, confidence, and become free. You need to learn how to correctly express your true feelings, desires and emotions. By blocking them, a person puts obstacles in the way of achieving his own desires.

Thought management as treatment

Psychologists believe that in order to get rid of the disease, you need to learn to control your thoughts. For this, experts recommend:

  • get rid of negative thoughts and unnecessary junk in your own home;
  • allow yourself to release any emotions and feelings;
  • do not infringe on your desires;
  • break a tense relationship with another person;
  • try to think less about material and financial problems;
  • try to improve spiritually. For example, as a hobby, engage in painting or other types of art, read more, meditate.

You must love yourself first. And until thoughts become positive, until a person gets rid of the psychological causes of the disease, the illness can recur again and again. Inner comfort is no less important than harmony in the physical body. If you feel internal discomfort that you cannot cope with on your own, then you need to contact a psychologist.

The ability to get out of stressful situations in a timely manner and change your own views will help you avoid many psychosomatic diseases that arise from nervousness. Mental attitudes, coupled with traditional treatment methods, are a guarantee of complete recovery from such an insidious disease as hemorrhoids. Patients need to learn to change their thinking to a positive one. You need to easily let go of past situations, learning a certain lesson from them.

A little about esotericism, mental and metaphysical causes of the disease

Esotericism is ancient secret knowledge, interest in which has awakened again in the modern world. This is knowledge that has been collected over many centuries and helps to understand your essence. They are based on the secrets of the human soul. Hemorrhoids according to esotericism is a spiritual illness. Esoterics thinks to get rid of hemorrhoids forever, you need to be closer to nature, love yourself and your neighbors.

Metaphysics of hemorrhoids– emotional blocking. Metaphysical causes of hemorrhoids:

  • emotional stress;
  • fear;
  • unexpressed anger;
  • unwillingness to let go of the past;
  • indecision;
  • feeling of own unwellness.

The disease can manifest itself in a person who is too demanding of himself, who is constantly forced to do what he does not want.

Mental causes of hemorrhoids - spiritual:

  • uncertainty;
  • suffering;
  • anger at yourself and others.

These are the main reasons why mental blockage may occur in the rectal area. Thus, the Universe teaches you to trust it. The most important thing is the need for constant spiritual development.

There is no more reliable way to get rid of a disease than eliminating its cause. It must be remembered that the body and soul are one. Eastern doctors believe that without healing the soul, it is impossible to completely heal the body.

Hemorrhoids from a psychosomatic point of view has many psychological roots. The disease appears due to nervousness, and it can be completely cured only with the right positive thoughts. If you treat only a physical illness, then after a while it will worsen again. In this case, the patient will have to almost completely rebuild his lifestyle and perception of the world. Remember, stress is the main enemy of health!

Some doctors do not attach much importance to the psychological causes of hemorrhoids, however, very often a person’s mental and nervous state affects the development of many diseases.

It is traditionally believed that hemorrhoids appear due to the development of congestion in the rectal area, a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, excess weight, etc. However, psychologists have conducted a number of studies that allow them to talk about deeper causes of hemorrhoids - psychological. Moreover, author Louise Hay believes that hemorrhoids should be viewed primarily as a subconscious signal sent to a person to solve psychological disorders. The theory of the psychosomatic origin of hemorrhoids identifies the following psychological causes:

  • Fear of parting with the past. According to psychosomatics researchers, hemorrhoids are a projection of a person’s lifestyle when, despite obvious discomfort, he does not want to part with work, past relationships or negative events in life. It’s as if a person locks negative energy within himself, preventing it from coming out; the same thing happens with his intestines, where varicose veins do not allow stagnant masses to pass out.
  • Suppression of feelings. Some psychologists believe that by suppressing their emotions, a person is constantly in a state where he alone copes with his tears and grievances. As a result, mental disharmony arises, which provokes the development of various diseases.
  • Greed. Hemorrhoids often appear in people who are accustomed to collecting a bunch of old, unnecessary trash at home that should have been thrown out long ago. This lifestyle leads to stagnation of negative energy in the house, and the subconscious tries to show the body that it’s time to get rid of the heaviness.
  • Stopped development. Hemorrhoids indicate that a person has stopped developing spiritually, stands in one place and does not move anywhere. The subconscious is trying to make it clear that such behavior can lead to the spiritual and physical death of a person.

Psychosomatics of hemorrhoids in women

Psychologists consider two main ones, namely a sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition, as a consequence of psychological problems. Women's sedentary lifestyle is usually due to the fact that they spend a lot of time at their desks in the workplace. At the same time, the woman experiences discomfort, but still does not leave a job that she does not like. This indicates that there is a fear of not finding a new job.

Poor nutrition, when a woman eats too little, or, conversely, too much, speaks of a woman’s subconscious fear of being imperfect. In this case, most often the woman had a strong emotional shock in her life associated with the man’s disapproving assessment of her appearance. Or the woman herself has formed an opinion within herself that she looks unattractive.

As a rule, in such situations, women can improve their diet in order to look good. But, if, after achieving the result, she again does not receive approval, nutrition can easily go wrong again. After a repeated shock, it becomes very difficult to restore a normal diet and get yourself into good condition.

Luule Viilma on the psychosomatics of diseases

Luule Viilma is a popular Estonian healer who worked as a doctor for 23 years. Luule Viilma studies the influence of stress and psychological problems on human health. In his book “Psychological Causes of Disease,” the author says that diseases of the rectum in a person, including hemorrhoids, arise when he wages a difficult, angry struggle that does not lead to the desired result. As a rule, people suffering from hemorrhoids want to finish what they started at all costs, using any means and opportunities.

The presence of diseases in the small intestine indicates that a person has an obligation to do minor work, while he would like to do big things. This arrangement of affairs causes psychological discomfort in a person, which manifests itself in the form of illnesses.

Diseases in the colon, on the contrary, indicate a reluctance to deal with big things and an attraction to small things. Also, sometimes diseases in the colon arise due to unresolved problems that haunt the subconscious.

How to cure hemorrhoids and other diseases?

Eliminating the disease only at the physical level does not guarantee a complete solution to the problem. If a person still has psychological problems, the disease will appear again.

In order to get rid of hemorrhoids and other health problems forever, psychologist Louise Hay and other experts recommend loving yourself first. In addition, it is advisable to perform some actions that will allow a person to solve many problems of the subconscious:

  • Get rid of unnecessary things and junk, both in the house and in your head. You need to forget about the past and not think about the things that are left behind.
  • Release your feelings and emotions. You shouldn’t infringe on yourself now for the illusions of a good future. If there is discomfort now, you need to get rid of it, for example, break off a difficult relationship.
  • Stop constantly thinking about material things, including money. You need to get into your head that the most expensive and valuable things in this life cannot be bought with money.
  • Develop spiritually, don’t stand still, look for yourself. You can start small - read books, do art, or take the path of spiritual improvement and start meditating or praying.
  • Contact a psychologist. Sometimes it is difficult to understand the causes of internal anxiety on your own; a psychologist can guide you on the right path.

Solving problems only on a physical level does not guarantee a feeling of complete comfort and harmony within oneself. This is why it is extremely important to work on your inner world.