Cancer friends. Sexual attraction of a couple

In friendship, people born under the sign of Cancer can play three roles. Sometimes they choose a patron friend who will give them a feeling of security. Cancers yield to such a friend in any dispute, one might even say they indulge him. They look like small sticky fish that accompany a huge sea fish to feast on the remains of its meal. Both satisfying and safe - who would offend this giant?

However, unlike the sticky fish, Cancers can offer something in return to their influential friends. Firstly, it is admiration and respect, recognition of merit. Secondly, in difficult times, Cancers are ready to support their “rich pinocchios”, if not in deed, then certainly in word. They will always listen carefully, sympathize, and give balanced advice. Well, thirdly, if trouble really happens to a friend, then Cancer will still come to his aid... after waiting, however, for some time. Cancer hopes to the last that the situation will settle down on its own. But if you can’t do without his participation, he will sigh and lend a helping hand.

The second role of Cancer in friendship is completely opposite. Seeing a weak and defenseless creature, unable to stand up for itself, but at the same time good at heart, Cancer can boldly come to his defense. At the same time, he can show such selflessness that he is afraid to even think about in peacetime. Who knows why he does this? Perhaps his noble soul does not tolerate injustice? Or he sees himself in a weak creature, only in a more at a young age? Most likely, both.

And yet, the healthiest and most enjoyable for Cancer is the third role. In this case, he chooses a friend who is like himself like two peas in a pod. Here sometimes there is such a kinship of souls that you don’t often see between relatives. However there is important condition- Cancer's friend should have similar material wealth. Simply put, if you have less money than a Cancer, he will start to shy away from you a little.

The issue of money is generally very sensitive for people of this sign. They know how and love to earn (or receive) money, and they really don’t like to spend it. What is there to spend! Real Cancer He won't even admit that he has a couple of coins in his pocket. He will avoid any expenses in every possible way, pretend to be poor, and assure that he is on the verge financial collapse. In general, in his imagination this is not far from the truth - any ruble spent is a great loss for him. And the conclusion from all this is this: if you like to freely manage money, make expensive purchases, dine in the best restaurants, and the like, Cancer will never become your bosom friend.

All Cancers hate risk. It seems stupid and unnecessary to them, like playing with fire. For this reason, they never play slot machines or place bets in casinos. People who love adventure and are easy-going can evoke a lot of admiration and surprise in Cancer. But Cancer will never agree to share their entertainment; he would rather sit quietly at home. You won’t tempt him with the dream of conquering Everest, but he will gladly support a trip to the nearest and proven water park.

Cancers devote themselves so much to friends that there cannot be many of them - two, three, and most often one. Quite often this is a childhood friend with whom Cancer became friends at school or even kindergarten. Such a friend will be included in the Cancer's house along with his family. For your own sake best friend Cancer is capable of anything, but only if he knows that this relationship is mutual. It is worth trying to earn the kind attitude of Cancer. If you succeed, then you can be sure that he will not let you drown in the abyss of life's troubles.

Compatibility of Cancer with other zodiac signs:

Cancer and Aries friendship: Cancer is ready to give Aries a leadership role in exchange for protection, but deep down he will be dissatisfied with this unequal relationship.

Cancer and Taurus friendship: Full mutual understanding and complementarity. This couple will never have any disagreements.

Cancer and Gemini friendship: Cancer may admire Gemini or even envy him. But Gemini loves to laugh at the slow Cancer. It's no wonder if Cancer harbors a grudge.

Cancer and Cancer friendship: Double caution, prudence and frugality promise them excellent business relationships. Together they can achieve great wealth.

Cancer and Leo friendship: there will be friendship and patronage. Leo will willingly take Cancer under his wing, and in return he will listen to eulogies all day long.

Cancer and Virgo friendship: They have a lot in common, although sometimes Virgo's criticism can drive Cancer into real depression. Let Cancer show a little humor and lightness, and Virgo show condescension.

Cancer and Libra friendship: These relationships are likely to be superficial. Here it is most likely not friendship, but social acquaintance. Libra is too fickle in the eyes of Cancer.

Cancer and Scorpio friendship: Two water sign get along well with each other. True, Scorpio gets more from this union. But only until Cancer becomes more cunning.

Cancer and Sagittarius friendship: Many Sagittarius qualities evoke sincere admiration in Cancer: openness, honesty, and adventurism... But they rarely become friends, they are too different.

Cancer and Capricorn friendship: Friendship is like the relationship between a child and an old man. If Capricorn gives Cancer more freedom, then the relationship can be improved.

Cancer and Aquarius friendship: They are always interested in being in each other's company, but there can be no talk of real friendship. Aquarius is too ephemeral for Cancer, who loves stability in everything.

Cancer and Pisces friendship: Cancer and Pisces friendship: This is the kind of friendship where one of the friends constantly consoles the other. Whoever starts crying and complaining first wins this game.

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Two zodiac signs of the earth and water elements. Capricorn and Cancer: compatibility in love and close relationships between men and women of these two zodiac signs would seem to be possible, but let's take a closer look. Children of Saturn do well with a minimum of emotions and rely on their calculating mind in everything. Pets of the Moon, on the contrary, often follow their emotions and trust their hearts more than their minds.

At first glance, these signs have nothing to even talk about, but the stars do not advise being so categorical.

Like a magnet attracts men. Few will break through the barriers she has erected - this coldish beauty has very high requirements for her chosen one. And it doesn't have to be a big bank account or Brad Pitt's looks. The chosen one of the daughter of Saturn, first of all, must be smart and well-mannered, and only then everything else. Moreover, it itself meets the requirements of the most the highest level and would be suitable as a wife even for a prince of the blood.

Gentle and vulnerable at heart, outwardly he seems like a guy. He will play the guitar, and will throw a compliment into the conversation at the right time, and will easily approach any beauty with an invitation to dance. However, having received a refusal, he will experience it for a long time. The caring and attentive son of the Moon will never be left without a mate. But in his dreams he will see himself as the husband of the most beautiful woman in the world. And the husband from Cancer will come out simply wonderful - he is a gentle lover and caring owner. So beauties should pay attention to him.


Options for where a Capricorn woman and a Cancer man can meet range from an auction of antique trinkets to cooking classes. Both of these signs love history and decorating their home, and also love to cook. An attentive ward of the Moon will immediately notice this thrifty and neat daughter of Saturn. And in the process of preparing dishes, they will immediately begin to exchange recipes and praise their signature dishes. The truth can only be found out in a face-to-face culinary duel, so the Capricorn lady herself will not even notice how she ends up visiting a Cancer man.


Can anyone lure a Capricorn woman on a first date straight to their home? If such a clever man exists, then he was definitely born under the sign of Cancer. These children of the Moon look so harmless, modest and homely that you don’t expect any trick from them. Moreover, the reason for the meeting also seems not dangerous - just to exchange recipes for dishes, cook something together and look at a collection of ancient coins.

And, indeed, at first everything goes exactly according to this plan. But, as soon as the daughter of Saturn relaxes and stops defending herself, the Cancer man will apply his secret weapon- tenderness and affection. And then it’s not a fact that she will leave his apartment this evening.


Entangled in the networks of tenderness and affection of the Cancer man, the Capricorn woman will surprisingly quickly surrender to love. Next to this emotional man, she will feel like the most loved and desired woman in the world. Moreover, Luna’s son will no longer let her leave him and quickly organizes a move to his apartment to live together. The daughter of Saturn will not resist much, because she will practically not have to change her habits - caring Cancer will do everything to ensure that his aristocratic beauty lives a comfortable and pleasant life. And the Capricorn woman, in turn, organizes everyday life and plans a joint future.


The compatibility of a Cancer man and a Capricorn woman will seem ideal and cloudless. Yes, they will actually be close to ideal. Both do not like to sort things out and create scenes of jealousy. Both love to host and cook well. Both of them prefer walks in the forest to pick mushrooms or sit-ins on the veranda of a country house over noisy groups.

Most big problem For a Capricorn woman and a Cancer man, a misplaced TV remote can be a problem - but is this a problem?

Forays into nature with old friends and joint visits to furniture and accessories exhibitions, here sample list leisure time of this couple. And while friends will bet on how long this idyll will last, Capricorn and Cancer will already begin to draw up the family tree of their future family.


Such marriages are definitely made in heaven.

Although it seems that this daughter of Saturn is too hard and cold, and that son of the Moon is too soft and sensitive, in fact they complement each other perfectly. Perhaps the Capricorn woman will at first doubt the need for such an urgent marriage registration, but she is patient and gentle man Cancer will quickly convince her. And their joint farming will be beyond praise.

And this aquatic-terrestrial couple will not delay the birth of children. The rational daughter of Saturn knows that it is easier for young parents to cope with raising children. Moreover, dad Cancer will not take care of the kids smaller than mom. This union has every chance of living together until a happy old age.


Since childhood, the independent Capricorn baby will definitely support the Cancer boy, who is sad in kindergarten without his parents. And the affectionate boy will ask his mother to take this girl home with them. At school, these children will be the most disciplined and obedient, and in their youth they will be excellent students.

Only they will have less fun than others - studying is more important. As an adult, the Capricorn woman will continue to take care of her domestic friend Cancer, and at the same time his family. Having reached old age, this aquatic-terrestrial couple will delve into the beds of neighboring vegetable gardens and share recipes folk remedies from all diseases.


The Capricorn lady will be the best business partner for anyone, and the Cancer man will definitely not find a more suitable companion for himself. He has subtle intuition, but at the same time is very trusting. Iron Lady Capricorn is incredibly difficult to deceive. And even Rockefeller would envy the way she conducts financial affairs. For complete success in her chosen business, this earthly lady lacks a person who would deal with economic issues and have a flair for interesting projects. Such a person may be just a man of the element of Water.

For their joint business, trade in antiques and real estate, as well as furniture and household utensils. It is worth thinking about the construction sector. In case of coordinated work in these areas, success will not be slow to come to this couple.

Compatibility between Capricorn man and Cancer woman

Is there a man who doesn’t throw his clothes around the apartment, and whose socks in his closet are folded in perfect pairs? Oddly enough, yes, and this one is unique. At the same time, he also loves and knows how to cook, and legends are made about his efficiency. This earthly man does not waste words and always keeps his promises. Courageous and taciturn, physically strong and non-conflict - he is the ideal man for many ladies. The only problem is that this son of Saturn often avoids marriage until very mature years.

Homely and sentimental is a classic example of femininity. As a rule, these daughters of the Moon have a feminine figure that excites the fantasies of men and is most suitable for becoming a mother. She rarely shows activity and, like a sleeping beauty, waits for her prince to come rushing. Fantastic intuition will allow the Cancer woman to recognize her betrothed from a thousand. It’s as if she was created for family life - the role of wife and mother. And her husband will be the happiest of mortals.


Both of these signs are avid homebodies, so many factors must coincide for the compatibility of Cancer and Capricorn in love to take place. The stars advise the friends of Capricorn men and Cancer women to take the initiative into their own hands and invite them into a common big company, having previously praised them to each other in absentia. On family day birth or in a warm friendly circle, these representatives of Earth and Water will be able to relax and look around them. Having noticed each other, they will be able to communicate in a relaxed atmosphere and understand that the Capricorn man and the Cancer woman have a lot in common. This means there will be a desire to meet again.


The best date option for a Capricorn man and a Cancer woman would be a quiet evening together by the fireplace with glasses of wine and romantic music. But both of these signs do not immediately allow unfamiliar people to approach them, so this option disappears. Then what remains is a cozy cafe somewhere in a romantic corner, but not too far from the usual places.

Both the son of Saturn and the daughter of the Moon know a lot about cooking and are excellent cooks themselves. Once they start discussing recipes for signature dishes, they won’t be able to stop, and the next step is to meet in someone’s kitchen to compare and test everything in practice.


The always silent and reserved Capricorn man, having fallen in love with a Cancer woman, will reveal his emotionality. After all, this lunar beauty is full of feelings and emotions and does not spare them for her beloved man. Daily enveloping her earthly lover with care and love, she will imperceptibly, step by step, become indispensable for him.

The feelings of a Capricorn man, although hidden under the guise of coldness, are actually very hot and constant. The Cancer woman, despite her emotionality, is also very constant in love. Therefore, the flame of this couple’s feelings can burn for a long time and no rivals will be able to extinguish it and destroy the compatibility of Cancer and Capricorn in love relationships


If anyone can persuade the hermit Capricorn to cohabitation, then it will definitely be a Cancer woman. She, of course, will be annoyed by the silence of her lover, but then the daughter of the Moon will understand that this has its advantages - no one interrupts her and always listens carefully.

Both of these signs are economical and homely, they love order and silence. Therefore, they will start up pretty quickly country cottage area and will provide all relatives and friends with supplies for the winter. And after that they will definitely submit an application for marriage registration.


The union of a Capricorn man and a Cancer woman seems to be predestined by heaven. Their constancy and fidelity will preserve the marriage to the envy of many, and their thriftiness and love of order will be the subject of discussion and admiration in more than one neighboring family.

They will have a house - full bowl, the dacha will be equipped and maintained better than anyone else in the dacha village, and the table will be rich and varied not only on holidays.

This couple won't wait long with children. Both the earthly Capricorn and the aquatic lady Cancer are very child-loving. Therefore, there may be several children in this water-earth union. All of them with early childhood will be accustomed to order and domestic work a caring mother and a strict but fair father. Based not only on love, but also on respect, this marriage will last until the last breath of the spouses.


Modest and thoughtful, baby Capricorn and girl Cancer may find themselves in neighboring beds even in kindergarten; teachers will often set them up as an example. It will be interesting for these aquatic-earth children to even remain silent with each other, because the Cancer girl with her intuition can read the thoughts of her silent friend Capricorn.

At school they will sit at the same desk, and the earthly boy will accompany his aquatic girlfriend home, protecting him from all attacks. In his youth, the Capricorn guy will continue to take care of his modest girlfriend Cancer and will even deal with some of her impudent gentlemen.

They may well be friends with families and build dachas next to each other in order to exchange supplies right across the fence. And when old age comes, the Capricorn man and the Cancer lady will often sit together on the porch and remember the history of their friendship.


The partnership between a Capricorn man and a Cancer woman may well be successful. Hard work is inherent in both, as well as honesty and perseverance in achieving goals. The beautiful intuition of the daughter of the Moon will help you avoid failed projects and find the best ways out crisis situations. And the analytical mind of the son of Saturn will be useful for the development successful strategy and business tactics. They will do best in the fields of construction, gardening, agriculture and real estate. In these areas, this water-earth team will have no equal.

The Capricorn woman is stubborn and thorough; she values ​​success most of all and hates wasting time. The Cancer man has a subtle sensuality, he is sentimental and very sweet. Even timid. In general, they are completely different, and that is why they are so drawn to each other. She is in a hurry to pull him out of the soft bed and force him to act - but how he resists! He is in no hurry to surrender to her tenacious clutches, is in no hurry to make himself a human (the most important task, according to the Capricorn woman), waits until she gets tired of resisting his almost imperceptible charms and finally falls in love. Their romance will be tender and passionate - even make a movie. They will either attract or move away, it will be beautiful and interesting. And in the end they will definitely get married.

Both Cancer and Capricorn are very sexual signs. But their sexuality is different. The Capricorn woman will not be fully aware of all the power and potential that she possesses. But the Cancer man feels great both about himself, his desires and capabilities, and about her. Therefore, in their sex life she will be the “engine”, and he will be the one who starts this engine (no matter how ambiguous this may sound). Their intimate life will be varied and rich - and the closer they are to each other, the more pleasure they will receive from their sexual intercourse.

Family and marriage

Marriage is the most logical thing that can come out of the relationship between a Capricorn woman and a Cancer man. He strives for a family, she loves formalities, so a stamp in the passport is what they will come to sooner or later. Their family life will be ideal: the Capricorn woman will make sure that her husband takes a high position in society, succeeds in the profession and becomes a decent family man, the Cancer man, in turn, will regulate the atmosphere in the family, monitor the direction in which this family is moving . There will definitely be children in the marriage of a Capricorn woman and a Cancer man: both she and he have the talent of a teacher, and the love that they can give to their children is immeasurable.

If a Capricorn woman and a Cancer man are friends, then they will be able to give each other a lot. She will make him believe in himself when he suffers from self-doubt, he will have a heart-to-heart talk with her when it is really necessary. Probably, their lifestyle will be completely different - despite this, they will always find time for a friendly meeting.

Work and business

The Capricorn woman will make the Cancer man work. In their common cause, he is responsible for the atmosphere, ideas and inspiration, and she is responsible for clear plans and schemes. Capricorn woman and Cancer man represent the couple that has everything necessary for successful joint activities. It is important that their personal relationships are always normal, since in the event of a quarrel or small conflict, communication is disrupted and the process is slowed down. Since they perform exactly the opposite tasks, they should treat each other with extreme care and respect - if, of course, they strive to achieve heights.

Opposites attract. For some this is an axiom, but we can argue. For representatives of the Capricorn and Cancer signs, compatibility causes contradictions. To understand how suitable they are for each other in life, you need to understand the nuances of their correspondence, which will be discussed further.

How do Cancer and Capricorn get along?

This couple can take the lead in the long-distance race in their relationship. We argue:

  • views on life are similar;
  • distance is not a hindrance to feelings;
  • they are able to recognize their chosen one at first sight;
  • an enviable similarity of souls and minds.

At the same time, mutual interest between Cancer and Capricorn is fueled precisely by the manifestation of their individuality:

  1. Hypersensitive and emotional cancer cannot imagine its existence without imaginary dreams and a fantasy world. The partner is puzzled by the creation of the material world. He is committed to systematic progressive action. Differences in character and perception of the world as a whole help them maintain a strong union and ensure a vibrant time together.
  2. An amazing desire to explore the world with the help of each other, openness to mutual learning. Cancer is able to convey to a partner the missing sensuality and immerse him in a space of lightness and human joys. In return, the earth sign will teach Cancer to set goals and take responsibility for their actions.
  3. Cancer craves comfort and security in everything. The ambitious Capricorn fully supports the ally.
  4. The two representatives of the zodiacal constellations are characterized by prudence in financial matters. Material well-being awaits such a couple.
  5. The high compatibility of Capricorn and Cancer is due to because the connection with family is important for both, they strengthen family relationships and are sensitive in matters of raising children.

Romance of family relationships in a couple

Capricorn man – Cancer woman

It's not often you meet a couple with this zodiac combination. There are many between them difficult moments and a minimum of unifying factors.

If fate nevertheless decided to unite them, the partners will immediately begin to re-educate each other:

  • The male Capricorn will be dominant, considering his opinion the only correct one.
  • Ruthless control of his cancer girl in everything, literally erasing the female point of view to smithereens.
  • The Capricorn spouse is not objective and preaches authoritarian regime in family.

Capricorn husband:

  • purposeful;
  • decisive;
  • strong;
  • domineering;
  • conservative.

Reliability and support in difficult moments are its undeniable advantages.

Cancer wife:

  • feminine;
  • tender;
  • full of emotions;
  • values ​​safety and tranquility;
  • sensitive;
  • faithful;
  • wise.

She will be smart enough to allow her husband to occupy a dominant position in their union if he proves his financial solvency and takes on the main protective functions.

With all the external coldness of Capricorn, the chosen one must understand that his intentions are the most serious. He doesn't waste words. His choice is conscious. IN long term relationship he enters with deliberation.

Saturn, which influences guys born under the constellation Capricorn, is the reason for such a deep-seated attitude towards marriage.

Capricorn woman – Cancer man

The stars aligned well for these two. They are combined by harmony and warmth of feelings. Their characters and habits fit exactly into the roles assigned to them. With all the complexity and contradictions in the perception of life's realities, having gone through all the obstacles, the family will be able to get through natural selection and discover true feelings, or cease to exist.

Features of their relationship:

  • A Cancer man can attract as a companion your only spiritual gentleness.
  • Initiative Capricorn wife, noticing her husband's indecisiveness, may begin to put pressure on him, which is fraught with scandals. Male cancer will not leave room for manipulation.
  • Cancer will ignore delicately presented remarks that could make him more responsible. The union is able to bring lightness to the Capricorn girl’s worldview and dilute her serious character with spontaneity.

Tips for strengthening your family:

  • Down with stubbornness!
  • Humor and patience are the key to success.
  • Find a common goal!
  • Invest in relationships on a 50/50 basis.
  • Keep peace in your family from the first days!

Capricorn + Cancer. Reasons for disagreement

  1. Capricorn's insensitivity.
  2. Vulnerability of cancer.
  3. Lack of female wisdom of the partner, inability to control emotions.
  4. An earth sign man should remember the infantility of his chosen one.

Sexual compatibility horoscope between Cancer and Capricorn

Trembling cancer in intimate sphere needs to understand his partner. An assertive Capricorn should not put undue pressure on his significant other. Joint efforts to achieve mutual understanding in bed bring satisfaction to the couple.

Success in this delicate matter only possible through compromise. At the same time, “the game is worth the candle.” Thanks to the polarity of the iconic zodiac characteristics, partners are strongly attracted to each other.

The marriage bed is almost the only place where they are so harmonious. Capricorn's age affects his liberation in sex and willingness to experiment openly, while it will be difficult for Cancer to achieve spiritual intimacy, despite excellent sexual compatibility.

Union of Cancer and Capricorn. Does friendship exist?

Considering the low sexual compatibility, it is easy to understand that friendship is difficult to happen between these two.

What Cancer looks for in friendship:

  • sensitivity;
  • understanding;
  • high degree of trust;
  • spiritual component of relationships.

Naturally, these pompous phrases will not find a response from the reserved pragmatist Capricorn.

Capricorn will be able to be friends with those who:

  • conducts conversations with clear reasoning;
  • talks about work, about serious plans;
  • puts reason and common sense first;
  • who is alien to intimate conversations about lofty things.

At the same time, work colleagues, people engaged in the same process, can become friends.

Joint work activity

Compatibility of the discussed zodiac signs in joint work is possible. Only possible condition their coexistence in business sphere is the principle of equality. By doing a common business on an identical partnership basis, employees will be able to achieve success.

It is difficult for such an alliance to survive the test of competition. In a situation where one of the employees has taken a leading position or a position of a higher rank, he will definitely try to survive his colleague. The result is a cessation of all communications.

Compatibility percentage

The Capricorn/Cancer pair has low overall compatibility. Having analyzed all spheres of life of opposite-sex partners, we can announce the compatibility indicator - no more than 40%.

The number suggests that it is difficult for them to start relationships, both in love and in friendship or in profession. This is all due to the increased restraint, straightforwardness and prudence of Capricorns, which vulnerable and emotional Cancers cannot survive.

Having analyzed the results of the compatibility of Capricorns and Cancers, we can highlight several main points:

  1. The life of such a couple passes in conditions of war and constant struggle(they should learn to give in and seek a compromise).
  2. Both partners are intellectually developed, which leads to competition.
  3. Pride gets in the way.

However, many facts are known when the contradictory Cancer and Capricorn finally found each other. And the reason for this is always love.

Together they find it easy and interesting. A Capricorn man will definitely appreciate the thriftiness, care and tenderness of a Cancer woman. Despite the fact that strong, energetic women are more likely to be his type, it is with Cancer that he will feel like a real man. The Cancer woman is the embodiment of innocence and defenselessness, and what man would not be flattered by the role of a handsome prince? In addition, a pleasant bonus for Capricorn will be that Cancer has not only a cute face, but also a very impressive intellect, which will play an important role in their relationship.

Capricorn is a very reasonable sign, he carefully considers his actions and is open to rational arguments and proposals, while Cancer relies only on emotions. For Capricorn, the world of emotions is deeply hidden, he relies on cold calculation and does not understand why his chosen one is so easy to trust people. No matter how he tries to “reason” with Cancer, she is a very subtle nature and will not succumb to his provocations. For Cancer, the spiritual world is much closer than the material one, she lives in it and is upset by her partner’s lack of understanding, as a result of which hysterics and scandals begin.

Cancer is very emotional, she must pacify her emotions, otherwise she risks losing her prince.

Yes, Capricorn will never fully understand how Cancer thinks, but so much the better, a mystery should remain in a woman. Cancer just needs to come to terms with the down-to-earth nature of his soulmate and not provoke him into scandals, and most importantly, not start them himself.

In a good situation, Capricorn will be the head of the family and the breadwinner; he will only be happy to take care of his beloved. As for everyday issues, Cancer has no equal in this, which makes her partner incredibly happy.

  • Sexual compatibility

What Capricorn lacks in imagination is more than compensated for by Cancer. Her tenderness and sensuality energize Capricorn for new exploits. Despite the fact that in life Capricorn seems calculating and cold, in fact, his heat is enough for two. Capricorn is a very ardent lover and Cancer likes it, although at first she is afraid to admit it.

  • Compatibility in friendship

Such a union will be difficult to meet. Friendship between these signs is possible only until intimate relationships begin, and they will certainly begin. Capricorn sees in Cancer only a defenseless and lost girl whom he must help.

Cancer man + Capricorn woman: compatibility in love

At first glance, it may seem that they are very different, but in fact, they simply complement each other. Cancer and Capricorn make a very happy and strong couple. Cancer is very emotional, while Capricorn is more reserved. He needs a person who can support him in moments of despair, who will listen and not judge. Capricorn easily plays the role of a vest for Cancer, although he often does not understand his violent reaction. Sometimes it is difficult for Capricorn to understand what exactly her partner needs; his mood changes too dramatically. She should remember that with Cancer, in any incomprehensible situation, it is important to simply listen to him.

Capricorn should not show her inherent assertiveness in relations with Cancer; he will be much more interested in such aspects of her as virtue, caring and thriftiness. There are often cases when, due to the characters, in a pair of Cancer and Capricorn, it is Capricorn who is engaged in a career, while Cancer is responsible for everyday issues. Such couples are also very happy together.

Cancer reminds Capricorn of the need to show their emotions, not to withdraw into themselves, and Capricorn, in turn, helps Cancer cope with his own emotions and becomes reliable support and protection for him.

  • Sexual compatibility

Their union simply could not have been so successful if they had not full compatibility in bed. Cancer completely trusts Capricorn and this gives him the opportunity to fully reveal his desires, and Capricorn is distinguished by ardor and fantasy in sex. They both care about their partners and give themselves completely to passion. None of them will be deprived of affection.

  • Compatibility in friendship

Such friendship is very rare. If in a love relationship they have an incentive, then in friendship they are looking for completely different things. Capricorn needs rational friend, like herself, and Raku, on the contrary, is emotional. Capricorn will not be able to give Cancer the understanding and support that he needs, and Cancer will never open up to Capricorn.