Irritability before menstruation. How the menstrual cycle affects your mood

Mood swings are common in women. Increased sensitivity, outbursts of anger, tearfulness, irritation over trifles affect not only men, but also women themselves. They themselves are not delighted with sudden mood swings, but they believe that this is normal for a woman.

A woman’s psychological state is directly related to her physiological characteristics, namely the menstrual cycle. Research by scientists has shown that before menstruation, toxic substances accumulate in a woman’s body, causing changes in the physiological state. More than 50% of women become irritable before the start of menstruation.

Every month on certain days the functions of the female body are disrupted, causing the woman to become irritable. This condition has a somatic origin and is called premenstrual syndrome (PMS). These days the woman feels physical discomfort. Feeling worse, lower back pain, heaviness in the lower abdomen, headaches, nausea, swelling, and painful chest appear. Very often, before menstruation, women have an increased appetite and gain a little weight.

Naturally, such a physical state does not improve your mood in any way. Physical discomfort irritates a woman, she begins to pay attention to every little thing and gets turned on for any reason.

PMS disrupts the functioning of the ovaries and their hormonal balance, which leads to poor functioning of the endocrine glands and central nervous system. A failure in endocrine control that affects the nervous system disrupts the psychochemical balance of the body. As a result, fluid is retained in the body, causing swelling.

The accumulation of excess fluid is the main cause of PMS. Fluid retention in the abdominal organs gives a feeling of heaviness, causes nausea and vomiting. The accumulation of fluid in the tissues around the brain is accompanied by nervous symptoms, irritability, and even depression.

To reduce swelling during menstruation, women should limit their salt and fluid intake before their period. You can take diuretics, which will help normalize fluid balance, and sedatives, for example, valerian decoction to calm the nervous system.

The most important thing is that a woman must be mentally prepared for her critical days and try to control herself and not give in to emotions. Much also depends on those around you, who during this period should treat a woman’s mood swings with understanding and not take her little whims seriously. After all, in a few days everything will return to normal, and she will again be affectionate and gentle.

Why do you feel bad before your period? how to cope with yourself?

  1. drink more liquid! Keep calm! I have this kind of garbage before ovulation and then it’s not normal!
  2. We must learn to control ourselves. There is no need to blame everything on your periods - this is primarily your promiscuity and aggression.
  3. These are excuses, you just have a bad temper.
  4. This is called PMS, many women suffer from this, a type of hormonal surge. Although I’m in this mood all the time, and I’m okay)
  5. oh, how I understand you))) the day before these days it was no better)) I don’t want anything, nothing makes me happy, I cry constantly and then I think why this is for no reason, and then they came and survived everything)) in short, the estrogen level drops and you go from watching Titanic to quarreling over unwashed dishes))) what to do? exclude caffeine (chocolate tea), it increases excitability and the cat and husband are not to blame)). but B vitamins reduce it. These are nuts, bananas, etc., etc. I’ve even heard that during menstruation they eat bananas at night, but I don’t remember why, in short, it’s useful. it's all natural. so learn to deal with it. good luck)
  6. How to relieve PMS

    Increased irritability, headaches, mood swings, changes in food habits, soreness and tension in the mammary glands are symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), which occurs as a result of hormonal changes before menstruation.

    Premenstrual syndrome can occur in both mild and severe forms, and in different months in different ways for the same woman. To make your critical days easier, experts advise the following.

    Regular walks in the fresh air and light physical activity help you relax and calm down.

    The diet should be healthy, with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, and without dairy products, sugar, salt, caffeine and alcohol.

    Additionally, take vitamin C, B vitamins, vitamin E and minerals such as zinc, magnesium and iron, as well as complex fatty acids, which are rich in fatty fish, green leafy vegetables, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, oatmeal, wheat, rice, peas and legumes.

    Treatment of PMS will be facilitated by an infusion of a mixture containing berries of common twig, Mexican yam, ginseng, licorice, fennel, seaweed, and black cohosh. Drink three times a day in the second half of the menstrual cycle for at least three months. This drink restores hormonal balance.

    There are many medicinal herbs available to relieve PMS symptoms. St. John's herb and lemon balm help with depression. Primrose will help relieve pain in the mammary glands. Dandelion and tenacious bedstraw will restore water balance. For headaches, take meadowsweet and willow bark, and for insomnia, take chamomile. However, before starting treatment, be sure to consult your doctor.

    When dealing with PMS, it is important to learn how to cope with stress and relax by using relaxation techniques.

During menstruation, many of us feel unwell, and our mood is very uneven. This is the premenstrual cycle, and something needs to be done about it... How to help yourself with menstruation and premenstrual syndrome?
Have you started to notice that during the day everything irritates you, and at night you experience insomnia and depressive thoughts? During the week, do you crave chocolate and everything “harmful”? Do you remember what date it is today? Maybe your period is due to start soon?

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From month to month
Your condition is quite understandable: physical and emotional stress are associated with natural fluctuations in the level of hormones in the blood and the body’s individual reaction to this.
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) occurs in most women between the time of ovulation and the first days of menstruation. When your period starts, you will become balanced and cheerful again. The main thing is 7-10 days before the start of menstruation, learn to control your actions and not succumb to hormonal “provocation”.
Premenstrual syndrome occurs differently for everyone: in some women it is “weakly expressed,” while others, due to poor health, cannot even get out of bed and are forced to take a ballot.

Feeling unwell during menstruation General signs of illness for premenstrual syndrome the following:
breast tenderness or enlargement; fluid retention in the body, swelling of the face or hands; headache; pain in muscles, joints and specific back pain; craving for salty and sweet foods; lethargy, fatigue or, conversely, nervous excitability; strong heartbeat and “flushes” of blood to the face; skin rashes. Poor physical well-being is complemented by frequent mood swings. Absent-mindedness and forgetfulness appear, irritability is replaced by a feeling of depression, tearfulness and depression.

Keep a PMS diary
A menstrual diary will help you avoid falling into the trap of premenstrual syndrome. By marking on a calendar all the symptoms and the start and end dates of your periods for at least three months in a row, you will be able to determine the cause of your ill health and take action. If PMS symptoms persist throughout your cycle, then you should seek help from a psychotherapist. Diet or herbal remedies alone cannot get rid of hidden phobias and personality conflicts. When writing down your whims and most acute desires or, conversely, a strong dislike for certain smells, previously favorite foods, do not forget to note the body’s reaction to hormonal changes.

Risk factors
As studies have shown, the risk of developing premenstrual syndrome is aggravated by women themselves and only 1% depends on heredity, that is, the presence of PMS in the mother and grandmother. But there are risk factors for developing PMS that you can control: long-term lack of physical activity; stress; deficiency of vitamin B6, calcium or magnesium; excessive consumption of coffee and alcohol; smoking; poor nutrition.
Mood changes, fluid retention, breast tenderness and general fatigue are usually associated with vitamin B6 deficiency. While migraines, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, lethargy and cravings for sweets a few days before menstruation are caused by magnesium deficiency.
Help yourself with periods and premenstrual syndrome - take control of the situation. If premenstrual symptoms are painful and persist despite all the measures taken, you should contact a gynecologist who can help. Unfortunately, there is no medicine yet that would 100% relieve PMS. Today it is important to be able to control PMS, and not block its symptoms.

Coffee taboo
The most important thing in the “anti-PMS” diet is to strictly adhere to it, sharply reducing the consumption of animal fats and everything “unnatural”. Give preference to vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds. Sound boring? But it works flawlessly! The hardest thing for many women is to give up coffee and chocolate these days. But this is exactly what needs to be done first. Believe me, being cheered up for half an hour will provoke a headache and a bad mood for the rest of the day. Products containing caffeine destroy vitamin B6, which is involved in the synthesis of serotonin, a hormone responsible for a good mood.

Improve mood Dried apricots, figs, prunes, red and orange fruits (persimmon is a fruit of “critical days”!), food supplements of vitamin B6, magnesium and calcium will help. “Dangerous” these days include all canned and pickled foods and alcohol. They can cause headaches and swelling.
In this state, you simply need a little physical activity. Physical exercise increases the production of endorphins in the blood, and this, in turn, reduces pain and reduces symptoms of depression. But after any load you need to learn how to relax and rest properly, otherwise you will turn into a “stress piggy bank”. The technique of meditation or deep relaxation is just right for “critical days.” It is better to take the first classes in a group under the guidance of an experienced instructor. Once you master the method, you can use it always. For pain in the lower abdomen, you can drink a ginger decoction, and for breast swelling, a week before your period, take evening primrose oil (2 capsules per day with meals).

They contribute to depression during menstrual periods due to fluctuations in hormones in the body. The food should include rosehip decoction, parsley, and wheat bran. Various medications are prescribed by the doctor.

What causes depression during menstruation and how to deal with it

Women are more prone to developing depression than representatives of the stronger sex. This is due to the constantly changing concentration of sex hormones in her body during different phases of the menstrual cycle. affects both the health of the keeper of home comfort and the entire atmosphere in the family. Treatment includes changing food habits, vitamins, antidepressants, and consultation with a psychologist.

A woman’s whole life is connected with the subtle play of hormones. Mood swings, sudden tearfulness or, conversely, unbridled joy - all this is the result of a change in their ratio in the blood. Estrogens have a dominant influence on a woman’s mood.

Under the influence of estrogens, subtle mechanisms are triggered in the brain structures responsible for the emotional state of a woman, her perception of the interlocutor’s facial expression, the feeling of his emotions, and the development of depression.

What contributes to worsening mood

Every third woman experiences mood swings during hormonal changes; not everyone develops depression. Such phenomena can be enhanced by:

  • nervous and physical stress;
  • long stay on a diet;
  • insufficient intake of vitamins from food;
  • love of coffee (increases the excretion of magnesium from the body);
  • lack of a permanent sexual partner;
  • pathology of the thyroid gland.

The appearance of a sad mood, the disappearance of any motivation to work and interest in life most often occurs in a woman in late autumn. If there is a seriously ill person in the house whom you have to care for, depression before menstruation takes on alarmingly strong overtones.

Women are more susceptible to such conditions, among whose close relatives there have been cases of depression. An important role is played by the deterioration of physical well-being before the regulation, pain and headaches, insomnia, and bad mood. If such symptoms bother a woman every month, over time she begins to subconsciously fear the approach of her critical days.

How to suspect something is wrong

Changes in mood are typical 5-7 days before the onset of menstrual bleeding. Close women feel this before anyone else.

The first manifestations, as a rule, are the appearance of irritability, overly emotional reactions to ordinary events, and frequent conflicts with the woman’s close people. Any events during this period are accompanied by the appearance of tears in the woman. Over time it appears:

  • absent-mindedness and forgetfulness;
  • increased fatigue;
  • the desire to sit or lie in one position with your eyes fixed on one point;
  • it becomes more difficult to make decisions;
  • loss of appetite;
  • sometimes the appetite increases.

Not only does the appearance of a woman change. A lady with a twist stops taking care of herself. Her posture becomes slouched. Washing your hair becomes an impossible task. It becomes easier for a woman to go out in public with an unkempt head and unkempt appearance than to force herself to get out of bed and take five steps towards the bathroom.

The gait becomes slow. Any homework is postponed indefinitely. A mountain of unwashed dishes becomes commonplace.

How to deal with depression

A woman cannot always overcome depression alone. Close people should rush to help.

Diet correction

To overcome this disease, it is important to first make changes to your diet. It is important to enrich it with foods containing vitamin B6 and potassium. These are dairy products, fish, eggs. Many fruits also contain them - bananas, apples. Dried apricots are also useful.

Limiting cups of coffee per day will help preserve magnesium. In addition, magnesium is found in large quantities in wheat bran and wheat sprouts. It's a good idea to start eating these foods daily.

Since water retention occurs in the period before menstruation, it is important to cook food with a small amount of salt. To ensure that the food is tasty and there is little salt, it is better to add it to the dish at the very end of the cooking process.

To reduce swelling, a woman can prepare decoctions of diuretic herbs - rose hips, parsley, shepherd's purse. It is better to steam rose hips with boiling water and leave until the water acquires a beautiful reddish tint. It is good to drink this drink instead of tea. A slice of lemon can complement the flavor. A serving for one day consists of three rose hips.

Parsley is rich in magnesium. As is known, a lack of this ion leads to a deterioration in mood. Parsley can be added fresh to salads or juiced.

Physical exercise

A woman should not refuse to play sports. Which sport to choose needs to be chosen individually. It depends on the patient herself. If you don’t have a favorite sport, you can just do brisk walking. In good weather, it’s easy to choose a suitable route and additionally, as a bonus, get a portion of fresh air.

If this does not suit a woman, walking can easily be replaced with swimming or dancing. The main thing is not to give the body slack and force it to switch from mental discomfort to physical fatigue.

Shock therapy for a woman’s brain is breathing exercises with holding her breath as she exhales. Performing any exercises with holding your breath after exhaling causes the nerve cells to perk up and begin to function more actively.

Give vent to negativity

Don't bottle up your emotions inside yourself. We need to throw them out. All means are good here:

  • break dishes;
  • cry;
  • beat the pillow;
  • throw darts.

Engaging in a favorite hobby will help relieve nervous tension. The main thing is that this activity should be calm, monotonous, relaxing - knitting, embroidery, clay modeling.


If after all efforts the condition does not improve, various medications are used. To begin with, it is useful for a woman to take any multivitamin. The body will then receive the amount of nutrients it needs.

It is especially important to do this starting in winter, when there are fewer fresh vegetables and fruits, and their prices in the store are constantly increasing. The variety of multicomponent vitamins in the pharmacy chain allows you to choose exactly the product that suits the price.

Products with magnesium are widely used to eliminate women's problems. This ion can affect:

  • on the tone of the uterus, reducing it;
  • lower blood pressure;
  • improve connections between brain cells.

This mechanism of influence allows you to improve a woman’s mood in a short time. When taking medications with magnesium correctly (for example, Magne B6), a sedative effect will appear.

Antidepressants can relieve constant obsessive feelings of anxiety and improve emotional state and mood. A woman stops focusing on her inner fears and experiences. The clouds clear, the world around her takes on colors. However, it is important to remember that antidepressants can only be taken after consultation with a specialist in the field of psychotherapy or psychiatry. Uncontrolled use of these drugs by a woman can turn into dependence on them, which will aggravate depression.

Sedatives will help a woman calm down, relax, and relieve hot temper and irritability. Sedatives for depression will help improve sleep and relieve anxiety.

Nootropic drugs have a specific effect on the condition of a woman during her period. These substances can stimulate brain activity. At the same time, the woman’s memory and mood will improve, she will be able to better concentrate on things that interest her. She will become interested in her surroundings and depression will disappear. The right decisions will come to mind faster.


Poor health and despondency, depression during menstruation requires mandatory intervention. Correction of diet and lifestyle must be carried out. Sedatives and antidepressants will help a woman feel better and reduce anxiety. Only a qualified specialist should prescribe antidepressants.


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A woman's mood is so unstable and changeable. Representatives of the fair sex can smile and enjoy life, and a minute later cry crocodile tears. What is this, character costs or characteristics of the female body? The fact is that the menstrual cycle consists of several phases, each of which has its own symptoms. Women suffer the most during menstruation, which can cause sudden mood swings. Critical days are often accompanied by weakness and poor health. The body loses its strength, the woman becomes drowsy to work and rest, she constantly wants to sleep. It is important to understand why this happens and whether it is normal.

During menstruation, a woman may even lose consciousness

Causes of poor health

Nature intended that the female body should prepare for conception every month. For this purpose, the hormone progesterone is produced in large quantities. If fertilization does not occur, then the level of the hormone decreases sharply, the process of producing prostaglandins begins, which is what causes the onset of menstruation. At this time, the endometrial vessels of the uterus narrow and their blood supply decreases.

The mucous membrane on the uterus gradually peels off, this is how it is cleansed. It comes out in the form of menstrual flow. They represent the lining of the uterus with blood that accumulates as a result of rupture of blood vessels.

Due to the processes occurring in the body, a woman may feel pain in the lower abdomen. During critical days, a woman loses 50-80 g of blood. For women who are anemic and have weak immune systems, blood loss can cause nausea and dizziness. The general condition of the body worsens, drowsiness appears, and in rare cases, loss of consciousness is observed due to hormonal imbalance. As the hormonal levels stabilize, the symptoms of menstruation disappear.

With menstruation, a woman loses blood and this can make her weaker.

Nausea and dizziness during menstruation: how to deal with them?

Many women at the beginning of their periods are plagued by dizziness, accompanied by drowsiness. This condition is explained by blood loss, lack of iron, and decreased hemoglobin. As a result of an imbalance between male and female hormones in the body, the nervous system also reacts to menstruation. Jumps in blood pressure are often observed: in some people it increases during menstruation, in others it decreases. Often on critical days, nausea is added to dizziness. During menstruation, in addition to prostaglandins, a large amount of serotine is released. Its increase in the body negatively affects the removal of fluid from the body, resulting in nausea.

Another cause of nausea may be displacement of the uterus and compression of the nerve endings.

If, with the arrival of your critical days, you feel severe headaches and nausea, it is advisable to take a horizontal position. If possible, take time off from work or school. Overwork and ignoring these symptoms threatens loss of consciousness. This happens in rare cases when the body is very weak and suffers from anemia.

Symptoms such as nausea and dizziness can occur not only during menstruation, but also before it. To alleviate premenstrual syndrome and menstrual periods, you can use special medications intended for use during PMS and menstruation, as well as sedatives. Don't ignore drowsiness, don't try to overcome yourself and stay awake as usual. The body signals you to rest and recuperate, because all of it is used to process hormones.

Critical days are stressful for the body, and as a protective reaction the temperature may rise. This process is associated with an increase in hormones. The norm is a slight increase in temperature, a few tenths of a degree. But if, with the onset of menstruation, the temperature rises to 37.5-38 degrees, it indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the body.

Dizziness during menstruation is a common occurrence, it is advisable to wait it out while lying in bed

Prohibitions for red days of the calendar

  1. During menstruation, avoid excessive physical activity, as it can cause heavy discharge. But moderate exercise (dancing, fitness) will only benefit you. They will improve blood circulation in the body, and doing what you love will lift your mood, which is important these days. If you work out at the gym, don't cancel your workout, just give up strength training for a few days.
  2. Avoid visiting bathhouses, saunas, and solariums. Such procedures increase blood circulation in the body; during menstruation, they can cause severe bleeding. At home, replace the hot bath with a warm shower for a couple of days. It is not recommended to go to the pool these days, even if you use tampons. The uterus is in a slightly open state, there is a high risk of infection.
  3. During critical days, pay close attention to your diet. Eat balanced and vitamin-rich foods. Avoid fatty and spicy foods, as well as alcohol. They not only contribute to the deterioration of well-being, but also increase discharge. Limit, or better yet, quit nicotine. Statistics show that women who smoke and those who are overweight suffer the most from menstrual pain.
  4. Be careful when taking medications during your period. If you need to take any medications, consult your doctor and check their composition. Limit your intake of medications based on acetylsalicylic acid, they thin the blood and prolong menstruation.
  5. If for aesthetic reasons you do not refuse sexual relations during menstruation, then be sure to use contraceptives. These days, the female body is not protected and is vulnerable to all kinds of infections of the genital organs.
  6. Avoid stress and overwork. The body is weakened these days, many people feel drowsy, try to rest as much as possible. Give your body a chance to regain its strength.

If the planned operation coincides with critical days, reschedule it. During menstruation, blood clotting in the female body worsens; any surgical intervention can provoke severe bleeding.

Fatty foods aggravate unpleasant menstrual symptoms

Prevention of women's problems

Some people suffer from weakness during premenstrual syndrome, while others feel unwell from the first minutes of menstruation. There may still be no discharge, and your health will deteriorate sharply. After a few hours, menstrual flow begins and the cause of pain in the lower abdomen, dizziness and nausea becomes clear. Menstrual pain differs from pathological pain in that it is easily eliminated with the help of analgesics; side effects such as weakness, irritability, drowsiness and lethargy can be overcome with the help of vitamins and drugs that help normalize the cycle.

  1. To alleviate the painful condition on critical days, take vitamins and minerals, walk in the fresh air more often, avoid stress and get more rest. It is important to take into account:
  2. Vitamin B 6 will help normalize hormone levels. It takes an active part in the metabolism of estrogen and helps normalize hormonal levels. Regular intake of the vitamin will ease PMS and the condition on critical days.
  3. Women often complain of chest pain during and before menstruation. Vitamin E will help get rid of this symptom. In addition, it helps reduce emotional stress.
  4. In order for the body to function stably, it must regularly receive calcium. It does not have to be taken in tablet form; it is enough to include milk, cottage cheese and cheese in your diet.
  5. Magnesium will help get rid of headaches that occur with the onset of menstruation. It will also protect against pain in the lower abdomen. Magnesium is found in nuts, fruits and vegetables.
  6. We must not forget about the benefits of fish oil for the body. Taking it during menstruation prevents cramping abdominal pain and improves the general condition of the body.
  7. Dizziness, weakness and drowsiness can be caused by iron deficiency. To prevent this condition, the body must be provided with the necessary amount of iron.

You can take these vitamins in tablets, then it is advisable to drink a whole course of them. You can also do without medications, just eat healthy foods rich in vitamins and minerals. A properly formed diet will be the best prevention of menstrual pain.

But if nausea, dizziness, drowsiness and sharp pain accompany you throughout the entire cycle, then the cause may be serious illnesses. It is recommended to visit a gynecologist and neurologist. Don’t put off visiting a doctor, because it’s better to go and find out the real reason than to torment yourself with constant pain and ailments. Remember, your health primarily depends on yourself.