Varieties of Chihuahua: tips for choosing a decorative dog. How to choose a healthy Chihuahua puppy What you need to know when buying a Chihuahua

When you decide to buy a Chihuahua puppy, decide who to give preference to: a boy or a girl. Always pay attention to appearance and baby's behavior. It is these features that can tell a lot about your future pet. Read this article for recommendations on how to choose the right puppy.

Choosing a dog breed and discussing your choice with your family is half the battle. We need to approach this process responsibly. Buying a pet in markets or in dubious stores is not the best option for you. Buying puppies in such places does not provide any guarantee that the baby will be physically and psychologically healthy.

Take your time and visit several specialized nurseries. But don’t lose your vigilance there either - many breeders save on their pets for future profit. Not only do such dog breeders try to get around sanitary standards. They do not particularly follow the rules for breeding dogs of this breed. They don’t keep track of the choice of boys for, and the bitches are not allowed to rest after the next one. Under such conditions, the risk of obtaining defective offspring is simply enormous.

Therefore, first of all, pay attention to the following things:

  • for cleanliness in the enclosure;
  • on the quality and quantity of feed.

A conscientious breeder takes care of his babies. The place where the puppies live is always clean and dry. given to dogs in the required amount required amount once.

If you wish to view the pedigree of the puppy you have chosen, the owner must present all detailed information and show the pet's parents. This way you can imagine what kind of exterior and characteristic qualities your dog will have in the future. Also ask about the number of babies in the litter. There should be no more than five.

Along with the pedigree, the breeder is obliged to issue a veterinary passport and show where the dog’s mark is.

If all the rules are followed in this nursery, you can safely purchase a Chihuahua puppy.

For what purpose is a puppy taken?

Before you buy a Chihuahua puppy, decide exactly what you are getting it for. Not only the price will depend on this, but also the time when it is best to take the pet home.

If you plan to take part in exhibitions with your baby or start breeding Chihuahuas, then it is advisable to pick up the puppy after, that is, at three to four months. Such dogs are carefully selected according to... Accordingly, their price will be higher.

If you are looking for a companion dog, you can buy a puppy as early as two months. In this case, the cost will be lower, because its qualities are not adjusted to the standard.

He or she

Before choosing a pet, decide on the gender of the dog. Boys and girls Chihuahuas have their own characteristics. Boys have an active and curious character, while girls are more affectionate and cautious.

Owners of girls will have to deal with estrus and... Unmated boys are calm towards females, but after mating it is best to lead the male on a leash - he will try to run after the girl during her heat.

Chihuahua boys also like to mark their territory. You will have to start raising him from the first day the boy appears in your home.

Basic indicators

To choose correctly little chihuahua, you need to pay attention to two parameters:

  • puppy's exterior;
  • puppy behavior.

External indicators

First, examine your baby's jaw. The bite in dogs of this breed is formed in one and a half months and can be either scissor-shaped or straight. Don’t forget that the shorter the puppy’s muzzle, the worse quality teeth.

The apple-shaped head of a Chihuahua indicates the purebred nature of the baby, as does the short muzzle with a pronounced forehead. That is, a flat skull is unacceptable.

Please note the condition ears puppy. , without irritation and purulent discharge- namely a healthy dog.

Touch the nose - it is usually wet. A dry nose is the first sign of any disease. The presence of discharge also indicates that the baby is sick. Perhaps he had a cold.

The Chihuahua's huge round eyes should be slightly moist, without any discharge.

The puppy's paws need to be thoroughly felt to find out if he has any dislocations or displacements.

Do not forget that the fontanel in a Chihuahua almost never overgrows. This means that you will always have to monitor your pet to avoid trouble. For example, removing all unstable objects in your home, or not letting your child fight with big dogs. This feature Every decorative dog of this breed has one.

Puppy behavior

To choose healthy puppy, watch him for a while: how he behaves with his brothers and sisters, with his mother. The baby should be active, even if he recently woke up. He runs around the enclosure, plays with other puppies and constantly sniffs everything.

If the puppy lies in one place, behaves lethargically or generally hides behind its mother, it may be cowardly or seriously ill.

Pay attention to the pet’s cleanliness: does it go to the toilet where it’s supposed to or leaves puddles anywhere. An irresponsible breeder will not waste time on. In this case, you will have to do it.

Watch how a Chihuahua eats. A good appetite- a guarantee of health. He should look well-fed. And here bloated belly or excessive thinness may indicate the presence of worms in the dog’s body.

What can you add to our advice?





So, you have decided to buy a puppy. And they chose the Chihuahua breed. And not in vain! Since a Chihuahua is a love for life. We list just a few of the many advantages of the breed:

1. Well, of course, this is a small size.

For a resident of a huge metropolis with a frantic pace of life, constant traffic jams, and lack of free time, a small dog is very convenient for life, because... may have a toilet at home, which, of course, does not cancel out walking on the street, but you won’t worry about being stuck in a traffic jam or still at work, while your dog is suffering at home and wants to go for a walk.

Also, if you often travel or go on business trips, a Chihuahua can accompany you on your trips, because its weight, even with the heaviest carrier, allows you to take the animal into the cabin of the plane; you can also easily accommodate such a dog in almost any hotel, and then walk around the city, hanging a carrying bag on your shoulder, from the window of which your four-legged pet will look around the surroundings with curiosity.

Finally, if the dog does not accompany you, you can easily find someone who could sit with him - he may agree and old man and one of your friends, for example, who is also thinking about purchasing a dog and trying on the role of a future owner, or someone who already has a pet.

The small size of the Chihuahua will allow even a person with a small income to feed the dog the most the best products, because she needs very little.

2. Character. The Chihua is a companion dog with an extraordinary ability to small breed character. He is very smart, kind-hearted, has an extremely stable psyche, and rarely barks.

Dogs of this breed are usually courageous, inquisitive, and not cocky towards other dogs. The Chihuahua is very attached to a person, focused on him, has amazing intuition, accurately determining the mood of the owner, but is quite self-sufficient to remain alone at home and calmly wait, going about his business. This is not the case when a dog will be waiting for you forever whining, scratching and howling at the door, which is often found with much larger breeds.

Also, the Chihuahua will not cause damage to your home, furniture and clothes, since it is quite content with its toys, and gnawing furniture and shoes, etc. does not seem to be an interesting activity for it.

Dogs of this breed get along well with other pets, both dogs and cats. Of course, we painted a portrait of an ideal Chihuahua with a breed character, but each animal is individual. And of course, the puppy can indulge in some pranks, but with the correct and patient correction of his behavior, good genes and a healthy environment in the house where he was born and in his future family, he will certainly grow into a dog with such a wonderful character and you long years

You will enjoy communicating with him, more than once rejoicing at your right choice.

3. Good health. Dogs of this breed are different good health and are rightfully considered long-livers in dog world

. Such dogs usually live 14-17 years, although there are known representatives of the breed who are 20 and even 22 years old!

4. External beauty with a variety of colors and types of coat.

It must be said that no other dog breed has such external diversity. In addition to the fact that there are long-haired and short-haired varieties, the Chihuahua is unique in the number of different colors. White, cream, sable, red, chocolate, black, tan on various colors, marks (spots) on various colors - these are only the main and incomplete list of Chihuahua colors (there are about 90 in total). The breed also contains quite rare colors - blue, lilac, brindle.

“Let's get a little red one, a little black one, etc., he's so funny! And ours won't be bored” - you can often hear such a phrase from happy Chihuahua owners. And this is not collecting! The extraordinary intelligence, beauty, ease of maintenance and some kind of magic of this breed binds a person who has become acquainted with it forever, so much so that they want this happiness even more and more.



So, you saw on the Internet or somewhere else a photo of a puppy you liked.

Don’t be lazy and be sure to visit the breeder’s house or apartment, where you can see how the babies grow, his parents, or at least the puppy’s mother and his littermates. A good breeder does not have cages at home (enclosures or fences are acceptable, which sometimes, if necessary, restrict the movement of too small puppies for their safety, and also isolate the mother with newborn puppies). The puppy must have a brand, a veterinary passport with vaccination marks according to age, and also a puppy card, which is subsequently exchanged for the RKF pedigree. Watch your puppy run and play with other puppies or toys. Be sure to ask all the questions you are interested in to the breeder; if he has nothing to hide, he will answer them kindly and patiently.

Preference should also be given to a breeder who really loves dogs, and breeding is his passion, and not just a job out of necessity.

Remember - a puppy raised with love and affection has a normal, stable psyche and is better adapted to adult life.

What you should be wary of:

- puppies and adult dogs are kept in cages and there are a lot of them

- puppies and adult dogs have an unkempt and unkempt appearance

- there is no mother of the puppy (perhaps these are resellers) - an exception may be an alimony puppy,

- unsanitary conditions of detention

- lack of stamp and documents - veterinary passport and a puppy card

- the breeder shows the puppy in his hands, gives it to you, but you don’t see him running around the floor, playing - behavioral problems or health problems are possible.

- the puppy and adult dogs are too shy

- careless attitude of the breeder towards puppies and adult dogs


The optimal age at which to adopt a puppy is from 2.5 months.

This is the age when 2 vaccinations have been given and quarantine has passed after the 2nd vaccination.

If you like a puppy under the age of 2-2.5 months, then you can RESERVE him and only then pick him up.

You can often find offers for the sale of 1-month-old and one-and-a-half-month-old puppies.

Buying such a puppy is always a risk, besides, he needs special care, frequent feeding, and such a baby will greatly miss his mother and brothers, he is not used to sleeping alone, he will feel lonely and uncomfortable. Taking such a baby into bed is very dangerous; he may fall out of bed or you may accidentally crush him.

Finally, if such a puppy is also mini, then it may not survive at all.

It is better to adopt a real mini-puppy at 3 or even 4-5 months of age.

Very good option is a grown-up puppy aged 4-6 months.

Why: you can see the puppy’s exterior, its size and its character, that is, you can already see what you will get approximately as an adult.

It's almost already ready dog, you can feed him 2 times a day, fearlessly go to work for the whole day, you can already go for walks, all vaccinations have been completed. And at the same time, he is still a playful, cheerful puppy.

In fact, unscrupulous breeders promise that there will be a MINI puppy, with a short muzzle, selling 1.5 one month old puppy, of course, at that age he is small and nothing is clear, then he grows up large dog sometimes weighing 4-5 kg. with a non-breed head, a long muzzle... But they promised us... they deceived us... tell me, who is mine? Do we look like Chihuahuas? That's what deceived buyers say. Of course, if a person loves dogs, his pet will still remain the best and most beloved for him, but if you still want to have a purebred healthy animal of standard size up to 3 kg. or MINI (we will talk about this separately later), you should approach the choice more carefully and carefully. After all, you choose a friend for a long time.

Purchase adult dog.

To be continued.







Today dogs chihuahua breed very popular all over the world. Traditionally, these are the smallest dogs on earth. The weight of an adult Chihuahua dog usually does not exceed 2 kilograms, although the breed standard allows them to weigh up to 3 kilograms.

It is extremely rare to find a specimen weighing up to 1 kilogram. Such dogs are highly valued by people who are far from dog breeding, because they are exotic. Advertising photographs depicting dogs in shot glasses or coffee cups play a big role in this. When you see such a photo, do not rush to be delighted. People, however, do not think about the fact that these dwarfs are not able to lead a normal dog life. More than anyone else, they are susceptible to infections.

The ideal weight of an adult dog can be considered 1700 - 2000 grams. These Chihuahuas are strong, cheerful, healthy and will live a long life if cared for correctly. long life. To choose a puppy of this breed you will need some knowledge, so following tips They will help you in making the right choice.

Types of Chihuahua

They are also called Shiva and belong to the ancient breeds of dogs, whose history is fraught with many secrets and mysteries. They can be long-haired And shorthaired. Usually, longhaired chihuahua, is much softer in character than the smooth-haired.

The smooth-haired one is such a brave protector and prankster, while the long-haired one is sunny and more affectionate. But these two are united by a balanced temperament, they are absolutely calm and very devoted to the dog’s owner.

Chihuahuas are monogamous, and although they will love all family members, they will show unconditional devotion to only one person - their owner, whom they choose for themselves.

Chihuahuas can be different colors. There are no standards. Therefore, in this regard, when buying a puppy, the choice in color is huge.

Where to buy a puppy?

If you are buying a Chihuahua, don't rush to the bird market. Otherwise, you will be severely disappointed when, instead of a small dog, the puppy you purchased grows into “something” the size of a greyhound, or worse, you just buy a sick dog. So, how and where to buy a good dog?

It can be done through the club. With such a purchase, they will tell you in which litter the more promising puppies are expected. They can tell when there will be an interesting event in which high-quality dogs are expected.

You will also have the opportunity to choose the parents of your puppy at the exhibition. After all, you can buy a puppy from the winning bitch you like. Believe me, both the breeder himself and the club will approach the choice of a male dog very carefully. You can also purchase a puppy from a male winner. It would be good to look at the offspring from him, if any, especially at children from different bitches - how similar they are and how similar they are to the father.

It doesn’t hurt to inquire about the exhibition career of the children of the father or mother you like. Often one bitch or dog is the ancestor of a whole galaxy of “stars” or, on the contrary, they are followed by a “train” of various vices, such as malocclusion, clubfoot and the like.

Most often, a puppy is purchased according to advertisements on the Internet, since the choice of sites and offers is simply huge. Here, too, it doesn’t hurt to take an interest in the exhibition career of the puppy’s parents and their ancestors. The breeder must also have a document - a pedigree. This is a document confirming the birth of the puppy and its origin. The pedigree lists four generations of the dog's ancestors. It is filled out in a form approved by the canine organization. This document also confirms that the puppy meets the breed standard. If there is no pedigree, then there is no guarantee that your Chihuahua’s grandmother was not a German Shepherd.

Therefore, it is worth taking a responsible approach to the question: where to buy a puppy? Of course, without documents, a puppy will cost much less, but in such cases is it worth pursuing cheapness?

Boy or girl?

Most often, not regretting burdening themselves with puppies, future owners choose a male, forgetting or simply not knowing some of the nuances.

Firstly, the bitch sheds twice a year, and if you’re lucky, even once. The male is “sexually anxious” all year round and any dog ​​passing by who is in heat is your potential “homewrecker” who can take your dog far away. Males are more pugnacious than females. But, in fairness, it should be noted that the breed is more clearly expressed in the male, and he is, as a rule, more beautiful than the female.

Age to purchase a Chihuahua

The best time to buy a puppy is at age 6 – 10 weeks. You will immediately start raising him, you will be able to fully feed him and take him for walks, you will be able to give him everything he needs. And at this age, it is psychologically easier for a puppy to adapt to a new place and a new family.

Sometimes they also sell raised puppies. You should not immediately refuse such offers. If you are buying a puppy and want to engage in its show career, then the age of 4 - 6 months is simply ideal for purchase. After all, at this age you can clearly see the level of his breed, you will not worry about the correctness of the bite. And if the dog has any shortcomings, they can be seen without any problems.

Buying a puppy

When buying a Chihuahua, you need to pay attention, first of all, to its appearance. He should look healthy, well-fed, he should have shiny wool. You definitely need to look at the puppy's tummy, there shouldn't be any umbilical hernia. The nose, ears and eyes must be perfectly clean and free of any signs of purulent discharge. Also, the ears should not be able to hear unpleasant odor. The butt should also be clean without obvious signs of distress or irritation.

The coat should not have bald areas, especially on the head, face, or limbs. This may indicate staphyloderma or streptoderma. You should not trust the breeder and his stories that these are bite marks during play between puppies.

Chihuahua at home. Puppy care

Even before the puppy arrives in the house, you should choose a place for it. The place should be located away from heating devices, not in a draft, not on the aisle. It is advisable at first to raise the curtains, hide shoes, books, various little things, everything that can get on your baby’s tooth.

When it comes to personal care items, the first thing you need is two bowls: for food and for water. Chihuahuas are not picky when it comes to grooming; they do not need frequent bathing or brushing. All you need to care for your coat is brush, preferably with natural bristles.

For walking you will need to buy collar and leash. And in cold weather you will also need clothes, because Chihuahuas are heat-loving and very sensitive to cold. Winter walks without clothes are not allowed for Chihuahuas. You can also buy a litter box for your puppy at a pet store; this is very convenient, because by training your dog to use the litter box, you can save time on walking. And an even bigger advantage is that in bad weather, you don’t have to go outside.

Choice four-legged friend- not an easy task, especially if we're talking about about decorative babies. Cute and funny, they, however, have their own characteristics that an ignorant person may not know about. How to choose a Chihuahua and what should you know before your baby becomes a member of the family?

It is, of course, better to purchase a puppy from professional nurseries, and naturally, it is advisable to visit them. Choosing from a variety of babies, you can get confused, but you should still know what a healthy Chihuahua puppy looks like:

  • Smooth-haired representatives of the breed should have a smooth coat with a natural shine. In long-haired dogs, it is thick and soft to the touch;
  • skin must be clean; dry skin, swelling, dandruff, the presence of irritated areas are a signal that the puppy is unhealthy (read more about);
  • The eyes of puppies of this breed should be moisturized; excessive dryness or increased lacrimation should be alarming;
  • the ears should be clean, there should be no discharge from the ears or nasal passages;
  • The puppy’s limbs should be short and straight; ankles are located at some distance; to make sure there are no pathologies, you need to carefully palpate the paws in the joint area;
  • You should pay attention to the baby’s behavior - he should be playful and cheerful;
  • if the puppy has a puny build and a swollen tummy, then this is a sign of helminths;
  • If possible, it is worth assessing the appetite of the future pet.

It is not advisable to take a puppy from a large litter, where the number of offspring exceeds 4 dogs. When there is an opportunity to look at the puppy's parents, it is better to do so. They must have healthy looking. But it’s worth considering that if the puppy is 2-2.5 months old, then its mother may not have fully recovered after giving birth and feeding, and may look emaciated and have dull fur.

If you have any doubts about the baby’s well-being, you can ask to have his temperature measured. Normally, the indicator should be 39°C.

Recommended age for a puppy ready to go to new house– 1.5-2 months. Babies under 6 weeks of age have an insufficiently formed psyche, they experience a change in home more acutely, and in the future they may have problems with upbringing and education.

But you can safely take an older pet, since they have already received the basics of education and acquired an adult exterior, which is important for a future exhibition career.

Features of the Chihuahua breed

Experts warn that identifying future properties adult, based on puppy data, it is extremely difficult even for professionals. But besides general characteristics, there are several features that apply specifically to Chihuahua puppies. For example, you need to pay attention to what kind of bite the puppy has. Normally, it is scissor-shaped: the upper teeth cover the lower teeth. But the standard also allows individuals with a direct bite: when the upper and lower incisors are adjacent to each other.

But it is worth knowing that if a 6-week-old puppy has a straight bite, then as it grows up it can turn into an underbite, which is a significant defect for individuals participating in exhibitions. The baby must have all baby teeth: 6 upper and 6 lower incisors, 4 fangs.

In a male Chihuahua less than 6 months old, both testes are located in groin area. By six months, they descend into the scrotum.

Read also:

Boy or girl

Having decided on the breed, sometimes owners are at a crossroads: should they choose a girl or a boy Chihuahua puppy? When choosing a female, it is worth considering that every 6-12 months your pet will have “special” days, and at this moment she will require special care and attention. In general, Chihuahua girls are quite clean, but still, if the dog is used to sleeping on the bed of its owners, these days it is better to dress it in sanitary panties.

In addition, if a girl does not go to the litter box, but goes outside, during this period she will attract dogs of the opposite sex. You can exclude walks at this time or postpone them to the period when outside fewer dogs. In principle, experts do not recommend ornamental breeds to private breeding, as this can negatively affect the dog’s health and cause a number of difficulties.

But if you still have such a goal, then you should choose a larger female. In order for the risk of difficulties with childbirth to be lower, and for the mother to be able to feed her offspring, her weight should be about 2 kg. However, this does not exclude the possibility of a difficult birth, so the expectant mother will need to consult a specialist, and in some cases, perform a cesarean section.

Considering the size of the dog and accelerated metabolism dwarf breeds, which makes it difficult to select correct dosage, the anesthesia used for the operation can be fatal.

What are the characteristics of Chihuahua boys? They look more solid and are ideal companions on trips and travels. The character can be anything, both good-natured and cocky. Actually, like with girls, it is difficult to determine in advance.

As for the search for a mate, this issue need not be touched upon if the pet does not have an exhibition career or there is no desire to do so. A dog who has not known the opposite sex will not experience any discomfort about this.

But if the baby is an enviable groom and an excellent match, then he will have to be knitted. In this case, there is a possibility that the male will mark the boundaries of his home during mating and do so afterwards. You can get rid of this trouble by taking your pet outside more often, or by neutering it.

As for toilet training, it is believed that girls are more understanding in this matter, but it is not so difficult to train a boy. They get used to the tray quite well, the only thing is that they have their own preferences - certain type litter, newspaper or paper, or an empty tray. Having chosen the appropriate option, problems with managing the need for in the right place will not happen to either the male or the female.

Problems due to savings

As you know, Chihuahua babies are quite expensive, so many future owners try to cut costs by buying a pet from dubious sellers. But this is not recommended, even if the puppy being purchased is intended solely “for the soul.”

If you have financial difficulties, you should pay attention to less demanding breeds, because a Chihuahua needs expensive food, litter for the tray, special means and grooming tools, etc.

Purchasing a dog without documents does not provide any guarantee of its purebred, as well as the absence of genetic and other abnormalities. And in well-known nurseries only healthy, vaccinated puppies with good inclinations are offered.

The Chihuahua is a rather unassuming breed. Looking closely at the puppy decide what you need it for: diversify family leisure time or win exhibition medals. Regardless of your chosen goal, you need to know a number of rules and criteria that will help you choose a healthy and cheerful puppy.

Choosing a pet

When choosing a puppy, consider several different criteria:

  1. Floor. Bitches are 20% more expensive than males, who love to mark territory and are more difficult to toilet train. If you want to save money, take a male.
  2. Size. Miniature Chihuahuas are rare, so their demand and price are high. Very little puppy can be purchased if exhibition regalia does not interest you: judges like the standard “dimensions”.
  3. By the way, about exhibitions. If you're going to be a champion, check with the seller how promising the puppy is in this regard.
  4. The disadvantages of the breed (improper bite and size of the fontanel) do not affect the dog’s health in any way, but significantly reduce its cost.
  5. Temperament. It is often directly proportional to size: than bigger puppy, the more active and cheerful he is.
  6. Mutual sympathy. It often happens that a puppy chooses its future owner, runs up and cuddles up to him. You, too, can fall victim to the dog's charm by reaching out to one of the kids.
  7. A special article is breeding. Suitable for this purpose medium-sized chihuahua size and larger. It is also recommended to study in great detail the pedigree of the purchased bitch.

Pedigree of Chihuahua

The quality of the breed should be of interest to those who dream of prestigious titles at dog shows. Visual proof of the purity of the breed – the parents of your four-legged friend. Once you see them, you will understand what his prospects are.

Although, there are no rules without exceptions: the cubs of large individuals do not live up to the expectations of the breeders and grow up less impressive than their parents. In turn, even very small puppies, when growing up, do not grow to parental size.

When studying a pedigree, they look at the homogeneity of the line, which also manifests itself in the family. This indicator indicates that the breeder accurately rejected non-standard puppies, as well as the pronounced characteristics and purity of the breed. For exhibition specimens this is quite significant.

For a puppy without show ambitions, the “Good” mark is considered acceptable, but such dogs are not used for breeding.

Choosing a healthy Chihuahua

Since the adults of this breed have not yet grown, puppies should be taken after they reach two, or even better 2.5 months, when vaccinations have been completed.

When choosing, pay attention to the following external signs:

  • Wool and skin: healthy pet they are clean, the nose is dry, and the eyes do not water.
  • Teeth. On the bottom and upper jaws there should be an equal number of incisors (6) and canines (2).
  • Bite. Its defect often appears in Chihuahuas only after changing teeth. Ideally, the lower incisors overlap the upper ones, and the mandibular canine is located in the middle of the last incisor and the upper canine.
  • Traits of the breed, manifested in the length of the muzzle, the shape of the skull and the flat back. The tail is not curled into a ring, the front legs are slender.
  • The puppy does not look lethargic or exhausted.

What determines the price of a puppy?

Buyers often wonder why tiny puppies cost so much. The explanation is simple: the price of a dog is influenced by its appearance, breed, size, possible disadvantages and even character.

For many years we have selected and purchased elite puppies, which has led to an increase in the number of high-breed Chihuahuas (according to international canine FCI standards) in our nursery. We offer puppies that do not meet these standards at average market prices.