Powerlifting rank chart. Powerlifting (powerlifting)

06.08.2013 01:54

Taken from the official website of the Russian Powerlifting Federation http://fpr-info.ru/

For the information of participants of the Russian Championships among veterans:

“The assignment of sports titles and sports categories for the results shown in competitions among veteran athletes is not provided for by the norms, requirements and conditions for their implementation.”

On September 6, 2013, by order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation No. 715, the “Norms, requirements and conditions for their implementation of sports titles and sports categories in the sport of powerlifting” were approved for the period 2014-2017.

Norms and conditions for their implementation for the assignment of sports titles and categories in the sport "POWERLIFTING"

POWERLIFTING (eventing) EUSC standards for 2014-2017.
approved by order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation No. 715 dated September 6, 2013.

Sports titles

Sports categories

Youth sports categories

53,0 410,0 325,0 282,5 260,0 232,5 215,0 195,0
59,0 625,0 570,0 455,0 362,5 315,0 290,0 260,0 240,0 212,5
66,0 700,0 635,0 510,0 402,5 350,0 320,0 287,5 257,5 227,5
74,0 770,0 695,0 537,5 440,0 385,0 352,5 317,5 280,0 247,5
83,0 835,0 747,5 582,5 482,5 422,5 387,5 352,5 307,5 277,5
93,0 880,0 787,5 610,0 520,0 465,0 412,5 382,5 340,0 307,5
105,0 920,0 815,0 645,0 552,5 500,0 460,0 397,5 355,0 330,0
120,0 955,0 835,0 687,5 600,0 530,0 497,5 422,5 372,5 347,5
120+ 980,0 860,0 735,0 617,5 545,0 510,0 455,0 390,0 372,5
43,0 242,5 175,0 150,0 137,5 122,5 112,5 97,5
47,0 367,5 297,5 262,5 190,0 165,0 150,0 135,0 122,5 105,0
52,0 405,0 325,0 290,0 210,0 182,5 167,5 147,5 135,0 117,5
57,0 435,0 352,5 312,5 227,5 200,0 182,5 162,5 147,5 127,5
63,0 475,0 385,0 337,5 252,5 220,0 202,5 180,0 162,5 142,5
72,0 507,5 412,5 367,5 285,0 247,5 227,5 202,5 182,5 157,5
84,0 537,5 447,5 405,0 327,5 285,0 260,0 220,0 205,0 177,5
84+ 552,5 475,0 422,5 352,5 320,0 285,0 235,0 217,5 192,5

The MSMK norm is met:

1. At sports competitions having a status no lower than other international sports competitions included in the EKP.

1. Subject to doping control and the presence of three sports judges of at least the All-Russian category on the platform.

The MS norm is met:

The KMS norm is met at sporting competitions not lower than the status of a subject of the Russian Federation and the presence of two sports judges not lower than the All-Russian category on the platform.

The norm is fulfilled only by the sum of three exercises (squat, bench press, deadlift).

Discharge standards 2011-2013

POWERLIFTING (eventing) EUSC standards for 2011-2013.
approved by order of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of the Russian Federation No. 1116 dated September 26, 2011.

1. The first sheet of the “MSMK” file contains standards that are taken into account only when taking the specified prize places at the World and European Championships.
2. on the second sheet of the “norm” there are standards that are met subject to the given “general special conditions”.
3. on the third sheet of the “standards-tab.” The standards are presented in the usual table form.

The sports title MSMK is awarded from the age of 17, the sports title MS - from the age of 16, sports categories - from the age of 10.

Sports titles

Sports categories

Youth sports categories




The MSMK norm is fulfilled:

1. At sports competitions that have a status not lower than other international sports competitions included in the ECP, among men and women, at the Russian Championship, subject to taking 1st place, the Russian Cup, subject to taking 1st place.

2. Subject to doping control and the presence of three sports judges of at least the All-Russian category on the platform.

The MS norm is met:

1. At competitions not lower than the status of other all-Russian sports competitions included in the ECP, championships of the federal districts of the Russian Federation, zonal qualifying competitions, championships of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

2. Subject to random doping control and the presence of three sports judges of at least the All-Russian category on the platform.

The KMS norm is met at sporting competitions with a status not lower than that of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the presence of two sports judges not lower than the All-Russian category on the platform.

Russian championships are held in age categories: juniors, juniors (19-23 years old); boys, girls (14-18 years old).

To participate in sports competitions, the athlete must turn the specified number of years in the calendar year of the competition.

Discharge standards 2010

Norms and conditions for their implementation for the assignment of sports titles and categories in the sport "POWERLIFTING" triathlon

The sports title MSMK is awarded from the age of 17, the sports title MS - from the age of 16, sports categories - from the age of 10.

Approved by order of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of the Russian Federation No. 429 dated May 4, 2010.


III junior



General special conditions:

The MSMK norm is met at sports competitions that have a status not lower than other international sports competitions included in the ECP, among men and women, as well as subject to taking 1st place: at the Russian Championship or the Russian Cup. A prerequisite is doping control and the presence of three sports judges of at least the All-Russian category on the platform.

The MS norm is met at other all-Russian sports competitions included in the ECP, championships of the federal districts of the Russian Federation, zonal qualifying competitions, at the championships of Moscow and St. Petersburg, subject to random doping control and the presence of three sports judges of at least the All-Russian category on the platform .

The KMS norm is met at sports competitions with a status not lower than the championship of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the presence of two sports judges not lower than the All-Russian category on the platform.

The norm is fulfilled only by the sum of three exercises (squat, bench press, deadlift).

Russian championships are held in age categories: juniors, juniors (19 - 23 years old); boys, girls (14 - 18 years old).

To participate in sports competitions, the athlete must turn the specified number of years in the calendar year of the competition.

Discharge standards 2006




MSMK - take:
1st - 3rd place in total triathlon at the World or European Championships;
1st place at the World and European Bench Press Championships;
1st place at the World or European Junior Championships, excluding weights lifted.

MSMK - at international competitions, championships and the Russian Cup, Russian Junior Championships, subject to doping control at these competitions.
MS - at territorial and final competitions on a republican scale, open championships in Moscow and St. Petersburg, all-Russian tournaments held by the Russian Federation (with the participation of athletes from at least five regions, territories, republics).
KMS - fulfillment of standards is counted based on the sum of three exercises (squat, bench press, deadlift).
Categories are assigned from the age of 10, MS and MSMK - from the age of 14.

Discharge standards 2001

POWERLIFTING (powerlifting)
This classification comes into force on March 10, 2001.




Discharge standards 1997

POWERLIFTING (powerlifting)


II junior



MSMK take: 1-3 places in the total triathlon at the World or European Championships,1st place in total triathlon at the World or European Junior Championships(excluding kilograms lifted).

Conditions for fulfilling the discharge standards (in accordance with the table):

MSMK: during mandatory doping control for:

International competitions;

Russian Championship and Cup;

Russian Championships.

MS: subject to random doping control for:

Territorial and final competitions of the republican scale;
- open championships Moscow and St. Petersburg (with the participation of representativesat least 5 regions, territories, republics);
- All-Russian tournaments held by the Russian Powerlifting Federation (withparticipation of representatives of at least 5 regions, territories, republics).

Fulfillment of standards is counted based on the sum of three exercises (squat, bench press, deadlift).

Categories are assigned from the age of 12, MS - from the age of 14, MSMK - from the age of 16.

This classification comes into force from the date of signing the order of the State Committee for the Federal Trade of the Russian Federation (07/06/1997).

Discharge standards 1988

POWERLIFTING (powerlifting)


Sports category

II junior

Conditions for fulfilling the discharge standards:

Fulfillment of MS and KMC standards for the sum of three exercises, but in each exercise the result must not be lower than the 1st category standard.
Compliance with standards of categories I - III - based on the results in each movement.
The title “Master of Sports of the USSR” is awarded only at competitions held by the USSR State Sports Committee and at championships and cups of the union republics.

Weighing is carried out no earlier than 2 hours before the start of the competition in this category in the direct presence of 3 appointed judges and lasts 1.5 hours. Athletes use the remaining time to prepare for the competition. Each participant is weighed in a separate room in the presence of his coach and three judges. An athlete's true weight is not released to the public until all candidates competing in the selected category have been weighed in.

An hour before the start, lots will be drawn to determine the weigh-in order. It also determines the sequence of lifts during competitions, when participants order the same weight for their attempts.

If the weight does not correspond to the category, the athlete can repeat the weigh-in within 1.5 hours, but after all participants in the competition have passed it

10 minutes before weigh-in, an athlete can change his usual category by contacting the chief judge of the competition.

The panel of judges includes:
  • judge-informant;
  • timekeeper;
  • stewards;
  • protocol takers;
  • assistants on the platform.

At competitions Necessarily there is a doctor present.

Judge-informant organizes attempts, announces the set weight required for the next attempt and the participant’s full name (calls him to the platform, announces the set weight).

Timekeeper monitors the recording of the time interval between the announcement of the barbell readiness signal and the beginning of the participant’s attempt, as well as ensuring that the athlete leaves the platform within 30 seconds after the attempt.

The competitor is given 1 minute after being called to the platform to begin the attempt. If the athlete starts moving at the set time, the clock stops. If a 2nd or 3rd attempt is made using the normal system and there is a movement queue at the same time, receives 3 minutes with a mandatory warning signal after the first two minutes. In squats and bench presses, the beginning of the attempt coincides with the judge’s starting signal, and in deadlifts, with the beginning of lifting the barbell.

Administrative Judge immediately after completing the exercise, he should approach the participant and ask how much weight he will lift in the next attempt. The competitor is given 1 minute between the completion of the previous attempt and informing the informant judge, through the distributor, of the weight declared for the next one. If the participant does not report the new weight within a minute, the weight on the apparatus will be adjusted at the request of the next participant in the classic sequence.

Record judges record the progress of the competition, sign the official weight tables, certificates of records and any other papers and documents that require proper signature.

Assistants on the platform provide assistance to athletes preparing for attempts.

Possible errors when loading:
  • if the weight on the apparatus is less than the initial one, the attempt is counted; if the attempt is unsuccessful, the participant is given an additional approach at the end of the round with the initially desired (requested) weight;
  • if a heavier weight is installed on the bar than originally requested, and the attempt is successful, it is counted. If unsuccessful, the participant will be given an additional set with the weight initially requested by the athlete.

Three unsuccessful attempts in any of the movements the participant is automatically removed (excluded) from the competition.

During the competition, on the main platform or stage there are three judges, one of which is main or central and two are lateral. The Chief Judge is responsible for giving the proper signals in all 3 movements.

The signals for the three movements are:

Immediately upon returning the bar to the platform or racks at the end of the movement, all judges announce their decision to the public using light signals:

  • I) white - “good rise”,
  • II) red - “failure”.

Noticing error or inaccuracy sufficient for immediate disqualification in this type of movement, the touch judge must raise his hand. If the main referee and the side judges agree with this decision, the first stops the movement at any safe (in his opinion) point and gives the participant a signal: a downward movement of the hand and a clear voice command: “On the racks!”, and also, as an alternative, “Put !".

If the person who noticed the error is the chief judge, he must, without raising his hand, look (check) whether at least one judge agrees with the decision. If one or both agree, the head judge stops the movement.

Before the start of the movement, if any member of the judging panel does not count the position of the barbell or the starting position of the athlete, they may call the competitor's attention to the error. If the majority of the judges believe that a violation has been committed, the main judge does not give a signal to begin the movement. The head judge is not obliged to explain to the athlete his error if he has some unused time that he can use to correct the grip position of the barbell or body position in order to receive a permissive signal.

Judges are required to refrain from making any comments, not to receive any documents and not to give verbal reports regarding the progress of the competition.

The chief judge has the right to consult with the side judges, the jury or any other official to force the course of the competition.

After the competition, the three judges sign official results tables(points), certificates of records and any other documents.

A judge elected as chief in one category may act as a side judge in another.

Powerlifting categories and basic powerlifting standards

In men's powerlifting, sports categories are assigned when the following standards are met at competitions:

Table: Rank standards for powerlifting

Powerlifting standards, category requirements


Powerlifting titles and categories, barbell weight (kg)









Powerlifting or powerlifting(English powerlifting; power - “strength, power” + lifting - “lifting”) is a strength sport with the main goal of mastering the heaviest possible weight. There are men's and women's powerlifting.

Classic powerlifting includes three types of exercises:

  • bench press;
  • back squats;

The International Powerlifting Federation (IPF - International Powerlifting Federation) is the largest international governing organization in powerlifting. Founded in 1971.

The National Powerlifting Association (NAP) is the largest powerlifting organization in Russia in terms of the number of athletes competing. Founded on November 18, 2010.

The World Powerlifting Congress (WPC) unites more than 30 countries and is the most powerful alternative powerlifting federation in the world. Founded in 1986 by Ernie Franz.

Amateur branch of the World Powerlifting Congress (AWPC).

History of the emergence and development of powerlifting

Powerlifting got its start at the beginning of the twentieth century, when weightlifting athletes began to add non-specific exercises to their training complex. That is, they didn’t just squeeze the barbell, but did it from behind their heads, lying down, sitting, etc. The main goal of this behavior was to increase their performance indicators.

In the 40-50s, unusual exercises became so popular in the West that they began to be included in the complex of competitive events.

Already in the 50-60s, the formation of the discipline in its modern form began. And by the mid-60s, the first rules were developed and championships began to be held on a regular basis.

The first unofficial championship took place in 1964 in the USA, and the first national championship took place exactly a year later. 1972 is the year the International Powerlifting Federation was founded, and in 1973 the first world championship was held.

1980 marked the first time women took part in the competition, and in 1989 the men's and women's championships were combined into one.

Powerlifting became widespread in many countries after the organization of the World Powerlifting Congress in 1986.

Powerlifting Exercises

The bench press, squat and deadlift are the basic exercises. This is due to the fact that during training almost all muscles work. The complex is indicated not only for competitions, it perfectly develops strength and promotes muscle gain.

Despite the fact that the technique of performing exercises at competitions on the platform differs from the technique of performance during training, this complex is invaluable in preparing athletes of other sports.

Each exercise requires correct execution technique and correct positioning.


The barbell squat is the first element performed in a powerlifting competition. The squat technique is as follows:

  1. The athlete removes the barbell from the racks with a comfortable grip and places it on his back on the upper part of the trapezius.
  2. Moving away from the rack, the athlete takes the following position: stands with a straight back, legs apart slightly wider than shoulders.
  3. When performing a squat, you need to pay attention to the following points:
  • at the lowest point, the hip joint should be below the knee;
  • The center of gravity should be on the feet.
  1. Lifting should be done with a straight back.
  2. After completing the element, the athlete must return the barbell back to the racks.

If an athlete drops the barbell during a squat, he will be penalized. You need to start the element and return the barbell to the racks only at the command of the judge.

Bench press

The technique for performing a bench press while lying on a bench is as follows:

  1. The athlete lies down on the bench and removes the bar from the racks. Wherein:
  • the grip can be medium or wide;
  • The arms should be straight and the pelvis raised.
  1. When lowering the projectile, you need to ensure:
  • press speed - it should be maximum;
  • shoulder blades and shoulders - the first should be brought together, and the second should be lowered;
  • legs - they should be as close to the pelvis as possible.
  1. Returning the bar to the racks at the judge's command.

During the execution of the element, you cannot change the position of your legs and lift your heels off the floor. Also, you should not lift your head, shoulder blades and buttocks from the bench.


The deadlift is the last element in powerlifting competitions, the deadlift technique is as follows:

  1. The athlete takes the starting position: stands with a straight back, placing his feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider.
  2. Bend over with a straight back, the athlete grabs the barbell with a comfortable grip.
  3. When lifting the barbell, you need to ensure that:
  • the back remained straight;
  • the arms were also straight;
  • the rise was carried out by straightening the legs.
  1. Lowering the projectile is possible only with straightened knees and shoulders pulled back.

The barbell can be raised without the judge's command, but lowered onto the platform only upon command. Do not support the bar with your thighs or use straps.

Rules for powerlifting competitions

According to the rules of powerlifting, all athletes in the competition are divided into different categories based on their weight, gender and age. Three approaches are allowed for each exercise. The sum of the indicators for all elements constitutes the athlete’s final result. The winner is the one who lifted the most weight. It is allowed to participate in competitions from 14 years of age.

During the competition the following situations are possible:

  1. If a participant fails to cope with the initial weight in any of the exercises, then he is eliminated from the competition.
  2. If two athletes score the same number of points, then the winner is the athlete with the lower weight.
  3. In case of an equal number of points and the same weight, the winner is the athlete who scores these points first.
  4. An athlete who loses in one of the exercises can fight for results in the others.

When performing exercises, it is important to comply with the following requirements:

  • the element must be performed strictly with the permission of the judge and according to commands - otherwise the approach is not counted;
  • double movements are not allowed.

The following officials will be required for the competition:

  1. The judge is an informant and timekeeper.
  2. Stewards are messengers.
  3. Protocolists.
  4. Assistants on the platform.
  5. Additional persons, for example medical personnel.

IPF Powerlifting Class Standards

According to the IPF Federation, sports titles are awarded from the following ages:

  • MSMK (master of sports of international class) - the title is awarded from the age of 17;
  • MS (Master of Sports) - the title is awarded from the age of 16;
  • Sports categories (I, II, III, Candidate Master of Sports - candidate master of sports) - are assigned from the age of 10.

Rank MSMK assigned:

  • At sports competitions having a status no lower than other international sports competitions included in the EKP.
  • Subject to doping control and the presence of three sports judges of at least the All-Russian category on the platform.

Rank MS assigned:

  • At competitions not lower than the status of other all-Russian sports competitions included in the EKP, championships of the federal districts of the Russian Federation, zonal qualifying competitions, championships in Moscow, St. Petersburg.
  • Subject to random doping control and the presence of three sports judges of at least the All-Russian category on the platform.

Rank KMS assigned:

  • At sporting competitions the status of a subject of the Russian Federation is not lower and there are two sports judges not lower than the All-Russian category on the platform.

IPF Men's Powerlifting Standards

III category

IPF Women's Powerlifting Guidelines

III category

WPC Powerlifting Class Standards

Brief information about the division:

  • Divisions: single-layer equipment, multi-layer equipment, no equipment.
  • Restrictions in the equipment division: overalls and shirts - no more than three layers, knee bandages - length no more than 2.5 m, wrist bandages - length no more than 1 m. Belt - no wider than 10 cm.
  • Weigh-in: 1 day and 2 hours before the start.
  • Equipment: monolift, special bars for squats, bench presses and deadlifts.

WPC Men's Raw Powerlifting Standards

III category

WPC Women's Raw Powerlifting Guidelines

III category

WPC Men's Single Layer Powerlifting Guidelines

III category

WPC Women's Single Layer Powerlifting Guidelines

III category

WPC Men's Layered Powerlifting Guidelines

III category

WPC Women's Layered Powerlifting Guidelines

III category

AWPC Powerlifting Class Standards

AWPC is the amateur branch of the WPC, its features:

  • Doping control. Testing of 10% of AWPC competition participants for the use of prohibited substances is mandatory.
  • Competitions: powerlifting, bench press, deadlift.
  • Divisions: multi-layer equipment, single-layer equipment, no equipment.
  • Restrictions in the multi-layer equipment division: overalls and shirts - no more than three layers, knee bandages - length should not be more than 2.5 m, wrist bandages - length no more than 1 m. Belt - no wider than 10 cm.
  • Weigh-in: one day and two hours before the start.
  • Equipment: monolift, specialized bars for squats, bench presses and deadlifts.

AWPC Men's Raw Powerlifting Standards

III category

AWPC Women's Raw Powerlifting Standards

III category

AWPC Men's Single Layer Powerlifting Guidelines

III category

AWPC Women's Single Layer Powerlifting Guidelines

III category

AWPC Men's Layered Powerlifting Guidelines

III category

AWPC Women's Layered Powerlifting Guidelines

III category

Sports equipment for powerlifting

Powerlifting equipment can be of two types: supportive and non-supportive. The second is allowed in all competitions, but usually equipment is understood as the type that supports it, which consists of the following elements:

  • a belt for powerlifting (weightlifting) or a wide belt for triathlon;
  • tights for powerlifting (wrestling) made of elastic material;
  • a T-shirt with sleeves or a special T-shirt;
  • powerlifting knee wraps;
  • weightlifting shoes - special shoes;
  • gaiters, shin guards or gaiters.

Also acceptable:

  • special shoes for squats and deadlifts;
  • neoprene knee pads;
  • wrist bandages;
  • special overalls.

The main purpose of support equipment is to protect the athlete from injury. It is designed to reduce stress on the muscles and allow the athlete to maintain the correct position.

Equipment and supplies for powerlifting

The following equipment is used in powerlifting:

  • special-purpose bars (bars) with a total length of no more than 2.2 m;
  • a set of disks with a diameter of no more than 45 cm;
  • racks for squat and bench presses;
  • a platform for deadlifts measuring no less than 2.5*2.5 m and no more than 4*4 m and a height of no more than 10 cm;
  • bench press bench with the following parameters (length not less than 1.23 m; width - 29-32 cm; height - 42-45 cm):

All equipment must be durable and meet the required parameters.


Three judges take part in powerlifting competitions: a central or senior judge and two side judges. The central one provides the necessary signals in all three exercises, including visible hand signals and audible signals in the form of clapping or voice.

The judges indicate the decision for each exercise with light signals:

  • white color - good;
  • red - failure.

Before competitions, judges must ensure that the equipment is in good working order and that the equipment and equipment of the athletes meet the requirements. They also weigh in athletes.


5 (100%) 1 vote[s]

Observing the training of athletes involved in powerlifting, we can conclude that this sport is very different from all others. In some ways this is true. In powerlifting, or, as it is also called, powerlifting, athletes do not contact each other. The essence of the competition is that the athlete must lift the maximum weight in a single repetition.

Bench Press Competition

The bench press category is assigned to athletes when performing the exercise with different types of equipment or lack thereof. Competitions in this type can sometimes be held as a separate event.

However, most often the bench press is included in powerlifting, that is, in powerlifting. In addition to this, two more exercises are performed in this sport - deadlifts and squats with a barbell.

You don't have to be a professional or compete in a major competition to qualify for the bench press. You can also get it in your gym if authorized persons from a sports organization are present, which has the right to issue documents indicating that the standard has been passed.

Bench press ranks

As in any other sport, certain conditions must be met in order to qualify. The bench press grade is awarded to athletes who complete one repetition with proper form and weight. Powerlifting has its own standards, and they start from the second youth level. There are three main qualifying categories in this sport. These are standard KMS, MS and MSMK. Naturally, the higher the bench press level, the more weight the athlete will have to lift.

In order to get, say, CMR, an athlete will have to perform an exercise with a barbell weighing 97.5 kg with his own body weight of 52 kg. The more an athlete weighs, the heavier his projectile will be.

Bench press without equipment

There are several organizations on the territory of the Russian Federation that hold their own, separate competitions in such a strength sport as the bench press. The official branch of the international powerlifting organization (IPF) in Russia is the FPR - Russian Powerlifting Federation. Besides it, there are several more, such as WPO/WPC. A notable difference between these organizations is that they conduct their bench press competitions without prior drug testing. However, this does not in any way affect the required results. In order to receive ranks in the bench press without equipment, let’s say, CMS, you need to perform the exercise with the same apparatus of 97.5 kg with the same body weight of 52 kg.

Bench ranks AWPC

Qualifying for this exercise can be done in combination with two others. If you add deadlifts and squats to the bench press, you get a full-fledged powerlifting competition. The method of conducting such competitions is as follows: three approaches are performed, one repetition in each of them. Three attempts are given to the athlete in order to provide him with the opportunity to cope with a large weight, according to which the AWPC (bench press) ranks will be assigned.

An exercise in this federation has lower criteria for obtaining a qualification category, for example, a candidate for master of sports. So, with 52 kg, it is necessary to perform the exercise only with a projectile of 82.5 kg, and not 97.5 kg, as required in other organizations.

It is also worth noting that both men and women can take part in these competitions. The female half, naturally, has its own standards for receiving any category. To receive the title of Master of Masters, for example, an athlete weighing 52 kg must perform an exercise with an apparatus weighing 82.5 kg. Women's competitions are held separately from men's. By the way, each federation has its own requirements for performing the bench press.



Each country can field a maximum of eight competitors in all eight weight categories for men and seven competitors in all seven weight categories for women. In the youth and junior competitions, the team consists of nine participants for men and eight participants for women. There should be no more than two participants from one country in one weight category. At the championships among veterans, three participants from one country can be entered in the 4th age group for men and in the 3rd age group for women only to compete for medals in their age groups (according to the Wilks formula).

Each country is allowed to have a maximum of five alternates or reserve participants. To compete, these athletes must be entered 60 days prior to the competition start date in a pre-nomination process indicating their weight categories and best total results achieved at national or international competitions over the past 12 months.

Each country must submit a list of team members indicating the athlete's name, weight class and best total result achieved at national or international level during the last 12 months. The list can include the result shown by the athlete at the same international championship in the previous year in the same weight category in which he is entered at this championship. The date and name of the competition in which the best total is shown must be indicated. This data must be provided to the championship secretary from the IPF or the relevant regional federation, as well as the competition director at least 60 days before the start of the championship in a preliminary nomination. The final list of team members, including reserves, compiled from the number of athletes who were preliminary nominated 60 days before the start of the championship, is submitted no later than 21 days before the start of the competition to the final nomination. In this case, each team member must be entered in the weight category in which he will compete at this championship. After the final selection (final nomination), the athlete can only compete in the weight category in which he was declared; moving to another weight category is not permitted. Failure to comply with the requirements for submitting preliminary and final lists of participants may deprive the team of the right to participate in these competitions. Athletes who have not presented results shown at national or international competitions over the past 12 months will participate in these competitions in the first group if there is a division of participants into groups.
If an athlete has been disqualified by a decision of the IPF or a regional (continental) federation, then at the end of the disqualification he will not
may enter for participation in the World Championship, regional (continental) championship or international competition the best amount shown by him during the period of disqualification in competitions within his national federation.

Team points at all world, continental and regional championships must be awarded as follows: 12, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 – for the first nine places in any weight category. Each subsequent athlete who completes the competition and reaches the total score receives one point. Scoring for all National Competitions is at the discretion of the National Federation.

At all international championships in team competitions, points are awarded to the top five team members from each country who place highest in individual competitions. If two or more teams have the same amount of points, the final distribution of places between them is made in accordance with clause 11 of this section of the rules. If a team member whose result in individual competitions is taken into account when calculating team points is found to have violated IPF anti-doping rules, then the points received by that participant are deducted from the team result and cannot be replaced with points received by another member of that team.

Any country that has been a member of the IPF for more than three years, when participating in international championships, must include at least one international category judge in its delegation. If a judge from a country is not present or is present but is unable to take part in judging or serve as a member of the jury for a given competition, then in the team competition, points for that country's team will be awarded only to its four best competitors.

Teams are awarded for the first three places. If the points received by the teams are equal, the one with more first places becomes first. If the number of first places is equal, then the team with more second places becomes first, etc., taking into account the places occupied by the five qualifying team members.
At all championships held by the IPF, the overall winner (“best athlete”) award must be awarded to the athlete who shows the best result according to the Wilks formula. Awards must also be given for second and third place overall.

At all world championships, medals for first, second and third place in each weight category are awarded in accordance with the total best results in the three exercises. To receive these awards, an athlete must complete at least one successful attempt in each of the three exercises. In addition to these awards, medals or certificates must be awarded for first, second and third place in the individual lifts: squat, bench press and deadlift in each weight class. If an athlete receives a zero score in the squat and/or bench press, he may continue to compete in the remaining lift(s) and may be awarded for a podium place in any event in which he has made a successful attempt(s). Permitted clothing for athletes for the medal ceremony at the World Championships: full national team tracksuit, T-shirt, sports shoes. The dress code at the awards ceremony is controlled by the technical controller of the corresponding competitive stream. Failure to comply with the dress code requirements at the awards ceremony deprives the athlete of the right to receive a medal(s), although his place in the final protocol is retained.