Relax 2 download eye program. Relaxation for the eyes: the best exercises

Program "Relax!" to restore refractive power





People engaged in visually intense work often complain of painful eye conditions. The eyes become red, sore, feel dry and burning, watery eyes, increased sensitivity to bright light, and headache. This also causes blurriness of the observed objects, slow focusing, and double vision. The listed symptoms are familiar to a significant portion of computer users. The term “computer vision syndrome” or CVS (Computer Vision Syndrome) even began to be used abroad. The American Optometric Association has recognized this syndrome occupational disease. An ophthalmologist, examining such people, discovers a decrease in visual acuity, disturbances in accommodation and convergence, and in some cases, disturbances in binocular and stereoscopic vision. Most often, the cause of complaints is accommodation disturbances. However, accommodation can be trained (as we know) with special exercises. These workouts are necessary for both PC users and workers in professions that involve heavy visual loads.

Accommodation training is no less important for primary and secondary school students. At school, the load on accommodation increases sharply, as the time the eyes work at close range increases. Failure to cope with this load usually leads to the development of myopia. As medicinal and preventive measures teenage myopia use eye exercises with lenses and prisms, exercises with laser glasses, acupressure in the area of ​​the eye reflexogenic zones. However, these methods usually require special equipment and often the participation of a doctor or nurse.

Operating in Russia Sanitary rules and standards require students, students and professional computer users to take regulated breaks to prevent visual fatigue. The mode of breaks and their duration are set depending on age, nature of work at the computer, technical characteristics computer, and also taking into account individual characteristics user. During breaks, it is recommended to do special exercises for the eyes, including those that train accommodation. These SanPiN recommendations are implemented in the "Relax! 2" program.

Program in individual mode monitors user activity. It promptly reminds you of the need to take a break or launch the visual stimulation of accommodation implemented in it. The method of visual influence is based on the results of the analysis of many published in lately experimental research on the effect on accommodation of various visual stimuli. Stimulation has a normalizing effect on accommodation. According to clinical results, such visual gymnastics is not inferior to others known methods accommodation training. The program is accessible and easy to use, convenient for use in computer classes, workplaces and at home.

Areas of application of the "Relax! 2" program:

· prevention of visual fatigue and computer vision syndrome;

· prevention of accommodation spasm, myopia and presbyopia;

· treatment of computer vision syndrome;

· treatment of accommodation spasm, myopia and amblyopia.


persistent neurogenic spasm of accommodation,

· convulsive readiness.


To date, there are data from several research works on the effect of stimuli from the computer program “Relax!” on accommodation. Two of them were carried out by SPE” together with a leading employee of the department of industrial ophthalmoergonomics of the Moscow Research Institute of GB named after. Helmholtz Doctor of Biological Sciences and an ophthalmologist at the gymnasium-lyceum No. 000 of the Southwestern District of Bogrash. The remaining works were completed and published by specialists from the regional eye clinic in Tyumen (with co-authors) and the diagnostic and treatment ophthalmological Center "IDEAL" in Yaroslavl (with co-authors).


How the program works

The "Relax! 2" program can perform two tasks - monitor compliance with the computer work schedule and provide visual stimulation. It is recommended that all computer users use both of these features simultaneously during their normal work. Doctors will only include visual stimulation for patients

Program management.

It is advisable to use the program in one of the following ways.

1 way - automatic switching on observations. It is recommended for computer users for everyday work. The program automatically starts when Windows starts and begins monitoring. It monitors keystrokes on the keyboard and mouse buttons - the program considers these actions to be “work”. When the time of continuous operation exceeds the specified value, the program icon on the Taskbar will begin to blink and, depending on the settings, a beeping sound will be heard every minute. In this case, you need to perform visual gymnastics by running it in the icon context menu. Instead of gymnastics, you can take a fairly long break. The signals will then stop and a new observation period will begin.

Method 2 - enable monitoring manually.

The method differs from the previous one only in that monitoring does not start automatically when Windows starts, but forcefully using the “Relax! 2 - monitoring” shortcut.

Method 3 - start only gymnastics. Visual gymnastics, implemented in the "Relax! 2" program, lasts approximately 5 minutes and ends automatically if it is not interrupted by the Esc key. During stimulation, the user simply looks at the screen without doing anything.

This method can be used by doctors to provide stimulation to patients, by parents to treat children at their computer, or by patients themselves, who rarely turn on the computer in everyday life.

When working with this program, you can configure individual monitoring parameters, see current recommendations, etc.

An example of the program working in observation mode.

Let us explain how to work with the program when the monitoring mode is enabled using the following example.

Let's say the continuous operation time is set to 1 hour, the break is 10 minutes, and the sound is on. You work, that is, you press keys on the keyboard and mouse with pauses between presses of no more than 10 minutes. After an hour, the program will begin to remind you of a break - the icon will blink, and a beeping sound will be heard every 1 minute. If you now stop using the keyboard and mouse, the sound will stop. The icon will blink for 10 minutes, then stop. If you do gymnastics, all signals will stop immediately. But if you do neither gymnastics nor a break for at least 10 minutes, all signals will continue. When you start working again after a break or exercise, the program will begin a new observation period. Another situation: You take a break for at least 10 minutes ahead of schedule, that is, before 1 hour has elapsed from the start of work, or start gymnastics. Then, at the end of this unplanned break, the program will begin a new observation period, i.e., it will again “allow” to work continuously for 1 hour.

Tips for use and settings.

Stimulation. After the command “Start gymnastics” you need to follow the instructions on the screen - move away from the screen to a distance of about 1.5 m. If you usually use glasses for this distance, you need to put them on. Stimulation will end in approximately 5 minutes. It is better to work on each eye separately, covering the other eye with some object. However, for most users, practicing with both eyes open is just as effective.

During the lesson, you should succumb to your illusions, tracing the apparent movement of objects in depth or examining their deep structure.

With progressive myopia, it is important to look at the screen without straining.

In the first days of using the program, some stimuli may cause visual discomfort. If it does not go away, you should stop exercising and consult a doctor. Possible negative consequences after a while they will disappear on their own. It is recommended to exercise daily and constantly. In case of a break in classes positive effect lasts for 1-1.5 months. To objectively check the effect of stimulation, it is possible to measure accommodation parameters in an ophthalmology office before starting classes with the program and after 2-3 weeks of training.

Setup. To prevent the development of overfatigue when constantly working at a computer, Sanitary rules and regulations recommend doing eye exercises every 20 minutes to 1 hour of continuous work, depending on the nature of the work and individual characteristics. Training exercises can be replaced with a 10-15 minute rest. For adults, breaks from work may be less frequent - up to once every 2 hours for 15-20 minutes. In accordance with this, you should set time parameters in the main program window, in Personal Settings. In cases of visual discomfort, computer work should be interrupted early. The higher the fatigue or the risk of myopia, the shorter the interval of continuous work should be. It’s better to do visual gymnastics, and not just take a break. The effectiveness of breaks or training will be greater if you additionally perform exercises for the extraocular muscles, moving your gaze horizontally, vertically and diagonally, as well as do special physical and breathing exercises to improve cerebral circulation.

For those who do not use the computer regularly, it is recommended to run stimulation at least once a day.

Comment. When using the "Relax!" program, you should remember that increased visual fatigue may cause various reasons, including those that cannot be eliminated by training. For example, the feeling of “sand” in the eyes of PC users can be caused by the drying of the surface of the eye, if a person staring intently at the monitor blinks too rarely. Installing the monitor above eye level also leads to this - you have to lift your eyelids, as a result of which the area of ​​tear evaporation from the surface of the eye increases. Headache can occur, for example, due to “sensory” fatigue, which develops when it is difficult to perceive images poor quality(faded colors, glare on the screen, blurry letters, colored borders along the contours, low frame rate). Accommodation training cannot weaken negative impact these factors, and such problems should be solved radically by properly organizing work at the computer.

Compiled by typhlopedic teacher


1. RELAX! program to restore accommodative ability. User's Guide.

Internet resources:

http://www. *****/Htm%20PO/Relax. htm

Restoring or improving vision, relieving eye fatigue and preventing vision deterioration. The operating principle is based on two main points.

Firstly, on the beneficial effects of SIRDS pictures on vision. We noted this effect among users of the Weight Corrector program. Having drawn attention to this fact, we turned to ophthalmological sources and found out that when viewing such pictures, the eye muscles are trained, and accordingly, blood circulation improves. The body switches all reserves to control the eyes and nerve cells experience increased stress, which improves the conductivity of nerve fibers. Stereo pictures are called “sport for the eyes.” Their peculiarity is that they force the eyes to change their usual focusing point, thereby preserving vision and helping to maintain its sharpness.

Secondly, the program involves elements of eye-strengthening gymnastics according to the Norbekov method, namely exercises to relax the eyes, improve blood circulation, and strengthen the eye muscles.

Name: Vision corrector Light
License: FREE

2. Gymnastics for the eyes in pictures (2 types)

Performance largely depends on the condition of the eye muscles. Therefore, the eyes, like the whole body, require healthy physical activity obtained by performing a set of specific exercises. But it must be remembered that these eye exercises are useful and effective only when they are performed regularly and correctly. The main purpose of such exercises is to train the eye muscles that are inactive during labor operations, and to relax those that bear the main load. Gymnastics is effective prevention overwork and diseases of the organ of vision. The first exercises aimed at preserving vision were created even before our era: in the development of the complex therapeutic exercises Yogis made their contribution, substantiating the importance of not only training, but also proper rest.

A program for people after laser vision correction, when the eyes see well, but are not yet able to quickly focus on an object. You need to look at the objects that appear and try to focus your gaze on them until clear boundaries of the object appear. Tested it myself, it helped me. I will be glad if it helps someone else.

Free | Russian | Windows |

Name: eye, 1

License: FREE
Language: Russian OS: Windows

"Vision corrector" is computer programs a, created using a unique method and designed to restore vision, improve vision, relieve eye fatigue, and prevent vision deterioration. The program uses special vision exercises and SIRDS pictures. As a result of working with the program, eye blood circulation improves, eye muscles are strengthened, and the accommodative ability of the eyes develops, which, in turn, helps improve nutrition. optic nerve, relieving spasm of accommodation, increasing visual acuity.

Shareware | Russian | Windows |

Name: Vision corrector v.Standard
License: Shareware


Restore vision, relieve eye fatigue. Principle of operation - the unique method of the Vision Corrector program is a synthesis of the effect of SIRDS pictures and elements of eye-strengthening gymnastics according to the method of M.S. Norbekov, namely exercises to relax the eyes, improve blood circulation, strengthen the eye muscles and a unique exercise to develop the accommodative ability of the eyes , helping to improve nutrition of the optic nerve, relieve spasm of accommodation, and increase visual acuity. "Eyes that look into the distance never grow old"

Platform: Windows All
Tablet: Present
Size: 13.89 Mb
Language: Russian


“Safe Eyes” is an excellent program that reduces the symptoms of eye strain commonly caused by computer monitors. In addition to complete therapeutic eye training, “Safe Eyes” separately offers frequency, contrast, and pattern exercises; this also includes a special contrast sensitivity test.

7. Simulator of entoptic phenomena 2.1 (“IEF 2.1”)

The proposed set of computer programs for creating and viewing simulations of entoptic phenomena is of undoubted value, since the resulting simulations can be familiarized to doctors or enthusiasts who are ready to take the problem seriously and try to provide effective assistance to the patient. The uniqueness of these programs lies in the variety of special visual settings, as well as in the ability to create and demonstrate a dynamic panorama - now anyone can literally see the world through someone else's eyes.

8. Eyesight- Collection of programs for vision treatment. It included all the most best programs, used to maintain, treat and correct vision. These are the programs Chibis, KLINOK-2, FLOWER and many other equally interesting and effective programs. There are nine programs in total.

Platform: Windows 98/2000/XP

Size: 9 mb

These programs are designed to treat amblyopia of any degree and type in patients aged 3 years and older. The method also gives good results in cases of sharply unstable fixation, when many other treatment methods amblyopia(visual disorders, decreased vision) are ineffective.

The multimedia nature of these games increases patients' motivation for treatment. Visual stimuli used in games have a powerful selective effect on the mechanisms that implement visual functions impaired in amblyopia. Connection between visual and auditory systems develops by accompanying with appropriate sounds moments of the game that require increased visual activity. The connection between the visual and motor systems (eye-hand) is restored when controlling one of the objects using the mouse. Also, through the mouse, programs receive feedback from the patient and automatically select stimulation parameters. Thanks to automatic program adjustments, the patient receives stimulation in a range of stimulus sizes that matches his visual acuity. At the end of the game, each program analyzes the progress of the game as a whole and, if necessary, gives advice on changing the initial settings, which allows you to further increase healing effect, maintaining the patient's interest in the game.

Due to the fact that the programs use flashing images, when prescribing treatment for patients with convulsive readiness consultation with a neurologist is necessary. Platform: Windows 98/2000/XP
Distribution type: free
Size: 9 mb

There are special anaglyph glasses.

9. FLOWER program- an interactive training program that has a playful nature.
Purpose of the program: Treatment amblyopia and myopia in children, assessment of visual search speed, development of attention.

The program offers the patient a series of increasingly complex but similar visual exercises, consisting of searching for a given symbol - a single image - among several symbols presented on the petals of a flower. According to its complexity, the exercise is divided into 3 levels, within which only the image sizes are varied (5 gradations).

On the first level letters different sizes are presented one by one, on the second - in groups of 4, on the third - in groups of 7. Each series of images is held for a certain amount of time. Then they are replaced by another. For short term you need to choose a picture exactly the same as in the core of the flower.

10. EYE Sercise- Eye training, eye fitness. A real vision improvement program by Marilyn Roy.
Many people experience vision problems and are not even aware of the existence of effective eye fitness training that can significantly improve their vision and keep their eyes healthy. From this video course you will learn exercises that have a visible effect of improving vision. You can be convinced of this after the first lesson.
Genre: Video tutorial
Translation: not required
Format: AVI
Time: 00:23:02
Video: 1746 Kbps, 640x480
Audio: MP3, 2 ch, 128 Kbps
Size: 183.8 Mb

11. Save your eyesight – Eyeleo 1.1- Program to improve vision

A small program that will help you maintain your vision while working at the computer. Very often we simply don’t notice how long we sit without taking our eyes off the monitor, especially if it’s e-book or a game, or you are just at work.

The program, without being intrusive, will remind you that you need to look out the window or just close your eyes for a few seconds, or maybe you should rest for 5 minutes if you have sat long enough without rest. Eyeleo is easy to install and is located in the tray (lower right corner of the monitor).

12. Eyes Relaxing and Focusing - a visual trainer for the eyes.

Eyes Relaxing and Focusing is an eye trainer program designed to protect and develop the vision of computer users, intended for those computer users who spend more than two hours near the computer. When we work at the computer with various programs, games, design or programming, we often lose track of time, especially if the process is exciting and labor-intensive. It is advisable to take a break after a long period of work to rest your eyes. The Eyes Relaxing and Focusing program will show special images during the break, a kind of vision training, the images will appear directly on the screen, you can follow them just by looking at the computer screen. You don't have to watch the images on the screen; you can step away and look out the window, drink coffee or just close your eyes. A break will have a beneficial effect on your vision.

The program has a wide range of settings with which you can set the duration of the exercises and the time they appear. Enable additional notifications to take a break from work and much more. The program also contains a “script maker” module that allows you to create your own eye exercises. The program is completely free.

This program is well suited for training the eyes; do not forget that the best rest for the eyes is sleep and a walk in the fresh air.

Attention, this program is not medical device, so consult your doctor before using it.

13. Workrave 1.9.4. (in English) is a free cross-platform software designed to preserve the health of a person who is constantly at the computer.

The program regularly reminds you of necessary breaks when working at the computer. "It's time for you to have some tea!" - she declares from time to time in English. If you decide to ignore its warnings, the program may take extreme measures - block access to the computer for a while. In this case, all you have to do is obey the advice of your personal doctor and take a short break for tea - you still won’t be able to work.

Workrave regularly reminds the user to take a break. During the break, it is suggested to do exercises for the arms, eyes, lower back, etc. Detailed program settings allow you to set the working time and three types of breaks.

The frequency of interruptions depends on the activity of the input devices; If there is no input during the break time, the time remaining until the break is reset.

Workrave can lock the screen and keyboard. Workrave can be controlled over a network - for example, to control children's rest from computer games, or to receive messages about breaks using several computers.

14. NEWBaRest

A program almost similar to "Eye Rest". This one adds the function of regulating work time and breaks, but in return you get a picture with a creepy golden man on the entire screen.


- Adjustable work/break time


A huge bright picture during the break. Here is such a man, only big and on a yellow background:
- Easy to turn off

15. C&V (Computer and Vision)- a good program to reduce eye fatigue

We must pay tribute, the program provides a very wide functionality, up to limiting the time of using the computer - for a child, for example: he played for an hour and that’s enough.


During the break, it darkens the screen and closes access to everything that it occurred to me to poke at;
- It is possible to change the parameters for exiting a break - free, with a password, impossibility of exiting;
- Customizable warnings about an upcoming break;
- Possibility to play music during a break. True, only one, it seems.


Shareware, after the first 15 days the brain soars.

Computer program Orbis (Orbis) designed for people who want to control their visual acuity on a home personal computer. The method itself is based on the Landolt optotype: the person whose visual acuity we are measuring sees rings with a gap on one of the four sides. If for some reason measuring visual acuity using standard printed tables or measuring visual acuity online is not suitable for you, you can download and use the Orbis program.

After downloading the file, run it. The computer program for testing visual acuity Orbis does not require installation and will start immediately. The program will open in full screen in a businesslike manner, which, in general, is good - there are fewer distracting images, and the diagnosis of visual acuity can be more accurate. But first, the computer program for testing visual acuity Orbis (Orbis) must be configured. At the bottom left, open the “Setting distances and sizes” tab. Now we need a ruler.

Using the sliders in the “Ruler Settings” section, we need to make sure that the program’s ruler becomes synchronized with the real ruler in your hands.

In the “Distance from the display” section, you can select the distance at which the subject is located from the monitor.

The computer program for testing visual acuity Orbis (Orbis) is configured. Have fun!

You can exit the program by clicking on the “file” tab in the upper left corner - Exit or by pressing the alt+f4 key combination. Minimize the program using alt+tab as standard.

Platform: Windows All
Year of manufacture: 1999-2005
Interface language: Russian
Tablet: Not available (demo 45 days)
Archive weight: 4.94 MB (5,188,178 bytes) | Read how to work with this format in "RAR Archiver"


According to various estimates and different countries, myopia (myopia) affects 35 to 75% of the population. Myopia is growing especially rapidly among children and young people. And every person in his life is faced with visual impairment in the form of age-related farsightedness(presbyopia), which occurs at the age of 35-45 years.

The main problem that arises with these disorders is the deterioration of visual acuity when looking into the distance (myopia) or near (farsightedness).

In most cases, myopia develops after a partial or complete spasm of accommodation that occurs as a result of prolonged and strenuous work at close range. Thus, maintaining the functional state of the accommodative apparatus of the eyes within individual maximum limits is the primary step towards preventing myopia and farsightedness.

The decrease in near and distance visual acuity associated with these disorders is traditionally corrected either with glasses and contact lenses, or by laser correction. The inconveniences associated with wearing and maintaining corrective optics and the risks of surgical intervention are an objective and significant reason for the constant search for alternative solutions.

Regular glasses and contact lenses only slow down the process of vision loss. Special perforation glasses, myopters, glasses with special optics for independent home visual training, eye drops and various dietary supplements offered on the market for vision restoration have a number of significant disadvantages (the need to visit a medical institution, the use of special equipment, multi-day use, medical supervision and etc.). However, the main disadvantage of all these methods is their low efficiency and instability of the results obtained...

About Color EyesKeeper

Methods combined are more effective and successfully practiced common name“vision therapy”, which uses a targeted change in the degree of tension (in other words, “training”) of the accommodative apparatus of the eyes with the help of periodically replaced lenses and prisms of different optical powers. However, the main disadvantage this method is the fact that it can only be used when visiting medical institutions and using special kits optical lenses.

Separately and especially acute is the problem of preventing the occurrence of spasm of accommodation and myopia. Currently, recommendations are offered to solve this problem. general plan on workplace equipment and visual compliance. However, such widespread prophylactic agents such as, toothpaste in dentistry and ophthalmology are completely absent.

Way to solve the problem

One of the directions for improving vision or preventing its impairment is visual work in conditions of targeted changes in the degree of eye accommodation tension. For these purposes, various methods and equipment are used: optical loads using optical elements (lenses) - the Avetisov-Matz method, visual work with a table of optotypes of various sizes using optical elements (lenses) - the “swinging” method.

Known methods and devices do not make it possible to carry out mass events to improve vision, since they require the participation of medical workers, tedious special training in the absence of psycho-emotional stimulation, and the use of ophthalmological equipment.

Therefore, development of non-traditional and original ways and equipment that provides a healing effect in the process of a person performing habitual visual work (reading, writing, visual perception of the surrounding world).

The refractive index of optical media (including the eye) is different for light rays of different wavelengths. The back focal length of the eye for rays of the short-wavelength region (blue) of the visible range of electromagnetic waves is less than for rays of the long-wavelength region (red). All other things being equal, the value of the rear focal length for monochromatic maximally short rays of the visible range of electromagnetic waves it is minimal, and for maximally long ones it is maximal. With the same refractive power of the eye, the difference in these values ​​can be up to 1.5 diopters. That is, the degree of accommodation voltage required to focus long-wave and short-wave light fluxes on the retina is different. Thus, a change in the color characteristics of visual stimuli and their color backgrounds when the eye performs visual work leads to a change in the spectral composition of the light flux entering the eye, which, in turn, is accompanied by a change in the degree of accommodation tension.

Cyclic changes in the colors and brightness of visual stimuli and/or their color backgrounds, as studies have shown, can be used for targeted effects on the accommodative apparatus of the eye instead of traditionally used optical refractive elements (lenses or prisms).

This allows for both prevention and treatment of refractive disorders.

Spectral optical reflex therapy, the basics of which were first proposed, tested and patented as a way to improve vision, is distinguished by its effectiveness, simplicity and wide range technical solutions for its application.

Based on the provisions of spectral optical-reflex therapy, the ColorEyes Keeper visual training program has been developed.

Thus, the main result of the development is the abandonment of the use of optical lenses, as elements that change the degree of accommodation tension of the eye and its optical power. Prevention and recovery visual functions became available without the participation of medical personnel and in the process of habitual visual work.

The first version of the ColorEyesKeeper vision improvement program is available for testing.
This is NOT a reminder to take a visual exercise break. The program is developed on the basis of a new (patented) method of improving vision. A few notes:
-The program is designed for self-training and vision restoration. Mainly to restore distance visual acuity in case of myopia and relieve spasm of accommodation.
-The program itself does NOT restore your vision. You will be required to work independently on a regular basis.
-The installation package does NOT include visual training tasks. So don't expect to start training right away. All tasks are prepared for each user INDIVIDUALLY after receiving the results of a vision test and a completed QUESTIONNAIRE from him. Eye testing is, of course, available.
20 people are required for testing.
If you have normal vision, do not waste time and money downloading the file. Users with myopia of no more than -3 diopters will be selected as testers.

A set of exercises to optimize mental performance. For children and adults who work on a computer for more than three hours a day, the exercises from the Comfort package are vital to eliminate adverse consequences such work.

With the help of five types of exercises of the "Comfort" package: special yoga exercises for the eyes, special physical exercise for people with mental work, Japanese breathing therapy exercises, shiatsu acupressure, American imagotherapy psychotechnical exercises, you can learn right on the job: quickly get involved in work and maintain a high level for a long time mental performance during the working day.

An expanded and improved collection for the eyes has appeared - Preserving Vision, which includes 23 programs for correcting vision: Amplyopia (AmblyopiaABC), Chibis (CHIBIS), ColorEyesKeeper, Contour (CONTOUR), Corrector (CROSSES), Jump4 (DAZZLE4), Jump5 (DAZZLE5 ), Eye (EYE), Eye Corrector (EyeCorrector), Flash (FLASHER), Flower (Flower), GABOR, Kaleidoscope (KALEIDS), Blade (KLINOK), Love (LOVE), Prince (PRINCE), Relaxation (RELAX), Save your eyes (SafeEyes), Spider (SPIDER), Squint (STRABISMUS), Vision (VISUS), Flower (ZVETOK), Puzzles (GOLOVOLOM). All programs are good and useful!

Platform: all Windows
System requirements: The most minimal
Interface language: Russian only
Tablet: Not required
Developer: Sensor company
Year of manufacture: 1994

The collection includes programs for the treatment of amblyopia, strabismus, myopia, binocularity, strabismus, presbyopia, as well as spasm of accommodation and eye fatigue. The collection will be useful to everyone, even people who do not suffer serious illnesses(especially for those who spend a lot of time behind a computer screen). The archive is a collection of ophthalmological programs, the execution of which requires the presence of a personal computer with Windows and DOS operating systems. For convenient launch of Windows programs and launch of DOS programs on computers with modern Windows operating systems. This program is used in regional children's hospitals in ophthalmology departments.

Also, for ease of use (all these programs run on the DOS operating system), these computer programs for the treatment and prevention of eye diseases were collected in the DOS D-Fend emulator program. After downloading and unpacking the archive, open the DFend.exe file, you will see the following window

As you can see, all that remains is to select the program, download and click “Run”. THIS COLLECTION IS PAID. YOU CAN BUY FROM ME AT A BETTER PRICE!!!

Here are characteristics of several well-known programs, for those who do not know:

Chibis program- allows you to carry out test and training procedures to assess the state of binocular stereo vision and functional treatment of binocular disorders. The therapeutic effect of the program is based on stimulation of the coordinated activity of the left and right visual channels through the use of purely binocular visual stimuli - stereograms of random dots, which can be successfully perceived only with the coordinated work of both eyes.

Program "Blade Two"- a comprehensive interactive computer program for the diagnosis and treatment of strabismus, allowing all traditional procedures to be carried out hardware treatment carried out at the synoptophore. The program is built on the principle of simulating the corresponding procedures, but allows you to expand their time and speed range and use a number of new stimulation modes. The diagnostic block of the program provides quantification states of binocular functions: determination of the nature of vision, heterophoria, functional scotoma, strabismus angle and fusion abilities.

Program "Flower"- an interactive training program that has a playful nature. The program offers the patient a series of increasingly complex but similar visual exercises, consisting of searching for a given object among several objects presented on the petals of a flower.

Program "eYe" ("Ay")- intended for the diagnosis and treatment of amblyopia and strabismus, restoration and development binocular vision. The exercises are based on the methods of pleoptics, orthoptics and diploptics. The division of visual fields is carried out using red-blue glasses.

Program "Contour"- a program for the treatment of amblyopia, restoration and development of binocular vision. In binocular exercises, a patient wearing red-blue glasses, seeing a reference drawing with one eye, traces or completes it with a “pen” visible with the other eye. In total, the program contains 38 drawings of varying complexity. To eliminate functional suppression and train fusion, numerous adjustments are provided: the ratio of contrasts of objects and the thickness of the lines of the drawing and “pen” are changed, objects can independently switch from light to dark, blinking is turned on at a controlled frequency, and the strength of the stimulus for peripheral fusion is adjusted.

Program "Crosses" is a game pattern stimulator for the treatment of amblyopia, which uses an invertible chessboard. This stimulus activates neurons and restores interneuronal connections at all levels of the visual system. As the game progresses, the cells are reduced to the point where the player can recognize them. Inversion frequencies are related to cell size, providing the greatest therapeutic effect. The image contrast can be selected over a wide range: from maximum for stimulation to subtle for training. To influence the brightness and color-opponent channels of the visual system, black-and-white, red-green or yellow-blue checkerboards are used. The duration of one game is 5 minutes.

"Spider" program is another game for the treatment of amblyopia, where stimulation is provided by structured dynamic images. The gaming task encourages the patient to maintain gaze near the centers of movable radial or spiral gratings. As a result, the macula and periphery are simultaneously excited by stimuli of optimal sizes: the macula - small, the periphery - large. Also, during the game, visual motor activity, convergence and accommodation are activated. Various settings and color transitions allow you to stimulate all types of photoreceptors, as well as on- and off-neurons. As in the previous game, the contrast of the image can be selected.

23. Relaxation for the eyes

The program is a simulator for vision correction and relieving eye strain.

The purpose of the program is to restore or improve vision, relieve eye fatigue and prevent vision deterioration.

24. Vision corrector 1.0

Vision corrector is a computer program created using a unique method and designed to restore vision, improve vision, relieve eye fatigue, and prevent vision deterioration. The program uses special vision exercises and SIRDS pictures.

As a result of working with the program, ocular blood circulation improves, the eye muscles are strengthened, the accommodative ability of the eyes develops, which, in turn, helps to improve the nutrition of the optic nerve, relieve spasm of accommodation, and increase visual acuity.

The Vision Corrector program has no contraindications and is recommended for daily use.

The program is presented in three versions: Standard (290 rubles), Gold and a free demo version. The developers recommend using the Standard version. The demo version is intended for initial familiarization with the program.

Purpose of the program: The program is intended for the correction and development of binocular functions in children starting from 4-5 years of age.

General characteristics of the program

Strabismus is an interactive computer program for the treatment of strabismus, which allows you to carry out all the traditional procedures of hardware treatment carried out on a synoptophore. The program is built on the principle of simulating the corresponding procedures, but allows you to expand their time and speed range and use a number of new stimulation modes. The diagnostic block of the program provides a quantitative assessment of the state of binocular functions: The therapeutic and training block of the program contains exercises designed to eliminate strabismus and expand fusional reserves.

The Strabismus program provides separate presentation of visual stimuli to the left and right eyes based on anaglyph haploscopy, independent movement of these stimuli across the screen and flashing images at different frequencies. Left and right visual stimuli are generated on the display as images of different colors (red and blue or red and green) and must be viewed through appropriate glasses. There are 2 modes for moving stimuli across the screen: manual and automatic.

All measurement and training results are recorded automatically and displayed on the screen in the form of tables and graphs.

28. Workrave - free program, which will help not only preserve vision, but also stretch other tired muscles from work.

The program will help prevent and treatment of the so-called tunnel syndrome” (wrist pain), which is often found among people who spend a lot of time at the computer.

Workrave alerts you that it's time to take a break. There are three types of rest: mini-rest, break and daily limit. All of them are customizable: time, sounds. It is also possible to lock the keyboard and screen during a break, or to show the “snooze” and “cancel” buttons or not. That is, leave no choice for yourself and obey the program - rest. Convenient for monitoring children's work at the computer.

The program also has a built-in ability to work over the network.

During your rest, the program will not abandon you either, but will offer you to do several exercises: for the health of your eyes, back, neck and arms. All exercises are accompanied by pictures and descriptions.

It's a good program, and it's cross-platform - it's possible to use it on different OSes.

Doska program designed to work with the eye muscles of people sitting for a long time at the monitor. This technique was developed by medical professionals. It is recommended to use this program once every 4 hours of working at the computer (preferably every hour).

Program Guide:

Unzip the resulting file and run the doska.exe program (you can put it in a separate created folder or run directly from the archive).
- the "Space" key starts and stops the process on the monitor, designed to work with the eye muscles
- for optimal gymnastics, you need to look at the motionless middle of the screen for about 30 seconds, then move your eyes to a distant object.ESI - Eyes saving interface (eyes saving interface).

This is not a program, but, say, a monitor calibration complex. To do this, special rules for sites (css) are written, which rearrange all blocks of the site, rules for markup and font use.

The purpose of the ESI application is to teach the system to work correctly with a font size that will be convenient for the user, i.e. select your own font, which is applied to the system, sites, etc. Fonts for all programs will be drawn much better and will strain your eyes less. They will be clear and pleasing to the eye.

We read a lot, watch movies, various videos and just work at the computer. All this significantly affects our visual acuity and eye fatigue. How can we help our eyes? One of the effective methods is a program for eye relax.

Computer program for eyes Relax

The Relax program is a computer development designed to restore the accommodative ability of human eyes. Mainly widely used in the treatment of amblyopia and myopia. It is recommended by ophthalmologists for childhood presbyopia, myopia and normal eye strain when working on a computer.

The Relax computer program is used in the following cases:

  • prevention of eye fatigue;
  • prevention of the above-mentioned computer syndrome;
  • treatment of computer syndrome;
  • myopia treatment;
  • relief from spasm of accommodation and its prevention;
  • prevention of presbyopia.

The Relax program is based on certain stimulants with color, spatial and temporal parameters that are able to remove eye accommodation from existing tension.

Why we decided to develop the Relax program

Patients often come to doctors complaining that their eyes hurt very unpleasantly. The symptoms in these patients are the same. These include redness, pain, burning, dryness, watery eyes, sensitivity to bright light and headache. Such symptoms often plague people whose work involves computers. Abroad, doctors even developed a certain term that characterized this disease: computer visual syndrome (CVS). The Orthometric Association of America has clearly stated that COD is an occupational disease syndrome.

After examining many people and diagnosing “computer vision syndrome,” doctors discovered the following:

  • a sharp decrease in visual acuity;
  • convergence disorder;
  • violation of accommodation;
  • impaired stereoscopic vision;

The third named symptom is the most common. It is accommodation that can be trained, thereby improving vision. In this case, training means special exercises that will help not only ordinary PC users, but also workers who often experience increased visual stress.

But for middle and junior schoolchildren, accommodation training is important. It is at school that a child can experience an increased load on accommodation. If the child’s body cannot cope with the load given to it, then myopia begins to develop. In this case, various exercises with prisms and lenses, acupressure of special zones, and exercises with laser glasses help well. This method of vision restoration requires the presence of a doctor or nurse nearby, as well as special equipment. For treatment with the Relax program, all of the above is not required.

Give your eyes a rest

Sanitary standards in our country say that in order to reduce visual fatigue in the eyes, a schoolchild or student must take breaks between working on the computer, which will help relieve accumulated eye fatigue. However, everyone’s work-rest plan should be individual. The break time depends on the nature of the work being performed, the available technical characteristics of the computer, the age of the user and his individual characteristics. It is during these breaks that ophthalmologists recommend conducting classes using the Relax program.

The named program is programmed to monitor user activity. With its help, a person does not have to keep track of his work and rest time. The program itself will remind him of this. In addition, the program can independently launch the visual stimulation of accommodation created in it.

The technique implemented in the Relax program is based on numerous experiments in which it was confirmed that computer stimulation has a positive effect on accommodation. The created vision gymnastics keeps pace with other known methods of vision restoration. It is very valuable that the Relax technique can be used everywhere: at work, at home, in computer classes (at school) and in all educational institutions.

Contraindications to the use of the Relax program

The method has its contraindications:

  1. convulsive readiness;
  2. persistent neurogenic spasm of accommodation.

When purchasing the program, the buyer will receive a product kit:

  • distribution;
  • license;
  • electronic key (for protection);
  • user manual;
  • guarantee.

Having released the program, the manufacturer announced the following requirements for the computer on which the Relax program will be installed in the future:

  1. Minimum requirements for a video card, RAM and free hard drive space.
  2. IBM compatible.
  3. Processor, Pentium-166 and higher.
  4. The presence of a drive for reading CDs.
  5. Computer support USB device.
  6. Free USB port for installing an electronic security key.
  7. Operating system requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7/8.1/10 Russified.

Official website of the developer.

How the Relax program works

The named program is based on only two functions:

  • compliance with the “work-rest” regime;
  • eye stimulation.

Manufacturers and ophthalmologists advise PC users to use these functions together. And for people whose eye disease is progressing, use only stimulation.

Program management

The eye relaxation computer program is controlled in two ways:

  1. Automatic start of surveillance.
  2. Manually enable surveillance.
  3. Work only with the “gymnastics” cycle.

The first method is recommended for PC users to perform everyday work. In this case, the vision improvement program starts automatically at startup operating system Windows. Relax counts keystrokes and mouse presses. It is these actions that she takes for work. As soon as the number of user actions taken exceeds the programmed number, Relax will make itself known by flashing a special icon (it is located on the taskbar). In addition, if configured in the settings, a beep will sound. Such playback should tell the user that it’s time to start doing eye exercises and start doing it.

You can open the program using the icon's context menu. In this case, there is one more way out that you need to know about. To relax, instead of doing gymnastics, you need to take a long break between work. In this case, the sound and light signals will stop and the program will begin counting a new cycle.

The second method is slightly different from the previous one. Here the “observation” phase is started using the “Relax observation” shortcut, and not automatically.

The third method starts only gymnastics. Its duration is 5 minutes. At this moment, the user must look at the screen without performing other extraneous actions. Completion occurs automatically. The process can be stopped by pressing the Esc key.

You need to remember and understand how it works

Consider the case when the program is configured to next time: 1 hour work, 10 minutes rest. In this case, the sound alarm is turned on. In order for the program to calculate everything correctly, you need to work on the computer for 1 hour continuously, or if breaks are taken between keystrokes and mouse clicks, they should be less than 10 minutes. In this case, after exactly one hour you will see flashing and hear a squeaking sound.

If you continue to work on the computer, the beeping will occur at intervals of one minute. The sound will stop only after the user stops using the mouse and keyboard. The above concerns the sound, with the blinking of the button everything is different. It will continue for another 10 minutes. As soon as the gymnastics mode is started, all signals will stop. Remember that the sound and light signals will continue until you take a break from working on the computer or doing gymnastics using the relaxation program. When the break or gymnastics ends, the program will begin a new countdown.

If the user decides to take a break from work ahead of schedule and do gymnastics or rest, the program will understand this. And after this is done, it will also begin a new countdown period.

Follow all on-screen instructions

So, after the command “Start gymnastics” you must strictly move away from the screen at a distance of 1.5 m (this will definitely be written on the screen). If such a distance is too far for a person and in ordinary life in such a situation he always uses glasses, then he must definitely wear them too.

You need to do the exercises separately with each eye. To prevent the second eye from interfering with the work of the other, it must be closed. But many say that with open gases, exercises are also effective.

If the patient has progressive myopia, then it is necessary to look at the screen without straining the eyes too much.

Consult your doctor

Especially in the first days, some discomfort in the eyes often occurs. If it is temporary, that is, it becomes less pronounced every day, then this is normal.

If the process proceeds normally, it is necessary to conduct classes daily and seven days a week. The time after which the therapeutic effect will be noticeable depends on the disease, the degree of neglect and the individual characteristics of the patient. But anyway positive dynamics treatment always lasts for 1-1.5 months.

  1. Personal settings must be set in accordance with sanitary standards and regulations. SanPin recommends doing useful exercises for eyes every 20 minutes – 1 hour. If it is not possible to do the exercise, then you just need to step away from the computer and rest.
  2. For adults, it is recommended to rest for 15-20 minutes every 2 hours. Of course, the effect of gymnastics is much greater than that of simple rest. All this must be taken into account in the specified settings.
  3. You can significantly improve your vision if you supplement your training with the Relax program with exercises for the extraocular muscles and eyes in general.
  4. For those who do not use a computer at all, it is also necessary to run the “training” mode once a day, no less.
  5. Classes will be more productive if during the session you succumb to some illusion, as if seeing the movement of objects at the entire depth.

Visual fatigue can occur because the surface of the eye has become dry. This usually happens when the user rarely blinks and peers intently at the monitor. The reason for this condition may be the location of the computer monitor above eye level. This provokes a person to raise the eyelids too much, as a result of which the surface of the eye very quickly dries out from the tears that wet it.

Poor quality images on the monitor cause headaches. This phenomenon is called sensory fatigue. It very often appears when the screen has faded colors, unclear letters, low frame rates, glare and other defects. In this case, the Relax program will not help; you need to remove the source of irritation from view and properly organize your work at your computer.

Reviews about the program

Kirill, Orenburg

My vision began to deteriorate in the 7th grade. Even then I started wearing glasses. Unfortunately, now I am over 30 years old, I work in an office and all my work is computer related. I myself learned about this program not so long ago. But for some reason I didn’t immediately believe that a computer program could eliminate eye fatigue. But in vain I did not believe. After taking this course with a doctor, my vision has noticeably improved. Now I installed this program at my work. I should immediately note that I launch manually.

Veronica, Samara

I can say for sure that the described method works. I bought such a disc for myself and carried out the treatment myself at home. The computer was watching me. This is me laughing. Plus I did eye exercises that I found on the Internet. You know, I worked painstakingly and after a month I clearly saw that there was a result. I got my husband, my school-age daughter, my mother, my aunt and my friend hooked on this method of vision restoration.