Respiratory allergosis: etiology and treatment of the disease. Respiratory allergies Allergoses in children

Respiratory allergies is a complex of diseases with allergic damage to various parts respiratory system. Etiology and pathogenesis are based on allergic reactions urgent and inhibited appearance. The respiratory system as a whole or some of its parts can be damaged, which determines the form of allergosis.
Allergic rhinosinusitis usually manifests itself in children aged 2-4 years, and is often combined with other respiratory allergies or becomes a precedent. There are seasonal rhinosinusitis, chronic and infectious-allergic (mixed type). Each of these types is characterized by the following stages of disease development: paroxysmal, catarrhal, vasodilator.
Symptoms of allergic rhinosinusitis
Symptoms include the following: itching and burning in the nose, sneezing, watery or foamy nasal discharge, swelling of the mucous membrane, manifestations of inflammation of the mucous membrane eustachian tube, swelling of the eyelids, injection of the sclera, feeling of a foreign body in the eye. During seasonal rhinosinusitis, symptoms often occur general malaise, headaches, lethargy, possible increase in temperature to subfebrile levels, nervousness. Very often, rhinosinusitis becomes a precursor to the formation of bronchial asthma.
Recognition is based on information from symptoms, rhinoscopy, radiography, detection high content immunoglobulin E, skin testing results, etc.
How to treat allergic rhinosinusitis
Typical hyposensitization, antihistamines medicines.
Allergic laryngitis occurs more often at night and is expressed by croup syndrome - anxiety, difficulty breathing, barking cough, blue lips and nasolabial triangle. The voice is saved. Depending on the severity of the child’s situation, there are four stages of subglottic laryngitis: at stage 1, breathing is replenishable, the attack is short-lived; at stage II - additional muscles take part in the breathing process, the heartbeat accelerates; at stage 111 there is manifest shortness of breath with acute retraction of compliant areas chest, local blue discoloration; at stage IV, pronounced blue discoloration appears, coma, cardiac arrest.
The diagnosis is based on information from a study of symptoms and immunoglobulin E levels.
How to treat allergic laryngitis
At stage 1, warm sitz baths are prescribed with a gradual increase in water temperature to 42-43 degrees. C, frequently drinking a warm Borjomi solution, inhaling steam with the addition of a 2% sodium bicarbonate solution; hospitalization is not necessary. At stage II, hospitalization is necessary; Antisensitizing drugs and antispasmodics are administered intravenously. At stage III of the disease specified treatment in addition, dehydration and steroid hormones; if ineffective, intubation or throat section is performed; hospitalization is mandatory.
The prognosis for stage I is positive; at stages II-IV is determined by the correctness of the therapy.
Symptoms of allergic tracheobronchitis
Symptoms include bouts of dry, tense cough, usually at night. The disease proceeds in waves, stretches long time. With manifestations of bronchitis in the lungs, you can listen to dry and silent moist rales. There is an abundance of leukocytes in the blood. Affirmative scarification skin test with histamine.
Recognition is the same as for laryngitis.
How to treat allergic tracheobronchitis
Inhalations with the addition of soda are prescribed, abstracting thermal foot procedures, warm drink with soda, jars, wild rosemary decoction, antiallergic medications, physiotherapy If the child’s parents don’t know how to spend an active holiday, then you should go to the website
The prognosis is positive.
Food allergy relates multiple allergic responses of a child to food products. In formation food allergies sensitivity to cow's milk. However, sensitivity to other products may also occur. Overlapping responses between different stimuli are also common. Hereditary propensity is also very important. Food allergy is a fairly common deviation that has a predisposition to increasing growth, and its first symptoms are mostly associated with artificial feeding or premature supplementation.
Symptoms of food allergy
Symptoms of food allergies vary widely and vary separate lesion skin, respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract or combined disorders - skin-respiratory, skin-intestinal. Children suffer from itching, especially at night, they are nervous, suffer from neurotic reactions and, often, deviations of the ENT organs and gastrointestinal tract. In parallel, Quincke's edema and urticaria can often occur.
Recognition of food allergy is based on information from history and symptoms and is supported by the manifestation of a causally significant irritant.
How to treat food allergies
Elimination of a causally significant irritant, pathogenetically reasoned diet, anti-allergenic drugs, anti-mediator drugs, histaglobulin, allergoglobulin, ointments with the addition of tar or naphthalan.
The prognosis with timely examination and therapy is positive.
Allergic alveolitis is a defective process in the lungs that occurs as a result of a known causative factor– an irritant and is expressed by a reactive reaction. Both the antigenic structure of the causal causes and the characteristic features of the response of the macroorganism play a role.
Hydrolytic enzymes of alveolar cells stimulate the decomposition of complement with the appearance of C3-fractions and ultimately lead to the formation of the C3-component, leading to an increase in the rate of decay of C3; activation of the production of immunoglobulins by B-lymphocytes leads to the formation of immune systems, which subsequently remain on the base membrane of the lung vessels and When complement is fixed on their surface, they become open to fusion with phagocytes. The structural enzymes released during this process damage the lung tissue according to the Arthus phenomenon.
Symptoms of allergic alveolitis
Symptoms are varied and depend on the level of antigenicity of the causative stimulus, the power and duration of the antigenic action, characteristic features macroorganism. These reasons predetermine the course of the disease. The main symptoms: increased body temperature, chills, shortness of breath, cough, lethargy, pain in the chest, muscles, joints, headaches. When contact with the causative irritant ends, these symptoms disappear within 12-48 hours. Secondary contacts with the causative allergen lead to a worsening of the disease.
Recognition is based on symptoms, leukocytosis with shift leukocyte formula to the left, accelerated ESR, moderate eosinophilia, manifestation of characteristic precipitating antibodies and immune systems, results of provocative inhalation tests, X-ray examination.
How to treat allergic alveolitis
Eliminate contact with the causative irritant. Prednisolone in a dosage appropriate to the child’s age, symptomatic treatment.
Forecast at acute forms positive, in subacute and chronic cases - difficult.

Respiratory allergies include diseases in the development of which the main role is played by allergies, and in the foreground in clinical picture damage to the respiratory system.

Respiratory allergies are a group diseases of an allergic nature involving different parts of the respiratory tract. IN pathological process The respiratory tract may be involved completely or only certain parts of it, which determines the form of allergosis.

Reasons for the development of allergies

One of the main predisposing factors in the development of allergies is a hereditary tendency to allergic pathologies. Also plays an important role artificial feeding, perinatal damage to the respiratory and central nervous systems, prolonged, massive and early exposure to allergens, atopic diathesis. Besides, Negative influence polluted atmospheric air, regular use industrial canning products, frequently recurring acute respiratory infections, as well as their irrational treatment, skin dysbiocenosis, chronic diseases digestive tract and intestinal dysbiosis.

Allergens that cause sensitization ( increased sensitivity), in all forms of respiratory allergies, as a rule, are weak antigens from external environment. The main route of allergens entering the body during respiratory allergies is inhalation.

As a rule, for different age groups characterized by various allergens. For example, in most cases in children early age respiratory allergies are associated with exposure to food allergens, in preschool children - with household allergens, in older children - with plant pollen allergens.

House dust consists of a huge number of allergens. Basically, the allergenic properties of dust are determined by the presence of microscopic mites in it. In addition to mites, house dust usually contains mold allergens, epidermal allergens, chemical substances. The main sources of epidermal allergens are fluff, feathers, wool, dandruff, secretions sebaceous glands pets (dogs, cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, birds).

In some cases, allergic pathologies respiratory tract develop as a result of a reaction to drugs (for example, sulfonamides, penicillins, vitamins, aspirin).

In most cases of respiratory allergies, polyallergy is observed - the occurrence of hypersensitivity to several types of allergens. As a rule, the range of antigens that cause an allergic reaction expands with age.

Forms of respiratory allergies

Allergic rhinitis - a fairly common disease, the main symptoms of which include nasal congestion, discharge, sneezing and itching in the nose. As a rule, the manifestations of this pathology are seasonal and usually coincide with the flowering season of plants to the pollen of which there is hypersensitivity.

As drug treatment For respiratory allergies, antihistamines are used. Glucocorticosteroids are used topically in the form of aerosols, which are injected into the nasal passages. Also, in the treatment of allergic pathologies of the paranasal sinuses and upper respiratory tract, physiotherapeutic methods and vitamin therapy are often used.

To prevent the occurrence of respiratory allergies in the presence of predisposing factors, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures. For example, if there is a hereditary tendency to allergic pathologies, a pregnant woman must observe hypoallergenic diet to minimize the likelihood of hypersensitivity in her child. After birth, the baby needs to limit contact with potential allergens. Also, the prevention of respiratory allergies contributes to prolonged breast-feeding.

Important preventive measure is to prevent the occurrence of acute respiratory infections, and also, in case of their development, carrying out rational therapy. It should be noted negative effect long-term use of nasal drops containing vasoconstrictors.

Respiratory allergies are usually observed in children and young people. Hence, early detection and timely treatment of hypersensitivity conditions prevents the development of various severe forms allergies.

Hello, dear readers. Today we will talk about respiratory allergies in children.

How to recognize it insidious disease waiting for the baby? How to distinguish it from normal viral infection?

Which children are at risk? What are the ways to treat and prevent respiratory allergies? How to protect children from dangerous diseases?

Respiratory allergies are a complex allergic diseases upper respiratory tract.

Respiratory allergies can affect individual areas (nasopharynx, bronchi, trachea, etc.) and the entire respiratory system.

Most often, respiratory allergosis occurs in children with a family history (parents suffered from allergies), and in infants who, for some reason, cannot receive breast milk.

And also in children 2-4 years old as a reaction of the immune system to food products or elements of cosmetics introduced for the first time.

Also at risk are children with weakened immune systems due to frequent colds or intestinal disorders.

Symptoms respiratory allergosis similar to symptoms of viral respiratory tract infections:

  • itching and burning in the nose and throat;
  • cough, sneezing;
  • nasal congestion, watery or mucous discharge;
  • sore throat, swelling;
  • redness of the eyes, tearing.

As you can see, the symptoms are very similar to a common viral infection.

Sometimes parents do not pay due attention to the listed signs, they say, “all children get sick, who grew up without a runny nose?”

But if respiratory allergosis is not treated in time, it may begin serious complications: conjunctivitis, laryngitis, bronchial asthma, Quincke's edema.

How to distinguish respiratory allergosis from a viral infection? As a rule, with a viral infection, these symptoms appear gradually, with an increasing effect; with respiratory allergosis, they appear quite quickly and immediately.

In addition, a child suffering from respiratory allergy does not have a body, a good appetite, there is no lethargy, moodiness and other signs of the patient.

Often the disease “gives out” an abrupt course. For example, you notice that the attacks worsen after visiting the neighbor’s children (and there is a kitten in that apartment), or while cleaning the apartment, or after going to the circus, etc.

What should parents do if their children experience the symptoms described?

Only a doctor can diagnose the disease. Therefore, you need to start with a pediatrician.

He will examine the child and prescribe appropriate tests to exclude the possibility chronic diseases(for example, bronchitis or pneumonia) and refer you for consultation to an otolaryngologist (problems may be due to chronic rhinitis or adenoids).

The final diagnosis will be made by an allergist. To detect allergens, causing seizures illnesses in children, in the clinic the child will have their blood taken for analysis or skin tests done.


Many parents serious treatment Respiratory allergosis is considered only.

  • Local treatment. For a runny nose, use oil-based vasoconstrictors. For conjunctivitis and burning eyelids - drugs based on ketotifen. For a sore throat, gargle with decoctions of chamomile, calendula, and eucalyptus tincture.
  • Antihistamines are prescribed by an allergist.
  • Elimination of the allergen or, conversely, ASIT. Children over five years old can be given an allergen, gradually and carefully, disease-causing, to the immune system I learned to accept it correctly. This is called ASIT - allergen-specific immunotherapy.
  • Sorbents (from activated carbon to more modern ones) cleanse the intestines and help the body fight the effects of allergens.
  • Allergists recommend prebiotics based on lactobacilli to normalize intestinal microflora and improve immunity.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures. In the treatment of allergic diseases good effect produce speleotherapy, inhalations with essential oils, medicinal baths with sea salt.
  • Strengthening the immune system. Hardening, reception, moderate physical exercise. Doctors recommend that children who have suffered respiratory allergosis engage in swimming, figure skating, breathing exercises, yoga - those sports that strengthen breathing. Mothers who are concerned about the aesthetic education of their children can be asked to take their child to a music school in a wind music class. Playing the flute, trombone and other instruments also helps develop proper breathing.
  • . Children prone to allergies should not consume honey, eggs, nuts, etc. You should avoid red and orange vegetables and fruits.
  • Cleanliness and order in the house. Dust, animal hair, insects are the worst enemies for people at risk. Keep the room clean, monitor the humidity - and your children will be reliably protected.

Only compliance with all components of treatment will help cope with allergies.

Important to remember

  1. If you have allergies in your family, if your child has been deprived mother's milk, was often sick or suffered intestinal infections– he is at risk and may develop respiratory allergosis.
  2. If a baby suddenly starts coughing, runny nose, itching and burning in the nose, throat, eyes (while the temperature, appetite, and mood are normal), and then everything stops just as quickly - these are symptoms of respiratory allergosis, and therefore, serious reason contact your pediatrician.
  3. If a child has been diagnosed with respiratory allergosis, you cannot limit yourself to antihistamines. Complex treatment is required.

We wish you and your children health!

Respiratory allergosis is specific disease respiratory system, which is based on some allergic reaction. With this disease, all organs and parts of the respiratory tract are involved in the process.

The main reasons for the development of allergies

Reasons for development of this disease can be completely different. One of the most important factors- heredity. Very often there are cases of transmission of diseases of an allergic nature from generation to generation. Can play a big role:

  • constant artificial feeding;
  • perinatal pathologies of the nervous and respiratory systems;
  • atopic diathesis;
  • the earliest exposure to various allergens on the child’s body. Great importance The environmental situation plays a role in the development of the disease.

The consumption of various preservatives in food, the frequent incidence of acute respiratory infections, all kinds of diseases of the skin, digestive tract and intestines have a bad effect on the health of the body.

Respiratory allergies can develop due to the action of a strong allergen on the body. However, not all of them are like this. Those irritants that cause increased sensitivity can be considered the weakest antigens external origin. In respiratory allergosis, the allergen enters the body only through inhalation.

The most common allergens are household and food allergens arising from the pollen of certain plants. Many people quite often have a reaction to house dust. All this can be explained by the fact that the dust contains enough a large number of various types microscopic mites, mold fungi and all kinds of chemicals.

There are also cases when an allergic reaction can develop to certain medications. A feature of respiratory allergies is the presence of polyallergy, that is, the presence of several harmful allergens in the body at once.

Main forms of respiratory allergies and their symptoms

There are several main types of allergies. Depending on the form, the symptoms of the disease will differ.

Most often it develops in children and can last throughout the rest of a person’s life. The disease occurs quite often. At the same time, patients complain about constant congestion nose, maybe scanty discharge. Added to all this severe itching in the nasal passages, which causes constant sneezing.

This disease is most often seasonal in nature. It appears during the flowering period of many plants, which is associated with the hypersensitivity of the human body to their pollen.

  1. Allergic pharyngitis.

It is characterized by severe swelling of the entire mucous membrane covering the oropharynx. Sometimes in inflammatory process the tongue may also be involved. In this case, the patient has constant feeling something foreign in the throat. But no pain is usually noted. The most common symptom is a severe, dry cough. Most often, this pharyngitis is chronic and can be combined with tonsillitis.

  1. Allergic tracheitis.

There is a rapid onset of hoarseness. The patient suffers from severe and prolonged attacks of dry cough. The cough gets worse at night and appears strong pain in the retrosternal region. The disease can continue even for several months, and it has a wavy nature with periods of exacerbation and remission. However, what is surprising is the fact that even severe attacks cough is usually not disturbed general condition body.

  1. Allergic obstructive bronchitis.

This disease is considered the most common respiratory allergosis, which affects only the lower respiratory tract. Some doctors consider this disease to be one of the types of bronchial asthma with the most light current. This is explained by the practical coincidence of both the main causes and mechanisms of development of bronchial asthma and allergic obstructive bronchitis.

Basic principles of treatment of respiratory allergies

Absolutely any treatment known form respiratory allergies implies the initial and final cessation of all contacts of the body with those allergens that provoked or may be the cause of the disease.

Drug treatment involves prescribing specific drugs to the patient. antihistamines. Allergic rhinitis is often treated with various aerosols that contain glucocorticosteroids. Such drugs must be injected directly into the nasal passages several times a day. If the process involves the upper respiratory tract and paranasal sinuses, then vitamin therapy and some physiotherapeutic procedures are used for treatment.

For early warning of the development of possible respiratory diseases, of course, if there is a harmful allergen, you need to adhere to special preventive measures. For example, pregnant women who have hereditary factor manifestations of allergic reactions, you should follow a special hypoallergenic diet from the very beginning of pregnancy. This is necessary in order to try to prevent the development of hypersensitivity in the unborn child. But after birth, mothers should always remember that the baby should be protected from all possible harmful allergens as early as possible. Long-term and constant breastfeeding of a child can also be considered the best prevention of allergies.

Halotherapy in the treatment of respiratory allergosis

Today, the method of halotherapy is becoming increasingly popular.

It consists in prescribing special haloinhalations, which are recommended to be combined with some breathing exercises. This method is one of the most effective for preventing the development of any respiratory diseases. Halotherapy is also often used to prevent the development of all sorts of complications associated with chronic diseases respiratory tract. This therapy is usually carried out in several successive courses.

Its essence lies in the combination of basic neurovegetative, as well as adaptation-trophic processes occurring in the body under the influence of various immunostimulating substances. However, this method of treatment respiratory pathology is quite expensive, so doctors suggest alternative method treatment with a specific drug Galoneb. Its effectiveness has been proven over the years.

Specific nebulizer therapy

This therapy is a special inhalation treatment method. It has quite a few advantages:

  • used from a very early age;
  • dosage delivered into the respiratory tract medicinal product considered the most accurate;
  • inhalations can be easily done at home completely independently;
  • the presence of many analogues of drugs;
  • a positive effect can be achieved in the most short time by simply administering a large but acceptable dose of the drug;
  • inhalations do not in any way affect all other organs and systems of the body.

Thus, respiratory allergies are a fairly common disease. But it can also be prevented if you take good care of your health. When the first signs of illness appear, you should immediately seek help from a specialist who will be able to prescribe the most effective and effective methods treatment and prevention of a possible developing disease.

Respiratory allergosis includes a set of diseases in which the respiratory tract is affected under the influence of allergens. It can manifest itself in both adults and childhood. However, most often lesions of this nature appear in 2–4 year old children. Treatment of each disease is symptomatic.

Causes of diseases

Respiratory allergosis affects the airways

Respiratory allergosis can have two types of origin: infectious and non-infectious. For each of the diseases, damage to the respiratory tract or part of it may occur:


If the lesion is infectious in nature, then the functioning of the respiratory system is disrupted by the penetration of viruses, bacteria or microorganisms of fungal origin.
At non-infectious form Allergosis occurs for a number of reasons.

    Symptoms of damage occur when aeroallergens penetrate. These include plant pollen, dust with the secretions of cockroaches and mites contained in it, as well as animal hair.

    Irritation may occur when exposed to food allergens.

    The occurrence of allergic diseases is influenced by taking medications.

    Often symptoms of respiratory tract damage are observed upon contact with household chemicals, cosmetics.

Depending on the causes, the symptoms of the disease may vary. Therefore, treatment is prescribed only after a mandatory examination by a doctor.

Forms of allergosis and their symptoms

Headache in a child

Respiratory allergosis in children can be expressed as various forms. They differ in the localization of the reaction when exposed to a stimulus.

    Symptoms of allergic rhinitis often appear in childhood. When irritation occurs, a person experiences congestion in the nasal passages, slight mucous discharge from the nose, and conjunctivitis. In this case, the child develops an itchy nose, which causes sneezing. He can feel headache, malaise. Allergic rhinitis often occurs during the flowering period of plants, but can also occur year-round.

    With allergic pharyngitis, extensive swelling of the mucous membrane of the oropharynx is observed. In some cases, inflammation spreads to the tongue area. In this case, children often experience a sensation of a foreign object in the throat, a lump that does not go away. Pharyngitis is characterized by a strong dry cough.

    When allergic tracheitis occurs, hoarseness appears. A person may experience attacks of dry cough, especially at night. In this case, pain is felt in the chest area. Tracheitis can manifest itself over a long period of time, either exacerbating or reducing symptoms.

    The most common disease is allergic obstructive bronchitis. The defeat in this case is observed only in lower sections respiratory tract. In some cases, the disease is associated with bronchial asthma light form.

    At allergic laryngitis swelling of the larynx occurs. The child appears barking cough, as well as hoarseness.

Often the symptoms of respiratory allergosis are confused with ARVI. Therefore, it is often prescribed incorrect treatment, which does not lead to positive result. However, there are some characteristics that distinguish allergosis from a viral disease.

    With allergy, the child is in a normal state.

    The baby's appetite is not affected.

    There is no rise in body temperature.

    The child plays and stays awake as usual.

The main difference between the diseases is the nature of the manifestations. At allergic lesion respiratory tract reaction is observed after a few minutes or hours. With ARVI, the condition may worsen gradually.

Treatment of diseases

Suprastin is an antihistamine

Since the disease is allergic nature, treatment of children includes mandatory use of antihistamines. The doctor may prescribe first, second or third generation drugs. Among drugs with antihistamine effect highlight:





In children, treatment is carried out in the form of drops. These include Zyrtec, Zodak, Fenistil. But for severe allergic reactions, Suprastin is often used, the dosage of which is calculated based on the age of the child.
Therapy is also required vasoconstrictor drugs. Among them are:

Activated carbon removes allergens

They relieve swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose, preventing the appearance of a runny nose and mucous discharge. They also help make breathing easier.
Treatment involves taking enterosorbents in combination with prebiotics. You can remove the allergen from the body using Enterosgel, Smecta, Activated carbon. You can normalize the intestinal microflora with the help of prebiotics Hilak-Forte, Duphalac, Lactusan. They can be used from the first day of the baby's life.
You can cope with the manifestations of respiratory allergosis with the help of physiotherapeutic procedures. The effect is observed from:



The child is shown physiotherapy, aimed at general strengthening body. During such exercises breathing is trained.
It is important to immediately eliminate contact with the irritant to avoid increased signs of respiratory allergosis. If this is not possible, then immunotherapeutic treatment is performed. However, this method is not suitable for all children, as it can enhance the development of the reaction.