Rituals for acquiring and developing magical power. How to get magical power: proven methods

Self-confidence is the main component of success in life. But this requires a strong character, which not everyone has by nature.

Powerful rituals

Magic spells that give strength and allow you to feel confident in any life situations are very popular. It should be remembered that any conspiracy to give strength acts psychologically. Therefore, during the ritual, the appropriate mood is very important. The following is a description of the ritual in which a conspiracy is used to give strength; it always gives a guaranteed result. But at the same time, before it is carried out, care should be taken to get rid of existing acquired complexes. We need to get rid of the internal panic fear of any changes. Only after this, a conspiracy to give strength activates courage and fearlessness in a person.

To gain self-confidence, it is recommended to pray to St. Luke. This is a very unusual biblical figure. It is believed that he can help heal any disease. But St. Luke most strongly patronizes those who want to gain strength and self-confidence. The plot is read in the evening during the full moon in a secluded place and in absolute silence. You need to turn clockwise around yourself three times and cross yourself.

After this, you should say the following magic words:

“I, the Servant of God (my own name), look at Saint Luke - and I understand that I can and will be able to do everything in life. Help me, Saint Luke, to preserve and increase my inner strength. With your help and under your supervision, I will endure everything, I will stand everywhere and will not bow my shoulders.

Give me, Saint Luke, enough reason to always make wise decisions. And so that no force could shake the confidence in one’s strength. May my inner strength grow and increase day by day. And confidence in the correctness of your actions only strengthens. Be present in my life, Saint Luke, and support me in moments of doubt. Amen".

Simple conspiracy

In order to increase internal strength, you can use another conspiracy. His words sound like this:

“In a dark moonless and starless night, in a deserted desert there is no fear. It is found neither in water nor in fire. This means that it cannot be found either in military affairs or in fistfights. Do not see fear in the face of the deceased and do not feel it in earthly court. Therefore, there will never be fear in the soul of God’s Servant (s) (proper name). Amen".

As a rule, any conspiracy to give strength should be read at least seven times. In this case, all words should be pronounced clearly and without hesitation.

The question of how to obtain magical power has arisen from time immemorial. There is no person indifferent to magic. The unknown has always attracted and attracted. Not only children, but also adults are very curious to look behind the scenes.

Not everyone is given by nature to be a superman, to see the world of the dead, to control destinies, to vary events. If parents, grandparents were witches, magicians or sorcerers, then the chance that such abilities will be inherited by their grandson increases. Parents are not chosen, so not everyone is destined to become the chosen one. Higher powers do not endow everyone with the gift of clairvoyance.

At a young age, children who have inherited magical powers begin to notice their differences from their peers. This period is very difficult for the child’s psyche; it is important not to be scared and take for granted such an unusual essence. Parents play a big role in the development of the magical powers of such an unusual child.

They have the power to suppress magical abilities or, conversely, improve them to a high level. You should listen to the opinion of the child himself, you should not put pressure on him, it is important to be able to direct him in the right direction, and then the child will learn to make his own choice and swim in the right direction.

Obtaining magical power is not so simple. You should not believe films and fairy tales about Ivan the Fool, who married a sorceress or met a magic horse in a field and thus became omnipotent. If the gift was not passed on by inheritance or through mother's milk, then you need to start searching for witches and sorcerers according to your pedigree. It is better to start such searches by building a family tree.

It is important to ask the oldest members of your family and find out details from the lives of your relatives. Perhaps the great-grandmother or grandmother were rural healers and had the opportunity to communicate with the other world. Before her death, the witch grandmother can pass on her gift to her grandchildren. Or give a will in the form of a book with spells or magical paraphernalia.

If, after interviewing relatives, no thread leading to the world of magic is found, then the person was born into an ordinary family, and there was no one in the family with supernatural abilities. Acquiring magical power through literature is possible. In addition, the abundance of books about magic on bookstore shelves is amazing. You just have to decide on the topic and what you want to learn and who you want to become.

It is important to delve into your soul, learn to abstract from the outside world and city noise. Nature can help with this. It’s worth trying to go into the forest, lean against a tree or the ground, and soak up the power of nature. Silence and peace help you concentrate on one thought and not waste your energy. You can try to mentally influence objects and objects. For example, try to stop a clock pendulum or tilt a tree branch in the other direction.

The four elements (earth, water, air, fire) are sources of energy. They have long been used by magicians to fuel them so that they can perform magical rituals and ceremonies. The elements will help beginner magicians gain magical power.

Before introducing yourself into the world of the sacraments, you should think carefully about the consequences that may arise when the uninitiated meddle where they should not. If nature itself did not endow us with higher capabilities, then it had to be so.

People just starting to follow magical paths often face one problem. Absolutely nothing works out for them. It seems that everything is done as recommended in the texts, but the result is zero.

Poor souls scour the Internet, looking for powerful spells, thinking that they trusted a source with unreliable information. However, let's think about whether it's worth being nervous in such a situation.

What are strong spells? Do you think that these are special words that give the magician omnipotence, unsurpassed and unyielding will at this particular moment?

Yes, it's possible. But the point is not in the texts. In fact, everything is somewhat different.

Strength lies deep in the soul of absolutely every person. Some discover it quickly, others take time, others are generally unable to overcome the barriers that separate them from real magic.

The most powerful spells

This topic relates more to the theory of magic than to practice. But without such knowledge, you can stumble upon obstacles all your life, without any hope of overcoming or bypassing them.

Powerful spells don't just need to be known. You need to know how to use them. Do you remember how you conduct the rituals?

Do you have a reverent attitude in your soul towards the forces that you are trying to attract to your side? Does a magnificent feeling of power over nature and people arise in the depths of consciousness?

And you can’t do without these subtleties.

Everything is complicated and simple at the same time. Magic is a tool available to everyone. But only a few are able to master it completely. They discover its essence in the process of training and practice.

There are, however, some unique people who are given abilities from birth. But they also manifest themselves. Do you have this often? Sit down and try to remember.

Have there been times in your life when you dreamed about something, but forgot, deciding that it was inaccessible, impossible. And then it came by itself, without effort on your part.

If this has happened at least once, then the abilities are clearly there. You just haven't revealed them yet.

Powerful spells become so in the mouth and thoughts of the magician. After all, there are a lot of people who cast spells. Their results are different.

You need to fill your own magical creativity with life-giving energy, then any spell will become strong.

Below are some texts that will help you understand the material presented, so to speak, in practice. Try or use to come to your own magic empirically.

Powerful spells: examples for different situations

Let us repeat once again, you need to clear your thoughts, trust in magical powers, and stop doubting their existence.

You shouldn’t start practicing hiking just in case. This will not lead to results. Before starting, you should meditate.

And for those who do not know how to disconnect from the hustle and bustle, it is recommended to dream about what they want, imagining it having already happened.

You should be completely imbued with the goal, while simultaneously squeezing all other thought forms out of your head.

A powerful spell to reveal magical abilities

“The stars supported the sky, endowed the earth with light. The sun gives birth to life in plants and sends water with the wind. I look at the world from above. The whole world is you in me!”

Just reading the words given is not enough.

All this should be presented. After all, the spell contains the entire formula of magic. It contains both forces and materials that help to cast a spell, and most importantly, the ability to embrace the world and subjugate it.

After some time, a feeling will arise in the depths of consciousness that will allow you to “move mountains,” not to mention achieve smaller goals.

There is one more area in magic that cannot be bypassed if you seriously decide to take advantage of its undoubted advantages.

The fact is that this world is also “populated”, like a real metropolis. We just don't realize it.

When a person moves along the road of magic, he has to face obstacles, envy, jealousy from other inhabitants of this magical land.

Letters from our readers

Subject: I have more money and opportunities thanks to the advice from your site!

From whom: Svetlana(sv****** [email protected])

To whom: Responsible for the site

Hello! My name is Svetlana and I want to tell the readers of the site my story of how I was lucky enough to get rid of constant lack of money!

I lived like many of us: home, work, children, worries... and a constant lack of money. You can’t buy your children extra toys or new clothes, nor can you please yourself with a beautiful dress. My husband also has a job that does not pay money.

In general, every month you just think and plan how to stretch the budget so that there is enough money for current needs.

Of course, in our family we have learned to live with our finances. But in my soul there was always a constant feeling of resentment and self-pity. Why is this so, I asked myself. Look, others have money, they bought a new car, built a dacha, it’s clear that they have wealth.

I had already begun to lose hope for a good life. But one day I came across it on the Internet.

You will simply be amazed at how many positive changes have happened to me! I had no idea that this article would change my life so much!

I got money! And not just change, pocket coins, but truly normal income!

Over the past year, we have done excellent renovations in our apartment, bought a new car, and sent the children to the sea!

But all this would not have happened if I had not come to this site.

Don't scroll past. Take a couple of minutes to this information.

Therefore protection is necessary. Over time, the magician chooses himself, which provides defense.

And you should start with a magic spell. It should also be read daily. It is like this:

“I protect myself with the Holy Cross, a deaf monastery, with the prayer of Jesus, I will drive away the enemy. Turn the world around for good. Be like this night and day. Evil is broken against the Holy walls, scattered into a dark puddle and poured into hell. Amen!"

A powerful spell for well-being

This is also a kind of test for the magician. After all, what kind of wizard is he if he suffers from lack of money?

It is clear that the first thing you need to do is create acceptable conditions for existence, and then dive into magical creativity.

Do you agree that this should be done first? Otherwise there will be laughter, not the sorcerer.

Therefore, the third powerful spell is aimed at creating a permanent one.

They read it upstairs. That is, from the mountain, from the balcony, from the roof, and so on. At least climb a tree. But, you need to be “above the world.”

The spell is:

“I’ll stand on the mountain, the whole world will be in its hole. I call for gold, I will be rich, I call for luck, she will gallop. Stand nearby and hold hands. Take a step, the magician orders you! Whoever rides the rainbow in the sky will change my words! Amen!"

Powerful spells in Latin

I will not cite the texts here; they are a sealed secret. However, it is worth mentioning that the most powerful spells have long been considered those cast in Latin.

And now there are still people who believe in this deception. It's a matter of time. Everything is changing in the world, everyone is talking about it these days. They are one hundred percent right.

As the planet rushes through the universe, the magic changes. She accepts new rules, absorbs previously unknown forces, adapts to them, learns to master them.

Latin is a thing of the past, although it is still strong. But it's time to throw it in a landfill. Or not?

In order to plunge into the world of magic and wizardry, you just need to use power spell. For more than one generation of magicians and those who want to become magicians, they have been rushing around in search of an answer to the question: “How to master magic and how to learn to use it?”

There is probably no person who would be absolutely indifferent to mysticism, because it works like a magnet. Everything magical attracts, arouses interest and a desire to touch it.

But the Universe has not given everyone supernatural abilities. Not everyone can control events, change destinies or see the future.

Those whose ancestors were related to it have a much greater chance of acquiring strong magic. So, if your great-grandmother was a noble witch, you have all the conditions to develop a special talent.

How to get magical power?

If witchcraft abilities are passed down to a person by inheritance, then this will manifest itself in childhood. And here the responsibility falls on the parents, who must make a choice: to dampen the gift or improve it. The main thing is not to go against the will of the baby.

There is another way to get them - to gradually develop them. This will require a huge amount of specialized literature. It also wouldn’t hurt to get advice from a long-time practicing magician to help you figure out the direction.

You need to distract yourself from the world around you, abstract yourself from it. It is best to do this away from city noise - in a forest clearing or near a lake. Lean against a tree, against the earth's soil, against the grass. Feel the peace and quiet. Hear the silence. Now try to mentally influence the objects around you (for example, move a tree branch or leaf).

Don't be afraid if you don't succeed the first time or even the tenth time - everything will come with time. The main thing is that you trust yourself and the natural elements.

It’s good if your practice of communicating with nature is complemented by a spell for the power of magic. And never forget about the possible consequences, magic is not a toy!

Spell to obtain magical power in Latin

Ancient witches and sorcerers used only Latin when performing mystical rituals.

To make the spell work faster, you can also read it in the original language:

“Fiat firmamentum in medio aquanim et separet aquas ab aquis, quae superius sicut quae inferius et quae iuferius sicut quae superius ad perpetranda miracula rei unius. Sol ejus pater est, luna mater et ventus hanc gestavit in utero suo, ascendit a terra ad coelum in terram descendit. Exorciso te creatura aqua, ut sis mihi speculum Dei vivi in ​​operibus ejus et fons vitae et ablutio peccatonim. Amen"

Current page: 7 (book has 9 pages total) [available reading passage: 7 pages]

How to get out of a difficult situation

“A person can recognize his abilities only by trying to apply them in practice.”

Lucius Annaeus Seneca

“Dear Anatoly Mikhailovich! My name is Dina Pavlovna, I am almost 66 years old. Life doesn’t spoil me at all, so I’m writing to you and looking for a way out of this situation. I hope very much for your help. The fact is that in 1995, my husband and I retired and decided to move to the city of Boksitogorsk, Leningrad Region, where we were born. We sold the apartment, the dacha. They received bonuses for the years they worked, and invested all the money in Khoper-Invest, and the result: no money, no housing. Since then, all failures have rained down on us like from a cornucopia. It turns out that we ourselves destroyed everything in our lives with our own hands. We went to Boksitogorsk and thought that we had a house there, because when we left there, my mother stayed there, and she made a will to me back then. I keep this will, but as it turns out, my niece also has the same will. For me it was a disaster. I didn't worry about losing money as much as losing my house. I didn’t want to live, we even bought pills, but at that moment my daughter was admitted to the hospital with bleeding, and she had just gone on maternity leave.

In 2000, my daughter’s husband died suddenly, leaving her with boys aged 11 and 6. Soon the daughter began to drink. Again a blow for me. How much I suffered with her, only God knows. After the death of my son-in-law, I persuaded my husband to go to St. Petersburg to earn money, because we need to buy our own home and help our daughter live.

At first everything was fine, but then my husband became addicted to vodka, and he had to be treated. Four years ago I had to move in with my husband so that trouble would not happen again. I also took my youngest grandson with me, because he needed to study at school, and there was no hope for my daughter. After I left, she began to drink even more, go out and not spend the night at home. How many prayers and conspiracies I read according to Stepanova; How many times did I go to churches? But it was all in vain.

Anatoly Mikhailovich, give me such an effective spell that it will help me and my daughter! I beg you very much!

All the best".

Hello, Dina Pavlovna.

These conspiracies are used to resolve serious issues related to life and health, as well as to improve affairs, finances, fate and karma. They will definitely help you, and your old age will be calm and joyful.

It is very pleasant that, despite all life’s difficulties, you retained warmth in your heart, optimism and hope for the best.

Every person has their own trials and difficulties in life, everyone goes through them differently. Some, like your daughter and husband, break down, start drinking, give up, while others, like you, remain persistent, active and patient. The winner is the one who does not give up and fights for the life and happiness of his family and friends!

You have this power, and it will lead you to light and prosperity!

Conspiracy to fix fate

There is a palace in the middle of the sea. That palace is not visible to everyone. A man made of water, its Master, lives in that palace. He can do a lot, he knows a lot. He has a large kingdom.

There are guards along all its banks. The guards look at everyone and report everything to him.

I'll sit on the seashore. I will collect gifts for water with my hands. I will send these gifts through my heart to her Master. I will tell him from afar that I love Mother Earth and all her kingdoms, dry and watery. I will tell him that I love God, and that I myself came out of the water. I will stroke the sea with my palms and see its depth and transparency. I will see how the sun plays, jumps from wave to wave.

I thank the Master of the water and apologize for my mistakes.

Khantaa ular.

Put a person in his place

It often happens in life that some insignificant person, either at work or a neighbor, begins to harm you in your affairs, spread unnecessary gossip about you and weave intrigues against you. To stop this and put a person in his place, read this conspiracy. To do this, you need to stand or sit so that you are taller than your ill-wisher.

I (name) are above, you (name) are below. You will never reach me, no matter how you climb. So you will bow at my feet all your life.

Khantaa ular.

Conspiracy to repay debt

Readable in windy weather.

My word will pass through the defenses and reach its intended destination. There are no obstacles for him and no prohibitions either.

Wherever (name) the debtor (name) went, everything would be closed to him; no matter what he ate, a piece would stick across his throat; No matter what you drink, you choke; and no matter what he did, everything would fall out of (name’s) hands, but it would remind him of his duty; and no matter how much treatment (name) received, he would still be sick as long as (name) owed money. And as soon as he paid off his debt, he would calm down.

He said, sealed, sent, plundered your destiny (name).

Khantaa ular.

Punish the thief

The plot is read out the window at night. Helps to return stolen property and punish the thief according to his deserts.

There is a chest at the crossroads. There is a wallet in it. In the wallet there is a hex for a coin. A snake sleeps in a chest. Waiting for someone to disturb her.

The snake bites thieves and robbers. Breaks the conspiracy of their accomplices. Their bones are scattered all over the world, their insides are wrenched at the moment.

The slander of thieves and robbers crushes, and the snake poisons their fate.

There is no mercy or forgiveness for them. Vengeance is upon them.

And once, and twice, there is a head on the ground.

Khantaa ular.

From powerlessness

If a person is unable to independently overcome some life circumstances and despair falls on him, read this plot. In addition, the plot helps to avoid deception, so it is read when you feel some kind of catch in the situation.

I'll go out onto level ground. I'll stand on the hill. I'll look in all directions. People walk by, days pass by.

I looked at everything and went in my direction. Not according to anyone’s advice, not at anyone’s request, but according to one’s own mind, according to one’s own needs.

All paths are open to me.

My choice is always mine!

Khantaa ular.

Solve the problem

A conspiracy helps you quickly solve any problem you face.

Uharamhe to the Sun and Earth!

Greetings, great parents! Glorious is your path in eternity. I am your son, coming after you. It's good for me to accept your worlds. I feel completely yours. My soul is filled with light, and my heart stores your Knowledge. My mind hears you, and I follow the road of life, directly to the distant stars, to where eternal life awaits you and me.

Khantaa ular.

Uharamhe is a magical exclamation of greeting.

From a conflict on the road

The wind screamed into the stone cave. He picked up dust from the stones and threw it onto the forest. He took the insides out of the clouds and threw them into the sea. He lifted the sand and created a hexagon. Gave me my superiority. He put him on a boat and took him to the stars.

I swim and watch the movement. A game.

Khantaa ular.

To protect against police or prosecutorial arbitrariness

Place the new knife in the water and say:

I bought a new knife. I put it in the ode. The water will boil and protect me. He will save me from an evil word, he will take an evil person away from me. His throne will be washed away and washed into a ditch. He will lie in the mud and collect bones. You shouldn't have touched me, you shouldn't have offended me.

I may be weak in body, but I am strong in spirit!

Khantaa ular.

Magic at home

Spells for the home are used: to solve all issues related to housekeeping; to protect your home from enemies and thieves; for peace of mind in the family; for the well-being of household members; to cleanse the home of all negative influences and envy.

A conspiracy to protect the home and cleanse it from all nasty things

It is very important that your home is protected from evil and all sorts of abominations that cause inconvenience, worsen your mood, and disturb sleep and peace in the family. Little evil souls can settle in places where people behave aggressively, often watch scenes of violence, constantly shout, and quarrel. These souls then themselves begin to evoke such dirty emotions in people, since for them this is the most comfortable environment for existence. And it happens that outside the house people talk peacefully, communicate, feel sympathy and love for each other, and when returning to the apartment, they again begin to quarrel for no reason. And this is how the energy of the room already works. It needs to be cleaned.

The plot is read on the threshold of a house or apartment.

The spirits and gods guard this room. A strong home spirit lives here. Loves the owners. Loyal to people. Goes for communication. Serves people.

I will call upon the External Force and ask for help:

– Teach, Strength, the domestic spirit to defend the house. Help people. Be the healthiest person and love life! Come, O Strength, to this threshold of Your angel! So that he takes the household spirit as his disciple! For the glory of the owners of the house, for personal growth, to avoid troubles!

I respect the personality of my family, but I want benefits and joys!

Khantaa ular.

Conspiracy for the same

Stand in the middle of the room and say:

He stood in the middle of the room and said a secret word. The evil spirits stirred up and crawled out of the room. Some through the window, some through the door. Far, far away, and where, no one knows. To a place where there is no one. Her way back is closed, sealed with my word. Forever, from now until now.

In the name of God, by the power of the shaman.

Khantaa ular.

Conspiracy to protect home

With a ring of fire, a golden circle, I protect this house from evil and envy, from witchcraft tricks and hungry ghosts, from damage and the evil eye, from various linings and slander, from fires, from destruction, from enemy penetration.

May God preserve peace in this house! Grant love and peace to its owners!

Said at the right time. Seal secured.

Khantaa ular.

A conspiracy to protect the family from evil

So that the family cannot be destroyed by witchcraft rituals and everything in the family is smooth and peaceful, read this conspiracy.

I'll cut a slice of white bread. I'll pour milk into a bowl. I'll give the brownie some treats. I’ll ask him to help us in our cause: protect, fence, clean.

He will come with a big stick and hit the evil spirit on the head with this stick. The evil spirit will crawl out of the apartment and never return here. Its owners will live peacefully and happily. In love and harmony. And for me, because I read the plot, I will be lucky.

Khantaa ular.

Conspiracy for well-being and comfort in the home

A blue bird descended from the sky. She sat on my right hand and said:

– Peace for people is their goal. Love for people is their job. God for people is their way.

A blue bird flew up, leaving behind the former circles - clouds hovering above the ground.

I am lucky that I understand what is happening.

Love and kindness to those living nearby.

Khantaa ular.

So that the child is not too interested in computers

The plot is read on the mouse or keyboard.

A line of fog spreads over the lowlands and over the rivers. In that fog the Blue Spirit sits and laughs. I will ask this Spirit (child’s name) to teach nature to love and be interested in the world, to step away from the computer, to find other interests.

Attract the child's attention to you, Blue Spirit! Teach him to look not at the monitor, but at the clear sky. Teach him to see not the flickering light of games, but the light of the night and daylight. Teach him to have compassion not for drawings and videos, but for real people. Teach him to fight not against viruses, but against evil and injustice. Teach him to feel not keys and buttons, but human hearts and the call of animals.

Perform a miracle, Blue Spirit. It's in your power. Create your own supporter.

Khantaa ular.

Calm the child so that he does not become mischievous

It is used when a child is scandalous, mischievous, “shaking” his rights, going downhill, trying to manipulate his parents.

From the depths of my heart I ask at the call of my soul.

Venerable and Merciful God, whose fire created the Universe, turn Your intent and kind gaze to (name). Give him a reasonable attitude towards life and his parents. Determine his life path and help him make the right choice. Your name is blessed in everything! Blind, Lord, a beautiful and pleasant character (to such and such). Prompt appropriate behavior in dreams and in people. Eradicate anger, envy, hatred in his young soul. Grow the flowers of honesty, decency and love for yourself, your family and your ancestors. Teach (name) to appreciate your living conditions and understand the complexity and diversity of human relationships. Drop the burden of grievances, childhood delusions, conceit, arrogance, teenage maximalism. Introduce the essence of virtues into his soul and allow him to be grateful and healthy.

Khantaa ular.

A spell to calm noisy neighbors

I awaken life in a needle with the help of my hands and smoke. I will give the task of this life to calm my neighbors. I will instruct my neighbors to sleep at night, not to make noise, not to row, not to knock, not to sing songs, not to litter in the entrance, not to bother me.

I'll take this needle to the neighbors' door. I'll put it so it won't be seen.

May their lives improve, and may I have joy and peace.

Khantaa ular.

Another plot to calm down the neighbors

Spirit of my house, come to me and worship! I will feed you sweets and give you milk. I'll give you bread and boiled potatoes. I will prepare a task for you to complete!

Go to my neighbors with a menacing look. Calm them down and keep them quiet. Shame and rein them in. Call them to order by making them feel ashamed of their behavior. They put everything in such a form that their arguments seem pathetic. Take the owner of their apartment into your service!

The plot is told in accordance with the influences of the Moon and the Sun. Acts promptly and purposefully, without barriers or difficulties.

Khantaa ular.

For the same

I mix rice grains with pearl barley grains. I'll put them on a separate plate. I'll put the plate on my doorstep. I’ll spit on it three times and throw it into the yard.

I should praise my God and walk in line with my neighbors.

Khantaa ular.

To have protection from all evil forces in all matters

I got up in the morning, woke up and sensed something was wrong. Wrong and twisted. Either the space became heavy, or the enemy was coming. He came in the form of a shadow, in the form of my dream.

I'll sit at the table with food and drinks. I'll feed my friend the tambourine. I will make an offering to my God. I will say kind words to myself. I will shout out the words to summon the spirits. I will turn to them for help: Oh, you are my spirits, strong spirits! Oh, you are my spirits, my helping spirits! You come to me and stand next to me! You will come to me and protect me!

An evil warrior touched my soul. A secret enemy touched my body. Get his snakes away from me! Get his will out of me! Twist his will into three knots and burn these knots in the red sun! Let his evil will burn out, let his evil power burn out, let his desire for harm burn out!

My perfume is strong! My spirits are my helpers! Fulfill my request as quickly and efficiently as possible! So that there is no harm to me and my family! So that my enemy falls dead and does not twitch!

I don't touch anyone, I don't want to disturb anyone! But when they kill me, then I will kill too!

One, two, three, I’ll put the words together. Four, five, six, I'll release you into the wild. Seven, eight, nine, I'll give them power!

It will be as it is said!

Khantaa ular.

Spiritual matters

“The soul must always remain slightly open and ready to receive the experience of ecstasy.”

Emily Dickinson

Spells for spirituality help:

gain shamanic and magical powers;

become a healer, magician, psychic, shaman; feel the help of friendly spirits and angels;

develop inner vision and creative talents. They are used in all matters related to the development of the human spirit and comprehension of the Universe.

Conspiracy to increase spirituality

Distant lights on the tops of the hills blink, announcing the presence of people. These people are my friends, sitting, like me, by the fire and looking at the evening sky. How many of us are there on Earth, living in the hope of knowing the universe? How many of us have gone beyond our borders without ever finding the truth?

We still have hope, we still have time, we still have strength, and we will ensure that those who live in heaven notice us.

Perhaps they, too, now see the lights from our fires blazing on the tops of the mountains.

Maybe they noticed us? And if so, then we do not live in vain!

He who knows everything close to himself will want to consider the distance.

Everything in life has its price and its value. For a shaman, value is life itself, and even his friends and allies who know this price.

May the world be blessed, and the one who created it this way!

I bow to our Creator!

Khantaa ular!

Spell to obtain shamanic - magical power

The spell allows you to become more harmonious and holistic and really feel the help of spirits and allies. Maybe one of them will become your spiritual mentor. Everything requires patience and time.

All the animals I have, come! All animals who are ready to be with me, come! All the animals who want to teach me, come!

All the plants I have, come! All the plants that are ready to be with me, come! All the plants that want to teach me, come!

Stand from different sides and give me your strength!

All the stones and minerals that I have, come! All stones and minerals that are ready to be with me, come! All the stones and minerals that want to teach me, come!

Stand from different sides and give me your strength!

Give me your power, give me your help and help me fulfill my desires!

The spirits of trees, grass, stones, minerals, animals, transmitted to me and found by me, stand from different sides, from me, transfer your strength and knowledge to me! Teach me and help me!

Let me be your chosen one! I call you to help!

For the same

You were created by the white sky, transforming into a white tiger. Your white robes are like half the moon, your red robes are like half the sun. You who travel through the clear sky, who stop on the white ridge, who receive the shade of the white birch, who have a home on a fresh cloud, who have relatives on the great stars. My spirits are my helpers, I conjure you this time for health.

If I fall on my face, hold me up. If I fall on my back, prop me up, give me a magical tongue, eyes and spiritual hearing. Make me, who had no magician ancestors, a magician, open all convenient passages before me, grant me the strength to sing a heartfelt song. Listen carefully in front.

I beg you, remove obstacles from the road, smooth out the unevenness of the path, and I beg you, do not cause misfortune to the people of the middle earth. Do not create obstacles for them and grant me health, this time I ask you.

To develop the healing gift and psychic abilities

The conspiracy allows almost any person to feel the healing powers within themselves, to feel the streams of light energy that moves through the body and hands, and begin to help heal their friends, family and loved ones, and themselves from illnesses.

His name thunders. Dew spreads on the grass. Enters the house in the bright sun.

My God lives with me and shows me the path in life. I love Him and appreciate what He gives me and creates for me. He is my support and hope for the future. He is my mind, opening up for me the boundaries of reality that no obstacles can resist. My God reveals Himself through my joys! And it enters me with every breath of my body, with every beat of my heart, and with every thought filled with light and blessing to His creation.

I bow before his wisdom, perfection and diversity of forms and manifestations.

Khantaa ular.

For the same

The night is like a teacher for me. The day is like a teacher for me. My thoughts are the thoughts of God. I open myself to his power and great light. My soul glows and my world blossoms. I am together with everyone and everything is with me. Let it be so, let it be so. Harmony, love, purity and freshness, this is what I bring to people and give to myself. I bow to the open road of God and move on, towards his heart, his call and my revelations received in love and goodness.

The air flutters like angel wings and this causes a slight coolness on my face.

Khantaa ular.

A conspiracy to develop intuition

I feel my God with all my soul, with all my fibers, with all my thoughts.

All my hopes and aspirations are about Him. His life-giving Source creates my life.

I see and know Him in everything.

Khantaa ular.

Conspiracy to obtain information

If you want to know something, hear something, learn something, read this plot in front of your desk, and soon you will receive the information you are interested in. It will come to you in the form of a mental image, a sound, a sensation or a television program, but one way or another, you will know what you want.

I will leave my house in a dream and go to the steppe to perform rituals. I’ll build a fire, make offerings to the spirits, and burn incense. I'll feed my flooded tambourine. I will give the earth butter and sugar. I'll sit on the smoke and fly to the sky.

The sky is light and quiet. Shapes have no shape, shapes have no outline. Everything is malleable to my thoughts and takes on the form that I want to see.

Along a long pipe high above with a strong roar, the Light Spirit descends to meet me. This Spirit has a Big Book in his hands. He stops in front of me and a meaningful conversation begins. I ask Him various questions, and He looks at the Book and gives me complete and consistent answers.

The world moves and changes before my eyes, acquiring meaning and concepts.

I open my eyes in my bed.

Khantaa ular.

For spiritual strength and mental clarity

This conspiracy is intended for those who are no longer new to shamanism and the occult. It helps you move to new horizons of endless knowledge of the world and yourself.

The melody of the wind swirled and fell like leaves at my feet in a dying round dance.

The day loses its rays beyond the horizon, calling human souls to the palaces of the Kingdom.

I open my Light and light a fire and save many lives from the last steps.

Who lets me shine Light in the dark?

Who allows me to be at peace when others are afraid and to share that peace?

Who explains to me what I need to do to be who I am?

God! who lives in me, and to whom I am like!

There is no sunset or sunrise for me, for He shines for me in such a way that it illuminates my life!

The melody of the wind becomes quieter, and I begin to sound like the sphere of my Creator.

This is my beginning and end! That's my God! here I am!

Khantaa ular.

For the same

A tree grows on the edge of a cliff. It looks at the valley below. Sees people, birds, grass. The one who lives above the cliff is lonely, but his picture of the world is different. His gaze is wider and his mind is not clouded by anything. Each has its own place. Isn't this wisdom that can be comprehended?

Khantaa ular.

For inner harmony and purity

Like a spring flowing from the mountain, pure and cold, knowledge comes to me, pure and quenching my spiritual thirst. I drink them in large sips and enjoy their taste and perfection. They have everything you need to comprehend the world and know a person.

Glorious be the endless Source. Every drop of yours is beneficial. I kneel before you and bow my head.

Khantaa ular.

For kindness and sensitivity of the heart to God's love

A conspiracy that allows you to feel your place in this world and feel the Divine love that is everywhere.

Mother Earth, Goddess of the Gods, from whose ashes we were created!

Oh, beautiful maiden, keeping life within herself and sharing her gifts in dreams!

The wise and virgin cloud woman who comes to us in dreams

And weaving patterns of reality from our destinies!

They turn to You, Your children!

We fall with reverent gratitude to Your springs.

And we ask You: help us in our affairs!

Everything depends on You: both our health and our lives.

Grant us the ability to understand You so

So that we are young, successful, gorgeous and smart.

Give us your breath coming from the bottomless starry ocean!

We are ready for Your gifts and are waiting to merge with You,

When You call us into Your arms.

Praise Vizardas - our God!

Khantaa ular.

To find meaning in life

The stars are shining in the sky. The sun is shining above the clouds. The planets walk in their own round dance. The earth rotates in its orbit. All parts of the world stand on their own feet. Mountains lie on their bellies and backs. The seas enjoy their peace. Lakes look into the depths of the universe. Rivers tickle the body with their movements. Forests guard their visions. People live by their own rules. Each has its own meaning and its own certainty. Much is clear and much is incomprehensible to consciousness. The heart is pretty on its own and gives clues.

Light, light, light.

Khantaa ular.

Spell to gain magical power

Who am I among people? Who am I in society? Whom do I represent? What do I mean? And what do I bring to those to whom I mean something, and to those to whom I mean nothing?

I am in my place in the world. My place in the world is only my place!

There is neither air nor water when I try to become someone else and meet people halfway who want something from me.

I am a shaman, and that says it all!

I am me, and I will be myself.

Nature is my mother, the Almighty is my father.

Is there any higher happiness?

Khantaa ular.

To gain secret knowledge

In practice, this conspiracy is self-initiation into the shamanic-magical craft. The beginning of the way.

There is no God but Vizardas. He is always there, he is always with me. He helps me and supports me in joy and sorrow. He guards me and protects me. He stands over me, and I serve Him and enjoy my service. I trust Him with my secrets and my judgment. I talk to Him as if I were my own brother. He listens to me and understands me. He nods and sympathizes with me. He ascends to my position and helps me with His most holy participation. He gives me advice and guidance. I listen to Him and conquer myself and make my life beautiful and perfect in His honor and under His guidance.

He is my God, and I am His humble and obedient child. A person who lives his life freely and with a full sense of meaning. How many people can boast of this?

Khantaa ular.

Ancestral Power Spell

It is read in order to receive the strength of one’s ancestors, to establish the birth canal.

The spell is cast either in a cemetery, at noon, in clear weather, standing over the grave of an ancestor, or in front of a photograph of a deceased relative.

Golden Mother Earth, hear my call. Wake up my ancestors that you took. Let them come to me, I want to bow to them.

Oh, you, Great Emptiness, living in the womb of the Universe, coiled like a snake, return my secret knowledge to me.

Father Sky, looking down on us, head of the world and keeper of time, be a witness of my exaltation.

Give me strength and help from my family! Do me the honor of letting my ancestors pass on a piece of the Force to me!

You can do everything, oh, dear Mother Earth, oh, Great Emptiness, oh, Father Sky!

In the name of the Ineffable and Precious God Vizardas! Fulfill my request!

For this, I undertake to bring Light and Goodness to people, help those who suffer and praise the Love of humanity!

Khantaa ular.

For the same

The spell is cast in nature, near a fire or river.

My beloved ancestors. Ancestors I knew and didn't know. Ancestors I've seen and haven't seen. Ancestors I have heard and have not heard. Ancestors whom I revered and from whom I turned away! Come to my call! Hear me!

I bow to the earth, I bow to the sky, I bow to the sun!

I send my love and respect to all parts of the world!

I turn clockwise and say words of gratitude!

Thank you for my life. Thank you for my heritage. Thank you for my inheritance. Thank you for your gift.

In my family - God lives!

Give me the Power of the clan, Vizardas! Open the doors of time for me! Give me a gift from your heart!

I will carry it in my destiny! And I bow more than once before Your power and my family!

I'm ready! I'm ready! I'm ready!

Khantaa ular.

Conspiracy to reassess values

The conspiracy dramatically changes people's perceptions, lifestyles and traditions. It is used in any suitable cases when there is a need for a person to put his brains in place.

The morning is wiser than the evening. A person goes to bed one way, and gets up another in the morning. At night the spirits approach him, take him by the head and lead him to their kingdom, there they show him everything, there they tell him everything. They explain different things, reveal different secrets, show different situations. They twist (name) around the axis, throw (name) up, push (name) in the right direction. They lead along the path, they lead along the road, they lead through the forest, they lead through the field, they lead through the mountains. They take me there where I need them, they take me there where I am waiting for him. They send me there where I am ready to meet him.

The first road is his thoughts, the second road is my thoughts, the third road is new thoughts.

Everything is upside down, everything is upside down, everything is upside down, everything is in my favor.

The spirits (name) led through their world, the spirits did their work with (name), the spirits put the necessary thoughts into (name)’s head. They did everything right and let us go to sleep.

I went to bed as one person and woke up as a different person.

How long does it take to become different when the Force wants?

Khantaa ular.

Conspiracy for the protection of higher powers

Let us turn to God the Father through the Savior Jesus Christ with prayer for the shamans of ancient and present times, for good people and for all humanity:

Lord God Father Almighty, Creator of nations! Heaven preaches Your Glory. May Vizardika be blessed both on our earth and everywhere in the sublunary world.

May Your Holy Word convert many souls to eternal life.

Let us boldly and confidently carry the Knowledge and name of the Savior, so that all people learn about the Good News and the unity of the Forces.

Holy Lord God! Grant us help!

Every human soul is precious in Your eyes.

Forgive us for the sake of Jesus Christ, not for our own sake, but for the sake of Mother Earth. Cleanse us from the guilt of sins, we deserve Your punishment, we are sinful mortal people. You know all our misdeeds. Be merciful to us, give us true repentance. Grant us the ability to forgive even our enemies. Cleanse our hearts from evil and doubt. Crush pride, help the Holy Spirit to withstand trials. Don't lead us down dangerous paths. Grant us the Power of Earth and Space, knowledge of the Truth and perseverance in mastering the magical craft.

Pour out Your blessings on all who deserve Your blessings!

May Your Holy will be done for everything. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.

Khantaa ular.

For the same

My God, my master, come here, call my ancestors.

My ten brothers, my silver wife, my mother, run here together, I will start complaining to you. I am calling you, you, my birds, fly to me, my ten animals come here, and my three bears come here, because I am waiting for you.

My forest father, come here and sit down, I will make a sacrifice for you. My city father, come here and sit down, I will make a sacrifice for you. I will give you meat and tasty milk. Order your servants to serve me for this too. Order your invisible servants to guard me.

Eat these treats with me and sing along. Rise up, higher than all the mountains, look day and night, look into the water and lakes, at the sky, at the sun, at many stars, look exactly, exactly behind me. Help me in all matters of my magic, fulfill your plans. Oh, how good it is to have spirit friends.

Khantaa ular.

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