Bring it with you to your appointment. Disorders of related organs

Health reproductive system prolongs the beauty and youth of women. Timely preventive examination by a gynecologist helps to identify and prevent the development of various diseases. However, women are stopped from attending a consultation by not knowing what to take to an appointment with a gynecologist and how to behave correctly when visiting a doctor. But there is nothing complicated about it. Some simple rules will help you gain confidence before the examination.

Preparing for your appointment

Even those women who have visited a gynecologist more than once sometimes do not know the principles of basic preparation for an examination. Compliance with them will help the specialist deliver the most accurate diagnosis And if necessary, prescribe additional tests or medications:

  1. It is best to schedule an inspection for the 3rd day after completion menstrual flow. At this time no longer nagging pain and bleeding, but the cervix is ​​still sensitive to irritants. You shouldn’t visit a doctor before your period starts, because reproductive organs It will be difficult to understand whether the inflammatory process is going on.
  2. Intimate relationships must be stopped 2-3 days before the appointment, especially if tests and smears are to be taken. Remnants of sperm vaginal lubrication and spermicide may affect the quality of the results.
  3. The bladder should be empty before examination, because tense muscles in the lower abdomen can interfere with palpation of the uterus and ovaries. It is recommended not to visit the toilet only 2 hours before the event. ultrasound examination genitals.
  4. Girls who have not had sexual intercourse before going to the gynecologist need to have an enema, since virgins are usually examined through the rectum.
  5. A few weeks before the examination you should not take hormonal drugs or medications that affect reproductive system. Such means can lead to confusion menstrual cycle and make the inspection results unreliable.

Additional actions

Hygienic measures before an appointment with a gynecologist are no less important. They help women feel more confident, but some of them can be harmful to their health. The main thing is to remember that striving too hard for cleanliness can backfire:

  • Douching. It has been a known fact for many years that douching undermines the health of the reproductive system. If done incorrectly, it can cause infection, and in addition, frequent use this method leads to chronic inflammation pelvic organs. There is no need to douche immediately before going to the clinic. This destroys the fragile microflora of the vaginal mucosa, which makes cytological examination impossible.
  • Shaving. In general, the doctor should not be interested in the patient's hair. But upon inspection it is important to see the purity and color skin to notice possible inflammation and rashes. In this regard, it is enough to cut the hairs short, which is recommended by hygienic standards for the care of the genitals. Shaving can be harmful during examination, as it causes irritation of the epidermis. It is sometimes mistaken for the development of a disease.
  • Washing. Naturally, you should come to see the doctor after taking a shower. However, it is better to carry out this event several hours before the examination so that the microflora has time to recover. In addition, it is advisable to use neutral detergents with low Ph, without fragrances and fragrances. If a woman does not have the opportunity to fully wash herself, then she can make do with special wet wipes for intimate hygiene.

Necessary tools for examination

Set for gynecological examination usually standard. It includes only the essentials for a simple examination. However, if during the initial examination the doctor reveals some deviation from the norm, then most likely You will need to purchase certain items separately. In addition, the composition of the kit may differ for each specialist, so it is best to find out all the requirements in advance at the registry office.

For an appointment with a gynecologist you need to take:

  1. A diaper. It is necessary to cover the gynecological chair. You can bring a diaper from home or buy a disposable diaper at a pharmacy.
  2. Sterile gloves. Although every doctor has them, it is safer to use your own.
  3. Disposable speculum for examining the vagina. Since Soviet times, hospitals have used metal mirrors, which are processed and sterilized. But, in order to be sure of the cleanliness of the instrument, it is wiser to purchase an untouched one.
  4. Shoe covers or socks. The first will be especially relevant in summer time so as not to take off your shoes. In winter it is better to take socks with you.

Sometimes additional research tools may be needed. They are used to collect tests or conduct ultrasound of the pelvic organs:

  1. Volkmann spoon. With its help, material is collected from the urethra, vaginal mucosa and cervical canal.
  2. Slides. They are used for applying collected smears and subsequent medical manipulations with them.
  3. Ayer spatula. It is also used to collect mucus from the surfaces of the cervix and vaginal membranes.
  4. Condom. Necessary for ultrasound for intravaginal examination of the genital organs.

If a woman is not registered at the consultation, it is advisable to have a passport and a doctor’s note with her. In other cases, it is enough to take the card from the reception desk immediately before the appointment.

Nowadays, all pharmacies sell ready-made gynecological kits, but it is still better to purchase its elements separately so as not to overpay for unnecessary materials. And it’s also worth noting that this list is only relevant for free hospitals. In private gynecological offices the availability of all means for examination is provided in advance.

Preliminary survey and information collection

Before examining a woman, the gynecologist needs to conduct a survey. From the information received, he will draw a conclusion about best methods contraception for the patient, possible risks morbidity and necessary tests.

Usually the doctor is interested in standard information: about place of work and residence, marital status, presence of children and chronic diseases. During the first examination, it is especially important to have with you a statement from the attending physician about all past illnesses and vaccinations. For example, rubella is dangerous during pregnancy, so you need to know in advance whether the woman has immunity to the disease.

Sometimes patients feel that the gynecologist asks too personal questions, however, all this data is necessary to formulate an overall picture. The woman's doctor always asks when the first menstruation began and its duration, as well as the first day and duration of the last menstruation. This will help him find out how regular the cycle is and whether there are any failures.

In addition, the gynecologist needs to know whether there is a regular sexual partner, whether abortions were performed, and how many pregnancies there were. So, he can help you choose contraception, check for sexually transmitted infections or order tests.

It is advisable to answer all questions honestly, as this may affect the course of treatment. And also, before prescribing medications, you should inform your doctor about allergies to medications.

Often women are afraid to tell the gynecologist everything as it is, but a competent and qualified specialist will not judge or in any way comment on details from the patient’s biography. If unacceptable behavior is observed on the part of the doctor, you can file a complaint with the chief physician.

Progress of gynecological examination

When it's your turn to enter the doctor's office, it's a good idea to knock on the door and ask permission to enter. Then you don’t need to sit down in a chair right away, as the survey will take a few minutes. After this, the woman is shown where she can undress before the examination and leave her underwear.

Before the examination, you need to lay a diaper or towel on the gynecological chair, leave gloves or an examination kit in the place indicated by the doctor. The inspection itself is quite pleasant procedure however, it also depends on the qualifications of the specialist. Some doctors can examine the patient completely painlessly. A woman’s ability to relax the muscles of the abdominal and groin area also plays an important role in this process.

External examination of the genitals helps identify irritation and redness that may indicate disease. During an internal examination, the doctor examines the vagina and cervix using a speculum. Palpation of the abdomen is performed to identify tumors or possible increase ovaries. The final stage is taking a smear, i.e. collecting biological material for microflora research.

Many doctors additionally examine the mammary glands for the presence of tumors. This is especially true for women after 40 years of age.

Once the gynecologist has completed all the manipulations, you can get out of the chair and get dressed. During this time female doctor will write down the necessary information on the card and write out tests. In addition, the specialist is obliged to inform the patient about all diseases or their absence, and set a date for the next scheduled examination.

Visiting a gynecologist once every six months for routine preventive examination will help detect diseases of the genital organs early stage and cure them in time. You should not be afraid of doctors, because their task is to preserve and increase the patient’s health.

A systematic visit to the doctor will help to identify the pathology in time and prescribe correct treatment, but many women ignore visiting a gynecologist, despite the fact that a routine examination should be carried out at least once a year. If a woman is ready, she should prepare for the visit and take everything she needs with her.

How to prepare for an examination with a gynecologist

Many women are concerned about several questions: what is needed to see a gynecologist, is it possible to go to the doctor during menstrual periods, is it possible to have sex before seeing a gynecologist, is it necessary to visit the sanitary room before entering the office? First of all, you need to set yourself up psychologically, namely, be ready to talk about yourself, about your complaints and the reason for your visit to the appointment, your sex life, about allergic reactions And gynecological diseases, and only then carry out full preparation before the appointment. To do this you should:

  • Conduct hygiene procedures intimate place, except for douching, and you should not wash yourself before a direct appointment with a gynecologist;
  • You can visit a doctor only after the critical days have passed completely, preferably on the second or third day after the end, since during menstruation it is impossible to take the necessary tests;
  • A few days before your appointment, you should refrain from intimacy with a partner, because the results of the examination can be affected not only seminal fluid partner, but also artificial lubricant from a condom;
  • Before entering the doctor's office, you should visit the sanitary room to relieve yourself Bladder, only in some cases the doctor notifies the patient in advance so that she does not go to the toilet two to three hours before the appointment;
  • To the girls who never led sex life, a medical cleansing procedure of the rectum should be carried out using an enema, but if the gynecologist knows that there is a virgin in front of him, the doctor will only need to examine the patient visually and take the necessary tests;

A few weeks before your visit to the doctor you need to limit your intake medicines, especially those that affect hormonal background women. Even if a girl is confident in her condition, only a doctor can determine it, and the pill that the patient took can harm not only the research results, but also cause some damage to the body, for example, shifting the menstrual cycle.

During the appointment, the patient should ask everything without hesitation important questions doctor, and he, in turn, will be able to answer in detail the topics that interest the girl.

Do not be alarmed if, after an examination, the gynecologist decides to check a woman’s mammary glands, because this is considered one of the components of the examination. If the patient does not have the skills self-examination chest area, then you can and should, without hesitation, ask a doctor to teach this skill.

Necessary supplies for visiting a gynecologist

The list of necessary supplies depends on which clinic the patient is going to for an appointment. Private clinics are equipped with everything you need. An appointment with a doctor at a private medical center requires you to take only identification documents with you, but if a visit to a doctor is planned in a public antenatal clinic, then you should take with you the necessary equipment for inspection.
Not every clinic is able to equip the patient with everything she needs, because young girls, young women, and women in “ interesting position» completely different inspection accessories are needed. Before making an appointment with a gynecologist, you should ask the receptionist what can be purchased at the pharmacy at the clinic, and what can be paid for directly on the spot.

If it’s the doctor’s first visit, then every patient has a worrying question: what should she take with her? What will be useful during an examination with a gynecologist?

What to bring to your appointment

To visit a gynecologist at a state antenatal clinic, you need to bring with you:

  • Diaper - will serve as a bedding for a specialized chair; instead, you can take a sheet or towel;
  • Disposable gynecological set - this set is equipped with disposable antiseptic and antibacterial gloves, a disposable gynecological vaginal speculum, an antiseptic wipe, a gynecological spatula;
  • Socks or shoe covers - despite well-groomed feet and a beautiful manicure, the patient will have to hide her feet for hygienic purposes;
  • A special attachment - a condom - is required for ultrasound diagnostics when examining the pelvic organs, as well as when examining a pregnant woman in the early stages;
  • Calendar critical days if the menstrual cycle is not entirely regular;
  • Identity documents, as well as medical documents with records of examinations completed, extracts from other medical institutions. The gynecologist needs this in order to more accurately diagnose the short term, as well as adjust treatment if any disease is detected.

You can make an appointment with a gynecologist right now by filling out the form on the website or by calling the phone number listed above.

It is better to start getting ready for the clinic in the evening, when the baby has already been put to bed. Prepare a bag that is lightweight and spacious, with several external pockets with Velcro or zippers. Pockets and compartments inside will also come in handy.

Of course, it is better to “take” a relative to a children’s clinic - a husband or grandmother or grandfather. Close person will be very useful as an assistant: he will be able to remind you what needs to be taken, take a turn, and distract a crying baby. But if there is no such volunteer, it’s okay. Any mother can go to the clinic on her own with her baby.

The main thing is to think carefully about what to take with you, so as not to take anything unnecessary and not forget what you need. Remember, a balanced mother is a certain guarantee of the child’s calm behavior during medical procedures. So, we’re packing our bags for a visit to the clinic with our one-year-old baby.

Step 1. What documents to take to the clinic

Documents are the most important thing when visiting a clinic. That's why medical insurance child, birth certificate (you will only need it at the first visit), placed in a transparent file, put it in the outer pocket of the bag (if it is roomy enough) or inside, in a zippered compartment, away from anything that could spill on it. Take your passport too, just in case.

Step 2. Don't forget diapers and nappies to the clinic!

In the main compartment of the bag we have the necessary personal hygiene items. In a separate bag we place two or three diapers and a couple of diapers. Diapers will be needed at the pediatrician's appointment when examining the baby. It’s also clear with diapers: for a baby, going to the doctor is stressful, so “baby surprises” of various sizes are inevitable. Wet wipes are also absolutely essential.

Step 3. A change of clothes for the clinic - just in case...

A set of changeable clothes - rompers and a blouse or a comfortable bodysuit - will also come in handy. After all, the baby can burp and stain his clothes. If your baby uses a pacifier, don't forget it. She will calm him down while he waits.

Step 4. What to do with a child at the clinic?

You will need two or three toys to keep your baby busy in line. Just don’t give them to him right away, so that he won’t be left without entertainment ahead of time. In addition, a toy can be a distraction if the child is naughty during the reception. By the way, it’s worth taking some new book with you - with soft textured pages, rubber loops and various funny “rustles”.

Step 5. Where to keep important things during a visit to the clinic?

It is better to put your apartment keys, car keys, and wallet in a separate inner pocket so that you always know where they are, thereby saving yourself the hassle of searching. After all, if, say, the keys end up at the very bottom of the bag under your things, you are unlikely to be happy about it. Take a mirror - it can distract your baby from crying, and you may also need to evaluate your appearance.

Step 6. Bottle of water or milk

The bottle of mixture or tea should be placed last before leaving the house, as it must be fresh. To keep the drink warm longer, it is better to place the bottle in a special compact container.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 7 minutes


A visit to a gynecologist is not an easy task for some, but it is necessary to cope with it, because sooner or later you will have to make this important visit to a specialist for your health.

Today, together with the magazine site, we will try to understand the intricacies of this process.

When should you plan your first visit to the gynecologist?

Teenage girls and young women are most afraid of the first examinations by a gynecologist, considering this procedure to be quite intimate, and experience shame and fear. But believe me, you shouldn’t be afraid of these techniques - it’s better to check everything in time so that don't miss the moment for treatment , if necessary.

Fear of visiting a gynecologist is often associated with the incompetence of many specialists, a careless attitude towards the patient, and failure to decipher medical terms. All this can frighten patients who will try to delay visiting the gynecologist next time.

The problem of shame and fear can be solved by undergoing the first examination in a specialized medical center , where the percentage of qualified specialists and the attentiveness of the staff is still higher than in conventional medical clinics.

When should you go to the gynecologist for the first time?

The first visit to the gynecologist should be made after the onset of the first menstruation - at about 15-17 years old, or after the start of sexual activity . Doctors recommend getting tested Twice a year , regularly getting tested to prevent the possibility of developing various diseases. Health checks are also mandatory. when changing sexual partner .

Often doctors may look or speak judgmentally. But always remember that You don't have to make excuses for certain actions in front of a doctor - this is your life. Doctors are only obliged to warn you or give a recommendation. Therefore, at the doctor's appointment always tell the truth, be confident when communicating.

How to prepare for your first appointment with a gynecologist - important rules

  • For a more accurate appearance You can shave the hair in the genital area - but, again, this is at your discretion. It is better to shave in advance - 1-2 days before your appointment, so that irritation does not appear if this procedure is irregular for you.
  • Taking it in the morning, of course, presupposes that in the morning you take a shower , and you will look decent. Taking it in the evening is, of course, more difficult, but still find an opportunity to wash yourself with warm water. clean water without any funds.
  • You should absolutely not douche or wipe with napkins. for intimate hygiene, as this may show a false picture during examination, and the doctor will not notice the true problem in your health, if there is one.
  • If you have recently been treated with antibiotics, postpone your visit to the gynecologist for 1-1.5 weeks . Similar drugs affect the microflora of the vagina, and will also show a false picture of health when taken.
  • Tests for infections should be done before or immediately after menstruation , it’s better to visit the doctor on days 5-6 of the cycle . During menstruation, visiting a doctor without a necessary reason is not recommended.
  • Bring a diaper with you to put on the gynecological chair and socks to wear during the reception. In paid medical centers this is usually not required, since disposable diapers and shoe covers are used.
  • Also prepare list of questions for the doctor , if you have them.

First examination by a gynecologist - how does the examination by a gynecologist take place for the first time?

The first examination by a gynecologist consists of several steps:

The entire appointment with a gynecologist takes approximately 10-15 minutes , during this time you will have time to “chat”, undergo an examination on a chair, undress and get dressed.

We hope our story will help you no longer be afraid of going to to this specialist and even your very first visit to the gynecologist will pass without fears and doubts.