Sab Simplex - drops with a bunny for infant colic. Sab Simplex - anti-colic drops for newborns


Good afternoon, Another “fresh” mother with questions. Colic and gas started - we read everything, we do everything. Of the drugs, Sub Simplex helps the most (I give 3 times a day, 10 drops in the morning, afternoon and before bed before feeding) and everything seems to be clear, but one BUT! how will I know that this misfortune is over? Now I give her this Sub Simplex every day and for how long? month? two? like gas and colic usually up to 3 months, but is it possible to give it to a child every day for that long? or take breaks like not drinking for a day and look at the result? then how long to look at the result, how many days? and how many days without a break can you drink Sub Simplex? Thank you

P.S. baby is 3 weeks old

Tags: 0-3 months, gas/colic

how often can you give a newborn sub simplex

No matter how hard parents try to protect their baby from various diseases, sooner or later the problem overtakes the newly expanded family. small organism is not able to cope with the illness on his own, so outside help is required. The most common ailment in babies is probably the formation of gas and colic. In such a situation, medicine can help. What is it and how to use it?

What is the drug intended for?

Sab Simplex is a drug designed to suppress excessive gas formation. It helps eliminate bloating, colic and even hiccups. And since these manifestations most often occur in newborns, it is recommended that they be given this drug.

The fact is that the child’s body is not yet fully formed in such a way at a young age. The imperfection of the gastrointestinal tract affects the general condition of the baby. Parents often complain that their child cries, especially at night. At the same time, it is not the teething that bothers him at all, but something more unpleasant.

In the first months the child has a deficiency digestive enzymes. For this reason, after eating, the fermentation process may start, especially considering that the diet consists mainly of milk. As a result, gases accumulate in the stomach and intestines, which expand the organs from the inside and put pressure on the walls of the abdomen. This causes discomfort and pain to the baby - colic. It is precisely this problem that Sub Simplex combats and provides peace of mind to both the baby and his parents.

Composition and active group

Sab simplex drops are a suspension and belong to the group of carminative drugs. The main active ingredient is semiticone. It is this component that provides effective action le


Sub simplex for newborns


In the first months baby's life a huge number of young mothers face problems such as increased gas formation and intestinal colic. At such moments, you want to alleviate the suffering of your child by any means possible by offering him an effective and safe medicine.

One of these drugs is Sab Simplex drops, which naturally remove excess gases from the child’s body. This tool, like any other, has certain indications and contraindications, as well as rules of administration that must be strictly followed. In this article we will tell you how to give Sab Simplex to a newborn in order to alleviate his condition and not cause harm. children's body.

To give Sub Simplex to a newborn baby, you first need to shake the bottle and turn it down with a pipette. Next you should measure required quantity drops The dosage of Sab Simplex for newborns is 15 drops, which should be given to the baby during or after feeding. In case of severe colic, it can be increased, and the time interval between taking the medicine can be reduced accordingly.

Meanwhile, all young parents are interested in how often to give Sub Simplex to a newborn. Usually this remedy is taken 2 times a day - during day feeding and before bed. In any case, Sub Simplex can be given to a newborn only as many times as indicated in the instructions - no more than 8 per day. It is most convenient to mix this product with water or an adapted milk formula. However, if the child is breastfed, it is best to give the product to the child using a special syringe.

Finally, young parents often have a question about how long they can give Sab Simplex to a newborn baby. Most doctors agree that


After the birth of a baby, all mothers face the same problem - bloating in babies. Up to three months, the baby is often tormented by constipation, colic and flatulence. In some cases it happens loose stool. The child constantly cries and does not sleep at night. The baby is very restless and constantly raises his nights to the top. This is very exhausting for both the baby and the mother. But you can still help the baby. For similar problems with a child’s tummy, the drug Sab Simplex is often prescribed.

The drug is sold in the form of a viscous suspension of white-gray color. And it is available in 30 ml bottles, with a dropper. 1 ml of suspension contains 15 drops of the drug, which includes 69.19 mg of simethicone and excipients.

Sab Simplex is prescribed for flatulence and colic. And also in preparation for radiography and ultrasound. Very often the drug is used for poisoning by various detergents.

Sab Simplex should not be prescribed for intestinal obstruction and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. And also if there is high sensitivity to the components that make up the drug.

You must be absolutely sure that your baby is crying precisely because of a bloated tummy, and not for any other reason. The first step is to consult your pediatrician. The doctor must choose the right dosage for your baby. In order not to cause side effects.

The drug must be dissolved in milk or formula. That is, if the baby is on breastfeeding, then a few minutes before feeding you need to express the milk, and then add 10-15 drops of the drug to it and let the baby drink from a spoon. At artificial feeding giving Sab Simplex is much easier. It just needs to be added to the formula during feeding.

This drug can also not be diluted in the breast.


from pregnancy to childbirth

Sub simplex for newborns

Many babies suffer from pain in the esophagus and flatulence from the age of two weeks. Almost every second baby develops colic. This is due to the fact that after birth and during the first two to three weeks, the baby retains enzymes inherited from the mother in its esophagus, but then this is consumed, and the intestines have not yet formed for proper digestion of food.

The accumulated food is not immediately broken down and accumulates in the tummy. Fermentation processes cause the formation of gases, which, due to a not very well-functioning esophagus, do not have time to be eliminated from the body. Due to their large accumulation, the intestines begin to expand in all directions, and the baby feels discomfort and pain. To cope with this state of affairs, some pediatricians prescribe Subsimpex for use by newborns. It has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, relieves spasms and pain, the baby calms down and falls asleep.

Excipients: hypromellose - 1.5 g, carbomer - 0.6 g, sodium citrate dihydrate - 1 g, citric acid monohydrate - 0.5468 g, vanilla flavor - 0.315 g, raspberry flavor - 0.108 g, sodium cyclamate - 0.2 g, sodium saccharinate - 0.02 g, sodium benzoate - 0.1 g, polyglycostearyl acid esters - 1.0378 g, sorbic acid - 0.0347 g, water - 89.6189

A drug that reduces flatulence. Simethicone reduces the surface tension of gas bubbles formed in the contents of the stomach and intestinal mucus and causes their destruction. The gases released during this process are absorbed by the intestinal wall or removed during intestinal peristalsis.

How to make a cover for documents for a newborn The birth of a child is always an exciting and emotional period. I want to remember every moment, the thrill, the experience. But it just so happens that over the years, even the strongest emotions are forgotten, dissolving

Increased gas formation Newborns and children infancy(up to 1 year) located on artificial feeding, add 15 drops (0.6 ml) of suspension to each


This is the name for the increased formation of gases in the intestines, bursting its walls and causing so much anxiety to the child.

For some babies, problems with gases begin around the fifth week of life, while for others, the first colic occurs in the maternity hospital - that is, during the newborn period.

There is another problem that often occurs in newborns and infants - swallowing air when sucking at the breast or bottle feeding, after which babies regurgitate food and hiccup.

Causes of colic

Intestinal colic often frightens new parents, but in fact it is just a minor functional disorder caused by the inability of the intestines to fully digest food.

Immaturity of the intestines is aggravated by a lack of enzymes, so food cannot be fully broken down and begins to ferment. The resulting gases cause distension of the intestinal walls, and the child experiences pain.

Due to imperfection digestive process, gases cannot leave the baby’s body on their own, as they exist in the form of large bubbles. Any auxiliary procedures and medications enhance intestinal motility, convert gases into small bubbles and make it easier to get rid of them.

Instructions for the drug

The active ingredient of the drug is simethicone, which reduces the formation of large gas bubbles in the intestines, thereby alleviating the child’s condition.

How to suck out snot from a baby with your mouth For an adult, a runny nose is not serious illness, because the ability to blow your nose allows you to release it if necessary. respiratory tract. But for infant who does not know how to get rid of

Simethicone is a silicon gel that prevents foaming, so it is often included in the composition of the drug


Anti-colic drops Sab Simplex


how many times a day can newborns take sub simplex?

those. Now I give her this Sub Simplex every day and for how long? month? two? like gas and colic usually up to 3 months, but is it possible to give it to a child every day for that long? or take breaks like not drinking for a day and look at the result? then how long to look at the result, how many days? and how many days without a break can you drink Sub Simplex?

Answered: 26

I’m not an expert, but I sing sub simplex only in the evening or at the time of an attack, I think it’s preventive or therapeutic effect It doesn’t have it, it just removes the symptom, although things aren’t very serious with us yet. It is based on semitekone - it is not absorbed into the body - this is about harmfulness. How to understand - I think, don’t just let and see.

“I sing sub simplex only in the evening or at the time of an attack” - but it helps us only when you give it before meals, i.e. I just dropped some drops and immediately put a tit in my mouth “for eating/for drinking”

I gave my baby Sab Simplex only when there were really strong gases, when there was no warm diaper, no rubbing of the tummy, no lying on the stomach, etc. didn't help. The closer to 3 months, the gas flows became less painful and less frequent. Well, somehow by itself by 3.5 months. stopped giving.

The doctor told us to give it when anxiety manifests itself, as a symptomatic one - that’s what’s good about it, that it’s not absorbed, but simply calms the seething. Gas is normal at a certain age, bacteria colonize, the gastrointestinal tract gets used to working, you just need to wait it out and alleviate the symptoms. The subsimplex and warmth to the tummy helped us - she applied a salt heating pad, massaged it a little, often put it on the tummy - everything was as usual. This, as I understand it, is one level of help)

Of course it’s normal, but the child wants to make life easier, whether I give drops or not, the gastrointestinal tract/bacteria will still do their job, but

Source Health Medicines Av. Ruslan Polishchuk

"Sub Simplex" for newborns is a suspension that has low viscosity, and its color can range from white to gray-white. The drug is sold in bottles with a dropper; 1 milliliter contains 25 drops. "Sub Simplex" for newborns is intended to reduce the manifestations of flatulence. The use of this drug reduces surface tension, slows down the formation and helps destroy gas bubbles throughout the gastrointestinal tract. intestinal tract. Those gases that are released due to the use of "Sab Simplex" for newborns are removed due to the fact that perilstatics are improved, or are absorbed by the intestinal walls. Thus, foam removal occurs physically, without any chemical reactions, the drug is pharmacologically inert.

The use of "Sab Simplex" for newborns before radiographic or ultrasound examination prevents image distortion and prevents interference. Thanks to this drug, better irrigation of the colon mucosa with the contrast agent occurs, and the contrast film is not allowed to rupture.

After the drug is taken, it is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, nor is it metabolized. "Sab Simplex" is completely excreted unchanged through the intestines. "Sub Simplex" for newborns is added in the amount of 0.6 ml or 15 drops. This drug mixes well with any liquid, including milk. For children under 6 years of age, the indicated drug is also added in an amount of 15 drops; it can be taken both after meals and during meals. If the need arises, then additionally take 15 at night.


When a baby cries and has a hard tummy, the first thing you might suspect is colic - increased formation of gases in the intestinal tract that distend its walls. Colic is often combined with another problem - swallowing air during feeding. They end up burping and hiccupping.

Sub simplex for newborns

Increased gas formation, of course, causes concern among parents, but this condition is just functional disorder, arising against the background of the intestines’ inability to fully digest food. The baby’s body must undergo a kind of adaptation, which is sometimes accompanied by discomfort. An immature intestinal system and a lack of enzymes lead to inadequate breakdown of food and its fermentation. Gases cause distension of the intestinal walls and pain syndrome.

Since the digestive system in children is imperfect, gases cannot leave their body on their own. Various auxiliary procedures and medications enhance intestinal motility, facilitate the release of gases, converting them from large to small bubbles.

The active ingredient of the product is simethicone (dimethicone 350: silicon dioxide). The composition also includes excipients: hypromellose, carbomer, sodium citrate dihydrate, citric acid monohydrate, vanilla and raspberry flavor, sodium cyclamate, sodium saccharinate, sodium benzoate, sorbic acid, polyglycostearyl esters, water.

This product is available in the form of a suspension. Distributed in 30 ml dropper bottles. Active substance The drug is simethicone, which reduces the formation of


After birth, babies have digestive and nervous system imperfect. The lack of enzymes necessary for digesting food affects the baby’s well-being. Until about 4 months, almost all children experience discomfort in the tummy in the form of bloating and colic. There are many medications to alleviate the condition of newborns, but not every medicine is suitable for all children without exception, due to physiological characteristics, allergic status. Some of the medications have side effects and almost all have contraindications.

Anti-colic drops Sab Simplex

SAB simplex for newborns is one of the most safe medicines from colic. The action of the drug is aimed at the cause of flatulence, without interfering with the biochemical processes of digestion. SAB Simplex colic drops naturally remove gases from the body.

Before buying medicine for your child, be sure to consult your pediatrician. Only a doctor will determine the real cause of the baby’s anxiety, make a diagnosis and prescribe medications correctly.

physiological bloating in the intestines of newborns. The medicine will not help with infectious diseases, enzymatic disorders, although they can also be manifested by abdominal pain, bloating and crying of the child;

The main component included in SAB Simplex is called simethicone - a compound of silicon dioxide with dimethylsiloxane that has a carminative effect. Simethicone plays the role of an antifoam in the intestinal lumen. It breaks large gas bubbles into smaller ones, which are absorbed into the intestinal wall and expelled by peristaltic movements. Thus, the amount of gas in the intestinal lumen decreases and colic goes away. The drug does not enter into chemical bonds with other drugs or organic compounds


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Some feed every 3 hours, others 1.5 hours and it turns out perfectly different doses! How many times is the most important thing here. And no one says this!

Some feed every 3 hours, others 1.5 hours, and they get completely different doses! How many times is the most important thing here. And no one says this!

Red pimples on the face and chest of a baby Pimples on the chest, of course, are not pimples on the face. You can hide them with clothes, and no one will even notice that your skin is not in order. Although this won't help get rid of discomfort such as burning and itching.


We're two and a half weeks old. Apparently, colic has started. I used to poop after every feeding, but now I push and can’t. I see that my tummy is hurting. In the morning they gave me Espumisan, I seemed to feel better after it, I slept and pooped. Now she has eaten again and is suffering again. How many times a day can it be given to a newborn? But the instructions say that after each feeding, but it’s a bit too much, in my opinion.....

User comments


I try to breastfeed and supplement breast milk from the bottle, but he still doesn’t drink it. Therefore, after eating, we simply give drops from a syringe or from a spoon. Thank you

What if my child hasn’t gotten out of my arms and won’t let go of his boob since 12 o’clock? I have already given 7 and 10 drops of espumizan to Baby twice. It's 16:00 and the baby hasn't pooped since yesterday. I hear the Nazis purring😭😭😭 he falls asleep in his arms, I just put him in bed and immediately go hysterical. Banrrvy is already screaming and crying... I can’t imagine what to do

=) I see... well, in general, we gave instructions. And I advise you to also follow the instructions, otherwise they can give a lot of advice... Medicines are not a joke, after all

yes, both day and night... I thought that each feeding would be too much) for 1.5-2 weeks... after that 1-2 times a day for prevention, colic no longer appeared)

I have a baby on IV and I gave every feeding (about 6-8 times a day), I very rarely missed it, and at 3.5 months. this question disappeared by itself, everything went away)))

The doctor told us, if you want to improve German pharmacy, drink, and so - useless medicine this espumizan. I heard that it makes many children feel better, I don’t know. With the onset of colic I two


how to properly give sub simplex to a newborn while breastfeeding

Almost every new mother knows firsthand what colic is. This is one of the most common problems in children, along with increased gas formation, constipation and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. To avoid sleepless nights and truly enjoy motherhood, you should try giving your child Sub Simplex - safe and reliable means, which improves intestinal function.

Composition of Sub Simplex

The active ingredient of the product is simethicone - a mixture of silicon dioxide and dimethicone 350 in a ratio of 7.5%: 92.5%. 100 ml of Sab Simplex contains 6.919 g of simethicone, as well as auxiliary components in small quantities, including:

All these substances will not harm even a baby who is not yet a month old, but they can significantly improve his well-being.

How the drug works

Simethicone has the ability to reduce surface tension formed at the interface. This prevents the formation and ensures the destruction of gas bubbles in lower parts Gastrointestinal tract. In this case, gases are easily released and expelled either through peristalsis or absorbed by the intestinal walls.

In sono- and radiography of the intestine, simethicone allows you to obtain the clearest and most contrasting image, minimizing interference and recording defects. It also improves the coating of the colon mucosa contrast agent, making it more uniform and preventing the contrast film from tearing. The substance is characterized by almost absolute physicochemical inertness, does not penetrate the tissues of the body and is excreted from it in its original form, without participating in metabolic reactions.

Indications for use according to instructions

preparation for diagnostic procedures related to the study of the gastrointestinal tract (ultrasound, radiography


Girls, tell me when and how to give espumizan? The instructions say diluted after feeding. What do you dilute with? What are you giving from? The child is on breastfeeding and I don’t want to give a bottle at all. And my daughter falls asleep under the boob and it’s a pity to wake her up. Please share your experience.

We took Espumisan. We drank 2.5 bottles (I don’t remember how long it took, probably 3 weeks). Only this remedy saved me from colic. But I didn't dilute it. She gave 25 drops as in the instructions, it seems, a little bit from a spoon.

We also took it, but it was of little use. I gave it after feeding for about a minute. in five (we are on breastfeeding)... 25 drops in a spoon without diluting. If it’s a pity to wake her up, then put her in the crib, let the baby sleep, if suddenly she hasn’t finished eating, then when she wakes up, feed her and go back to the crib. It happens to me often, he falls asleep under the boob, I put him in the crib.... he min. He sleeps for 10-20 and wakes up, I supplemented him with food, after that he sleeps for two hours!!!

I also have up to 5 months. My son was exclusively breastfeeding. And he fell asleep near his chest. We gave before feeding and gave about 3 times a day.

I also gave about 1/4 of a spoon when I was especially worried, more often in the evenings, regardless of feedings, I didn’t dilute it with anything, I just then gave another spoon with some water to wash it down

We drank it too! And not only him! Also Bebinos, Linex, Cembitter! Nothing helped! We were saved only by a gas outlet tube! It became easier only at 3.5 months!

We tried espumizan, it didn’t help, but sub-simplex (although this is the same thing, just different trade names, and manufacturers use various flavoring additives) helps great. Available in the form of drops and added directly to the bottle (15-20 drops), with food or drink. Contraindications are the same as for espumizan ( individual intolerance and allergy to the flavor component). You can use it as much as possible


How to give Espumisan to a newborn?

The drug Espumisan, according to the instructions, is used as a carminative for the treatment of intestinal colic and flatulence in newborns. This condition occurs due to babies swallowing air while feeding them with formula, as well as in dyspeptic disorders.

The main active ingredient of the drug is simethicone. It is this that leads to an active reduction in the formation, as well as the rapid disintegration of already formed gas bubbles. The released bubbles are absorbed by the intestinal walls and absorbed by the body tissues, rather than most excreted from the intestines.

Young mothers, often faced with the need to use this medicinal product, do not know how much and how often they can give Espumisan to their newborn baby.

The drug is given exclusively after meals, after adding a few drops of water. But, as a rule, the mother adds a couple of drops of medicine to the mixture or dilutes it with a small amount of breast milk and gives it from a spoon.

The most common questions that mothers have related to the use of the drug are: “How many times a day and for how long can Espumisan be given to a newborn?”

So babies from 28 days to one year can be given no more than 25 drops, up to 3 times a day. In this case, the drug can be used for a long time, since it active substance Absolutely not absorbed in the intestines, therefore, does not cause any harm to the child’s body.

At an older age - 1 year or more, 30-40 drops are prescribed. If poisoning is diagnosed, the dose of the drug can be increased to 50 drops, and the frequency of administration per day increases to 5 times.

Before using the drug, the bottle must be shaken thoroughly so that


"Sab Simplex" is a drug that helps remove gases from the gastrointestinal tract during flatulence, aerophagia, before diagnostic studies, after operations on the gastrointestinal tract, in case of intoxication with detergents. The drug is safe, so it is prescribed even to newborn children who have tummy problems.

Take the drug with or after meals. Before use, shake the bottle vigorously and turn it upside down. Give newborns and children of the first year of life the drug on the recommendation of a doctor and in doses recommended by the pediatrician. Usually 15 drops are prescribed, which must be placed in a bottle of baby food. If the child is breastfed, then give him 15 drops of Sub Simplex before feeding, place the suspension in a small spoon and pour it into the child’s mouth, since after feeding he will refuse to swallow the suspension. At severe bloating stomach, give the drug before meals or during each feeding.

Give the drug to children aged 1 to 6 years at a dose of 15-20 drops during each meal or after meals. If necessary, you can give your child an additional dose at bedtime.

For children over 6 years old, give 30 drops of the suspension during or after each meal and, if necessary, before bed. The dose for adults is 30-45 drops, depending on the symptoms of the disease and how effectively the drug works.

Before preparing for any examinations of the gastrointestinal tract, take from 1 to 6 teaspoons of the drug in the evening, depending on the doctor’s recommendation, on an empty stomach, since eating is prohibited before any type of diagnosis. To take 6 teaspoons of Sub Simplex, remove the dosing dropper. I recommend the same dose


Some feed every 3 hours, others 1.5 hours, and they get completely different doses! How many times is the most important thing here. And no one says this!

But no one will say, because no overdose of the drug was detected (it is written in the instructions). And it is given at EVERY feeding, because gas formation in babies occurs precisely at this time. Of course, someone has a baby on their chest all the time, but this is not called breastfeeding. true meaning... the instructions are designed for an average position, that is, feeding after 2-3 hours... So let's do it at each time.

Some feed every 3 hours, others 1.5 hours, and they get completely different doses! How many times is the most important thing here. And no one says this!

2-3 times a day is the average amount. for some people this will be enough. He didn't help us at all. Or you can give it before each feeding, there won’t be an overdose because The drug is not absorbed into the body from the intestines.

Some feed every 3 hours, others 1.5 hours, and they get completely different doses! How many times is the most important thing here. And no one says this!

My advice is to give exclusively 2 evening feedings of 12 drops each. We were also on it with our son))) give before feeding. if you are breastfeeding, then express ten milliliters, and if you are breastfeeding, then pour it out. first food with sub simplex. in 15 minutes main

if the effect of simplex is insignificant, you can try feeding plantex, but in the morning feedings. mixing drugs is not recommended.

Before feeding, I gave 15 drops approximately every three hours (we had breastfeeding on demand, so if less than 3 hours passed, I did not give during this feeding).

Newborn ear waterThe procedure for bathing a newborn baby is mandatory. it is carried out almost immediately after the mother and child are discharged from the hospital and is repeated regularly. All the information you need about bathing your

actually in all drugs like Plantex, Baby Kalma. simplex (true to a lesser extent here) go sedatives, even though


According to statistics, 70% of newborns suffer from intestinal colic, most of them are on artificial feeding. Paroxysmal abdominal pain occurs due to excess gas formation in the intestines. This is how the digestive tract adapts to new conditions after intrauterine development. The baby becomes restless, often cries, presses his legs to his tummy, and sometimes releases gas. The mother must help the child overcome this difficult period.

Sab Simplex is a drug with a carminative effect that is used to eliminate flatulence and associated pain. The drug inhibits gas formation and destroys existing gas bubbles in the intestines.

Flatulence in newborns

A child is born with an immature digestive tract, but more often abdominal discomfort occurs at the age of 2 weeks. This is explained by the fact that at first the mother’s enzymes help the baby digest food, but then this supply is used up, and problems begin.

Some of the food is not digested and accumulates, causing fermentation to occur, which provokes excess gas formation. Gas bubbles do not have time to be eliminated and accumulate in the intestines, which causes a feeling of fullness and pain. To help the child, doctors advise using special medications, for example, Sub Simplex.

Often, infants who are fed formula milk suffer from flatulence. In this case, in addition to internal gas formation, air accumulates in the mixture or is swallowed during feeding.


The drug is produced in the form of a cloudy white suspension with a viscous consistency. The mixture has a sweet taste and a pleasant fruity aroma.

Staphylococcus rash in a baby It is not always possible to immediately detect their presence in a baby, so it often comes as a shock to young parents when they see pimples, boils and pustules on the child’s body, and they find purulent mastitis.

Active ingredient, penetrating the body, reduces excess gas formation. The substance breaks down gas accumulations in the intestines, and freely


Newborn babies are born with an immature digestive system, as well as without intestinal microflora, which gradually populates as it grows. These factors cause intestinal colic. Colic affects almost all children in the first few months of life. During them, the baby cries so piercingly and pitifully that parents begin to panic and resort to all sorts of methods to calm the child and relieve intestinal colic. Among them are many folk remedies such as dill water, warm diaper on the tummy and massage. However, sometimes colic is so intense that all these remedies do not reduce pain in a child. In this case, doctors recommend that young parents resort to the help of Espumisan - medicine based on simethicone.

Espumian did not always help my children during colic. Frequently placing the baby on his stomach and massaging the abdomen was effective. If required medication assistance, then in addition to Espumisan we used Plantex. Children drank it in the form of tea - it is tasty and effectively eliminates digestive problems. Complex application These drugs, plus massage and plus placement on the tummy - and the colic did not last long.

Can Espumisan be given to newborns?

There is no need to endure the heart-rending cry of a child and thereby torment both him and yourself. If nothing helps eliminate colic, then use a drug tested by many mothers - Espumisan. According to the instructions for this medicine, and also based on numerous scientific research, Espumisan can be given to newborns from birth. This is explained by the fact that the active substance (simethicone) works as an antifoam, that is, it reduces the tension of the walls of gas bubbles in the intestines, destroying them and converting them into liquid. Simethicone is not absorbed from the intestines and

Despite the physiological nature of bloating and intestinal colic, children from 2 to 4 months of life have to endure unimaginable pain.

Parents often do not have the strength to look at this torment. But what to do if cumin, fennel and dill are unable to help the baby? Will help you deal with the problem synthetic drug"Sab Simplex", which, according to the instructions for use, is perfect for newborns.

Release form and composition of the drug

The release form of "Sub Simplex" is convenient for use:

  • Suspension 30 ml Contained in a bottle with a nozzle, thanks to which the drug is easy to dose. The bottle is made of dark glass, protecting the contents from light.
  • Suspension for internal use contains the chemically inert substance Simethicone. It does not interact with compounds located in the intestinal lumen, which means it is not absorbed into the blood and is excreted unchanged. The additional ingredients included in Sub Simplex provide the taste and consistency of the medicine acceptable for a newborn.
  • The main advantage of the drug is the ability to destroy gas bubbles - the main culprits of colic. As a surfactant, Simethicone reduces the tension of their walls, and the bubbles burst. In addition, in the same way the medicine prevents new gas formation. The stretching of the intestinal lining decreases, discomfort and pain disappear.


  • The main indication for prescribing Sub Simplex to newborns is excessive gas formation in the intestinal lumen, which manifests itself. After all, gas bubbles not only cause painful sensations, but also reduce absorption useful substances. But when food poisoning the drug is powerless. Only your pediatrician can determine the pathology and prescribe the appropriate medication. Before using the medicine, medical consultation is required.
  • The ability to reduce gas formation is also used in postoperative period to unload the intestines.
  • The drug is also prescribed together with lactulose-containing laxatives, as they promote increased formation of gases in the intestines.
  • Gas formation is not the only indication for the use of Sub Simplex. It can perfectly prepare the gastrointestinal tract for examinations (ultrasound, endoscopy, x-ray).
  • Simethicone, which is part of the drug, inactivates other surfactants that enter the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, “Sab Simplex” is used as a first aid remedy for intoxication with detergents.

How to give Sub Simplex to infants

How to give Sub Simplex to newborns is written in the annotation. But let's take a closer look.

  • All simethicone-containing medications are prescribed from the age of one month.
  • Since the storage conditions of the drug do not require placing it in the refrigerator, the medicine can be given to the child immediately without heating it first.
  • Since this is a suspension, it must be shaken well before use.
  • The method of application depends on the nature of feeding and the age of the child.

When breastfeeding

  • For very small children, it is advisable to dilute the drug in a spoon in a small amount of expressed milk or boiled baby water. drinking water and give to the child 15 minutes before meals.
  • For children over 3 months old, you can safely give the undiluted suspension in the same way - before meals.

With artificial feeding

For artificial ones, the entire dose can be mixed with the mixture directly in the bottle: it will not react with its components and will enter the body in its original form.


  • Sensitization to drug components in allergic children. The instructions for use of "Sab Simplex" for newborns indicate the only side effect– on the constituent substances. But you should know that the first encounter with an allergen will only cause the formation of antibodies in the child’s body, which will not manifest itself clinically at first. But with the second arrival of antigen it is possible varying degrees allergic reaction: from skin itching to anaphylactic shock. If such a situation arises, it is strictly forbidden to give the drug again.
  • Dynamic disturbances of intestinal patency (decreased peristalsis for various reasons).
  • Mechanical disturbances of intestinal motility (external compression, obstruction or congenital pathology with obstruction).

Features of use

  • A single dose is 15 drops, but you need to start with three, increasing the dosage by 1-2 drops each time. Turn the bottle upside down and tap it with your finger so that the medicine begins to drip.
  • The average daily dose is 30 drops, which you can distribute into 2-3 doses. But if necessary, it can be increased, up to using the drug before each feeding. When the baby's health improves, daily dose gradually reduced. But how often Sub Simplex can be given to a newborn is decided only by the doctor in each specific case.
  • Does not contain sugar, therefore the drug is approved for use by diabetics.

For newborns it is a suspension that has low viscosity, and its color can range from white to gray-white. The drug is sold in bottles with a dropper; 1 milliliter contains 25 drops. "Sub Simplex" for newborns is intended to reduce the manifestations of flatulence. The use of this drug reduces surface tension, slows down the formation and helps destroy gas bubbles throughout the gastrointestinal tract. Those gases that are released due to the use of "Sub Simplex" for newborns are removed due to the fact that perilstatics are improved, or are absorbed by the intestinal walls. Thus, foam removal occurs physically, without any chemical reactions, the drug is pharmacologically inert.

The use of "Sub Simplex" for newborns before X-rays prevents the appearance of image distortion and prevents the appearance of interference. Thanks to this drug, better irrigation of the colon mucosa with the contrast agent occurs, and the contrast film is not allowed to rupture.

"Sub Simplex" - instructions for use

After the drug is taken, it is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, nor is it metabolized. "Sab Simplex" is completely excreted unchanged through the intestines. added in an amount of 0.6 ml or 15 drops. This drug mixes well with any liquids, including milk. For children under 6 years of age, the indicated drug is also added in an amount of 15 drops; it can be taken both after meals and during meals. If the need arises, take an additional 15 drops at night. For children school age a single dose of the drug increases and can reach from 20 to 30 drops. For adults, a one-time use of the drug in the amount of 30-45 drops is permissible. If necessary and after consultation with a doctor, increasing the single dose is allowed. Depending on clinical picture the duration of taking "Sub Simplex" will change, it is allowed to long-term therapy. If an ultrasound is planned, then it is necessary to take 15 ml of the drug in the evening before the examination and 15 ml three hours before it begins. When preparing for radiography, take 15 to 30 ml of the drug in the evening and the study can be carried out the next day. If endoscopy is planned, it is recommended to take 2-5 ml of the drug before starting the procedure and, using an endoscope, inject an additional few drops of Sub Simplex.

Sub simplex for newborns - reviews

Many mothers indicate that children take this drug much better similar drugs which have an unpleasant taste. Also, reviews indicate that the drug is indeed very effective in getting rid of flatulence; some mothers even use it to treat hiccups in their children. Some patients indicate the occurrence allergic reactions due to the use of medication. On at the moment no cases of overdose with this drug have been recorded. It can be used by pregnant and lactating women. Contraindications The use of "Sab Simplex" is not recommended if there is the following diseases:

  • and the presence of obstructive gastrointestinal diseases;
  • availability hypersensitivity to the constituent components of the drug.

This suspension should be taken only after or during meals; You can also take the drug before bed. Infants are given the drug from a spoon before feeding. Before using the medicine, shake the bottle well. In order for the suspension to begin to come out of the pipette, you need to turn the bottle upside down and then tap on it. This drug is sold in pharmacies without any prescription, but still you should not exceed the dosage indicated in the instructions.

The problem of infant colic is familiar to every young mother. This is especially true for babies who are bottle-fed. The child cries and kicks his legs, and the mother’s heart breaks. She frantically searches for how to alleviate the baby’s suffering. To avoid bloating, try using special medications - for example, Sub Simplex drops for newborns.

Sub Simplex drops from a young mother’s medicine cabinet.

Why does a baby experience discomfort?

The newborn’s digestive system is just adapting to the “new life.” That’s why it doesn’t work quite the same way as in adults. Half of the food is not broken down, remaining inside and starting to ferment. The fermentation process causes the formation of gas bubbles.

Formula-fed babies are especially susceptible to gas accumulation. In addition to the bubbles formed inside, portions of air from outside also enter them. It may accumulate in mixtures or be ingested with food.

In breastfed babies, bloating and colic occur due to:

  • improper latching on the breast or the baby crying during feeding - along with a portion of milk, the child also receives a portion of air;
  • consumption of foods by a nursing mother, causing bloating and fermentation in the child’s stomach (legumes, bakery products, fast food, carbonated drinks, etc.).

Whatever the reason for the trouble, Sab Simplex will help the baby.

I took the bunny drops and fell asleep with the bunny.

When to use Sab

The use of the drug is possible from the first days of the baby’s life, whereas for some medications that have a similar effect, for example, Bobotik, the instructions for use indicate not to give it to children under 1 month of age.

In any case, you should consult your pediatrician before use. . Therefore, a specialist must determine how to treat them.

How and what does Sub Simplex work for?

When gas accumulates excessively, it presses on the intestinal walls, causing pain. It is on gas bubbles that Sab acts.

Simethicone, which is part of the composition, destroys the film around gas bubbles. The released air can already be absorbed into the intestinal walls or exit naturally. In this case, the pressure on the intestinal walls stops along with the pain.

Bottom line

Sub Simplex drops are suitable for a baby from the first days of life until the end of the normalization of digestive processes. It can be used both for the treatment of bloating and for prevention. Currently, it is one of the most effective and safest colic medications for newborns.

Tatyana Koshkina

In infants aged 1-6 months due to immature digestive system Colic often occurs. Colic is cramping pain localized in the abdomen, accompanied by bloating and excessive gas formation. Colic causes discomfort for both children and new parents. Modern pharmaceutical industry produces a lot of drugs that can relieve colic. Sub-Simplex is one such drug.

From our article you will learn detailed instructions on the use of the drug Sub-Simplex for colic for newborns and infants.

Composition and principle of action on the body

Sub-Simplex is a drug that can reduce flatulence and the formation of gases in the intestines. Main active ingredient- simethicone, which has the ability to destroy gas bubbles in the large intestine.

The advantage of simethicone is its ability to be excreted from the gastrointestinal tract in its original form, without being absorbed.

In addition to simethicone, the medication contains a number of additional substances in the form of carbomer, sodium saccharinate, sorbic acid, water and flavorings (vanilla, raspberry).

The drug is produced in liquid form - in suspension. It is opaque, white or light gray in color, with a pronounced aroma of vanilla and raspberries. The taste is sweet, with pleasant fruity notes.

The suspension is in a convenient dark brown glass bottle with a dropper dispenser, allowing you to accurately measure the required dose of the product.

In pharmacies, Sub-Simplex is sold in bottles containing 30 ml of the drug. The bottle is placed in a cardboard package with instructions for use.

For what purposes is the medicine prescribed?

Pediatricians prescribe Sub-Simplex to infants in the following cases:

  • with increased formation of gases in the intestinal tract and bloating, accompanied by pain;
  • with intestinal colic physiological nature;
  • before medical procedures related to the examination of the gastrointestinal tract: Ultrasound of the gastrointestinal tract, FGDS, examination of the intestines using X-rays;
  • in case of poisoning with detergents(shampoo, washing powder).

Important to know: Sub-Simplex makes it easier general condition in children with flatulence and colic arising due to the immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract.

If the cause of bloating is infection, pancreatic disease, allergies, the drug will not solve the problem. Sub-Simplex acts symptomatically.

On the pages of our website you will also learn everything for newborns, and how suitable this product is for your baby!

Presence of contraindications in children

Despite the relatively safe composition, Sub-Simplex has contraindications:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with obstruction;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • high sensitivity to certain ingredients in the suspension.

Newborns and infants may develop allergies in the form of a rash and patches of redness on the face and body to the drug Sub-Simplex (see photo below).

More often, the reaction occurs to vanilla, raspberry flavors or preservatives. If intolerance develops, you should contact your pediatrician to prescribe a similar remedy with simethicone.

How long does it take for the drug to work, its effectiveness

The main principle of action of the suspension is its ability to break down large bubbles gases in the thick and small intestine into small ones.

Small bubbles do not injure sensitive mucous membrane, and are absorbed into its walls or are easily excreted naturally.

Thanks to this carminative effect, the intestines are freed from gases, pain and swelling go away or decrease.

When entering the gastrointestinal tract, Sub-Simplex quickly enters the intestines and acts as an antifoam, reducing tension and gas pressure. Simethicone is not absorbed by the body and does not accumulate in tissues and organs., is output unchanged.

The effect of taking it develops after 15-20 minutes, the child begins to pass gas, and the condition improves significantly.

Dosage and frequency of taking drops

How much and how often can Sub-Simplex be given to a newborn? The dosage of Sub-Simplex is calculated based on the age of the child. For babies from birth to 12 months you will need 15 drops per dose. It is better for newborns to take Sub-Simplex during meals (formula feeding or breastfeeding) or immediately after it.

Frequency of administration: twice a day, in the morning and at night. However, if the baby severe attack intestinal colic, the drug can be given every 4-6 hours, 15 drops. Shake the bottle of Sub-Simplex thoroughly before use. You should not give the product undiluted to your baby (drip from the bottle directly into the mouth).

Dosage of Sub-Simplex for preparation for instrumental studies calculated by the attending physician based on childhood and requirements for diagnostic procedure.

How to give, special instructions

The suspension should be taken orally, after or during feeding.. If your baby eats formula or milk from a bottle, the suspension can be added directly to the formula.

If the baby is breastfed, it is better to give Sub-Simplex from a small spoon, after diluting a little to a liquid consistency with breast milk or boiled water.

It is convenient to give the drug from a small syringe without a needle.

Special instructions:

  • the drug is used to treat children suffering from diabetes mellitus and lactase deficiency;
  • Overdose symptoms are unknown, however, the permissible dose cannot be exceeded;
  • if complaints about intestinal colic and flatulence persist for a long time, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician.

How to take with other medicines

Information on the relationship of the suspension with other medications has not been established. It has been confirmed that Sub-Simplex does not accumulate in the body, does not enter the general bloodstream, and is not absorbed into the mucous membrane. However, for the purposes better efficiency It is better to maintain a time interval of 1-1.5 hours between taking Sub-Simplex and other medications.

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Prices in pharmacies, shelf life and expiration dates

In Russian pharmacies the cost for a 30 ml bottle of Sub-Simplex for newborns is - 260-280 rubles. The suspension is sold in all pharmacies, it can be purchased at free access, no doctor's prescription required.

The opened bottle should be stored in a place inaccessible to children.. Ideal place- without exposure to sunlight with a temperature of no more than 25 degrees. The suspension has deadline shelf life - 3 years from the date of manufacture.