The oldest dog in the world. From time immemorial: a list of the most ancient dog breeds

Geologists have estimated the age of rocks from a recently discovered greenstone belt in northern Canada. Their calculations were based on the ratio of samarium and different isotopes of neodymium. This method is used to estimate the age of rocks older than 4 billion years, such as meteorites. It turned out that some components of this greenstone belt are 4.28 billion years old. This is only 300 million years after the birth of the Earth itself.

The age of the Earth is now estimated at 4.5–4.6 billion years. This age is calculated, since no rocks from those times have survived (or it is not known where and how to look for them). The oldest rocks found are 4.03 billion years old (in the northwest territories of Canada) and 4.27 billion years old (in Western Australia). To calculate the age of these rocks, the radioisotope dating method (see also Radiometric dating) using zircon granules is usually used. But the main limitation of the zirconium method is that zircon is a rare mineral and is not found in the most common igneous rocks.

Geologists from Montreal (McGill University and the University of Quebec) and Washington (Washington) decided to use another method to determine the absolute age of ancient rocks - based on the neodymium-samarium ratio.

The isotope of samarium with atomic weight 146 (146 Sm) decays to form the neodymium isotope 142 Nd, the half-life of 146 Sm is 103 million years. The ratio of these two isotopes indicates the age of the rocks - but this is only if the initial content of the samarium isotope 146 Sm in the rock is known. And since it is unknown, geologists start from another ratio - two stable isotopes of neodymium 144 Nd / 142 Nd. This ratio changes due to the decay of samarium - that is, the older the rock, the higher the relative content of the 142 Nd isotope should be in it. By measuring the content of the samarium-146 isotope and the 144 Nd/ 142 Nd ratio in the rock and taking into account the half-life of samarium, as well as the “background” ratio 144 Nd/ 142 Nd, geologists estimate the age of ancient rocks.

The shales that geologists studied were brought to the laboratory from the Greenstone belt, located near the Inuit (Eskimo) village of Nuvvuagittuq in Quebec. This greenstone belt was discovered by researchers seven years ago, and its ancient age was determined immediately in the same year. For the remaining six years, experts rechecked the results and described the structure of the formation and mineralogy. This belt is composed of volcanic rocks and is surrounded by an array of tonalites composed of quartz, sodium plagioclase, amphibole, and biotite. Zircon inclusions were found in the tonalites, and from these inclusions the age of the tonalites was determined - 3.66 billion years. But the main rocks of the belt itself are ambifols with a unique chemical composition, called cummingtonite. Since these rocks differ from the bulk of amphiboles with which Canadian geologists are accustomed to dealing, the authors of the article in Science they even called cummingtonite false amphibole. And the most important thing for them was to determine the age of these pseudoamphiboles. It turned out to be 4.28 billion years old.

If we assume that these estimates relate to the moment of rock formation, then it turns out that the earth’s crust was formed 300 million years after the birth of the solar system and the Earth itself, whose age is estimated at 4.5-4.6 billion years. In an interview for Canadian Press Jonathan O'Neill made several assumptions that indirectly follow from the given isotopic ratios and the content of other elements in the rocks of this ancient greenstone belt:

“These data give scientists new opportunities to study the process of separation of the Earth's crust from the mantle. In addition, some details indicate the possible presence of water during the formation of these rocks. This means that oceans already existed then, 4.28 billion years ago. Conditions in that ocean, of course, were different from today, but not catastrophically. And in principle, the conditions were such that there could be life there. So far no traces of her have been found. However, the studied rocks have a very high iron content, and the enrichment of rocks with iron may occur with the participation of bacteria. Then (but this is only an assumption!) - we have before us the first evidence of life.”

When O'Neill was asked how a person feels, walking with his own feet on the pristine earth, the scientist replied: “Divine!”

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There are a number of factors that make a dog expensive. The main ones are the rarity and purity of the breed, the number of awards and titles, the health and appearance of the dog.

Us in website I also wanted to find out how much the most valuable dog breeds cost. And although it is difficult to determine exactly which breed is the most expensive, it is possible to create a rough list of breeds based on the average cost in the world.

Bichon Frize

A miniature breed of decorative dogs of French origin, which became known several centuries ago. The Bichon Frize is a playful, intelligent and intelligent companion dog that ranges in price from $500 to $1,500.

Siberian Husky

A factory specialized breed of dog, registered in the 30s of the 20th century as a sled dog, obtained from aboriginal dogs of the Russian Far East. Friendly and calm, but at the same time lively. Huskies require a lot of physical activity and long walks. Cost varies from $500 to $1600.

Bearded Collie

One of the oldest breeds of Scottish cattle dogs. A slender, strong dog with an excellent character. They are easy to train, smart, cheerful, love children, and can easily adapt to any conditions. The price of Bearded Collie puppies ranges from $800-$1500.

Chow chow

One of the oldest dog breeds in the world, belonging to the Spitz group. This is a guard dog and a companion dog. They were used for guarding, hunting, reindeer herding and as sled dogs. They are distinguished by their special stubbornness and willfulness, which in the process of education requires a lot of patience and relevant knowledge. With the right approach to training, they grow up to be gentle and kind dogs. The cost of puppies is $600–$1700.


A very ancient breed of service dogs, which managed to avoid the interference of breeders and has survived to this day in its original form. They are distinguished by a calm character, sharp mind, cheerfulness, balance and sociability. They love people and are happy to make contact. Training and education should be taken quite seriously. You can buy a puppy of this breed for $600–$1,800.


A large guard breed of shepherd dogs that have been serving people for more than 10 centuries. Komondors are very intelligent, calm, balanced and at the same time very brave animals. They are easy to train and are particularly devoted to their owner. The cost of dogs of this breed is $1200–2000.

Irish Wolfhound

A breed of hunting dog, included in the list of the largest dogs in the world. Their character is kind and calm, they are distinguished by courage, strength and endurance. The price of Irish Wolfhound puppies can range from $1,300 to $2,300.

English bulldog

Brought out in England in the second half of the 19th century. According to the type of use, the breed is classified as companion and bodyguard dogs. He embodied truly gentlemanly traits: equanimity, thoroughness, even some phlegmaticity, elegance and aristocracy. English bulldogs are in great need of attention, and keeping them requires a lot of responsibility. You can buy a puppy of this breed for $600–2500.

Biewer Yorkshire Terrier

A relatively new breed of small toy dogs originating from Germany. Biewer Yorkies are companion dogs. They are very kind, affectionate, peace-loving animals with big hearts, in whose company you will always feel warm and cozy. The cost of Biewer Yorkshire Terrier puppies ranges from $700 to $2,500.

King Charles Spaniel

A breed of small dogs bred by English dog handlers in the 16th century. Dogs of this breed are distinguished by their special endurance and cleanliness. The main advantages of the King Charles Spaniel are considered to be a kind character and loyalty. They are easy to train and love children. The price for dogs of this breed can range from $800–2500.

Saluki (Persian greyhound)

One of the oldest breeds of domesticated dogs. Representatives of this breed have a very calm character, are affectionate with all family members, but are somewhat wary of strangers. The cost of Saluki dogs can vary from $800 to $2,500.

Chinese Chongqing dog

A very rare, almost extinct breed of dog. Today there are approximately 2,000 representatives of the Chongqing breed in China. They are very friendly, calm animals and get along well with children. One of the main advantages of the breed is its life expectancy - up to 20 years. The price for Chinese Chongqing dog puppies reaches $3,500.

Akita Inu

Their homeland is Akita Prefecture, in northern Japan. In its native country it is recognized as a national treasure and has the status of a natural monument. Dogs of this breed can be described as discreet, intelligent, courageous, noble and very loyal animals to their owner. They have excellent watchdog qualities and are easy to train. You can buy Akita Inu puppies for $1000–$3500.

Dwarf Spitz

A decorative breed of miniature dogs originally from Germany. The Pomeranian Spitz has a cheerful disposition and loyal character, is distinguished by intelligence and intelligence, and is easy to train. The cost of puppies of this breed can range from $700 to $4000.

Thai Ridgeback

The national breed of Thailand, classified as hunting. Thai Ridgebacks are very active and strong dogs that need long walks. They have a sharp mind and have their own opinion on everything. You need to be able to outwit them and instill confidence that the owner is always right. The price for Thai Ridgeback dogs ranges from $800–$4000.

American researchers identified 14 ancient dog breeds; they showed the least amount of genetic differences from wolves. The geography of distribution turned out to be quite extensive; this list included breeds from Siberia, Japan, China, Tibet, and the African continent.
For DNA analysis, 5 individuals were selected from each breed officially registered in the American Kennel Club.

The results presented the researchers with a number of surprises. Namely, the assumptions that such breeds as the Norwegian Elkhound and Ibiza are ancient breeds were not confirmed. All currently existing representatives of these breeds are just newly recreated dogs of the old type.

In addition, five breed pairs were found to be closely related: Alaskan and Siberian Huskies, Collies and Shelties, and Whippets, Bernese Mountain and Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs, and finally, Bullmastiff and English Mastiff.

However, with such a small sample from one breed, such testing also cannot guarantee definitive results. Indeed, with the purposeful consolidation of breed characteristics, dogs are bred with certain types and even other breeds, thereby displacing wolf genes even more. It is also worth considering the fact that out of 400 currently known breeds, the AKC recognizes only 167. Therefore, there is a possibility that in addition to these 14, further research will reveal more ancient breeds.

Among these fourteen most ancient breeds, three: the Alaskan Malamute, the Siberian Husky and the Samoyed Laika came from Russia. At least they have been tamed and have been serving humans for 3000 years.
So, I present to you a list of the most ancient dog breeds:
Afghan Hound

Paying attention to different dog breeds, sooner or later every dog ​​breeder or just a dog lover asks an interesting question: “What is the oldest dog breed?”

This list includes several dogs whose DNA code is closest to their original ancestors - jackals and wolves.

From time immemorial, people have admired the unique abilities of animals: their subtle and precise tactics of catching prey, their keen vision, sensitive hearing and incredibly subtle sense of smell. Such an ally gave a huge advantage over potential opponents, which were then not only the elements themselves, but also other wild animals and even their own kind - people from another tribe. Having tamed and domesticated the wolf, man received in return a devoted and faithful friend who still serves him today!

These are the oldest dog breeds etc took part Not only in the hunt or property protection his master, but also served as a kind of “attribute” of power and wealth . For example, in China a well-known dog breed Shit Tzu For a long time it was a “forbidden” breed, which only the emperor and a few high-ranking people could own!

But it’s quite difficult to say exactly where this dog breed comes from.

According to surviving historical data, it is known that B 1653 year, the Tibetan Dalai Lama presented the Chinese Emperor with an unusual gift - a Shih Tzu puppy, which acquired the peculiar status of an exclusively palace dog, which an ordinary resident of China had no right to own.

Thus, it is assumed that The Shih Tzu is not only a native Chinese dog breed, but also a Tibetan one.

But not only this breed can be considered the most ancient dog breeds.

Japanese Akita Inu and Shiba Inu.

Akita Inu

Japanese Akita Inu dog was bred on the island of Honshuin a small provincial town with the same name Akita. It’s easy to guess why this breed was named that way.

The main trade of the people living in this village, one might say, was hunting, and the local residents needed a large, but at the same time dexterous and hardy dog. Such a partner was Spitz-shaped dog, subsequently crossed with a mastiff.

On the island of Honshu this breed been for a long time known by another name - "matagi ken" . Literally a hunter-dog, for Matagi- Means " hunter" , A ken — "dog". With matagi ken they hunted exclusively large prey, for example, bears, wild boars or deer. Matagi ken can also be translated as "bugbear" , since the bear remained a particularly valuable prey, a substantial sum was paid for its skin. Not every experienced hunter could even kill such an animal. A man who could kill a bear won respect among the villagers, and his dog received his share of laurels.

First archaeological evidence , allowing us to determine the roots and time of origin of this ancient breed, were found in the 2nd millennium BC , when archaeologists discovered the remains of the skeleton of a Spitz-shaped dog, and ancient drawings preserved images of dogs similar to Akita Inu.

With time In Japan, kennel clubs began to appear in the 6th century, in which a special practical program was developed for breeding, maintaining, and training these dogs. Special archives were even created where all the breeding genealogical features and connections of subsequently bred Akitas were entered with detailed descriptions and notes.

The Second World War contributed to the genealogical history of this breed , when dogs began to be crossed with German Shepherds. Akita-matagi appeared, something like a herding dog . And 2 more varieties: fighting Akita and shepherd Akita.

Shiba Inu

The Shiba Inu was also bred specifically for hunting. , but unlike the Akita Inu, these dogs were much smaller and faster. They took part in hunting smaller, nimble game. Bred on the island of Honshu in the village of the same name Shiba , these dogs drove small game directly to the hunters, and brought the killed animals in areas difficult to reach for humans to their owners.

To get this breed, three breeds of small dogs were taken as a basis: Sangyin, Shinshu and Mino , which were bred in the towns of the same name. Literally means inu - “dog” from the city of Shiba, inu from the city of San’in, etc.

Tibetan Lhasa Apso, Shih Tzu and Tibetan Terrier also belong to the most ancient dog breeds.

Lhasa Apso

This Tibetan talisman was named so due to its “beardiness” and “shaggyness”" . Lhasa- This capital of Tibet , A "apso"- translated from Tibetan means " bearded" .

But some philologists believe that "Ihasa apso" translated as "goat-like" , thereby drawing another parallel - Lhasa Apso were herding dogs But in our opinion, such a theory of “resemblance to a goat” does not give the right to classify this breed as a shepherd.

In Tibet these dogs were given a special role at the temple - they predicted future events and warned of danger. It was believed that thanks to their fur, Lhasa Apsos could heal the souls of people and cure some diseases. They spiritually enriched their owner, giving him even more than simple communication with other people.

The Lhasa Apso is not only a guard, but also a faithful companion!

Based on genetic studies from Another ancient dog breed originated from the Lhasa Apso - the Shih Tzu. which we talked about a little earlier.

Tibetan Terrier

The above-mentioned name has actually already been “Europeanized”, since the original Tibetan name of this breed literally means “shaggy dog ​​from the Tsang province” and has absolutely nothing to do with terriers.

In Tibetan it would sound like this: " collet apso". There is still debate about the purpose of this dog in people's lives. Some people believe that they were bred for hunting , other for security, third to help shepherds , still others are inclined to assume that the Tibetan Terrier is a purely companion dog . But few people are of the opinion that Tsang Apso were sacred dogs intended for service in the temple.

Be that as it may, since Tsang Apso cope well with all the responsibilities placed on their shoulders, then why not simply classify them as a universal dog breed?

Also, the Chinese Pekingese, Chow Chow, Shar Pei, Shih Tzu join the list of the most ancient dog breeds.


These guard spirits who came from another world the fruit of the love of a proud and majestic lion, who fell madly in love with a furry funny monkey . But this, of course, is just a Chinese legend, invented by some person with a very wild imagination.

For China, Pekingese are something like sacred animals, This is evidenced by ancient frescoes and paintings on household items, in which dogs are exalted and revered as something sacred and inviolable.

Developed in ancient China over 2000 years ago , these dogs belonged exclusively to the emperor and his family and for a long time were a kind of sex symbol. Stealing a Pekingese is like signing your own death warrant. Therefore, no one dared to disobey the order of the emperor. But after the British captured the Beijing Summer Palace, this breed migrated to Europe in 1860 and was already loved by many dog ​​breeders there. In the USA, the first dog breeding club for decorative Pekingese was created in 1909.

Chow Chow

This is one of the first primitive breeds descended from the wolf. Chow chow was used in a fairly wide range: it is both a watchman and a companion, a hunter of large animals, a sled dog . Some non-purebred Chow Chows even ended up in food. In North Korea, Pyongyang even now serves a delicacy of chow chow as a special order for tourists. In our opinion, this is very wild and unacceptable.

In Buddhist monasteries they kept special records, trying to preserve the purebred line of this breed.

These dogs have been known in China for more than 2000 years. , and the first chow chows appeared in England only in the 1830s. Modern Chow Chows are a product of British selection; they bear little resemblance to the ancient Chinese Chows and have acquired the status of a decorative breed.

According to research conducted by scientists from the University of British Columbia, chow chows are one of the most difficult dogs to train with a low level of command absorption. They rank 77th out of 80 breeds tested.

Shar Pei

According to one of the versions, Shar Pei descended from smooth-haired Chow Chows or from smooth-haired Mastiffs . But according to “rumors” from the past, Shar Peis and Chow Chows existed together at the same time. It is impossible to say exactly where this breed came from, since all evidence was destroyed in 213 BC uh Emperor Qin Shi Huang, who waged bloody wars to end the centuries-long Warring States era in divided China.

Like the Chow Chow, the Shar Pei has a tongue with blue-black pigment spots, which allows some historians to equate them to the same subspecies.

Judging by DNA analysis, it was found that this breed is at least 3,000 years old! This suggests that the Shar Pei is a direct descendant of one of the four basic breeds from which all currently existing dog breeds originated.

Unlike mountain chow chows, sharpeis were common in the southern provinces of China in the coastal areas of the South China Sea and were popular during the Han Dynasty . And this is already 202 BC - 220 AD!

Shar-Peis were used as guard dogs , showed themselves well and on the hunt, and due to their powerful physique and endurance, they were used for entertainment in ancient times. They acted as fighting dogs , participating in brutal and deadly fights.

The Alaskan Malamute is also one of the most ancient dog breeds. (native Alaska) Afghan Hound (homeland Afghanistan), Basenji(homeland of Congo) Saluki(homeland Middle East), Samoyed dog (homeland Russia), Siberian husky(also a native of Russia).

Akita Inu

Males: 64-70 cm
Females: 58-64 cmOrigin


Playful, prone to dominance. He learns quickly, but requires patience in the training process. Does not accept cruel treatment. Prone to aggression towards other animals. Grudge-bearing. Doesn't get along well with small children. Attached to a balanced and persistent owner. She can be compared to an impatient and power-hungry emperor. Be prepared for the fact that the Akita will always try to take the dominant role as it grows up.

ICF classification

Standard number: 255

Shiba Inu

Males: 40±1.5 cm
Females: 37±1.5 cmOrigin


Calm and balanced with a persistent playful character. In games she is restless and restless. Requires special attention to socialization; it is necessary to introduce your pet from an early age to other people, dogs and animals as often as possible. He behaves warily towards strangers, but does not show much aggression. Loyal and affectionate, she becomes strongly attached to her owner.

ICF classification

Standard number: 257

Lhasa Apso

Males: 25cm-26cm
Females: 24.4 cmOrigin


A freedom-loving and independent dog with a persistent and strong character, a dog that loves to demonstrate dominance. From an early age, it is necessary to show them their place in the house, otherwise Lhasa apsos will literally sit on their owners’ necks. Due to their resemblance to teddy bears, their character is often underestimated, as a result of which they grow up to be nervous and selfish little dictators. Despite all of the above, they love affection excessively and always remain devoted to their owners. They love to play, but are reluctant to take part in games with people they don’t like.

ICF classification

Standard number: 227

Shih Tzu

Males: 26-27 cm
Females: 23-25 ​​cmOrigin

Tibet, China


Kind, affectionate and attention-hungry pets. They get along well with other animals and adore their owners. Loneliness is hard to bear. An excellent companion dog that always strives to accompany its owners under any circumstances.

ICF classification

Standard Number:

Tibetan Terrier

Males: 39-41 cm
Females: 32 – 35 cmOrigin


Smart devotees and very jealous. They quickly grasp and assimilate everything. Flexible and balanced. Friendly and curious. They are very mobile, so they need daily physical activity. They become strongly attached to one owner, who will surround them with affection, attention and care, not forgetting that Tibetan terriers are not averse to sitting on the neck of their owner who has lost his vigilance.

ICF classification

Standard number: 205


Males: 23-24 cm
Females: 19-20 cmOrigin


Independent and arrogant, attention-loving charmer. Immensely loves tenderness and affection. He loves to play pranks and create his own convenient order in the house. Not patient and playful. Loves to be the center of attention. Difficult to train. Gets nervous when people don't notice him. Tenacious and often persistent. Categorically does not like feigned “usu-sucking”. Doesn't get along well with children.

ICF classification

Standard number: 207

Chow Chow

Males: 48-56 cm
Females: 46-51 cmOrigin


Stubborn, freedom-loving and capricious. Doesn't like children. Does not get along well with other animals, especially smaller ones (cats, rodents, etc.). Difficult to train. Canny. Tends to dominate. Curious like a puppy. Likes to be lazy. She tends to show wariness towards strangers, which develops into aggression. She is affectionate and devoted to her owner. Sometimes they have a surprisingly flexible mood and are ready to serve their owner in everything, however, this happens extremely rarely.

ICF classification

Standard number: 205

Shar Pei

Males: 48 – 52 cm
Females: 46 – 50 cmOrigin


Independent and willful. They need to be trained and socialized from an early age as they can be aggressive towards other dogs. They are very clean and love to be looked after. They treat children calmly, actively take part in games, but quickly get tired of the fuss. They prefer to be lazy. In childhood they can be somewhat timid. Growing up, they become staunch and fearless defenders. They are loyal and helpful towards their owner.

ICF classification

Standard number: 309

Alaskan Malamute

Males: 64 cm
Females: 58 cmOrigin

Alaska (USA)


Smart and independent, he loves to play pranks. Loves active games and fun. Friendly and curious. He is prone to dominance, therefore, an overly sentimental and weak-willed owner will not suit him. Early training and socialization is necessary. He must clearly know the boundaries of what is permitted, otherwise he will grow up to be an unbalanced and capricious dog that shows aggression. Not aggressive towards people, but wary of other animals. Does not obey a cruel master. Requires persistent patience in the education process.

ICF classification

Standard number: 243

Afghan Hound

Males: 68-74 cm
Females: 63-69 cmOrigin



Sensitive to justice and a proud dog. Graceful and clean. At first glance, she is arrogant and cold even towards her owner. But this is only an appearance; in fact, they are very affectionate and devoted animals. They are difficult to train, as they tend to be persistent and disobedient. They treat small children coldly, as they can be somewhat timid. With older children they are more playful and flexible. They love to walk on their own. They are impatient and do not like noise and fuss, which is why they often protest and behave extremely arrogantly.

ICF classification

group: 10

Standard number: 228


Males: 43 cm
Females: 40 cmOrigin

Central Africa


Despite its “difficult” wayward character, it lends itself well to training. Graceful and clean. She is very active and always looking for something to do. They are subtle psychologists, quickly grasp and react to the mood of the owner. Incredibly smart and calculating. They adore their owner and are 100% devoted to him. Sometimes they show persistence and unwillingness to follow commands. They are tireless activists and entertainers.

ICF classification

Standard number: 43


Males: 58-71 cm
Females: 55-58 cmOrigin

Near East


Sensitive and willful. Restrained and calm. Gets along well with children, taking part in joint games and fun. Tireless on the hunt, loves to pursue prey. Good-natured and peaceful. He becomes strongly attached to one owner, although he behaves somewhat reservedly. In relation to strangers he behaves warily and distrustfully. They get along well with other dogs of similar sizes. It can show aggression towards smaller dogs and animals, mistaking them for game. It is necessary to train from early childhood without missing a moment or opportunity to show the animal who is boss.

ICF classification

group: 10

Standard number: 269

Samoyed dog

Males: 54-60 cm


A playful enthusiast and leader. Likes to be in the thick of things without missing a single detail. Loves active games and fun. Does not tolerate separation from the owner well. They are smart and highly trainable. Sometimes they come up with new tricks on their own in order to attract more attention to themselves. They are constantly on the move and love to play with children. They are friendly and playful towards other animals. This is an inexhaustible fountain of positivity and energy. Overly curious and trusting. They create a lot of noise.

ICF classification

Standard number: 212

Siberian Husky

Males: 53-60 cm
Females: 50-56 cmOrigin


Lively, friendly and playful. Too independent and willful. Curious, but at the same time cautious. He has an inquisitive mind and quick reactions. They study well, but sometimes they show persistence. Affectionate and tireless. They become strongly attached to one owner, but treat all family members well. They like to explore new territory on their own, so they often prefer to run away. Early socialization is required as they can be aggressive towards smaller and weaker animals and dogs. A serious appearance and frowning eyebrows do not at all correspond to the playful nature of these smart and funny animals. They are sensitive and tireless. They love to accompany their owner, but are not averse to choosing their own path to accompany them.

ICF classification

Standard number: 270

At the moment, the most accurate way to determine ancient dog breeds is through DNA analysis. Everyone knows the fact that dogs descended from wolves, but exactly when the split occurred is unknown. There are two interesting theories about this.

According to archaeological excavations, people domesticated dogs approximately 15 thousand years ago. However, DNA analysis suggests that this happened much earlier. The fact is that during a given period of time genes could not change that much, so the first domestication occurred presumably 50-100 thousand years ago. It is this version that is considered closer to the truth.

Ancient dog breeds and their characteristics:

Although ancient dogs have gone through some evolution, they are still slightly behind some new breeds in many respects. Most often, these animals try to dominate, so they require a confident owner, but this deficiency is compensated by the incredible devotion and love of the pet.