The most fashionable hairstyle in Africa. Original African braids (50 photos) - Exotic at home

African hairstyles are largely dictated by their national characteristics. In addition to dark skin color, a distinctive feature of the inhabitants of the black continent is their hair - thick, hard, curly and very unruly. In whatever ways dark-skinned ladies tried to tame them: they lubricated them with various oils, resins, twisted small strands into lumps, securing them with clay or ash, tried to straighten their hair with knives heated over a fire... But such hair was still very difficult to style. Maybe that's why African beauties came up with braids - not one, not two, but 200-250 on one head. Braided it - and you can walk peacefully for more than one day. Hairstyles reflected the unique philosophy of the African people; they were made with a special meaning, reading special positive spells during the weaving process.
Wearing this hairstyle brought good luck and warded off evil spirits.

Only “enlightened”, harmonious people were hairdressers - this was necessary so as not to scare away the good spirits. African braids, braided and styled in a special way, were worn by sorcerers and shamans.

The hairstyles of the African population, despite the primitiveness of their execution, were very diverse and original.
The shape of hairstyles changed depending on personal qualities, gender, and position in society. So children - girls and boys - had their hair shaved off, leaving small funny tufts on the crown of their head. Girls and boys braided their hair into small braids as thick as a finger, laying them tightly together in rows. Women's hairstyles, although varied, looked much simpler in comparison with men's. Sometimes women simply shaved or plucked out all the hair on their heads, sometimes they left islands in the form of furrows or a circle. In addition, numerous thin braids were braided. Since the combing procedure required a lot of time, professional hairdressers appeared in some tribes.

The male warriors of the Turkana tribe carried on their spears, with which they almost never parted with headrests carved out of wood to maintain the shape of their hairstyle. The headrests resembled small benches, ornately decorated with carvings or drawings. They were often covered with leather and were light and comfortable. Thanks to these unique “pillows”, the hairstyle, which was suspended, was well preserved during rest and sleep.

The most common hairstyle was this: a tuft of hair on the top of the head was covered with a small round clay pot, the rest of the hair was carefully shaved.

There was a belief in the tribe that if a warrior did not wear this original structure, then the wind and sun could “drive out” from his head everything embedded in it by spirits.
To prevent the cake from shrinking, layers of fresh clay were constantly added to it.

There were special hairstyles for those preparing to get married.
One of the wedding hairstyles represented a hair cloud. On top they put a small wicker basket made of willow twigs or wild flax fibers. This peculiar hat-hairstyle was worn by young men during an interruption in a forest hut in anticipation of the marriage ceremony. Upon returning from the forest to the village, the hair was cut off. The head was shaved clean, the skin was lubricated with oil and animal fat.

Men often spent significantly more time combing their hair than women, although both sometimes preferred to shave their hair completely.

The men of the Boran tribe had hairstyles that resembled hedgehog quills. The hair in the middle of the head was cut short and smeared with resin, causing it to stick out in different directions. The side strands were much longer; they were beaten with a wooden comb so that they turned into a kind of ball. Over these hairstyles they wore huge white turbans with ends hanging down from one side.

They wore hairstyles with several horizontal and vertical partings, with partial shaving of the hair - while the hair was cut short, the pattern was arbitrary.

Sometimes the hairstyles resembled a woodpile - in this case, the hair was wound onto wooden sticks and laid in rows. For strength, all the hair of the “woodpile” was smeared with manure or red clay, resin, and herbal juice.
Often men gave their hairstyles the shape of the horns of wild goats, porcupine quills, the comb of a rooster, the mane of a lion, the disk of the sun, and the wings of insects. To stabilize the hairstyle, astringent compounds were used - clay, animal dung, resins.

The rich wore tall cone-shaped hairstyles made of small braids attached to willow twigs and baskets. Hairstyles were dyed with vegetable dyes and decorated with ostrich feathers, fluffy fibers, fruits and shells. Many decorations were symbols of prosperity and peace.

Hairstyles also depended on the lifestyle of the population. Thus, the hairstyles of landowners were distinguished by greater imagination, originality, and courage than those of fruit gatherers and hunters. Religious beliefs also had a certain influence on people's appearance. There were hairstyles that resembled huge caterpillars, flaring out in the middle. The “caterpillar” was constructed from one’s own and artificial hair and rose 30-40 cm above the head, decorated with beads or colored threads. On holidays, hairstyles were sprinkled with colored powders and colored using clay and herbal juice.

The time for combing would be determined by the elders of the tribe; the master was located in the clearing. He washed his hair and combed it with a large wooden comb, often without undoing his previous style or braids.
The women of the Rendili tribe wore a hairstyle on their heads like a huge cockscomb. It started at the back of the head, crossed the entire head in the center and ended above the forehead. This hairstyle was created in honor of the birth of the first son, and only after the son reached maturity could it be changed to a simpler one. Widows twisted their hair into tight buns at the back of their heads and covered their heads with a piece of cloth. Having naturally curly hair, many women tried to straighten it with hot knives.
Holiday hairstyles were complex and elegant. They had a spherical or cone-shaped shape. Hair was dyed in different colors using grass juice, leaves, various clays, coal and sand.

The art of braiding has been passed on by women from generation to generation. Moreover, each tribe found some of its own characteristics in hair styling.

The style icon, the incomparable Sophia Loren, was sure that “your hair affects how your day turns out, and ultimately your life.” Women spend a lot of time caring for their hair, and hairstyle fashion changes as rapidly as clothing preferences. Photographer J.D. Okhai Ojeikere from Nigeria presented a large collection of photographs depicting more than 1000 different hairstyles, which were popular among African women in the 1960s and 1970s.

A collection of photographs from J.D. Okhai Ojeikere is a great opportunity to immerse yourself in the fashion of the last century. In the photo report "Hairstyles" You can see both everyday hairstyles and intricate “going out” designs. Braids with original weaving, ringlets and curls, knots and buns - you just don’t see anything on the heads of Nigerian women. Many hairstyles seem overly cumbersome and complex to us, whereas they were relevant half a century ago. They remind you of an extraordinary stylist, whose experiments we have already told readers of the website Culturology.Ru.

J.D. himself Okhai Ojeikere admits that the Hairstyles project has become a way for him to study Nigerian culture, for which the photographer has genuine love and affection. In the photo project, the entire emphasis is on the hairstyle: the viewer is not distracted by the faces of the models, and one can be completely immersed in examining the smallest details. The photographer chose the style of black and white minimalism, which also indicates the self-sufficiency of the material he saw. J.D. Okhai Ojeikere regrets that hairstyles are short-lived, so the only way to immortalize these man-made creations is to capture them with a camera. He emphasizes that he has always wanted to “document” moments of beauty, finding beauty in everyday life.

African passions

In the modern world, the fashion for African hairstyles has existed for a long time. And, surprisingly, not only does it not pass, but over time it finds more and more followers. One of the most popular afro hairstyles today is afro braids; the “progenitors” of this modern hairstyle were small braids that were braided by the inhabitants of hot Africa. This was most likely due to the hot weather, because with such braids it is much easier in the heat than with a thick head of hair.

In addition, such braids were very common among African sorcerers and shamans. It was believed that such a hairstyle could protect its owner from negative witchcraft practices. They believed that the braids contained strength and power, capable of attracting the attention of others, making them obey their every word or admire their every action.

Thanks to the Europeans, having moved to other countries and continents, Africans did not lose their traditions and continued to braid hair in the New and Old Worlds. Subsequently, European and American masters adapted Afro hairstyles for their white-skinned clients, since the structure and thickness of the hair of representatives of the Negroid and Caucasian races are very different. Taking into account the characteristics of European hair, stylists made changes to the weaving technology itself, traditional for Africans, adapting it for less dense and weaker European hair.

Pros of Afro hairstyles:

1. Changing the color and length of hair, without damaging it. However, this is only possible if three conditions are met: when braids are braided by a highly qualified craftsman, when synthetic kannekalon fiber is used, and when the rules for caring for afro braids are followed during the wearing period.

2. A properly chosen afro hairstyle allows you to increase the volume of your hair by two to three times, which looks very impressive.

3. Hair braided is not exposed to the negative effects of styling products and hot air when drying it with a hairdryer.

4. A large range of hairstyles made from afro braids allows you to satisfy any requests and wishes.

Braiding process

At the moment, there are several main types of African braids: dreadlocks, Sinegalese braids, Afro braids, plaits, French braids, pony tail, corrugation, zizi, twist, Leslie curls, etc. The industry does not stand still, new ones are constantly appearing and becoming fashionable types of weaving.

To create an Afro hairstyle, it is enough to have your own hair 3-4 cm long, since the braid in any case is braided from artificial fiber (kannekalon, acrylic, thread, etc.). Even if your hair is quite thick and long, it is impossible to braid “real” African braids with it, since it is necessary that the braids be even along the entire length and quite dense. Therefore, only synthetic material can cope with this task. During the braiding process, the master must give the braids the correct direction, but the hairstyle will be completely formed in 2-3 days. At the end of the procedure, depending on the chosen weave and the thickness and density of your own hair, you get from 140 to 200 braids.

Important! If you have weak hair, it may not be able to withstand the heavy loads of most braiding methods. Before you decide to get an Afro hairstyle, you must first strengthen your hair and consult a doctor.

Afro hairstyle correction

Typically, the hairstyle lasts from 1 month to 6. The duration of wear depends on the professionalism of the hairdresser, as well as on the length, thickness and color of the chosen material. However, among professionals there is an opinion that instead of correction, it is easier to unravel the hair and create a new hairstyle.

Afro hair care:

1. There is no need to comb afro braids (with the exception of ponytails and some other types of hairstyles that imitate unbraided hair). A comb can only damage your hair by pulling strands out of your hair.

2. Washed hair can be dried with a hairdryer, but the air stream should be cool so that the artificial fiber does not melt under the influence of high temperature. You can visit the sauna and sunbathe.

3. It is recommended to wash your hair 10-15 days after braiding. Frequently washing your hair will damage your hair and make it look unkempt. It is recommended to first apply shampoo to the base of the head and rinse with massaging movements. Then apply shampoo directly to the length of the braids and gently rinse using movements from the base of the head to the ends. You cannot use balms and masks!

4. While wearing braids, itching may appear due to infrequent hair washing or from artificial material. Itching can be relieved with special antiseptic drugs purchased at the pharmacy (for example, Miramistin). You need to moisten a cotton swab and blot the entire scalp.


- vegetative-vascular dystonia;
- violation of the scalp;
- fungal diseases;
- neurodermatitis;
- psoriasis;
- pediculosis;
- hair loss;
- seborrhea, seborrheic eczema.

But as we already know, there is an alternative way to change without risk, and most importantly, allowing you to return to your usual appearance at any time - an afro hairstyle. The variety of options for afro hairstyles allows you to choose the most optimal option and emphasize your individuality.

New classic - African braids

African braids are the most common and most popular type of afro hairstyle. In the process of creating this hairstyle, strands of Kanekalon (or other synthetic material) are woven into your hair. African braids go equally well with both classic and bolder styles.

The choice of the brave - French braids

French braids, either braided over the skin or braided over the head, are a very avant-garde version of the Afro hairstyle. These braids are made using the method of weaving close to the scalp, thereby forming a clear pattern. Patterns can be either simple parallel lines or more complex patterns.

The period of wearing such braids is 1-1.5 months.

Flagella and spirals - Senegalese braids

Senegalese braids are also woven using artificial material, in fact the same as African braids, with the only difference being the weaving technique (from two strands).

The minimum length of your own hair is 6-8 cm.

The period of wearing such braids is 2-4 months.


Zi-zi braids appeared relatively recently. Zi-zi is a ready-made, very thin braid, and the entire hairstyle is created by weaving ready-made braids into the hair. Zi-zi braids come in several types:

- Corrugated;
- with a large wave;
- spiral.

The minimum length of your own hair is 6-8 cm.


Corrugated or African extensions are created by weaving special corrugated strands into the hair. Depending on your desire, corrugation can have both a feminine and extreme character, more conservative and elegant, or unusual, bright and bold.

The minimum length of your own hair is 10-15 cm.

The period of wearing such braids is 2-3 months.

Pony tail

To create Pony's Afro hairstyle, a special synthetic fiber is used, which has curling curls at the ends. Pony material is woven into the hair with a classic Afro braid, usually of medium length. At the same time, at the end of the afro braid there remains a beautiful wavy tip 15-20 cm long.

The minimum length of your own hair is 5-7 cm.

The period of wearing such braids is 2-3 months.

Catherine twist

The Catherine twist is also a fairly new hairstyle. To create it, a special material is used, twisted into a rope with a round, rather small curl. It is braided to the full length of your own hair with a strand released, due to which it visually covers the braid and gives additional volume at the roots.

Super curls - an alternative to extensions

The Supercurls hairstyle is performed using a special synthetic material - wavy strands with a fairly large curl, treated with a special composition.

The minimum length of your own hair is 5-10 cm.

The period of wearing such braids is 3 months.

If you are a lover of everything unusual and exotic, then original, original and stylish afro hairstyles are just for you!

When creating a summer look, many girls would like to come up with something unusual and fashionable. An example of such a solution would be a woman's afro hairstyle. You definitely won’t see this type of hairstyle on every second girl, so everyone’s attention is guaranteed.

Photos of various hairstyles in the Afro style will allow you to choose the most suitable option. All types can be divided into the following groups:

  • Dreadlocks. This is a unique type of styling in which the hair resembles icicles.

  • Braids and Frenchies. This is a version of French braids that are woven all over the head. Ideally, there should be at least 200 such braids, but their number, naturally, is determined by the thickness of the hair.

  • Curley and corrugated. This is a romantic hairstyle in which the hair is curled in a fine curl.

  • Pony tile. A hairstyle that combines braids and curls.

Let's look at how to make an afro hairstyle with airy curls at home. The main task is to curl curls with a fine curl. Then you can do different styles on your curled hair (ponytails, braids, twists, etc.) or simply wear them loose.

There are several ways to achieve African curls. Let's look at the simplest of them. To get voluminous wavy hair, you need to braid it.


  • Apply styling mousse to clean hair;
  • divide your hair into small strands and braid them into braids, securing each with an elastic band;
  • the smaller the strands, the more magnificent the hair will be;
  • You need to keep your hair braided for several hours, it is better to leave it overnight;
  • Undo your braids and comb your hair with your fingers.

Read also: The best hair masks made from white clay: benefits, rules of use, recipes

If the hair length is short, then you can not braid, but simply braid the selected strands into flagella.

To get a more rounded curl, you need to wind thin strands on small-diameter curlers. If you don’t have such curlers, you can curl your hair using paper curlers. To make them, it is convenient to use multi-layer napkins; strips of paper are rolled into tubes, then a strand is wound on them and the ends of the tube are tied in a knot.

An even faster option for creating small curls is to use a hair straightener with a corrugated overlay.


Dreadlocks are a popular African American hairstyle. You can make dreadlocks from your own hair or from artificial materials. If you do not plan to resort to artificial extensions, then you can do the hairstyle on hair with a length of 15 cm. In addition, you need to understand that it is unlikely that your hair will be able to return to its previous appearance, so you will most likely have to cut it if you want to change your hairstyle.

Most popular types

  • Classic African braids are the most common and famous. With this weaving, the ends remain even, providing strength and durability to the styling. Classic braiding opens up wide prospects for imagination and experimentation with various ways of styling braids.

  • Ponytail style braids - the end of the braid remains curled for about 15–20 cm. This hairstyle got its name due to the fact that such a curl resembles a pony tail.

  • Senegalese braids are flagella woven from two thin strands. The downside of this hairstyle is its fragility.

  • “Zizi” - this technology involves weaving ready-made, synthetic braids into a woman’s hair. Zizi style braids can be either curled or perfectly straight.

  • Dreadlocks - this hairstyle looks very stylish and unusual. It is a weaving of large braids into which woolen threads are woven.

  • Curley braids - with this style, the braids are braided only at the root zone, the rest of the strands are intertwined with a special synthetic material and look like a curl.

African braiding

Today, numerous beauty salons offer girls the service of professional African braiding in a variety of styles. This procedure is extremely popular. Before you go to the hairdresser, you should find out what advantages and disadvantages such an original hairstyle as African braids has.

Often, girls have afro braids braided before going to camp, so the mother will be calm that everything is fine with her daughter’s curls

Advantages of afro braids:

To weave African braids, it is not at all necessary to have long or thick curls. Stylish styling can be easily done on short hair no longer than 5 cm. A special synthetic material is simply woven into the strands.

An equally important advantage of a fashionable hairstyle is durability and ease of styling. African braids are an ideal option for young and active girls who want to forget about long-term daily styling for 2-3 months.

Significant time savings on frequent hair washing. As a rule, with African braids, it is recommended to wash your hair no more than once a week.

As mentioned above, there are a huge number of different braiding options, among which every girl can choose the most suitable one, completely matching her tastes and hair type.

African braids can radically change a woman’s usual image. Using synthetic threads you can visually lengthen strands, curl them or change their color.

Disadvantages of afro braids:

Many hairdressers who specialize in weaving a variety of braids claim that this hairstyle has virtually no disadvantages. But on the Internet you can find many reviews of women who wore African braids, which claim the opposite. Among the main disadvantages of the original installation are the following:

  • The process of washing and then drying hair is quite difficult. Despite all the efforts of the owner of a trendy hairstyle, it is almost impossible to thoroughly rinse all the strands. And hair braided takes a very long time to dry, which requires a significant amount of time.

  • If the hairdresser overdoes it with the amount of synthetic material woven into the braid, this will negatively affect the condition of the strands. Under the weight of such a “neighborhood”, hair follicles begin to fall out. That is why, before making a stylish hairstyle, you should take care of preliminary treatment and strengthening of the hair.
  • The number of styles that can be done on African braids is quite limited. Therefore, for 2-3 months a woman will have to wear the same hairstyle.
  • Some women complain of discomfort during sleep.
  • After 2–3 months, the hairstyle requires correction by a specialist. It is strictly not recommended to undo your hair on your own – it is not only extremely difficult, but can also harm the hair structure.

Weaving African braids in a hairdressing salon is most often performed by two masters. This is due to the labor-intensive and lengthy procedure, during which at least 200-300 braids are braided. Of course, your own hair is simply not enough to weave such a number of braids, and therefore hairdressers use special synthetic materials. Most often it is Kanekalon. This material is completely safe for curls and does not cause them the slightest harm. Such threads can be woven along the entire length of the hair or only at the ends - it all depends on the original length of the strands. The entire weaving procedure will take at least 3–10 hours.

Afro braids at home

There is an opinion that stylish braids can only be done by a professional in a beauty salon. This is completely false - if you have enough time and patience, you can braid Afro braids at home.

Advice! It is worth noting that it is extremely difficult to complete all stages of the hairdressing process on your own, so it is best to ask a friend or someone at home for help.

Before braiding African braids, your hair should not be washed for about 2-3 days. Gently comb all your hair and part it. Next, divide your hair into strands of uniform thickness - these are the ones that will be used to braid your hair. To do this, each strand is carefully combed, and a synthetic thread is woven into the base of the curl. After this, you can begin to weave directly, dividing the strand and thread into three equal parts. Having brought the braiding to the ends of the strand, be sure to weave in a little more synthetic material - this is necessary in order to get a long, neat and uniform braid in thickness.

All hair is braided in this way, from the back of the head to the face. The final stage of weaving is shaping the tip of the braid. The design option depends entirely on the girl’s tastes and preferences - you can simply tie it with a thin elastic band or fix it with special glue for African braids.

Advice!It is very difficult to braid curls on the back of the head on your own, so you can’t do it without outside help.


Afro braids are a stylish and original hairstyle, but after a while any woman gets tired of this monotony and wants to diversify her image. A variety of hairstyles for African braids are perfect for this, which will help you look stylish, bright and unusual every day. Such styling is quite simple to perform, but extremely effective:

  • High or low ponytail.
  • “Malvinka” with the upper strands gathered and the lower strands loose.
  • Elegant bun, classic shell.
  • One or two wide braids.

You can also easily diversify your usual hairstyle using a variety of hair accessories - headbands, headbands, hairpins or elastic bands.

Advice!An effective and fashionable solution is to use wreaths with artificial or real flower buds. Such an unusual decoration will make the image much more sophisticated and romantic.

Braids with threads

Many representatives of the fair sex are afraid to use synthetic threads for weaving African braids, believing that this can significantly damage the hair structure. Modern synthetic threads are made of Kanekalon - a light and safe material that does not weigh down the curls and does not cause them the slightest harm.

The technology for weaving braids with threads is described above. The main attention in this process should be paid to two important points - fastening the thread and fixing it at the tip. You need to attach the synthetic thread as close to the root of the hair as possible, giving it the shape of a tangle - this ensures a more reliable fastening. At the end of the strand, the thread is sealed with special glue for African braids, or tied with a thin elastic band. If the procedure is done in a hairdressing salon, the tip of the braid is “soldered” with a special apparatus.

Today, there are more than 150 shades of synthetic threads for weaving African braids. Depending on the girl’s wishes, you can choose a thread of a natural shade that matches the natural color of your hair, or choose colored threads. This will make the hairstyle even more original and unusual.

After styling, you should remember several important rules for caring for African braids:

  • It is recommended to wash your hair no more than once a week. There is no need to wash your hair more often, as the strands will fluff up and the hairstyle will lose its shape. You can use your usual shampoo for washing.
  • It is strictly forbidden to apply various conditioners or hair masks to your curls.
  • If threads made of synthetic material were used, it is strictly forbidden to dry your hair with a hairdryer, curl it with a curling iron or curlers, or straighten it with an iron. Also, while wearing African braids, you will have to refuse to visit the sauna, bathhouse or solarium.
  • In no case is it recommended to wear afro braids longer than the time specified by the master. As a rule, in most cases, after 2-3 months you need to adjust your hairstyle. If you don't do this, the structure of your hair can be significantly damaged.