Sanatorium-resort treatment for weight loss. Sanatorium with a weight loss program is the best in Russia

In a sanatorium, obesity treatment in Russia is a popular service, because overweight Doesn't make anyone healthier. With excess adipose tissue, a complex of metabolic disorders is formed, developing metabolic syndrome. If obesity is not treated, cells become less sensitive to insulin, blood glucose levels increase, the production of “bad” cholesterol increases, and the level of “good” cholesterol, which protects blood vessels, decreases. The blood becomes more viscous, and this is a risk factor for blood clots.

Effective treatment of patients with overweight in Russian sanatoriums it is possible at any stage of the disease. The main thing is to identify the cause of the violation. This could be either an incorrect lifestyle or a failure in endocrine system, taking some medicines, stressful conditions, etc. But regardless of the reason, you definitely need to lose weight.

“Zolotoy Bereg” is the best resort sanatorium for weight loss in Crimea

Russian sanatoriums with weight loss programs are an excellent opportunity to combine the fight against excess weight and relaxation. Health improvement and weight loss at the Zolotoy Bereg boarding house in Crimea takes place according to the “Lose Weight Correctly” program, which includes:

  • Diet therapy
  • Physical therapy
  • Aromatic, pearl, whirlpool baths
  • Dry carbon dioxide baths
  • Acupuncture
  • Psychotherapy
  • Electroson
  • Good massage

“Golden Coast” is a multidisciplinary health resort with a modern medical facility and highly qualified specialists who use in their work effective methods therapy.

Treatment of obesity in sanatorium complex“Gold Coast” in Crimea is guaranteed weight loss, body restoration and healthy holiday at the Black Sea resort.

Sanatoriums with a weight loss and rejuvenation program are the best solution for those who want to change their lives for the better

It's hard to disagree that excess weight is a huge problem. In addition to the fact that an overweight person looks unattractive, his health is getting worse and worse every year. Painful joints, vertebral hernia, osteochondrosis, shortness of breath, diabetes- the list of diseases that extra pounds lead to can be continued almost endlessly.

The way out of the situation is to urgently pull yourself together and lose weight, and you need to start losing weight not on your own, but under the strict supervision of specialists.

Everyone knows that the best results are achieved when integrated approach, which includes the work of nutritionists, psychotherapists, massage therapists, gastroenterologists, etc. A set of individual measures, developed taking into account the physiological parameters of a person suffering from excess weight, will allow you to achieve desired result V short time and, most importantly, without harm to health.

In this sense, a real godsend for people who have decided to bring themselves into excellent physical fitness, are sanatoriums with a weight loss and rejuvenation program.

Unfortunately, today this area of ​​the slim industry is not so developed, but the company GoGroup Slimming Tour is currently working to correct the current situation and develop in our country the so-called "slimming tourism".

In this catalog of our website, which is entirely dedicated to issues of competent, safe and effective weight loss, presented sanatoriums for weight loss in Russia, the sale of vouchers to which begins at the beginning of 2016.

Losing weight in a sanatorium includes a whole range of measures that will be compiled individually for each client, taking into account his physiological parameters, health status, presence of diseases, including chronic ones, etc.

Sanatoriums with a weight loss program They offer services not only for weight loss, but also for figure correction, cleansing, healing and rejuvenation of the body, which means that during your stay at the sanatorium you can improve your health, receive a powerful charge of vigor and positive energy.

Experienced nutritionists, gastroenterologists, psychotherapists, osteopaths, massage therapists, cosmetologists, fitness instructors will work with you intensively so that you can achieve better results in a short period of time.

The best sanatoriums for weight loss from the company Travel to Slim You can visit at any convenient time, just choose a suitable weight loss tour.

Weight loss techniques, which will be used during a vacation in sanatoriums with a weight correction and rejuvenation program, belong to famous doctors nutritionists, psychotherapists, psychologists, coaches and instructors, whom we will constantly invite and organize elite “weight loss”, SPA, YOGA and FITNESS tours.

A weight loss project using slimming tourism started in Pyatigorsk in a premium class sanatorium "Gallery Palace" and also in the Moscow region boarding house "Friendship". And now weight loss tours from Travel to Slim can be visited in Sochi, Kislovodsk, Azov, Moscow region, Essentuki, Thailand, Vietnam, etc.

Don't miss the opportunity to buy a tour package to a sanatorium (weight loss, cleansing, healing, rejuvenation) at the most favorable prices, where you can achieve amazing results.

Sanatoriums for weight loss and figure correction are the optimal solution for fast, effective and safe weight loss!

Sanatoriums with a weight loss and rejuvenation program, productive rest and treatment in which the company offers Travel to Slim , will help you not only bring your figure into ideal condition, but improve your health.

Weight loss in the Valuevo sanatorium, Moscow region (Moscow Region)

If you decide to spend your vacation with benefits for your figure and health, then the most optimal choice There will be weight loss at the Valuevo sanatorium in the Moscow region. The weight loss and cleansing programs presented at the Valuevo sanatorium are aimed at correcting the figure, losing weight, losing weight, reducing swelling, getting rid of cellulite, increasing body elasticity, rejuvenating the body, and normalizing metabolism.

Losing weight in the sanatorium "Gallery Palace" Pyatigorsk

The white stone building “SANATORIUM SOURCE” in a strict classical style has become an addition and decoration of the resort area of ​​the city of Essentuki. The sanatorium is located in the center of the resort area of ​​the city, in close proximity to the resort park, mud baths and drinking pavilions of the world famous resort springs.

Many people try to fight the problem of obesity alone. Some are successful at this, others not so much. The fact is that there is a contingent of people who are able to pull themselves together and change the state of things for the better. However, not everyone can achieve such a feat.

However, by visiting a sanatorium for weight loss, you can get rid of overweight under the supervision of qualified specialists. You just need to study the supply market.

What should a sanatorium be like?

a weight loss sanatorium must have a full range of personnel and material benefits for quick and effective weight loss excess weight

According to the comments and wishes of clients, the main characteristics that interest them in such hospitals are:

  1. Efficiency. This is the first and most the main objective for which people visit a sanatorium for weight loss;
  2. Availability. Of course, everyone wants to get rid of excess fat, so the question of price/quality always remains open;
  3. Skilled medical staff. Few people want to entrust their health to incompetent specialists. If the institution employs highly professional employees, then more people will come for recovery;
  4. Comfortable living conditions;
  5. Entertainment. It’s great when you have the opportunity to go out into the city a little or have fun. Many clients do not want to sit only in rooms or go to procedures for the entire weight loss period. Modern wellness centers offer many options for a pleasant stay;
  6. Wide range of rejuvenating services. Almost every weight loss sanatorium at sea or in other regions offers its guests the opportunity to take a course of cosmetology and natural care for skin, hair and the whole body.

In any case, everyone chooses for themselves. The main thing is that the final result achieves the main goal.

Most popular institutions

Since the bulk of people who want to overcome the problem of obesity live in big cities and the capital, they are interested in a variety of weight loss sanatoriums in the Moscow region and Crimea.

"Don't miss the opportunity to cleanse your body of all toxins and harmful bacteria, as well as restore immunity and normal flora gastrointestinal tract.

there are several top sanatoriums for weight loss in the Moscow region

Most popular on this moment are considered:

1. Sanatorium for weight loss “Be in Shape” in Crimea with active fitness program for losing extra pounds. The sanatorium program states a wide variety of types of assets that will help you quickly lose extra pounds.

A multidisciplinary staff will select the optimal weight loss system specifically for each patient. The uniqueness of the program is the on-site trekking routes organized every other day different levels difficulties. The location of the sanatorium allows for outdoor walking routes through the unique historical and natural monuments of the Crimean Peninsula. Instructor in an individual format, taking into account, physical state The patient will undergo training in various areas of fitness. Group cardio classes will increase motivation.

At the same time, accommodation in the sanatorium is organized for the highest level and will satisfy the most demanding client. Diet food. The center operates year-round on an all-inclusive basis.

  • Unique location by the sea
  • Diet food
  • Cardio training both in gyms and outdoor areas
  • Group fitness training
  • Swimming in the pool
  • SPAservices
  • Trekking routes

2. "Lightness". Offers its clients a program with which they can get rid of 3-4 kg of excess weight in just 6 days health treatments. During therapy, the patient’s liver and gallbladder are gently cleansed, their functioning is normalized digestive system, improving overall well-being. The following techniques are used in the healing process:

  • Swimming in the pool;
  • Liver tubing and herbal medicine;
  • Various types of contrast shower;
  • Water aerobics and;
  • Anti-cellulite;
  • Going to the sauna and bathhouse.

A separate doctor works with each patient and draws up an individual plan of procedures and treatment.

3. Sunny Beach is one of the best institutions in its segment. Its main advantages are:

  • Highly professional staff with extensive experience;
  • Location in a place with picturesque nature and clean air;
  • Providing to your clients full complex services that provide rest and quality treatment of the underlying problem;
  • Possibility of losing from 5 to 10 kg, depending on the course of recovery chosen by the patient;
  • Availability of Kokhomsky natural source mineral water on the territory of a health resort, which is used for everyday and therapeutic needs;
  • Availability of regular promotions and discounts for customers;
  • Possibility to order many additional services.

Hundreds and thousands positive feedback O this institution confirm its good reputation and attract new clients.

The above sanatoriums with a cleansing and weight loss program are leaders in their segment at the moment. However, they are not the only ones. If you study all kinds of offers on the Internet, it is very easy to choose other options for relaxation and the fight against extra pounds.

Alternative options

  • Sanatorium "Orbita-2". It is located near Moscow in a place of stunning beauty. The recovery course lasts 11 days, during which, under the supervision of doctors, the patient will be able to lose up to 10 kg of excess weight. Modern standards for the diagnosis and treatment of digestive system disorders provide reliable and high-quality results. The presence of many additional services will make your stay at the sanatorium useful and interesting;
  • SlimСlinic. This is more of an aesthetic medicine center than a sanatorium. Located in Moscow itself, it offers its clients a full range of wellness treatments that significantly speed up the process of fighting excess weight. Qualified doctors guarantee their clients good results.

to lose weight in a sanatorium, you need to strictly follow the prescribed program

In any case, going to a sanatorium or specialized institution is always better than trying to overcome obesity on your own. Thanks to complex impact all the procedures used, the doctor’s advice and the absence of provoking factors - you can very quickly achieve a slim figure.

    Zoon: The boarding house offers an intensive weight loss program that can significantly reduce body size. The program includes three stages: using a Vichy shower, lymphatic drainage is performed. Then salt peeling activates microcirculation and increases skin sensitivity to marine ingredients. Finally, a wrap is made of seaweed rich in iodine.

    Zoon: The sanatorium offers a weight loss program lasting 7 days or more. It includes 90 different procedures, including wraps, hydromassage, tubing, visiting a halo chamber, Charcot's shower, acupuncture, cedar barrel etc. For those losing weight, a daily visit to the pool is required, as well as five meals a day balanced diet. According to individual indications, “wet fasting” and juice therapy are also recommended.

    Zoon: The 11-day weight loss program allows you to get rid of extra pounds while maintaining a healthy body. All procedures are carried out under the supervision and control of highly qualified specialists. The list of measures and prescribed treatment depends on the doctor’s recommendations or the patient’s contraindications. The program includes cosmetic procedures, microenemas, wraps and mandatory physical exercise in the gym and swimming pool.

    Zoon: The Slimness Academy program lasts 14 days and allows you to lose from 5 to 8 kilograms. Its peculiarity is the combination of complex detoxification procedures for the body with techniques that have a beneficial effect on weight loss and reduction of body contours. First of all, weight loss occurs due to dietary nutrition and active fitness classes. And consolidation of the effect is achieved with the help of ozone therapy and various cosmetic procedures.

    Zoon:"Cleansing program and rehabilitation treatment", which can last 7, 9, 12 or 19 days, is aimed not only at weight correction, but also at full restoration of health.

    Zoon: Here, a therapeutic and health program has been developed for comprehensive cleansing of the body at the cellular-organism level and weight correction - “Endo-ecological rehabilitation” according to the patented method of Yuri Markovich Levin. The number of days of stay varies and depends on the wishes and capabilities of the patient. You can check in for the program any day from Tuesday to Friday.

    Zoon: The body cleansing program is based on techniques that accelerate lymph circulation and is designed for a period of 10 to 14 days. It includes hardware physiotherapy, thermotherapy with a cosmetology program, aromatherapy with essential oils, as well as a complex of exercise therapy with breathing, lymphatic drainage and water gymnastics. You will also be required to cleanse your intestines and be prescribed a vitamin-mineral complex, bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

    Zoon: This is a clinical sanatorium under the Presidential Administration, and it specializes in the treatment of diseases, including those that cause overweight. Weight loss occurs gradually, after identifying and curing the underlying disease that prevents you from losing weight. In addition to the course of diet therapy, consultations are provided here on diet, cooking methods, food selection for obesity and other diseases.

To help you get rid of excess weight and improve your body shape: remove excess from some areas, tighten or strengthen some, build up some parts, doctors and cosmetologists of the Yurmino sanatorium have developed a special comprehensive program for weight loss "Line of Grace". In one, two or three weeks of spa treatments for weight loss - your choice - you will easily achieve the desired result, while simultaneously enjoying your stay at the seaside resort.

The table below describes the program activities and their frequency.

Spa services included in the spa package

Number and time of procedures

Note. Additionally

1 Appointment with a doctor Introductory conversation

Reception by the spa manager

Prescribing procedures with entry into the patient’s spa book

At the request of the patient, it is possible to expand the spa program with additional medical and spa services, expansion of diagnostic studies

Hydrokinesitherapy in the therapeutic pool

Daily, unlimited

Swimming in a therapeutic pool with whirlpool currents on your own. A visit to the spa's hydromassage bowl is also included. Additional payable service"Aqua gymnastics". The pool is open until June 15th and then from September 15th

4 Mud wrap Every other day, 15 minutes Saki silt sulfide muds are used. The spa capsule uses the anti-cellulite, weight loss, and detoxification programs.

Thermal hydrotherapy in a quantum chamber or in a SPA capsule

in one day

6 Wellness bath or shower Vichy one of the types View medicinal bath determined by the doctor

Massage "Honey"

Duration 30 minutes, every other day, no more than 10 sessions

Performed by hand

Therapeutic gymnastics class

Daily (30 minutes)

Class in the hall physical therapy

9 Taking medicinal tea

For best results spa treatments in the spa center of Crimea"Yurmino" it is possible to expand the standard spa program additional procedures from a rich list of spa services, for example, spa body program "Figure correction", "Fine line", in the complex of procedures, dosed exercises in the gym of the sanatorium with a load on problem areas of the body will be very useful.

Dosed exercises in the sanatorium’s gym with a load on problem areas of the body and walks around the territory and beach of the sanatorium are recommended. The sanatorium's chefs will offer varied and delicious dietary dishes And healing drinks in accordance with the dietary regimen chosen together with the doctor.

Get ready! Very soon, your family budget will include the expense item “new outfits” for your new graceful figure!