Balanced human nutrition - what is it? Balanced nutrition for weight loss menu for a week, healthy diet.

I'm exhausted! It's like a cry from the soul. I don’t understand how our society is structured so that a woman owes everything to everyone: children, home, husband, at work! And it’s as if no one owes her anything! People, what is this happening???

Do trainings help personal growth?

I attended several personal growth trainings. I came out inspired, I began to believe in myself and my strength. It seemed that now everything was in my hands and I would do everything. There was a lot of strength. Everything seemed to be going well; there are no complaints about these events. And then a decline and even some kind of emotional devastation and again a return to the old way of life, to the old problems.
Anyone who has had experience with such trainings, please share whether the trainings help, is it still worth going to them, and is there something wrong with me?

Nadezhda Alexandrovna

Is it bad to sacrifice yourself in the name of a child????

I read the previous topic and wanted to raise this question. At first I wanted to write just a comment, but it hurt me so much that I decided to discuss it seriously and thoroughly.
When a child is small, you have to sacrifice everything! Starting with the figure and time and sleep and ending with the whole of life. And when it grows up, how much is needed? We are not rich. We are not poor, but we are not luxurious, but we can still clothe the child, raise him, teach him. Do you know how much universities cost now?
I'm not even talking about those who raised children in the poor 90s.
I felt very offended by Roza Dmitrievna’s phrase. I immediately see these sacrificers. Very disappointing. This is extreme disrespect for the women of our country who carry a heavy load!

Does a woman with two children have the right to love?

I have 2 daughters, 2 and 3 years old. My husband left a year ago, leaving just the three of us. We live on my husband’s money, I haven’t gone to work yet, I’m with the children all the time. I neglected myself, whoever is of the same age will understand me. I lived as if in a fog, endless responsibilities day and night, I felt nothing but fatigue. When it was just the three of us, I even felt a little relief, I needed to cook less and the feeling of guilt for the dirt stopped tormenting me. And when the child doesn’t sleep at night, it’s like you fall into a trance and can stand the screaming, and my husband starts demanding that I calm him down and that he get up for work.

A month ago I met a man. He helped us enter the store and we started talking word by word. Then we met again by chance. He was walking the dog, I was with my daughters, and we started talking again. It sunk into my soul. I caught myself thinking that I was trying to get ready for my next walk at the same time and began looking for cosmetics. I realized that I didn’t wear makeup, and when my second daughter was born, I began to dress more effectively. Dressed up in a coat with jeans instead of a jacket with sweatpants))

It turned out that we met every day. He walks the dog after work at the same time and lives alone; he was in no hurry to go home. And 3 days ago he invited us to a cafe. Of course, you can’t really talk to little ones; they require constant attention. When we were saying goodbye, he hinted that he would see me once, but together. I didn't see him yesterday. He did not go out with the dog at the usual time. I miss very much. Of course, I would like to see each other. This is all I think about all day. I understand that I fell in love. But I am first and foremost a mother. My mother always told me that as soon as the first child is born, you die, your life no longer belongs to you. I understand this, of course.

I need advice, help. What should I do now? Or should I throw this stupidity out of my head and live as before, will it slowly pass and settle down?


I can't bring myself to start losing weight. I planned to start on Monday

People! Give me a magic kick! Last summer I was disgusted with myself, but there was nothing I could do. I’ve been into fatties for a long time and have tried a lot of things, there is common sense that I will lose weight in a month, there are no illusions. So I promised myself that by next year I would start losing weight in the winter. Before the new year, my conscience was clear, in January I put it off for 2 weeks and then decided that from the first Monday of February. And here it is, it’s Monday and I understand that I just can’t bring myself to do it. If not now, then I’ll just hate myself! You need at least 4 months to lose 20kg, I understand that for sure. Save the man!

Balanced diet implies correct usage proteins and slow carbohydrates, a small amount of fat and, of course, mandatory presence in the diet essential vitamins and minerals. No fasting should be allowed. The body must receive the amount of calories it needs to obtain daily energy. At the same time, 45% of the total diet should be carbohydrates, 30% complete proteins and only 25% fats (mainly of plant origin).

With a balanced diet, the emphasis should be on cereals and grain foods. This can be cereals, bran bread, pasta made from durum wheat, but not more than 200 grams per day. Be sure to include vegetables and fruits in your diet (about 5 cups per day), as well as lean meat and dairy products with low fat content, in an amount of 150 grams. Don't forget about fish, legumes and nuts. It is rare, but still allowed to include sweet, salty and fatty foods in the diet. Meals should be three or four meals a day. During this time, you will need to exclude all street food from your diet (shawarma, spring rolls, hot pies, breaded chicken).

  1. In the morning before breakfast, drink 1-2 glasses of warm water
  2. After 20-30 minutes, light breakfast: fruits, cereals, dried fruits
  3. Drink water before every meal. More often the body lacks water than food. Don't drink at night.
  4. Do not drink while eating. It is better to drink water an hour after eating
  5. Eat often, in small portions
  6. Break between meals 2-3 hours
  7. Last snack 2-3 hours before bedtime. You can eat after 6
  8. Eat at least 1 apple a day. Cleanses the body of toxins and wastes
  9. Eat at least an hour before training
  10. Eat animal proteins: white meat, fish, caviar, chicken
  11. Eat plant proteins: peas, beans, nuts (cedar, walnuts, almonds), beans
  12. Consume fats: dairy products, vegetable oils (olive, flaxseed, corn, cedar, soybean, vegetable. Dress salads various oils instead of mayonnaise.
  13. Healthy carbohydrates: can be found in cereals, bread (the healthiest is mustard), pasta, cocoa, chicory, honey, kozinaki.
  14. Minimize your consumption of baked goods
  15. When you have a sweet tooth, you can eat fruit

the picture is clickable

Menu for the week (budget option)

To understand the essence of a balanced diet, you can use a ready-made menu.

Day Menu
Monday Breakfast: cook oatmeal (100 g rolled oats), to which half a teaspoon of honey and one grated apple are added.
Dinner: salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and radishes, which is dressed natural yoghurt. You can add 150 g of oven-baked fish to it.
Afternoon snack: one large green apple and a jar of crumbly cottage cheese without sweet additives.
Dinner: three cheesecakes and a glass of dried fruit compote.
Tuesday Breakfast: drink a cup of black coffee and eat a slice of dried bran bread, thinly spread with butter.
Dinner: three boiled potatoes, sprinkled with chopped dill on top.
Afternoon snack: green tea and two dates.
Dinner: assorted vegetables stewed with 100 g of cod.
Wednesday Breakfast: omelette from chicken eggs with tomatoes and bell peppers.
Dinner: brown rice with corn.
Afternoon snack: green tea without sugar and three slices of dark chocolate.
Dinner: cucumber salad, Chinese cabbage and dill, seasoned with a little olive oil.
Thursday Breakfast: eat fruit salad(kiwi, pears and apples), topped with low-fat yogurt.
Dinner: a bowl of cream of broccoli soup and two fresh cucumber with a cheese slice.
Afternoon snack: one large orange or green apple.
Dinner: salad from white cabbage, seasoned with 15% fat sour cream and 80 g chicken fillet.
Friday Breakfast: a cup of black coffee, one boiled egg and Chinese cabbage salad.
Dinner: two boiled potatoes, three fresh cucumbers and a piece of white cheese.
Afternoon snack: fruit assortment of banana, grapefruit and kiwi.
Dinner: 100 g boiled buckwheat and 110 g grilled flounder.
Saturday Breakfast: a cup of green tea without sugar and a carrot and apple salad.
Dinner: eat 200 g of turkey baked with tomato and cheese.
Afternoon snack: a piece of cottage cheese casserole.
Dinner: eat 210 g vegetable stew, which is prepared without salt and without spices.
Sunday Breakfast: a cup of green tea, bread with jam and a handful of dried fruits.
Dinner: 200 ml vegetable soup and a plate of green bean salad.
Afternoon snack: chicken egg white omelette.
Dinner: noodles with Chinese cabbage.

Recipes for maintaining a balanced diet

Healthy cheesecakes

  • Cottage cheese 3% fat content 250 g
  • Chicken egg 1 pc.
  • Honey two teaspoons
  • Dates 3 pcs.
  • Semolina 60 g


  1. Combine cottage cheese with semolina, egg and mix the resulting mass thoroughly.
  2. Wash the dates, remove the pit from them and cut the dried fruits into small pieces, which are then added to the dough for cheesecakes.
  3. At the end, honey is added and the mass is mixed again.
  4. Pour a little flour onto a separate plate. Dense cakes are formed from the resulting dough, which are then laid out on a baking sheet previously covered with parchment paper. Cheese pancakes are baked for half an hour at 180 degrees.

Assorted vegetables with cod

  • Cod fillet 200 g
  • One medium sized zucchini
  • Bell pepper 1 pc.
  • Carrot 1 pc.
  • Cauliflower 150 g
  • Tomato paste 1 tbsp.


  1. First you need to peel the carrots, grate them and place them in a preheated frying pan (use better dishes with a deep bottom), which is generously lubricated with olive oil.
  2. Peppers and zucchini are cut into pieces and also added to the frying pan.
  3. Cauliflower is boiled in slightly salted water for about seven minutes, after which it is added to the rest of the vegetables.
  4. At the very end, cod, cut into pieces, is added to the stew. And the whole mass is seasoned with a tablespoon of natural tomato paste.

Omelette with vegetables


  • Chicken eggs 3 pcs.
  • Tomato 1 pc.
  • Bell pepper 1 pc.
  • Milk 50 ml


  1. In a separate container, beat the eggs with milk and leave this mixture aside.
  2. Frying pan, slightly greased sunflower oil, you need to heat and lightly fry pre-cut tomatoes and bell peppers on it.
  3. When the vegetables are covered with a beautiful crust, they need to be filled with an egg-milk mixture.
  4. The stove is turned off, the frying pan is covered with a lid, and the omelette simmers in this state for about nine minutes, after which it can be eaten.

Cream of broccoli soup


  • Carrot 1 pc.
  • Potatoes 1 pc.
  • Broccoli 300 g
  • Processed cheese 30 g


  1. Peeled potatoes and carrots are boiled in a saucepan with water, to which broccoli is added a little later.
  2. When the vegetables are ready, the liquid is practically drained, and the processed cheese is added to the pan. The soup is cooked over low heat for another five minutes.
  3. The finished soup is whipped with a blender. If it turns out too thick, you can dilute it a little with broth or cream.

Cottage cheese casserole


  • Cottage cheese with zero fat content 200 g
  • Rye flour two tablespoons
  • Chicken egg 1 pc.
  • One medium sized banana

A balanced diet is just a few steps away. You're almost there!

You are determined to stick to healthy image life and rational nutrition– and that’s wonderful! But having done right choice, many people are faced with the question: where to start? And, as always, you need to start small: the first step on the path to excellent health and longevity is creating the right daily diet. Read about how to properly plan your diet in our material.

Step 1: Positive Attitude

First of all, it is important to set yourself up correctly. Following a proper diet is not a forced and difficult duty (this is how any food restrictions are often perceived), but an integral part of a healthy and high-quality life, which will allow you to prolong your youth, bring lightness, excellent mood and harmony with yourself!

Step 2: Calculation of daily caloric intake

To properly saturate the body with nutrients, you need to know the energy needs of your body. To calculate them, modern nutritionists use the Muffin-Jeor formula, which looks like this:

● for women: 9.99 *weight (kg) + 6.25 *height (cm) – 4.92 *age – 161;

● for men: 9.99 *weight (kg) + 6.25 *height (cm) – 4.92 *age + 5.

In this way, you can find out the number of calories that the body spends on basal (basic) metabolism, that is, breathing, blood circulation and digestion of food. To see the full picture, the resulting number of calories must be multiplied by the coefficient of your motor activity:

● 1.2 – minimal, “sedentary” work;

● 1,375 – light exercise 1-3 times a week;

● 1.4625 – training 4-5 times a week or work moderate severity;

● 1.55 – intense training 4-5 times a week;

● 1.6375 – training every day;

● 1,725 ​​– intense training every day or 2 times a day;

● 1.9 – heavy physical labor or intense training 2 times a day.

The result obtained will be equal to the number of calories your body needs daily. To stay in shape, it is enough to consume as many calories as you burn, and to gradually lose weight, consume 10-20% less. But you should not sharply reduce the calorie content of your diet (minimum for women - 1200 kcal per day, for men - 1500), since in this case the body will slow down the metabolism and begin to store calories in fat mass in case of cessation of nutrition, and therefore it will become difficult to get rid of extra pounds more difficult.

Step 3: Balanced Diet

No less important point, which must be taken into account when drawing up a daily menu, is the balance of macronutrients, that is, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. With a balanced diet, up to 30% of the total daily calorie intake comes from proteins, 30% from fats and 40% from carbohydrates. To convert this proportion into a more understandable value - grams, let's consider how many calories each macronutrient provides:

● 1 g protein – 4 kcal;

● 1 g carbohydrates – 4 kcal;

● 1 g fat – 9 kcal.

Let's assume your daily calorie intake is 2,000 kcal. Of these, proteins and fats should account for 600 kcal, and carbohydrates - 800 kcal. Next, we divide this amount by the number of calories that each gram of these macronutrients provides, and we find that per day (with a calorie diet of 2,000 kcal) we need 150 g of protein, 67 g of fat and 200 g of carbohydrates. Our body’s real need for these macronutrients is somewhat less, however, proteins, fats and carbohydrates are not completely absorbed during digestion (for example, vegetable protein– by 60%, meat – by 80%), and as a result our body receives the optimal volume nutrients.

Step 4: Meal Frequency

You've probably heard more than once that you need to eat little and often. And this is really important, since this diet allows you to saturate the body evenly and avoid overeating. The optimal frequency is 3 main meals and 2 additional ones. It's better if the snacks are with high content protein - for example, cottage cheese, yogurt, low-calorie cheese, protein bars. Fruits and vegetables are also suitable sources of vitamins and fiber for snacking. And so that you don’t feel drawn to the chocolate machine at work, take food with you in containers - by the way, this is one of the most popular nutrition trends today!

Step 5: Selecting Products

When choosing products for proper diet give preference to complex carbohydrates (cereals, legumes, whole grain bread, non-sugar fruits and berries, vegetables, herbs) and proteins (lean meat, fish, caviar, legumes, dairy products). Fats should be healthy, that is, unsaturated - they are found in vegetable oils, seeds, nuts, and some cereals (chia, quinoa, amaranth).

But a number of products should be abandoned. Firstly, from chocolate, baked goods (including white bread) and other confectionery products, since they contain only “empty” calories and a minimum of nutrients. This point looks threatening and always upsets those with a sweet tooth, but over time, if you systematically follow the principles of a balanced diet, you will stop paying attention to fatty cakes and milk chocolate, thinking with surprise: “How could I even love them”? As in any business, you just have to start, and with each step you move to proper nutrition everything will become easier. In addition, sweets such as marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows and dried fruits without dyes will not harm you in moderation.

It is also worth excluding mayonnaise from the diet (it contains a record number of unhealthy fats, and low-calorie - chemical additives), margarine and spreads (the trans fats they contain provide nothing but calories, and for a long time are not excreted from the body), sausages, fast food, juices industrial production and sugar.

Step 6: Menu for the day

After you have found out your daily requirement in calories and nutrients - proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and also began to choose products wisely in the supermarket, it’s time to start drawing up a daily menu. At first, it will be appropriate to draw up a table to clarify the amount of nutrients in dishes and their calorie content. But this is only necessary at first, since over time you will be more free to navigate and know the approximate nutritional value of most foods.

Breakfast - the most important technique food that should not be missed. It is this that triggers metabolic processes in the body and allows you not to overeat during the day. After waking up, drink a glass of water, and then after morning exercises, for breakfast you can eat, for example, an egg, greens (it neutralizes the cholesterol content in the yolk), some whole grain bread or muesli, a banana, drink a glass of milk or orange juice. A balanced breakfast from Herbalife, which supplies the body with valuable protein, can be an excellent alternative. complex carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fiber, and also helps replenish water balance and create a balanced diet for the whole day. Moreover, it only contains 200 kcal!

The first snack may consist of dried fruits, cottage cheese, or a protein bar.

For lunch, for example, vegetable soup with chicken, durum wheat pasta, a piece of baked veal or turkey, vegetables (including beans, beans, peas - they have a lot of protein), mushrooms.

The second snack may include nuts and fruits, yogurt, low-calorie cheese (feta, gaudette, ricotta, feta cheese).

Worth cooking for dinner lean fish, boiled or steamed meat, vegetables.

In general, planning your diet is not a time-consuming or boring job. Don’t forget about breakfast, develop the habit of taking food to work for a balanced lunch and snacks, give preference to fresh vegetables and fruits, monitor adequate protein intake - these simple rules will allow you to stay healthy and enjoy great mood, gain self-confidence and, most importantly, forget about strict diets forever.

28 September 2015, 17:44 2015-09-28

A balanced diet is one that is fully and correct ratio ensures that the body receives all nutrients: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, trace elements and minerals. You need to eat with it in small portions and according to a regimen consisting of 4-5 meals. In addition, it must take into account the age and individual energy needs of each person.

Basic rules for a balanced diet

A balanced diet is one in which the daily ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates is 1:1:4. To do this, you can imagine a plate divided into 3 equal parts: two of them should be filled with carbohydrates, and the rest should be equally divided between proteins and fats.

A balanced diet must be varied. It includes:

  • lean meats and fish;
  • vegetables, legumes and greens;
  • fruits and berries;
  • all types of nuts;
  • low-fat and low-fat dairy products;
  • whole grain and rye bread;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • porridge;
  • bran;
  • all types of tea, still water, compotes, fresh juices and smoothies.

By adhering to a balanced diet, it is necessary to reduce alcohol consumption to a minimum and not smoke. In addition, you should not overuse salt and sugar when preparing food. Fried, fatty and very spicy foods can be eaten no more than once a week. Products can be boiled, stewed, baked in foil and steamed. Raw vegetables and fruits are healthier than thermally processed ones.

A balanced diet completely excludes fast food and sweet carbonated drinks. You also need to be careful with confectionery products, baked goods, coffee, pickled and canned foods. It is better to give preference to dark chocolate. Spices and seasonings should be used sparingly.

All products in a balanced diet should be natural, pure, high quality and fresh. Long-term storage in the refrigerator destroys useful material. It’s better to forget about mayonnaise, replacing it with vegetable oils and lemon juice.

The total daily amount of calories consumed with a balanced diet cannot exceed the established maximum normal limit for a particular age, gender and physical activity. Basically, this figure is in the range of 1200-2000 kcal. About 40-45% of this should come from breakfast.

In the two balanced nutrition options presented below, you are allowed to slightly change your diet based on your taste preferences. You can also compose it yourself, but at the same time observing all the rules and recommendations.

Sample menu of a balanced diet for a week for weight loss

  • Breakfast: a glass of fresh juice or water on an empty stomach, oatmeal on water with honey and chopped nuts, rye bread.
  • Lunch: steamed or stewed fish, unsweetened tea, boiled potatoes with herbs.
  • Afternoon snack: kefir.
  • Dinner: steamed any non-starchy vegetables.
  • Breakfast: 90-110 g of low-fat cottage cheese with dried fruits, green tea, hard-boiled egg.
  • Second breakfast: any berries mashed with a spoon of honey.
  • Lunch: 40-60 g of boiled veal, vegetable soup, fresh juice.
  • Afternoon snack: any unsweetened fruit.
  • Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese or kefir, half a ripe avocado.
  • Breakfast: a couple of grain breads or toast with low-fat cheese, tea with lemon balm, mint or ginger.
  • Second breakfast: large orange.
  • Lunch: 140-210 g of boiled chicken, steamed broccoli or asparagus, citrus juice.
  • Afternoon snack: kefir.
  • Dinner: rye bread and vegetable salad.
  • Breakfast: a couple of grain breads, low-fat yogurt, fresh juice.
  • Second breakfast: dried fruits or berries grated with honey.
  • Lunch: tea with lemon, vegetable salad, 130-160 g of baked or boiled fish (preferably red).
  • Afternoon snack: 70 g of cottage cheese.
  • Dinner: boiled chicken breast with fresh herbs.
  • Breakfast: green tea, a couple of slices of low-fat cheese, any porridge cooked in water with dried fruits.
  • Second breakfast: natural unsweetened yogurt.
  • Dinner: light soup or chicken bouillon, steamed vegetable sauté (zucchini, carrots, red peppers, herbs, eggplants, onions, etc.).
  • Afternoon snack: kefir.
  • Dinner: 140-160 g fish fillet or low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Breakfast: 90-110 g of boiled chicken, green tea, grain bread.
  • Second breakfast: medium apple.
  • Lunch: vegetable salad with feta cheese, 140 g of pasta with tomato paste, tea with mint or fresh juice.
  • Afternoon snack: choice of grapefruit, orange, mango, peach.
  • Dinner: fermented baked milk and a protein shake or unsweetened drinking yogurt.
  • Breakfast: muesli, apple, water or fresh juice.
  • Second breakfast: any mixture of nuts and dried fruits.
  • Lunch: 140-160 g lean meat, steamed cauliflower and broccoli, still water.
  • Afternoon snack: low-fat yogurt or kefir.
  • Dinner: bean and red pepper salad.

The presented version of the balanced nutrition menu will help you gradually lose weight. excess weight, while providing the body with all the nutrients it needs. In addition to these products, it is very important to drink at least 1.5 liters of water (still) daily.

An approximate menu of a balanced diet for a week to maintain weight at the same level

  • Breakfast: tea and cottage cheese with any dried fruits.
  • Second breakfast: natural drinking yoghurt and a large orange.
  • Lunch: buckwheat with lean boiled meat, vegetable salad (preferably with linseed oil), a slice of whole grain bread.
  • Afternoon snack: a handful of almonds and pomegranate juice.
  • Dinner: any stewed vegetables (at least 3 types).
  • Breakfast: 2-4 slices of cheese, Herb tea, any porridge with honey and grated fruits or berries.
  • Second breakfast: large apple and walnuts.
  • Lunch: soup for meat broth, steamed or baked fish, a slice of unleavened bread.
  • Afternoon snack: kefir.
  • Dinner: Greek salad or any salad fresh vegetables, boiled chicken.
  • Breakfast: toast, 2 egg omelet, fresh juice.
  • Second breakfast: ripe avocado.
  • Lunch: spaghetti with herbs and sauce, mushroom soup.
  • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese.
  • Dinner: a portion of stewed or boiled meat with vinaigrette.

4th day of balanced nutrition

  • Breakfast: tea, curd cheese, muesli with milk.
  • Second breakfast: maximum a couple of glasses of any berries.
  • Lunch: lasagna or paella, spinach cream soup.
  • Afternoon snack: unsweetened drinking yogurt.
  • Dinner: salmon baked in foil with herbs.
  • Breakfast: tea with lemon, oatmeal with honey and chopped almonds.
  • Second breakfast: smoothie.
  • Lunch: boiled or stewed potatoes with carrots and herbs, chicken broth.
  • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese.
  • Dinner: a couple of slices of bran bread, seaweed and seafood salad.
  • Breakfast: a couple of toasts with low-fat cheese, fresh juice.
  • Second breakfast: ripe large pomegranate.
  • Lunch: boiled beans with lean boiled meat.
  • Afternoon snack: a handful of any dried fruits.
  • Dinner: dressed vegetable oil vegetable salad.
  • Breakfast: milk and buckwheat porridge.
  • Second breakfast: a handful of hazelnuts.
  • Lunch: tomato, vegetable soup, boiled fish or meat, a slice of whole grain bread.
  • Afternoon snack: large grapefruit.
  • Dinner: any fresh juice and carrot casserole.

In addition to the above, in daily diet For a balanced diet, you need to add at least 1.5 liters of clean still water for a week.

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Do you dream of losing weight deliciously and with pleasure! And the main thing is to get a long-term and healthy result? It is possible if you follow a balanced diet for weight loss. I will help you create a menu for the week... A super cheat sheet for losing weight is in this article!

Hello, my dear readers, Svetlana Morozova is with you. Why now, in our well-fed age, when almost everyone can eat nutritiously, do many still prefer to starve for the sake of being slim?

Friends! I, Svetlana Morozova, invite you to mega useful and interesting webinars! Presenter, Andrey Eroshkin. Health restoration expert, registered dietitian.

Topics of upcoming webinars:

  • We reveal five reasons for all chronic disorders in organism.
  • How to remove disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract?
  • How to get rid of cholelithiasis and is it possible to do without surgery?
  • Why do people have a strong craving for sweets?
  • Low-fat diets are a shortcut to intensive care.
  • Impotence and prostatitis: breaking stereotypes and eliminating the problem
  • Where to start restoring your health today?

Do you want to lose weight? Interested in diets?

Bottom line

The menu is quite simple to create. You just rarely have time for this, right?

It will be easier if you always have a list of prohibited foods and healthy ones that you can combine as you please.

What products do we focus on:

  • Fat burners: hot spices, citrus fruits, pineapple;
    • Salt. If possible, it is better not to add salt at all. If you can’t live without salt, then you need to limit it to 1 tsp. in a day.
    • Fast food;
    • Fatty, fried, smoked, salted;
    • Canned food;
    • Sweets;
    • Bakery;
    • Soda, packaged juices, sweet teas;
    • Rich broths.

    A balanced and varied diet is, of course, good. 70% success in any business. But don't forget about sports, good sleep And positive emotions– you can’t accelerate without them. Which means you won’t lose weight.

    Leave questions in the comments, share your experiences and favorite healthy food recipes.

    See you soon!