Scenario of the competitive entertainment program "autumn cafe". Autumn holiday scenarioBaba Yaga's autumn cafe

Shvatskaya Nina Vladimirovna
Job title: musical director
Educational institution: MKDOU D/s No. 117 "Friendly Family"
Locality: city ​​Novosibirsk
Name of material: Scenario autumn holiday at preschool educational institution
Subject:"Cafe invites" Autumn meadow"
Publication date: 10.11.2016
Chapter: preschool education

MDOU TsRR D/s No. 117 “Friendly Family”


academic year

Novosibirsk city

Autumn holiday scenario for

preparatory group

Musical director - Shvatskaya N.V.
The hall is festively decorated. Parents are sitting at the festive tables. Children backstage are preparing to dance. Presenter: Hello, parents, hello, friends!
Do you want to see the holiday? It's time to start!
Dance "Autumn has come" After the dance, the children remain in their places. Presenter: The holiday has come into every home today, Because autumn is wandering outside the window. The autumn holiday came to the kindergarten to please both adults and children. Children: 1. B
After singing the song, the children sit on chairs. Presenter: Good afternoon, dear guests, dear guys! Today, on this autumn day, we are pleased to welcome you to our cafe “Osennyaya Polyanka”. I am glad to introduce you to the owner of the Golden Autumn cafe. Meet! Fanfare sounds. Everyone claps their hands, but Autumn does not appear. The presenter makes a sign to stop the music. Presenter: Something is wrong here. Somewhere Autumn lingered. Wait a minute, I'll go and have a look. Music is heard, Baba Yaga appears from other doors, singing to the music “But I don’t believe what they say” by E. Osina. Baba Yaga (singing): 1. Grandma Yaga has arrived, everyone says about me that I am strict.
Chorus (repeated 2 times): But Baba Yaga does not trust anyone - in case of danger, everyone will go on the run.
Presenter (to children): Guys, what happened here? Children talk. Presenter: What should we do? What should we do? Where can I get that much money? Children offer different options. Presenter: Come on, be quiet, wait a minute, don’t make noise, don’t shout. Rereads the letter. There is no mention of money here! Greetings from us! We will give them seven or eight million seeds! He leaves and returns with a suitcase. Baba Yaga and Leshy come and lead the bound Autumn. The presenter comes out to meet you. Presenter: Here's a ransom for you, take it, give us back autumn as soon as possible! An exchange takes place. Baba Yaga (opens a suitcase containing packets of seeds): Fu-you-you-ships! Deceived! Spent it! Leshy: Well, are we left with nothing? At least he could get away with his legs!
Let's crack the seeds and while away the winter. (Sighs.) Mind you, I’m carrying the suitcase myself. Goodbye, madam! They take the suitcase and leave the hall. Autumn: Thank you, friends, for saving me, and for so cunningly deceiving the villains. Presenter: Well then,
Dear friends , We saved autumn, let's continue our holiday. Today we invited you to our cafe “Osennyaya Polyanka” to have fun and play. I present to you the owner of the Golden Autumn cafe! Game with Autumn

During the game, Autumn takes out from her basket what she is talking about. The last one to take out is a spray bottle of water. Autumn: Hello, dear guests! Children: Hello, Autumn, hello, Autumn! It's good that you came.
To the accompaniment of cheerful music, children take turns doing jumping jacks (girls and boys). As soon as the sound effect “Thunder” sounds, the children run under the umbrella to the Leader (or under two umbrellas, you can do this: girls under one, boys under the other). Autumn sprays water from a spray bottle onto an umbrella. The game is played 2 times. After the game everyone sits on chairs. Presenter: What will you treat us to today in your cafe? Autumn: See for yourself! Here's my fall menu! Autumn presents the Presenter with a colorfully designed “menu”. Presenter (looks at the menu): Vegetables, fruits, and drinks are different. What to choose?.. My eyes run wild! Autumn: You can try a little of everything. Presenter: Guys, guests, will you trust me to make a choice? (Everyone answers.) Then, for an appetite, we choose riddles!
Mysteries of Autumn
1. Who walked through the meadows, through the forests, through the fields, She prepared supplies for us, Hid them in cellars, in bins, Said: “Winter will come for me!” (Autumn) 2. Red Egorka fell on the lake. He himself did not drown and did not stir up the water. (Autumn leaf) 3. It pours down like an oblique wall and knocks on our windows. It’s cold, it’s pouring, and the gazebos in the garden are getting wet. (Rain) 4. It is unknown where he lives. It will fly and bend the trees. A trembling will whistle through the river. He's a mischief maker and you won't stop! (Wind) 5. Following August it comes, dances with the falling leaves, and is rich in harvest. Of course we know him! (September) 6. Nature’s face is increasingly gloomy: the vegetable gardens have turned black, the forests are becoming bare, the bird voices are silent, the bear has fallen into hibernation. What month did he come to us? (October) 7. The gloomiest month of the year, I want to go home, Soon sleepy nature will meet winter. (November) Autumn: Well done, we tried all the riddles. Did you like it? (Children answer.) Choose the next dish! Presenter: For cold appetizers, choose “Sliced ​​Vegetables.” 4

Scene "Dispute of vegetables"
Carrot: Answer me honestly, I don’t need your flattery. The main vegetable is carrots! I’ll deftly jump right into your mouth! I contain a vitamin, the very necessary carotene. Garlic: Don’t boast about carotene, I’m for flu and sore throat, For colds, various ailments, eat me and there will be no pain! Beetroot: Don't trust garlic, children, it is the most bitter in the world.
I’m a beetroot, it’s simply amazing, so rosy and beautiful!
If you eat beets, all your blood will be cleansed! Carrot (incredulously): Is all the blood cleansed? The main vegetable is carrots! So the shoot cucumber unexpectedly arrived in time for us. Cucumber: What? Don't you need a cucumber? Without him, what would it be like for dinner?
Everyone is happy to add a cucumber to a pickle soup, to a salad! Cabbage: I am cabbage, all the fat ones! Without me there will be no cabbage soup.
People like to eat borscht, salad and vinaigrette for lunch.
And, besides, keep in mind, children, I am the main vegetable in the diet! Onion: They say I’m bitter, they say I’m not sweet, I grow like a green arrow in the garden.
I most useful I give you my word, eat green onions, you will be healthy! Tomato: Stop this stupid argument, the tomato is more important than everyone else!
Handsome - no matter where, I’m not a vegetable, but a star! Presenter: It’s high time to end the argument, there is no doubt about it, Vegetables are all useful, all without exception!
We love you, we know you and we invite you to dance!
Autumn: There is a teremok in the field, a teremok. He is not short, not high, not high.
Suddenly the beets are running across the field, across the field, stopping at the door and knocking. Beetroot runs through the hall and stops near the tower. All vegetables do the same below. Parents can “run out” straight from their seats if they were given attributes in advance. Beetroot: Who, who lives in the little house? Who, who lives in a low place?
No one. Fine! I’ll live and live out the winter. He enters and sits down in the “teremka”. Autumn: There is a teremok in the field, a teremok. He is not short, not high, not high.
Suddenly a potato runs along the pole, stops at the door and knocks. Potato: Who, who lives in the little house? Who, who lives in a low place? Beetroot: I am Beetroot, come live with me! The potatoes are included in the “teremok”. Autumn: There is a teremok in the field, a teremok. He is not short, not high, not high.
Suddenly the bow ran across the field, across the field, stopped at the door, and knocked. Onion: Who, who lives in the little house? Who, who lives in a low place? Vegetables: I am Beetroot, I am Potato, come live with us! The bow enters the “teremok”. Autumn: There is a teremok in the field, a teremok. He is not short, not high, not high. Suddenly a carrot runs along the pole, stops at the door and knocks. Carrot: Who, who lives in the little house? Who, who lives in a low place? Vegetables: I am Beets, I am Potatoes, I am Onions, come live with us! Enters the "teremok". Autumn: There is a teremok in the field, a teremok. He is not short, not high, not high. Suddenly a pea runs along the pole, stops at the door and knocks. Peas: Who, who lives in the little house? Who, who lives in a low place? Vegetables: I am Beets, I am Potatoes, I am Onions, I am Carrots, come live with us! The peas are included in the “teremok”. Vegetables begin to rattle in cups and spoons. Autumn: They began to live and live, to conjure at the stove.
They didn't have any conversations, they were still preparing dinner.
What did they do? Did you guess it? Children: Vinaigrette! The characters bring out a dish with vinaigrette. Presenter: Guys, in my opinion, your parents turned out to be a very good fairy tale-riddle. Let's give them a dance for such a wonderful vinaigrette!
Dance “It’s good to live in the village”
Presenter: Autumn, you are our dear guest, if we order dishes from your wonderful menu so quickly, we will overeat and burst. It seems it's time to take a little break. Autumn: Well, then I will be glad to listen to poems about me.
Autumn poems
Presenter: Now is the time to choose dessert. Autumn: And for dessert today I offer funny mushrooms. Presenter: Mushrooms? For dessert? Autumn: Yes! There will be three dishes for dessert, all mushroom! The presenter looks at the menu. Presenter: Oh, I understand. For the first dessert, the song “Mushrooms”
Song "Mushrooms"
Autumn: Second dessert - riddles about mushrooms.
Riddles about mushrooms
1. What kind of yellow sisters hid in the thick grass? I see them all perfectly, I’ll take them home soon. A very clean, tasty mushroom - a pleasure for both the cook and the mushroom picker. (Chanterelles.) The presenter shows a card with a picture of chanterelle mushrooms. 2. In a forest clearing under a mighty pine tree there is an old man, wearing a brown cap. Cap on the barrel. Anyone who visits the forest knows it. (Boletus mushroom.) The presenter shows a card with a picture of a boletus mushroom. 3. There are no more friendly mushrooms than these, adults and children know. They grow on stumps in the forest, like freckles on the nose. (Honey mushrooms.) The presenter shows a card with a picture of honey mushrooms. 4. I was born on a rainy day under a young aspen tree, round, smooth, beautiful, with a thick and straight leg.
(Boletus.) The presenter shows a card with a picture of a boletus. Autumn: Well done, you recognized all the mushrooms. Here's the third mushroom dessert game for you!
Game “Dry the mushrooms for the winter”
Autumn explains the rules. The basket contains cards with images of mushrooms (if the whole group is playing, then the number of children). Autumn explains that in order for mushrooms to retain their freshness and taste until winter, they are dried. To do this, you need to divide into 2 teams and line up as for a relay race. Two people from the audience are invited to hold the rope. Under the rope there are two baskets with clothespins. At the signal, team members take one card each, run to the rope, take a clothespin and hang up their card. Then they return to the team. And so on. When all the mushrooms are drying on the rope, Autumn invites the parents to blow on them together so that they dry better. Then you can continue the game, removing the mushrooms one by one and putting them in the basket. Autumn: Well, that's the end of the dishes on my menu. Presenter: We were glad to visit the “Osennyaya Polyanka” cafe. And finally, we want you, Autumn, to sing a song and invite you to dance with us.
Autumn (brings out treats): I invite everyone to try my treats! Presenter: Well, it’s time to say goodbye to Autumn. Now we will wait for the next visit. Goodbye! 8

MBDOU "TsRR-kindergarten No. 161" of the city of Perm

Autumn holiday scenario for children preparatory groups.

"Baba Yaga's Autumn Cafe"

Musical director

Oborina Ekaterina Alkafovna Characters:

Adults: Baba Yaga, Scarecrow, Autumn.

Children: Cucumber, Cabbage, Onion, Tomato, Crow, Mistress of the vegetable garden.


Song “Autumn is in a hurry again”

Dance game "Boogie-Woogie"

Game "Set the table"

Waiters Dance (Boys)

Song-game “Garden round dance”

Scene “Why is the tomato red”

Game with parents "Opanki"

Dance with leaves “Music of the rain”

Song "Skvorushka says goodbye"

Girls' dance "Crane wedge"

Dance "One, two, three - on your toes!"

(Children enter the hall)


The fun summer has passed,

And the sun brings little warmth,

Autumn has come, the leaves have turned yellow,

It's time to say goodbye to summer!

(Song “Autumn is in a hurry again” by Ya. Zhabko)

(Children sit down. Baba Yaga appears to the music)

BABA YAGA: Hello, you are welcome! They showed up without getting dusty, my dears! Oh...! Why am I saying this?! Hello, please come in, make yourself comfortable, I’m very glad to see you! I repaired my house, I opened a cafe in it. And word spread in the forest, Business lady - it’s me! I was waiting for you all to visit , I baked fly agarics. It’s an amazing time! The holiday is in the yard today. So, you are my killer whales, I’ve been waiting for you! Oh, I forgot to say the most important thing that my cafe is not simple - it is autumn, and Queen Autumn herself is in a hurry to visit us, bringing us gifts. What signs of autumn do you know?

Children's answer.

BABA YAGA: I suggest you rehearse for Autumn’s arrival so that she likes it with us. And we’ll start, perhaps, with autumn poems.

2 CHILD and 3 CHILD:

Autumn walks through the gardens,

He walks and smiles.

Just like in a fairy tale, here and there,

All colors change.

Autumn walks along the paths

And in the window: knock-knock-knock:

“I bring gifts in a basket -

Tomatoes, radishes, onions!”

4 CHILD and 5 CHILD:

Autumn looked into the garden,

The birds have flown away

There is noise in the garden all day long

Yellow snowstorms.

The first ice is underfoot,

It crumbles, breaks.

The sparrow in the garden will sigh,

But he’s embarrassed to sing.

6 CHILD and 7 CHILD:

Leaf fall, leaf fall,

Autumn caulking forest.

Hemp came flying

The edges turned red.

The wind flew by

The wind whispered in the forest:

Don't complain to the doctor

I'm flying the freckled ones,

I'll tear off all the red flowers,

I'll throw them in the grass.

BABA YAGA: Well done! Can you solve riddles? Well, let's check it now. I prepared the most delicious treat, for which you must guess everything. If you don’t guess, I’ll keep it for myself. Oh, why am I saying this, I’m kind, not greedy, I’ve reformed. Here are my riddles for you:

I emerge from the garden, I grow smartly. Eat me, guys, Red... (carrot) A hedgehog in the field was surprised: “That’s a vegetable, a hundred clothes!” And the little bunny devoured with a crunch Appetizing... (cabbage) He warms his side in the sun, Gives us tomato juice, people have loved for a long time, Red, ripe... (tomato) They have a pod, a beloved home. It’s good for the brothers in it! Every brother is green and smooth, Every ball is tasty, sweet. (peas)

All my riddles have been solved, here's a treat for you! (takes out a plate of fly agaric mushrooms). Eat, help yourself - the fly agarics are fresh, I just picked them. Well, take it... Oh who's coming, isn't it Autumn? (starts to preen)

(The Scarecrow appears to the music)

BABA YAGA: Who are you and where are you from? Why in this form at the holiday, in my cafe?

SCARECROW: I don’t dress according to fashion, All my life I stand as if on guard, Whether in the garden, in the field or vegetable garden, I strike fear into the flocks. And more than fire, a whip or a stick, rooks, sparrows and jackdaws fear me. BABA YAGA: Well, it’s clear that in the gardens and vegetable gardens it’s impossible to live without you, but in my cafe, what use are you? You are all slackers and lazy people. SCARECROW: Yes, you can’t cope without me, and you can’t celebrate the autumn holiday. BABA YAGA: So I believed you! What if you're deceiving me? And you, for starters, are making fun of me, they hung Yagusya. SCARECROW: Guys! I can’t do without your help. Sing along with me, and don’t yawn!

(Game "Boogie-Woogie") sit down

BABA YAGA: Entertainment is, of course, good. But I need helpers in my cafe. For example, waiters... SCARECROW: Oh, Yagusenka, you've come to the right place. After all, I am the most famous trainer in our garden. Now we will quickly teach our guys.

(Game “Set the table”) by team

("Waiters' Dance" boys)

SCARECROW: Everyone knows that in the fall all people and forest animals make supplies for the winter. Are you, Yagusenka, ready for winter? BABA YAGA: Of course, I always have a couple of delicious juicy fly agarics in stock. Simply delicious. SCARECROW: Well, that's not the point. They're inedible. Really, guys? I saw a vegetable garden nearby; there’s probably something growing in it.

(Song-game " Garden round dance»)

(After the game, the children who participate in the “vegetables” scene remain sitting in the garden bed)

BABA YAGA: Look how many edible vegetables there are.

SCARECROW: Yagusya, do you want to know why the tomato is red?

BABA YAGA: Of course I want!

SCARECROW: Here, look and listen...

(scene “How the tomato became red”)

HOST: In ancient times, vegetables lived in the garden.

(Children take turns standing up and introducing themselves)

CUCUMBER: I'm a cheerful fellow! I'm a green cucumber!

CABBAGE: The garden bed is empty without me, but my name is cabbage!

ONION: Without me, you are like without hands - every dish needs onions!

TOMATO:(white) Children have loved the delicious, sweet tomato for a long time!

LEADING: The housewife watered the garden every day.

(The hostess comes out with a watering can)

HOSTESS: I’ll water my garden, because he drinks water too.

LEADING: The vegetables grew every day, lived peacefully and did not quarrel. But one day the tomato decided that he was the best!


I am the tastiest person in the world!

Everyone is rounder, greener,

Me adults and children

Loved more than anyone in the world!


Look, it's just a laugh

Brag that you are the best!


All vegetables are important

Everyone needs vitamins!

He won’t understand, brothers, -

It's not nice to wonder!

TOMATO:(stands with one leg forward)

I am the tastiest person in the world!

Everyone is rounder, greener,

Me adults and children

Loved more than anyone in the world!

ALL: He boasted and boasted, and fell from the bush!

LEADING: The hostess came and collected all the vegetables, but the Tomato remained: she didn’t notice him.

(The hostess takes the vegetables away)

A raven flew past.


Carrrrrrr! Carrrrrrr!

Shame! Nightmarr!

I didn’t want to be friendly with vegetables

No one will need you!


The tomato felt ashamed, he cried and blushed.

(Tomato rubs his eyes, the presenter puts a red cap on him)


Forgive me, friends!

Take me with you!

LEADING: The hostess heard what the tomato was saying and took it with her. Since then, all tomatoes are red!

(Participants bow)

BABA YAGA: ABOUT! Which interesting story. I just see that the parents were staying too long at the holiday. Let's Scarecrow amuse our guests, and I'll knead my bones.

(game with parents"Oops")

BABA YAGA: It’s fun with you, the Garden Scarecrow, and the guys help at the holiday, but without Autumn Beauty, the holiday is not a holiday. SCARECROW: Yagusya, don’t be upset, I know what to do. Autumn does not come alone, but with colorful leaves falling. As soon as the autumn leaves swirl in this hall, autumn itself will come to us. BABA YAGA: That's right! Well done, it's great that you came up with this.

(Doubles T ancestor with leaves "Music of the rain" )

(After the dance autumn appears)

AUTUMN: Hello guys! I am Autumn, I came to visit you. Yours is so beautiful! I see that you were waiting for me!

BABA YAGA: We waited, we waited! Thank you Autumn for coming to visit us! And the guys and I have prepared a gift for you too.

SCARECROW: Attention! Attention! Our guests are artists, dancers, musicians and singers! They will perform a song for Autumn...

(Penya « Skvorushka says goodbye» Popatenko )

AUTUMN: Thank you guys! For such a beautiful song!

(Dance “Crane Wedge”» girls )

AUTUMN: I came to you with gifts! BABA YAGA: First Autumn give me a gift. I tried harder than anyone here, I didn’t sleep a wink from morning to night. Give me all the gifts. SCARECROW: Oh, you are a liar and a greedy person. Yes, if it weren’t for the guys, only fly agarics, and there was green melancholy in your cafe, and the holiday would not have worked out.

BABA YAGA: Oh, I started being greedy and mischievous again. Forgive me, just good and kind, oh, how difficult it is to be. Let's make peace!

AUTUMN: It's good that you made peace. And I don’t have enough gifts for everyone. Not only do I have a treat, but first perform for me autumn waltz friendship!

(Dance “One-two-three, on your toes”)

AUTUMN: I was very glad to meet you, but it’s time for me to hit the road. I want to give you all miracles, I want to treat you with autumn gifts!

(music plays, Autumn treats the children with fruits and juice, photo for memory)

Cafe "Osennyaya Polyanka" invites you

Evening entertainment scenario

for older preschoolers and parents.

Musical director:

Krupina Elena Nikolaevna.

MBDOU No. 3 “Chamomile”


Target: help strengthen relationships between children and parents.


Create a joyful mood in children from mutual communication;

Cultivate goodwill and the ability to act together;

Promote the development of emotional responsiveness;

Arouse a sustainable interest in music, develop performing skills;

Promote the development of creative abilities.

Preliminary work: Learning songs, games and dances; learning a dramatization with parents: “Fairy Tale-Riddle.” Cooking vegetable salads with children.

Equipment: festive tables for parents, hats of vegetables for children and parents, little house, autumn leaves.

Parents are sitting at the festive tables, autumn leaves are scattered in the center of the hall. Children run into the hall, stop, scattered around the hall, facing their parents, read poems about autumn.

They raise the leaves and perform a dance improvisation to the song “Colorful Autumn” by A. Morozova.

Presenter: Good afternoon, dear guests, dear guys! Today, on this autumn day, we are pleased to welcome you to our cafe “Osennyaya Polyanka”. I am glad to introduce you to the owner of the cafe - Golden Autumn. Meet!

Fanfare sounds, everyone claps their hands, but Autumn does not appear. The presenter makes a sign to stop the music.

Presenter: Something is wrong here. Somewhere Autumn lingered. Wait a minute, I'll go take a look.(Leaves.)

Music is heard, Baba Yaga appears from other doors, singing to the music “But I don’t believe it” by E. Osin.

Yaga (sings): So Grandma Yaga has arrived,

Everyone says about me that I am strict.

Even though my leg is bone,

I'll let you taste my pie.

Chorus (repeated 2 times):

And I’ll put a spider in the pie,

One head of onion, pepper, garlic.

I'll salt and pepper

I really want you to like me!

To lose, Yaga challenges one of the guests or children to dance.

Yaga. Well, hello to you!(Does a funny curtsy, trips over a tree stump, falls.)

Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, I caught my foot!

Even though it was a clear day around, I didn’t see the stump.

I lost my glasses and fell for morels.

And without them I’m like without hands, Leshy, help me, my friend!

Leshy enters.

Goblin: Here I am! Who called me?

Yaga: Hello, hello, my friend – there’s a curl on the top of your head.

How are you, Leshy? Do you know what's going on around you?

Goblin: Yesterday I heard from Koshchei - Autumn is coming through the forest.

The harvest is rich and glorious in a big basket for everyone.

Yaga: Carries it to everyone? That's no good!

We will need it ourselves.

We will take the harvest and store it for the winter.

Goblin: How can this be done?

Yaga: Let me show off my mind!

We will hide behind a bush and attack Autumn.

Let's tie the basket lengthwise and crosswise, grab it - and run!

Goblin: Yes, you came up with a bold idea, it’s time for us to start doing business.

We just need to agree on how to share the harvest?

Yaga (sly, sarcastic) :

As friends are supposed to do, we’ll divide everything in half!

Now hurry into the bushes and sit and don’t squeal!

They hide behind the bushes. Autumn appears, holding a basket of harvest in her hands. Yaga and Leshy run out, Yaga takes out a rope, runs around, falls, wraps up both Leshy and himself. In the end, Autumn is connected. They look at the basket with the harvest.

Goblin: What to cook here for future use?

It's too much for one!

Yaga: Yes, there is nothing to share here...

Goblin: What to do? How to be?

Yaga: I have another plan: hide Autumn in the closet.

We'll ask for a ransom for her, seven or eight million

Then we will live and sail to the Canary Islands.

Baba Yaga takes out paper and a felt-tip pen, writes something, folds the paper in half, and leaves the letter on a stump so that it can be seen. They leave.

The upset presenter enters.

Presenter: Guys, I haven’t found Golden Autumn anywhere.(Looks around again and sees a letter.)

What is it?(Unfolds, reads):

“We are asking for a ransom for Autumn, seven or eight million.

Put it in your suitcase and see you at three, madam!”

Presenter (children): Guys, what happened here?

Children talk.

Presenter: What should we do, what should we do?

So much money, where to get it?

Children offer different options.

Presenter: Come on, be quiet, wait a minute, don’t make noise, don’t shout.

(Rereads the letter).

There is no mention of money here! Greetings from us!

We will give them seven or eight million seeds!

He leaves and returns with a suitcase.

Yaga, Leshy, arrives, leading the bound Autumn. The presenter comes forward.

Presenter: Here's a ransom for you, take it, give us back autumn as soon as possible!

Yaga: (opens a suitcase containing “packets of seeds”):

Fu-you-well-you-ships! Deceived! Spent it!

Goblin: Well, are we left with nothing? At least they could carry their legs away.

Let's crack the seeds and while away the long winter. (Sighs.)

C'mon, I'm carrying the suitcase myself, goodbye, madam!

They take the suitcase and leave the hall.

Autumn: Thank you, friends, for saving me, and also for so cunningly deceiving the villains.

Presenter: Well, dear friends, we saved Autumn, let’s continue our holiday. Today we invited you to our cafe “Osennyaya Polyanka” to have fun and play. I present to you the owner of the cafe - Golden Autumn.

Autumn: Hello, dear guests!

Children: Hello, autumn!

It's good that you came.

We, Autumn, will ask you, what did you bring as a gift?

Autumn: I brought you flour.

Children: So there will be pies!

Autumn: I brought you some buckwheat.

Children: The porridge will be in the oven!

Autumn: I brought you some vegetables.

Children: For salads and cabbage soup!

Autumn: And apples are like honey!

Children: For jam and compote!

Autumn: I also brought a full deck of honey...

Children: You brought apples, you brought honey, you brought bread.

And you give us good weather. Autumn in store?

Autumn: Are you happy about the rain?

Children: We don't want it, we don't need it!

Autumn : Who gets caught in the rain?

He's going home now!

Playing with the rain

Children dance to cheerful music chosen by the music director, distributed around the hall; as soon as the “Thunder” sound effect sounds, the children run under the umbrella to the Leader, and Autumn splashes water on them from


After the game, the children sit down.

They perform the song “Autumn Chest”.

Presenter: And what are you doing with us today? Are you going to treat yourself to a café, Golden Autumn?

Autumn: See for yourself! Here's my fall menu!

(Gives the presenter a colorfully designed menu)

Presenter: (looks at the menu) . There is so much! Vegetables, fruits, hot dishes, desserts, and drinks are different. What to choose? My eyes are wide open!

Autumn: You can try a little of everything.

Presenter: Guys, guests, will you trust me to make a choice?(Everyone answers.) Then, for your appetite, choose riddles!

Autumn: Well, try what riddles I have prepared for you.(Make riddles about autumn natural phenomena, months, for example):

    Who walked through the meadows, through the forests, through the fields,
    She prepared supplies for us,
    She hid them in cellars, in bins!
    She said: “Winter will come for me” (autumn)

    Red Egorka fell on the lake,
    He himself did not drown and did not stir up the water. (Autumn leaf)

    It flows like an oblique wall,
    And knocks on our windows.
    It's cold, pouring,
    And the gazebos in the garden get wet. (Rain)

    It is unknown where he lives. It will fly and bend the trees.
    If he whistles, the river will tremble, you mischief maker, and you won’t stop. (Wind)

    Following August comes, dances with the falling leaves,
    And he is rich in harvest,
    We know him, of course (September)

    Nature's face is getting darker and darker:
    The gardens have turned black, the forests are becoming bare,
    Bird voices are silent,
    The bear fell into hibernation.
    What month did he come to us? (October)

    The gloomiest month of the year, I want to go home,
    Soon sleepy nature will meet winter. (November)
    Children solve riddles

Autumn: Well done, we tried all the riddles. Did you like it?(Children answer). Choose your next dish.
Presenter: For cold appetizers we choose “Sliced ​​Vegetables”.
Musical scene “Dispute of vegetables”. Children wearing vegetable masks.

Carrot (runs out, rattling the maracas):
Answer me honestly.
I don't need your flattery.
My main vegetable is carrots!
I’ll deftly jump right into your mouth!
I contain vitamin
Very necessary carotene.
Garlic (runs out, playing along with the triangle, runs up to the carrot):
Don't boast about carotene, I - from flu and sore throat.
For colds and various ailments. Eat me - there will be no pain!
Beet (runs out, ringing the bell, runs up to the vegetables):

Don't trust garlic, kids.He is the most bitter in the world.
I am a beetroot, it’s simply amazing, so rosy and beautiful.
If you eat beets, all your blood will be cleansed.
Carrot (incredulously): Is all the blood cleansed?!
My main vegetable is carrots!
So the shoot cucumber unexpectedly arrived in time for us.
Cucumber (runs out, playing along with the tambourine, runs up to the vegetables):

What? Don't you need a cucumber? Without it, what kind of dinner is it?
Everyone is happy to add a cucumber to a pickle soup, to a salad!
Cabbage (runs out, plays along on castanets):
I am cabbage, all the fat ones! Without me there will be no cabbage soup.
People like to eat borscht, salad and vinaigrette for lunch.
And remember, children,
Onion (runs out, bouncing rumba):
They say I'm bitter, they say I'm not sweet,
I am growing with a green arrow in the garden bed.
I am the most useful - I give you my word on that.
Eat green onions, you will be healthy!
To the sound of marching music, Tomato comes out, loudly hitting the drum, and stands in front of the vegetables. .
Stop the stupid argument. The tomato is the most important!
He's a handsome guy! I'm not a vegetable, I'm a star!
Presenter: It’s time to end the dispute, there’s no doubt about it,
Vegetables are all good for you. All without exception!
We love you, know that! Play for us in the orchestra!
Vegetables are performed in the Russian Nar orchestra. melody “Like ours at the gate.” Parents - “waiters” in white aprons and caps bring cut vegetables to the tables.
Autumn: Now it's time to play.
Game "Cucumbers and tomatoes"

Game "Weave". (Team of children, team of parents).
Children stand in a circle with autumn, who has a tomato in her right hand and a cucumber in her left. On command, children pass a tomato in a circle to the right, and a cucumber to the left. The first vegetable to return to Autumn wins.
Presenter: Which salad should we choose? Advise, Autumn!

Autumn: I adviseSalad “Fairy Tale-Riddle”

Presenter: What does it mean?

Autumn: To guess what kind of salad this is, you need to watch a fairy tale that your parents will show you. Do you want it? (Children answer). Then watch and think.

Parents are given replicas of vegetables or headband masks.


He is not short, not high, not high, not high.

There are beets running across the field, across the field.

Beet runs through the hall and stops near the tower. The rest of the vegetable characters do the same.

Beet: Who, who lives in the little house
Who, who, lives in a low place?
No one. Fine!
I’ll live and live out the winter.
He enters and sits in the little mansion. Autumn: There is a teremok, teremok in the field,

Suddenly a potato runs along the pole,
She stopped at the door and knocked.

Potato: Who, who lives in the little house,
Who, who lives in a low place?
Beet: I am Beet, come live with me,
He enters and sits in the little mansion. Autumn: There is a teremok, teremok in the field,
He is not short, not high, not high.
Suddenly an onion ran across the field, field,
He stopped at the door and knocked.

Onion: Who, who lives in the little house,
Who, who lives in a low place?
Vegetables: Enters and sits in the little mansion .

Autumn: There is a teremok, teremok in the field,
He is not short, not high, not high.
Suddenly a carrot runs along the pole,
She stopped at the door and knocked.

Carrot: Who, who lives in the little house,
Who, who lives in a low place?
Vegetables: I am Beetroot, I am Potato, I am Onion, come live with us!
Autumn: There is a teremok, teremok in the field,
He is not short, not high, not high.

Vegetables: I am Beetroot, I am Potato, I am Onion, come live with us!
Autumn: There is a teremok, teremok in the field,
He is not short, not high, not high.
Suddenly peas run along the pole,
He stopped at the door and knocked.

Polka dots: Who, who lives in the little house,
Who, who lives in a low place?
Vegetables: I am Beetroot, I am Potato, I am Onion, I am Carrot, come live with us!
Autumn: They began to live and live. Conjure at the stove.
They didn't have any conversations; they were all preparing dinner.
What did they do? Did you guess it?
Children : The vinaigrette!
The characters bring dishes with vinaigrette to the tables.

Presenter: For main course we choose the Autumn Song soup.
Song “Autumn, like a red cat” Autumn: It's time to choose drinks. I offer you the Autumn Cloud cocktail.
Presenter: Did you decorate it with umbrellas?
Autumn: Certainly!

Game with umbrellas. Presenter: Guys, what should we choose for dessert?

Autumn: I suggest you delicious pie with raspberries. Do you agree?

Dance "Let's go through the raspberries to the garden."
Dear guests and children! Look(turns attention to the tables) how many different delicious treats Autumn has prepared for us! Let's thank her with a beautiful song.

Song "Beauty Autumn"

Autumn: Well, what kind festive table without this berry. (Make a riddle about a watermelon).
Autumn: And now I invite everyone to try my treats!
General tea drinking, refreshments for children and parents.

Entertainment on autumn theme V kindergarten. Script for senior group. Cafe "Osenneye"

Integration educational areas: “Music”, “Cognition”, “ Physical Culture", "Health".
Target: expand knowledge about autumn as a season.

Tasks: consolidate song and dance skills, ideas about vegetables, and the characteristics of the autumn period.

Planned results: shows interest in participating in outdoor games and physical exercise, sensitivity to the artistic word, aesthetic feelings, emotions, aesthetic taste, interest in art; feels the rhythm and melody poetic text; the child has developed the skills and abilities necessary to implement various types children's activities.
Contents of organized activities

Leading. Hello, dear guests! Welcome to the cafe. Today is our harvest festival. And the hostess at this holiday will, of course, be Queen Autumn.

Autumn enters with a retinue of vegetables and sings the song “Yellow Leaves.”
(music by R. Pauls, lyrics by I. Shaferan).

Autumn. Hello guys! We are very glad to attend your harvest festival. I didn't come alone. I am accompanied by my faithful subjects, vegetables. Now they will introduce themselves to you.

Vegetables tell riddles.
Curious red nose
Rooted into the ground up to the top
They just hang out in the garden
Green heels. (Carrot)

There is a green hook on the fence,
There is a chest hanging on a hook.
There are five guys in the chest
They sit quietly next to each other.
Suddenly the chest crumbled -
Everyone scattered around. (Peas)

There was a green fruit
Didn't want to be put in my mouth.

They put him in a bed -
He changed his clothes:
Put on the red one
Ripe for food. (Tomato)

Red, not viburnum
Bitter, not aspen.
Round, not a basket,
There is a tail, not a cat. (Radish)

Leading. And now we can all sing together.

Song “Let's go through the raspberries to the garden” (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina).

Autumn. We invite everyone to the competition. I’ll ask ten people to come out and divide into two teams.

Leading. Remember what flowers you know. The winner is the team that names more titles colors.

Flower garden competition
Leading. We invite teams for an attraction game.

Game “Called yourself a load, get into the back!”
Leading. The hoop is the “body”, you guys are the “milk breasts”. Now let's see which milk mushrooms will get into their body faster. When the music starts, the first “mughead” runs up to the hoop, flies through it, puts the hoop in place and runs after the next “museum”, with whom they run together, also fly through the hoop, then run after the third “mask”, etc. d.

Autumn. The winning team receives Golden Kingdom prizes (shows potatoes).

Leading. Attention, dear guests! Today we are holding an auction in our cafe. I am the seller that you are the buyers. I show you a vegetable or fruit, and you name a dish that can be prepared from it. Whoever has the last name of the dish takes the vegetable or fruit for himself.

Car auction “Recipes”.

Autumn. The auction is over, but you can dance.

Dance “Sunflowers”.

Leading. Now let's play the game “Ten Words”. Two people are invited. On command, the players take turns taking ten steps, and for each step they say the name of a vegetable or fruit!

Game “Ten Words”

Leading. Now we find out the name of the best cook in our cafe. To do this you need to choose two pairs. There are vegetables on the tables, from which you must prepare any dish and come up with a name for it.

Competition “Smak”.

Leading. While our chefs are working and inventing something extraordinary tasty dish, we'll listen to the song.

Song “Cossacks” (music and lyrics by O. Stupina).

Leading. I suggest stretching and playing. Get ready, be careful! If I name a vegetable that grows on the surface of the earth, such as pepper, you stand up full height. If I name a vegetable that grows in the ground, such as potatoes, you have to squat down.

Game "Vegetable Garden".

Autumn. Let's sum up the results of our culinary competition.

Tasting of dishes.

Leading. Hello autumn, paints were spread at the edge of the forest,
I quietly ran a brush across the larch
The hazel tree turned yellow and the maples glowed,
The aspen trees are purple, only the oak is green.
Autumn consoles: do not regret summer,
Look - autumn is dressed in gold!

Song “Walk together with joy” (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Matusovsky).

All children and parents enter the hall to the music and dance together.

Ved.- Hello, dear guests! Welcome to the Autumn cafe.

Today in our hall

We, friends, have gathered you,

So that on our autumn holiday

Children's laughter would ring out.

So that friendship does not end,

So that the music sounds

For songs and jokes

There would be enough for everyone.

We are glad to meet you again as a guest in our cozy room and talk about autumn. Autumn is rich in its gifts, the gold of the forests, generous with gifts. For this we love and praise the beautiful autumn in poems and songs. (The teacher invites the children to tell poems about autumn.)

1 child Autumn is a glorious time,

Kids love autumn.

Plums, pears, grapes -

Everything is ripe for the guys.

2 reb. There is also a harvest in the garden,

Collect whatever you want.

There are carrots and salad,

Onions in the garden, sweet peppers,

And a whole row of cabbage.

3 children And outside the window today is autumn.

She came so slowly,

In a scarlet dress and earrings

So fabulous and good!

Ved.- Guys, do you know a song about autumn? Let's sing it in a round dance, let our guests listen.

  • Song "Round Dance of Autumn" collection. Bell No. 30

Ved.- What a delicious song the guys sang just now. And in our cafe you will also be treated to a treat, but a little later. In the meantime, guess our riddles. (The teacher asks the children riddles, attracting parents)

  • Puzzles: Name a mustachioed vegetable? (Peas)

Which vegetables have a red nose? (carrots, beets)

Why don't they put Parsley in cabbage soup? (Toy)

What vegetable prevented the princess from sleeping? (Peas)

And now, welcome, they have come to visit us... However, they will introduce themselves.

  • Scene "Dispute of vegetables"

Girl ved.- How many different vegetables

They argue about who is more important than whom.

Carrot - Answer me honestly

I don't need your flattery.

The main vegetable is the carrot,

I jump into your mouth deftly.

I contain vitamin

Very necessary carotene.

Garlic - Don't boast about carotene,

I have the flu and a sore throat,

From various colds, illnesses,

Eat me, there will be no pain.

Beet - Don't trust garlic, children.

He is the most bitter in the world,

I, the beetroot, am simply a miracle,

So blush and beautiful.

You will eat beets,

All the blood will be purified.

Carrot- Is all the blood cleansed?

My main vegetable is carrots.

Dev-Ved. Here comes the cucumber

He came to them unexpectedly.

Cucumber - What, you don't need a cucumber?

Without me, well, what kind of dinner?

And in pickle soup and salad.

Everyone is happy with a cucumber.

Cabbage - I am the thickest cabbage

Without me there will be no cabbage soup,

Borsch, salad and vinaigrette,

They love to eat it for lunch.

And then remember, children,

The main vegetable in my diet.

Zucchini- I'm a pot-bellied zucchini,

Relaxed for a while.

I'm going to visit today

And I’ll hug the cabbage. (For group 2)

Pepper- And about pepper, friends,

Have you forgotten? - It's me.

Look how good I am, everyone

Where else can you find one like this?

And a whole range of vitamins,

After all, I am useful, they say. (For group 2.)

Tomato - Stop this stupid argument

The most important thing is the tomato.

Handsome, no matter where,

I'm not a vegetable, but a star!

Dev Ved- And the potatoes are so modest,

Didn't say a word

But everyone needs potatoes,

Both big and small.

Ved.- This debate can be continued for a very long time, but we know very well that all vegetables are important and healthy. Which means they should be friends. I invite you, vegetables, to the dance of friendship.

  • Dance of vegetables. Music from the film. "Mustachioed nanny."

A cloud child appears with a watering can (without water) and waters the hall. The first verse of the song “Evil Cloud” is played.

Ved.- Cloud, cloud, what are you pouring?

Rain on the paths?

There will be puddles all around here,

We'll get our feet wet.

Tuchka - I have to water everything

To irrigate the land.

You're nowhere without me,

It will always rain!

Ved.- Apparently you can't wait out the rain,

Let's go for a walk anyway.

I'll give everyone an umbrella

And we are not afraid of rain.

  • Dance with umbrellas.

Ved.- Attention, attention, dear guests! Today we are holding an auction in our cafe. Children and parents play. I show you a vegetable or fruit, and you tell me how it is useful. Who can name more? beneficial properties, he will receive it as a gift.

  • Auction.

Ved.- The auction is over. And now I invite the musicians to a merry dance.

  • Dance "Merry dance" under. gr.
  • Dance “A Little Man with an Accordion” Art. gr.

Ved.- Oh yes, well done guys, you made us laugh.

The holiday can continue

The harvest in the forest has ripened,

Everyone takes baskets.

What are we going to collect?

On forest paths?