Secrets of the game My Lands. Free online games

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Tricks and secrets of My Lands

Below is a selection best advice for My Lands players, which was created based on personal experience and studying information from the official forum:

  1. When creating cities, choose different places, otherwise you will lose villages. They will merge if cities are too close.
  2. Build cities around the central capital. This will make it convenient to carry out combat missions.
  3. Having chosen the elf race (dark or light), try not to build cities in the forest. The tree is not on the market hot commodity, and these races can get it in other places.
  4. Do not take bonus troops until you have studied the required science to the third level.
  1. Try not to split your army, leaving part in the city and sending part to battle, as someone will definitely take advantage of this.
  2. During battles, remember to protect the city. You must have built anti-spy guilds, a magic and regular tower, as well as fortifications.
  3. Don’t forget to upgrade your buildings in a timely manner, especially those designed for defense.
  4. Do not attack cities until you are confident of your victory - every defeat is an extra waste of resources.

  1. If you want to create an invincible defense for your city, create a magic tower and buy mercenaries; together they provide reliable protection.
  2. Make alliances and exchange ruins with other players. Join clans, all this helps in development.
  3. When sending mercenaries into battle, some people don't think about the consequences, but if you lose an army of 1,000 mercenaries, you lose 100,000 gold.
  4. When collecting various artifacts, carefully study their characteristics and features, you need to choose the best gaming gear.

  1. Do not leave the army unattended, close the city gates or place it in a shelter, otherwise there is a risk of its destruction.
  2. Build an expeditionary force in your city and send a researcher to check the territories, this The best way find ruins.
  3. There are no anti-spy guilds in the ruins, so just one spy is enough to find out what resources are there.
  4. Before attacking the ruins, be sure to replenish the army with 50-100 healers so that they can resurrect some of the killed soldiers.

  1. Before you decide to attack, look at the information about the terrain. Terrain plays an important role, for example, shooters in the steppes lose 50% of their attack.
  2. Attack ruins located in friendly territory, this will provide you with bonus protection.
  3. At the very beginning, actively study science, the main development will begin when the gate opens (at level 5).
  4. The main fighter of your army is the hero. Make sure he gets enough experience and has the best equipment.

  1. Spend resources on the main building rather than building many small buildings. If you do not upgrade the main building, buildings in the villages will be inaccessible.
  2. Completing combat missions brings many times more resources than quarries and lumberjack huts.
  3. Don’t try to immediately upgrade your entire army to the third level, the most important thing is to develop porters and healers to the second level.
  4. It is not necessary to fight to obtain black pearls; they can be bought at auctions for gold.
  5. If you are offered to become your mentor, agree. There will definitely be no harm from this, and maybe you will even get support.

Not many people make good money in My Lands, and this is due to the fact that the strategy is complex and multifunctional. Using these secrets and tricks, you will definitely outperform your opponents and get to the point where the game starts bringing in serious money much faster.

At first

At the beginning of the game, the most optimal thing will be to complete the tips and quests of the Advisor. For completing them, you will receive enough resources to construct buildings to complete new quests. Sooner or later you will be given a quest to complete 150 tasks in a row with an acceptable failure of no more than 5 tasks. Since it will be possible to fail only paid quests, the essence of which, despite quite different descriptions boils down to the fact that you need to pay 10–200 Black Pearls (hereinafter referred to as BZ). The initial supply of ChZH is 50 units, which you can significantly increase only by investing money in the game. However, black iron can naturally be obtained in the game different ways: attack ruins, buy black iron at auction, capture Salt Lake which produces 20 chzh per hour. The easiest way is to attack the ruins. I’ll write about how and what is required for this later, but for now you need to figure out how and what to do with this quest for 150 tasks, for completing which you will be given a very valuable artifact. If investing money in the game is the norm for you, then you can slowly complete all the quests one by one and you will not have any problems. If you are used to getting out in such games without investing money (donation), then the most important thing for you will be not to turn on the Advisor until you have accumulated 2000 - 3000 ZH in the game, then open the quests and immediately complete all paid quests (the timer for paid quests is not activated at the moment of receiving the quest, and at the moment of opening the list of quests). If you decide not to use the Advisor until the specified amount of ChZ is accumulated, then you need to decide at what point to stop opening the list of quests, and in my opinion the moment here is 2. The first is to take the quest Acceleration of Alchemists, which will not only speed up the production of science from Alchemists but also will give an additional 300 units. science per hour, a lot on early stage games and this will allow you to quickly learn everything you need to play at rank 1, however, the quest Acceleration of Alchemists is not timed and its completion can be left indefinitely. The second point is that you can take a paid quest to get 50 healers at once (one of the key components of any army). This will allow you, if you have 500 porters, 100 horsemen and 100 flyers, to attack rank 1 ruins without losses and actually extract black iron, unlike porters, horsemen and flying training for 1 healer takes 7 hours, although they can be queued and they will train even at night when the game is turned off. In my opinion, the first option is preferable here when, after accelerating the Alchemists, the list of quests no longer opens, because you don’t have enough initial Zh to speed up Alchemists and get 50 healers, and healers without an initial acceleration of science by 300 will stand idle for a long time until you learn the science to produce Porters, Horsemen, Flyers, and Cartography (necessary for finding ruins ).

City system

Approximate advice for developing the city of the Capital: 11–12 residential buildings that provide the city's population with living space and population growth, 1 tower, 2 fortifications (usually built in the process of completing quests) after which the Gates to the city can be safely opened because at rank 1 Esquire no one will dare to attack you anymore. After opening the gates, try to quickly build up all the villages. At first, you can put mining buildings in deposits of stone, iron and in fields with cereals, but the rest of the cells in the village would be best built up with Alchemists because science production in the village will be 20% more, by late stages all mining buildings can be demolished and built up with Mirror Towers. If there are attacks on your city with the aim of breaking buildings, and in one attack it will be possible to cause damage to only one type of building in the village at level 1 (buildings can only be broken in villages in the city itself; buildings can only be destroyed by the one who built them), then For security reasons, all buildings in the village must be of 2 or more levels, and in order to diversify the buildings in the villages, you can build a couple more Trading shops there. It is also worth building 4 expeditionary forces in the capital, leaving space for a second tower (it will be Magic, but at rank 1, due to the high cost, it can not be built), for the first time, even in the city itself, stone deposits are also built up with quarries. Next, as quickly as possible, study Espionage and Production of 1 combat units of Porters. Then you build everything at your own discretion. I just want to note that the owners of enemy spies penetrating into your city, seeing your Bathhouse and 2 Fortifications, will not attack you and will most likely cross your city off their list of cities to plunder.

In the game you will immediately have 1 city - the capital, after upgrading the central building to level 5, your city will have 51 cells, new cities will depend on the cell on which you want to build it, the cell has a limit on the level of the central building of 2-5 lvl. It is best to find a place to build a city of level 5, however, the maximum number of cells even at level 5 for such a city will be 30–43, 51 cells only in the capital, and for other cities the maximum will be only 43, and even if you built a city on a cell with cells less than 43x, then with the help of the power of science the city can still be expanded to 43 cells. When moving the Capital to any other city, its area will increase to 51 cells, and the previous capital will lose cells numbered 44–51 with all the buildings there.

A provincial city is usually built like this: 10 – 12 residential buildings, the Merchants Guild, 2 towers, 1 fortification, a warehouse and everything else is science. In the shelter of such a city, you can place a lot of Mercenaries so that in the event of a fall you can repel a weak attack or make an attack unprofitable even strong army. Features of mercenaries: they are quickly made, are the cheapest and with their help you can inflict great damage on the enemy by spending little money. And since in battle both armies simultaneously inflict damage on each other, despite their 1 HP, the mercenaries will have time to inflict damage on the enemy. A couple of Trading shops to provide salaries for mercenaries.

It will be faster and more convenient to build buildings if you learn the “Architect” Specialization. In general, specializations can be retrained as much as you like, so usually at the beginning they take the Architect, then the Cleric to quickly create a lot of healers, and then, if there is a shortage of population, choose the Benefactor, and you can always go back and learn the Architect again if you were in a hurry and forgot to build something or you are rebuilding.

Ranking system

The game has a ranking system consisting of 5 ranks: 1st Esquire, 2nd Captain, 3rd Master, 4th Marshal, 5th Overlord. Just as it is not possible to launch an attack against a city in which the gates are closed, it is also not possible to attack a city of a lower rank than one’s own. However, you can attack cities above your rank, although this will be of little use. Rank mainly depends on the strength of your army, so if you want to stay a little longer, for example at rank 1, then do not build an army larger than necessary to farm lvl 1 ruins.


After playing a little and completing all the available quests, you will find that the extraction of resources in mining buildings is wildly disproportionate to the resource requirements for constructing and improving the building. Therefore, at first, while you have rank 1st rank Esquire, it will be most profitable for you to rob nearby abandoned cities (there are a lot of them at rank 1). To do this, you must have at least 10 spies and a small army of Porters. Open the map of the kingdoms and begin, in order, to spy on all the cities of the opposite faction nearby to you. (since you have few spies, it would be better to send 1 spy each, and if there is an anti-spy guild in the city, you will only lose 1, and if you sent 10, you can immediately lose them all) if there are no Anti-spies, Towers, Fortifications in the city, armies and the gates to this city are open, then this city can be attacked by an army consisting only of porters for the purpose of robbery (if you don’t want to conflict, you can study the spy’s report in more detail, and if science has been stopped in the city (research is not conducted) the city is filled to the brim warehouses (although the city may have already been robbed before you) or not everyone works in mining buildings with a free population - then such a city is abandoned and will be deleted after some time, so if it is plundered no one will be offended). There are a lot of abandoned cities of the 1st rank in the game, because... even if the city was of a higher rank and there was an army there, other players, suspecting that the city was abandoned, would immediately begin to attack this army simply with the goal of killing the army on defense in order to gain points in the Faction Rating. Without an army, the city will immediately drop in rank, often to 1st.
After moving to the 2nd rank Captain, your income, mainly in the tree, will sharply decrease. by this time you should already have 4 expeditionary forces of level 3 or more in the capital and possibly in other cities. There are very few abandoned cities at rank 2 or higher, so you will only have to farm ruins. Here is the approximate composition of the army for farming ruins without losses:

Ruins level 1:
We take 500 porters, 100 horsemen, 100 flyers, 50 healers. All first level. If there are a second one, even better.

Ruins level 2:
We take 1000 porters, 200 flying, 100 shooters, 70 healers. All second level. There will be a third - generally good.
Starting from the third ruins, mercenaries appear in them. It has already been said above about their weakness - extremely low health. Therefore, if there is a lack of the main army (and doctors in particular), the first wave of mercenaries is sent to attack, and only then the main army. The figures below are given for battles without prior recruitment.

Ruins level 3:
We take 1500 porters, 900 warriors, 200 shooters, 220 healers. Here, as below, the entire army is of the third level.

Ruins level 4:
We take 2600 porters, 1000 warriors, 1300 horsemen, 600 healers. It is worth noting that the ruins of the fourth level are the most difficult to kill at the corresponding rank. Only elf players, thanks to their healers, will be able to defeat the middle four alone and without breaking through with hires, and even then not always. Other races, soon after recruiting a sufficient army, receive the title of overlord.
It is best to go to the fourth ruins with an ally - in this case, it will be enough for each to take 1500 porters, 800 warriors, 1100 horsemen and 400 healers.

Ruins level 5:
The composition of the ruin is such that there will be no pursuers or victims in battle. But there are many mercenaries. That is, the entire army will be needed, fighting after the wave of hires. The number of hires required for this varies from zero to 2-6 thousand, depending on the number of hires in the ruin and the strength of the player’s army.

Ruins level 6:
The ruins include all types of troops, in numbers equal to the army of the average overlord. To destroy such a ruin, the entire army will again be required (although options are possible, depending on the number of certain creatures in the ruin), and in considerable numbers. It makes no sense to break through with mercenaries large quantity healers.

Ruins level 7 (Arch-ruin):
They contain a huge amount of black pearls and an equally huge number of monsters. At first they are weakened by a large number of hires, then they are achieved by the basis
In the Arch-ruin, a hero with the “Savage Horror” ability will be waiting for you - this is when 90% of your army sits on the sidelines and only 10% participates in the battle

Hero selection

An important point in the game is the choice of a hero; for starters, the best thing you can get is a Builder (thanks to the Portable Fortification skill, it will be easier for you to farm ruins) or a Scout (speeds up exploration of the map and increases the chance of finding a magic item).

A hero at level 12 can be taught the skill of another hero from the same class.

For example, the Builder Hero will be able to learn the skills of both a Mentor (recommended) and a Breadwinner Merchant Defender, but only 2x.

The Scout hero will subsequently be able to learn the skills of Paladin, Peacemaker, Saboteur Warrior, and again only 2 additional sets of skills from his class

City defense

The usual defense of the city is 2 fortifications, 1 tower and 1 Magic Tower. A simple tower will be needed if you are trying to farm your army on defense for rating with a small number of mercenaries (mercenaries do not die from fortifications but are damaged by the tower), in this case you simply remove your army and the enemy mercenaries are simply killed by the tower. Subsequently, when your army has many healers and you are able to withstand a large attack of mercenaries without losses (as strong as an ordinary tower can kill mercenaries), then it is worth building 2 magic towers.
The most valuable thing you have in the game is your army, so you should defend not cities but the army. If a city is attacked by too large an army, you should hide your army in a shelter, it’s okay that you won’t be robbed a little.

If you took on the “Defense of the Ancients” quest, then no one will break through to the level of Overlord and you don’t have to worry about protecting the city and the safety of the army.

It is for the safety of the army that Bshani of mirrors are built. There is a possibility that the enemy will send Seers to you in addition to spies (they show the status of your missions) if the enemy knows the status of your missions, then he can send an attack exactly at the moment when your army comes from the ruins - your troops in this case will rest 60 seconds and you won't be able to put them in the shelter. As a result of such an attack, even if it is unsuccessful for the attackers, your army may suffer losses - which will add to the rating of the attacker's faction.

Development in the game

Your development in the game is largely determined by the strength of your army. Therefore, the essence of the game on the Overlord is the continuous creation of an army. Big army Trading shops and Golden Cities will no longer feed you, all that is required of you is to constantly explore the maps to farm the ruins with gold and resources from which will be enough to both build and maintain a very large army. One of the restrictions on the continuous creation of an army will be the population; it will have to be brought from other cities, and/or hire the hero Necromancer who, with his skill, will transfer killed enemies into the population. To save money, sometimes they start making only archers because... they have the lowest cost in the population and not bad fighting qualities. (although this has been fixed on the new Economy type servers)

They opened the gates and called for the help of the Ancients. What's next? In the second part of the Guide, I will tell you how to plunder dead cities, build an army and find a good cell to build a second city.

First steps out of the gate

So, you managed to upgrade the capital to level 5, open the city gates and ask for the protection of the ancients. What's next? Then we begin to build up villages. Start with quarries, because stone is always in short supply in My Lands. Next, build up cells without resources with Alchemist Laboratories. In my humble opinion, first initial stage development, the capital should be made a versatile city, but with an emphasis on science (ultimately upgrading the Alchemist Laboratories to at least level 3). Therefore, plan to give all free cells of the villages to Laboratories (in fact, we will then build towers of Mirrors in the villages, so in the long term some of the Laboratories will have to be barbarically demolished in any case). Remember that if you can still buy resources, then you will have to develop science yourself.

Here the young esquire should have a completely fair question - where to get the resources for all this splendor? After all, it’s definitely not possible to earn that much through honest work. But you can make money by looting (farming) dead cities. It was for this that you built an army of Porters while the gates were closed. Robbery, by the way, is a quest task, and its completion comes with a generous reward - another 200 Porters for your army.

How to rob dead cities correctly

First, let’s figure out what “Dead Cities” are and where they come from. “Dead” refers to cities left by players to the mercy of fate. If the player for a long time does not enter the game, the city residents riot and open the gates (so do not forget about My Lands and enter the game every day!) From this moment on, the city can be plundered. Three days are given for plunder, after which the city with all its contents disappears from the face of the map. So active players should say a huge thank you to all those who open accounts in My Lands and leave behind a city full of valuable resources.

How to farm cities of levels 1-3 in My Lands without spying

How to plunder Dead Cities in My Lands without espionage? To do this, we leave the city on the map of our kingdom and look for cities with the following distinctive features:

1) The size of the city should be from 1 to 3. Although, you can successfully rob more big cities, but we will dwell on this a little later.
2) The city must stand on its native terrain (land). If the elf city is built in the desert, this is the second (third, etc.) city of a developed player. There may well be surprises there in the form of Fortifications or an enemy army. If the city is located on someone else's terrain, we look for another city.
3) The player’s level must be Esquire (1 star). If the player is more high level, we are looking for another city.
4) The player who owns this city must not be a member of a clan. If the player is a member of a clan, look for another city.

We can find out all this by simply hovering the mouse cursor over the city. Further study of the city will require additional manipulations. Let's say we have found a certain level 3 city that satisfies all of the above criteria. Now we need to break the player through the base, what if he is an active esquire with a well-defended city and a huge army?

Click on the city with the mouse, select the “Write a letter” icon, and copy the player’s name to the clipboard. After that, close the window with the letter and in the upper left corner click the round “Rating” button (this button is next to the “Forum” and “Encyclopedia”). Paste the player’s name copied into the buffer below, click “Search” and look at the number of rating points. If it's just a little over 1 million points, it's our client. We close the rating and attack. If the rating goes beyond 1.5 million points, we look for another city. In principle, the above recommendations do not require an investigator. Just don’t forget that Porters cost a lot of money and are quite slow to build. Why lose troops out of the blue?

If the city gates are open, troops will be sent. If they are closed, the game will report this. In this case, you will have to look for another city.

You can make it simpler, for example, study the science of “Espionage”, build a “Guild of Spies” and send spies around in search of Dead Cities. But at the same time, you will be able to spy on cities only within a radius of one kingdom from the capital (to look further you will have to level up Espionage, which will stop the research of other “useful” sciences). The method of plundering Dead Cities described above allows you to rob cities at any distance from the capital!

How many Porters are needed to farm cities of levels 1-3?

How many Porters should you send (blindly, of course, if there are spies in your capital, this figure can be calculated very accurately)? I recommend sending about 80 Porters to level 1 cities. When looting a Dead City with a newly opened gate, this number is close to optimal. There are already about 120 Porters in 2nd level cities and about 200 in 3rd level cities.

You need to send troops in two waves, the second wave should be exactly 2 times smaller than the first (i.e., optimally 80+40 Porters should be sent to a first-level city). The fact is that only half of the resources can be robbed, so after the first wave of robbery there will be just enough resources left in the city to be picked up by the “halved” second wave. It will no longer be possible to send a third wave, because according to the My Lands rules, you can only attack the same property twice a day.

In any case, it is advisable to study the science of “Espionage” in the near future to at least level 2. With the research bonus and level 2 alchemist labs in the Villages, this should only take about 2 hours of game time. Espionage will allow you to optimize the robbery of dead cities within a radius of 2 cells and will give you the opportunity to complete a chain of four “Spy” quests, the completion of which will provide a good reward.

Farm cities of levels 4-5 in My Lands

Cities of 4-5 levels are more difficult to take. In fact, even in level 3 cities there may be Fortifications and Porters, but this is really unlikely. A level 1 fortification demolishes 30 of any units attacking a city, which makes plundering “fortified” cities an expensive pleasure. And the presence of at least one Porter in defense does not allow you to rob the city at all - after all, Porters do not have an attack parameter, and therefore are completely useless as an offensive unit.

In general, I don't recommend attacking Tier 5 cities without first sending spies there. You should also be especially careful when planning an attack on Tier 4 cities, and ideally abandon this idea altogether before studying the science of Espionage. In such cities there are often surprises. But Dead Cities of levels 1-3 can be safely plundered.

What sciences should I study after opening the gates in My Lands?

Science should be moved in two directions: firstly, the study of the sciences Cartography up to level 3 (to find a cell within a radius of 3 kingdoms for the construction of a second city) and Colonization. The first science will allow you to send Explorer missions in search of Ruins, the Outer Realms and, most importantly at the initial stage of the game, in search of good cells for the construction of future new cities. Well, the science of Colonization will allow you to begin building a Colonization Center and preparing a Settler. By the way, in My Lands the Settler takes a full 72 hours to prepare, so the sooner you start building it, the faster you can build a second city.

To speed up the construction of a second city, it is advisable to study the science of Construction - this way you can simultaneously build up to 4 buildings at a time. It is also advisable to upgrade the market to at least level 3 (at the same time completing the corresponding quest). The level 3 market will allow you to more efficiently purchase missing resources (but it’s useless to download it further for now - the delivery time for resources will be very long!)

Secondly, this is the “Military” branch. After establishing the second city, you should have enough troops to start looting the ruins. To do this, you will need about 800 Porters, about 100 Level 1 Horsemen, 100-150 Level 2-3 Flyers and 20 Level 2 Healers.

In the “Military” branch of science, you need to study Flyers, and it is advisable to pump them up to level 3 early (after that you can take 30 bonus Flyers for the quest). Then move to Healers, who also need to be studied to level 3. In general, make it a rule to study troops up to level 3 before you start building them in your cities. The only exception is the Horsemen. However, here it is at your discretion - there is a corresponding quest to improve the Horsemen.

What to build in the capital?

Buildings for resource extraction in villages, as well as Level 2 Alchemist Laboratories. I don’t recommend upgrading the Laboratories further yet - it takes a lot of resources. In the capital itself, I recommend having 2-3 rozhalki for Porters, then building 1 rozhalka for Horsemen, and at least 1 for Flyers and Healers. Since Warriors and Archers are not used against Level 1 Ruins, their construction and training should be postponed for now. Also, you shouldn’t put much emphasis on the construction of Horsemen - they are needed only for attacking Ruins of levels 1 and 4 (and, of course, Ruins 5-6-7). They don’t go to the Ruins of levels 2 and 3 with Riders, but this is a topic for another conversation.

As you collect resources, you need to build Warehouses (5-6 pieces, no more). And to sell the surplus, improve the Market. Don't forget about Dwellings - the construction of expensive buildings like rozhalki for Healers will require a huge number of free population (2000 people). Here I recommend getting hold of slaves in advance by organizing targeted raids on the Dead Cities for them. In the future, the city should have 10-15 dwellings.

Planning a second city

Researchers are needed not only to search for Ruins, Mines, Salt Lakes and other useful objects. By the way, all these objects are not interesting to us yet. Researchers are needed to find good cells for a second city. Cities in My Lands have a clear specialization. For example, the so-called Golden City is built to produce huge amounts of gold, the Cereal City is built to produce cereals in the steppe with a 200% terrain bonus. And so on. Moreover, each of these cities has its own “ideal” terrain.

In my opinion, the ideal second city is one for resource production and science at the same time. Here it is necessary to take into account the racial bonus: for example, for Demons, the ideal option would be a city in the mountains (+50% bonus to Stone extraction) with big amount cells with stone (the maximum amount of stone in Villages can be 12). For Knights - a city in the steppe (+200% of Cereals production) with 6-8 cells for Cereals. For the Dark Elves - a city in the desert with 4 cells for Iron (the value of such a city in the long term in terms of the extraction of Iron itself can be debated, but as a science city, the construction of an iron city would be completely worthwhile).

The Light Elves were the unluckiest of all: yes, any city in the forest would be perfect for the Elves to build sawmills. But I am fundamentally against the extraction of Wood as a resource; My Lands is already full of it. At the same time, by building a city for the extraction of Wood, you will lose science. I recommend building a scientific city on your native terrain - this will give a good impetus to the development of science. Or try to find a cell rich in Cereals in the Steppe, which will allow you to kill two birds with one stone. In general, the Light Elves prioritize Scientific Cities, Golden Cities (including for the construction of Mercenaries) and Grain Cities.

In general, no matter what race you play, if you accidentally stumble upon a cell in the steppe with 7 grains, you should definitely take such a cell. Even without the racial bonus, you will receive enough Cereals to build the first stage of the army, as well as for sale.

Try to find a place for a second city at least 1 kingdom (ideally, 2 kingdoms in the third) from your capital, do not build cities in neighboring kingdoms, and God forbid you build several cities in one kingdom! And most importantly - never (!!!) build cities on neighboring cells! Remember, neighboring cells have common Villages! It’s good if you can place a level 5 city on a cell. But if the cell is really rich in resources, more modest cities can be founded.

What will a resource city give? Firstly, valuable resources, and with proper planning - with a racial bonus and a terrain bonus. Secondly, you can build up free cells with Alchemist Laboratories, which will give a noticeable increase in science. Let's say, when building the Golden City, you will have to build up the entire city and all the villages with Dwellings and Trading Shops, i.e. so you will be left without resources and science. Resources will have to be purchased at extortionate prices, and you can’t buy science at all in My Lands. So, it makes sense to postpone the construction of the Golden City until later, until an urgent need arises (for example, the need to build hordes of Mercenaries, feed a huge army, or buy black iron at an auction).

When planning a city, it is very important to find a good square. It is important that it is located at the correct distance from your capital: ideally, two kingdoms on the third. This will allow in the near future to optimize the work of researchers in searching for new Ruins and External Domains, as well as to carry out effective management cities. It is important that the cell contains a city of level 5 or, at worst, level 4 (important for the later stages of the game, when it will really matter). If the city is “resource-rich”, it is important that the villages have a lot of the resource you need. I’ll immediately clarify what “a lot” is: a lot of stone on the Mountain terrain is more than 16 (ideally 12 cells with stone in villages) cells in the amount of stone; iron – 4 cells in the Desert terrain (maximum one in each village); cereals - from 6 to 8 cells on the Steppe terrain (maximum 2 cells in each village).

The search for the cell is carried out by researchers in “manual mode”. Of course, it is better to have more Explorers and free time, although at the beginning of the game, pumping up the Expeditionary Force above level 2 is more than problematic (by the way, nothing prevents you from building 2 expeditionary forces in cities!) Select the kingdom in which you want to find a cell.

  • Search example

    Let's say you are a Dark Elf and want to find a cell with a large number of cells with iron (we will look in the desert to get the maximum bonus to production, ideally with 4 cells with iron, 1 in each village). Find a kingdom that has many of these cells (and that is located at the “correct” distance from your capital).

    Notice the area on the right with a lot of "desert" cells. Our task is to minimal amount“moves” of Researchers to explore the maximum number of Villages. At the same time, we are primarily interested in which cells are definitely not suitable for us. And these are the cells in the Villages of which there will be no iron!

    Algorithm for finding a suitable cell

    We begin the study from the 43rd cell. This way we will immediately find out whether there will be iron in the villages both on the 43rd cell itself and on the cells surrounding it. I repeat, our task is to find a cell with the maximum number of resource “iron” cells. Let's say we discovered that on the 43rd cell we have iron only in the upper-right and lower-right Villages. What does it mean?

    Firstly, cell 43 is not suitable for us to build an “iron” city. Secondly, the 42nd cell is not suitable for us (after all, the upper right and lower right Villages are common to the 43rd cell, i.e. purely physically on the 42nd cell we cannot have more than 2 cells with iron!) Also the 34th, 51st, and 52nd cells become of little interest - there will be no more than 3 cells with iron. Thirdly, the 44th cell is of particular interest, where we have already indirectly discovered 2 cells with iron.

    Now, if we examine the 45th cell, we will find out not only the number of iron units in the Villages of the 45th cell itself and the number of cells for the city, but also the number of resource cells in the Villages on the 44th cell. Thus, if on the 44th cell we indirectly discover 4 cells with iron, we will only have to send a Researcher there in order to determine the number of cells for the city. We are interested in such cells where you can insert a city of maximum level 5 (or, at worst, level 4). It is undesirable to found cities of a lower level - we will never be able to upgrade the Underground Bastion in such cities to the maximum level.

    Please note that by examining all 5 cells I have selected (27, 43, 45, 61, 63) you will get an idea of ​​the resources in 18 “desert” cells of the kingdom I have chosen as an example. This approach will significantly save time when searching!

    Summary of stage 2 of the game:

  • Your main goal is to study Colonization and prepare a Settler. The second city will give a huge boost to the development of science and the economy of your empire, and will also become an excellent base for the future search and farming of Ruins.
  • Build several Explorers and explore the cells you are interested in according to the algorithm described above. Look for a place for a second city, preferably several. The cell you like may attract the attention of another, more agile player.
  • Rob Dead Cities, invest resources in improving the capital, save resources for the construction of a future second city. Remember that you will need many Merchants to transport resources!
  • Do not arrange military adventures - the time has not yet come to go to the Ruins and start wars with your neighbors.
  • Build and stock an army: Porters, Horsemen, Flyers and Healers. Don't build anyone else.
  • Under no circumstances take quest rewards - troops. Complete quests, don't take rewards. They can be taken at any time, so let it be the “right” moment. Troops taken as a reward will raise your rating and require money for food. You don’t need either one right now, otherwise you’ll be left with an absurd, voracious army, with which you won’t be able to go to any Ruins.
  • Do not take “extra” resources as rewards for quests. You will need a lot of resources when building a city, then you will take them.
  • We provide our own guide to developing a golden civilization in the game My Lands. At the end of 2011, we decided to check the truth of the words of the game developers about the possibility of making money real money in the game My Lands. We, programmers, are interested not so much in the opportunity to earn money, but in the opportunity to earn money passively, that is, with minimal human presence in the game.

    The results of our experiment are presented in a series of guides detailing the development of cities in the game.

    Sequence of game guides on the development of civilization for making money in My Lands

    1 Week. Registration, development of the capital.

    Week 2. Development of the capital, foundation of the second city.

    Week 3. Development of cities, foundation of a third city.

    4-5 weeks. Development of cities, training in the transportation of resources, training of merchants.

    Week 6. Urban development, construction of a scientific city.

    7-8 weeks. Urban development, urban expansion.

    9-10 weeks. Urban development, urban defense.

    11-12 weeks. Development of cities, foundation of the fifth city.

    13-15 weeks. Completion of urban expansion, start of participation in auctions.

    Part 10 - 16+. Completion of the guide. Summing up the development results.

    Additional guides to help in the development of civilization:

    Written and unwritten rules for auctions in My Lands.

    On which terrains to build cities in the game.

    Guide to farming ruins in My Lands.

    As in any game, there are more and less successful players. Successful players would give a lot that you didn't learn about the 10 rules of successful gameplay. Now everyone has the opportunity to analyze their gaming strategy My lands and avoid repeating common mistakes. So, the purpose of this article is to introduce you to 10 rules that should not be broken when playing online strategy My lands.

    My lands rule 1: Never build cities on adjacent squares.
    My lands rule 2: Don't build multiple cities in one kingdom.
    My lands rule 3: Never build cities on “foreign” terrain, especially if it is the terrain of the opposite faction.
    My lands rule 4: Never build cities for resource extraction in territory that does not have a mining bonus of this type resources.
    My lands rule 5: Never take extra bonus troops.
    My lands rule 6: Never leave cities in My lands unprotected.
    My lands rule 7: Never leave your army unattended!
    My lands rule 8: Don't let your troops lose.
    My lands rule 9: Never rush into Mercenaries.
    My lands rule 10: Don't play alone.

    My lands rule 1: Never build cities on adjacent cells.

    Since nearby cities in My lands have common settlements, which means that some of them are deprived of the opportunity to build in settlements (and this is a loss of 8 to 16 free cells for development!) All of the above applies to both your own cities and the cities of other players. But if buildings in another player’s village adjacent to you can be demolished, then what will you do with your own villages? Think about this before you build.

    My lands rule 2: Do not build several cities in one kingdom.

    By placing several cities in one place, you not only reduce the effectiveness of searching and capturing Ruins, but also increase the chances of a simultaneous attack on your cities. Every well-located city in My lands plays a role in the player's overall strategy. Why deprive yourself of strategic initiative?

    Optimal location of cities in My lands- at a distance of two or three kingdoms from the capital. When planning the relative location of cities, try to build cities around the capital, so that it is then more convenient to move resources and armies, as well as carry out combat missions from a protected central city.

    My lands rule 3: Never build cities on “foreign” terrain, especially if it is the terrain of the opposite faction.

    As is known, the “native” terrain of each Race in My lands gives a bonus +25% protection to troops, but does not give economic bonuses / disbonuses.

    Construction on the terrain of your faction, but not your “native” one, significantly reduces the efficiency of the city, because does not provide any bonuses to defense or bonuses to resource production.

    Construction on the terrain of the opposite faction is actually an invitation to the players of the enemy faction to visit: in battle they will have a +25% bonus in defense, you will not.

    My lands rule 4: Never build cities for resource extraction in territory that does not have a bonus to the extraction of this type of resource.

    Still at the registration stage My lands players, when choosing a race, will learn about the bonuses of each race to loot certain type resource. This bonus should be used in every possible way, combined with the terrain bonus.

    However, no less important for resource extraction is the influence of the terrain. An attempt to extract timber in the desert or grain in the mountains (i.e. in territories with disbonus) eliminates the racial bonus and the effectiveness of such extraction is close to zero.

    The possibility of extracting resources (except for gold and timber) is limited by the number of “resource spots” in each city and its villages; the more there are, the better. For grain mining, 5-8 spots are optimal, for stone mining, 10-14 spots, for iron, 3-4 spots. Try to find cells for the location of a city of the maximum (5th) level. Keep this in mind when planning where to build cities.

    Exception to the rule: since not a single terrain is in the game My lands(By at least, for now!) has no effect on the speed of learning science, the location for the location of scientific cities can be chosen arbitrarily.

    My lands rule 5: Never take extra bonus troops.

    Firstly, before taking the quest reward (troops), be sure to study the corresponding “military” science to the maximum level 3. Otherwise, you will have to spend resources and population to upgrade your troops. Who needs extra costs?

    Secondly, by receiving “quest” troops, you can gain an amount of rating that will lead to an unplanned change in your game rank, and this requires preparation. An army that scores easy victories over level 3 ruins will suffer heavy losses from level 4 ruins!

    Remember that a complex army in My lands(with the presence of all types of units) you will only need at the rank of Suzerain (5*). Receiving the title of Suzerain (5*) is a ticket to Big world My Lands games!

    My lands rule 6: Never leave cities in My lands unprotected.

    Good protection

    Best defense in the game My lands - comprehensive protection. Fortifications and Towers (regular and magical) increase military power and destroy attacking troops, while the Anti-Spy Guilds and Mirrors do not allow the enemy to look into your city, and thereby prevent the very possibility of an attack! Few would risk sending an attack into the unknown.

    All defensive buildings in My lands require periodic and timely upgrades. Approximate diagram is this:

    At the rank of Esquire (1*) there will be enough defensive buildings of level 1-2 (mirrors at the rank of Esquire (1*) and Captain (2*) can not be built yet);

    The rank of Captain (2*) requires level 2-3 buildings;

    At the rank of Marshal (4*), it is necessary to have defensive buildings of levels 4-5.

    By the time you receive the title of Suzerain (5*), several fortifications, both Towers and mirrors in the capital must be upgraded to level 5.

    An extremely effective (albeit one-time) defense for My lands is represented by Mercenaries in combination with a magical Tower. Keep them in the Shelter and take them out a minute before the attack arrives in the required quantity. By sacrificing himself, each mercenary can destroy up to 25-30 enemy mercenaries!

    My lands rule 7: Never leave the army unattended!

    No matter how solid your army is in My lands and no matter how pumped up the hero is, do not leave the army in garrison while not in the game. How many players have already paid for their carelessness or self-confidence! This is not difficult at all - hide your army in the Vault or close the city Gate every time you plan to go offline.

    You should also remember the potential vulnerability of the hero and the army during campaigns. The ruin your troops are going to on a mission can be scanned by other players. You will not find out about this until, exactly upon your return, your troops are met by a horde of enemy Mercenaries.

    The best way to protect yourself from active hunters for Faction rating the opposing faction - use the Temple (this will not allow players to initiate attacks).

    List of players in the temple

    If you do get caught, you can minimize losses by:

    “Native” terrain bonus (see Rule No. 5);

    Upgraded fortifications (see Rule No. 6);

    Hero skills (along with the effects of artifacts and scrolls);

    Pumped up Resurrectionist.

    It would also be a good idea to have a small supply of Black Pearls (BL) in case you need to quickly close the city gates or buy additional protection.

    There is another method used by the most cautious players My lands: calculate the time of sending the mission in such a way that by the time the army returns, the city gates will already be closed. The returning army “infiltrates” into the city, but the enemy army attacks the city with closed gates can't anymore.

    My lands rule 8: Avoid losing troops.

    Playing My lands make it a rule not to send an attack without calculating the worst-case scenario of the battle on the game calculator. By and large, the army and the hero are the most valuable things you have in the game My lands. The game rating and speed of development also directly depend on the availability of troops.

    A lost army can be resurrected or rebuilt, but this requires time - the most precious resource. A hero who receives the “stunned” status as a result of an unsuccessful battle will be delayed in development for several days. What if at this very moment you find the Archruin?

    If you need to carry out a risky attack, use mercenaries.

    My lands rule 9: Never rush into Mercenaries.

    Despite the previous point, remember that even a unit as cheap and quick to mass produce as a mercenary costs money, population and time to produce. A thousand Mercenaries means 100 thousand gold, a thousand population and, most importantly, a day or two for production!

    Any attack in the game My lands should be profitable, this also applies to the attack with “disposable” mercenaries: the amount of factional experience gained from players of the opposing faction, or the resources received from the Ruins must be greater than or at least equal to your costs in manpower-per-strike .

    Game experience My lands shows that it is often more profitable to attack the Ruin together with an ally(and divide the costs and arrive in half) than to bring it down alone, sacrificing thousands of your own Mercenaries.

    My lands rule 10: Don't play alone.

    My Lands is not only a military-economic, but also a political strategy. Exchange Ruins with other My lands players, form alliances with active players, and focus on the balance of power in your region.

    When choosing allies, keep in mind that players of the same faction will most likely be interested in completing quests together, and forming alliances with players of the opposite faction can be useful in the fight for the Outer Realms with the aggressive neighbors of your faction.

    Studying the Player Rating, Clan and Faction ratings will give a lot useful information. Join a strong clan or an “academy” with a strong clan, this will speed up development, simplify tasks when completing quests and generally promote an active exchange of experience.

    Find a good Deputy. If he is from the same time zone as you, you will be able to effectively collaborate and collaborate while online together. In turn, a player from a different time zone (or simply living on a different schedule:) will be useful in that he will look after your possessions during your absence, will not allow mining buildings and barracks to stand idle, and will protect cities from attacks.

    My Lands- in the end, social game. In many ways, the success and comfort of your game will depend on communication with the surrounding players. The fact is that not the strongest player with whom you maintain good neighborly relations on one server can provide you with invaluable help when playing on another server. Remember that the reverse model can also work.