Cigarettes eco. What is iQOS and how to use it

What can be considered a gadget, in our case a digital one? Until recently Appliances, for example, was not even close to the words “hi-tech” and “ high tech" And then household appliances received Wi-Fi, automatic food ordering on the Internet - and away we go. Refrigerators have appeared on the market, the filling of which can be checked remotely from a smartphone. They even have their own camera inside for this.

The story with electronic cigarettes is much the same. At some point, from devices with proprietary connectors and a relatively simple design, they turned into a dozen variations, differing in literally everything, from materials and components to firmware capabilities. Therefore, when Philip Morris announced the launch of a new device on the Ukrainian market, we were not at all surprised. iQOS has its own battery, controllers, and flashing LEDs, so it deserves to be called a gadget.

What is this?

The company calls it that: “iQOS tobacco heating gadget.” Developed by Philip Morris International for use with branded sticks. The iQOS kit consists of a charging container, a heat stick holder, a cleaning and charging kit.

How it works?

Hit sticks, which look like half a cigarette, are inserted into a special holder. The blade in the holder threads the stick and then needs to warm up for 20 seconds. The sticks use whole rolled tobacco leaves, impregnated with a propylene glycol-based aerosol, and a special filter, also similar in appearance to a cigarette.

The heating temperature of tobacco throughout the entire cavity of the stick reaches an average of 300°C. Thus, the system, which is called Heat-control, heats the tobacco rather than burning it. Due to the aerosol with which the tobacco is impregnated, steam is formed, whereas in conventional cigarettes the tobacco burns, and its temperature reaches 900°C.

How to use it?

The stick is used like a traditional cigarette. The battery is in the holder and in the charging container. The holder charges in about 6 minutes. It lasts for 6 minutes. warming the tobacco or 13–14 puffs, depending on how the person puffs. The holder contains traction sensors. When the stick is left for two puffs, the red light on the holder lights up.

If you don’t have time or change your mind about using the stick, you can put it aside and after 6 minutes. the holder will turn off. After use, the holder must be inserted into the charging container. The battery in the container is enough for 20 sticks. The entire iQOS needs to be charged via the included two-amp power supply with MicroUSB.

Ergonomically, iQOS is very comfortable. The body is made of plastic that is pleasant to the touch. To open the lid you need to use the button. You cannot open the lid like gasoline lighters, as the latch will be damaged. The diodes are clearly visible and accompany all stages of charging, both the holder and the container.

All removable elements do not require much effort. Assembly and disassembly is intuitive. During assembly, you need to pay attention to the location of the elements (for example, when removing the upper part of the holder and connecting the halves of the capsule with the brushes), since the guides can be damaged.

Depending on the frequency of use, the blades in the holder need to be cleaned from time to time using the supplied brushes. There is a special stick for the slot in the moving part of the holder.

Basically, for regular use, you need to have a container with a holder and a pack of sticks with you. In terms of volume - not much more than in the case of cigarettes.

It’s not for nothing that the manufacturer warns that you should mix regular cigarettes and iQOS is not recommended. The tobacco and the principle in them are different, so the consequences of mixing may not be the most “tasty”. In our case, regular cigarettes were not smoked at all.

However, at first taste sensations were contradictory. The taste of tobacco in heated sticks was reminiscent of heated bread. Not exactly unpleasant, but at least unusual, and some may not like it. Over time, the taste and smell become more like cigarettes. But the main observation is that they are more neutral and not caustic, like regular cigarettes (without the admixture of burnt paper). By the way, iQOS offers sticks with both regular tobacco and the addition of menthol. The difference in taste is similar to classic cigarettes. For those who like a spectacular process and blowing smoke, the latter is not here at all, only an aerosol.

What can you say after a couple of weeks of use? Preparing for the process with iQOS is, of course, easier than in the case of rolling papers and pipes. The motility of the smoking process has been preserved, although it is slightly different. Cigarettes and vaporizers are the most efficient, but these are completely different variations.

iQOS is closer to a traditional ritual than to vaping. Therefore, if we compare them by cost, the resulting prices for sticks are comparable to expensive brands of cigarettes. But in addition you need to buy the device itself.

Is it harmful to health?

Bad habits are a personal matter for everyone, and here we rely on the discretion of our readers. IN in this case Philip Morris International made sure that cigarette smokers received an equivalent to high-quality tobacco, and at the same time created as little discomfort as possible for others. There is no ash or smoke from iQOS at all, and there is less smell. However, in terms of saturation efficiency, iQOS is at a sufficient level. This is not noticeable at first, but becomes more pronounced after a week of use.

By the way, the company’s press release provides interesting research results. Thus, iQOS contains 90-95% less harmful and potentially harmful substances compared to the so-called reference cigarette from research, and a three-month study recently conducted in Japan clinical trial showed that among smokers who switched completely to iQOS, there was a reduction in exposure to 15 harmful and potentially harmful substances across 15 biomarkers, which is comparable to the effect observed in smokers who quit smoking during their participation in the study.

What should you buy?

You can buy sticks, as well as the system itself, in Ukraine, Japan, Switzerland, Italy, Romania, Germany, Portugal, Monaco and Russia. For now, sets and separate components are sold only in iQOS branded stores. The price of the “container + holder + cleaning set + charging + 2 blocks” set is 2099 UAH. A pack of regular or menthol sticks costs 50 UAH, and a block of 10 packs costs 300 UAH. The manufacturer also indicates other variations of purchases described above.

Container battery: 2900 mAh

Holder battery: 120 mAh

Charging interface: MicroUSB

Container dimensions: 112×51×21 mm

Holder dimensions: 93×15×15 mm

The modern world does not stand still. New trends and tendencies are being created at breakneck speed to keep up with the times. It is difficult for corporations today, given the incredible turnover in the industry healthy image life. Now if "Cola" - then the "light" version, if flour products- gluten-free, if the protein is soy, if it is cigarettes, then without toxic tars that poison our lungs and lead to cancer.

Today, many sophisticated users electronic cigarettes and vapers liked the new product of the Swiss company, which we will talk about in this article. Its tactile and taste benefits have captivated many vapers and nicotine addicts. You only have to try the effects of this product once, and you can forever forget about the smoky cigarettes everyone is used to. New technologies are breaking through the barricades of age-old traditions. But who said that this is bad?

Gadget for heating tobacco - IQOS cigarettes

So, the product of Philip Morris International, “an innovation from Swiss scientists,” is a simple, but truly ingenious device that has been able to positively impact the lives of many people. We will consider in detail the characteristics and components of IQOS, reviews and recommendations for use.

The gadget's delivery package is called IQOS Kit, it contains everything necessary elements to get started: holder, pocket charger, cleaning kit, power supply, USB/microUSB cable and, of course, instructions for IQOS.

IQOS is a device for heating tobacco using electricity; it is used in conjunction with special tobacco sticks, which must be purchased separately, as is the case with regular cigarettes. Sticks for IQOS have the shape of small cigarettes with a filter, but the tobacco inside the wrapper is not cut into strips and stuffed into paper wrappers, but is longitudinally oriented and laid in strips along the axis of the stick. In fact, there is a similarity to a paper-wrapped cigar. The holder is made of high quality plastic with a matte surface.

The design of the holder consists of the following set: the main body with contacts at the bottom, in which the battery is installed, a steel tube with a ceramic heating element inside and a removable cap. The pocket charger, like the product itself, is made of white plastic. Outwardly, it resembles a PowerBank with an opening lid; inside there is a slot for a holder. The lid is locked in the closed position with a latch and opens by pressing a special button.

The end of the charger has indicators for the charging holder and the charger itself, as well as indicators for the self-cleaning mode of the heating element. Below there are two buttons - a button to start the manual cleaning mode and the main power button. On the other side of the charging block IQOS cigarettes Factory markings, information about the manufacturer and model of the device are posted. In order to charge the gadget's battery, you need to use the microUSB connector, which is located on the bottom of the case.

IQOS tobacco heating system:

1. First, you need to charge the holder by placing it in the charger.

2. Before you start using it, you need to charge the device using an adapter and cable. Very important: insert the holder with the button facing forward towards the charger indicator panel. In fact, it is simply impossible to insert the holder incorrectly into the docking station. Therefore, it is not worth making an effort if, upon entering, he does not go inside immediately. Charging status is shown on the top indicator. It blinks while the holder is charging and goes off when it is charged. At this moment, the charger goes into standby mode.

3. Open the charger cover and remove the holder from the dock.

5. Check the readiness status using the green indicator light.

6. The tobacco stick must be inserted down into the hole in the tobacco part receiver, simply pressing on it in the filter area.

7. Press and hold the button until the LED starts flashing and release. The heating process of the ceramic blade has started, which lasts about 20 seconds. When the device is ready for use, this will be indicated by the indicator, which will light up with a constantly flashing green light.

Actually, according to reviews, IQOS are very similar to regular cigarettes: you need to pull it into yourself. The process is the same, but the result is much nicer.

The most important difference between IQOS and traditional cigarettes is that the tobacco and the paper wrapper around it do not burn. If in a regular cigarette tobacco smoldering occurs at a temperature of 800 degrees, then in the IQOS tobacco heating system it is heated by a ceramic blade to a temperature of 300 degrees. The liquid evaporates and the user inhales vapor with a tobacco flavor and, of course, nicotine. It is worth noting that the concentration of resins and harmful substances is reduced by almost 95-98 percent, that is harmful effect is almost reduced to nothing, and only the pleasant feeling of using IQOS remains. Because of this, doctors’ reviews of the tobacco smoking system are only positive.

What do they say about her? simple people? The IQOS system has the following reviews.

Users note that relatively side effects the situation is much more pleasant than when smoking cigarettes: there is no unpleasant tobacco smoke, there is still some smell when using IQOS, but it rather resembles the subtle aroma of fresh tobacco. There is no ash at all, this is due to the fact that the tobacco does not burn. In addition, using IQOS sticks does not give such a sharp unpleasant odor like cigarette butts.

Bonuses from using an IQOS device

  • Your hands don't stink.
  • There is no characteristic odor from the mouth (and if you use a menthol stick, your breath takes on a pleasant menthol smell).
  • You can safely use IQOS while indoors or in a car. There is no need to worry about residual odors and ash.

Quit smoking with IQOS

The manufacturer categorically states that IQOS is not a way to quit smoking cigarettes. But, according to many users, having started smoking in school age, they are addicted to the ritual itself, which indicates emotional rather than physiological dependence.

As the experience of smokers shows, after a month of using IQOS, you no longer want to smoke regular cigarettes; the smell makes you gag. Cigarette smoke becomes really disgusting for them, and they stop going back to regular cigarettes. Thus, tobacco addiction becomes more pleasant and less harmful, because the lungs are freed from constant exposure to harmful tars. Reviews from doctors confirm this.

How you feel after using IQOS: harm and benefit

A week after using IQOS, users notice that their throat wheezing, characteristic of smoking cigarettes, disappears. Tars and harmful small particles enter smokers' lungs and settle there. Thus, there is hope that with the help of IQOS you can cleanse your lungs.

Taste qualities of tobacco when using IQOS

After 3-4 sticks, smokers notice that this type of smoking is much better if flavored with a cup of good coffee. In total, the manufacturer offers two flavors - traditional and menthol. Menthol, as statistics show, is in great demand.

IQOS price: sticks or cigarettes

As a rule, the percentage of tobacco in a tobacco stick is slightly less than in regular cigarettes. Just like a cigarette pack, there are 20 of them in a pack. It is not recommended to smoke more sticks than the number of regular cigarettes smoked. That is, complete replacement occurs. Thus, the price of IQOS sticks will not differ from the cost of ordinary cigarettes, for example, “Parliament”. In total, the cost of the smoking kit will be about 3,500 rubles.

It is recommended to clean the holder using the supplied kit. If you do not adhere to this recommendation, you may notice the appearance of a bitter taste while smoking. The gadget auto-cleanses from time to time. The “sun” indicator will tell you about this. Like all electronic devices, IQOS can freeze - it can crash approximately once every three weeks. In this case, the ability to reboot the device can help. Resetting the settings occurs by holding two main buttons - power and self-cleaning. It is necessary to insert the tobacco stick all the way into the receiver of the holder, because this is what will provide a richer taste.


The disadvantages of this electronic device Users may attribute weak indicator LEDs - it is sometimes very difficult to see what is happening with the device in inconvenient lighting. In addition, the charger latch often fails, so it is recommended to close the lid by holding down the lock button while closing it.


The world does not stand still, nor do human passions. Those who until recently thought that their habits could no longer be changed leave reviews about the IQOS system positive character. Many people say that IQOS really helps reduce exposure to harmful chemical substances on the body, and are surprised to notice that they are irrevocably involved in the process of smoking tobacco sticks.

Created: 10/27/2017 11:05

Updated: 10/27/2017 12:33

In May 2017, a material entitled “Comparative studies of the component composition of cigarettes and “Parliament” sticks for the iQOS tobacco heating system” appeared on the website of the Pogar Tobacco Factory. The study provides answers to questions such as: “How much nicotine is in Parliament sticks for iQOS?”, “Do the sticks contain glycerin?”, “ Passive smoking?". It will be interesting.

For those who want to delve into the issue and draw their own conclusions, here is a link to the study. Quotes in our material are exclusively from this study.

In the course of their work, scientists disassemble the Parliament stick and a classic cigarette of a similar brand into their components and examine them, starting from the paper and ending with the composition of the tobacco mixture.

The first discovery I made is that Heat-Not-Burn technology itself is not something completely new. It has been known since the 80s of the last century and there have already been attempts to launch it into the market, but commercial results were weak. Decades later, Philip Morris International is trying to do it again.

Physico-chemical study of Parliament sticks for iQOS

The study of the physicochemical properties of the components of Parliament cigarettes and sticks was carried out in a specialized laboratory of OJSC “Pogarsk Cigarette and Cigar Factory” (certificate No. 520 dated November 6, 2015, FBU Bryansk Center for Medical Research) according to the methods outlined in the bibliography [8]. The results of these studies are given in table. 1 and 2. The purity of all reagents used in the work was at least 98%.

During the comparison physical and chemical composition Parliament tobacco sticks with classic cigarettes of this brand, scientists come to the following conclusions:

  • iQOS sticks are filled with reconstituted tobacco produced using injection molding technology. To test this hypothesis, the tobacco mixture from the stick was dissolved in a glass of water for 1 minute and, as a result, settled to the bottom in the form of a finely dispersed mixture. It is impossible to dissolve a tobacco mixture from classic cigarettes in water under such conditions;
  • reconstituted tobacco for Parliament sticks most likely uses similar Virginia and Burley tobaccos;
  • in a stick tablet the content of pyrolysates is almost 2 times higher, and the content of sugars and proteins is higher. Researchers attribute this fact to technological additives in the mixture of cellulose, triacetin and glycerin.

The authors of the work, for their part, confirm that, indeed, the ignition temperature of cellulose and lignin is about 450 degrees Celsius, which helps reduce the consumption of carbon dioxide by the smoker, but emphasize that the ignition temperature of other components of the cigarette is significantly lower and at a temperature of the iQOS heating element of 350 degrees, they burn perfectly, producing the same CO2.

The next stage of work was testing iQOS on a special “smoking” stand.

A few facts about temperature:

  • at the moment of puffing, the temperature of the tobacco part rises to 210 degrees;
  • the temperature of the incoming dispersion mixture at the outlet of the filter fluctuates in the range of 30 - 40 degrees;

Nicotine content in Parliament sticks for iQOS

Sample name

Glycerol, g/g

Propylene glycol, g/g

Nicotine mg/g

Cigarette tobacco

Tobacco sticks

That is, one stick before smoking contains 1.982 mg of nicotine, which is 2 times more than in the classic Parliament Night Blue cigarette! Considering that the tobacco content in a stick is 2 times less than in a classic cigarette, it is hypothesized that nicotine is additionally artificially added to the tobacco mixture at the stage of its preparation.

The authors of the study also draw attention to the presence of a “lateral jet from tobacco heating products.” In this case, there is a risk of inhalation of heated tobacco products by non-smokers who are close to the iQOS user. Scientists remind that according to the statement of the "Community public health“There is no safe level of side emissions from tobacco products. This means that the risk of passive consumption remains!

At the same time, despite the fundamental difference in the method of consumption, regular cigarettes and sticks are similar: a) a fully automated product production process; b) the presence of raw tobacco; c) the fact of the presence of thermal dynamic processes leading to the formation of both the main and side jets of the corresponding emissions - smoke or aerosol; d) the ability to control the physical and chemical parameters of products, according to at least, in terms of component weight, drawing resistance, nicotine and propylene glycol content. These facts may be a logical basis for using the same government regulations for both conventional cigarettes and sticks for iQOS systems.

Well, don’t forget that we’re working the presence of glycerin and propylene glycol in Parliament sticks is confirmed. Smokers who previously used vapes have already guessed about this for a long time.

The authors’ opinion about the belt filter, which is made of a food-grade polymer with a low glass transition temperature, is also very interesting. That is, when a certain temperature is exceeded, it bakes and stops passing the aerosol, which protects the consumer from burns.

And finally, the researchers confirm:

Comparing the chromatograms in Fig. 9, 10 it is necessary to state that smoke from traditional cigarettes is significantly more toxic than condensation products of aerosol sticks, because Cigarette filters after smoking contain pyrolysis products such as benzene, toluene and xylene. The aerosol condensate on the end filters of the sticks contains ethers acetic acid, most likely formed during the heating process.

It is noted that:

In addition, the stick aerosol contains toxic furfural. The formation of furfural (t boil = 161.7 °C) is most likely associated with the thermal destruction of sugars - glucose and fructose. ...... Furfural is toxic substance, affecting nervous system, irritating skin and mucous membranes, convulsions, paralysis. With chronic action, it can cause eczema, dermatitis, chronic runny nose

Tobacco Futurity follows with interest emerging research into emerging tobacco consumption systems. We are glad that Russian scientists are taking part in this process.

I wrote a review about IQOS II generation device, and, as promised, I’m writing a review about the sticks that you need to buy for it, because... nothing else fits this device.

IN this review we'll talk about Parliament Blue sticks, it was with them that my acquaintance with IQOS began.

Now sticks with a different name and flavor have gone on sale in Russia, but since Parliament Blue sticks are still sold in some places, I hope my review will be relevant.

The sticks are sold in small packs, much smaller than a standard pack of cigarettes, and the sticks are, of course, shorter in size than regular cigarettes, only 4.5 cm.

A total of 20 pieces per pack. sticks, just like in cigarettes.

The most helpful information on the package this is what

Net weight of the tobacco mixture is 6.1 g.

They don't write that on packs of regular cigarettes. And here I personally have a question, how much nicotine is in one stick? I think the sales assistant told me that 0.6 mg/sig. And according to my feelings, this is true.

These sticks have a filter mouthpiece on one side, and the other part is filled, according to the manufacturers, with natural tobacco. Before inserting the stick into IQOS, you need to stretch it a little. Then turn on the device itself (with the stick already inserted) and smoke this stick. Nothing complicated.

Just one stick is enough for 14 puffs. According to my feelings, there are more of them in a cigarette, so at first it always seems like I’m missing something))). Then IQOS turns off, the stick must be pulled out, making sure to expand the device, well, and, in fact, that’s all.

Used sticks have an unpleasant odor, and in appearance they look like unused or slightly burnt.

There are two used sticks in the photo above, but they look different as you can see.

About 5 pieces out of a pack do not produce any vapor at all when smoked, apparently they have some kind of defect or something else. I have never come across half-empty sticks; they are always tightly packed. But what is it all about?

The contents of the stick are similar in appearance and smell to tobacco, but it is somehow in the form of strips and glued together.

The taste of these sticks is specific, I would say, but quite tolerable, and you get used to it.

Of course, there is a smell, although I feel it very faintly, and, of course, it cannot be compared with the smell of a smoked cigarette! But non-smokers and people who are sensitive to smells smell it immediately and, as a rule, they don’t like it. So whether you can, for example, smoke IQOS in a room with a non-smoking colleague is a big question))). It's better to go out if you're not alone.

Of course, there is some chemical involved, but in any case, the sticks are much nicer to use than regular cigarettes. Although you should always remember that everything is good in moderation. Well, it’s better not to smoke anything at all, and not to vape))).

Well, the price is 130 rubles. does not look cheap at retail, although this, as I understand it, average price for 1 pack of cigarettes.

Thank you all for your attention!