Severe rash on the face of a baby. Rashes (rash) on the face in newborns ─ what to do

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The appearance of a rash on the body of an infant or newborn does not exclude the presence of health problems in the child. It is important to react promptly and consult a doctor to rule out serious illnesses. The pediatrician will determine the causes of the problem and prescribe treatment if necessary.

Rash in a newborn (up to 4 weeks)

In newborn babies, the skin is very sensitive, so rashes on it are far from uncommon. But mothers need to be on alert, because the rash may not be physiological, but may be infectious in nature.

Rashes in newborns can be of the following types:




Hormonal rash in newborns

This type of rash is physiological. The reason for the appearance of rashes is hormonal changes in the baby’s body, adaptation to living conditions outside the mother’s womb and cleansing the baby’s blood of excess female hormones. In appearance, newborn acne is a small red rash localized on the face, head, neck, and back.

In order to get rid of neonatal rash (pustulosis), you must first distinguish it from other rashes (the pediatrician will do this). With the right approach in terms of personal hygiene of the baby, maintaining the necessary microclimate in the baby’s room and calmness on the part of the mother, the rash will go away on its own without drug intervention. Symptoms usually disappear after three weeks.

Allergic rash in a newborn

The factor causing the appearance of such a rash is an allergen of any origin. It can be food, household, chemical, natural, etc. That is, the following can influence the occurrence of an allergic reaction in the form of a rash:

Hygiene products.

Washing powder.

Food product.


Insects, animals, etc.

So, an allergy accompanied by a symptom such as a rash in a newborn occurs:

1. Food. Localization - the cheeks of a newborn. Such a rash on the face of a newborn appears when an allergen penetrates the food tract. This can happen if the mother is not eating properly, or if the formula is not suitable for the baby.

2. Contact. This is a reaction to an everyday irritant. The rash may occur in response to

Insect bite.

Skin injury.

The smell of paint.

Irritation from clothes.

Animal fur.

Rashes of this nature cause itching and burning. After eliminating the allergen and proper treatment, the baby’s skin is cleansed.

3. Medicinal. A rash can appear due to long-term drug treatment or immediately from a single dose of any medication against the background of an undeveloped immune system.

4. Hives. A complicated allergic reaction that looks similar to skin damage from nettles. The disease can have serious complications, especially for newborns. Therefore, if you suspect urticaria, you should not delay a visit to the pediatrician.


The skin of a newly born baby is exposed to a variety of factors in a new environment, significantly different from the comfortable womb of the mother, where he stayed and developed for 9 long months.

Most changes in the skin of a newborn baby in the first month of life are temporary. Small pimples on the face of a baby occur quite often in the first few weeks and then disappear without a trace. Such a physiological rash is normal and does not require specific treatment. But still, showing a child with a rash to a pediatrician will not be superfluous, especially if the pimples cause anxiety and discomfort to the baby.

Pimples on the face of a newborn baby can be caused by hereditary factors, infectious diseases (for example, molluscum contagiosum), or an allergic reaction. , hormonal disorders. An examination by a specialist, as well as the necessary tests, will help you start treatment on time and quickly stop the development of the disease.


Let's look at the reasons that cause the appearance of a rash on a baby's face and get acquainted with treatment options for the disease in each specific case:

Milia (closed comedones). Photo

Dotted yellowish or white papules that appear on the baby's face individually or in small groups. Such pimples are typical for many infants. Since the openings of the sebaceous ducts in immature glands form gradually, small blockages form;

There is no treatment for such acne on the skin, and as the glands mature, they disappear.

Small rashes on the face of a newborn due to an allergic reaction.

The most common reasons: the intake of allergens into the body through breast milk, as well as external irritants (particles of laundry detergents, shampoos, creams, wool, bedding).

Characteristic signs - red pimples on the face , redness on the skin, itching.

Symptoms disappear within a few days after the cause of the baby's allergy is eliminated;

Hormonal rashes. Photo

They usually appear on the baby’s face during the first 2 weeks after the baby’s birth. If during pregnancy there was an increased level of the hormone estrol in the mother’s body, then small red pimples may appear on the cheeks of the newborn baby, sometimes spreading to the back and neck. Often a small abscess forms in the center of the pimple.

No special treatment is required, since the rash will disappear once the hormonal balance is equalized. But you can lubricate the inflamed areas of the skin with a special baby cream if the child is bothered by itching;

Prickly heat. Photo

Small red pimples first appear in the cervical folds the baby's skin and can then spread to the baby's face.

Elimination of the disease: normalize the humidity in the room, pay more attention to hygiene procedures (regularly wipe the folds of the child’s skin with sanitary tampons or napkins);

Dysbacteriosis (diathesis).

In the first months of a child's life, the intestinal microflora gradually forms. If the number of pathogenic microorganisms exceeds the norm, dysbacteriosis develops and along with other symptoms of the disease (bloating, intestinal colic, problems with stool), rashes and redness may appear on the baby’s face;

Skin rashes caused by changing climatic conditions.

Sudden changes in atmospheric temperature or pressure, moving to another country can provoke the appearance of pimples on the face, head, and other parts of the body of a newborn baby;

Cold allergy. Photo

Some babies may be allergic to cold . The main symptom is rashes on the cheeks after a walk in the cold season. To prevent pimples from appearing, apply a special protective cream to your child's skin.


How to prevent the appearance of rashes on the baby’s skin and eliminate the causes if pimples do pop up on the face?

To prevent allergic rashes, eliminate foods from your diet that can cause allergens to appear in breast milk. If allergic pimples continue to appear, be sure to visit a pediatric allergist to eliminate the provoking factor. If necessary, the pediatrician will prescribe antihistamines suitable for the baby;

Wash off the detergents that you use while bathing your baby from the skin very carefully, as residues can cause irritation to the skin. The bathing products themselves must be suitable for the child’s delicate and sensitive skin and be hypoallergenic;

pimples can be treated with a swab containing manganese solution so that they dry out faster and disappear without a trace;

Remove food debris from your baby's cheeks very carefully. If there is a rash on the baby’s face, then strong friction in the area of ​​inflammation can lead to the penetration of microbes through the affected pimples;

Treating an infectious rash at home without consulting a specialist poses a danger to the baby’s health! Antiviral or antibacterial drugs can only be prescribed by a doctor!


Acne on the skin of a newborn causes confusion among parents. The baby is taken care of and looked after. The rash on the face, neck, and chest looks even more strange and frightening.

The appearance of skin rashes is not always a sign of improper or insufficient hygiene or illness. Sometimes the reason lies in the action of hormones. We will talk about hormonal rash in more detail in this material.

What it is

Acne on the skin of a newborn is not such a rare phenomenon; more than a third of all babies suffer from it. As the name suggests, the rash occurs as a result of hormonal changes.

Normally, it is characteristic of two age categories of children - newborns and adolescents. In the former, acne develops under the influence of maternal sex hormones, in the latter - under the influence of their own sex hormones, the production of which is an indispensable condition for the onset of puberty - the puberty period.

In babies, the rash does not develop immediately, but usually in the third week of independent life in this world, which is why the hormonal rash of newborns is often called three-week rash. These periods are not mandatory, so do not be surprised if skin rashes appear 7-10 days after birth.

In newborns, hormonal rash is considered a physiological phenomenon. It has nothing to do with skin diseases and poses no danger if you take proper care of the skin and prevent the rash from becoming infected with pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

Hormonal rash in children of other ages (preschool and primary school) - always a reason to visit a doctor, since hormonal changes are not normally typical for such guys.


In the last trimester of pregnancy, a woman experiences increased production of estrogen, a hormone that is needed to ensure normal labor. The hormone enters the child’s body in large quantities through the uteroplacental bloodstream.

After birth, the residual hormonal background of the mother continues to influence the functioning of the baby’s body, in particular causing its sebaceous glands to produce more subcutaneous fat than is required to protect the skin from environmental influences.

These excess subcutaneous sebum cause blockage of the sebaceous gland ducts, which are too narrow and therefore They physically cannot remove all the fat out. So, white, yellowish or grayish rashes - pimples - appear on the face, neck, and less often on the baby’s chest and head.

The action of the maternal hormone is not endless, and therefore acne of newborns (medical name - neonatal pustulosis) goes away after a few weeks without leaving a trace.

The speed of healing will depend on the individual characteristics of the child - for some, pimples go away in a week, for others - only after 20-30 days.

Symptoms and signs

Hormonal rash is most often localized on the face. Yellowish or whitish pimples - comedones appear on the nose, forehead, and chin. They appear less frequently on the cheeks. Sometimes pimples in a baby are localized on the ears and behind them, as well as on the neck and upper chest.

Pimples look closed small formations that are not prone to fusion and do not have purulent heads. There is no thickening of the skin around the rash, no signs of inflammation or redness.

The local immunity of children is not sufficiently developed, and therefore infection of pimples with pathogenic bacteria is possible. Such a complicated hormonal rash looks inflamed and is often accompanied by suppuration of individual elements.

In newborns, in addition to the rash, hormonal “shocks” are accompanied by swelling of the mammary glands (in both girls and boys), slight swelling of the scrotum in boys and labia in girls.

The skin rashes themselves in babies never hurt, do not itch, and do not create any inconvenience for the child. They worry parents more than the babies themselves.

How to distinguish from allergies?

It is not difficult to distinguish the rash that accompanies an allergy from a physiological rash. To do this, you need to carefully examine the baby and note several differences:

  • Location- a hormonal rash is localized on the face and neck, while an allergic rash can affect any part of the body. A rash on the cheeks is usually allergic, as is the case on the scalp. The rash on the nose and forehead is usually hormonal.
  • Appearance- allergic rashes do not have clear boundaries; individual elements of the rash tend to merge and form wider lesions - spots. The hormonal rash has clear outlines, never merges and is not accompanied by erythema (redness).
  • Associated symptoms- an allergic rash causes discomfort - itching, tingling, while a physiological rash does not itch or hurt. Allergies are often accompanied by a runny nose, conjunctivitis, a general deterioration in the baby’s well-being, increased moodiness, problems with sleep and appetite. Hormonal rash does not affect the child’s behavior or well-being in any way.

Parents of infants often confuse hormonal rashes and allergic rashes, especially since both are common in children in the first year of life.

How to distinguish from infection?

Many infectious diseases, including typical childhood ones - chickenpox, measles, scarlet fever and others, are also accompanied by skin rashes. It is also quite easy to distinguish an infectious rash from a hormonal rash:

  • Location- an infectious rash covers quite large areas of the skin; it can be scattered throughout the body. An exception is herpes simplex, which is localized in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, but the herpetic rash has a special characteristic appearance - small blisters with an inflamed edging.
  • Appearance- infectious rashes have clear outlines, like acne. But they are never comedones - closed pimples, popularly known as wen. With infections, the rash may be watery, purulent, red dotted, but not whitish or yellow.
  • Other symptoms - infections, in addition to rashes, are always accompanied by a clear clinical picture - increased body temperature, respiratory signs - cough, runny nose, changes in the condition of the tonsils, muscle pain, changes in the general condition of the child. Nothing similar is observed with a normal hormonal rash.


Hormonal rash in newborns does not require treatment. It is enough to monitor the condition of your skin and practice proper hygiene. It is very difficult for young mothers to remain inactive, to accept the fact that there is no need to do anything. Therefore, they can make their existence easier by paying attention to hygienic treatments.

A baby with neonatal hormonal rash can be washed once a day with a decoction of chamomile. Baths with a decoction of calendula or string will also be useful.

The appearance of red, pink or white rashes on the face (cheeks, chin), head, ears, stomach, and limbs of the baby makes young parents very nervous. Sometimes this phenomenon is quite harmless, but in some cases it indicates the development of a serious illness. Why do babies get rashes? What symptoms may accompany it? What to do if rashes are detected? Let's figure it out together.

Types of rashes in infants

Dermatologists classify all types of rashes in infants into 3 large groups. The classification is based on the reasons that caused the appearance of an unpleasant symptom on the baby’s skin. It is possible to determine which class the rash in a particular child belongs to only based on the results of a comprehensive examination. Varieties:

  1. infectious – have an infectious nature or are provoked by pathogens of infectious etiology;
  2. immunological - this group includes pimples formed as a result of contact with external irritants (temperature, friction, allergens);
  3. physiological (neonatal), arising due to hormonal changes in the child’s body.

Possible causes and associated symptoms

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A rash in infants appears for various reasons; it can be a symptom of a serious infectious disease, allergy, or a sign of hormonal changes in the body. Only a highly qualified pediatric dermatologist can accurately determine the nature of the rash, so it is better not to delay a visit to the doctor. You can clearly see the types of rashes and explanations in the photo accompanying the article.

Newborn adaptation

In the first 2-3 weeks (up to a month) after birth, the baby’s body adapts to unusual environmental conditions. During this period, a white hormonal rash often appears. It is also called neonatal or three-week. Dense pimples appear on the back, face, neck and head of the baby, similar to acne with white heads. Following good hygiene will help your child quickly get rid of the unpleasant symptom.

Improper care and poor hygiene

If parents neglect the rules of caring for the delicate skin of a newborn, the risk of a rash is also very high. Most often, babies develop heat rash. The rash is localized in the folds of the baby's skin - on the neck, groin, armpits, and back. This rash in infants and newborns can be eliminated using topical creams and gels and restoration of heat exchange.

Poor hygiene can also cause diaper rash. Urine and liquid feces are caustic and aggressive substances; if the baby’s skin comes into contact with them for a long time, parents note that irritation, diaper rash and sores appear. It occurs in children who spend a long time in wet, dirty diapers, or when diapers are not changed often enough.

Powder and frequent diaper changes are the best prevention of diaper rash and rashes.


Babies often develop allergic reactions of varying degrees of intensity. The reasons may be different - from an improper diet of a nursing mother to intolerance to medications prescribed by a doctor.

Itching, burning, other discomfort and rash in a newborn that are allergic in origin require differential diagnosis, since such reactions are divided into several types:

  • Atopic dermatitis. Rashes in the form of small blisters appear on the child’s legs, arms, chin, cheeks and buttocks. The rash is very itchy, so the baby becomes nervous and whiny.
  • Urticaria (we recommend reading:). A dangerous type of allergic reaction that can lead to anaphylaxis and angioedema. It looks like an abundant and small red rash, similar in appearance to a nettle burn (we recommend reading:). Sometimes blisters appear.
  • Allergy to medications. With long-term conservative treatment, a reaction to medications often occurs. It should be borne in mind that the fragile organism of a newborn, weakened by illness, may respond to drugs, even if the therapy is not too long.
  • Household/contact allergies. The delicate skin of a newborn or baby is constantly in contact with external irritants. Such ordinary everyday things as pet hair, strong odors of perfume or paint, and aggressive hygiene products can provoke allergies, and therefore rashes.
  • Food allergies (we recommend reading:). The red rash is most often observed on the baby's face (especially the cheeks), but can appear all over the body. The reasons are incorrectly selected adapted milk formula or errors in the diet of a nursing mother.

Infectious diseases

If a newborn is covered with red pimples, his body temperature has risen, there is a fever, we can talk about an infectious disease.

Before running to the pharmacy for a remedy for the rash, it is important to show the child to a neonatologist or pediatrician - incorrectly selected medications cause no less harm to the baby’s health than the infection itself. The rash can be caused by:

  • Thrush. This disease is caused by a special type of fungus. It responds well to drug treatment, but a whole range of drugs will be required. The rashes mainly spread to the mucous membranes. Some experts recommend treating such a rash with a strong soda solution.
  • Roseola (we recommend reading:). The symptoms are similar to those of rubella. The disease is caused by the herpes virus. Pimples tend to unite into large lesions, and the baby’s skin becomes very dry and begins to peel.
  • Measles, rubella. They are considered typical “childhood” diseases. Experts say that these diseases are most easily tolerated by patients aged 1-3 years; they have a much lower risk of complications. Heavy spots of the rash are accompanied by a significant increase in body temperature, loose stools, enlarged occipital lymph nodes, redness of the mucous membranes of the pharynx, nausea, vomiting and feverish conditions.
  • Scarlet fever. A highly contagious childhood disease. The rash quickly spreads over the entire surface of the child’s body, and the tonsils become inflamed. After the pimples are eliminated, flaky spots remain in their place. The disease requires urgent medical attention; the sick child must be isolated from others for 10 days.
  • Chickenpox. Heavy rashes spread throughout the baby’s arms, legs, back, stomach, and head. The rash consists of small pimples filled with a colorless liquid, similar to blisters. Over time, the blisters open, the crusts fall off, and stains remain in their place.

Other reasons

The reasons listed above most often provoke the appearance of blisters, pimples and spots on the baby's skin. However, in some cases, the symptom is provoked by diseases such as pemphigus (vulgar, hereditary, exfoliative). It is accompanied by the appearance of large elastic or soft bubbles. This is a serious illness that requires long-term treatment.

When infected with bacterial or streptococcal microflora, a baby may develop erysipelas - most often it is localized in the umbilical area. Sometimes babies develop pseudofurunculosis. This is an inflammatory process that affects not only the skin, but also the hair follicles. At first, the patient develops local redness, later - blisters filled with purulent contents.

How to deal with rashes in infants?

It is necessary to follow all the doctor’s recommendations, under no circumstances do you treat yourself and do not replace prescribed medications with traditional medicine. If the rash is physiological, then special therapy is not required.

Principles of therapy depending on the location of the rash:

  • Around eyes. Stop using wet wipes with alcohol and fragrances and choose other skin care cosmetics. Treat the affected areas and make lotions from mild tea leaves, give the baby a chamomile decoction as a drink.
  • On hands. Get tested to exclude/confirm an infectious disease. In case of allergies, identify and eliminate the allergen. If there is an infection, undergo a course of treatment (antibiotics may be required).
  • In the crotch. Regularly treat all folds of the baby's skin, bathe in warm boiled water - you can add a decoction of string or chamomile. Use hypoallergenic diapers and special creams for external use (for example, Bepanten).
  • On the stomach. Monitoring the diet of a nursing mother. Daily bathing in a bath with the addition of infusions of string or chamomile. Taking probiotics and antihistamines.
  • On the forehead. Refuse to wear hats. Wipe pimples with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Children over 1 year old can be given Fenistil drops orally.
  • On the neck. Avoid contact with allergens. To treat acne, you can use anti-inflammatory ointments (for example, Sudocrem).
  • On the cheeks. Eliminate food allergens. Give chamomile infusion and/or weak antihistamines to drink.

All parents want to see their baby healthy, rosy-cheeked and active. However, in infancy, any change in the baby's skin makes moms and dads fuss. For example, if a rash appears on the face of a newborn, parents may be perplexed: is this condition dangerous, is it a sign of illness? Or are rashes common among infants?

The rash appears on the skin in the form of certain elements with a characteristic appearance, color and texture. It may look like a lump, blister, pustule, red or white spot.

If you see a rash on your face, consult a doctor, as such external changes may indicate internal changes.

Still, it would be nice for parents to know about the main reasons for its manifestation.

Main causes of rashes

Types of rashes can be divided into several groups: infant hormonal rash, allergic problems, prickly heat, infectious rash. Each of them has its own reasons:

  1. Hormonal instability. At the beginning of life, the hormonal background of a one-month-old baby is in the debugging stage, so approximately 20% of newborns experience a similar type of rash. It is not contagious and does not require any treatment.
  2. Immature sebaceous glands. These pimples are called “milium” and are yellowish or white in color.
  3. Improper care behind the baby, excess moisture on the skin. All this leads to the formation of prickly heat.
  4. Allergies to foods consumed by the nursing mother, diapers, detergents, medications.
  5. Acclimatization. Pimples can appear under the influence of cold or sun, climate change.
  6. Infection. A rash may indicate the presence of an infectious disease.

When pimples are white


During gestation, the infant's placenta and pituitary gland accumulated a hormone that was passed on to the fetus. An excess of this hormone causes a so-called hormonal rash, which looks like small white or yellow pearls. Such acne also occurs against the background of adaptation to changing conditions around. This rash most often occurs on the face, but can be located anywhere on the body.


It has a similar appearance to acne and is caused by immature sebaceous glands. These whiteheads are completely normal and will go away within a few days of occurrence.

White pimples after birth are not dangerous and do not require special treatment

Both types of white pimples are not dangerous, not contagious, and do not require special care or treatment. Neonatal acne will go away in 2 months, and milia will disappear with the opening of the baby's sebaceous ducts.

If pimples are red

Prickly heat

If a small pink rash becomes noticeable on the child’s body, slightly convex to the touch, most likely he has heat rash. Its appearance is promoted by overheating of the baby, when the skin is too wet, and insufficient care for it. Miliaria itself is not contagious, and when the temperature is normalized and hygiene rules are observed, it disappears within a few days.

Allergic rash

Dietary diathesis is characterized by a red rash that covers the surface of the skin in uneven areas that peel. The baby behaves restlessly because the affected areas itch. This condition requires consultation with a doctor, since allergic diathesis does not go away on its own. Foods considered allergenic are excluded from the mother's diet (during breastfeeding): red fish, citrus fruits, tomatoes, nuts, whole milk.

If the rash is of allergic origin, the skin itches, flakes, and may crust over

Contact allergy its manifestations are similar to those of food, only the reasons for its occurrence are somewhat different: it is observed after contact with clothes washed with inappropriate powder, made of synthetic materials, as well as after the use of powders and creams with fragrances. To remove the symptoms of a contact allergy, you simply need to get rid of the source that causes it.

Inhalation allergy. They talk about it when an allergen enters through the upper respiratory tract. This is how a reaction to the flowering of certain plants, house dust, and the hair of beloved pets manifests itself. Allergy tests can be done using a blood test, but this method is effective only after 3 years of age.

Reaction to medications

When taking certain medications, rashes may occur on the body, in particular on the face. For example, a red rash can be a reaction to hormonal drugs or after antibiotic therapy, and not only when the child took them, but even the mother partially transmits the substances with milk. Vitamin complexes, iron and fluorine elements included in the drug, and even the shell itself can provoke a rash. If you suspect that the medication is causing the rash, you should stop taking it. If your pimples don't go away, see your doctor.


It occurs as an adaptive reaction to cold, heat, and sun rays. Small red bumps can be observed on the body and face. Such rashes cannot be treated. They pass as quickly as they appeared, without causing harm to the baby.

Infectious rash

Occurs as one of the symptoms accompanying a certain infection. In childhood, an infectious rash may indicate scarlet fever, measles, chickenpox, rubella, roseola infantum, or enterovirus infection.

Scarlet fever. In this case, a thick rash is initially localized locally on the neck, back and chest, after which it spreads to the entire body. Only the triangle formed by the lips and nose remains untouched. A bright scarlet rash is one of the first to signal the onset of the disease. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor using antibiotics.

This is what a face looks like when you have scarlet fever

Roseola infantile. An exclusively childhood disease that develops before the age of 2 years. The so-called three-day fever. The onset of the disease is characterized by a sharp, causeless increase in body temperature, which lasts exactly 3 days. After which, patches of red-pink rash appear on the body, disappearing from the 4th to the 7th day. The culprit is herpes viruses types VI and VII. In treatment, agents based on ibuprofen and paracetamol are used to lower the temperature.

Measles. In this case, a large bright red rash will appear only on the 3-5th day of illness against the background of a persistent increase in temperature. The first places it will affect are the face and ears, after which it spreads to the arms, neck, buttocks, and legs. In the case of measles, a rash that appears is a good sign, indicating that the patient's condition will soon improve. As soon as it stops spreading, the temperature will return to normal, and recovery is just around the corner.

The rash appears literally immediately, along with a high fever. The disease begins with a spot that turns into a vesicle. When it bursts, an abscess forms in place of the bubble. When it heals, a crust is visible in its place. With chickenpox, the rash covers the entire body, even the scalp. The temperature returns to normal within 3-5 days, the crusts disappear later.

This is what chicken pox looks like

Rubella. This disease is characterized by the appearance of acne on the third or fourth day after the fever and enlarged lymph nodes in the back of the head. The rash is thin and spreads to the face, arms, legs and torso. Compared to the measles rash, it is not as clear-cut. The child is given antipyretic drugs as needed. There is no specific treatment.

Enterovirus infection affects the mucous membranes of the mouth, hands and feet. A rash appears on them.

How to treat a rash

If you notice that your child is breaking out, in the first days you can alleviate the baby’s condition using the following actions:

  • wash the baby twice a day with boiled water;
  • bathe your baby in a herbal infusion or a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • wipe your face and other parts of the body with chamomile or chamomile decoction;
  • all things that the baby comes into contact with must be clean;
  • clean the room where the child is located every day and ventilate the room regularly;
  • change bed linen daily, remembering to iron it;
  • Do not take your baby to crowded places, as his immune system is now weakened.

Preventing rashes:

  • For breastfed babies, mothers should watch their diet. Of course, you want to treat yourself to something tasty, but during the feeding period it is worth refraining from allergenic foods for the sake of the baby;
  • if feeding occurs using formulas, it is preferable to choose hypoallergenic ones;
  • Bathe your baby every day, using only products special for children. It is also better to wash clothes with powder intended for children;
  • spend time in the fresh air as often as possible;
  • When changing clothes, leave the child naked for 10 minutes so that the skin can “breathe.” Make sure that the children's room is not too hot.

What not to do with pimples

  • squeeze out the contents: this can spread the infection over the entire surface;
  • wipe with alcohol sponges: dry out delicate skin;
  • use powder, fatty or hormonal creams without prescription: they not only clog pores, but are also a good breeding ground for the growth of bacteria, and hormonal products are generally contraindicated without a doctor;
  • give the baby other medications, be it antibiotics, antiallergic drugs or absorbent substances. During the newborn period, you can disrupt the already fragile intestinal microflora.

From all of the above, we can conclude: a rash in newborn babies on the face or other part of the body is often not dangerous and can be easily eliminated. However, if the temperature rises along with the rash and the child behaves restlessly, do not self-medicate. It is better to consult a doctor to establish a diagnosis and prescribe timely treatment.