Symptoms of cystitis in children and treatment regimen for the inflammatory process. Cystitis in a child: a dangerous infection that is easy to miss

Inflammatory reactions in the bladder are the most common urological pathology in adult patients and children. Their development is due to the formation of inflammatory foci in the structural tissues of the bladder organ. In children of early age (up to 3 years), inflammatory reactions usually develop in the inner lining of the reservoir cavity of the bladder, or its mucous structure is affected by inflammation.

Children aged 3 years require special attention and approaches to the treatment of any disease. Let's talk about the peculiarities of the course and treatment of cystitis in children of three years of age, about what parents need to do when the characteristic symptoms of cystitis appear in 3-year-old children year old child, and what treatment is needed.

Infants are less susceptible to the disease, as they are under the estrogenic protection of maternal hormones. When protection stops working, children become vulnerable to various types of infections. Time increased risk continues until puberty (puberty), when the body begins to secrete its own estrogens.

In infants, the incidence of cystitis among boys and girls is almost the same, although by the age of three, cystitis of a bacterial nature is diagnosed much more often in girls (5–6 times). Cystitis in a 3-year-old girl is caused by:

  1. Anatomical features of the urethra, located in close proximity to natural infectious reservoirs (vulva and anus).
  2. Concomitant gynecological pathologies (vulvitis, vulvavaginitis).
  3. Endocrine disorders.

The infectious pathogen is able to penetrate into the bladder from the urethral and anogenital zones, from the upper urinary organs and urinary tract, from adjacent organs with the lymph flow, penetrate, circulating with the blood (hematogenously) and when microflora penetrates through the wall of the reservoir, from nearby foci of inflammation (contact path).

The causative agents of infection that provoke inflammatory reactions in the bladder are very diverse - many serotypes of rod-shaped intestinal flora, representatives of a large group of staphylococci and streptococci, ureaplasma, chlamydial and proteus infections. If the genesis of the disease in children aged three years was previously due to the influence of Klebsiella and Protea, today the main role in the development of urogenital infections is given to microbial association - one of the many serogroups of Escherichia coli (E. Coli) + fecal or epidermal streptococcus, or other combinations .

It cannot be said that three-year-old children are completely defenseless. In healthy babies, cleansing urinary system is happening downward path, and the mucous tissue of the bladder reservoir has high degree resistance to infections. Anti-infective protection of the urethra is provided by mucus secreted by the periurethral glands. The mucous secretion has a high bactericidal property and covers the entire urethral epithelium with a thin protective layer.

MP protection is due to the constant washout of microflora by the flow of urine and more. In protecting the mucous lining of the cystic cavity, an important role is played by the glycocalyx, a superficial fleecy mucopolysaccharide layer produced by special kind epithelium (transient) covering the MP. Estrogens are responsible for its synthesis, and secretion by the epithelium is controlled by progesterone. Mucus envelops pathogenic microorganisms that have entered the cavity of the bladder, destroys and prevents their reproduction (elimination process).

Long-term studies of the reasons why cystitis develops in a 3-year-old boy (as well as in a girl) have proven that microbial presence alone is not enough for its development. The burden of pathogens is only a prerequisite for the development of inflammatory reactions, and their implementation requires a number of disorders - structural, morphological, or functional in nature from the urinary bladder organ, endocrine and immunological systems.

The genesis of the development of bacterial cystitis in three-year-old children is due to:

  • regular processes of insufficient emptying of the reservoir bladder cavity;
  • increased intraurethral pressure;
  • congenital dysfunction of the obturator valve (detrusor);
  • presence of neurogenic dysfunction:
  • violations in the integrity of the integumentary epithelium of the MP;
  • failure of local phagocytic protection;
  • congenital anatomical defects of the urinary system.

Non-infectious cystitis in a 3-year-old child develops for completely different reasons. The prerequisites are:

  • disturbances in metabolic processes leading to calcium oxalate, urate, or phosphate crystalluria;
  • unjustified use medicines, antifungal, sulfonamide or cytostatic group;
  • influence, chemical, toxic and physical factors(injuries and cold);
  • poor child care (in terms of hygiene);
  • the presence of chlomydia carriers in the family environment.

Clinical signs

The clinical picture of childhood cystitis depends on the form of its course - acute or chronic. Acute form The disease manifests itself with a quick, unexpected onset. At the same time, the superficial inflammatory process covers all layers of the bladder wall. It is very important to start treatment of cystitis in children 3 years old on time, then full recovery will occur after 1–1.5 weeks.

The clinic of chronic inflammation of the bladder is more often observed in children suffering from various pathologies that provoke inflammatory reactions in the cystic reservoir, or be a consequence of frequent episodes acute course cystitis. The disease is long-lasting and difficult to treat. Clinical signs are weakly expressed, but can intensify and worsen as they progress.

Symptoms of cystitis in three-year-old children appear:

  1. Pain when passing urine.
  2. Increasing the frequency of trips to the potty.
  3. Pain in the pubic area.
  4. Turbidity and mucous consistency of urine.
  5. Possible inclusion of blood in urine.

Parents should pay attention to general state child. At the age of three, he cannot always tell what is bothering him. Sick children are restless, refuse to eat, urination is accompanied by crying, and sometimes the temperature may rise. Inflammation of the bladder causes the need to defecate every quarter of an hour, but it is difficult to sit the child on the potty, as he experiences pain.

This condition can provoke acute delay urination. In this case, acute pain develops in the lower abdomen and a significant increase in the size of the bladder. A procedure with a cleansing enema can help, which will remove dense feces, mechanically preventing the release of urine.

A bath with a warm solution of potassium permanganate will also help to empty the urinary reservoir. The child is placed in the bathtub for five or ten minutes and asked to urinate in some water. If this does not work due to their early age, at three years old children can be very capricious, you should call an ambulance.

Acute retention of urine output, this is already emergency situation requiring emergency medical care. The doctor will remove the urine using catheterization.

At the first symptoms of the disease in little girls and boys, you should not experiment or self-medicate. How and with what to treat cystitis in children 3 years old can only be decided by a doctor based on the indicators necessary diagnostics and in accordance with age, excluding diseases with similar symptoms - acute appendicitis, possible development tumor neoplasms and acute pyelonephritis. Only after this, the doctor determines how to treat and whether it is realistic at home.

Features of therapy

Treatment of acute bladder inflammation in young patients includes a whole range of measures based on the main genesis of the disease. Therapy is aimed at:

  • elimination of inflammatory foci in the MP;
  • medicinal recovery metabolic processes(exchange);
  • elimination of dysfunctions in microcirculation;
  • stimulation of regenerative processes.

Protocol drug therapy based on the selection of drugs:

  1. Relieving pain symptoms.
  2. Eliminating urinary problems.
  3. Focal inflammation in the reservoir cystic cavity overwhelmingly influences the reaction.

Medicines for the treatment of cystitis in children are selected taking into account their three-year age:

Treatment of acute inflammation includes the prescription of drugs - antispasmodic, uroseptic and antimicrobial. If there are signs of severe pain symptoms, No-Spa, belladonna-based preparations, Baralgin, tablet and powder forms of papaverine, ointments and suppositories based on it are prescribed.

The basis of treatment for young patients is the selection of antimicrobial drugs that have a high accumulative ability in the lesions. Drugs are prescribed taking into account the severity and nature of clinical manifestations.

Today, the drugs of choice for three-year-old children are: first of all, Augmentin and Amoxiclav, to which pathogens remain highly sensitive today (up to 97%). Within two days after administration, complete sterility of urine is noted.

Just yesterday, Co-trimoxazole, widely used in pediatric urology, today has little effectiveness due to the reduced sensitivity of many pathogens to it (by an average of 40%). But it is prescribed to children (after a bacteriogram), as it has good absorption, deep tissue permeability and elimination ability. coli(up to 93%), colonizing infectious reservoirs (vagina and anus).

The bactericidal drug "" showed the greatest effect for cystitis in children. It has high activity against almost all pathogenic representatives, inhibiting bacterial synthesis at the earliest stages. Just one-day therapy with a single dose ensures the death of pathogens and normalization of the child’s condition.

Based on the test results, it is possible to prescribe drugs from the group of cephalosporins - zinnat, ceklor, cedex, alfacet, etc.

To maintain the immune functions of young patients, vitamin immune complexes such as alphabet, undevit, revita, etc. are prescribed; it is recommended to enrich the diet of three-year-old children fresh vegetables and fruits.

What to treat, the dosage of medications and the duration of the course of treatment are determined by the doctor individually, taking into account the severity, form and nature of the disease.

Alternative treatment is recommended as complementary therapy based on usage medicinal herbs with tanning, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties. Herbal tinctures and herbal decoctions can be used either independently or in combination with basic medications.

Herbal infusions are selected based on clinical manifestations and the period of manifestation of cystitis (acute, subsiding, or remission). According to the severity of the main symptom of the disease, the doctor may recommend required composition decoctions and infusions, which can be purchased at any pharmacy chain with detailed description recommendations.

  • For signs of frequent urination, collect chamomile, hops, lemon balm, motherwort, chistema, valerian, string and water trefoil.
  • For painful urination - collect lovage (root or herb), chamomile, flaxseed, clover, thyme, calamus, hemp, maple, celery, linden and maple,
    yarrow, eucalyptus and black currant.
  • For urinary retention, collect yarrow herb, dill seeds and herbs, carrot tops, licorice root and birch leaves.

  • For urinary incontinence - wild strawberry leaf and elecampane root, fragrant violet and lemon balm, centaury and peppermint, St. John's wort and wild rosemary flower.
  • For manifestations of hematuria - unpeeled pumpkin seeds (crushed) and flax, hemp, linden and chamomile flowers, nettle leaves, blackberries, St. John's wort and yarrow.
  • At metabolic disorders– collections of carrot and dill seeds, bearberry and nettle leaves, rosehip and wheatgrass roots.

Reception of the above herbal infusions can be combined with poultices of chamomile, herbs and roots of marshmallow and yarrow - they must first be doused with boiling water, wrapped in cloth and applied to the area of ​​the MP or sacrum.

Herbal medicine is used during the period when dysuric disorders subside and in combination with plenty of fluids - taking into account the child’s needs, but with an increase in volume an hour before meals.

Local treatment in the form of sitz baths can be carried out using herbal decoctions of oregano, sage, linden and chamomile, birch leaf and marsh cudweed.

The diet of a 3-year-old child plays an important role in the treatment of cystitis. Even Dr. Komarovsky, popular on television, discussing the topic of childhood cystitis in his school, noted the role of diet in similar diseases. His recommendations are based on excluding from the diet foods that can irritate the intestines.

And include in the diet yoghurts with lactobacilli, the properties of which can eliminate the possibility of developing relapses of the disease. It is imperative to include lingonberry or cranberry juice in the diet of a three-year-old child.

Prevention of cystitis in children

As for preventive measures, it is not difficult to follow them. They are aimed:

  • to harden the child’s body;
  • increasing the protective forces of the immune system;
  • to prevent and timely stop infectious processes;
  • mandatory correct execution personal hygiene of the baby.

Parents are responsible for the health of children and their suffering. We should not forget that attentive attitude and care for your child is the best prevention of any disease.

Nature has taken care of the natural protection of the mucous membrane of the girls' bladder from damage by pathogenic microorganisms, providing the urethra with special mucus that has bactericidal characteristics. However, cystitis, as an independent inflammation or aggravation of other diseases genitourinary system, occurs quite often.

How cystitis appears in girls, the causes of the disease

An infection that enters a child’s body does not immediately attack the bladder, but is located in passive state until a certain “favorable moment”, which can be triggered by:

  • Decreased immunity;
  • Insufficient amount of vitamins consumed;
  • Failure of the endocrine system;
  • Violation of the imbalance of normal and pathogenic microflora in the intestines;
  • Hypothermia of the body, which causes vasospasm, and as a result, the inability of the kidneys to fully filter urine;
  • Incorrectly selected and poor-quality underwear, disrupting normal blood circulation in the pelvic organs;
  • Ignoring the rules of personal hygiene of the genitals, irregular washing and changing underwear;
  • Incomplete emptying of the bladder, a state where the child “endures”, lack of control over going to the toilet.

Clinically, several ways of pathogenic microorganisms entering the bladder have been identified:


The infection descends from the kidneys, in which long time an inflammatory process occurs.


Bacteria accumulated in the anal area and genital area rise through the urinary tract.


Upon contact with a diseased organ, infection occurs through the wall of the bladder.


Through circulatory system if there is a focus of inflammation in the body.


The infection penetrates from the pelvic organs through the lymph flow and attacks the bladder.

At risk are girls whose health conditions are complicated by:

  • The presence of chronic diseases;
  • Congenital pathologies of the urinary system;
  • Problems with the pancreas;
  • Diabetes mellitus of any type;

With an absolutely healthy, but fragile child’s body, the following factors can provoke cystitis:

  • The use of medications that suppress the immune system;
  • Uncontrolled and unjustified intake of herbal teas and infusions that irritate the walls of the bladder;
  • Violation of the PH environment of the genital organs when using aggressive detergents, gels, and soaps.
Important! Modern research prove a genetic predisposition to cystitis. The likelihood of cystitis in girls whose mothers and grandmothers suffered from this disease increases manyfold.

How the disease manifests itself, symptoms

At first, cystitis in children is manifested mainly by frequent urination, and if the child is in a diaper, it is quite difficult to notice the first signal of the disease.

Parents turn to specialists for help only when other, more pronounced symptoms characteristic of bladder inflammation appear. This:

  • Deterioration in general health, lethargy, ;
  • Painful urination, a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, perineum, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder;
  • Change in the color of urine, cloudiness, visible inclusions of blood, sediment;
  • False urge to urinate;
  • Discomfort in the rectal area.

These symptoms intensify during the period of exacerbation of the disease, and in the chronic form they remain in a mild, sluggish form for a long time.

Features of the course and risk of complications at different ages

Depending on the age group the girls belong to, the course of cystitis has its own characteristics of occurrence, course of the disease and the possibility of complications.

0-1 Year

Cystitis in infancy is most often caused by congenital anomalies in the structure of the body and its development and can manifest itself already in the first months of a child’s life.

Constant use of diapers also provokes the occurrence of cystitis, as a result of the proliferation of bacteria in a warm and humid environment, leading to irritation of the mucous membrane of the urinary system and its infection.

1-3 years

Cystitis in a girl at this age occurs as a result of:

Penetration of infection into the ureter by an ascending route. Pathogenic bacteria from the intestines and vagina, as a result of non-compliance with hygiene rules, they easily attack unprotected organs that are anatomically located nearby. They penetrate the bladder and begin to multiply, bringing suffering and discomfort to the small child.


Hypersensitivity to food medications irritating the bladder mucosa.


First skills independent life. During walks and games on the playground, contact with a cold surface and hypothermia is possible.

Parents, especially girls, need to ensure that they do not sit on the ground, snow, stone benches, or puddles. Hypothermia weakens the immune system and allows infection to spread throughout the body.

3-8 years

This age period refers to teaching girls to independently perform genital hygiene, observing all necessary manipulations and procedures to avoid the growth of bacteria and the entry of feces or mucus into the urinary tract.

8-16 years

This period of growing up, the transformation of girls into girls, is characterized by complex hormonal changes. A teenage girl develops rapidly; it is during this period that most people begin menarche, which requires especially careful care for the organs of the reproductive system.

At the same time, girls try on behavior patterns and copy their idols, which may not have the best effect on their health.

For example, if a growing child does not want to dress for the weather, is hypothermic, eats poorly, or acquires bad habits, this has a detrimental effect on the body, weakens the immune system, provokes the development of vulvitis or vulvovaginitis, and provokes cystitis.

Types of cystitis in girls

Cystitis in girls can develop at any age and disrupt the functioning of the urinary system to varying degrees, depending on the causes of infection and the presence of pathology in the organs. The following types are distinguished:


Non-infectious cystitis caused by disruption of the mucous layer of the bladder, resulting in urine irritating the tissues of the organ.


It is characterized by damage not only to the mucous membrane of the organ, but also to the walls and blood vessels. Develops due to viral infection. Manifested by a change in the color and odor of urine.


A rare type of cystitis, difficult to treat. It occurs against the background of the penetration of bacteria that violate the integrity of the mucous membrane of the pouch, forming ulcers.


It can be serous, mucous and purulent, depending on the degree of damage to the mucous layer.


The result of chronic inflammation, characterized by congestion in the bladder.


It manifests itself as urinary incontinence, as a result of damage to the pelvic organs responsible for retaining and draining urine by viruses, fungi or bacteria.

Cystitis can also be local (affect only an area of ​​the mucous membrane) or diffuse (spread over the entire surface of the urinary sac).

According to the form of the disease, cystitis is characterized as:


In which the inflammatory process develops rapidly, with pronounced symptoms.


Acquired as a result of frequent relapses of acute cystitis. It takes a long time and is difficult to treat.

According to statistics, cystitis occurs 5 times more often in girls of different ages than in boys.

Therapy for cystitis at any age begins with determining the type of pathogen; this is extremely important for a speedy recovery. ..

How to treat cystitis in girls at different ages? General recommendations

Features of the treatment of cystitis in girls include following the doctor’s recommendations, maintaining personal hygiene, a special diet, drinking regime, parental supervision of the child.

Important! In order to alleviate the general condition of the child, mothers of infants need to change their diet, eliminating all foods that irritate the bladder. It's all fatty, salty and spicy.
  • Maintain bed rest during the first days of illness;
  • Lightweight, rich in vitamins food;
  • Drinking regime. It is necessary to provide the child with a sufficient amount of liquid - filtered water, fruit drinks, milk;
  • Careful hygiene of the genital organs, proper washing with neutral products;
  • Fulfilling doctor's orders;
  • Using accessible, proven recipes traditional medicine based on herbs, seeds and fruits.

Only complex therapy will quickly and without complications relieve the girl of cystitis.

Drug treatment

Drug therapy for cystitis consists of:

Antibacterial drugs latest generation.

Typically synthetic and wide range actions. More often than others, doctors prescribe Amoxiclav, Augmentin, Cefuroskim, Azithromycin, which are approved for children of all ages, as well as Monural, which is prescribed to girls from 5 years of age.

Anti-inflammatory drugs.

With a pronounced antiseptic effect based on natural ingredients. They are used for patients over 14 years old - Cyston, Canephron.

Medicines to restore intestinal flora child's body.

After aggressive treatment with antibiotics. They are used in a course, among the popular ones are Linex, Hilak Forte, Bifiform and others.

Antiviral agents.

Such as Cycloferon, Kagocel, which fight identified viruses confirmed by laboratory tests.


If necessary, reduce the temperature, use Ibuprofen suppositories (from 3 months to 2 years) or children's Paracetamol.

Treatment is carried out strictly under supervision with dosages in accordance with the age, weight of the child, as well as the complexity of the disease.

Additional methods. Physiotherapy

As additional measures Treatment of cystitis is recommended:

  • Maintaining bed rest;
  • Moderate heating of the area of ​​the diseased organ;
  • Avoiding salty foods drinking plenty of fluids.

Particular attention should be paid to cranberries, fruit drinks from which help speed up the healing process.

At home, the girl can be bathed in a bath with medicinal herbs that have antiseptic properties (calendula, eucalyptus), after first treating the genitals with an antiseptic. sedentary herbal bath should be at a comfortable temperature and last no more than 15 minutes.

Among the most effective decoctions and infusions - elixirs from St. John's wort, cornflower flowers, lemon balm. They can be used only after consultation with a doctor, in the absence of an allergy to the components.

Prevention of cystitis in girls

Preventive measures to prevent cystitis in girls include the attentive attitude of parents to the child. Necessary:

  • Avoid hypothermia;
  • Maintain personal hygiene;
  • Use products appropriate for the girl’s age;
  • Dress the child in comfortable, high-quality underwear;
  • Carry out hardening and strengthening procedures;
  • Strengthen immunity.

Noticed in time early signs illnesses will help to quickly cure the child and avoid complications.

Childhood disorders of the genitourinary system, frequent visits to the toilet and incontinence lead to confusion among parents. Young mothers feel especially confused when signs appear in infants. In this article, we tried to provide answers to the most common facts regarding cystitis in children. Symptoms and treatment will also be described in the material.

Cystitis is a common disease in children, but due to diagnostic difficulties, there are no accurate incidence statistics. Patients with cystitis are often seen by a doctor with infections of the genitourinary system or pyelonephritis. Peak prevalence occurs in preschool age 4-5 years, clinical observations showed that childhood cystitis It occurs more often in girls than in boys. Experts explain it physiological characteristics urethra.

Causes of cystitis in children

The disease has infectious nature. The causative agents are bacteria, viruses and fungi. Their appearance in the body is caused by the following factors:

  • touching the perineum with dirty hands;
  • rare diaper changes;
  • introduction of bacteria from the rectum due to non-compliance with hygiene procedures;
  • swimming in unknown bodies of water;
  • foreign body in the genitourinary tract;
  • infection brought from other organs where there are foci of inflammation.

TO non-infectious causes include hypothermia, failure to comply with hygiene rules, hereditary predisposition, chronic diseases genitourinary system, congenital abnormalities and low level immunity.

Infection can enter the bladder in different ways:

  • ascending – spread through the urethra upward from the genital tract;
  • descending – descent from previously infected kidneys;
  • lymphogenous – spread from nearby organs of the genitourinary system;
  • hematogenous – penetration from a remote purulent focus in the body through the blood;
  • contact - entry through direct impact through the damaged wall of the bladder.

Classification of cystitis

There is no uniform classification of the disease. There are several generally accepted methods of systematization:

  • by form: primary and secondary;
  • according to the course of the disease: acute and chronic;
  • by prevalence: focal and diffuse (total);
  • by consequences: without complications and with complications;
  • by the nature of the changes: catarrhal, granular, bullous, fibrous, hemorrhagic, phlegmonous, gangrenous, necrotic, encrusting, interstitial.

Symptoms of cystitis in children

Chronic cystitis can occur without severe symptoms. Sometimes it is accompanied by bedwetting and increased frequency of urination, and the perineum may begin to itch.

During an exacerbation, pain and pain in the lower abdomen, painful urination, bleeding. The urine becomes cloudy, sometimes brownish-red and heterogeneous.

Symptoms of cystitis in a 2-year-old child require careful attention from parents - after all, a 2-3 year old child still has difficulty speaking and cannot explain what is happening. Cystitis does not affect the general condition - it is not accompanied by weakness and fever. Characteristic symptoms appear only in the pelvic organs. The disease can be recognized in newborns and infants by a general restless state, frequent urination and crying during the process.

How to distinguish from pyelonephritis

Due to the proximity of the kidneys and bladder, the manifestations of these diseases are similar. The infection can spread, causing simultaneous inflammation of organs. Symptoms of cystitis in a 3-year-old child are often mistaken for signs of pyelonephritis.

The latter is characterized by a state of intoxication - general weakness body, fever, nausea, lack of appetite. Pain in the lower abdomen is usually of a constant aching nature, accompanied by pain in the lower back.

In addition to the obvious signs, pyelonephritis can be determined by the characteristic indicators of a general blood test, which the doctor will decipher when drawing up the clinical picture.

Possible consequences

If you are not careful about the manifestations of the disease, cystitis can cause more serious diseases:

  • pyelonephritis – an infectious kidney disease accompanied by an inflammatory process;
  • vesicoureteral reflux is a disease in which the reverse movement of urine from the bladder to the kidneys occurs;
  • sclerosis of the bladder neck, as a result, the development of incontinence;
  • genital infections that can lead to infertility.

To prevent relapses, the course of treatment must be started immediately and completed. The acute form of the disease may subside after 7-10 days of therapy, but this does not mean that it is time to stop taking the drugs. To avoid going into chronic stage You must follow your doctor's orders until complete recovery.

Which doctor should I contact for cystitis?

If your child develops symptoms, you should make an appointment with your pediatrician. During the initial examination, the doctor will prescribe general tests to compile a clinical picture, exclude possible pathologies other authorities, if necessary, will issue a referral to pediatric urologist. In some cases, the intervention of an immunologist, infectious disease specialist, endoscopist, or surgeon is required.

Medical diagnosis of cystitis

Already at the stage of examining the child and interviewing the parents, the doctor can make a preliminary diagnosis and prescribe a number of studies:

  • general urine analysis. The diagnosis is confirmed increased content leukocytes, as well as traces of protein, bacteria, epithelium and mucus;
  • bacteriological culture of urine to determine the type of pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics;
  • general blood analysis. For cystitis that occurs without complications, the indicators should remain within normal limits;
  • Ultrasound of the bladder;
  • cystoscopy - examination of the mucous membrane with a special probe penetrating the urethra.

The results of a comprehensive study make it possible to exclude other diseases with similar symptoms, make a final diagnosis and draw up a treatment plan.

Treatment methods

Acute and chronic forms are treated at home under the supervision of a doctor. Cystitis with complications requires hospitalization. Basic rules - bed rest, frequent change linen, increased attention to hygiene, diet and drinking plenty of fluids.

Drug treatment

With low activity inflammatory process uroseptics are prescribed as maintenance therapy - Furagin, Furadonin, Furamag, Nevigramon, Canephron, Urolesan. The development of infections is suppressed by cephalospris - safe antibiotics, used from an early age (Zotsef, Zinnat, Cefuroxime Sandoz, Ceforal, Suprax, etc.).

As restoratives pediatrician or urologist prescribes vitamin complexes. Pain syndromes are relieved by antispasmodics and herbal medicine.

The appropriateness of taking medications and the treatment regimen are determined by the doctor based on the results of the analysis and examination of the patient.

Traditional medicine in the fight against cystitis

Traditional medicine has been widely used in the fight against the symptoms of cystitis in children aged 2, 3, 4 years. Basic folk recipes used at home:

  • warming up is an effective, but most controversial method. Sitz baths and warm compresses have a relaxing effect and relieve pain. Do not use if there is blood in the urine;
  • decoctions of chamomile, calendula, dill, parsley, St. John's wort, rose hips and other medicinal herbs have a diuretic and bactericidal effect;
  • fruit drinks from cranberries and lingonberries have an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect;
  • Freshly squeezed juices of watermelon, carrots or cucumber help relieve inflammation of the bladder mucosa.

Is not full list treatment methods used by healers since ancient times. However, it should be remembered that they are only auxiliary measures, are used in addition to the main treatment and must be agreed with the doctor.

What you need to know about registering with a dispensary

At the end of therapy, the doctor carries out a control section - tests are collected indicating that the disease has subsided. But the observation doesn't end there. The patient is registered at the clinic at his place of residence. New rules are being introduced:

  • monthly visits to the doctor in the first six months are useful (further, depending on exacerbations, the interval between appointments increases);
  • Regularly taking control urine tests and maintaining a urine sheet.

The urine sheet is a table recording the test results indicating the date of delivery. The child’s parents keep records and provide information when visiting a doctor.

Children who have had acute cystitis deregistered after 6 months in the absence of relapses. Patients with chronic forms of the disease are monitored constantly.


The opinion of the scientific community is that cystitis is easier to prevent than to treat. Complex general rules is not difficult in life:

  • proper hygiene of the genital organs - regular washing, changing underwear; for babies - timely change of diapers;
  • control of urination patterns and bowel regularity;
  • compliance with the drinking regime;
  • timely treatment of focal infections;
  • avoiding hypothermia;
  • general measures to strengthen the immune system.

Children susceptible to diseases of the genitourinary system should regularly undergo examinations by a urologist at the place of registration and take control tests.

Diet during treatment

First of all, it is necessary to remove from the diet all foods that contribute to irritation of the mucous membrane of the bladder - these are spicy, salty, fried foods, smoked foods, mayonnaise, chocolate, etc. Preference is given to such heat treatment methods as stewing, boiling, steaming.

The menu includes fruits, vegetables, dairy products, lean meat and poultry, soups with low-fat broth, side dishes in the form of porridges, purees, etc. In addition, the patient is advised to drink plenty of fluids to intensively flush out infection and inflammatory products from the bladder.

Frequently asked questions

Despite the widespread practice of treatment with medications and folk remedies, questions often arise among parents. Let's look at the main ones.

How to properly collect urine for analysis?

To obtain an accurate clinical picture, samples should be collected in a sterile container, which can be purchased at pharmacy kiosks. The collection should be carried out in the morning on the day of delivery, immediately after waking up. The day before, the patient follows a neutral diet. Before the procedure, you must wash your hands and wash your child with soap.

To eliminate unnecessary impurities, an average portion of urine is collected (the first stream of free urination is passed, after which you need to substitute a container and collect a sufficient amount of material without waiting for the end of the process).

Things to consider:

  • using a pot during collection is unacceptable;
  • the minimum volume of material for submission to the laboratory is 100 ml;
  • The time for transferring samples for research is two hours after collection.

Is it possible to cure chronic cystitis?

The chronic form of the disease can be treated with complex techniques modern medicine, but this is a long process that requires compliance with the regime and regular monitoring of urine composition indicators. In addition to eliminating inflammatory processes, it is necessary to stimulate regenerative processes in the bladder and increase immunity.

Is Monural effective?

Monural is a broad-spectrum antibiotic and has no toxic effect. Therefore, the medication is used in pediatric therapy for cystitis in a child over 5 years of age in the treatment of acute infectious forms. The drug has quick action– according to reviews, taking one tablet quickly stops the inflammatory process and relieves symptoms after 3 hours.

The safety and effectiveness of Monural has been proven clinical trials. However, there is a narrow range of bacteria that are resistant to active component medications. Before prescribing the drug, the doctor must study the results of bacteriological culture tests.

Is it possible to use thermal procedures for cystitis? And if not - why?

Children's complaints about a burning sensation in the perineum during urination make parents think about the health of their child. Children cannot tolerate pain and burning, so they immediately begin to cry, pressing hard with their hands into the area of ​​the external urethral sphincter. This picture can be observed every time, as soon as the child will go to the toilet. Parents should definitely seek specialized medical care, because the child has clear signs of bladder inflammation. Urologists will answer what to do and how to treat this disease.

A qualified specialist should treat cystitis in a child.

Cystitis, whether child or adult, is an inflammation of the mucous layer of the bladder. This disease affects both adults and children. Immune system in early age reduced, plus protective barrier, that is, the epithelium and mucous membranes are thinner and more vulnerable than in adults. This factor leads to easy penetration of infection inside the body. According to statistics, cystitis in children occurs in 70% of all childhood diseases. Girls are more often predisposed to pathology, boys get sick less often. The anatomy of the urethra plays a big role here: in girls it is shorter, in boys it is longer.

Attention! The danger of an untreated disease threatens transition infectious process along the ureters up to the kidneys. As a result, pyelonephritis will develop, so treatment of cystitis in children is required immediately at the first symptoms

Factors for the development of cystitis in children

Two factors stimulate the development of urological pathology of the bladder: microbes and certain conditions. Cystitis in a child is the result of microbial activity. It is caused by the following infectious agents:

  • coccal group of microbes (staphylococci and streptococci) - these microbes are located on the surface of the epithelial cover, therefore, with poor hygiene, they can easily cause cystitis by simply touching the perineal area with dirty hands;

Cystitis in children is often caused by various infections.

  • intestinal microbes (Escherichia coli): this opportunistic infectious pathogen is considered the main factor in the development of the disease;
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pseudomonas aeruginosa) occupies the third position in the development of the disease, it can live inside the body in an encapsulated form, and can also penetrate from the outside by contact;
  • Proteus are gram-negative bacteria that appear in a child’s body with reduced immunity or after an overdose of antibiotics or their long-term use;
  • combined flora (gram-negative and gram-positive microbes);
  • helminths (pinworms, roundworms and cat fluke) - in practice there are rare cases this type of cystitis.

Specific specific microbes, for example, as in adults, for infectious lesion The bladder mucosa does not exist in childhood, so cystitis in children most often occurs due to the addition of opportunistic pathogens. To trigger the inflammatory mechanism, certain conditions are needed. Contributing factors include:

  • sharp drop temperature regime (sunstroke or hypothermia);
  • unsanitary living conditions or lack of hygiene culture (this point especially applies to girls);

Failure to maintain child hygiene can lead to the development of cystitis.

  • anatomical pathologies;
  • trauma to the urinary tract;
  • intoxication (chemical, biological or food origin);
  • long-term abstinence from urination;
  • use of others hygiene items(towels, detergents and washcloths).

Note to parents! The child should not use hygiene products parents, he can become infected with pathogens such as chlamydia, herpes or enterovirus. In 50% of cases, cystitis in children occurs precisely for this reason.

The mechanism of development of inflammation of the bladder mucosa

The routes of penetration of the above pathogens can be as follows: ascending and descending. An ascending infectious-inflammatory process involves the penetration of pathogens through the urethra. The transition of the disease to the chronic stage occurs due to poor treatment of primary cystitis. The child should be treated immediately after identifying the main factor, that is, the source of infection.

Cystitis can develop as a result of infection from the kidneys to the bladder

The descending type of infectious cystitis begins with the kidneys, it develops due to the penetration of microbes from the inflamed renal pelvis subsequently suffered pyelonephritis. Chronic pyelonephritis causes cystitis in 65% of cases. Every child can suffer from pyelonephritis. Age data varies from one year to puberty (11-13 years), or according to some vital signs this disease will remain until the end of life, changing the stages of exacerbation to remission.

Changes inside the bladder after infection

Cystitis in children upon external examination is expressed in redness in the urethral sphincter and swelling of the mucous membrane. Every patient, no matter how old he is, is concerned frequent urination and burning pain. Anti-inflammatory cells isolated from pathology protective function human body, cause swelling and pain through irritation nerve endings bladder and sphincter. This mechanism leads to malfunction: frequent bowel movements or urinary incontinence.

Symptomatic manifestations of cystitis

Signs of cystitis are divided into two types: general and local. General symptoms develop subsequent to intoxication of the body by microbial waste products entering the bloodstream, and are expressed:

  • in general weakness;

Cystitis may be manifested by fever

  • V low-grade fever(37-37.5°C), sometimes the temperature rises to 39°C, it all depends on the child’s immunity, and on his concomitant diseases(such children need to be treated only inpatiently!);
  • in increased irritability (small children (from 2-5 years old) cry constantly, older children (from 7 years old) are very nervous;
  • in dizziness, nausea and vomiting.

The local symptomatic picture is:

  • aching, stabbing or sharp pain in the lower abdomen;
  • burning pain when emptying the bladder;
  • frequent urination with a pattern of incontinence (this only happens in girls, no matter how old they are);
  • sensations of a full bladder without physiological satisfaction after the act of emptying (the child does not know what to do and does not want to get off the toilet until relief comes);
  • visual change in the color of urine (tests become cloudy and greenish, which indicates the presence of a purulent process - the child must be treated immediately, otherwise the infection will rise through the ureters to the kidneys and abscesses may develop);
  • foul odor of urine.

With cystitis in children, changes in urine will be observed

Cystitis in children is classified into acute and chronic:

  • acute inflammation of the bladder mucosa - lasts from two weeks to 2 or 3 months. The symptomatic picture is bright, with sharp pain and burning. Children from 1 year of age, as well as children under 7 years of age, are affected. Cases of cystitis at the age of 11 years cannot be excluded. During the period of puberty and full physiological formation (at 12-17 years), the disease ceases to manifest itself, since at this time the immune defense system is highly developed and the body’s defense barrier is much higher than at 3 or 5 years.
  • chronic inflammation of the bladder - this type of cystitis develops after improper therapy acute phase, and also contributes to the reduced activity of the child’s body’s immune defense and somatic diseases(acute respiratory, intestinal diseases, as well as diabetes mellitus and endocrine disorders). Symptoms of cystitis in children at this stage are scant. The clinical picture is sluggish, so laboratory and instrumental studies need to be done to clarify the phase and exact localization of the infectious focus.

Diagnostic procedures for cystitis

Cystitis in a child aged 1 to 7 years can be diagnosed based on symptoms, history and a thorough examination. All manipulations should be done only in stationary conditions. IN medical institutions are being carried out full list laboratory and instrumental studies, namely:

  • general blood and urine analysis;

In order to diagnose the disease, it is necessary to take blood tests

  • microbiological culture for the presence of an infectious agent and determining its sensitivity to antibiotics (this laboratory analysis will help determine the drugs of choice for full treatment cystitis of a child).

After performing laboratory tests, you need to do instrumental examinations. The procedures are:

  • Bladder cystoscopy.
  • Excretory urography.

Attention! Doing cystoscopy and excretory urography is a must! The first one shows internal state bladder and the degree of its damage, and the second - anatomical structure organs of the genitourinary system.

To exclude pyelonephritis, all patients (from 2 to 7 years old) need to do these two studies. It is recommended to treat the child individually according to the regimen prescribed by doctors. This is due to the dosage of medications. Not all drugs are suitable for young patients; many are intolerant to a certain group of antibiotics.

Recovery will come faster if you create the right diet for your child.

Treatment regimen for bladder inflammation in a child

Treatment of cystitis in children should begin with diet. Spicy, sour and salty foods are excluded. The diet is prescribed to each child individually, it all depends on how old he is and what his general condition is. What to do next? Drugs from the group of antibiotics and sulfaniamides (Cephalosporin, Furadonin and Norfloxacin) are selected. They act selectively, eliminating microbes that infect the bladder mucosa. The course of antibiotic therapy depends on the child's condition.

In case of cystitis, you need to wash the bladder with antiseptics; uroseptic drugs (Furacilin) ​​are suitable for this. Children aged 3 years and older are recommended herbal preparations- Urolesan. Lastly, it is necessary to perform general detoxification of the body through drip infusion. If present pain syndrome, painkillers are prescribed (Nimesil, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol and No-shpa).

Attention! To avoid complications, you need to do everything laboratory research and instrumental examinations on time, and the child will not suffer from cystitis and pyelonephritis.

From the video you can learn in detail about urinary tract infections: