Symptoms and treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp. Treatment of oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp

If you experience oily scalp and, the reasons, as well as the treatment, may be different. There are practice-proven medicinal and folk remedies that will help cope with hair loss.

Increased oiliness of the scalp is an unpleasant phenomenon. And if it is accompanied by increased hair loss, this can become a real tragedy for those who are particularly sensitive about their appearance. In the fight for hair health, you can use both medications and. But first of all you need to find out the reason pathological process.

Causes of increased oily hair

The sebaceous glands of the scalp are located in close proximity to the hair follicles. Normally, they (the glands) produce such an amount of secretion that is sufficient to form a thin protective fatty film.

But when they are hyperactive, a significantly larger amount of sebum is produced, which clogs the pores and gradually builds up on the scalp.

Function sebaceous glands violated in many ways reasons:

  1. Hormonal imbalance.
  2. Gastrointestinal diseases.
  3. Systematic physical activity.
  4. Decreased immunity.

This is far from full list conditions that result in increased sebum secretion, accompanied by hair loss. The true causes of this pathological process can be found out by undergoing appropriate medical examination.

The mechanism of hair loss in oily scalp

  1. The sebaceous gland located next to the follicle begins to produce a significantly larger amount of secretion than required.
  2. Gradually, a fatty layer forms around the hair follicle.
  3. As the sebum thickens, it begins to penetrate the hair follicle and fill it. And he, in turn, begins to put pressure on the hair follicle.
  4. As this process progresses, the nutrition of the follicle is disrupted.
  5. The lifespan of the hair is reduced and it falls out.

Does dandruff contribute to hair loss?

Due to the systematic accumulation and decomposition of sebum on the surface of the head, a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic microorganisms– . They are always present on the skin and are part of the microflora. But when the pH and other factors change, they begin to actively reproduce, which leads to seborrhea and its consequence: dandruff.

Dandruff can be formed not under the influence of pathogenic microflora, but as a reaction of the skin to any irritant.

These could be incorrectly chosen hair care products, overly aggressive procedures and masks. Also, the presence of dandruff may indicate complete absence and hair.

Dandruff itself cannot cause hair loss. oily skin heads. It is a consequence of disruption of the sebaceous glands and other negative processes. When the cause is affected, the effect also goes away. If you only act on the symptom, you can only reduce the degree of its manifestation. That's why it's so important correct treatment increased oily scalp.

How to treat hair loss with oily scalp?

There are several forms. If there is an increased production of sebaceous gland secretions, this is oily seborrhea. The scales formed during this disease are compressed sebum, which contains fungal mycelium and dead skin cells. The process of formation of these scales is accompanied by slight itching and an unpleasant odor.

Drug treatment of seborrhea

  1. Antifungal drugs: "Mycozoral", "Lamisil", "Panthenol".
  2. Antihistamines with antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects. Relieves itching and irritation of the scalp. This "Retasol", "Retinoic ointment".
  3. Fungi often cause local irritation and allergic reactions. Corticosteroids combat these and other manifestations of pathology. These substances are included in medicinal oral preparations and ointments for local impact. Most often prescribed: "Triamcinolone", "Hydrocortisone", "Soderm", "Flumetasone", "Flucinar".

On initial stage development of pathology are effective:

  • ointments containing zinc and sulfur (“”);
  • birch tar and cosmetical tools based on it (“Friderm tar”);
  • (they contain antifungal substances and components that help exfoliate fatty scales).

For oily seborrhea, the following treatment regimen is effective:

  • "Biofon" apply to clean hair, rub into the scalp 2-3 times a week;
  • simultaneously with this treatment, rub ointment into the scalp daily "Soderm" for 14-15 days;
  • cancel Soderm and continue treatment with Biofon for a week, daily rubbing this drug into the scalp 3 times a day.

Effective masks for the treatment of oily seborrhea

For oily skin, it is necessary to stimulate blood circulation in the scalp and at the same time act on pathogenic microflora. Cognac successfully copes with this task. Based on it, prepare the following mask:

  • 1 teaspoon of liquid honey is mixed with 1 yolk of a chicken egg;
  • add 1 tbsp of cognac to this mass.

The mask is applied to the scalp and lightly rubbed. For creating thermal effect necessary to enhance the action of the skate, cover the head and hair with plastic wrap. Place a towel on top of it. Keep the mask for 30-40 minutes.

For oily seborrhea accompanied by hair loss, The following tool will help:

  • ½ head of garlic (peeled cloves) is crushed to a paste;
  • mixed with 100 g of burdock oil;
  • insist for 24 hours.

The treatment is rubbed into the scalp daily for 2-3 weeks. Garlic has an antibacterial effect and is harmful to fungi on the scalp.

Burdock oil softens seborrheic scales and penetrates hair follicles, promoting the growth of new hair and strengthening existing ones.

Folk remedies

The recipes of modern folk remedies often include pharmaceutical drugs with more quick action than decoctions and infusions.

Treatment of the scalp with 5% salicylic oil

You can buy salicylic oil or prepare it yourself. For getting medicinal drug you will need:

  • 100 ml of quality (it is best to take olive oil);
  • 1 tsp salicylic acid (bought at the pharmacy);
  • the ingredients are thoroughly mixed;
  • The composition is stored at the bottom of the refrigerator.

The crystals will not completely dissolve even with the most diligent stirring. A rather thick, cloudy sediment will remain. Therefore, shake the bottle of oil before use. The drug is applied to the scalp with a cotton pad. Rub in with massage movements within 1-2 minutes. Then put on a plastic cap and leave the mask on for 20-30 minutes. Then wash your head and hair with shampoo.

  1. Before washing your hair, add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to the shampoo. This will have a disinfecting effect and eliminate bad smell from hair.
  2. Wash your hair regularly tar soap. Rinse with solution apple cider vinegar: 1 tbsp per 1 liter of water.
  3. Sea salt has a hair strengthening effect. The crystals are crushed in a blender and a gentle peeling of the scalp is done 1-2 times a week. At the same time, they do not try to tear off the seborrheic scales. It is necessary to achieve the effect that the salt gradually penetrates into them. This excellent remedy from dandruff.
  4. They make masks based on fermented milk products and sea salt. These products cleanse the scalp well and have a detrimental effect on fungi.

Masks and shampoos, decoctions and rinses act externally. The purpose of using these drugs is to influence both the cause of the disease and its consequences.

Seborrhea of ​​the scalp is a fairly common occurrence, but not everyone knows that it can cause hair loss. Most people associate seborrhea with dandruff and skin changes, but there are many more symptoms of this disease. And a very unpleasant companion to seborrhea is often hair loss on the head - seborrheic alopecia.

Why does hair fall out with seborrhea?

Hair loss occurs more often with the so-called “ oily seborrhea, when the production of sebaceous glands on the scalp and body is significantly increased. Intense secretion of sebum is accompanied by a violation of the rejection of dead skin cells, and excess sebum becomes a favorable environment for the development of fungus. As a result, dandruff forms and nutrition is disrupted. hair follicles and hair loss begins.

The cause of alopecia with dry seborrhea, on the contrary, becomes lack of activity sebaceous glands and a small amount of sebum, which protects the skin and hair from damage. In this case, the hair becomes thin, brittle, and falls out easily.


Seborrheic alopecia has different symptoms depending on the type of seborrhea (oily or dry).

With oily seborrhea, the skin of the face becomes greasy, the hair becomes greasy and shiny, and quickly gets dirty. Small pustules often appear on the skin of the face and scalp due to blockage of the sebaceous glands and the development of inflammation. Dandruff with oily seborrhea is large, yellowish, and on the scalp you can see clusters of sticky scales - seborrheic crusts.

With dry seborrhea, the skin of the face and head is very delicate, sensitive, easily damaged by minimal exposure, and peels off. Dandruff is small, white, dry. Hair is dull, brittle, dry, split ends.

In both cases typical symptom is enough severe itching, forcing patients to scratch their heads sometimes until they bleed.

Alopecia with seborrhea does not develop immediately. At first, patients are most concerned about symptoms such as dandruff and itching. However, without treatment, the hair condition quickly deteriorates and it begins to fall out. Hair loss with seborrheic alopecia usually occurs evenly throughout the head.


Seborrheic alopecia, unlike other types of alopecia, is treated quite easily. But this does not mean that there is a miracle shampoo that you can wash your hair with once and the dandruff will go away and your hair will start growing again. Treatment of seborrheic alopecia must be comprehensive, and it usually takes a lot of time. In order to completely eliminate seborrhea, it is necessary not only to use local medicinal products. Nutritional correction, special hair care, and physical therapy will be required.

Nutritional Features

As with other types of alopecia, to improve the condition of hair and accelerate its growth, a complete, balanced diet is required. It is necessary to eat meat or fish daily, fresh fruits and vegetables. It is not recommended to include preservatives, marinades, salty, spicy and smoked foods in the diet, as these products increase itching and negatively affect the condition of the scalp. But there are also dietary features that include special recommendations for oily or dry seborrhea.

In the case of seborrheic lesions of oily skin, it is necessary to limit fats in the diet, especially saturated fats ( butter, lard, margarine) and easily digestible carbohydrates (sugar, dough products, sweets and confectionery). The diet must contain fiber, the source of which is fresh vegetables, legumes, whole grains and bran.

For dry seborrhea, the menu, on the contrary, enriched with fats, but mainly of vegetable origin(olive, corn and sunflower oil, nuts).

Local treatment

Means for local application, used in the treatment of seborrheic alopecia, can be divided into two groups - these are anti-dandruff and hair growth stimulating agents. Before you begin to treat alopecia itself, it is necessary to eliminate its cause - seborrheic lesions of the scalp. Anti-dandruff medications are used for this purpose. At the initial stages of treatment, they must include must be present antifungal drug (ketoconazole), the remaining components will play a supporting role and will be used in the future to improve the condition and for prevention.

The choice of local anti-dandruff agent is also based on the type of seborrhea. For oily scalp, shampoos with a keratolytic and drying effect are recommended., which contain sulfur, salicylic acid, tar. If dry skin, shampoo should contain moisturizing and nourishing ingredients(amino acid complexes, keratins, proteins).

To eliminate dandruff medicated shampoos and pastes are used in a course, usually 1-2 times a week. Their use can be alternated with folk remedies against dandruff. If dandruff is oily, use decoctions of oak bark, leaves and shells walnut, calendula, soda or sea ​​salt, rinse your hair with water and lemon. For dry scalp, masks based on vegetable oil, decoctions of nettle and chamomile.

Stimulation of hair growth is carried out as medicines, and folk remedies. In the treatment of alopecia, drugs based on minoxidil (Minoxidil, Rogaine) have proven themselves best. Folk remedies traditionally use a variety of masks with an irritating effect that increase blood supply to the hair follicles. They are prepared on the basis of mustard, garlic, onions, hot pepper.

Physiotherapy procedures have both anti-dandruff and hair growth stimulating effects. Seborrheic alopecia can be treated quite successfully with mesotherapy, laser comb, darsonval, and ozone therapy.

Hair care

For seborrheic alopecia, you should use only your own comb, washing it daily in a weak solution of vinegar or other disinfectant. You need to wash your hair regularly, but not too often, so as not to dry out the skin: for oily hair, 2-3 times a week, for dry hair, once will be enough.

General treatment

Do not forget that seborrhea and accompanying alopecia can be manifestations of diseases internal organs. In this case, to succeed in the fight against seborrheic baldness, it will be necessary to discover the cause and carry out treatment. Very often, seborrheic lesions are a consequence hormonal imbalance– seborrhea can occur even under physiological conditions accompanied by sharp jumps in hormone levels (puberty, pregnancy and lactation). When physiological changes the main emphasis is on local treatment and careful hair care. If seborrheic baldness was a consequence endocrine pathology, hormonal drugs are prescribed.

For any type of alopecia, general strengthening measures are necessary, such as long walks, morning work-out and playing sports, staying in the sun, it is extremely useful to let your hair “breathe” the air at sea or in a coniferous forest.

A mandatory addition to the treatment of alopecia should be getting rid of bad habits. Smoking and alcohol negatively affect hair and delay recovery.

Many people turn to dermatologists with complaints about incipient baldness and one of the most common diagnoses is seborrhea, which frightens people with its incomprehensibility and scary name. Let's find out the main causes, symptoms and treatments. Seborrhea of ​​the scalp is chronic skin disease. She is also often called seborrheic dermatitis. It disrupts the functioning of the sebaceous glands and may change chemical composition secretion produced by the sebaceous gland. As a result, there is an increased or decreased secretion of fat, which creates conditions for the development of infectious diseases.

To diagnose seborrhea they do biochemical analysis and a blood test for hormones, then examine the skin and hair.

Predisposition to seborrhea can cause

Hereditary (genetic) predisposition to this disease, violation hormonal metabolism, bad influence factors environment, urological diseases in men, gynecological diseases in women, most often, ovaries, mental and neurological diseases, and gastrointestinal diseases, appeared due to poor nutrition and various fad diets.

Treatment methods

Seborrhea is treated only in combination with the underlying disease. For quick and successful treatment Taking care of your skin and hair yourself is important. For these purposes, it is best to buy medicinal shampoos and ointments at the pharmacy. It is also important to be observed by a specialist during the course of treatment for seborrhea.

With seborrheic alopecia, it is necessary to stay bareheaded in the sun for as long as possible in the summer, unless there are other contraindications to this.

Do not hesitate to contact specialist doctors. It’s better to sleep peacefully if you find out that you have dandruff only because you didn’t wash your hair well with shampoo.

How to Avoid Seborrheic Dermatitis

As a form of prevention, you can suggest maintaining personal hygiene: you need to wash your face early in the morning, when you just wake up and after work, using special lotions suitable for your skin type. It is advisable to select shampoos for the appropriate hair type (oily, dry, dyed). To avoid counterfeits, it is better to buy shampoos in pharmacies.

Take vitamin A regularly, it is most abundant in carrots. For better absorption by the body, it is best to make a carrot salad dressed with oil. Regularly undergo medical examinations to identify diseases, preventing the disease from becoming chronic.

The main signs of seborrhea of ​​the scalp are greasy shine skin, peeling and itching of the skin, hair loss, severe dandruff.

The main feature of seborrhea from dandruff is that dandruff can appear not only as a result of the disease, but also from a number of other reasons: suitable shampoo, poor care. Such dandruff does not lead to changes in the structure of the sebaceous gland.

Seborrhea of ​​the scalp is divided into 3 types: oily, dry and mixed.

Oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp

Oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp begins to manifest itself in the form of excessive secretion of sebum due to increased output secretion of the sebaceous gland. This type of seborrhea is the most common and widespread.

Main symptoms

The scalp with oily seborrhea is greasy, easily inflamed, itchy, may become covered with red spots, appears thickened, and has a yellowish tint. If you do not pay attention to quickly greasy hair and do not seek help from a dermatologist, the disease will progress.

Most often, the disease begins on the skin of the face, then affects hairline heads. Oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp is recognized by easily scraped off, yellowish, greasy scales. Hair very quickly, even within a day after washing, becomes covered with grease and sticks together into greasy, unwashed strands. A person notices that hair begins to fall out strongly and in large quantities. Seborrhea on the head can be accompanied by severe, unbearable itching.

Like the most serious complication- You are at risk of baldness. It is extremely difficult to restore hair growth after recovery. At timely application see a specialist doctor, the disease can be quickly treated, without consequences.

Treatment and prevention

Preparations in the form of alcohol solutions are very helpful in treating this type of disease. Most often, doctors prescribe: for one month, continue rubbing a 2% solution of salicylic acid, a 60% solution of sodium thiosulfate, sulsen paste, alcohol solution Naftalan oil.

Traditional methods give good results when treating seborrhea at home only at the initial stage, and do not guarantee that the disease will not recur.
Most Recommended folk recipes for treatment oily seborrhea heads - burdock roots, oak bark, some dermatologists recommend using a solution of baking soda.

Burdock roots for the treatment of oily seborrhea

Two tablespoons of finely chopped young burdock roots are poured into one glass of strong boiling water and kept on low heat for about 10-15 minutes. When the tincture has cooled, rub it into the scalp, every other day, for two weeks, and rinse your hair with it every time after washing. For oily seborrhea, this remedy helps well against dandruff and greatly accelerates hair growth and structure.

At the same time, it is recommended to take orally a mixture of burdock root decoction, nettle infusion and wormwood tincture, two tablespoons three times a day. Infusions, decoctions and tinctures are prepared separately and poured into one container in equal proportions.
Ready-made wormwood tincture is sold at the pharmacy. Nettle tincture is prepared: two tablespoons of finely chopped leaves are poured with one glass of strong boiling water, left for 45 minutes, filtered.

Rubbing with baking soda

Dilute one teaspoon of baking soda per liter boiled water and rub in the resulting solution 20-30 minutes before you plan to start washing your hair.

Rubbing soda into the scalp is very helpful both for the treatment and prevention of seborrhea.

Oak bark decoction

To treat oily seborrhea, it is recommended to wash your hair with a decoction oak bark, every 3 days for 2 months. To do this, take three tablespoons of oak bark and pour them into a liter cool water and put on the fire, bring to a boil and boil for 15 minutes, then let it brew for 20-30 minutes.

Afterwards, strain it properly. 1 liter of decoction may not be enough to properly wash your hair, so it is advisable to prepare 2-3 liters in advance.

After two months of use, you must rinse clean, dry hair with the same decoction after washing.

Dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp

This type of disease can manifest itself as decreased secretion of the sebaceous gland, not only on the head, but also on the skin of the face and body.

Symptoms of dry seborrhea

The disease begins with peeling of the skin, hair becomes thin, dry, breaks easily, and loses its shine. Then dandruff appears white, similar to scales. When neglected, premature baldness begins.

Many people, not suspecting that seborrhea manifests itself in this way, begin to fight it on their own, and go to the doctor when it is no longer possible to restore hair growth, but only to stop further baldness.

For dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp, dermatologists often recommend using ointments containing sulfur, salicylic acid, Sometimes hormonal ointments

Treatment and prevention

For dry seborrhea, 10% sulfur ointment helps well. The ointment is rubbed into the scalp, dividing the hair into small strands, for 3-5 minutes for 8 days. On the 9th day, give your hair a rest, and on the 10th day, rinse your hair thoroughly with boiled, or distilled, water with medicated shampoo, with big amount containing selenium sulfide, zinc pyrithione, tar, ketoconazole.

On the 11th day, the hair must be treated with a solution boric acid(Dilute 2 teaspoons of boric acid in 150 ml of water heated to 90C and mix thoroughly). Before going to bed, rub the solution into the skin, wrap your head in a towel and leave overnight. The inexpensive product Pasta-Sulsena has proven itself very well.
Such rubbing is repeated for 3 days in a row. Then give your head a rest for 7 days and after this treatment, rinse your hair again. The treatment cycle is repeated for dry seborrhea 2-3 times.

Traditional methods of treating dry seborrhea

To replenish the lack of fat, you can rub oils and fatty creams into the skin, but do this not with too sharp intense movements, but softly, so as not to damage dry skin. Most popular for treatment Burr oil and a mixture of vegetable oils and lemon juice. They are easy to prepare at home.

Rubbing burdock oil

For the treatment of dry seborrhea of ​​the head good results shows treatment with burdock oil.

The oil is applied and rubbed into the scalp, a cap or scarf is put on top and left for 2 hours, after which the head is washed off the oil with shampoo.

The procedure is repeated every 3 days for one month. After 6 months, the course of treatment must be repeated.

Rubbing a mixture of sunflower oil and lemon juice

For dry hair, it is very useful to massage your hair with burdock, olive or sunflower oil 10 minutes before you start washing your hair. You need 3 tablespoons and lemon juice(1/2 lemon). The oil is rubbed into the scalp with light massage movements along the partings, separated by 1 cm from each other.

If you have had to deal with this disease, you can share your experience, treatment methods, and information about the disease. This will be useful for our readers.
Be attentive to yourself, watch your health!

Self-confidence and attractiveness to other people are two closely related concepts. And they largely depend on appearance. In fact, unkempt hair can alienate others and prevent you from building any kind of relationship: work, friendship or love. But the problem is that it is not always appearance hair depends on the degree of care. Sometimes visible unkemptness is a consequence of an illness; this is how oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp manifests itself, the symptoms and treatment of which we will discuss in more detail, provide reviews, and also consider possible reasons her appearance.

By oily seborrhea, dermatologists and trichologists mean a condition in which sebaceous glands, located in the skin of the scalp, begin to work especially actively. As a result, the composition of sebum changes, and the skin becomes covered with many rather large scales of light yellow color that line the head under the hair. The hair on your head begins to shine. Why does my hair get oily?

What causes oily seborrhea? Causes

In fact, doctors do not know exactly the factors that provoke the occurrence of such a pathology. But they have some guesses. So, doctors believe that such a condition can occur during natural periods. hormonal changes happening in adolescence. After stabilizing the level of hormones in the blood, the condition of the scalp returns to normal.

Also, the reason for the development of oily seborrhea of ​​the head may lie in the presence genetic predisposition. More this disease may occur when hormonal disorders, namely with an excessive amount of male hormones (androgens) in the body. In women in this situation, there is a parallel decrease female hormones(estrogens), the pathology can be explained by ovarian disease, obesity, etc.

There are also a number of other ailments that can provoke the appearance of oily seborrhea. They are mainly presented:

Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract;

Various pathologies of the central nervous system;

Mental disorders;

Pathologies of the endocrine or thyroid gland;

Chronic fatigue syndrome;

Chronic infectious diseases;

And more serious illnesses, for example, cancer, Parkinson's disease.

The occurrence of oily seborrhea can be triggered by dietary disturbances, for example, eating a significant amount of spicy, salty, sweet and fatty foods. Consumption can be dangerous alcoholic drinks. Of course, oily seborrhea can develop when insufficient hygiene.

Symptoms of oily seborrhea

The disease makes itself known enough characteristic symptoms seborrhea. With this disease, the scalp becomes shiny, which indicates excessive secretion of subcutaneous sebum. When you touch oily skin, sebum may remain on your fingers. Seborrhea usually causes severe itching and is accompanied by hair loss. With this disorder, a fat head seems constantly damp. And the hair becomes oily just a few hours after washing and the head quickly becomes unkempt. Clogged pores can cause acne.

The affected areas of the head are covered with large scales of light yellow color. If you forcefully exfoliate them, you may notice pink, inflamed skin underneath. Of course, this state of hair on the head is not healthy. What to do with your hair and scalp?

Treatment methods for oily seborrhea

A trichologist or dermatologist will help you choose an effective method of treating oily seborrhea. Cope with external manifestations the disease is helped by shampoos designed to care especially oily hair. Basically, they contain plant components represented by horsetail, nettle, shawl and coltsfoot. They may also contain a variety of vitamins and minerals. Special medicated shampoos with antifungal components, zinc, tar, etc. are used (Nizoral, Sulsen, Sebuton, Zincon, etc.).

Of course, for successful correction of the disease, it is important to identify the cause of its occurrence in time and begin to treat seborrhea. So, in case of hormonal disorders, you may need to take hormonal medications, disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract require adherence to a strict diet and medication prescribed by a specialist. Diagnosed infectious lesions chronic form also require appropriate correction to achieve stable remission.

Patients with oily seborrhea are strongly recommended to adhere to the correct balanced nutrition, accept vitamin complexes(Zinc lozenges and also Super-complex can be an excellent option); B vitamins are considered especially useful; products with bismuth and bromine can be used.

Seborrhea of ​​the scalp is a chronic pathological condition skin, associated with dysfunction of the sebaceous glands. Latin word“seborrhea” is translated as “excess of sebum” and is characterized by active secretion of sebum, or, conversely, insufficient functioning of the sebaceous glands (dry seborrhea).

The chemical composition of the secretion secreted by the skin changes, which causes constant irritation of the skin. Seboreids appear - red, inflamed areas of the skin, they cause constant itching and a feeling of tightness.

What causes seborrhea?

Clinical studies have found that seborrhea is caused by Pityrosporum fungi. These fungi live in healthy skin and feed on components of sebum. At unfavorable conditions and violations proper operation glands, excessive proliferation of these fungi begins, leading to dermatitis.

Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp may develop in healthy person – for example, during puberty. In adolescents, the number of sebaceous glands increases. A hormonal explosion causes their hyperfunction and, as a result, seborrhea. This seborrhea will go away on its own with calming hormonal levels.

Causes and predisposition to seborrhea

  • Genetic predisposition. If one of your relatives suffers from seborrhea, there is a high probability that you will develop this disease.
  • Hormonal reasons. Men suffer from seborrhea several times more often than women. This is due to specific male hormones. Hormonal dysfunction due to, for example, testicular cancer can stimulate the sudden development of seborrhea. In women suffering from seborrhea, it is also often found increased level male hormones.
  • State of the nervous system. Those who say: “All diseases come from nerves” are right in this case. Nervous seizures and weakening of the nervous system provoke the development of seborrheic dermatitis.
  • Improper hair care. Frequent washing harsh alkaline agents cause disruption of the sebaceous glands. Washing too infrequently leads to clogged pores and can also cause seborrheic dermatitis.

To find out the real reason seborrhea, it is best to consult a qualified trichologist.

Types of seborrhea of ​​the scalp

  1. fat;
  2. dry;
  3. mixed.

At bold seborrhea type produces excess sebum. Almost immediately after washing, the hair becomes greasy, sticky, unkempt, and the skin in the partings becomes shiny. Thickness skin increases, redness, inflammation, and itching appear. Large scales that separate from the scalp in flakes - characteristic feature fatty type.

If treatment is delayed, seborrhea will intensify and profuse hair loss hair. In particular advanced cases threatens baldness.

Dry seborrhea is characterized by decreased sebum secretion. The scalp peels off, the hair gradually becomes thinner, and a large number of split ends. Fine white dandruff falls from the head. The dandruff layer prevents the hair follicle from nourishing itself. If you rarely wash your hair, dandruff becomes more pronounced and hair falls out more intensely. The burning sensation of a dry scalp accompanies this process.

At mixed seborrhea, certain areas of the head (usually the parietal and frontal) are subject to excessive sebum secretion, and in other areas the secretion of sebum is reduced or moderate.

Treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp

Drug treatment

Treatment is prescribed by a trichologist depending on the manifestations of this disease. The most effective is local antifungal therapy that affects the causative agents of seborrhea. Usually the doctor prescribes specialized shampoo containing zinc, tar or ketoconazole. This shampoo is used for at least one month until the symptoms disappear completely. In the future, shampoo is used for prevention once every 2 weeks.

With absence therapeutic effect from antifungal agents may be appointed hormonal ointments, and especially severe cases apply combination treatment hormones and antifungal agents.

Folk remedies

Natural recipes can also be effective, especially in combination with by medication treatment.

Burdock root known for its antiseborrheic properties. 4 tablespoons of burdock root powder are poured into 0.5 liters of water and boiled for 10 -15 minutes. The decoction should be rubbed into the scalp three times a week and rinsed with it after each wash. This decoction is especially good for treating oily seborrhea.

Henna has a beneficial effect on hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands. Colorless henna Brew with water cooled to 80 degrees and apply to hair after washing. Keep for 30 minutes. This mask will dry out the skin well with oily seborrhea and make weakened hair thicker and more voluminous.

Decoction oak bark counts effective means for the treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp. Two tbsp. l. boil in a liter of water for 30 minutes. Wash your hair with this decoction. Repeat this procedure two to three times a week for two months.

For dry seborrhea, rub Burr oil. Apply to scalp and keep under plastic bag and a cap for about 30 minutes. Afterwards you need to rinse your hair thoroughly.

the washing up egg yolk normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands of the head and nourishes the hair in dry seborrhea. Separate the yolk from the white and beat well, dilute with a little water and rub into damp scalp. Massage thoroughly.

At initial stages seborrhea, you can try folk remedies on your own, but if your hair condition worsens, do not waste time and urgently contact a trichologist.

Advanced seborrhea causes great discomfort, not to mention hair loss, and a qualified doctor will help you choose effective methods in the fight against this unpleasant condition.