Symptoms and treatment of a weak bladder in women.

What are the most common causes of difficulty urinating in men? Most often, urinary disturbances occur with lesions genitourinary system: kidneys, bladder, urethra. A doctor can make an accurate diagnosis based on the patient’s symptoms and examination results.

Diseases that lead to difficulty urinating

Usually a man who feels the urge to urinate goes to the toilet and gets rid of the liquid in a few seconds. A normal stream is tight, hitting the surface of the toilet elastically, with a clearly pronounced sound. The pressure is maintained until the very end of the act of urination.

It is natural to have some hesitation before urinating in the morning when a man experiences involuntary erection. There is also sometimes a short gap when it is necessary to strain the peritoneum in order to urinate if a man goes to the toilet immediately after intercourse. The waiting time is no more than a couple of seconds.

How can you determine that a person has difficulty urinating?

  • Urine is released in drops rather than in a stream.
  • The stream is sluggish, may be tight at the beginning and weaken towards the end of urination, or be constantly weak during urination.
  • Urine output takes more than 1-2 minutes instead of a long period time.
  • The stream is interrupted and urination must be resumed constantly.
  • The jet bifurcates, the liquid sprays heavily or is directed not directly, but to the side.

If, in order to pee, a man regularly has to strain hard and strain his peritoneum, this also indicates difficulty urinating.

Stones that provoke development inflammatory processes that interfere with the functioning genitourinary organs and complicating urination, can form in the kidneys, bladder and even prostate gland(secondary stones). They are formed from salts uric acid, can be small pebbles with a diameter of up to several millimeters or sand with a grain of sand less than 1 mm in diameter. Heavy urination in men is one of the symptoms of urolithiasis.

Possible reasons for the development of pathology:

  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Lack of fluid intake.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Drinking liquids with big amount mineral salts.
  • Anatomical features of a person.

The main symptom of the disease is a feeling of pain, cutting, burning when urinating. Slight movement of stones can cause overlap urethra And acute delay urine. If a man feels his bladder is full, but cannot urinate without straining, he should immediately consult a doctor.


Most often, urethritis (inflammation of the urinary tube) occurs with frequent urination. But, despite the increased frequency of visits to the toilet, completely empty bladder the man fails. Moreover, the process of urination becomes extremely painful, you have to constantly strain abdominal wall to maintain the force of the jet. Due to inflammation, the urethra narrows and fluid may be difficult to excrete.

Experts distinguish several types of urethritis:

  • Bacterial.
  • Viral.
  • Gonorrheal.
  • Trichomonas.
  • Candida.

Difficulty urinating may develop after improper treatment acute urethritis, mechanical irritation of the urinary opening, violation of the hygienic regime.


Any type of prostatitis (bacterial, chronic, acute) causes urination problems. Frequent urge to urination may end in nothing. Urine flows out of the urethra almost drop by drop, even if you manage to pee normally, the feeling of fullness of the bladder remains and the desire to go to the toilet “in a small way” persists.

Acute prostatitis causes a man the maximum amount of discomfort. Symptoms of the disease:

  • Increase in body temperature to 40 degrees.
  • There is pain in the groin and perineum.
  • It hurts not only to write, painful sensations causes an act of defecation.
  • The prostate swells so much that the man cannot urinate at all. Tension of the peritoneum leads to the fact that a person simply feels severe pain above the pubis.

Acute urinary retention, which develops with swelling of the prostate, can lead to painful shock and rupture of the bladder. Therefore, at the first sign of a disturbance in the outflow of urine, you should seek medical help.

Diseases affecting the genital organs

There are difficulties with urination in men who have suffered from inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. Urinary retention is possible with:

  • Orchitis - inflammation of the testicles.
  • Balanitis - inflammation foreskin, head of the penis.
  • Epididymitis - inflammation of the appendages.

A person’s urination process may slow down, the urge to urinate becomes more frequent, and the frequency of visiting the toilet increases at night.

Injuries to the genital organs can lead to narrowing of the lumen of the urethra, previous operations on the penis, bladder. After any intervention, adhesions and scars remain in the tissues. It is also possible to develop an inflammatory process, which provokes a violation of the outflow of urine. The following manipulations lead to difficulty in releasing fluid:

  • Inaccurate masturbation with excessive exposure of the head, tension of the frenulum.
  • Sexual intercourse associated with injury to the penis.
  • Lifting weights.
  • Doing heavy physical work.
  • Constant suppression of ejaculation at its peak, leading to the fact that sperm is “driven” into the testes.

Sluggish urination in men may be a sign of development cancer diseases in the urethra, bladder, kidneys.

Sexually transmitted infections

Syphilis, candidiasis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis lead to inflammation of the urethra. In this case, not only does it become difficult to pass urine, but other symptoms also appear: rash, whitish discharge, purulent odor from the urethra.

Damage to nerve centers in the brain, impaired circulation of cerebrospinal fluid in spinal column can also cause difficulty urinating. Malfunction of the urinary system is caused by:

  • Injuries to the head, neck, back.
  • Ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Hydrocephalus.

It has been noted that even children have difficulties with urination due to neuroses, depressive states, disturbances of psychological balance.

Sometimes psychological reasons prevent a man from peeing calmly. For example, he considers this process too intimate and cannot urinate in a public toilet or in the presence of strangers. Some men have a very high degree of inhibition, when they cannot squeeze out even a drop if they know that there is a woman in the corridor, behind the toilet door.

How is pathology diagnosed?

Do you have difficulty urinating? Do you want to find out the cause of the pathology and eliminate it? When unpleasant symptoms you should contact a urologist or sexologist. After examining the patient and listening to complaints, the doctor will suggest an in-depth examination:

  • Ultrasound of the prostate, kidneys, bladder.
  • Examination of the prostate gland through the anus.
  • Computed tomography of the genital organs, soft tissues of the pelvis.
  • X-ray of the kidneys, genitourinary system.
  • Urofluometry to determine the rate of fluid secretion from the urethra.
  • Cytoscopy of biomaterial from the urethra.
  • For inflammatory and infectious diseases - bacterial culture of the urethral mucosa to determine the pathogen.

If there is a suspicion that growth is interfering with urination cancerous tumor, you may need to undergo a biopsy - tissue collection for examination. This procedure helps determine whether the genitourinary system has cancer cells how quickly they divide, whether there are metastases to other organs and tissues.


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What especially struck me was that the urological patch cures the entire disease, and not some parts of it. That is, a recovery mechanism is launched, as it were. All diseases disappear, and it doesn’t matter whether you know about them or not! You're just getting better!...

Features of treatment

Treatment for a man with difficulty urinating is prescribed by a doctor, based on examination data, general state the patient, the characteristics of the course of his chronic diseases.

For urethritis, patients are prescribed lavage of the urethra with Potassium permanganate, Miramistin solution, and Protorgol. An appointment is required antibacterial drugs to eliminate the inflammatory process. The choice of tablets is made after identifying the pathogen and clarifying its sensitivity to certain drugs.

Spicy or chronic prostatitis also treatable with antibiotics. You may need to take antiseptic medications and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for pain relief.

When a man has trouble writing, you can add traditional therapy methods of traditional medicine.

  • To relieve muscle spasms, you can drink tea from the fruits of the tea rose (hibiscus) throughout the day. These fruits speed up urine processing and help remove excess salts from the kidneys.
  • A decoction of juniper berries helps normalize the urination process.
  • How tonic An infusion of nettle leaves, flowers and fruits is taken. You can drink it for more than a month every day instead of tea.

Please note that urinary problems often occur in people who prefer sedentary lifestyle life Stagnation in the pelvic organs and obesity lead to poor circulation and deterioration of metabolism. This, in turn, provokes the development inflammatory diseases. Don’t “hatch” illnesses, play sports and don’t forget about healthy way life.

And a little about secrets...

Have you ever suffered from problems due to PROSTATITIS? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, victory was not on your side. And of course you know firsthand what it is:

  • Increased irritability
  • Erection problems
  • Impaired urination

Can problems be tolerated? How much money have you already wasted on ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end this! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish a link with a comment from the Chief Urologist of the country, in which he recommends paying attention to one very effective remedy from PROSTATITIS.

Attention! Only today!

After passing urine, the feeling of a full bladder may still not leave the person. This means the presence of pathologies in the body, most often diseases associated with the urinary system. For the ruling accurate diagnosis you need to visit a doctor’s office and consult with him in the hope of understanding what triggered the feeling of fullness.

Causes of feeling a full bladder

The feeling of a full bladder after urinating appears for a reason. This is influenced by many factors, especially illness urinary system or nearby organs. Ailments related to neurology and other areas also provoke feelings of fullness, for example, multiple sclerosis, radiculitis, intervertebral hernia, problems with the spinal cord. The human brain can send false signals that the bladder is full. This occurs due to the impact of irritants on the walls of the bladder. This phenomenon causes inflammation of nearby organs.

Main reasons:

  • Diseases of the reproductive system, such as tumors, uterine fibroids, etc. provoke disturbances in bladder emptying.
  • Severe stages of urethritis and cystitis give the feeling that the bladder is full.
  • Narrowing or fusion of the walls of the urethra.
  • Acute infectious diseases genitourinary system, for example, the prostate in men, which is accompanied by pain and swelling. Infections give the feeling that the bladder is full.
  • Oncological tumors in women and men in the urinary organs.
  • Frequent constipation, which puts pressure on the bladder. In this case, a feeling of a constantly filled bubble appears.
  • The formation of stones in the bladder provokes a feeling of a full bladder.


If it seems to be present constant feeling if your bladder becomes full, you will need medical attention.

You cannot ignore obvious signs of pathology, otherwise it will lead to sad consequences. Not counting filling urinary system and the fact that the patient finds it difficult to empty it, the irritated walls of the outflow also show the following signs of the disease:

In addition to this symptom may be lumbar pain.
  • incontinence;
  • edema;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • small amount of urine excreted;
  • malaise, fever;
  • unpleasant, pungent odor of urine;
  • pain during bowel movements;
  • urine with bloody discharge, sand, having a cloudy tint;
  • pain in the lumbar and pelvic area.

What does this lead to?

If a person does not empty himself completely and the urine does not come out completely, this has a detrimental effect on his health, since bacteria arise in the remaining fluid in the urinary system, which contribute to inflammatory processes in the urinary organs. provokes the development of diseases such as cystitis and urethritis. It is recommended to visit a doctor immediately because the disease can affect other organs in the body, in particular the kidneys.

Diagnostic procedures

To understand what triggers the feeling of fullness, you need to consult a urologist. Before making a diagnosis, he will conduct an examination and clarify everything. individual characteristics person: age category, gender, genetic predisposition, medical history, complaints. Then he will order an instrumental examination in the laboratory. To discover the reason why the bladder is always full or full, the following tests are carried out:

To make a diagnosis, the patient needs to have a urine culture tested for bacteria.
  • general tests urine and blood;
  • examination of the human urinary tract using ultrasound;
  • urine culture;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys and pelvis;
  • cystoscopy to study the condition of the surface of the organ.

IN in rare cases after the examination you may need additional measures diagnostics:

  • appointment of magnetic resonance or computed tomography;
  • radiography.

This condition can be caused by muscle weakness, nerve damage, kidney stones, bladder infection, prostate enlargement, and other reasons. Urinary retention leads to a complete or partial inability to empty the bladder; it can be either acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term). In most cases, this condition is treatable different ways at home, but sometimes urgent medical intervention is required.


Part 1

Making Urination Easier with Home Remedies

    Strengthen your pelvic muscles. One of the most famous and effective ways strengthen muscles pelvic floor are Kegel exercises. These simple exercises exercises that you can do at home strengthen the muscles that control the bladder, as well as the uterus, small intestine and rectum. To locate your pelvic floor muscles, stop urinating in the middle. In doing so, you will contract the very muscles that Kegel exercises strengthen. These exercises can be performed in any position, although they are easiest to do while lying down.

    Train your bladder. Such training is important behavioral therapy, helping to get rid of urinary retention or incontinence. The goal of this therapy is to increase the time intervals between urination, increase the volume of retention bladder fluids, and a decrease in the frequency and intensity of the urge to urinate. To train your bladder, you need to create a bathroom schedule that you can stick to regardless of whether you feel the urge to pee at any given time. If you want to pee earlier than the scheduled time, try to suppress your desire by squeezing your pelvic muscles.

    Make sure you are comfortable in the restroom. Comfortable conditions in the toilet contribute to normal bladder emptying. If the restroom is too cool air and a cold floor, you won’t be able to relax properly. The toilet seat should be comfortable for both sexes, as some men find it uncomfortable to urinate while standing (they experience back, neck or prostate pain). Privacy is also important for comfort, so try to avoid public restrooms and close the door when using the restroom at home.

    Press down on your lower abdomen. By applying pressure to the lower abdomen, where the bladder is located, you stimulate urination. Consider this technique to help you empty your bladder completely as a form of massage and physical therapy. Find information on the Internet about where exactly the bladder is located, and lightly press the abdomen in this place towards the back and down, as if “milking” your bladder while urinating. It is easier to do this while standing, rather than sitting on the toilet, leaning forward.

    • You can also lightly pat your abdomen with your palm to cause muscle contraction and make urination easier.
    • Women can insert a disinfected finger into the vagina and apply gentle pressure to the front wall of the vagina, which also stimulates the bladder and promotes emptying.
    • In men, too much stimulation of the lower abdomen can cause an erection that makes urination very difficult. While trying to completely empty your bladder, avoid erections.
    • By running warm water over your lower abdomen and genitals, you stimulate urination. Try peeing while taking a warm shower.
  1. Learn how to catheter yourself. If you have great difficulty urinating and significant pain in your bladder and kidneys, and previous methods have not worked, self-catheterization may help. This method involves inserting a catheter (a long, thin tube) into the urethra and leading it to the opening of the bladder, draining urine through the tube. Your family doctor or urologist can teach you this procedure, but it is not recommended for those with heart disease or those who are overly squeamish.

    • It is better to have catheterization under local anesthesia performed by a doctor, but if this procedure does not bother you, you can try to do it yourself, using lubricant.
    • Lubricant will partially replace local anesthesia, but some substances (for example, Vaseline) can cause irritation of the delicate mucous membrane of the urethra, accompanied by pain.
    • Before inserting the catheter, it should be thoroughly sterilized to avoid introducing infection into the urethra.

    Part 2

    Health care
    1. Consult your doctor. If you have difficulty urinating for several days in a row, consult your doctor. The doctor will examine you and try to determine the cause. In addition to weak pelvic muscles, urinary retention can be caused by a blocked urethra, bladder or kidney stones, genitourinary tract infection, severe constipation, cystocele (in women), enlarged prostate (in men), spinal cord injury, and excessive drinking. antihistamines, residual effects of anesthesia after surgery.

      Consult your doctor about medications. Ask your doctor if your bladder problems and difficulty urinating can be treated with medication. Some drugs cause dilatation (relaxation and widening) of the smooth muscles of the urethra and opening of the bladder, although they long-term use can lead to the opposite problem - loss of bladder control and urinary incontinence. If bladder and urinary problems in men are associated with an enlarged prostate, medications such as dutasteride (Avodart) and finasteride (Proscar) can help stop the growth of prostate cancer and even shrink it.

    2. Consider urethral dilatation and stenting. Urethral dilatation helps unblock the urethra, gradually widening it by inserting increasingly larger diameter tubes into it. A narrowed urethra can also be widened using a stent. The stent inserted into the canal expands like a spring and exerts pressure on the surrounding tissue, gradually expanding it. Stents can be either temporary or permanent. Both dilatation and stenting are outpatient procedures performed under local anesthesia and sometimes sedation.

      • The urethra is also dilated by inserting an air-filled ball attached to the end of the catheter.
      • These procedures are performed by a urologist.
      • Unlike conventional catheterization, which can be performed independently at home after appropriate training, dilatation and stenting should never be performed at home.
    3. Consider sacral neuromodulation. In sacral neuromodulation, the nerves that control the bladder and pelvic floor muscles are exposed to weak electrical impulses. This procedure improves communication between the brain, nerves and smooth muscles, normalizing the functioning of the bladder and promoting its complete and regular emptying. At the same time in the body surgically A special device is implanted, which, when turned on, begins to send electrical impulses. This device can be turned off at any time and, if necessary, removed from the body.

      • This method is also called sacral nerve stimulation, although the nerves in and around the sacrum can also be stimulated manually by massaging the area with a vibrating device. Try massage at home - it may improve your bladder function.
      • Sacral nerve stimulation does not help urinary retention or bladder problems if they are caused by an obstruction.
      • Keep in mind that sacral nerve stimulation does not help with all types of non-obstructive urinary retention. Before Use this method, consult a urologist.
    4. As last resort consider surgery. If all of the above methods do not bring results, your doctor may recommend that you surgery, if he believes that it can alleviate your condition. There are many different surgeries available, and the specific choice depends on what exactly is causing your problems. Here are just a few examples of surgeries that help overcome urinary retention: internal urethrotomy, cystocele and rectocele treatment for women, and prostate surgery for men.

      • Internal urethrotomy involves eliminating the stricture (narrowing) of the urethra by inserting a special catheter with a laser at the end.
      • Surgery to treat a cystocele or rectocele involves removing the cyst, closing the holes, and strengthening the vagina and surrounding tissue to return the bladder to its normal position.
      • To eliminate urinary retention caused by benign hyperplasia prostate gland, or prostate adenoma, part of the prostate gland or the entire gland is surgically removed; Usually the transurethral method is used, in which a catheter is inserted into the urethra.
      • Other surgeries are performed to remove tumors and/or cancerous tissue in the bladder and urethra.

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It's hard to urinate. What is the treatment when it is difficult to urinate

About urination

Normal urination implies the release of urine in a volume of 1.5-2.0 liters per day. The normal frequency of urination varies from 4 to 6 times a day.. Of course, the volume of urine excreted and the frequency of emptying the bladder depend on the amount of fluid taken, anatomical features human body (for example, men go to the toilet less often, since their bladder capacity is larger than that of women).

Normally, urination occurs without problems when needed.. However, it happens that difficulties arise in urination. It is difficult to urinate due to some diseases. You need to know that urinary retention is dangerous, as it promotes the growth of bacteria in the bladder and can lead to bladder rupture. If you are completely unable to urinate, you should seek medical help.

What are the manifestations of difficulty urinating:

  • The stream of urine is sluggish and thin, directed vertically downward; leakage of urine drop by drop;
  • The stream of urine bifurcates and sprays;
  • Long wait to urinate, straining when urinating;
  • Excretion of urine in small portions when the bladder is full;
  • Incomplete emptying of the bladder;
  • Discomfort during the act of urination.

Why is it hard to urinate - common diseases

Why does it become difficult to urinate and which specialist should I contact? at this symptom everyone should know. After all, when it becomes difficult for a person to urinate, this indicates the appearance of pathological process in the organs of the urinary system.

Common diseases that lead to difficulty urinating:

  • Stones or tumors of the urethra;

Other diseases and pathological processes also lead to difficulty urinating.

Most often, difficulty urinating occurs with benign prostatic hypertrophy (prostate adenoma). The mechanism of difficulty urinating is as follows: with an enlargement of the prostate gland, compression of the urethra occurs, therefore the outflow of urine decreases. Difficulty urinating often develops gradually and increases over time. Prostate adenoma occurs in men over 50 years of age.

What is the treatment when it is difficult to urinate?

In our medical center urology and oncology specialists use modern highly effective methods. When contacting a urologist, he is required to conduct a thorough examination, which may include:

  • Digital examination of the prostate;
  • Ultrasound of the bladder and kidneys;
  • Ultrasound of the prostate gland;
  • Urethrocystoscopy.

After examination and diagnosis, our doctors provide treatment.

The main goal of treating difficulty urinating is to eliminate the cause, treat the underlying disease, and prevent relapse.

Methods for treating difficulty urinating are divided into medicinal and surgical. TO surgical methods relate endoscopic operations transurethral resection and laser vaporization of the prostate.

Numerous new treatments for prostate adenoma:

  1. Transurethral resection and transrectal hyperthermia;
  2. Thermotherapy;
  3. Cryotherapy;
  4. Laser coagulation and vaporization;
  5. Needle ablation;
  6. Microwave therapy.

In our medical center of urology and oncology, they successfully use modern techniques treatment of prostate adenoma.

Treatment of prostate adenoma(on early stage its development), includes the use of modern spectrum drug therapy. For advanced forms, our urologists perform different kinds surgical interventions. Our specialists carry out both open operations with access through the wall of the bladder, and transurethral resections - without incisions, through the urethra using modern endoscopy.

During transurethral resection, prostate adenoma is removed through the urethra. During the operation, the urologist-oncologist uses an electric resectoscope loop to remove overgrown tissue from the inside of the prostate gland, thereby reducing pressure on the urethra area. Transurethral resection is the most common and effective method surgical treatment with prostate adenoma.

In addition, retropubic adenomectomy is performed at our medical center. This treatment method is minimally invasive. During this operation there is no opening of the bladder. This allows you to shorten the recovery time after surgery, due to the absence of opening the urinary system during the operation. It is better to entrust the choice of treatment method to a specialist, to your attending urologist at our medical center. In our medical center of urology and oncology, we find for each patient individual approach and select treatment tactics on an individual basis.

In the urologist's office, there are often cases when patients complain that urine does not completely come out. Moreover, both women and men can suffer from such a problem. Doctors call this phenomenon residual urine - liquid that remains in the organ, despite a person’s efforts to completely empty himself. In this case, 50 ml is already considered a significant volume, although in particular severe cases“unnecessary weight” reaches a limit of several liters.


It is not surprising that the main complaint of people with this disorder is incomplete emptying of the bladder. There may be several reasons for concern: a weak “signal” to go to the toilet, a process that extends over several stages, as well as muscle tension and effort to ensure that the desired act takes place. In this case, patients may not feel any other discomfort. But doctors are confident that even these seemingly minor problems should be a reason for a visit to the clinic. After all, they lead to a number of severe and serious complications.

Chronic causes impaired renal function - this is easy to detect thanks to isotope renography. As a result, pyelonephritis, diverticula, cystitis or any other disease develop. If a person has a chill, heat And severe pain in the lower back, then doctors may suspect urosepsis. In the body, it can occur in a malignant form, as evidenced by toxic changes in the blood - high leukocytosis, for example.

Most common reasons

Based on the above facts, we can draw an absolutely logical conclusion: urine does not completely leave the bladder when the body “eats” a disease - chronic or acute. There are many factors leading to the problem:

  • Mechanical causes are diseases of the genitourinary system and kidney infections. For example, trauma to these organs, the presence of tumor formations on them, as well as prostate cancer, adenoma, phimosis, and the presence of stones.
  • Diseases nervous system: spinal cord or brain injuries, tumors, myelitis and so on.
  • Drug intoxication. It is diagnosed when the patient takes narcotic drugs or sleeping pills for a long time.

Most common reason urinary retention in men - adenoma. The problem occurs when blood rushes too much to this organ. The acute form is caused by severe hypothermia, alcohol abuse, sedentary image life and digestive tract disorders.

Some more factors...

But these are not all the reasons that people complain about when they notice residual urine and pain when emptying the bladder. It happens that the problem arises due to a fracture pelvic bones and urethral injuries - in most cases among representatives of the stronger sex. Less commonly, such discomfort is a consequence of a disorder of the nervous regulation of the muscular membrane of the bladder or inadequate functioning of the sphincters of this organ. It can lead to hemorrhages in spinal cord, compression of the vertebrae, etc.

Often has a reflex character. That is, it is observed in a person in the first few days after he has undergone surgery on the pelvic organs or has suffered from the influence of severe stress. Sometimes the disease is diagnosed in absolutely healthy people who regularly drink alcohol. Alcoholics develop atony of the bladder muscle - weakening of the walls of the bladder, as a result of which the patient cannot fully control the act of emptying.

Types of urinary retention

This disorder can be of two types. When urine does not completely exit the bladder, doctors diagnose complete or partial delay. The first involves the patient’s desire to go to the toilet, in which the body cannot release even a drop of liquid. For such people, urine has been released from the organ artificially for years - through a catheter. If the liquid comes out partially, they say that the act began, but for some reason was never completed. Usually, trouble occurs against the background of the diseases described above. As soon as the problem is resolved, the process will be restored. If not accepted necessary measures in time, the delay can become chronic.

Frequent emptying of the bladder without its final emptying leads to stretching of the walls of the organ. This, in turn, provokes another problem - the inability to retain fluid in the middle of the body. At first, a person loses a few drops at a time, but after some time he is not able to fully control the process - urination occurs anywhere under different conditions. This phenomenon is called paradoxical ischuria.

Other forms

A disorder called “residual urine” is sometimes associated with rather unusual factors. For example, there is a peculiar form of delay, which is characterized by a sudden interruption of the process with the opportunity to continue it. The patient begins to have bowel movements normally, but the act suddenly stops. Often the cause is a stone located in the ureter. When the body position changes, the manipulation is resumed. Doctors say that some patients with urolithiasis can only go to the toilet in one position - sitting, squatting, or sideways.

Delayed emptying may be accompanied by hematuria - the presence of blood in the fluid. Sometimes it can be seen with the naked eye: the urine takes on a pinkish or brown tint. If the presence of blood is too small to be noticed, the fluid is taken for analysis, where it is analyzed under a microscope and conclusions are drawn. By the way, experienced urologists can detect urinary retention even during a routine examination. In such patients, swelling is felt in the lower abdomen, caused by the presence of an incompletely emptied bladder.

How to help the patient?

If urine does not completely exit the bladder, a person needs urgent medical advice. Acute form organ dysfunction requires emergency assistance. Typically, such people have a catheter inserted for normal emptying. For these purposes, the outer opening of the canal is treated and disinfected, after which a rubber tube generously moistened with Vaseline or glycerin is carefully inserted into it. Tweezers regulate the movement of the catheter, securing it in the urethra. The procedure is carried out progressively - 2 centimeters at a time, without haste or sudden movements.

If the cause of the patient's problem is urolithiasis disease or prostatitis, then the manipulation is not performed. In these cases, the presence of a rubber tube in the organ can lead to serious complications. The catheter may be placed permanently. In this case, the procedure is performed by a urologist, prescribing antibiotics after it to avoid the development of inflammatory processes. The patient himself can insert a temporary rubber tube immediately before bowel movement. But before that, he must consult a doctor.


The feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder is quite unpleasant. To get rid of it forever, you must first remove the cause that caused the problem. Pass full examination from a qualified urologist. Having consulted, if necessary, with a nephrologist, gynecologist and oncologist, he will diagnose the disease and take measures to treat it. Oddly enough, reflex delays are the hardest to heal, since they carry psychological character. Psychotherapy sessions help here, as well as simple manipulations such as irrigation of the genitals warm water or running a water tap while urinating.

Remember that incomplete bowel movements can be a lifelong problem. In this case they talk about a relapse. Moreover, it occurs in cases where the patient catches an infection urinary tract. That’s why it’s so important to take care of your health and sound the alarm at the slightest sign of discomfort. Self-medication is extremely dangerous and often leads to severe consequences and serious complications.