Symptoms of rotavirus infection in adults without. Signs of rotavirus disease

Rotavirus infection is popularly called " stomach flu" This is one of the most common intestinal diseases on the planet. Its main symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea, fever. Children are most susceptible to rotavirus, but adults (usually those caring for sick children) are also often infected. The routes of infection are food and airborne. Knowing how to treat rotavirus infection correctly, you can significantly shorten the patient’s recovery period and also avoid complications.

How to treat rotavirus infection: basic methods

As with any other infectious disease, the main thing in treating rotavirus is to weaken negative impact virus on the body of a sick person. As for specifically how and with what to treat rotavirus infection, the main methods of treatment include: normalization of body temperature, enterosorption, diet therapy, oral rehydration, as well as taking enterosorbents and probiotics. Let's talk about each of these methods in more detail:

Normalization of body temperature

First of all, you should know that you need to lower your temperature only if it rises above 38.5 °C, so as not to interfere with the body’s fight against the virus. For this purpose, medications are taken based on paracetamol or ibuprofen in an age-specific dose.

Oral rehydration

Simply put, desoldering is the main method of treatment for rotavirus patients. It is designed to prevent dehydration, which is very dangerous, especially for children. The sick person should be fed with small portions of liquid, which should be given to him as often as possible. As for how to treat rotavirus infection at this stage, for soldering it is best to take ready-made glucose-salt solutions, which are sold in pharmacies in the form of powders for dilution in water. For example:

  • electrolyte
  • rehydron
  • hydrovit
  • super-ORS

If it is impossible to desolate the patient due to uncontrollable vomiting, then you should urgently seek medical help.

Diet therapy

Poor nutrition during rotavirus can worsen diarrhea, as well as cause malabsorption syndrome (impaired digestion and absorption of food) and malnutrition (life-threatening loss of body weight) in the patient. Knowing how to treat rotavirus infection with diet, you can significantly strengthen the body's resistance. Typically, patients are allowed to eat low-lactose dairy products and liquid porridge on the water. Infants can be fed breast milk. Bread, vegetables and fruits, legumes, and whole milk should be excluded from the patient’s diet. As well as any fatty, fried, smoked and salty foods.


This is the treatment special drugs- enterosorbents that ensure the removal of toxins from the body. These drugs include the well-known ones:

The doctor must decide which of these medications to use in the treatment of rotavirus.


Probiotics are medications that have a positive effect on physiological, biochemical and immune reactions body. These medications include:

  • enterol
  • Linux
  • bifiform
  • bactisubtil
  • acipol

Many people believe that taking antibiotics will help them quickly cope with any intestinal disease. It is important to remember that rotavirus is not bacterial disease, and antibiotics are prescribed only by a doctor and only in case of attachment to a virus bacterial infection(which rarely happens). Therefore, without knowing exactly how to treat rotavirus infection, it is better not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor for a prescription.

How to avoid getting infected with rotavirus?

Rotavirus infection is an extremely contagious disease. To protect yourself from it, you should carefully observe all hygiene standards: wash your hands, use boiled water for drinking, isolate yourself from the community where the rotavirus epidemic is spreading. The most effective remedy protection against rotavirus - vaccination. There are two clinically tested vaccines produced in Europe and the USA (the Russian vaccine has not yet passed clinical trials). People who have been ill with rotavirus once, as a rule, receive immunity and either never get sick with this disease again, or tolerate it much easier than the first time.

Now you know how and how to treat rotavirus infection. The main thing is to follow all the doctors’ recommendations and be patient. If you approach treatment competently and responsibly, then no complications will arise. Recovery will occur a week after the onset of the disease, and possibly earlier.

Rotavirus infection is one of the most contagious and common diseases among young children. Adults, even those who had this disease in childhood, also do not have immunity from intestinal flu, but usually tolerate it more easily. If one of the household members catches this viral infection, then, as a rule, others become infected with it - all because neither disinfection nor boiling kills rotavirus. It feels great in any environment and in any weather conditions. Whether the consequences of rotavirus will manifest themselves will depend on how timely the patient received adequate treatment.

Consequences of rotavirus

The disease develops rapidly, and it acute phase lasts up to 5 days. At first, you may not recognize that it is rotavirus, since loose stool, vomiting and fever are symptoms of many diseases. Thus, you can lose time and intestinal flu, like any other, in this case threatens complications. Among the most dangerous conditions The following consequences can be identified:

  • dehydration (exicosis). Since rotavirus infection occurs rapidly, incessant vomiting, diarrhea and high fever, especially in a baby, very quickly remove fluid from the body, which can lead to dysfunction of vital functions. important organs and death;
  • dysbiosis. Incorrect or untimely treatment can lead to colonization of the intestines pathogenic flora, and the body, weakened by infection and medications, does not have enough natural resources to displace it;
  • decreased immunity. After recovery, recovery capabilities are significantly reduced immune system . A weakened body cannot resist viruses for a long time, so there is a risk of getting rotavirus again or constantly suffering from respiratory infections.

At first glance, mortality rates among children are low - only 3%. However, those affected are mainly children under four years of age, which is especially problematic.


One of the most dangerous consequences company viral infection in children it is intestinal excicosis. This syndrome develops due to continuous vomiting and diarrhea. The body is disrupted water-salt balance and there is a deficiency of electrolytes.

Dehydration usually does not occur overnight, however, with intestinal flu, not only loose stools and vomiting are observed, but also elevated temperature, so liquid is lost much faster. It is for this reason that the patient can die, and the main risk group is formed by babies under one year old.


The first signs of exicosis are dry lips and skin. Afterwards more severe conditions occur, namely:

  • high fever that is not relieved by antipyretic medications;
  • dark urine excreted in small quantities;
  • kidney dysfunction, leading to acute renal failure;
  • convulsions;
  • cardiac dysfunction.

The last two symptoms can lead to kidney failure, after which, due to severe intoxication, the person can fall into a coma and die.


At the first symptoms of dehydration in a baby, you should immediately call an ambulance
. Acute renal failure can only be treated in a hospital setting, but even the availability of appropriate equipment does not guarantee a quick recovery. Accurate diagnosis difficult to diagnose, since the symptoms of rotavirus are similar to those of other serious infectious diseases Gastrointestinal tract: dysentery, cholera, salmonellosis. It is diagnosed only on the basis of stool analysis. Pathological processes that are a consequence of dehydration are:

  • water does not flow into circulatory system, so the blood thickens. It becomes hard for the heart to pump thick blood through the arteries and vessels and its rhythm begins to go astray;
  • Nervous disorders, delirium, lethargy and lack of sleep occur due to lack of nutrition nerve cells glucose;
  • food is not absorbed and cannot be digested, which leads to distension of the stomach;
  • due to lack of nutrition of brain cells, hallucinations and fainting appear, which precede coma;
  • a severe decrease in immunity leads to constant infections with respiratory and intestinal infections.


In no case should you treat yourself - in the hospital, a child or an adult is usually given intravenous injections water-salt solutions to replenish fluid loss in the body
. If the kidneys do not remove toxins, they enter the blood and poison all organs and tissues, so the patient needs to connect a special device for hemodialysis and cleansing of the body, which cannot be done at home.

To avoid such a serious consequence of rotavirus as dehydration, when the first symptoms appear, you should drink at least two liters of water per day in small portions, so as not to further provoke diarrhea and vomiting. To eliminate dehydration, drugs that restore water-salt balance are usually prescribed, for example, rehydron. As for complications after rotavirus infection in children, if the child’s condition is stable and satisfactory, it is recommended to put him to the breast as often as possible, since mother's milk nourishing and disinfecting. In addition, it saturates the baby’s body with fluid and calms him down.


This unpleasant consequence rotavirus, as dysbacteriosis, may be the result of incorrect or delayed therapy, as a result of which pathogenic bacteria and medications were violated natural microflora intestines. Young children under one year of age suffer especially, since beneficial microorganisms have not yet completely populated their gastrointestinal tract.. Therefore, rotavirus infection can disrupt a child’s metabolism for a long time.

Symptoms and course

The symptoms of this serious consequence are as follows:

  • alkalization of microflora, which leads to the death of beneficial bacteria;
  • persistent dyspeptic disorders: bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea;
  • heterogeneity of feces: the presence in it of undigested pieces of food, mucus, lumps.

The patient stops secreting some digestive enzymes, are not absorbed useful material and microelements. Bifidobacteria die, and pathogenic flora multiplies at lightning speed. Constant diarrhea threatens the development of irritable bowel syndrome, gastritis, and colitis. Vitamin B deficiency leads to gum disease, brittle hair and nails, nervous disorders. There is a lack of iron in the body, which leads to a decrease in hemoglobin and anemia.


Treatment of dysbiosis is a difficult and long process. Those who have had rotavirus are prescribed prebiotics and probiotics and the state of the microflora is constantly monitored by analysis. The patient must follow a special diet, which contains a sufficient amount of dairy products, such as cottage cheese, cheese, kefir. Vegetables and fruits in their raw form are prescribed with caution; in general, everything should be amenable to heat treatment, so as not to undermine the intestines even more. Oatmeal and rice porridge improve digestion and are quickly digested, so their presence in the diet is mandatory.

To avoid such consequences of rotavirus infection in adults and children as dysbacteriosis, when treating rotavirus, the patient is immediately prescribed drugs aimed at maintaining the natural microflora and containing lacto- and bifidobacteria.

What are the consequences of lack of adequate treatment?

If dysbiosis is not treated, it can result in the following complications:

  • the appearance of ulcers and ulcers on the skin;
  • chronic inflammation of the rectum;
  • persistent stomatitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • the addition of fungal infections and frequent manifestations of herpes;
  • severe course of the common cold.

Immune system response

After a rotavirus infection, antibodies are produced in insufficient quantities, so it is very easy to become infected again after a couple of weeks.
, especially small child. Complications after rotavirus infection in adults are observed less frequently. Many people do not become infected with rotavirus at all, which suggests that either the disease is asymptomatic, or the person has developed immunity due to repeated infections. Children under six years of age are at risk of re-infection, and antibodies to bacteria of the genus Rotavirus have been detected more than once in older children.

To avoid undesirable consequences, in the first month after the illness, you need to protect the child from contact with sick people and try to increase his resistance to viruses with the help vitamin complexes, good nutrition And active image life.

The consequences of rotavirus are quite serious and can cause many problems. Although intestinal flu is very contagious and preventive measures not very effective Don’t forget about hygiene, hand disinfection and washing vegetables and fruits before eating them. If infection occurs, remember that timely appeal Seeing a doctor is the key to a quick recovery.

Many people associate fever, nausea, vomiting and loose stools with poisoning or the development of a bacterial intestinal infection. Therefore, first aid usually comes down to the use of antibiotics. But few people know that such symptoms also occur with rotavirus.

How dangerous is rotavirus? What is rotavirus infection and how does it develop? How does the disease manifest itself and who gets sick most often? And, most importantly, what are the ways to treat and prevent this infection, which is not clear to everyone?

What is rotavirus

This pathogen is not related to the influenza virus and similar infections, but the first symptoms and acute onset resemble similar ailments. Therefore, another familiar name for rotavirus infection is “intestinal flu”. What helps rotavirus infect everything every day? large quantity of people?

  1. Rotavirus is resistant to treatment with disinfectants; it does not die when low values pH and under the influence of even the strongest concentrated detergents.
  2. Rotavirus remains active in feces for up to seven months.
  3. Children under six years of age are susceptible to rotavirus, but often more complicated infection occurs in children in the first years of life.
  4. There are no countries where people are more prone to developing the disease; it is common everywhere.
  5. A significant part of rotavirus infection in children was registered in the autumn-winter period. But rotavirus reproduces well at any time of the year, so isolated cases infections occur at other times.
  6. The virus is transmitted from person to person, although there are species in the family that cause similar diseases in animals.

The rapid development of infection with rotavirus, the absence today of 100% effective methods of treatment, damage to the respiratory and digestive system- here are the main ones distinctive features diseases.

How does rotavirus spread and what affects it?

There is not a single place on earth where this infection does not occur. Rotavirus is widespread in all regions globe the same. Sustainability in external environment helps the microorganism to settle for a long time in places where people live.

How is rotavirus infection transmitted from person to person? The route of transmission is nutritional (via dirty hands), which in medicine is also called fecal-oral. Rotavirus is transmitted from a patient or carrier healthy person through contaminated objects. Another route of transmission cannot be ruled out - airborne droplets.

Children are usually exposed to rotavirus before the age of six. But a larger number of infected people are observed in the period up to 24 months. From six months to 12 months, passive immunity from the mother remains, so during this time the child gets sick less often. Before period school age Children almost always have time to develop their immunity. In older age groups It is more difficult to become infected with rotavirus, although this often happens.

Is it possible to get re-infected with rotavirus? - yes, because immunity to this microorganism is developed, but not for life. More precisely, for only a few months the child is protected by the cells of the immune system. By the age of five, the disease is various forms every person endures.

How does an infection differ from similar processes?

  1. Getting into oral cavity, rotavirus does not strive to remain forever in the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, and rushes further along the digestive tract.
  2. The stomach is affected to a lesser extent; here the disease manifests itself only in inflammation.
  3. The cells or villi of the small intestine are more susceptible to changes; rotavirus likes to multiply here and infect cellular structures.
  4. In the villi of the duodenum, rotavirus actively multiplies and causes the death of epithelial cells.

The tropism or love of the virus for epithelial cells (epithelial membrane cells) of the initial section of the cells of the small intestine causes the lesions caused in the child’s body.

Symptoms of the development of rotavirus infection

In most cases, the disease progresses quickly, without long-term consequences. The incubation period of rotavirus infection is several days and lasts from 15 hours to 3–5 days. The disease begins suddenly against the background of complete well-being.

loose stool

What are the symptoms of rotavirus infection?

  1. In more than half of children, the disease begins with vomiting. Basically, this is a one-time symptom, which, after the first day, no longer bothers you.
  2. Almost every third person's temperature rises to subfebrile levels, but in most cases it may be absent, while the child feels chills.
  3. Then, or simultaneously with the first manifestations, loosening of the stool develops. The urge to go to the toilet is repeated, sudden and frequent; in mild forms of the disease, the child visits the toilet only 1–2 times a day, and in severe cases up to 8 times a day.
  4. Typical sign rotavirus infection is a liquid, watery and often foamy discharge, the color of which can vary from white to yellow-green.
  5. With rumbling in the abdomen and pain in the umbilical area, the disease resembles food poisoning.
  6. Against the background of all the above symptoms, catarrhal phenomena: sore throat, redness, runny nose - this is often where the disease begins.
  7. Symptoms of intoxication appear and constantly intensify: weakness, headache.
  8. Severe loss of fluid leads to shortness of breath, persistent fever, intestinal dysfunction, lack of urination in the child and other symptoms.
  9. Against the backdrop of a severe course of the disease, the child may lose consciousness.

Symptoms of rotavirus infection begin to gradually subside after a week. How many days does rotavirus infection last in children? - incubation period happens up to five days, acute lasts no more than a week, the recovery stage occurs within three days. On average, with a favorable course of the process, rotavirus affects a child for 5–7 days.

After just 3–5 days, the infection spreads to all family members and immediate surroundings. Rotavirus infection accounts for about 40% of all viral diarrhea in childhood. That is, almost every second case of loose stool and “poisoning” occurs precisely due to the development of this disease.

Rotavirus in adults

Adults suffer from rotavirus infection less often, since their protective systems are already more advanced, and local immunity better developed.

What are the features of the course of rotavirus infection in adults?

  1. For adults, the course of the disease is mild.
  2. Often rotavirus infection occurs without pronounced typical clinical symptoms as in children, so the course of infection in adults resembles normal intestinal disorder.
  3. In some cases, the onset of the disease is more like respiratory infection, as it occurs with minor malaise, sore throat, runny nose and cough.
  4. In older children and adults, the disease occurs in a shorter period of time; vomiting and repeated diarrhea do not always occur, so treatment is often not required.

Rotavirus during pregnancy

Separately, it is necessary to mention rotavirus infection during pregnancy. How easily the disease progresses and how it ends depends on the mother’s immunity and the amount of virus that has entered the pregnant woman’s body. If the disease is mild, there is no need to hospitalize the woman, but you will have to watch the baby a little more closely.

Infection medium degree severity and severe may be complicated by developmental disorders of the child. One of the most unpleasant moments is the high probability of a miscarriage. early. May begin in the third trimester premature birth because of severe cramps intestines.

The danger of infection during pregnancy is that the symptoms of rotavirus infection are often hidden behind mild toxicosis - this complicates timely diagnosis and treatment.

Nausea, vomiting and fever are typical and frequent manifestations of many infections and other temporary acute conditions. How not to get confused and post in a timely manner correct diagnosis? Treatment tactics depend on this. It needs to be done as quickly as possible differential diagnosis.

The process of finding out the reasons developing symptoms takes a long time or is too expensive. With rotavirus, diagnosis is not timely, and the infection ends too quickly. Therefore, treatment must sometimes be started symptomatically.

Consequences of rotavirus

According to WHO (World Health Organization), rotavirus infection kills from 500 to 900 thousand people every year. Children top this list, and contact method transmission contributes to the spread of infection in kindergartens and infant homes.

The consequences of rotavirus infection are as follows:

  • the most dangerous consequence is death, which occurs in 3.5% of cases;
  • severe course of the disease leads to dehydration of the body, damage to other organ systems occurs: cardiovascular and nervous, if a child under one year old loses 10–15% of fluid from his body weight, this can be fatal;
  • During pregnancy, moderate and severe rotavirus infection can lead to spontaneous abortion.

Rotavirus infection is not among the most dangerous illnesses on earth, but some of its consequences make us think about timely prevention.

Prevention against rotavirus

Prevention of rotavirus begins in the family. These are basic hygiene rules.

How contagious is a person after rotavirus? You can become infected throughout the entire period active manifestation disease and after it, since isolated in environment the microorganism remains on surfaces for a long time. The danger is posed by virus carriers and children with mild asymptomatic infection. At the same time, the virus is actively released into the environment and continues to infect people.

Other types of prevention

Despite the mild and relatively favorable course of acute rotavirus infection, the consequences can be unpredictable. Big percentage deaths and high morbidity worldwide have led to the need to develop more effective methods prevention against rotavirus.

Just a few years ago it was developed live vaccine from rotavirus infection. Today it is included in the list of mandatory in more than 30 countries around the world, but it is used in this moment in almost 70 countries. In Russia, such protection is still being tested, but in Moscow, children have already been vaccinated for the first six months of life.

In countries where vaccination is mandatory, the incidence of infection has been reduced by more than 80%. And this is only for the first few years of childhood immunization!

Vaccination against rotavirus infection is carried out in the first weeks of life. Currently, two types of vaccines are used, which are produced in the form of drops and administered orally:

Both drugs reduce disease rates in countries where rotavirus vaccinations are given. In addition, they reduce the number of complications from infection. Vaccination is not carried out in all countries, since the drugs are still being processed there. clinical trials.

Treatment for rotavirus infection

There are several options for treating rotavirus infection. important points, without which it is impossible to improve a person’s condition.

Rotavirus, from the moment it enters the human body, must pass full cycle reproduction, which affects not only the digestive organs, but also other systems. It is impossible to influence rotavirus during any period of disease development. There are no effective antiviral drugs that help against rotavirus infection. In most cases, you only have to deal with the consequences negative influence virus on the human body.

Nutrition for rotavirus infection

Diet is an integral part healing process with the development of rotavirus infection. During the development of the disease and after recovery, the child’s diet undergoes some changes. This happens because rotavirus attacks the intestinal villi. In addition, it leads to inflammation of the digestive glands, the digestion of food is disrupted, leading to fermentation processes in the intestines. Inflamed digestive glands do not produce enough lactase and sucrase (enzymes for breaking down carbohydrates), so the previous diet only causes loose stools.

What to feed a child with rotavirus infection? - It’s easier to say what you shouldn’t give to a child.

  1. At the onset of the disease, nutrition is often limited. With any viral infection, the baby does not want to eat. During this period, you need to give plenty of fluids to drink.
  2. When the disease occurs in mild form- heavy foods are limited in the diet, dairy products are temporarily excluded.
  3. If the child is on breastfeeding during the period of rotavirus reproduction in the body better than a baby switch to low-lactose mixtures.
  4. The diet after rotavirus infection consists of limiting raw fruits and vegetables until health returns to normal, and completely eliminating spicy foods for older children. Food should be boiled, stewed or steamed. Confectionery limited to a minimum. As for drinks, it is better to prefer compotes with dried fruits.

Frequently asked questions about rotavirus

Rotavirus is an unusual microorganism. The disease caused by it may be mild in course, but with dangerous consequences. It progresses quickly and favorably, but its manifestations cannot be reduced. This is the category of diseases whose treatment should be entrusted to a specialist.

This is a disease caused by viruses from the Reoviridae family. According to the WHO statement, about 25 million cases of rotavirus infection are registered annually worldwide, 3% of which are fatal.

Causes of rotavirus infection

The infection is transmitted fecal-oral route from a sick person to a healthy one. People of all ages are susceptible to rotavirus, but young children are more sensitive.

Rotaurius accumulates and multiplies in upper sections intestines. The virus kills mature intestinal cells, which are soon replaced by immature ones. Such cells are not able to fully absorb carbohydrates, as well as other nutrients. These undigested substances have high osmotic activity and provoke disturbances in water reabsorption. This is how diarrhea develops.

Abundant leads to significant loss of fluid. This condition is extremely dangerous for infants. They can develop in just a few hours against the background of diarrhea and. It is the consequences of severe dehydration that lead to fatalities among children with rotavirus infection. Therefore, if signs of acute intestinal infection appear in children, treatment should be started immediately.

Principles of treatment

There is no etiotropic treatment for rotavirus infection. They are not used in the treatment of infection and are completely useless. Treatment of rotavirus infection is aimed primarily at correcting water and electrolyte balance.

Rehydration therapy

Rotavirus infection is characterized by abundant infection, which leads to loss of fluid and minerals. The primary task in the fight against rotavirus infection is to restore the lost volume of fluid. In grades I-II, rehydration is carried out using oral agents.

WHO recommends using the following solution: sodium chloride - 3.5 g, potassium chloride - 1.5 g, sodium bicarbonate - 2.5 g, glucose - 20 g per liter of water.

An adult needs to drink the solution in small portions (40-100 ml) every ten minutes. This solution is used for hospital treatment. And at home you can prepare another simple solution: two tablespoons of sugar, a teaspoon at a time baking soda , salt per liter boiled water . The child should be given this solution in small portions. This is an emergency option when there is no medicine at hand. In the future, you need to purchase ready-made rehydration solutions at the pharmacy. oral administration

  1. , such as:
  2. Regidron (the most popular drug);
  3. Oralit;
  4. ORS-200;
  5. Gastrolit;
  6. Humana Electrolyte (there are special forms for deey);

Super-ORS. Such solutions are very simple to prepare. For example, to prepare a solution of Regidron, you need to pour a sachet of medicine into a liter of boiled water. cool water

. The resulting solution should be drunk in small sips after each loose bowel movement. Small children need to be fed with a spoon. If the child refuses to drink, you can draw the solution into a syringe without a needle and thus give the baby something to drink. During the first four to ten hours of treatment, up to 30-60 ml/kg of body weight can be administered to a child under three years of age. Then you need to give the baby 10 ml/kg body weight after each loose bowel movement. In addition to the prepared solutions, you should also drink fruit drinks, Herb tea

and regular drinking water. Note! Rehydration solutions do not reduce stool frequency. Their purpose is to prevent severe consequences

caused by dehydration, which is especially important for young children. For severe dehydration, rehydration is carried out intravenous administration solutions.

  • These are drugs such as:
  • Trisol;
  • Acesol;

Hlosol, etc.

Symptomatic therapy

Approximately 95-97% of patients with rotavirus infection are noted. To restore the microflora, probiotics are prescribed (Linex, Bifiform). For rotavirus infection, the use of (Atoxil) is indicated. These drugs absorb free viruses and undigested carbohydrates and remove them from the body. For improvement digestive processes

enzymes are used (Festal, Mezim, Panzinorm).

With rotavirus infection, body temperature may increase. You can shoot it down only when it exceeds 38 degrees. Suitable for these purposes: These antipyretic drugs are safe for children.

During the acute period of infection, it is necessary to limit the intake of carbohydrates, sugar, baked goods and flour products, milk, exclude vegetables, fruits, meat and fish. But this does not mean that the child should starve; this will only worsen the course of the disease. You can feed your baby rice, mashed potatoes, and crackers.

At the same time, small children who are breastfed do not stop feeding milk. IN breast milk contained secretory immunoglobulins, trypsins, which ease the course of infection in the baby. If the child is fed artificial formulas, he must be switched to feeding low- and lactose-free formulas.

How to treat rotavirus in adults

In adults, rotavirus infection is usually asymptomatic and milder than in children.. The principles of treatment are identical. This is, first of all, restoration of optimal water and electrolyte balance. During the first four to six hours of treatment, adults need to drink up to 500-1000 ml of Regidron, then 200 ml after bowel movements. Treatment with the drug is carried out for three days and is completed after the diarrhea stops.

It is also necessary to use enterosorbents, enzymes, and probiotics. As a rule, in adults with rotavirus infection, the body temperature does not rise significantly, and therefore there is no need to use antipyretic drugs.

Grigorova Valeria, medical observer

Acute rotavirus infection in adults, caused by rotavirus, is one of the common intestinal infections throughout the world. Rotavirosis affects children more often and more severely early age due to underdevelopment of the immune system. Over 90% of children have antibodies to rotavirus in their blood, which confirms the prevalence of the infection.

The course of the disease in adults can be different: from asymptomatic to severe, with complications such as dehydration. About the characteristics of symptoms and how to treat rotavirus infection in adults we'll talk In this article.

Is your husband an alcoholic?


The infection is caused by a group of rotaviruses. Characteristics or signs of rotavirus:

  • contains RNA;
  • There are 8 types and several serotypes of viruses;
  • stability in the external environment for up to several months;
  • triple protein shell protects against the action of digestive enzymes;
  • reproduction occurs within the epithelial cells of the intestinal mucosa.

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  • Money disappears at home, it’s not enough even from payday to payday...
  • Once upon a time, a loved one becomes angry, aggressive and begins to let loose...
  • Children do not see their father sober, only an eternally dissatisfied drunkard...
If you recognize your family, don’t tolerate it! There is an exit!

With rotavirus infection, an infectious disease develops inflammatory process V small intestine. Its virus-infected cells die and are replaced by new ones. This causes malabsorption of nutrients.

Infection occurs in children and adults through the mouth. Manifestations of rotavirus infection are recorded mainly from November to April, during the rains, and not in the summer, as with other intestinal infections.

The source of viruses can be either the patient or the virus carrier. Rotaviruses are excreted from the patient’s body in feces for up to 3 weeks. The possibility of respiratory infection upon contact cannot be completely excluded.

The main factors and causes of rotavirus infection:

  1. The virus enters the body through food, water, and dirty hands.
  2. Factors contributing to the development of the disease in children are underdevelopment of the immune and enzymatic systems,
  3. Availability chronic gastritis with reduced enzymatic ability, rotavirus in adults overcomes the gastric acid barrier.

Just enough acidity gastric juice neutralizes rotavirus, so adults get sick less often than children.


The latent period from infection with rotavirus until the disease manifests itself is 1-5 days. IN in rare cases(with massive infection) it is reduced to 15 hours, and sometimes extended to 7 days. If the virus fails to penetrate the intestinal epithelial cells, an asymptomatic form of infection develops, but antibodies to rotavirus are produced in the body.

More often the virus causes acute form diseases. Symptoms of rotavirus infection in adults, especially the first ones, may give the impression of colds. Clinical picture unfolds quickly.

On the 1st day of illness, a runny nose, sore throat, conjunctivitis, redness in the pharynx, and cough may be observed. Only then do manifestations of intestinal syndrome appear. Because of this, rotavirosis is also called “ stomach flu" Sometimes both catarrhal and intestinal syndromes appear simultaneously.

Characteristic signs of rotavirus infection:

  1. Intoxication in adult patients is mild. May cause headache, weakness, loss of appetite.
  2. Repeated vomiting is observed on the 1st day of illness, which is often interpreted by patients as food poisoning.
  3. Loose, loose stools 10 or more times per day. The type of stool is characteristic: watery, copious stools, light yellow or whitish in color, with an unpleasant pungent odor, without admixtures of blood and mucus.
  4. Spasmodic pain in the umbilical and epigastric region.
  5. Severe rumbling in the abdomen, especially in the iliac region on the right.
  6. Fever in adults, unlike the disease in children, does not always occur. More often there are cases of illness without fever.

In adults, rotavirosis often occurs not only without fever, but also without severe diarrhea and vomiting. Patients explain it as an intestinal disorder that goes away after a few days. Even with erased symptoms of the disease, patients remain infectious to others at this time. Only in weakened or elderly patients can the infection become more severe.


After interviewing and examining the patient, the doctor can, based on indirect signs, diagnose rotavirus and tell how to treat rotavirus infection.

The diagnosis can be confirmed using additional research; stool immunochromatography, virological research stool, serological blood test. But virological analysis (isolation of the virus from stool or nasopharyngeal mucus wash) takes long time. It is only suitable for retrospective confirmation of the diagnosis.


Adults with rotavirosis are treated mainly at home. Only weakened and elderly patients with concomitant somatic pathology, and in severe cases of the disease.

Treatment of rotavirus infection in adults is prescribed by a doctor based on clinical diagnosis. You should not try to diagnose and prescribe treatment on your own, so as not to harm your health. There are no special drugs that act on rotavirus. Only a doctor can decide how to properly treat rotavirus infection in each patient individually.

Treatment of rotavirus infection is determined by its symptoms. Drugs from different groups and different directions of action:

  1. Rehydration and detoxification form the basis of treatment. They replenish fluid and salt losses as a result of vomiting and diarrhea, and prevent dehydration. Adults often use the oral method: the patient drinks special solutions (Regidron, Oralit, Glucosan, etc.) in small portions. Prepare them before use - dissolve the powder from 1 sachet in 1 liter of water.
    The required volume of fluid per day is calculated by the doctor. With absence pharmaceuticals From the group of rehydrators you can prepare a solution for drinking at home. To do this, dissolve 1 tsp in 1 liter of boiled water. salt and baking soda and 4 tbsp. Sahara.
    You can also drink a decoction of dried fruits or raisins, 50 ml of still mineral alkaline water for half an hour. At in serious condition patient, if vomiting continues, intravenous drip administration solutions.
  1. Sorbents promote excretion toxic substances from the body. For this purpose, Enterosgel, Smecta, Polysorb are used.
  1. Since rotavirosis, like any other intestinal infection, leads to dysbiosis, then to normalize the balance of beneficial microflora, probiotics (Bactisuptil, Linex, Bifidobacterin, Yogurt, Bifiform) are prescribed in a 2-week course.
  1. Antibacterial drugs (Furazolidone, Nifuroxazide, Enterofuril) are used to prevent the addition of a bacterial infection. What rotavirus infection in adults cannot be treated with is antibiotics, since they do not act on the virus. Moreover, antibiotics have a detrimental effect on beneficial microflora, that is, they aggravate dysbacteriosis.
  1. Treatment also includes antiviral drugs Ingavirin, Arbidol, Cycloferin, which shorten the duration of the disease.
  1. Antipyretics in adults are used in rare cases, since when high temperature body, the virus dies. The reduction is carried out at very high fever(above 39 0 C) with a tendency to convulsions.

The attending physician will also determine how many days to take each of the prescribed medications. Usually, rotavirus infection can be cured in 6-7 days.

Important in acute period observe infections therapeutic nutrition. Since lactose deficiency develops with rotavirosis (milk sugar is not digested), any dairy products are excluded from the diet.

It is not recommended to consume spicy foods, fatty meats and fish, fried foods, seasonings, strong broths, baked goods and pasta, fresh vegetables and fruits, carbonated drinks. Boiled and steamed foods are consumed.

The prognosis for rotavirosis is favorable. The disease in adults ends in recovery. After illness, immunity is formed. But you can get rotavirus infection again, since it can be caused by a rotavirus from a different group and a different serotype.


Prevention of rotavirosis in adults includes:

  • strict adherence to hygiene rules;
  • timely treatment chronic diseases digestive tract and dysbacteriosis;
  • timely isolation of family members infected with rotavirosis;
  • strengthening the immune system.

Rotavirosis is less dangerous for adults than for small children. But if left untreated, it can also cause dehydration and dysbiosis. At proper treatment complete recovery occurs.