Sinusitis. Treatment of chronic sinusitis in adults

All colds or viral diseases They usually begin with a runny nose, which, although it causes trouble, is not considered a serious ailment and a reason to take sick leave and shirk work. Measures not taken in time to treat it lead to more serious complications, which can no longer be ignored. About what sinusitis is, its symptoms and methods of treatment at home in adults, we'll talk In this article.

Sinusitis is an inflammation of one or all of the paranasal sinuses. By type of localization inflammatory process There are the following types of sinusitis:

  1. Sinusitis or maxillary sinusitis - inflammation of the maxillary sinuses in upper jaws, can be one- or two-sided.
  2. Frontitis - spreads to one or both frontal sinuses.
  3. Ethmoiditis – bacterial disease lattices of the anatomical labyrinth in the bridge of the nose.
  4. Sphenoiditis is an inflammation that also affects the sphenoid sinuses. This type is rare, and mainly occurs in addition to ethmoiditis.

Based on the nature of its course, sinusitis is divided into acute and chronic. In form - productive or exudative.

Depending on the causes, sinusitis is classified into bacterial, viral, fungal, traumatic, allergic, and mixed.

Each type of sinusitis has its own symptoms; treatment at home in adults is possible only if the diagnosis is correct. Only a doctor can determine the type of disease, area affected and cause after examination and certain diagnostic procedures.

Symptoms of sinusitis

General signs of a runny nose turning into a complicated acute form:

  • temperature increase.
  • constant nasal congestion.
  • purulent discharge
  • labored breathing.
  • headache.
  • pain in the affected part, sometimes it can radiate to the ear, teeth, cheekbones.
  • general weakness. The patient becomes irritable, his sleep is disturbed, his appetite and sense of smell disappear.
  • tearfulness.

Symptoms of sinusitis and home treatment in adults depend on the severity of the disease. At mild form, which heals the fastest, the body temperature is normal or slightly increased. The main signs are still absent, the headache is mild.

Disease in average shape already significantly complicates your well-being, it is in this form that everything begins to be felt unpleasant manifestations, headache and pain in areas of inflammation. The temperature rises within 38o. If you don't start enhanced treatment at this stage, the disease will develop into a complex form, which is accompanied by high fever and leads to a number of new serious diseases.

At home, sinusitis is successfully treated in adults with mild symptoms And moderate severity. A number of procedures herbal infusions and infusions and ointments can alleviate the condition and stop inflammation from the very first doses. In severe cases of the disease, antibiotics are the only option the right decision, especially advanced cases resort to surgery to prevent inflammation from spreading to other organs. Sinusitis is one of the causes of such severe pathologies as meningitis, osteomelitis, purulent inflammation eyes and ears.

Home treatment methods

  1. As soon as symptoms of sinusitis appear in adults, treatment at home should begin with frequent and copious rinses saline solution.
  2. Traditional methods of treatment also include inhalations using herbs and other natural useful substances, foot and hand baths, decoctions and infusions for internal use, ointments.
  3. The patient is recommended not to go out into the cold for 2-3 days during an exacerbation, since inflammation of the nasal sinuses increases when exposed to cold.
  4. Exclude spicy foods, spices, and cold foods that irritate the nasopharynx from the menu.
  5. Warm, plenty of fluids helps reduce swelling and pain in the area of ​​inflammation.

Wash solutions

  1. In glass warm water dissolve 1 teaspoon regular table salt and 5-6 drops of iodine.
  2. Add 1 tsp per glass of water. sea ​​salt and baking soda.
  3. Lightly salt half a liter of warm water, add 1 tsp. tinctures of calendula, eucalyptus, or sophora.
  4. 1 tsp Pour a spoonful of dry St. John's wort into a glass of boiling water and steam until it cools.
  5. For a glass of water, 3 drops of iodine and potassium permanganate.
  6. Onions with honey. To prepare such a solution, grate the onion into a fine paste and pour a glass of boiling water. When cooling to a warm state, add a spoonful of honey. Can be used for instillation.

You should rinse your nose in the morning and evening 3-4 times in each nostril. This procedure looks like this: the solution is drawn in through the nostril so that it goes through the throat into the mouth. To do this, you can use a large syringe or the spout of a small teapot.


At the first symptoms of sinusitis in adults traditional treatment at home - inhalation over boiled potatoes in their jackets. To remove mucus faster, add a couple of teaspoons of soda to the crushed potatoes.

Steam inhalation is the inhalation of vapors from healing decoctions. For inhalation, tilt your head over the bowl with the broth and cover with a towel. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth.

The procedure time is no more than 15 minutes. Compositions for inhalation:

  • 10 bay leaves are boiled for 5 minutes in three liters of boiling water;
  • spoon alcohol tincture propolis per liter of boiling water.
  • 3-5 peas, the size of a match head, of “Zvezdochka” balm - per liter of boiling water;
  • For inhalations, steamed dry herbs of mint, chamomile, sage, and fireweed are also used; essential oils eucalyptus, fir, thuja.

Ointment for sinusitis

  1. A potent ointment for the treatment of sinusitis is prepared by mixing in equal parts the juices of the roots of cyclamen, Kalanchoe, aloe, and onion, with the addition of the same amount of honey and Vishnevsky ointment.
  2. Mix honey, sunflower oil and baking soda in equal quantities (a teaspoon is enough).
  3. The ointment is placed with cotton tubes in the nostrils for half an hour, 4 times a day. The duration of treatment is until complete recovery.


Warm compresses - lotions are applied to the inflamed areas on the face and changed as they cool.

  • for such warm applications, use a saline solution of sea salt (1 tablespoon per glass of water);++6
  • Wash the black radish root and grate it on a fine grater along with the skin. Wrap a tablespoon of this porridge in gauze and apply to the maxillary sinuses. Cover the top with paper and a warm scarf. Hold for 10 minutes. To avoid burns, pre-lubricate the skin under the compress with cream or vegetable oil;
  • grate the onion on a fine grater. The principle of the compress is identical to that indicated in the previous recipe;
  • warm up maxillary sinuses hard-boiled eggs in the shell. Keep until cool.


  1. IN equal proportions mix aloe juice, celandine and honey. Place 5 drops in each nostril 3-5 times a day.
  2. Instill 4-5 drops 3 times a day of sea buckthorn, rose hip or Kalanchoe oils.
  3. Freshly squeezed red beet juice is consumed in the same way.
  4. Ledum tincture with sunflower oil is prepared ahead of time. For this, 1 tbsp. dried herbs pour 100 g of oil. The exposure time in a dark place is 21 days. In this case, it is necessary to shake it daily. Store in the refrigerator, use 3-4 drops 3 times a day as needed.
  5. Mix equal proportions of fresh carrot juice and vegetable oil, add 2-3 drops of garlic juice. Use several times a day, 3-4 drops.
  6. Heat a glass of vegetable oil in a water bath in a glass or ceramic bowl for 30 minutes and leave to cool. Finely chop a quarter of an onion and 2-4 cloves of garlic and pour in cooled oil. Leave for 2 hours, strain. Place drops into the nose or lubricate the nasal mucous membranes with the tincture.
  7. Place 3-4 drops of fir oil into each nostril.

Treatment of diseases of the ENT organs with traditional medicine recipes has been popular since time immemorial. In practice, decoctions of medicinal herbs, warming compresses, inhalation procedures. These methods have virtually no side effects and perfectly complement traditional therapy. It is useful for every person to know how to treat sinusitis at home.

Sinusitis is often confused with rhinitis, since these pathologies have a lot in common. When a runny nose appears, many people try to cure the disease with pharmaceutical sprays or drops, but this therapeutic measures are ending. With such a negligent attitude towards health, patients create many problems for themselves.

Should be considered certain factors a person who is struggling with a maxillary disease.

  1. The root cause that caused the pathological course should be dealt with.
  2. You need to change your diet; it should be rich in vitamins to increase the body’s protective properties.
  3. Before using folk remedies, it is worth checking the components for an allergic reaction.
  4. Untreated sinusitis develops into an acute or purulent form.
  5. Therapeutic measures should only be prescribed by a doctor after a diagnosis has been established.

It should be remembered that therapy will not give immediate results. Traditional treatment take a lot of time. It is strictly forbidden to neglect the disease; this can be fatal (due to the occurrence of meningitis). The main manifestation of the disease is the inflammatory process and swelling of the sinus mucosa, which causes nasal congestion and headaches. Due to the development of inflammation, a favorable environment is created for the development of bacteria. Sinusitis treatment at home is aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease.

Therapy is aimed at the following activities:

  • fight against swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • improving nasal aeration;
  • stimulation of mucus outflow;
  • preventive measures for bacterial infection;
  • prevention of purulent complications.

Drug treatment

How to treat sinusitis at home? the following information will be useful for people suffering from maxillary pathological process. Conservative therapy is aimed at eliminating swelling of the mucous membrane to normalize breathing and the outflow of snot. Vasoconstrictors are suitable for such purposes. In parallel, corticosteroids, anti-inflammatory and antihistamines. Patients are recommended to take antibiotics if the cause of the disease is bacteria.

Topical remedies for sinusitis. How to cure sinusitis at home, what medications should be used?

  1. Vasoconstrictor drugs. These include drops and sprays. They eliminate nasal congestion 5 minutes after instillation. These drugs cannot be used regularly because they are addictive (take no longer than a week). The medicines “Naphthyzin”, “Sanorin”, “Tizin”, “Nock-spray” received praise. For teenagers under 12 years old, a special children's uniform is produced.
  2. Mucolytic agents. They are used to thin mucus in the sinuses. Such medications (Fluditec, Mucodin) are produced in the form of syrups for babies from capsules and tablets. For adults, the medicine is made in the form of effervescent drinks.
  3. Antihistamines. They should be taken only when absolutely necessary. They help dry out the mucous membranes and thicken snot in the nasal passages. A suitable environment is created for the development of bacteria. This medicine indispensable for allergic sinusitis.
  4. Corticosteroids. Such medications quickly relieve inflammation and reduce symptoms. For example, the drug Nasonex is rarely prescribed. It provides anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effect. This medication is relevant for sinusitis of an allergic nature.
  5. Treating sinusitis at home with antibiotics. Such drugs are prescribed only after consultation with a doctor. They will be relevant if the pathology is caused by bacteria.

Antibacterial agents have the following advantages:

  • act instantly;
  • do not provide harmful influence on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • penetrate even into the most remote corners of the inflamed nasal sections.

Chronic sinusitis treatment at home is practically no different from other forms of the pathological process. Symptoms periodically worsen when relapses occur. Acute sinusitis treatment at home also involves extinguishing the source of infection and restoring breathing. This form of the disease often develops into chronic course. You can prevent the development of this metamorphosis with the help of complex therapy. In addition to conservative treatment, various procedures are used. Inhalation for sinusitis at home plays an important role in the fight against pathology.


Compresses help in the fight against sinusitis. They can be used both for chronic and during acute course pathology. Hot butts warm up the sinuses, relieve inflammation, and stimulate the discharge of mucus.

How to treat chronic sinusitis at home using heating? It is recommended to do the following compresses:

  • from boiled eggs(pre-wrap in cloth to prevent burns);
  • using heated sea salt (put in a bag);
  • from black radish nectar with sunflower oil(mix ingredients, apply to sinuses, cover with film).

All butts should be held for no longer than half an hour. After removing the compress, you need to cover the area with a warm cloth until the skin cools completely. The patient should be in bed at this time. Treatment of sinusitis folk remedies at home using compresses will help relieve symptoms after the first procedure.

Nasal rinsing

Nasal irrigation is often prescribed for sinusitis. Using this procedure, we get pathogenic microorganisms from the nose, swelling is eliminated, mucus is evacuated. Signs, symptoms and treatment at home for sinusitis are determined by the following means:

  • a solution of sea or table salt purchased at a pharmacy;
  • the product can be prepared at home (take 2 glasses of water, add a teaspoon of sea salt);
  • Furacilin, potassium permanganate, chlorhexide also effectively eliminate bacteria in the sinuses and remove snot.

Treatment of sinusitis at home using rinsing solutions should be done at least 4 times a day. You need to irrigate your nose carefully, following all instructions.

Steam inhalations

If a person suffers from nasal congestion, steam procedures will be effective. It is recommended to use as solutions for inhalation herbal tinctures, decoctions of medicinal plants. Bee products, aromatic oils, and potatoes are also used. Traditional medicine has a positive attitude towards inhalation procedures. Thanks to these measures, a person will be able to relieve nasal congestion after the first procedure.

Popular recipes for inhalation of the nasal passages.

  1. Celandine, raspberry, calendula. Use all herbs in equal proportions, add water, let it brew. The solution for inhalation is ready.
  2. Chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow. Take raw materials in proportions 1:2:1, pour boiling water. Let it brew for an hour.
  3. An effective solution will be from bay leaf. To prepare the drug, you need to take 30 large leaves of the plant, pour boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, leave for 60 minutes.

Inhalation treatment should last a week, with 3 procedures per day. Such activities can be done for young children under 5 years old. In order for the treatment to give results, you must first clean the nasal passages. Vapors must be inhaled not through the mouth, but through the nose. If the patient elevated temperature, you cannot inhale the nasal passages.

Ointments and applications

In the fight against maxillary pathology, ointments and applications are good. They give an effect no worse than drops and sprays. Unlike such medications, the ointment can be applied to the mucous membrane of the nasal passages and distributed in the required proportions.

Recipes for balms for sinusitis.

  1. Ointment made from honey and flour. To make the product, bee nectar is melted in a water bath. While it is liquid, add flour and stir. You should get a dough from which you should sculpt flat circles. They need to be placed on the sinuses, the remaining cakes should be placed on the forehead. This procedure It's best to do it before bed.
  2. Application from healing mud. The mass should be warmed up, placed in fabric bags, and applied to the sinuses. Leave the cake for 20 minutes. You can put up to 20 butts per day.

Appliqué is the name given to butts made from medicines. To carry out this manipulation, you need to prepare a mixture. Usually the mass has liquid form. For example, steamed raw materials. To prevent the product from falling apart, a cloth is placed between the pieces. The healing mass has healing properties. Pepper patch, cakes made from flour and honey, propolis with aroma oil. On the recommendation of a doctor, you can use Heparin and Tetracycline ointment.

The benefits and harms of home treatment

Therapeutic therapy at home is often subject to criticism from outsiders official medicine. Most people do not have enough knowledge to fight diseases on their own.

  1. By using traditional therapy it is possible to cure the pathology in long time, which is the main disadvantage.
  2. Also, a person may choose the wrong treatment, and complications will begin.
  3. Homemade recipes may cause side effects, allergies.

If the diagnosis is incorrect, the consequences of self-prescribed therapy can be more serious. Positive aspects of treating illness at home.

  1. No need to spend a lot of money on pharmaceutical products which may not be effective.
  2. The patient does not need to visit a doctor or undergo paid tests.

It is better to consult a doctor so that he can prescribe current treatment measures. Self-medication rarely gives positive results unless the person has knowledge in the field of medicine.

Any person is familiar with the unpleasant sensations of a stuffy nose. When such symptoms are accompanied by cough and headaches, we consider ourselves to have a slight cold, drink raspberry tea and patiently wait for relief. However, common cold, with incorrectly selected treatment or without treatment at all, can develop into sinusitis. It's pretty unpleasant disease, causing long-term inconvenience, can become chronic, which will be much more difficult to cope with.

What is sinusitis

Sinusitis is an inflammation paranasal sinuses nose caused by bacteria, viruses, fungal infections or allergies. Sinusitis with a duration of up to 8 weeks is considered acute, usually bacterial origin. If the problem persists longer, the form of the disease becomes chronic.

Inflammatory processes can occur in one or several paranasal sinuses at once. In terms of frequency of occurrence in adults and children over seven years of age, the maxillary (maxillary) sinus is in first place, then the ethmoid, frontal and sphenoid (main).

Attention! Without timely treatment sinusitis can lead to the development of meningitis. The bony septum between the brain and the nasal sinuses is quite thin. The infection can penetrate through this barrier to the membranes of the brain, creating a danger to the entire body.

Symptoms of sinusitis

General signs for acute and chronic forms of the disease:

  • yellow-green purulent discharge;
  • pronounced nasal congestion (sometimes only one-sided);
  • redness of the skin in the area of ​​the inflamed sinus;
  • dry night cough;
  • headache and discomfort on the skin of the face.

With chronic sinusitis, these symptoms may be mild and even disappear for a while, but they will definitely return. Due to the body's increased susceptibility to infections, chronic sinusitis is often accompanied by colds and acute respiratory viral infections.

Treating sinusitis at home

Traditional methods of treatment, using herbs and ordinary products, are distinguished by their gentle effect on the body. Of course, excesses are possible here too, but reasonable use of time-tested recipes is also safe for older people suffering from various chronic diseases, and during pregnancy.

At the first signs of sinusitis, it is better not to leave the house for several days and observe bed rest. A weakened body can catch any infection on the fly.

Important! Choosing medications carefully study their contraindications. The rapid effect of using ready-made medications can be destroyed by their side effects.

Nasal rinsing

This is the very first step on the path to recovery. The rinsing solution is prepared very simply: dissolve a quarter tablespoon of salt in a glass of warm water. You can pour the solution using a regular rubber bulb with a small diameter tip or a plastic spray bottle. The patient bends over the sink and pours or draws liquid into one of the nostrils. You need to repeat the rinsing several times for each nostril. Flowing from the nose, the saline solution will take with it purulent formations, will relieve swelling and temporarily alleviate the condition.

Wash solutions

In addition to what has already been mentioned saline solution, use:

  • warm mineral water without gas;
  • infusion of sage leaves, currants, chamomile flowers, calendula;
  • solution of sea salt with iodine (no more than two drops of iodine);
  • weak green tea;
  • a weak solution of manganese (make sure that all the crystals are dissolved, the color of the liquid is pale pink).

Steam inhalation

For this purpose, you can use a special inhaler, a pan of boiling water (don’t forget about safety precautions) and even a regular hot shower. Greater effect will come from using aromatic oils, for example, eucalyptus or menthol.

Attention! Steam from boiling water can cause burns to the skin of the hands, face or mucous membranes. Carefully regulate the temperature of the inhaled steam. TO take deep breaths proceed only after you are sure that the steam will not cause harm.

Recipes for inhalation compositions:

  1. Potatoes are boiled “in their jackets”. The water is drained and the pan is briefly returned to the heat to allow the remaining water to evaporate. Then remove the pan from the heat, cover your head with a towel and breathe over the steam for 15-20 minutes. After inhalation, you need to clean your nose well, lie down and cover yourself warmly. Cover your face with a dry towel until the skin cools completely. This procedure is best done at night.
  2. The “Star” balm is dipped in boiling water (a ball of the product the size of a match head is enough). Remove the container from the heat and breathe over the steam, covered with a towel, for 5 - 7 minutes. The following actions the same as the previous recipe.
  3. Instead of balm you can use Eucalyptus oil or menthol (2 – 3 drops depending on the volume of water). Finely chopped garlic also works well, either in boiling water or raw.
  4. Alcohol tincture of propolis is added to boiling water at the rate of 1 tsp per 1 liter of water. tinctures. The inhalation process and actions at the end of the procedure do not differ from previous options.

Attention! Propolis should not be used if you are allergic to bee products.

Warm compresses

The use of warm compresses helps in the treatment of sinusitis. For them, you can use hard-boiled eggs or bags of heated salt or sand. Hot eggs or bags should be wrapped in cloth (so as not to get burned) and applied to the sinuses. The compresses are kept for up to half an hour. Then the patient is put to bed and the face is covered until the skin cools completely. These are the most simple options.

Recipes for warming compresses

  1. Mix black radish juice with vegetable oil (preferably olive oil), moisten two small napkins in the resulting mixture and apply to the sinuses. Cover the top of the compress with film and some warm cloth. You can use bags of heated salt to increase heat flow. However, if discomfort(burning), the compress must be removed immediately to avoid serious burns.
  2. From rye flour And bee honey knead the dough, divide it into two small cakes and heat them in a steam bath. Cover the compress with film and a warm cloth and leave for about half an hour.
  3. Dilute 50 g of clay (can be bought at a pharmacy) with boiling water so that the structure resembles stiff dough. Moisten two gauze swabs with warm vegetable oil and apply to the areas on the sides of the nose. Place clay cakes on top. Cover and insulate as in the previous version. You can keep this compress for an hour.
  4. Pour several bay leaves (5 - 7 pcs.) cold water and bring to a boil. If you simply pour boiling water over it, the broth will not be as rich. After boiling, remove from heat, let cool slightly, moisten a napkin and apply to your sinuses. Cover with film and wrap warmly. You can keep this compress for about an hour.

Nasal drops

Used to relieve nasal congestion due to sinusitis. Kalanchoe juice(2 - 3 drops in each nostril). You can add a little honey to the juice. Alternatively, combine aloe juice, honey and thoroughly ground dry celandine in a 1:1:1 ratio. This mixture is instilled three drops up to five times a day. Contraindications – allergy to honey.

Boiled beet juice (not raw) relieves the patient's condition well.

Garlic drops that relieve nasal congestion are prepared on the basis olive oil. For 25 g of oil you need 5-6 drops of garlic juice. Mix the mixture very well and place no more than two drops in each nostril. You can use a lighter option - wipe the inside of the nose cotton swabs, dipped in the oily garlic mixture.

Rosehip or sea buckthorn oil disinfects and softens well. It is instilled into the nose a few drops up to five times a day.

Medicinal ointments for the nose

  • camphor (0.5 g), menthol (0.5 g), iodine (3 g), glycerin (30 g);
  • menthol (0.5 g), glycerin (25 g), garlic juice (5-7 drops);
  • menthol (0.5 g), baby cream (20 g), honey (one-third of a teaspoon).

When preparing ointments, it is important to mix the ingredients thoroughly. You can use the mixture two to three times a day. It is good to alternate ointment with drops.

Important! If home remedies do not bring relief, you should urgently contact a specialist. Remember - inflammation can spread to the lining of the brain and cause meningitis.

Traditional medicine will help in treatment various types sinusitis without causing harm to the body. The peculiarity of treatment with home remedies is its duration. Only regular procedures will give positive result. Be patient, gather your willpower – and be healthy!

Sinusitis is an infectious-inflammatory disease of a viral, bacterial, fungal or allergic nature. What to do if sinusitis occurs: symptoms and treatment in adults depend on understanding the specifics of the inflammatory process. The disease often occurs as a complication against the background of influenza, rhinitis, ARVI, acute respiratory infections.

What is sinusitis

Sinuses are communicating paranasal or paranasal sinuses. blocks the path to free communication and outflow of mucus from the sinuses. Such favorable conditions develops pathogenic flora. Sinusitis and sinusitis, what is the difference? Sinusitis – special case sinusitis. Inflammatory phenomena during sinusitis are observed in one or both maxillary sinuses.

Symptoms of sinusitis in adults

Main role in development clinical picture played by the Pfeiffer wand. Pneumococcus, streptococcus, moraxella, fungi, and other viruses are rare. The main reason for the development of the disease is improper treatment of rhinitis. Indirect causes are: allergies, dental diseases, weak immunity. Signs of sinusitis are the following manifestations:

  • headache, fatigue;
  • loss of appetite;
  • heat;
  • intermittent nasal congestion;
  • persistent runny nose with yellow-green discharge;
  • severe night cough;
  • swelling;
  • pain in the face;
  • dental examination (odontogenic sinusitis due to dental problems).


What is sinusitis characterized by: symptoms and treatment of sinusitis in adults have their own specifics. Maxillary sinusitis is characterized by radiating pain in the maxillary sinuses and the presence of purulent discharge in the acute form. Purulent sinusitis is characterized by cloudy serous, purulent unpleasant smell secretions. Antibiotics are used in treatment. Catarrhal sinusitis accompanied by mucous discharge.

Acute ethmoiditis has similar symptoms with acute sinusitis. You feel pressure in the eyes and bridge of the nose, there is a loss of sense of smell, and difficulty in nasal breathing. Pathology posterior sections the ethmoid bone is sphenoiditis, and the anterior bone is frontitis. Manifestations of frontal sinusitis are similar to those of ethmoiditis, except for the localization of pain impulses.


Chronic sinusitis has a sluggish nature, the symptoms are not pronounced: night cough due to the outflow of purulent accumulations, pain in the maxillary sinuses, weakening in the “lying down” position. With chronic sinusitis, the structure of the mucous membrane of the middle nasal passage changes. Sphenoiditis provokes the development of meningitis and impaired visual activity.

Treatment of sinusitis at home in adults

Mild inflammation, medium degree do not require constant monitoring by specialists. In such cases home treatment sinusitis is real. The patient does not experience psychological stress, as from inpatient treatment. Treatment of chronic sinusitis in adults occurs on an outpatient basis. However, it requires further efforts to strengthen immune system body.


Conservative treatment aimed at eliminating the main symptoms of the disease. Such drugs are used according to the instructions of a specialist. Such medications should not be used for a long time. The vasoconstrictor factor has negative side effects. They cannot be prescribed for hypertension. Complex treatment includes the appointment of:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs (erispal);
  • sulfonamides (biseptol);
  • vasoconstrictors (naphthyzin);
  • dental examination(with odontogenic sinusitis).


Acute form the disease requires the appointment of etiotropic therapy. The duration of treatment, dosage, and type of drug are prescribed by the doctor. Modern antibiotics capable of ridding a person of severe forms sinusitis. During a course of antibiotics, you need to use probiotics to help normalize intestinal flora and reduce the load on the liver.


Nasal drops are in a wonderful way treatment and prevention of sinusitis. Using vasoconstrictor drops swelling of the mucous membrane decreases. Drops containing antibiotics provide antimicrobial therapy. Funds based sea ​​water have an anti-inflammatory effect. Drops plant origin rinse the nasal cavity.

Alternative treatment for sinusitis

Traditional medicine occupies an important place in the treatment of sinus inflammation. Sinusitis: symptoms and treatment of exacerbations in adults? Preference should be given to proven methods. The main role in the treatment of sinusitis is played by hydrogen peroxide 3%. Atomic oxygencomponent peroxide, which copes with many ailments. Add 15-20 drops of peroxide to 1/4 cup of boiled warm water, then rinse the nose with a syringe without a needle.


Inhaling the vapors of essential oils helps heal diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Essential oils of coniferous trees are especially beneficial. The addition of menthol, sage, and bay leaf has a beneficial effect. The use of inhalations is contraindicated for people prone to allergies. Vapors that are too hot can burn you Airways.

Video: how to treat sinusitis

Sinusitis is a common complication ARI, ARVI, rhinitis. Severe symptoms of the disease with inadequate attention lead to the most sad consequences. Launched form sinusitis can cause meningitis and lead to irreversible processes visual function eyeball, death. Watching this video will help you take preventative measures.

Review the types of treatments used for sinus inflammation, what medications are used, and what the complex treatment and a systems approach. Find out what new techniques are being used. Determine whether surgical intervention accompanied by cuts. All doubts will be cleared by the answers from the video below.

Very often, a runny nose is not given much importance because it is considered harmless. But in the absence of appropriate treatment, it can provoke a pathology such as sinusitis - acute inflammation maxillary, frontal and other sinuses. Let's try to understand the reasons for its occurrence, consider the main symptoms, and also find out how to treat sinusitis at home.

Types of sinusitis

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses. It occurs as a result of viral, infectious diseases, facial injuries.

Depending on the location of the inflammatory process, there are 4 types of sinusitis:

  1. Sinusitis. This disease is characterized by the presence of a focus of infection in the maxillary regions (maxillary sinuses). It may involve one or both of these sinuses (unilateral and bilateral sinusitis).
  2. Frontit. With this pathology, inflammation covers the right or left frontal lobes(sometimes both at once). Left-sided or right-sided frontal sinusitis occurs.
  3. Ethmoiditis. It is characterized by the presence of inflammation in the ethmoid sections.
  4. Sphenoiditis. Occurs when infectious lesion sphenoid sinuses nasal mucosa.

Sinusitis, regardless of type, occurs in 2 forms:

  • an acute form of the disease, which is characterized by a sudden onset and pronounced symptoms;
  • the chronic form appears due to improper treatment or lack thereof.

If sinus disease is accompanied by purulent discharge from the nose, it is called acute purulent sinusitis. In the absence of pus in the secreted mucus, catarrhal sinusitis is diagnosed.

Symptoms and causes

The presence of an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the sinuses is indicated by specific symptoms. You should be wary if the following phenomena are present:

  1. Having a prolonged runny nose. A viscous liquid (snot) is released from the nose, which can be transparent or have a yellowish, greenish color, sometimes mixed with blood or pus.
  2. Inability to breathe due to swelling of the sinuses.
  3. Availability pain, which often cover the face and head.
  4. Coughing attacks due to the accumulation of fluid in the nasopharynx. Often such attacks occur at night.
  5. Impaired sense of smell. A person stops smelling.
  6. Swelling of the sinuses, redness of the skin around it.

The presence of such symptoms is a reason to consult a doctor. Because untreated sinusitis very often becomes chronic and its treatment is delayed for quite a long time.

The main cause of sinusitis is the presence of an inflammatory process in the nasal appendages. It can be triggered by:

  • viral or other infections (for example, ARVI);
  • bacterial or fungal infections;
  • caries;
  • nasal injuries;
  • chronic tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils).

Availability allergic diseases, as well as weakened immunity can lead to the development of inflammation of the sinuses.

Treatment of sinusitis

Most people do not know how to cure sinusitis at home without using medications. First of all, if there is inflammation, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. During the first days after the onset of symptoms, you should avoid long walks on the street. Hypothermia and additional infection should be avoided.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids (warm) to relieve nasal swelling.
  3. It is necessary to get rid of the secreted fluid.
  4. Hot foot baths are effective in treating sinusitis.
  5. Warming up the nose will also help.

Often, when sinusitis is diagnosed, treatment with folk remedies is quite effective. There are several methods that can be used at home:

  1. Nasal rinsing.
  2. Inhalations.
  3. Application of medicinal drops.
  4. Warming up.
  5. Application of ointments.

For this purpose, special solutions are used, which are prepared based on:

  • warm mineral water;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • infusions medicinal herbs(chamomile, calendula and others);
  • green tea;
  • propolis infusion;
  • potassium permanganate solution.

Inhalation – an indispensable tool in the treatment of sinusitis. It helps relieve swelling in the sinuses, which makes breathing much easier. Very well proven steam inhalations for which they use:

  • boiled potatoes;
  • onion or garlic;
  • infusions medicinal plants(mint, chamomile, eucalyptus);
  • essential oils (lime, lemon, eucalyptus).

Traditional methods

IN folk medicine There are many recipes for medicinal nasal drops. Among them:

The use of hot compresses effectively helps in the treatment of acute and chronic forms of sinusitis. But they should be used with caution, since they are contraindicated in case of frontal sinusitis (they can cause complications). For sinusitis, heating the nose is carried out using:

  • hot sea salt or sand;
  • hard-boiled eggs;
  • vodka;
  • rye flour and honey.

Medicinal ointments also help well with sinusitis, providing anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. They are prepared at home based on:

  • Vishnevsky ointment, to which juice of aloe, onion, propolis or honey is added;
  • regular baby cream, mixing menthol and camphor into it;
  • glycerin with the addition of menthol, honey or garlic juice.

Such traditional medicines will help relieve inflammation, reduce swelling, and also make breathing easier, which has a beneficial effect on a person’s overall well-being. If nothing helps and the disease progresses, you need to seek help from a qualified doctor.