Sinus rhythm of the heart - deviation of the electrical axis to the left. Characteristics of the vertical position of EOS and its consequences

If the electrical axis of the heart (EOS) is deviated to the left or right, this may indicate problems with the functioning of this organ. Let's look at why this can happen, when it is dangerous and when it is not, and how this condition is treated.

The position of this axis is determined by electrocardiography, after analyzing an electrocardiogram from several leads.

To detect changes in the normal location of the axis, 2 methods can be used.

Alpha angle deviation

This technique is most often used by diagnosticians. Normally, the EOS completely coincides with the anatomical axis (the heart is located semi-vertically, and the lower end deviates down and slightly to the left). Its location is determined by the alpha angle formed from 2 straight lines (1 abduction axis and the EOS vector line).

To identify the angle, the sum of the S, R and Q waves in 3 and 1 standard leads is calculated. The positive and negative value of each tooth must be taken into account.

Diede's table is then used. Having entered the result, the doctor determines the criteria for the alpha angle.

Here's what it looks like:

Click on the picture to enlarge

Normally, this angle should be from – 29° to +89°. A significant left-sided displacement of the axis is a sign of pathological disorders. When it changes to – 30° we're talking about about left-side deviation, and with values ​​from +90° to +180° – right-side deviation.

Left-sided deviation of the angle from – 30° to – 44° is insignificant, at – 45° to – 90° it is considered significant and in most cases accompanies cardiac pathologies.

Visual definition

This technique for determining the displacement of the heart axis is most often used by therapists and cardiologists. After conducting an ECG, the doctor compares the size of the S and R waves in leads 1 and 3. If within one of them the value of R is greater than S, we are talking about a ventricular complex (R-type). Otherwise, the complex belongs to the S-type.

When the axis deviates to the left, tooth RI - SIII. This means that the ventricular complex is R-type in lead 1, and S-type in lead 3.

Standard lead of QRS waves in different positions of the EOS (a, b – right-sided displacement; c – normal position of the axis; d, e – left-sided displacement)

The main tool for determining deviations of the EOS to the left is electrocardiography, however, a number of auxiliary studies are necessary to confirm the result.

Additional diagnostic methods

After an ECG is performed, its results are carefully studied to identify the cause of the pathological condition. In most cases, a repeat cardiogram is prescribed, which is necessary to eliminate technical errors (incorrect application of electrodes, device malfunction, etc.).

  • – if the doctor diagnoses conduction disturbances or arrhythmia on the ECG, then daily monitoring cardiac activity (daily ECG), which allows you to more accurately determine the area of ​​the heart with conduction disturbances.
  • – this study is aimed at obtaining more information about cardiac output, blood flow, and the state of the heart chambers. If indicated, ultrasound can be supplemented with Doppler ultrasound.
  • - prescribed when sharp increase Blood pressure against the background of left ventricular hypertrophy with deviation of the cardiac axis. This examination allows you to find out the stage of hypertension and determine the most appropriate treatment.
  • Cardiac surgery consultation is prescribed for any pathologies of the heart and, especially for defects with a tendency to progress.

It must be taken into account that the deviation of the EOS to the left is just ECG sign, indicating diffuse changes in various pathologies, so a comprehensive diagnosis must be prescribed.

Reasons for displacement

Changes in heart activity on the electrocardiogram are provoked by many factors.

Let's consider each case in more detail.

Heart diseases

The main reason for the shift to the left of the heart axis is left ventricular hypertrophy. Changes can be provoked by: ischemia (including heart attacks and), aortic and mitral valve disease, cardiomyopathy, myocardial dystrophy and other diseases.

Changes in the cardiogram are possible with atrial fibrillation, heart defects (acquired and congenital), .

Physiological conditions

A slight deviation of the EOS on electrocardiography is often found in quite healthy people, for example, athletes, thin and tall patients.

The electrical axis can shift to the left during deep exhalation, when the diaphragm is high, and when the body position changes (from vertical to horizontal), which is caused by compression of the diaphragm by internal organs. Such shifts are considered quite normal.

In what cases is EOS rejected in children?

In children, EOS can change according to age. For example, newborns are characterized by a right-sided deviation and this is not a pathology. In adolescence, the EOS angle has stable indicators.

Most often in children, left-sided axis deviation (up to –90°) is caused by congenital defects that can be complicated by concomitant cardiovascular anomalies. This is possible with open ductus arteriosus, in case of high loads on the left ventricle, which happens when mitral defects heart or coarctation of the aorta. This picture in a child is possible with a defect of the interventricular septa or with a high position of the diaphragmatic dome.

A shift of the axis to the left (from 0 to –20°) is also possible due to a change in the position of the ventricles. Congenital heart disease with incomplete atrioventricular communication, as well as atrial septal defects, are also accompanied by a change in the axis from –20° to –60°.

Clinical manifestations

EOS displacement is not a disease, therefore it is not characterized by certain Clinical signs. In addition, the pathologies that cause it can also occur with mild symptoms. In this case, deviations of the electrical axis of the heart to the left are often detected only when deciphering the electrocardiogram.

Exist certain symptoms, inherent for individual diseases. For example, with hypoxia of the left ventricle, they are expressed by paroxysmal pain in the chest and surges in blood pressure. Tachycardia and severe headache. With left bundle branch block, fainting and bradycardia are possible.


Deviation of the heart axis to the left does not require the use of specific therapy. All measures are aimed at neutralizing the underlying disease, accompanied by displacement of the EOS and disruption. At arterial hypertension are appointed antihypertensive drugs, ischemia requires the use of ACE inhibitors, statins, and beta-blockers.

Deviation of the EOS does not pose a threat to the patient’s life, but if the position of the axis changes very sharply, there is a possibility of blockade of the legs of His. If such changes are detected, it is required mandatory consultation cardiologist to clarify the diagnosis. This approach makes it possible to timely identify a borderline state in the heart.

Cardiovascular system – vital organic mechanism, providing various functions. Used to diagnose heart disease various indicators, deviation of which may indicate the presence of a pathological process. One of them is a deviation of the electrical axis, which can indicate various diseases.

Characteristics of the electrical position of the heart

Under electric axle heart rate (EOS) is understood as an indicator reflecting the nature of the flow of electrical processes in the heart muscle. This definition is widely used in the cardiological field, especially in diagnostics. The electrical axis reflects the electrodynamic abilities of the heart, and is almost identical to the anatomical axis.

Determination of EOS is possible due to the presence of a conducting system. It consists of areas of tissue, the components of which are atypical muscle fibers. Their distinctive feature consists of increased innervation, which is necessary to ensure synchronization of the heartbeat.

The type of heartbeat of a healthy person is called sinus, since it is in the sinus node that a nerve impulse arises, which causes compression of the myocardium. Subsequently, the impulse moves along the atrioventricular node, with further penetration into the His bundle. This element of the conduction system has several branches into which the nerve signal passes, depending on the heartbeat cycle.

Normally, the mass of the left ventricle of the heart exceeds the right. This is due to the fact that this organ is responsible for the release of blood into the arteries, which is why the muscle is much more powerful. Due to this, the nerve impulses in this area are also much stronger, which explains the natural location of the heart.

The position axis can vary from 0 to 90 degrees. In this case, the indicator from 0 to 30 degrees is called horizontal, and the position from 70 to 90 degrees is considered the vertical position of the EOS.

The nature of the position depends on individual physiological characteristics, in particular body structure. Vertical OES most often occurs in people who are tall and have an asthenic body constitution. The horizontal position is more typical for short people with a wide chest.

Intermediate positions - semi-horizontal and semi-vertical electrical position of the heart are intermediate types. Their appearance is also associated with body features. Any of the options is considered normal and is not considered a congenital pathology. However, in some cases, the electrical axis may shift, which may indicate disease.

Diseases associated with displacement of the OES

Deviation of the electrical position is not an independent pathology. If such a violation is observed, but any other pathological symptoms are absent, this phenomenon is not perceived as a pathology. If there are other symptoms of cardiovascular diseases, in particular lesions of the conduction system, OES offset may indicate illness.

Possible diseases:

  • Ventricular hypertrophy. Marked on the left side. There is an increase in the size of the heart, which is associated with increased blood flow. It usually develops against a background of prolonged hypertension, which simultaneously increases vascular resistance. Hypertrophy can also be triggered by ischemic processes or heart failure.
  • Valve lesions. If damage to the valve apparatus develops in the area of ​​the ventricle on the left side, axis displacement may also occur. This usually occurs due to a blockage in the blood vessels that prevents the release of blood. Such a disorder may be congenital or acquired.
  • Heart block. A pathology associated with a disturbance in the rhythm of the heartbeat, which is caused by an increase in the interval between the conduction of nerve impulses. The disorder can also occur against the background of asystole - a long pause, during which the heart does not contract with further ejection of blood.

  • Pulmonary hypertension. It is noted when the EOS deviates to the right side. Usually occurs against the background of chronic diseases of the respiratory system, including asthma, COPD. The long-term effect of these diseases on the lungs causes hypertrophy, which in turn provokes a change in the position of the heart.
  • Hormonal disorders. Against the background of hormonal imbalance, an increase in the heart chambers may occur. This leads to disruption of nerve patency and deterioration of blood emission.

In addition to these reasons, deviations may indicate congenital heart defects, atrial fibrillation. A shift in EOS is often observed in people who engage in intense sports or subject the body to other types of physical activity.

Symptoms and treatment

A change in the position of the heart is not accompanied by any significant symptoms. Negative manifestations can only occur when pathological nature violations. Development severe symptoms is a direct indication for visiting a cardiologist in order to carry out the necessary diagnostic procedures.

Possible symptoms of heart disease:

  • accelerated heartbeat
  • pressure surges
  • dyspnea
  • fast fatiguability
  • swelling of the face
  • increased sweating

Negative manifestations can also occur if the deviation in the position of the heart exceeds the normal value. In this case, there is a possibility of more serious complications requiring surgical treatment.

To determine the reasons for EOS deviation from the norm, a specialist may prescribe a wide range of procedures. The main one is ultrasound examination, since it allows you to study in detail the features of the organ, identify any changes in the anatomical position of the organ, and find out whether the cause of the deviation is hypertrophy or other pathological phenomena.

Also, for diagnostic purposes, a cardiogram is often used, which is performed simultaneously with additional physical activity. This makes it possible to identify irregularities in the rhythm of contractions. This procedure is highly informative, but in some cases it may be contraindicated.

Radiography and coronary angiography are used as auxiliary methods. Such procedures are necessary to obtain additional information about the nature of the disease after receiving the initial diagnosis.

Treatment of diseases that provoke EOS deviation is prescribed in accordance with the nature of the pathology and the reasons for its development. In the absence of any symptoms of the disease, the deviation of the electrical position of the heart does not require treatment.

The semi-vertical electrical position of the heart is one of the types of EOS, which can be natural or provoked by disease. Diagnosis and treatment are required only if the positional shift is of pathogenic origin.

General idea of ​​EOS - what is it

It is known that the heart, during its tireless work, generates electrical impulses. They originate in a certain area - in the sinus node, then normally the electrical excitation passes to the atria and ventricles, spreading along the conducting nerve bundle, called the bundle of His, along its branches and fibers. In total, this is expressed as an electric vector, which has a direction. EOS is the projection of this vector onto the anterior vertical plane.

Doctors calculate the position of the EOS by plotting the amplitudes ECG waves on the axis of the Einthoven triangle formed by standard ECG leads from limbs:

  • the amplitude of the R wave minus the amplitude of the S wave of the first lead is plotted on the L1 axis;
  • a similar magnitude of the amplitude of the teeth of the third lead is deposited on the L3 axis;
  • from these points, perpendiculars are set towards each other until they intersect;
  • the line from the center of the triangle to the intersection point is the graphic expression of the EOS.

Its position is calculated by dividing the circle describing the Einthoven triangle into degrees. Typically, the direction of the EOS roughly reflects the location of the heart in the chest.

The normal position of the EOS - what is it?

Determine the position of the EOS

  • speed and quality of passage of the electrical signal through structural divisions conduction system of the heart,
  • the ability of the myocardium to contract,
  • changes in internal organs that can affect the functioning of the heart, and in particular the conduction system.

For a person who does not have serious problems With health, the electrical axis can occupy a normal, intermediate, vertical or horizontal position.

It is considered normal when the EOS is located in the range from 0 to +90 degrees, depending on constitutional features. Most often, normal EOS is located between +30 and +70 degrees. Anatomically, it is directed down and to the left.

The intermediate position is between +15 and +60 degrees.

On the ECG, positive waves are higher in the second, aVL, aVF leads.

  • R2>R1>R3 (R2=R1+R3),
  • R3>S3,
  • R aVL=S aVL.

Vertical position of the EOS

When verticalized, the electrical axis is located between +70 and +90 degrees.

It occurs in people with a narrow chest, tall and thin. Anatomically, the heart literally “hangs” in their chest.

On the ECG, the highest positive waves are recorded in aVF. Deep negative – in aVL.

  • R2=R3>R1;
  • R1=S1;
  • R aVF>R2,3.

Horizontal position of the EOS

The horizontal position of the EOS is between +15 and -30 degrees.

It is typical for healthy people with a hypersthenic physique - wide chest, short stature, increased weight. The heart of such people “lies” on the diaphragm.

On the ECG, the highest positive waves are recorded in aVL, and the deepest negative ones in aVF.

  • R1>R2>R3;
  • R aVF=S aVF
  • R2>S2;
  • S3=R3.

Deviation of the electrical axis of the heart to the left - what does it mean?

The deviation of the EOS to the left is its location in the range from 0 to -90 degrees. Up to – 30 degrees can still be considered a variant of the norm, but a more significant deviation indicates a serious pathology or significant change location of the heart. for example, during pregnancy. Also observed with maximally deep exhalation.

Pathological conditions accompanied by deviation of the EOS to the left:

  • hypertrophy of the left ventricle of the heart is a companion and consequence of prolonged arterial hypertension;

  • violation, blockade of conduction along the left leg and fibers of the His bundle;
  • left ventricular myocardial infarction;
  • heart defects and their consequences that change the conduction system of the heart;
  • cardiomyopathy, which impairs the contractility of the heart muscle;
  • myocarditis - inflammation also impairs the contractility of muscle structures and the conduction of nerve fibers;
  • cardiosclerosis;
  • myocardial dystrophy;
  • calcium deposits in the heart muscle, preventing it from contracting normally and disrupting innervation.

These and similar diseases and conditions lead to enlargement of the left ventricular cavity or mass. As a result, the excitation vector travels longer on the left side and the axis deviates to the left.

The ECG in the second and third leads is characterized by deep S waves.

  • R1>R2>R2;
  • R2>S2;
  • S3>R3;
  • S aVF>R aVF.

Deviation of the electrical axis of the heart to the right - what does it mean?

Eos is deviated to the right if it is in the range from +90 to +180 degrees.

Possible reasons for this phenomenon:

  • violation of the conduction of electrical excitation along the fibers of the His bundle, its right branch;
  • myocardial infarction in the right ventricle;
  • overload of the right ventricle due to narrowing pulmonary artery;
  • chronic pulmonary pathology, the consequence of which is “ cor pulmonale", characterized by intense work of the right ventricle;

  • combination of ischemic heart disease with hypertension– depletes the heart muscle, leading to heart failure;
  • PE - blocking of blood flow in the branches of the pulmonary artery, of thrombotic origin, as a result the blood supply to the lungs is depleted, their vessels spasm, which leads to a load on the right side of the heart;
  • mitral heart disease valve stenosis causing congestion in the lungs, which causes pulmonary hypertension and increased work of the right ventricle;
  • dextrocardia;
  • emphysema – moves the diaphragm down.

On the ECG, a deep S wave is noted in the first lead, while in the second and third it is small or absent.

  • R3>R2>R1,
  • S1>R1.

It should be understood that a change in the position of the heart axis is not a diagnosis, but only signs of conditions and diseases, and only an experienced specialist should understand the reasons.

The influence of the anatomical position of the heart on the electrical axis of the QRS complex

Confirmed breathing effect. When a person inhales, the diaphragm lowers and the heart takes a more vertical position in the chest, which is usually accompanied by vertical displacement of the EOS(to the right). In patients with pulmonary emphysema, an anatomically vertical position of the heart and an electrically vertical average electrical axis of the complex are usually observed. QRS. On the contrary, when you exhale, the diaphragm rises and the heart takes a more horizontal position in the chest, which is usually accompanied by horizontal displacement of the EOS(left).

Effect of direction of ventricular depolarization

Can be confirmed in case of incomplete blockade of the anterior branch of the left ventricle, when the propagation of impulses along the upper left parts of the left ventricle is disrupted and the average electrical axis of the complex QRS deviated to the left (see section “Impaired intraventricular conduction”). On the contrary, with pancreatic hypertrophy it is deviated to the right.

How to recognize EOS deviation to the right and left

Axis deviation to the right

It is revealed if the average electrical axis of the complex QRS is +100° or more. Remember that with high teeth R of equal amplitude in leads II and III, the axis angle should be +90°. Approximate Rule indicates a deviation of the axis to the right if there are high teeth in leads II and III R, and the tooth R in lead III exceeds the tooth R in lead II. In addition, a complex is formed in lead I R.S.-type, where is the depth of the tooth S greater than tooth height R(see Fig. 5-8; 5-9).

How can the EOS be located?

The location of the electrical axis of the heart can be determined using an ECG. The following options are usually considered normal:

  • Vertical (location range from 70 to 90 degrees).
  • Horizontal (location range from 0 to 30 degrees).
  • Semi-horizontal.
  • Semi-vertical.
  • No tilt.

The figure shows the main options for the passage of the electrical axis of the heart. Determine what type of axis location is characteristic to a specific person(vertical, horizontal or intermediate) can be done using an ECG.

Often the position of the EOS depends on the person’s physique.

For tall people with a thin physique, a vertical or semi-vertical type of arrangement is characteristic. Short and dense people are characterized by a horizontal and semi-horizontal position of the EOS.

Intermediate options for placement of EOS are formed due to the fact that the physique of each person is individual, and there are many others between thin and dense body types. This explains different position EOS.


Deviation of the electrical axis of the heart to the left or right is not a disease in itself. Most often, this phenomenon is a symptom of another pathology. Therefore, doctors pay attention to this anomaly and conduct diagnostics to determine the reasons why the axis has changed its position.

Axis deviation in left side sometimes observed in healthy people who actively engage in sports.

But most often this phenomenon indicates left ventricular hypertrophy. This disease is characterized by an increase in the size of this part of the heart. It may be accompanied by the following diseases:

If the electrical axis of the heart is shifted to the right, this can also be considered normal, but only in the case of a newborn child. The baby may even strong deviation from the norm.

Note! In other cases, this position of the electrical axis is a symptom of right ventricular hypertrophy.

Diseases that cause it:

The more pronounced the hypertrophy, the more the EOS changes position.

Also, the electrical axis of the heart may be displaced due to coronary artery disease or heart failure.

Do I need treatment?

If the EOS has changed its position, unpleasant symptoms, as a rule, do not occur. More precisely, they do not arise due to axis deviation. All difficulties are usually associated with the cause that caused the displacement.

Most often, this cause is hypertrophy, so the symptoms are the same as with this disease.

Sometimes no signs of disease may appear until more serious heart and cardiovascular diseases develop due to hypertrophy.

To avoid danger, any person needs to carefully monitor their well-being and pay attention to any unpleasant sensations, especially if they are often repeated. You should consult a doctor if you have the following symptoms:

All these signs may indicate the development of heart disease. Therefore, the patient needs to visit a cardiologist and undergo an ECG. If the electrical axis of the heart is displaced, then additional diagnostic procedures need to be performed to find out what causes this.


To establish the cause of the deviation, the following diagnostic methods are used:

  • Ultrasound of the heart
  • Holter monitoring
  • X-ray
  • Coronary angiography

Ultrasound of the heart

This diagnostic method allows you to identify changes in the anatomy of the heart. It is with its help that hypertrophy is detected, and the peculiarities of the functioning of the heart chambers are determined.

The diagnostic method applied not only to adults, but also to very young children to ensure that they do not have serious pathologies.

Holter monitoring

In this case, an ECG is performed within 24 hours. The patient performs all his usual activities during the day, and the devices record the data. This method is used in case of deviations in the position of the EOS, accompanied by a rhythm outside the sinus node.


This method also makes it possible to judge the presence of hypertrophy, since the cardiac shadow will be expanded in the image.

ECG during physical activity

The method is a regular ECG, the data of which is recorded while the patient performs physical exercises (running, push-ups).

This way you can install ischemic disease heart, which can also affect changes in the position of the electrical axis of the heart.

Coronary angiography

I use this method to diagnose problems with blood vessels.

Deviation of EOS does not imply therapeutic effects. The disease that caused the defect should be treated. Therefore, after a thorough examination, the doctor must prescribe the necessary therapeutic interventions.

This defect, identified during the examination, requires examination, even if the patient does not have any complaints about the heart. Heart diseases often occur and develop asymptomatically, which is why they are detected too late. If the doctor, after conducting a diagnosis, prescribed treatment and advised to adhere to certain rules, this must be followed.

Treatment for this defect depends on what disease caused it, so the methods may be different. The main one is drug therapy.

In extremely life-threatening situations, the doctor may recommend surgery aimed at neutralizing the underlying disease.

If pathology is detected in a timely manner, the EOS can be returned to its normal state, which occurs after the underlying disease has been eliminated. However, in most cases, doctors’ actions are aimed at preventing deterioration in the patient’s condition.

May also be useful as treatment traditional methods using medicinal preparations and tinctures. But before using them, you need to ask your doctor whether such actions will harm you. It is unacceptable to start taking medications on your own.

It is also important to follow measures to prevent heart disease. They are associated with a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and rest, and a reduction in stress. It is necessary to carry out feasible loads and maintain active image life. You should give up bad habits and coffee abuse.

Changes in the position of the EOS do not necessarily indicate problems in the human body. But detection of such a defect requires attention from doctors and the patient himself.

If measures are prescribed therapeutic effects, then they are related to the cause of the defect, and not to the defect itself.

The incorrect location of the electrical axis itself does not mean anything.

The medical concept of “electrical axis of the heart” is used by cardiologists to reflect the electrical processes occurring in this organ. The location of the electrical axis must be calculated to determine the total component of the bioelectrical changes that occur in muscle tissue heart during its contractile activity. The main organ is three-dimensional, and in order to correctly determine the direction of the EOS (which means the electrical axis of the heart), you need to imagine the human chest as a system with some coordinates that allow you to more accurately determine the angle of displacement - this is what cardiologists do.

The cardiac conduction system is a collection of sections of muscle tissue in the myocardium, which is an atypical type of fiber. These fibers have good innervation, which allows the organ to contract synchronously. The contractile activity of the heart begins in the sinus node; it is in this area that the electrical impulse originates. Therefore, doctors call the correct heart rate sinus.

Originating in the sinus node, the exciting signal is sent to the atrioventricular node, and then it travels along the His bundle. Such a bundle is located in the section that blocks the ventricles, where it is divided into two legs. The leg extending to the right leads to the right ventricle, and the other, rushing to the left, is divided into two branches - posterior and anterior. The anterior branch is accordingly located in the region of the anterior zones of the septum between the ventricles, in the anterolateral compartment of the wall of the left ventricle. The posterior branch of the left bundle branch is localized in two-thirds of the septal part separating the ventricles of the organ, the middle and lower, as well as the posterolateral and lower walls, located in the area of ​​the left ventricle. Doctors say that the anterior branch is located slightly to the right of the posterior branch.

The conduction system is a powerful source that supplies electrical signals that cause the main part of the body to work normally, in the correct rhythm. Only doctors can calculate any violations in this area; they cannot do this on their own. Both an adult and a newborn baby can suffer from pathological processes of this nature in cardiovascular system. If deviations occur in the conduction system of the organ, the axis of the heart may become confused. There are certain standards for the position of this indicator, according to which the doctor identifies the presence or absence of deviations.

Parameters in healthy people

How to determine the direction of the electrical axis of the heart? The weight of the muscle tissue of the left ventricle usually significantly exceeds that of the right ventricle. You can find out whether a given measurement is a horizontal or vertical vector using these standards. Since the mass of the organ is distributed unevenly, it means that electrical processes should occur more strongly in the left ventricle, and this shows that the EOS is directed specifically to this section.

Doctors project this data using a specially developed coordinate system, from which we can conclude that the electrical axis of the heart is in the region of +30 and also +70 degrees. However, every person, even a child, has individual characteristics body, its anatomical characteristics. This shows that the slope of the EOS in healthy people can vary between 0-90 degrees. Based on such data, doctors have identified several areas of this indicator that are considered normal and do not interfere with the functioning of the organ.

What positions of the electrical axis exist:

  1. semi-vertical electrical position of the heart;
  2. vertically directed electrical position of the heart;
  3. horizontal state of the EOS;
  4. vertical placement of the electrical axis.

It should be noted that all five positions can occur in a person who has good health. Finding the reason for such features is quite easy; human physiology explains everything.

Since the body structure of people is different, it is extremely rare to meet a pure hypersthenic or a very skinny individual; usually such types of structure are considered intermediate, and the direction of the heart axis can deviate from normal values ​​(semi-vertical state or semi-horizontal position).

In what cases are we talking about pathology, the causes of violations

Sometimes the direction of the indicator can indicate the presence of a disease in the body. If, as a result of the diagnosis, deviations of the electrical axis of the heart to the left are detected, it means that the person has certain ailments, especially hypertrophic changes in the left ventricle. Often similar violation becomes a consequence of pathological processes, as a result of which the cavity of this section stretches and increases in size.

What diseases cause hypertrophy and a sharp tilt of the EOS to the left:

  1. Ischemic damage to the main organ.
  2. Arterial hypertension, especially with regular pressure surges up to high values tonometer.
  3. Cardiomyopathy. The disease is characterized by an increase in the weight of the muscle tissue of the heart and the expansion of all its cavities. This disease often appears after anemia, myocardial infarction, myocarditis or cardiosclerosis.
  4. Chronic heart failure.
  5. Disturbances in the aortic valve, its insufficiency or stenosis. Pathological process This variety may be acquired or congenital in nature. Such diseases cause disruption of blood flow in the cavities of the organ, which leads to overload of the left ventricle.
  6. In people involved sports activities professionally, these violations are also often detected.

In addition to hypertrophic changes, deviation of the heart axis sharply to the left may indicate problems with the conductive properties of the inner part of the ventricles, which usually arise with various blockades. What it is and what it threatens will be explained by the attending physician.

A blockade found in the left bundle branch is often diagnosed, which also refers to a pathology that shifts the EOS to the left.

The opposite condition also has its own reasons for its occurrence. Deviation of the electrical axis of the heart to the other side, the right, indicates hypertrophy of the right ventricle. There are certain diseases that provoke such a disorder.

What diseases lead to a tilt of the EOS to the right:

  • Pathological processes in the triscupid valve.
  • Stenosis and narrowing of the lumen of the pulmonary artery.
  • Pulmonary hypertension. This disorder often occurs against the background of other ailments, such as obstructive bronchitis, organ damage by emphysema, and bronchial asthma.

In addition, diseases that lead to a shift in the direction of the axis to the left can also cause the EOS to be tilted to the right.

Based on this, doctors conclude: a change in the electrical position of the heart is a consequence of ventricular hypertrophy. In itself, such a disorder is not considered a disease; it is a sign of another pathology.

First of all, it is necessary to note the position of the EOS during the mother's pregnancy. Pregnancy changes the direction of this indicator, as serious changes occur in the body. The rapidly enlarging uterus puts pressure on the diaphragm, which leads to a displacement of all internal organs and changes the position of the axis, as a result of which its direction can become semi-vertical, semi-horizontal or otherwise, depending on its initial state.

As for children, this indicator changes with age. In newborn babies, a significant deviation of the EOS to the right side is usually detected, which is absolutely normal. By adolescence, this angle is already established. Such changes are associated with a difference in the weight ratio and electrical activity of both ventricles of the organ, as well as with a change in the position of the heart in the chest area.

A teenager already has a certain angle of EOS, which normally remains throughout his life.


Changing the direction of the electrical axis cannot cause unpleasant sensations in humans. Disorders of well-being usually provoke hypertrophic damage to the myocardium if they are accompanied by severe hemodynamic disturbances, and also lead to the development of heart failure, which is very dangerous and requires treatment.


  • pain in the head and chest area;
  • breathing problems, shortness of breath, suffocation;
  • swelling of the lower tissues, upper limbs and facial areas;
  • weakness, lethargy;
  • arrhythmia, tachycardia;
  • disturbance of consciousness.

Determining the causes of such disorders is an important part of all therapy. The prognosis of the disease depends on the correctness of the diagnosis. If such symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor, as cardiac problems are extremely dangerous.

Diagnosis and treatment

Typically, axis deviation is detected on an ECG (electrocardiogram). This method is not more often than others prescribed during a routine examination. The resulting vector and other characteristics of the organ make it possible to evaluate the activity of the heart and calculate deviations in its work. If such a disorder is detected on the cardiogram, the doctor will need to carry out several additional examinations.

Diagnostic methods:

  1. Ultrasound of the organ is considered one of the most informative methods. With the help of such a study, it is possible to identify ventricular hypertrophy, disturbances in the structure of the heart and evaluate its contractile characteristics.
  2. X-ray of the chest area, allowing you to see the presence of a shadow of the heart, which usually occurs with myocardial hypertrophy.
  3. ECG in the form of daily monitoring. It is necessary to clarify the clinical picture in case of disorders related not only to the axis itself, but also to the origin of the rhythm not from the sinus node area, which indicates a disorder of the rhythmic data.
  4. Coronary angiography or coronary angiography. Used to study the characteristics of damage coronary arteries with organ ischemia.
  5. An exercise ECG can detect myocardial ischemia, which is usually the cause of a shift in the direction of the EOS.

It is necessary to treat not a change in the electrical axis indicator, but the disease that caused the pathology. Using diagnostics, doctors accurately determine the factors that provoked such disorders.

Changing the angle of the electrical axis of the heart does not require therapy.

No class of medications will help in this case. The disease that led to such changes needs to be eliminated. Drugs are prescribed to patients only after diagnosis accurate diagnosis. Depending on the nature of the lesions, medications are used. Sometimes it is advisable to undergo surgery.

In order to determine the functional abilities of the heart, it is necessary to carry out special methods examinations. If it turns out that there are disturbances in the conduction system of the organ, there is no need to panic, you must follow all the doctor’s recommendations. Medicine today can eliminate almost any pathology, you just need to seek help in a timely manner.

The location of the electrical axis must be calculated to determine the total component of the bioelectrical changes that occur in the muscle tissue of the heart during its contractile activity. The main organ is three-dimensional, and in order to correctly determine the direction of the EOS (which means the electrical axis of the heart), you need to imagine the human chest as a system with some coordinates that allow you to more accurately determine the angle of displacement - this is what cardiologists do.

Features of the conduction system

The cardiac conduction system is a collection of sections of muscle tissue in the myocardium, which is an atypical type of fiber. These fibers have good innervation, which allows the organ to contract synchronously. The contractile activity of the heart begins in the sinus node; it is in this area that the electrical impulse originates. Therefore, doctors call the correct heart rate sinus.

Originating in the sinus node, the exciting signal is sent to the atrioventricular node, and then it travels along the His bundle. Such a bundle is located in the section that blocks the ventricles, where it is divided into two legs. The leg extending to the right leads to the right ventricle, and the other, rushing to the left, is divided into two branches - posterior and anterior. The anterior branch is accordingly located in the region of the anterior zones of the septum between the ventricles, in the anterolateral compartment of the wall of the left ventricle. The posterior branch of the left bundle branch is localized in two-thirds of the septal part separating the ventricles of the organ, the middle and lower, as well as the posterolateral and lower walls, located in the area of ​​the left ventricle. Doctors say that the anterior branch is located slightly to the right of the posterior branch.

The conduction system is a powerful source that supplies electrical signals that cause the main part of the body to work normally, in the correct rhythm. Only doctors can calculate any violations in this area; they cannot do this on their own. Both an adult and a newborn baby can suffer from pathological processes of this nature in the cardiovascular system. If deviations occur in the conduction system of the organ, the axis of the heart may become confused. There are certain standards for the position of this indicator, according to which the doctor identifies the presence or absence of deviations.

Parameters in healthy people

How to determine the direction of the electrical axis of the heart? The weight of the muscle tissue of the left ventricle usually significantly exceeds that of the right ventricle. You can find out whether a given measurement is a horizontal or vertical vector using these standards. Since the mass of the organ is distributed unevenly, it means that electrical processes should occur more strongly in the left ventricle, and this shows that the EOS is directed specifically to this section.

Doctors project this data using a specially developed coordinate system, from which we can conclude that the electrical axis of the heart is in the region of +30 and also +70 degrees. However, every person, even a child, has individual body characteristics, its own anatomical characteristics. This shows that the slope of the EOS in healthy people can vary between 0-90 degrees. Based on such data, doctors have identified several areas of this indicator that are considered normal and do not interfere with the functioning of the organ.

What positions of the electrical axis exist:

  1. semi-vertical electrical position of the heart;
  2. vertically directed electrical position of the heart;
  3. horizontal state of the EOS;
  4. vertical placement of the electrical axis.

It should be noted that all five positions can occur in a person in good health. Finding the reason for such features is quite easy; human physiology explains everything.

  • The horizontal axis of the heart is more often detected in people who have a stocky figure and short stature, and these individuals usually have a wide sternum. This type of appearance is called hypersthenic, and the EOS direction indicator varies from 0 to +30 degrees. The horizontal position of the electrical cardiac axis is often the norm.
  • The range of the vertical position of this indicator varies between 70 and 90 degrees. This EOS vector is detected in a person of asthenic figure type, with a thin body structure and tall stature.

Since the body structure of people is different, it is extremely rare to meet a pure hypersthenic or a very skinny individual; usually such types of structure are considered intermediate, and the direction of the heart axis can deviate from normal values ​​(semi-vertical state or semi-horizontal position).

In what cases are we talking about pathology, the causes of violations

Sometimes the direction of the indicator can indicate the presence of a disease in the body. If, as a result of the diagnosis, deviations of the electrical axis of the heart to the left are detected, it means that the person has certain ailments, especially hypertrophic changes in the left ventricle. Often such a violation becomes a consequence of pathological processes, as a result of which the cavity of this section stretches and increases in size.

What diseases cause hypertrophy and a sharp tilt of the EOS to the left:

  1. Ischemic damage to the main organ.
  2. Arterial hypertension, especially with regular pressure surges to high tonometer values.
  3. Cardiomyopathy. The disease is characterized by an increase in the weight of the muscle tissue of the heart and the expansion of all its cavities. This disease often appears after anemia, myocardial infarction, myocarditis or cardiosclerosis.
  4. Chronic heart failure.
  5. Disturbances in the aortic valve, its insufficiency or stenosis. A pathological process of this type can be acquired or congenital in nature. Such diseases cause disruption of blood flow in the cavities of the organ, which leads to overload of the left ventricle.
  6. People involved in sports activities professionally also often exhibit these disorders.

In addition to hypertrophic changes, deviation of the heart axis sharply to the left may indicate problems with the conductive properties of the inner part of the ventricles, which usually arise with various blockades. What it is and what it threatens will be explained by the attending physician.

A blockade found in the left bundle branch is often diagnosed, which also refers to a pathology that shifts the EOS to the left.

The opposite condition also has its own reasons for its occurrence. Deviation of the electrical axis of the heart to the other side, the right, indicates hypertrophy of the right ventricle. There are certain diseases that provoke such a disorder.

What diseases lead to a tilt of the EOS to the right:

  • Pathological processes in the triscupid valve.
  • Stenosis and narrowing of the lumen of the pulmonary artery.
  • Pulmonary hypertension. This disorder often occurs against the background of other ailments, such as obstructive bronchitis, organ damage by emphysema, and bronchial asthma.

In addition, diseases that lead to a shift in the direction of the axis to the left can also cause the EOS to be tilted to the right.

Based on this, doctors conclude: a change in the electrical position of the heart is a consequence of ventricular hypertrophy. In itself, such a disorder is not considered a disease; it is a sign of another pathology.

Norms for children

First of all, it is necessary to note the position of the EOS during the mother's pregnancy. Pregnancy changes the direction of this indicator, as serious changes occur in the body. The rapidly enlarging uterus puts pressure on the diaphragm, which leads to a displacement of all internal organs and changes the position of the axis, as a result of which its direction can become semi-vertical, semi-horizontal or otherwise, depending on its initial state.

As for children, this indicator changes with age. In newborn babies, a significant deviation of the EOS to the right side is usually detected, which is absolutely normal. By adolescence, this angle is already established. Such changes are associated with a difference in the weight ratio and electrical activity of both ventricles of the organ, as well as with a change in the position of the heart in the chest area.

A teenager already has a certain angle of EOS, which normally remains throughout his life.


Changing the direction of the electrical axis cannot cause unpleasant sensations in humans. Disorders of well-being usually provoke hypertrophic damage to the myocardium if they are accompanied by severe hemodynamic disturbances, and also lead to the development of heart failure, which is very dangerous and requires treatment.

  • pain in the head and chest area;
  • breathing problems, shortness of breath, suffocation;
  • swelling of the tissues of the lower, upper extremities and facial area;
  • weakness, lethargy;
  • arrhythmia, tachycardia;
  • disturbance of consciousness.

Determining the causes of such disorders is an important part of all therapy. The prognosis of the disease depends on the correctness of the diagnosis. If such symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor, as cardiac problems are extremely dangerous.

Diagnosis and treatment

Typically, axis deviation is detected on an ECG (electrocardiogram). This method is not more often than others prescribed during a routine examination. The resulting vector and other characteristics of the organ make it possible to evaluate the activity of the heart and calculate deviations in its work. If such a disorder is detected on the cardiogram, the doctor will need to carry out several additional examinations.

  1. Ultrasound of the organ is considered one of the most informative methods. With the help of such a study, it is possible to identify ventricular hypertrophy, disturbances in the structure of the heart and evaluate its contractile characteristics.
  2. X-ray of the chest area, allowing you to see the presence of a shadow of the heart, which usually occurs with myocardial hypertrophy.
  3. ECG in the form of daily monitoring. It is necessary to clarify the clinical picture in case of disorders related not only to the axis itself, but also to the origin of the rhythm not from the sinus node area, which indicates a disorder of the rhythmic data.
  4. Coronary angiography or coronary angiography. It is used to study the characteristics of damage to the coronary arteries during organ ischemia.
  5. An exercise ECG can detect myocardial ischemia, which is usually the cause of a shift in the direction of the EOS.

It is necessary to treat not a change in the electrical axis indicator, but the disease that caused the pathology. Using diagnostics, doctors accurately determine the factors that provoked such disorders.

Changing the angle of the electrical axis of the heart does not require therapy.

No class of medications will help in this case. The disease that led to such changes needs to be eliminated. Drugs are prescribed to patients only after an accurate diagnosis has been made. Depending on the nature of the lesions, medications are used. Sometimes it is advisable to undergo surgery.

In order to determine the functional abilities of the heart, it is necessary to conduct special examination methods. If it turns out that there are disturbances in the conduction system of the organ, there is no need to panic, you must follow all the doctor’s recommendations. Medicine today can eliminate almost any pathology, you just need to seek help in a timely manner.

What is sinus rhythm on an ECG

The human heart is a kind of trigger for the productive work of the whole organism. Thanks to the impulses of this organ, which are issued on a regular basis, blood is able to circulate throughout the body, saturating the body with vital substances. If the heart is normal, then the whole body works as productively as possible, but sometimes you still have to deal with certain problems in terms of health.

If a person comes for an examination to a doctor and the specialist suspects that something is wrong with his heart, he will send the patient for an ECG. Sinus rhythm on an ECG is very important indicator and clearly provides data on the real state of the human heart muscle. What exactly can be determined by looking at the cardiogram is worth considering in more detail.

What is sinus rhythm

In concept medical staff sinus rhythm cardiogram is the norm for human body. If there are equal spaces between the teeth shown on the cardiogram, and the height of these columns is also the same, then there are no deviations in the functioning of the main organ.

This means that sinus rhythm on the cardiogram is as follows:

  • graphical representation of human pulse fluctuations;
  • a set of teeth of different lengths, between which there are different intervals, showing the specific rhythm of heart impulses;
  • schematic representation of the work of the heart muscle;
  • an indicator of the presence or absence of abnormalities in the functioning of the heart and its individual valves.

Normal sinus rhythm is only present when the heart rate is at least 60 and no more than 80 beats per minute. This is the rhythm that is considered normal for the human body. and on the cardiogram it is displayed as teeth of the same size, located at the same distance from each other.

It is clearly worth remembering that the results of a cardiogram can be one hundred percent accurate only if the person is completely calm. Stressful situations and nervous tension contribute to the fact that the heart muscle begins to emit impulses faster, which means that it will definitely not be possible to obtain a reliable result about the state of a person’s health.

What criteria are used to decipher the ECG result?

Decoding of the cardiogram results is carried out by doctors according to special scheme. Medical specialists have a clear understanding of which marks on the cardiogram are normal and which are abnormal. ECG conclusion will be set only after calculating the results, which were displayed in schematic form. A doctor, when examining a patient’s cardiogram in order to correctly and accurately decipher it, will pay special attention to a number of such indicators:

  • the height of the bars displaying the rhythm of heart impulses;
  • the distance between the teeth on the cardiogram;
  • how sharply the indicators of the schematic image fluctuate;
  • what specific distance is observed between the bars displaying the pulses.

A doctor who knows what each of these schematic marks means carefully studies them and can clearly determine what kind of diagnosis needs to be made. Cardiograms of children and adults are deciphered according to the same principle, but normal indicators for people of different age categories cannot be the same.

What sinus rhythm problems can be seen on an ECG?

Electrocardiogram readings can indicate clear signs of problems in the functioning of the heart muscles. With the help of this study, you can notice whether there is weakness of the sinus node, and what kind of health problems this causes. By looking at the cardiogram readings of a particular patient, a medical specialist can decipher the presence of problems of the following nature:

  • sinus tachycardia on the ECG, indicating an excess of the contraction rhythm, which is considered normal;
  • sinus arrhythmia on the ECG, indicating that the interval between contractions of the heart muscles is too long;
  • sinus bradycardia on the ECG, indicating that the heart beats less than 60 times in one minute;
  • the presence of too small an interval between the teeth of the cardiogram, which means disturbances in the functioning of the sinus node.

Sinus bradycardia is a common abnormality, especially when it comes to the health of a child. This diagnosis can be explained by many factors, among which may be physiological defects or simply a factor of chronic fatigue.

Deviation of the EOS to the left also indicates that the work is vital important body not set up correctly. Having identified such deviations, the doctor will send the patient for additional examination and ask him to undergo a number of necessary tests.

If a vertical position of the EOS is observed, this means that the heart has a normal location and is in its place, there are no serious physiological abnormalities. This situation is an indicator of the norm, which is also indicated in the conclusion of the doctor who deciphered the cardiogram.

If a horizontal position of the EOS is observed, then this cannot immediately be considered a pathological condition. Such axis indicators are observed in people who are short in stature but have fairly broad shoulders. If the axis deviates to the left or right, and this is very noticeable, then such indicators may indicate pathological condition organ, enlargement of the left or right ventricles. Axial displacement may indicate that certain valves are affected. If the axis shifts to the left, then the person most likely has heart failure. If a person suffers from ischemia, then the axis shifts to the right side. Such a deviation may also indicate abnormalities in the development of the heart muscle.

What can we say about normal indicators?

On ECG sinus the rhythm is always mandatory is compared with certain norm indicators. Only knowing these indicators completely will the doctor be able to understand the patient’s cardiogram and give the correct conclusion.

Normal indicators for children and adults are completely various factors. If we consider the norms for different age categories, they will be something like this:

  • in children from birth to the first year of life, the direction of the axis is vertical, the heart beats with a heart rate of 60 to 150 beats per minute;
  • children from one year to six years old have a mainly vertical axis, but it can also be horizontal, without indicating deviations from the norm. Heart rate from 95 to 128;
  • children from seven years of age and representatives adolescence on the cardiogram should have a normal or vertical position of the axis, the heart should contract from 65 to 90 beats per minute;
  • adults should have a normal axis direction on the cardiogram, the heart contracts at a frequency of 60 to 90 times per minute.

The above indicators fall under the category of the established norm, but if they are slightly different, this does not always become a sign of the presence of some serious pathologies in the body.

Why ECG readings may deviate from the norm

If the result of the electrocardiogram does not always correspond to the norm, this means that this state of the body could be provoked by the following factors:

  • the person regularly drinks alcoholic beverages;
  • the patient is quite long time smokes cigarettes on a regular basis;
  • a person is regularly exposed various kinds stressful situations;
  • the patient often uses antiarrhythmic drugs;
  • a person has problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Of course, accelerated heartbeat or too slow may indicate problems of a more serious nature. If the results of the cardiogram are not normal, this may indicate acute heart failure, valve displacement, or congenital heart defects.

If the sinus rhythm is within the established norm, then the person should not worry, and the doctor will be able to make sure that his patient is healthy.

The sinus node regularly emits impulses that cause the heart muscles to contract correctly and carry the necessary signals throughout the body. If these impulses are given irregularly, which can be clearly recorded by a cardiogram, then the doctor will have every reason to assume that the person has health problems. After studying the heart rate, the doctor will determine the exact cause of all deviations and will be able to offer the patient competent treatment.

Why should a person undergo an ECG test?

The sinus rhythm, which is displayed on the ECG, clearly indicates whether there are deviations in the functioning of the heart and in which directions the problem is observed. Not only adults, but also children need to undergo such research regularly. The results of a completed cardiogram will help a person obtain the following information:

  • does he have any congenital pathologies or diseases;
  • What pathologies in the body cause heart problems;
  • could a person’s way of life become the cause of disturbances in the functioning of the main organ;
  • whether the heart is in the correct position and whether its valves are working correctly.

Normal sinus rhythm on an ECG is displayed as waves of the same size and shape, and the distance between them is also the same. If any deviations from this norm are observed, then the person will have to be further examined.

The sinus rhythm on the cardiogram must coincide with the established norm, and only in this case can a person be considered healthy. If impulses from the heart to other systems diverge too quickly or slowly, then this does not bode well. This means that doctors will have to further clarify the cause of the problem and engage in comprehensive treatment. If an uneven rhythm is observed on a teenager’s cardiogram, then this cannot be considered a pathological deviation, because such a condition may be associated with hormonal changes and the physiological maturation of the body.

If the sinus rhythm is within normal limits, then you will not have to undergo additional tests or repeat studies. Normal operation heart problems, as well as pathological abnormalities, are always recorded by a cardiogram.

The sinus rhythm on the ECG should be smooth and clear, without any intermittent lines or too long or short intervals. If the presented indicators are normal, then we can safely say that the person is completely healthy. Deviations in the cardiogram are a reason for doctors to perform additional studies and prescribe tests. Only after additional examinations can we understand the exact cause of the deviations and begin treatment. A normal sinus rhythm is reflected by a clear and evenly spaced cardiogram. Additional attention will have to be paid to the location of the axis, regarding the parameters of which medical standards have also been established.

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Deviation of EOS to the left: causes, diagnosis and treatment

From this article you will learn what EOS is and what it should be normally. When the EOS is deviated slightly to the left - what does this mean, what diseases can it indicate. What treatment may be required.

The electrical axis of the heart is diagnostic criterion, which displays the electrical activity of the organ.

The electrical activity of the heart is recorded using an ECG. Sensors are placed on different areas of the chest, and to find out the direction of the electrical axis, it (the chest) can be represented as a three-dimensional coordinate system.

The direction of the electrical axis is calculated by the cardiologist during the interpretation of the ECG. To do this, he sums the values ​​of the Q, R and S waves in lead 1, then finds the sum of the values ​​of the Q, R and S waves in lead 3. Next, it takes the two obtained numbers and calculates the alpha angle using a special table. It's called the Diede table. This angle is the criterion by which it is determined whether the location of the electrical axis of the heart is normal.

The presence of a significant deviation of the EOS to the left or right is a sign of cardiac dysfunction. Diseases that provoke EOS deviation almost always require treatment. After getting rid of the underlying disease, the EOS takes a more natural position, but sometimes it is impossible to completely cure the disease.

To resolve this problem, consult a cardiologist.

The location of the electrical axis is normal

In healthy people, the electrical axis of the heart coincides with the anatomical axis of this organ. The heart is located semi-vertically - its lower end is directed down and to the left. And the electrical axis, like the anatomical one, is in a semi-vertical position and tends down and to the left.

The standard alpha angle is from 0 to +90 degrees.

Norm of angle alpha EOS

The location of the anatomical and electrical axes depends to some extent on body type. Asthenics (thin people with tall and long limbs), the heart (and, accordingly, its axes) is located more vertically, and in hypersthenics (short people with a stocky build) - more horizontally.

Normal alpha angle depending on body type:

A significant displacement of the electrical axis to the left or right is a sign of pathologies of the conduction system of the heart or other diseases.

A deviation to the left is indicated by a minus alpha angle: from -90 to 0 degrees. About its deviation to the right - values ​​from +90 to +180 degrees.

However, it is not at all necessary to know these numbers, since in case of violations in ECG decoding you can find the phrase “EOS is deviated to the left (or right).”

Reasons for shift to the left

Deviation of the electrical axis of the heart to the left – typical symptom problems with the left side of this organ. It could be:

  • hypertrophy (enlargement, proliferation) of the left ventricle (LVH);
  • blockade of the anterior branch of the left bundle branch - a violation of impulse conduction in the anterior part of the left ventricle.

Causes of these pathologies:


EOS displacement itself does not have characteristic symptoms.

The diseases that accompany it can also be asymptomatic. This is why it is important to undergo an ECG for preventive purposes– if the disease is not accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, you can find out about it and begin treatment only after deciphering the cardiogram.

However, sometimes these diseases still make themselves felt.

Symptoms of diseases that are accompanied by a displacement of the electrical axis:

But let us repeat once again - symptoms do not always appear; they usually develop late stages diseases.

Additional diagnostics

To find out the reasons for the EOS deviation, the ECG is analyzed in detail. They may also assign:

  1. EchoCG (ultrasound of the heart) - to identify possible organ defects.
  2. Stress echocardiography - ultrasound of the heart with stress - for diagnosing ischemia.
  3. Angiography coronary vessels– their examination to identify blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques.
  4. Holter monitoring – recording an ECG using a portable device throughout the day.

After a detailed examination, appropriate therapy is prescribed.


In itself, deviation of the electrical axis of the heart to the left does not require specific treatment, since it is only a symptom of another disease.

All measures are aimed at eliminating the underlying disease, which is manifested by displacement of the EOS.

Treatment for LVH depends on what caused the myocardial growth

Treatment for blockade of the anterior branch of the left bundle branch is installation of a pacemaker. If it occurs as a result of a heart attack, surgical restoration of blood circulation in the coronary vessels is required.

The electrical axis of the heart returns to normal only if the size of the left ventricle is returned to normal or the conduction of impulses through the left ventricle is restored.

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Deviation of the electrical axis of the heart to the left: everything you need to know about it

The electrical axis of the heart (EOS) is a clinical parameter that is used in cardiology and is reflected on the electrocardiogram. Allows you to evaluate the electrical processes that move the heart muscle and are responsible for its correct functioning.

From the point of view of cardiologists, the chest is a three-dimensional coordinate system in which the heart is enclosed. Each contraction is accompanied by a number of bioelectrical changes, which determine the direction of the cardiac axis.

Normal values ​​and causes of violation

The direction of this indicator depends on various physiological and anatomical factors. Average norm position +59 0 is considered. But the normogram options fall into a wide range from +20 0 to +100 0.

In a state of health, the electrical axis shifts to the left under the following conditions:

  • at the moment of deep exhalation;
  • when the body position changes to horizontal, the internal organs put pressure on the diaphragm;
  • with a high-standing diaphragm - observed in hypersthenics (short, strong people).

A shift of the indicator to the right in the absence of pathology is observed in the following situations:

  • at the end of a deep breath;
  • when changing body position to vertical;
  • For asthenics (tall, thin people), the norm is the vertical position of the EOS.

Diagnosis using ECG

An electrocardiogram is the main tool for determining EOS. To identify changes in the location of the axis, two equivalent methods are used. The first method is more often used by diagnosticians, the second method is more common among cardiologists and therapists.

Alpha angle offset detection

The value of the alpha angle directly shows the displacement of the EOS in one direction or another. To calculate this angle, find the algebraic sum of the Q, R and S waves in the first and third standard leads. To do this, measure the height of the teeth in millimeters, and when adding, take into account whether a particular tooth has a positive or negative value.

The value of the sum of teeth from the first lead is found on horizontal axis, and from the third - on the vertical. The intersection of the resulting lines determines the alpha angle.

Visual definition

A simpler and more visual way to determine EOS is to compare the R and S waves in the first and third standard leads. If the absolute value of the R wave within one lead is greater than the value of the S wave, then we speak of an R-type ventricular complex. If on the contrary, then the ventricular complex is classified as S-type.

When the EOS deviates to the left, a picture of RI - SIII is observed, which means the R-type of the ventricular complex in the first lead and the S-type in the third. If the EOS is deviated to the right, then SI - RIII is determined on the electrocardiogram.

Establishing diagnosis

What does it mean if the electrical axis of the heart is deviated to the left? EOS displacement is not an independent disease. This is a sign of changes in the heart muscle or its conduction system that lead to the development of the disease. Deviation of the electrical axis to the left indicates the following violations:

  • an increase in the size of the left ventricle - hypertrophy (LVH);
  • malfunction of the left ventricular valves, which causes the ventricle to be overloaded with blood volume;
  • cardiac blockades, for example, blockade of the left bundle branch (on the ECG this looks like this, which you can learn about from another article);
  • disturbances in electrical conductivity inside the left ventricle.

Diseases that are accompanied by levogram

If a patient has a deviation in EOS, this may be a consequence of diseases such as:

In addition to diseases, blockage of the conduction system of the heart can result from taking certain medications.

Additional Research

The detection of a deviation of the EOS to the left side on the cardiogram is not in itself the basis for the doctor’s final conclusion. In order to determine what specific changes occur in the heart muscle, additional instrumental studies are required.

  • Bicycle ergometry (electrocardiogram while walking on a treadmill or on an exercise bike). Test to detect ischemia of the heart muscle.
  • Ultrasound. Using ultrasound, the degree of ventricular hypertrophy and disturbances in their contractile function are assessed.
  • 24-hour Holter ECG monitoring. The cardiogram is taken within 24 hours. Prescribed in cases of rhythm disturbance, which is accompanied by deviation of the EOS.
  • X-ray examination of the chest. With significant hypertrophy of myocardial tissue, an increase in the cardiac shadow in the image is observed.
  • Coronary artery angiography (CAG). Allows you to determine the degree of damage to the coronary arteries with diagnosed ischemic disease.
  • Echocardioscopy. Allows targeted determination of the condition of the patient’s ventricles and atria.


Deviation of the electrical axis of the heart to the left from the normal position is not in itself a disease. This is a sign determined using instrumental research, which allows you to identify disturbances in the functioning of the heart muscle.

Ischemia, heart failure and some cardiopathy are treated with medications. Additional adherence to diet and a healthy lifestyle leads to normalization of the patient’s condition.

In severe cases it is required surgery, for example, with congenital or acquired heart defects. In case of severe disruption of the conduction system, it may be necessary to transplant a pacemaker, which will send signals directly to the myocardium and cause its contraction.

Most often, deviation is not a threatening symptom. But if the axis changes its position abruptly and reaches values ​​of more than 90 0, then this may indicate a blockade of the Hiss bundle branches and threatens cardiac arrest. Such a patient requires urgent hospitalization in the department intensive care. A sharp and pronounced deviation of the electrical axis of the heart to the left looks like this:

Detection of a displacement of the electrical axis of the heart is not a cause for concern. But if this symptom is detected, you should immediately consult a doctor for further examination and identify the cause of this condition. Annual planned electrocardiography allows for timely detection of cardiac dysfunction and immediate initiation of therapy.

Proven heart performance is a guarantee of long life human life. And the deciphered sinus rhythm to the left is an indicator of the condition of the heart muscle. Thanks to the electric axis it is possible to early stage make a diagnosis and cure it, prolonging the normal state of the body and the life of the sick person.

By deviation of EOS, the diagnosis of heart disease can be determined

EOS - electrical axis of the heart - is a cardiological concept that means the electrodynamic strength of the organ, the level of its electrical activity. Based on its position, the specialist deciphers the state of the processes occurring in the main organ every minute.

This parameter represents the total amount of bioelectrical changes in the muscle. With the help of which electrodes fix certain points of excitation, it is possible to mathematically calculate the location of the electrical axis relative to the heart.

The conduction system of the heart and why it is important for determining EOS

The part of muscle tissue formed from atypical fibers that regulate the synchronization of contractions of the organ is called the conduction system of the heart.

The contractile property of the myocardium consists of a sequence of stages:

  1. Organization of an electrical impulse in the sinus node
  2. The signal enters the ventricular node of the atrium.
  3. From there it is distributed along the His bundle, located in interventricular septum and divided into 2 branches
  4. The activated bundle moves the left and right ventricles
  5. With normal signal transmission, both ventricles contract synchronously

The cardiac conduction system is a kind of energy supplier for the functioning of the body. It is here that electrical changes initially occur, provoking contraction of muscle fibers.

When the wiring system is dysfunctional, the electrical axis changes its location. This moment is easily determined.

What is sinus rhythm on an ECG

Sinus rhythm on the electrocardiogram shows that the signal of electrical nature is produced only in the sinus node. This area is located in the right atrium under the membrane and is directly supplied with arterial blood.

The cells of this organ are spindle-shaped and collected in small bundles. The low level of ability to contract is compensated by the production of electrical impulses, the analogues of which are nerve signals.

The sinus node produces low-frequency signals, but is capable of high speed deliver them to muscle fibers. A run-up of 60-90 shocks in 60 seconds is considered an indicator of the quality functioning of the organ.

Variants of the position of the electrical axis of the heart in healthy people

Semi-vertical and semi-horizontal position of the EOS is more common

The normal state corresponds to the predominance of the left-sided ventricle mass over the right-sided ventricle. Thanks to this, the processes of the electrical nature of the first are stronger in total, and the EOS will be directed specifically at it.

When projecting the location of the cardiac organ onto the coordinate system, it will become noticeable that the left ventricle will be in the range from +30 to +70°. This situation is considered to be the norm.

However, on an individual basis, due to anatomical features body structure, location can vary and range from 0 to +90°.

The location of the cardiac electrical axis is divided into 2 main types:

  1. Vertical - range from +30 to +70° - This is typical for people of tall stature and thin build.
  2. Horizontal – range from 0 to +30°. It is observed in a person with short stature, a dense body build with a wide chest.

Since physique and height are indicators of an individual plan, the most common are intermediate subtypes of EOS arrangement: semi-vertical and semi-horizontal.

Rotations of the heart along the longitudinal axis reflect the location of the organ in the body, and their number becomes an additional indicator in the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases.

Diagnosis using ECG

Usually the position of the EOS is determined using an ECG

An electrocardiogram is the most accessible, simple and painless way to determine the source of impulses for the heart, as well as their frequency and rhythm. ECG is characterized as the most informative method of obtaining data on the functioning of the heart muscle.

Procedure process:

The person being examined takes supine position on a couch parallel to the floor, having previously exposed the torso, wrists and ankles.

To these areas of the body using suction cups, through which data on electrical impulses will be sent to the computer. A specialized program reads these signals during normal breathing and when it is held.

The condition for the procedure is complete relaxation of the body. An ECG is taken with various loads, but this happens during an in-depth study of the heart to establish a diagnosis, as well as when checking progress from therapeutic measures. After collecting data, the printer displays a cardiogram graph on heat-sensitive paper. This printout, in turn, is decrypted medical worker, who has completed special courses.

A cardiogram is a summary graph of arcuate and acute-angled lines, each of which reflects a specific process during heart contraction. First of all, decipher the line indicating sinus rhythm.

If the number of contractile actions of the heart does not meet normal standards, then the source of the signal is designated as non-sinus, and the study of the heart’s function is intensified.

Decoding the electrocardiogram graph

By deciphering the cardiogram, a specialist can make a diagnosis

The ECG graph consists of teeth, intervals and segmental segments. For these indicators, a range is clearly defined, beyond which signals a violation of the heart.

Mathematical calculations of the cardiogram lines determine the following indicators:

  • Rhythm of the heart muscle
  • Frequency of organ contractile processes
  • Pacemaker
  • Wiring quality
  • Cardiac electrical axis

Thanks to these data, as well as detailed description the meaning of the teeth, spaces and segmental segments, the specialist will have the opportunity to draw up an anamnesis, clarify the disease and establish appropriate treatment measures.

When the position of the EOS may indicate heart disease

EOS may be deviated to the left with cardiac ischemia

The tilt of the cardiac axis is not a symptom of the disease, but its deviation from the standard gives a signal of organ dysfunction. A non-standard tilt of the EOS may indicate the presence of the following diseases:

  • Heart disease
  • Various origins
  • Chronic heart function
  • Congenital pathologies and non-standard heart structure

Reasons for deviation to the left

The direction the axis is tilted also helps determine the diagnosis.

The tilt of the EOS to the left is most often found with left ventricular hypertrophy. In this case, there is an increase in the load on the functioning of the left side of the organ. The reason for the increase may be:

  • Long term, indicating high blood pressure
  • Insufficient heart performance
  • Dysfunction and abnormal structure of the valve apparatus in the left cardiac ventricle
  • Rheumatic fever
  • Dysfunction within the ventricular conduction system
  • heart muscle

Reasons for deviation to the right side

The tilt of the EOS to the right occurs when the right-sided ventricular section of the heart is hypertrophied. The reasons for this are:

  • Bronchitis
  • Asthma
  • Chronic obstructive respiratory disease
  • pulmonary artery
  • Abnormal structure of the heart organ from birth
  • Insufficient performance of the tricuspid valve
  • Block of the posterior branch of the left bundle branch


Diseases in which the EOS is tilted to the left are accompanied by chest pain

EOS displacement has no independent symptoms. In addition, there is a possibility of asymptomatic axis deviation. To prevent heart and vascular diseases and diagnose them at the initial stage, regular electrocardiograms are taken.

Symptoms of diseases associated with left-sided deviation of the EOS:

  • Pain attacks in the chest area
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Arrhythmia and
  • Blood pressure dystonia
  • Headache
  • Violation
  • Dizziness
  • Fainting
  • – slow heart rate
  • face and limbs

Additional diagnostics

EchoCG is used for additional diagnostics when the EOS is tilted

To determine the reasons that provoked the deviation of the EOS, a number of additional studies are carried out:

  1. Echocardiogram, abbreviated as . This procedure consists of studying, using special sound waves, the contractile and other abilities and functioning of the main organ, determining the presence of possible heart defects.
  2. Stress echocardiogram, Stress EchoCG. It is expressed in the study of the functioning of the heart with ultrasonic waves under additional load, most often squats. Diagnoses coronary artery disease.
  3. coronary vessels. This test detects blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques in arteries and veins.
  4. Holter mount, abbreviated as . This procedure collects electrocardiogram data over a 24-hour period. This method of research became possible after the creation of a portable ECG device, characterized by its low weight and size. However, with this method of verification there are a number of restrictions: restrictions in movements, a ban on water procedures and distance from pets. At the same time, the day of wearing a halter should be ordinary, without unusual situations.


Changing the tilt of the EOS does not require self-treatment. To restore the position of the axis, it is necessary to eradicate the main source of tilt - cardiovascular or pulmonary disease.

Treatment procedures, medications and other measures are prescribed by the attending physician after the diagnosis has been established. Basic moments healing process depend on the type of disease:

  • – antihypertensive drugs are prescribed to normalize blood pressure. Representatives medicinal drugs substances that help prevent vasoconstriction and increase blood pressure become available: calcium channel antagonists, beta-blockers.
  • Aortic stenosis - surgical intervention in the form.
  • – surgical installation of a valve prosthesis.
  • Ischemia – drugs – ACE inhibitors, beta blockers.
  • – surgical intervention to thin the myocardium.
  • Blockade of the anterior branch of the left bundle branch - installation.
  • A similar blockade occurred during the restoration of blood circulation in the coronary vessels through surgery.

Returning the normal location of the electrical axis of the heart is possible only by normalizing the size of the left ventricle or restoring the path of the impulse through it.

Preventive measures to deviate EOS from the norm

A balanced healthy diet will help prevent changes in the position of the EOS and the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases

Following the series simple rules it is possible to avoid disruption of vascular and cardiac muscle dysfunction and prevent deviation of the EOS from its normal position.

Prevention measures will be:

  • Balanced healthy diet
  • A clear and uniform daily routine
  • No stressful situations
  • Replenishing vitamin levels in the body

Get required amount the body can do it in two ways: taking vitamin complex medicinal origin and consumption of certain foods. Products are sources of antioxidants and microelements:

  • Citrus fruit
  • Dried grapes
  • blueberries
  • Onions and green onions
  • Cabbage leaves
  • Spinach
  • Parsley and dill
  • Chicken eggs
  • Red sea fish
  • Dairy

The last method of prevention, but one of the most important, is moderate and regular physical activity. Playing sports, the plan of which is drawn up taking into account the characteristics of the human body and its standard of living, will strengthen the heart muscle and allow it to function smoothly.

All these methods of preventing cardiac dysfunction, and, consequently, deviations of EOS from the norm can be called In a healthy way life. If this principle is observed, not only a person’s well-being will improve, but also his appearance.

IN next video see what a normal electrocardiogram looks like:

Timely diagnosis and identification of deviations in the position of the EOS is the key to human health and long life. An annual cardiac examination of the heart contributes to the early detection of diseases, as well as their speedy cure.