Download world of tanks 10 test server.

Servers for the World of Tanks 1.5 game update test are dedicated servers where the playability of cards, vehicle characteristics, and general updates are tested by ordinary wot players. The test server is available only at certain times; entry is possible only when the developers are ready to test the functionality of game innovations.

Release date - updates 1.5

Download general test World of Tanks 1.5.1

As soon as the link to download the test client 1.5 appears, it will be published right here! Tentatively, we should expect it in the late afternoon after 18:00 Moscow time. The client 1.5 release date should be expected by April 2019, as indicated in the table below.

How it works?

Let's look at what a test server is. Basically, this is a virtual resource where a modified copy of the game is located. The main purpose is to test and check the capabilities of any innovations before including them in the main patch.
WG developers get access to test domains first. Then super-testers are connected to look for shortcomings and bugs. After the fix, additional testing is carried out with the maximum load of the game client.

To do this, a copy of the game is “uploaded” to a backup domain, where anyone can access it. After this, the detected deficiencies are again eliminated, after which changes are made to the main game client.

How to take part in the WoT test?

Anyone can take part in testing the game. To do this, you need to download the installer with version 1.5. After which, the installer will prompt the user to download the test game client. After the download is complete, a new folder WORLD of TANKS is created on the desktop, with a directory of graphics settings specified by the player.

Key Features

There are two basic rules for test participants:

  1. Participants receive: 20,000 in-game gold, 100,000,000 credits and free experience.
  2. Experience earned on the test server, game currency and purchased equipment are not transferred to the main client.

Test goal for patch 1.5.1

Players will have to test the following innovations:

  • Changes for the LBZ tank: Object 279 early;
  • 3 maps converted to HD:
    "Empire's Border"
  • Changes and edits on maps: Ruinberg, Overlord, Redshire, Sand River and Paris;


Since October 22, the test client 10.0 has been available, which is intended only for playing on the test server.

Main changes:

  • Numerous improvements have been made to the World of Tanks game engine.
  • Added game mode for high-level tanks “Fight to the last” with new maps “Berlin” and “Paris”.
  • For beginners, bots (computer-controlled machines) have been added as opponents in the first battles.
  • The principle of displaying “exposed” enemy tanks has been changed: previously, tanks were displayed in a square of 1000 × 1000 m, in the center of which the player’s tank was located, now the square of 1000 × 1000 m is replaced by a circle with a radius of 564 m.
  • The interface for purchasing and installing camouflage, inscriptions and emblems has been changed.
  • For inscriptions and emblems, bonuses have been added to the parameters of crew members.
  • chance of Meadows D.A.V engine fire O.C. reduced from 40 to 20%.
  • The angles of inclination of the upper frontal part of the tank destroyer FV4005 and FV4004 (based on the Centurion tank) have been reduced to 57°.

: The armor of some parts of the gun mantlet has been strengthened.

: The armor of the gun mantlet has been strengthened.

: armor penetration of standard and premium shells has been increased from 128 and 177 mm to 149 and 190 mm, respectively.

: Maximum forward speed increased from 28 to 38 km/h.

On August 24, during the general test, a small update was released, which will be automatically downloaded and installed through the launcher. In this update:

  • Fixed the “sticking” of the sight when switching to sniper mode.
  • Improvements have been made to the new shadow display mechanism for improved graphics.
  • The scale and color of the winter clan camouflage on some tanks have been fixed.

Dear players!

As part of the general test, a special World of Tanks client version 0.9.10_test2 is available, which is intended only for playing on the test server.

  • Why take part in testing?
  • You will be one of the first to see and appreciate innovations in the game.
  • You can influence the game creation process.
  • You can try without restrictions the technology that interests you before purchasing it.

What's new in 9.10?

  • A new game mode “Fight to the last” has been added. Details.
  • Added a branch of Japanese heavy tanks with Levels II to X: I - Go / Chi - Ro, Type 91, Type 95, O - I Experimental, O - I, O - Ni, O - Ho, Type 4 Heavy, Type 5 Heavy.
  • The “Hidden Village” and “Pearl River” maps have been removed from random battles.
  • Download the special installer (4.9 MB).
  • Run the installer, which will download and install the test version of the client 0.9.10_test2 (5.8 GB for SD version and 3.09 for HD version). When you run the installer, it will automatically offer to install the test client in a separate folder on your computer; You can also specify the installation directory yourself. If the test client 0.9.10 is already installed on your computer, then 71 MB will be downloaded automatically through the launcher for SD version and 13 MB for HD version.
  • note: Installing in a folder containing legacy test client files may cause technical problems.
  • Run the installed test version.
  • Only those players who registered in World of Tanks before 23:59 (Moscow time) on August 3, 2015 can take part in the general test.
  • The general test will last approximately until August 31 - stay tuned for news.
  • Due to the large number of players on the test server, there is a restriction on user entry. All new players who want to take part in testing the update will be placed in a waiting queue and will be able to log onto the server as it becomes available.
  • If the user changed the password after 23:59 (Moscow time) on August 3, 2015, authorization on the test server will be available only with the password that was used before the specified time.
  • Payments are not made to the test server.
  • In this testing, earnings of experience and credits do not increase.
  • Achievements on the test server will not transfer to the main server.

We would also like to inform you that during testing of update 0.9.10, scheduled maintenance will be carried out on the test server:

  • The first server is 7:00 (Moscow time) daily. The average duration of work is 25 minutes.
  • Second server - 8:00 (Moscow time) daily. The average duration of work is 25 minutes.
  • Center - 12:00 (Moscow time) daily. The average duration of work is 2 minutes.
  • Note! The test server is subject to the same rules as the main game server, and therefore penalties for violating these rules apply in accordance with.
  • The Help Center does not review requests related to the General Test.
  • We remind you: the most reliable way to download the World of Tanks client, as well as its test versions and updates, is on the official game portal. By downloading a game from other sources, you expose your computer to the risk of malware infection. The development team is not responsible for links to the game client and updates (as well as their content) on third-party resources.

List of changes in the general test 0.9.10_test2 relative to version 0.9.10_test1:

  • Errors in tank damage models have been fixed. T110E5, Panzerjager I, Jagdtiger.
  • Fixed errors in the visual models of the M46 Patton, Leopard 1, IS-7, Object 260, Object 777, Type 95, O-I, SU-122A, T-28, Pz tanks.Kpfw. 35(t), ARL 44, Type 5 Heavy, Pz. Kpfw. II Ausf. J.
  • The characteristics of the M4A1 Revalorise and T-28E F-30 tanks have been changed.
  • Improved armor for turret roofs and hulls of O-I, O-Ni, O-Ho, Type 4 Heavy, Type 5 Heavy tanks.
  • The durability of the engines of top Japanese heavy tanks has been significantly increased.
  • Fixed some bugs on the Redshire and Lost City maps.
  • Fixed models of some environmental objects.
  • Many improvements and fixes have been made to the “Fight to the Last” mode.
  • Fixed the sight getting stuck when switching to sniper mode.
  • Pictures with hints have been removed from the updated battle loading interface.
  • Fixed non-functional scrolling of the list of additional equipment.
  • The disciplinary sanction for leaving the battle with a destroyed tank has been cancelled.
  • Some freezes and crashes in the game client have been fixed.
  • Fixed texture display when using standard graphics and AMD video cards.
  • Increased map loading speed for improved graphics.
  • Optimized game client performance for some configurations.
  • Fixed some bugs in the new shadow rendering engine for improved graphics.
  • Changes have been made to the display of water for improved graphics.
  • Fixed exiting the “Training Battle” mode when switching to the “Fight to the Last” mode.
  • Fixed some interface errors in the new tips and training in the Hangar.
  • Errors in the conditions and descriptions of some personal combat missions have been corrected.
  • Fixed icons and display of names of some new tanks.
  • Fixed some errors in the Fortified Areas interfaces.
  • Fixed the issue where receiving a number of epic medals and commemorative badges did not work in some cases when the necessary conditions were met.
  • Minor interface improvements have been made.

Very soon, players can expect a new patch – 9.20, which means a lot of innovations. Traditionally, before a patch is released, developers launch a test server, with the help of which everyone can see and try all the changes without any impact on their own statistics.

The test server is downloaded as a separate client, where, as on your main client, you need to enter the data of a valid account under which you will test the update.

The test version of the game exists so that players can try out the future patch and, if possible, notice all the errors and bugs so that the developers can fix them before the patch is released.

How to become a World of Tanks 0.9.20 tester?

Everything here is quite simple - you just need to download the test client installer on the official website of the game or from our website (link at the end of the article), wait for installation and log in under your name.

By the way, every player who gets to the test server gets to use 20 thousand gold, 100 million free experience and silver per account, so that everyone can try any tank in the game. After the test server closes, all gold, experience and money will disappear, and the account statistics will remain the same - the test does not affect it at all, it works like a separate game.

What changes will be in the new patch 0.9.20?

The most important update will be a branch of new Swedish tanks: a mixed and full-fledged tank destroyer branch with unique vehicles at the top levels. Many Tier VIII premium tanks will be upgraded. The three and two gauge rules will be redone. Eleven tanks will receive new and colorful HD models.

Female voice acting WoT

Video review of update 9.18