Skate park in the yard “A guide to action. Social project "Extrim-Time"


Slide 1, 2. My name is Nikita Reva, and I represent the project of the School Council No. 15 in Svetly "EXTRIM- TIME. Skate park for beginners."

By playing sports, a person improves his health, strives to develop abilities and test his strength, and gains self-confidence. The stimulus of sport is the joy that the consciousness of one’s physical development and the desire to improve their sporting achievements.

Slide 3. In our area, a lot is being done to develop physical education and sports, and it is extremely important to provide children not only in the city, but also in the settlements with everything necessary for sports activities. Leisure time for young people in the village of Svetly is limited to visiting the sports complex of the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) “SIT”, school clubs and sections, and courtyard playgrounds. Creation outdoor skate park in the center of the village will help organize healthy leisure time for young people and will become a springboard for further sporting success.

Slide 4. In February 2016 The school board decided to launch the project “EXTREME TIME. Skate Park for Beginners", the main goal of which is to develop an outdoor skate park project to support youth sports and healthy image life.

To achieve this goal, an initiative group was created, which included representatives of the school council, as well as the most interested schoolchildren. The initiative group developed a strategy and methods for achieving this goal, distributed responsibilities among the participants, and defined work tasks, namely:

    Study the experience of creating open skate parks in Russia and the world;

    Conduct a social survey among students of MKOU "Secondary School No. 15" about the need to create a skate park in the village.

Slide 5. A skate park is a specially equipped area intended for people involved in extreme sports.

such as skateboarding, aggressive roller skating, scootering and others. Skate parks began to be built for the first time in the seventies of the last century. Most parks of that time were concrete and some have survived to this day. The starting point for the construction of new skate parks was Alain Volker. He and his team founded the skate park under the Burnside Bridge in 1990. IN last years In the world, a skate park opens every three to four days.

Slide 6. Based on the results of the survey, we determined that the children in our school know what extreme sports are. Most of the guys would like a skate park to be created in our village, because... in the summer they rollerblade and skateboard.

Slide 7. After a social survey among schoolchildren of the municipal educational institution "Secondary School No. 15", we developed an action program.

    Choosing the most suitable location for organizing the site, developing a plan for the future skate park.

    Familiarization with the long-term development plan of the village and coordination of the construction of a skate park with the village administration.

    Interview with heads of enterprises and private entrepreneurs of the village who are capable of charitable assistance help in construction.

Slide 8. Planned result:

    creation of a zone active rest and support for youth sports;

    increasing the employment of children and adolescents;

    prevention of delinquency among minors;

    an increase in the number of children involved in physical education and sports;

    possibility of active recreation for adults and children.

Slide 9. The initiative group of the school council developed the “EXTREME TIME” skate park project.

The equipment in our park should be at different levels. One, 500 cm high, will be intended for small children and for those who have decided to engage in extreme sports for the first time. The second is 1m high. - for those who have learned to roller skate or skateboard and want to move on to training. The third is 1.5 - 2 m high for those who have mastered the basics of extreme roller skating, skateboarding, scootering, and cycling.

In April we will present our project at the enterprises of the village. We are sure that there will be no indifferent people, and every resident of the village will respond to our request to work for free so that a skate park appears in Svetly.

Slide 10. And now the cost estimate. Thank you for your attention!!!

The business plan evaluates the economic efficiency of the skatepark project and makes financial calculations. In the future it can be used as Commercial offer when negotiating with potential investors or creditors. In developing a business plan, existing risks and possible force majeure circumstances are taken into account, therefore the indicated figures and conclusions are as accurate as possible and reflect the indicative facts in the selected sector of activity.

Main characteristics of the project

The project is a plan for the opening and development of a skatepark with a cash flow of 24 months. The main goals set for the enterprise:

  1. — creation of a highly profitable organization;
  2. - Receiving a profit;
  3. — satisfaction of requests.

The nature of the project can be characterized as an enterprise providing entertainment services through the organization of a skatepark.

Details financial plan are set out in the corresponding paragraph, but if we briefly characterize this component of the project, then to finance it it will be necessary to obtain a commercial loan in the amount of 2 million 640 thousand rubles.

Other indicators in relation to the organization and development of a skatepark

  1. — the company’s payback period is 2 years;
  2. — payback period from the beginning of the park project implementation – 8 months;
  3. total cost project – 2 million 640 thousand rubles;
  4. interest rate on a loan – 16% (in the future this figure may be reduced);
  5. — subject to interest payments from the first month of the park’s existence total amount interest accrued for the specified period - from 193 thousand rubles;
  6. — the overall economic effect from the implementation of the project during a conditional period life cycle 22 million 900 thousand rubles.

The plan for opening and developing the project, all financial aspects, including basic and additional expenses, as well as projected profits are set out in more detail in the relevant sections of the plan.

Skatepark as a type of business

Skatepark is sports facility– a platform for extreme sports: skateboarding, streetboarding, BMX bicycles, scooters or aggressive roller skates. The purpose of this park is for lovers of extreme activities to master tricks and improve their skills.

A well-equipped skatepark that meets existing modern demands should include special figures, including ramps, railings, ramps, steps, pyramids, funboxes, etc.

The main factor in the popularity of skateparks among extreme sports enthusiasts is the lack of properly equipped skating areas. Therefore, such parks will be very popular among parents who are concerned about the safety of their children while practicing one of the extreme sports. It is in well-equipped areas that it is better for beginner rollerbladers and skaters to begin training, while it is convenient for professionals to hone their skills in special areas where they will not disturb ordinary residents.

The Russian entertainment and sports market is experiencing an unprecedented rise today.

Having previously studied its condition, we can name several important factors influencing its development and dynamics

  • — strengthening the position of international companies;
  • — development of the domestic market;
  • — formation of market infrastructure in the country;
  • — high growth rates;
  • — intensification of competition;
  • — increasing interest in sports and active leisure among young people and other age categories.

Today at major cities State skateparks also operate. Entry to them is usually free, so such organizations are important competitors. However, it should be remembered that free sites They are rarely closed, which is inconvenient in the cold season. In addition, municipal parks usually do not have such modern and high-quality facilities and equipment.

In preparation for opening this type of business, it is necessary to conduct research, calculating the parks operating in the local market and the approximate number of potential customers. Statistics show that on this moment There are more than 1,050 skateparks in the country. With an estimated population of 146.5 million people, for successful business development the number of the target audience should be at least 1% of general population. According to this principle, the minimum number of potential clients is 710 thousand people or more. According to statistics, nationwide the number of active young people interested in sports and an active lifestyle is much larger. This means that skateparks, given the current social and economic situation, are very relevant and profitable in the long term.

Almost all organizations in the sports industry and active entertainment are experiencing similar difficulties. One of them is the seasonality of business. The founder of a skatepark can find two ways out of this situation. The first is to build an indoor complex with heating and the necessary infrastructure, which will allow the provision of services all year round. The second opportunity is for the winter free space Fill the park with ice by setting up an ice skating rink. Having purchased necessary equipment and by organizing skate rentals, you can achieve high earnings at any time of the year. Another problem inherent to companies whose operation requires large areas is the problem of finding a suitable plot of land or indoor space. At the same time, the problem of seasonality of business remains - like any type of skatepark, it will be the least in demand in summer period, as well as during the winter holidays. This factor must be taken into account when planning a business. The problem can be partially solved by suggesting favorable prices during holidays and vacation months, as well as having thought through a bonus system that is beneficial for clients.

On the other hand, no special licenses or permits are required to open a park for fans of extreme sports. Moreover, compliance with safety regulations, timely improvement of the equipment used technical equipment actually belongs to the category of personal responsibility of the founder and director of the skatepark. All checks and permits required to open a company will be standard for any type of business. First of all, these are permits from the fire and sanitary services.

When opening a skatepark, it is worth considering the possibility of expanding the activity: having initially rented a fairly spacious room or area, in the future, from an ordinary skatepark you can create a full-fledged complex for extreme sports.

Most modern skateparks have the following format:

Stages of opening a skatepark

All work on organizing a park for skaters can be divided into several main stages:

  • — preparation and study of the selected market sector, assessment of competitive companies, their offers and pricing policies;
  • - registration of an enterprise in tax service;
  • — rent of a plot;
  • — equipment of the park, purchase of necessary equipment;
  • - hiring;
  • — promotion, advertising;
  • - start of the park's operation.

In more detail the stages of creation and development of a skatepark in relation to deadline at 24 months can be given as follows:

Stages Execution conditions Deadlines
Start of the project 1 – 2 year
1 month project First 30 banking days
Getting a loan Availability of a mandatory package of documents 1 month
Entry into the state register, registration with administrative and tax authorities Concluded investment agreement From 1 to 30 days
Selection of location, preparation of documentation Preliminary work 1 month
Purchase of equipment Conclusion of an investment agreement Up to 30 calendar days
Equipment installation Receiving investment funds Up to 1 month
Hiring Production activities Up to 30 days
Training The end of the stage of organizing the production process Up to 30 days
Conducting a marketing campaign 30 calendar days Up to 360 days
End of the project 12 – 24 months

Before you begin directly starting work, be sure to start registering and preparing documents established by current legislative acts.

The main condition for opening any business entity will be registration of one of the possible organizational forms. For organizing a sports or entertainment event, the best option would be a legal entity, usually an LLC.

The creation of an LLC involves the preparation of a number of documents and the provision of such information about the future organization

  1. — personal data of all founders;
  2. — official name of the company;
  3. — legal address of the enterprise (this may be the address of the immediate location of the organization and even the place of residence of the founder);
  4. - a company seal, which is specially ordered - the full name of the company and, if available, its logo should be clearly visible on the print.

To register an LLC, the founder fills out an application in the prescribed form and submits a package of documents

  • — copies of passports and TIN of all founders;
  • — charter of the enterprise;
  • — decision to establish an LLC;
  • — decision to appoint the head of the LLC;
  • - receipt of payment of state duty.

Required condition for registration legal entity– deposit authorized capital in the amount of 10 thousand rubles. The period for registering a company from the moment of submitting documents is about 2 – 3 weeks.

Creation and equipment of a skatepark

An important condition for creating a successful park can be considered right choice location of the organization. If the founder does not have significant financial resources, you can rent a skating rink or stadium. A better option would be to purchase a suitable piece of land as your own, which would protect businesses from having to close or relocate if the lease agreement is terminated. Geographically, the park should be located within the city or in close proximity to a populated area with convenient access and good transport links.

The space for a skatepark must have an area of ​​400 sq.m or more. If you equip a covered and heated room, this will be an additional advantage during the cold season. It is also necessary to pay attention to the infrastructure of the park - it will be in great demand if, in addition to areas for exercise, changing rooms, a shower room, a storage room for visitors’ belongings and medical office. You will also need a sports equipment rental point, where visitors can use boards, rollers or protective elements.

The construction of ramps and other specialized structures should be entrusted to professional teams who have the appropriate skills in creating structures intended for extreme sports. Ordering equipment for skaters, boarders and rollers should be done from specialized companies that manufacture such structures. You should first consult with experienced amateurs or professionals about what structures and in what quantities should be purchased for the park. And the issue of visitor safety should be clarified with the regional committee on youth policy, physical culture and sports. This structure developed and published special safety standards ().

Active sports require opening a small point where visitors can refresh themselves after exercise. If financial possibilities allow, it is preferable to open a small cafe in the park, which will be located in a closed heated room. You can enter into an agreement with any catering outlet that can be opened on the territory of the skatepark on mutually beneficial terms.

A rental point for skates, boards and rollers is also desirable - visitors will be happy to try new types of activities and rent equipment. The introduction of such an additional service will not cost the business founder much, and within a few months the investment will pay off.

The list of basic equipment that needs to be purchased to start operating a skatepark includes

  • - roller Skates;
  • - skateboards;
  • — roller sneakers;
  • — protection complexes – gloves and knee pads;
  • — skate helmets;
  • — ramps;
  • — fanboxes;
  • — acceleration slides are flat;
  • - cone for marking.

All equipment and equipment must meet existing quality and safety requirements.

The skatepark must be equipped with equipment for musical accompaniment skating. The employees themselves, for example, the manager or administrator, will be able to select a suitable repertoire. High-quality equipment of the park plays an important role in the development competitive advantage on the market, so the equipment must be new, reliable and meet all existing standards.

Properly equipped, in accordance with existing standards skatepark - on video:

Marketing campaign, personnel, advertising and promotion

The size of the skatepark staff will depend on its scale and the variety of services provided. If the functions of the manager will be performed by the founder of the business (he can also do accounting), an administrator, a cashier and an instructor will be needed. It is advisable that the team also include a physician, since extreme sports are associated with a high level of injury.

Park employees, with the exception of accountants, doctors and other specialized professions, do not necessarily have to have special education. Administrators and even trainers can learn everything on the job.

The marketing strategy should be based on information regarding general condition market - how in demand are skateparks and similar facilities and how developed is this sector of activity. After a preliminary study, we can conclude that there is practically no competition in this area, so the founder of the park is in a very advantageous position. One of the reasons for this state of the industry was the crisis that began in 2014. Many enterprises in the entertainment and sports sectors then ceased to exist, and only in the last 2 years has the industry begun to rise. This is partly due to the improvement in the financial situation of citizens, partly due to the popularization of a healthy lifestyle and active entertainment at the state level.

It is thanks to the presence state support It makes sense to try to get financial or informational assistance from municipal authorities. For example, by submitting a properly thought out and calculated business plan to State Committee according to youth policy, you can count on certain benefits and assistance in popularization. For example, you can achieve regular competitions in skateboarding or other sports on your territory, which will attract a large number of potential clients. An additional factor in increasing the popularity of the skatepark will be the organization of demonstration performances on a paid or free basis.

Faster and effective promotion skatepark zoning and expansion of offerings will serve. Thus, by opening additional retail or entertainment outlets, you can attract and retain more visitors and increase your profit level.

The marketing plan includes an analysis of the skatepark's target audience. The bulk of potential clients will be under the age group of 25 years. Most of them are teenagers and young men of school and college age who are interested in extreme entertainment. Therefore, when advertising a new organization, it is worth taking this feature into account. Thus, the most effective advertising method would be to place advertisements on thematic forums and websites, and create pages on social networks dedicated to extreme sports. It is mandatory to create your own website and groups that are popular among young people in social networks.

Since most of the target audience is young people of school and college age, it is worth placing an advertisement for a skatepark in all educational institutions of the city. Additionally, you can report the opening of a new facility in the press, for example, in a city newspaper or specialized publications dedicated to an active lifestyle. Outdoor advertising also works well - distributing leaflets and business cards near educational institutions, posting advertisements and posters in sporting goods and youth clothing stores. The so-called word of mouth is also effective among young people - information about a well-equipped area for extreme sports and attractive prices quickly spreads among teenagers.

Financial calculations

Based on existing industry offers and pricing features, approximate prices for skatepark services are determined:

Taking into account the financial capabilities of representatives of the park’s target audience and current market prices, it is recommended not to increase the limit for a single visit to the park to more than 200 rubles.

If you sum up the financial result by calculating the funds required to open a skatepark, the minimum investment amount will be from 450 to 550 thousand rubles. With a good location and high visitor activity, as well as the absence of serious force majeure factors, the enterprise will pay for itself by the end of the first year of operation. In subsequent years, provided that the park's development dynamics are maintained, the organization will become highly profitable.

The issue of financing the opening of the park will be one of the important issues. If the park creator has sufficient financial savings, he can contribute his own funds to start the business. But in most cases, they resort to obtaining a commercial loan, which is issued by banks based on the presented business plan. Other sources of financing are also possible, for example, attracting private investors or receiving government grants.

When drawing up an approximate sales plan for a future enterprise, several factors should be taken into account:

  • — analysis of consumer demand for skatepark services;
  • — market analysis for the provision of relevant services;
  • — general conclusions about the state of the market as a whole.

When drawing up a program for the implementation of skatepark services, the lowest threshold of profitability is taken into account, in addition, all existing risks are taken into account. Taking into account these features and the factors already considered, a plan for the volume of provision of services for the billing period is drawn up:

Period Type of service Sales volume per month (persons) price, rub. Sales revenue, rub.
1 – 12 months of investment Visit to the skating rink From 4,800 people From 350 From 1 million 680 thousand
1 – 12 months of investment Rollerblading rental From 2,400 people From 170 From 408 thousand
Visit to the skating rink 4,872 people and more From 390 From 1 million 900 thousand
13 – 24 months of operation Rollerblading rental From 2,438 people 200 or more From 487 thousand

If existing trends in the market (annual growth in market volumes of 1.5 - 14%) are maintained, the growth in sales volumes will reach 24 million rubles per year or more.

An important component of the financial plan will be the expenditure part of the project. The costs for the first year are outlined in the table:

Expense item 1 month 1 year One-time expenses, rub. Total for the year, rub.
Rent of a site, premises (from 400 sq.m.) 300 thousand 3 million 600 thousand 600 thousand 4 million 200 thousand
Enterprise registration 35 thousand 35 thousand
Construction of projectiles, obstacles, repair of existing structures 710 thousand 710 thousand
Purchase of musical equipment (10 pcs.) 130 thousand 130 thousand
Purchase of computer equipment 65 thousand 65 thousand
Fixed advertising costs 55 thousand 660 thousand 100 000 660 thousand
Salary (for 12 months) 480.5 thousand 5.766 million 5.766 million
Taxes (12 months) 144.5 thousand 1.734 million 1.734 million
Unexpected expenses 164 thousand 164 thousand
Total 835.5 thousand 10 million 26 thousand 1 million 804 thousand 11.8 million

Thus, depending on the scale of activity and the range of services offered, the total costs at the start of the enterprise and in the process of its development during the first year will be between 11 and 12 million rubles. It is worth considering that when the volume of offers expands, starting an enterprise will also be more expensive. At the same time, the company’s return on investment will be significantly higher.

Regardless of the chosen format entrepreneurial activity and forms of taxation, payment of taxes will include a mandatory minimum:

The financial year usually begins in January, and it is from this month that every reporting period. If there are grounds determined by law, an entrepreneur, when registering an LLC, can immediately switch to a simplified taxation system. This will allow you to pay only 6% of the income the company receives, besides filing minimum package reporting documentation.

Skatepark can be considered a popular, highly profitable and promising directions business in the field of sports and entertainment. Improving the state of the economy, raising the standard of living of the population and popularizing active image lives were positive factors for opening a skatepark. The success of a new enterprise is facilitated by low level competition in this market segment. Therefore, despite high level investment, this type of business promises to be profitable and profitable. At the same time, to achieve success, the manager and all staff must work selflessly to improve the quality of service and attract the maximum number of new clients, as well as retain existing ones.

The video shows the main stages of developing a skate park:

Skateboarding is a popular hobby among modern youth, which its representatives themselves take very seriously. Often, starting with a simple hobby, it turns into something more.

Experienced skaters with many years of experience compete in competitions and skate for various brands that sponsor them. It becomes a way of earning money and a lifestyle. However, the younger generation, striving to learn and develop, lacks quality sites equipped with the necessary equipment to practice their skills.

As a result, you have to ride in city squares, and practice tricks on stair railings in places not intended for this. There is a demand for specialized sites, but no supply. Resourceful entrepreneurs can catch the wave, thereby doing a good deed for young people. How to develop a business plan for a skate park that will be in demand and can bring profit to its owner? This is what we will try to figure out.

What kind of park should we build?

Before planning construction and calculating the required investments, you should consider two important nuances. The first is whether it will be an indoor skate park or a outdoors. Both are in demand, but in the latter option, in the winter and in the rain, your park will be empty. And the kids need somewhere to ride when it’s minus 30 outside. Therefore, if financial capabilities allow, it is better to organize a full-fledged area that is protected from the wind and cold.

The second question is whether to focus on equipment or go further by opening equipment rental, a cafe and a first-aid post in the park. Here, a lot depends on your target audience, because advanced skaters will be quite happy with the presence of space and ramps for tricks, and beginners will like a full-fledged park with everything they need for training and relaxation. If you want to accommodate both, be prepared to look for a room large enough so that representatives of different masses do not interfere with each other.

Where to build?

If you decide to build an indoor skate park, you will have to work hard and find a room suitable in all respects. The main requirements: a large area (at least 400 square meters), the presence of a heating system, ventilation and electricity. In winter it should be warm and light, in summer it should be cool. As for the location, it depends on the availability of options. It is desirable that the park is located near the center and within walking distance from the bus stop.

What to equip with?

Having decided on these points, you can move on to the key question: how to make a skate park a full-fledged place for skating? To do this, you should definitely enlist the help of one of the experienced skateboarders. How will it be useful? Yes to many.

The main thing is that it will help you understand what equipment must be present on your site, and what you can refuse. A skate park business plan must include cost calculations for these purposes, since it is the ramps that are the main trump card in the entire deck. Without them, the value of your site will tend to zero.

The list of required equipment should include:

  • one or two large ramps;
  • regular and double half-ramp;
  • large and small pyramid;
  • curb and slop.

You may need something else, you can discuss the full arsenal with your skater advisor.

In addition, it is important to decide on the material. Typically, the construction of skate parks is based on the use of two types of structures: wood and concrete. The latter will be more expensive, but will also last longer. American and Western sites mainly use concrete.

How much will it cost?

The final skate park business plan will need to reflect all costs. By the way, you can somewhat reduce costs and get financial support by contacting the youth policy committee. Of course, it will be necessary to justify the need and importance of your business for young people, but it will be worth it.

In general, the initial investment required to open a skate park will be about 500 thousand rubles. This includes the following costs:

  • rental of premises - from 60 thousand rubles;
  • repairs, flooring (depending on the original condition) - about 50-100 thousand;
  • equipment for a skate park - from 100-200 thousand rubles;
  • staff salary (you will at least need to hire an administrator, a security guard) - about 40 thousand;
  • advertising and other expenses - 20-50 thousand rubles;
  • registration of a legal entity (LLC) - about 20 thousand.

At the same time, the cost of entry should be low, because the main target audience is schoolchildren and students who do not yet have their own full-fledged income. On average, the entry price should not exceed 100-150 rubles for the entire day of skiing. Additional income can come from equipment rental (boards, rollers) and a small cafeteria, but they will also require additional investments.

How to advertise?

You can tell about yourself different ways. The most effective is the Internet. Create groups on social networks and promote them on thematic resources, invite young people from your city to join.

Roller skating and skateboarding are one of the most popular sports among modern youth. To conduct quality training, you need a prepared place, which cannot always be found in the city.

The solution to this problem can be skate parks equipped to meet the needs of athletes. You can learn more about such structures on the website

Preparatory work

Construction of skate parks is quite difficult task, requiring not only money, but also experience.

Before you start building such objects, you should follow a few simple recommendations:

  1. First you need to find the appropriate place. Both abandoned premises of enterprises and open areas may be suitable for this.
  2. Create several projects. This will allow you to choose the best options for the location of all elements. It is important to take into account the recommendations of specialists in order to ensure an optimal level of safety.
  3. Register the project and obtain a special construction permit. Please note that if you launch an object without proper documentation, you may be subject to a large fine.

Let's start construction

The process of building a skate park is complex operation, requiring experience and time. This complex may include many structural elements from steps to railings. At the same time, it is important that they are equipped with smooth angles that cannot harm a person if they fall.

The knees are spaced at a distance of more than 2.5 meters from each other. In the center of the territory, experts recommend placing structures for performing feints and jumps.

Also, the park must have several tracks for rolling out or acceleration. It is advisable to locate this part separately from the training area for beginners. The width of acceleration tracks can vary from 3 to 10 m.

When building a park, it is also important to choose the right coating. Today, all structures are made of concrete, metal, wood and other similar substances. The floor should be covered with sand or other material that provides a soft fall.

You should pay close attention to safety characteristics and locate all sites at a short distance from each other.

If you want to build a high-quality skate park, seek help from specialists who will help you choose best option its execution.

The sphere of providing entertainment services still remains one of the most popular and profitable business niches. Of course - no matter what vicissitudes occur in our country and in the world as a whole. People will not stop having fun and relaxing. This is especially noticeable in big cities, where literally every month new clubs, entertainment centers, various sports complexes, etc. open.

Among the many types of entertainment offered today special attention active types of recreation and extreme sports deserve, for example, rope jumping, a climbing wall, a rope park or a skate park. The main target audience of such “fun” is young people aged 18 to 15 years, and the older category – from 35 to 42 years. By the way, an article about how to determine a specific target audience for your business, you can read.

Brief Analysis business:
Costs of setting up a business:from 1 million to 2 million rubles
Relevant for cities with the population: from 500,000
Industry situation:the supply market is not saturated
Difficulty of organizing a business: 4/5
Payback: 2 summer seasons, or 1 year in case of building an indoor park

The situation in the world of active sports and recreation

It should be noted that thrill-seekers belong to a group of people with a special way of thinking; we can say that they have created their own subculture with their own internal values. They are always up to date latest events in the world of their hobbies, follow fashion trends, and try to ensure that their equipment and equipment correspond to their level of training.

But nevertheless, even in large populated areas There is a shortage of equipped places to practice your favorite sports, and this is against the background of the growing demand for such institutions and services. There is an inexcusable lack of attention on the part of most entrepreneurs. Moreover, in this area quite a lot of money is allocated by the state to support and develop such initiatives.

Take, for example, skate parks, which are so readily visited by teenagers from 10 to 17 years old. Existing parks are not able to accommodate everyone. But such platforms are designed not only to popularize sports among young people, but also to solve social problem employment of teenagers. Apart from one more aspect, purely entrepreneurial - making a profit. That's why today we decided to tell you, dear readers, about how to organize your business in the construction of skate parks and their maintenance.

The popularity of skateboarding in Russia

The fact that skateboarding has been popular among young people in our country for decades suggests that the prospect of generating income from organizing skate parks is a long-term business project, which, by the way, does not require special troubles or close attention for your development. That is, having launched a business, all you have to do is make a profit from it, periodically eliminating minor issues that arise.

We can also say that skateboarding is a family entertainment, because families often come to such parks, children to ride, and parents to watch their children, and therefore on the territory of the skate park there is the opportunity to open other paid additional services. But more on that later.

Skate park location

It makes no sense to equip a skate park on the outskirts of the city; it would be better if it were located closer to the center. You should also consider whether it will be an open area for seasonal skateboarding, or whether you will organize an indoor area that everyone can visit year-round. Both options are in demand, but it is preferable, of course, that your park does not remain idle during the winter. The only question is that the costs of organizing an indoor park will be much higher.

How to obtain permission to build skate parks

First of all, you will need a business plan. You can find out how to compose it by following this link. If the description of your project causes certain difficulties for you, you can order its development on our website (we send a price list for drawing up business plans upon customer requests).

Next, you will need to register your company as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The next step is to prepare a package of documents to obtain all the necessary construction permits, the first of which is the consent of the local municipal authorities and the city’s architectural department.

After receiving a response (approval or refusal), which you must receive within 30 days from the date of application, in case positive decision, you need to draw up a development plan, ideally make a model of a skate park, and:

  • Get plan approval from architects and in the cadastral chamber of your city.
  • Provide, if necessary, a plan for implementation construction work, and an estimate agreement with contractors.

Typically, initiatives of this kind only meet with approval from the authorities, and no obstacles arise in the way of entrepreneurs.

What should be in the park for skaters?

On the territory of the skate park it would be advisable to build locker rooms, storage rooms for personal belongings, a first aid medical station, a cash booth, and, depending on the provision of additional paid services, other premises.

A special moment in the construction of a skate park is the construction of ramps - structures for honing skills in skateboarding. All planned buildings must be reflected in the business plan and in the layout, which you will submit for approval by the city authorities. It is best to order ramps from companies specializing in the production and supply of such equipment. Some elements of the site can be completed independently.

We organize additional services

Not every family has the opportunity to purchase skateboarding equipment for their child, so organizing a rental point for such equipment on the territory of the skate park will come in handy. Your business plan should include calculations for the expected park attendance, and based on this, purchase equipment:

  • Safety helmets
  • Knee pads
  • Elbow pads
  • Roller Skates
  • Skate boards

In addition, you can offer paid services board and roller skating instructor. In the summer season, trade in ice cream and soft drinks will be a big hit. Over time, you can expand your business and open a crossbow and bow shooting range on the territory of the skate park, or open a rental of children's electric cars. A whole town of entertainment for children, teenagers and their parents - this is the ideal prospect for the development of a skate park.

Another option for receiving additional income– sale of advertising space in your park and rental of retail space.

Who to hire at the skate park

Often city authorities, within the framework of special government programs take over the organization of skate parks. But such places almost always remain uncontrolled, and since skateboarding is a rather traumatic form of recreation, parents often prohibit their children from visiting such areas, preferring private skate parks.

That is why your park should be different from uncontrolled ones and have its own maintenance staff:

  • Medical worker
  • Security guard
  • Cashier