Discounts for disabled people of group 3. Privileges in receiving education

Disabled people are the least protected segment of the population in our country. Despite the fact that the state provides them with certain benefits when applying for a job, they have practically no chance of getting even those positions that suit them. The third group is assigned to people who, due to health problems, cannot work fully, or to those who are temporarily unable to fulfill their professional duties. Therefore, the employment of disabled people of group 3 has some peculiarities.

As a rule, the 3rd group is assigned for a certain period, and is removed when health improves. Some benefits for people with this disability group differ from those provided to people with to a greater extent loss of health.

The main benefits provided for this category of citizens:

  • the ability to refuse overtime work;
  • labor leave of at least 26 days;
  • the opportunity to take additional unpaid leave of up to 30 days;

In addition, the management of an enterprise does not have the right to refuse to hire citizens with disabilities if there is no reason to do so. The only reason for refusal can be that the position for which the disabled person is applying is not in the list of professions acceptable for him.

What do you need to get a job?

In order to get a job at an enterprise, disabled people must provide, in addition to the standard documents required when registering employees, the following papers:

  • document confirming disability, indicating the group ();
  • an individual rehabilitation program (IRP), which is developed depending on the general condition of the employee.

An individual rehabilitation program for employment is required so that the employer has the opportunity to arrange workplace disabled person so that work activity does not have any impact on harmful effects on his health, but on the contrary, contributed to his rehabilitation.

Training and employment of people with disabilities: Video

Employer Responsibilities

All that is required of an employer who hires a person with a disability is:

  • equipment of the workplace taking into account the needs of the employee and his individual rehabilitation program;
  • creating comfortable working conditions for the employee without violating the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In cases where the rights of a person whose ability to work is limited are violated, the management of the enterprise may be held accountable.

In addition to all this, an employer who hires a person with a disability must first clarify whether the job he wants to offer the applicant is in the list of professions in accordance with the degree of health loss. Otherwise, even if there is written consent from the employee, the administration of the enterprise may be held liable for violating the law.

So that employment for disabled people of group 3 does not become big problem, at the state level, measures are being developed that increase the competitiveness of this category of citizens in the labor market. These include:

  • for employment of people with disabilities;
  • reservation of jobs that can be filled by people with various degrees loss of health;
  • providing organizations that provide jobs for people with disabilities with financial assistance;
  • training people who can no longer work in their positions in new professions.

There is a category of people for whom life is somewhat more difficult than for ordinary average citizens. The reason lies in an unhealthy bodily state. The origins of ill health can be different, and the degree of illness and injury also varies.

Now we are not talking about trivial colds, and not even about broken limbs. Although such facts in our lives cannot be called funny, they are all periodic. But when such problems irreversibly affect general state organism and are congenital or acquired, in particular after severe injuries, then we have to use the term “disability”.

It is advisable that no one knows what this is. However, the reality is that we encounter these people in our Everyday life. We thought about how to help and support citizens with any type of disability statesmen and competent authorities. Therefore, in 2019, people with disabilities will be granted benefits, a list of which we will provide below. Let's consider benefits for disabled people of group 3.


As stated in authoritative medical reference books, the word “disability” itself has Latin roots. In the literal meaning, it is “not strong,” that is, a person who, being in a certain state, has some deviations from the norm. These deviations are expressed in physical, sensory, mental and mental senses. In the Russian Federation, such people must undergo a medical examination, after which they will be assigned a group corresponding to the depth of irreversible changes.

It makes sense to be tested for disability in order to qualify for certain benefits and also to have a legal basis for specially designated benefits. Which characteristic features each disability group:

  • disabled people of the 1st group are characterized by such disturbances in the functioning of the body that they lose their ability to work and are significantly dependent on other persons for services;
  • disabled people of the 2nd group are limited in their ability to work with significant limitations. Capable of basic self-care, but generally in need of help and care;
  • Disabled people of the 3rd group include persons whose pathologies are expressed in moderate degree. Capable of working, but cannot continue to work in the same place or where similar qualifications are required. These individuals can move independently in space, although it will take more time than to an ordinary person. They can study in general education institutions, work without creating special conditions, but they need a reduction in workloads and qualification requirements.

Disabled people of any group are entitled to certain concessions, as well as subsidies and benefits from the state. But it is believed that for the 3rd group the list of benefits is too small and superficial, especially in Moscow.

Main list of benefits and privileges

Those who meet the definition of type 3 disability are entitled to the following benefits:

  • upon providing a prescription written by a doctor, they can receive medicines free of charge from state pharmacies, but only if their pension does not exceed the minimum value;
  • If examined by doctors, the following service is available: free software technical means (crutches, canes, hearing and dental prostheses, orthoses and splints);
  • there is a possibility of free sanatorium treatment as prescribed by a doctor;
  • free pass in city transport;
  • for persons with type 3 disabilities there are benefits for using telephone communications (up to 50% discount).

Disabled people belonging to group 3 cannot be prevented from getting a job. For registration to take place on legally, they need to know what benefits are available in the workplace:

    • disabled people of the 3rd group cannot be assigned a probationary period when applying for a job;
    • they should also be given the opportunity to work part-time or receive an additional day off;
    • those who are representatives of the 3rd group must be notified and give their written consent in the case of night shifts or overtime beyond normal working hours (irregular working hours);
    • persons with 3rd disability group can take vacations at will outside the general vacation schedule;
    • there is a possibility of termination employment contract in case of a sharp deterioration in health without any penalties from the employer.

Disabled people of the 3rd group have the right to thirty days of vacation paid by the employer once a year. They can also take another 60 days of vacation at their own expense. On holidays and weekends they have no right to be called to work without their desire. As you can see, quite a lot of nuances related to health and earnings have been taken into account by the Government for type 3 disabled people.

The disability group is determined depending on the severity of impairment of body functions. The third group is assigned for minor physiological deviations from the norm. The Russian Federation provides benefits for disabled people of group 3.

Assignment of 3rd disability group

The disability group is assigned after medical and social examination(ITU). Expert commission determines the level physical condition and ability to work. It also establishes the degree of necessary social support. Main tasks of ITU:

  • identify the causes of disability (for example, work injury);
  • develop a rehabilitation program (for each case separately);
  • define measures social protection.

MSE is carried out based on the instructions of the attending physician. A package is prepared for the examination necessary documents. If, as a result of the medical examination, the patient is assigned group 3, he receives an appropriate certificate and an IPR (individual rehabilitation program). These papers will be needed during the registration process. benefits disabled people of the 3rd group.

IMPORTANT! The third disability group is established for a year, after which it is required to pass the ITU again.

What benefits are available to a disabled person of group 3?

Benefits for disabled people, as well as a package social services, which is provided by general illness, depends on the region where citizens live. Common list subsidies include:

  • discount on housing costs;
  • tax benefits;
  • cash or compensation payments;
  • preferential education program;
  • unpaid leave that cannot be refused;
  • reduction of utility tariffs;
  • additional medical care;
  • free pass.

Regardless of their place of residence, citizens will have to confirm their right to receive subsidies. An important factor is also the fact that the lack of paid work experience does not affect the benefits of disabled pensioners of group 3.

Payments to disabled people

Disabled people of the third group are provided with financial subsidies at the federal and regional levels. Federal charges - monthly social payments(USB) and pension provision. ERU is intended for:

  • undergoing sanitary-resort rehabilitation;
  • ensuring travel to the location of the dispensary;
  • purchasing medicines.

Pension payments are calculated for each group separately. This measure makes it possible to increase pensions for those persons with a higher degree of disability. The provision of payments is regulated by Federal Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation” N 181 .

Tax benefits

Persons belonging to the 3rd disability group have the right to claim a tax reduction. They are relieved of the obligation to pay:

  • transport tax on a car;
  • taxes for individuals;
  • insurance premiums.

Tax benefits provide exemption from payments of property contributions for disabled people of group 3 from childhood. They also have the right to use tax deduction at personal income tax payment. To register it, you should contact the territorial tax service.

Benefits for housing and communal services

For this social category of citizens, the amount for housing and communal services is reduced by 50% of the actual cost of services. According to legislative framework Russian Federation, a disabled person of the third group has every reason to request a refund of funds spent on housing. He also has the right to return money spent on heating and the purchase of solid fuel materials for those houses that completely lack a centralized heating supply line.

Transport benefits

For persons with disabilities, free travel in public transport is provided. To travel by rail, you can take advantage of a 50% discount on one trip within the Russian Federation.

The law also provides for discounts on air travel. However, the ticket price will most likely have to be paid in full. This is due to the fact that air transportation is carried out by private companies, and benefits are provided at the state level.

Privileges in medical care

For directions to medical benefits You should consult a doctor who keeps a medical history. He will also tell you which organization to visit to apply for subsidies. The following benefits are provided in the field of medical care:

  • discounts on purchases medicines(50% of the cost for unemployed);
  • free/preferential treatment;
  • rehabilitation in sanatoriums;
  • travel to the location of the preventive facility;
  • free prosthetics;
  • provision of technical means for rehabilitation.

In cases where disability is a consequence of complications arising after vaccination, compensation is paid to the victim. Its size is 1000 rubles. The established amount is accrued monthly.

Benefits when receiving education

Enrollment in an educational institution or university for persons with disabilities occurs on preferential terms. The main condition is to successfully pass the entrance exams. A certificate of disability must be added to the documentation requested by the admissions committee. Group 3 disabled people who are receiving education are provided with a scholarship regardless of the results of the session.

Labor privileges

The employer is obliged to provide certain conditions for working disabled people of group 3. The workplace must meet the requirements established by medical and social examination. A written agreement from the employee is also required in situations where the employer involves him in work:

  • above the norm;
  • at night time;
  • on weekends and holidays.

A working disabled person has every reason to demand more comfortable conditions labor than other workers. The administration establishes a reduced schedule for persons who medical indications cannot go to full duty working week. Salaries are calculated according to hours worked.

Benefits for working disabled people also apply to vacations. Paid is 30 calendar days, which is 2 more for than for other workers. Unpaid – 60 days throughout the year, in accordance with Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Monetization of benefits for disabled people

For this category of the population, a monetization option is provided social benefits. This means that subsidies can be replaced monetary compensation. The amount provided to beneficiaries as a payment includes payment for:

  • health vouchers to dispensaries;
  • prescription drugs;
  • special therapeutic nutrition for disabled children;
  • travel on intercity and railway transport.

ATTENTION! The legislation provides for partial monetization.

Average social recruitment services is equal to 1075 rubles. Each beneficiary has the opportunity to make an independent choice in favor of any of the options. If the holder of group 3 disability status preferred cash payment, the amount will be accrued monthly until the certificate confirming it expires. To pay cash, you must complete a statement of intent to receive monetary equivalent social services in the Pension Fund at the place of residence.

Legal consultation

Social Security

What benefits does a disabled person of group 3 have: established legal privileges and guarantees

In our country, every person with health status groups 1, 2 and 3, by law, has the right to enjoy a whole package of benefits and guarantees. Of all the existing groups of disabilities, the third is considered the most uncomplicated. It is prescribed to persons with minor serious disorders healthy condition body. But, despite this, our state provides disabled people of group 3 with compensation and benefits prescribed by law that help them live with dignity in modern society.

Criteria determining the disability group

IN Russian Federation The disability group is established based on the presence of a number of justifications in a manner strictly complying with the law.

First disability group

The state provides assistance to people with disabilities

The first disability group is established for persons who have identified significant impairments in the functioning of the body, based on highest degree various diseases. Most often these include diseases of the musculoskeletal system and psychical deviations, creating difficulties in self-control, communication and learning. Such people are not able to take care of themselves and constantly require constant outside care for themselves. Among disabled people of group 1, the blind and deaf-mute categories have the ability to work.

Second disability group

The second disability group is provided to persons with minor deviations in the functioning of the body. These violations most often include serious illnesses, consequences dangerous injuries and significant damage occurring during childbirth. The basis for establishing disability group 2 may be a congenital defect or disease, which leads to abnormalities in the body and leads to poor ability to work.

This group of disabled people can work when certain conditions are created for this (medical supervision, lighter standards, reduced working hours, additional breaks).

Third disability group

The third disability group is established for persons who have minor, compared to the first and second groups, deviations in the body’s capacity. Such violations are, as a consequence of the suffered or congenital disease(deafness, paralysis of the hand, poor orientation in space, partial loss of vision and many others). Group 3 disability is also defined for persons who have defects after suffering injuries. This group of disabled people is freely able to care for themselves and does not require outside supervision. All of them are able to carry out work activities and fully participate in collective life. But, despite this factor, disabled people of group 3 need social protection and assistance from special public services, as well as in ongoing therapeutic and preventive care.

General list of privileges for disabled people of group 3

To receive benefits, you must collect the necessary documents

An explanation of the question of what benefits a disabled person of group 3 has is the following list:

  • In cases of undergoing a course of treatment, it is possible to purchase medicinal preparations free of charge, upon provision of a prescription from the attending physician. This benefit can be used by those whose pension does not exceed that established by the state minimum size, or instead of pension accruals they receive social compensation.
  • If there is a medical verdict, the opportunity to use household and medical services. Also provided technical support, in the form of mobility mechanisms, orthopedic products, dental and ocular prostheses, hearing devices and many other means.
  • Provided that you have a conclusion from medical institution, free sanatorium treatment is provided.
  • A discount is given on travel on any type of public transport.
  • Preferential use of telephone services.

In addition to everything, disabled people of group 3 have the legal right to exercise labor activity. The Labor Code of our state clearly defines additional benefits that they can use when applying for a job, and during labor process. These privileges include:

  1. Complete absence probationary period at the time of employment.
  2. If desired, the opportunity to work on a part-time or weekly schedule may be provided.
  3. The process of working at night, as well as beyond the prescribed hours, must be carried out strictly on the basis of the consent of the disabled person.
  4. Possibility to take vacation at any time of the year, regardless of the vacation schedule.
  5. At sharp deterioration of their health, a disabled person has the right to urgent termination employment contract with the employer.
  6. Health Benefits

For disabled people with the third group, the state provides a number of privileges for medical care at certain regulations conditions. These include:

  • Discount on medicines and dressings by 50% for non-working persons.
  • Providing opportunities to maintain your health treatment centers, as well as in sanatoriums and dispensaries.
  • For working disabled people, vouchers are provided at significant discounts. In case of receiving disabled status from work injury or occupational disease, everyone is so medicinal preventive actions are made at the expense of the employer.
  • Providing all rehabilitation medical technical equipment at discounted prices.
  • Funds in the form of prostheses are provided to disabled people with group 3 at a reduced price or free of charge.

Benefits for disabled workers with group 3

Disabled people enjoy a number of advantages in employment

According to Labor Code In our country, a citizen who is a disabled person of the third group can take advantage of the following privileges at his workplace:

  1. Has the full right to receive vacation once a year, the duration of which is 30 calendar days.
  2. Apply for additional leave without leaving wages for 60 calendar days.
  3. Without agreement, overtime hours cannot be assigned, nor can employees be hired to work on holidays and weekends.

Each employer is aware of the organization of workplaces in its enterprise for persons with disabilities defined and specified in Article 18 of Law No. 875 (2). This legislative document establishes that the main responsibility of the employer is to employ a disabled person at the enterprise or organization where he lost his health. The workplace itself must fully comply with special requirements and take into account individual recovery programs for such categories of workers. In order to properly organize such a place in his enterprise, the employer needs to seek advice from the relevant social body, which is the Social Protection Fund for Disabled Persons.

Privileges for disabled people with group 3 in obtaining education

Persons who, for health reasons, have been diagnosed with a third disability group have the right to enroll in higher and secondary educational institutions on a preferential basis. Such a privilege means that the admission procedure must be carried out outside the established competition, subject to positive passing of the entrance exams.

Upon admission to an educational institution, persons with this category of disability must provide the examination commission, along with other documents, with a VTEK certificate confirming the negative fact of their health status and group. This is the only condition imposed on this category of people who have expressed a desire to study.

During their studies, disabled people with the third group in mandatory a scholarship should be provided. Such a requirement must be strictly fulfilled regardless of success in the educational process.

Benefits for disabled people of group 3 in housing and utilities

Disabled children have the right to free health care

According to the legislative framework of our country, persons who are disabled people of group 3 have the right to issue a refund Money, spent on paying for housing from local and state fund. They also have the right to return the money spent for the money provided to them public utilities in those houses that completely lack a central heating network - for the purchase of fuel materials at the cost established for the population.

In order to seek the above compensation, disabled people with group 3 must contact the Pension Service at their place of registration with an application and the following documents:

  1. Passport.
  2. Documentary proof of disability.
  3. Certificate of family composition.
  4. Receipts confirming payment for housing and utility services.
  5. Benefits for disabled people of group 3 in passenger seats transport mechanisms
  6. The law defines benefits for disabled people of group 3 when transporting them in passenger transport mechanisms for urban and suburban purposes. This rule applies to all carriers, regardless of their form of ownership.

In order to fully enjoy their rights when traveling on buses, minibuses, trolleybuses and other transport mechanisms, disabled people of group 3 must have a special travel document - a unified social travel card. Upon entering the passenger compartment vehicle This document is presented to the driver or conductor. It is worth remembering that such a ticket does not have the status of a preferential travel document when using a taxi.

Housing benefits for disabled people of group 3

For disabled people of group 3, the right to purchase subsidized housing has been established. This privilege applies to those individuals who need help in improving their living conditions. Also, this category of citizens has the right to receive personal land plots for the construction of housing, country houses and different types ancillary buildings.

Privileges for disabled people of group 3 in the Tax Code

In pharmacies, disabled people can get medicines at discounts or free of charge

For disabled people of group 3, special tax privileges are successfully operating in our state, the essence of which is as follows:

  • Persons with group 3 disabilities with the entry “disabled from childhood” are completely exempt from deducting taxes on the property of individuals.
  • Automotive vehicles of citizens of this category are not subject to taxes. Such a preferential tax instrument will be valid only when the car is purchased through special state social bodies, has a power of up to 100 hp. and has special design changes in the control system.
  • Persons with diagnosed group 3 disabilities, marked “childhood disabled,” leading entrepreneurial activity, completely eliminate the payment of registration fees for individuals. They also do not have to deposit funds into Pension Fund, in the form of insurance payments.

It is worth noting that, according to the Tax Code, disabled people of group 3 do not have the benefit of non-payment of state duty. Such payment can only be reduced by a court decision or the deadline for its payment may simply be changed. Also, the court hearing a case in which the main character is a group 3 disabled person may decide to pay the state fee in installments, in installments. All these points are clearly stated in the Tax Code, Article 333.41.

The following video will tell you about social guarantees and benefits for people with disabilities in Russia:

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Every Russian knows that upon reaching a certain age threshold, he becomes a pensioner, a recipient of state benefits in old age and the holder of some state preferences. Sometimes, due to limited capabilities due to health reasons, an elderly person acquires the additional status of “disabled person.”

What benefits there are for disabled pensioners is determined by federal, regional, and local legislation. Much depends on the established disability group.

Who has benefits

Disability is awarded based on the decision of a medical and social examination (MSE). It is both a medical and legal procedure. The appointment procedure is regulated by Government regulations and the Order of the Ministry of Health.

A pensioner can be assigned disability groups 1, 2 or 3. It is not established for life (only in rare exceptions), but for a period of time designated by law:

  • 1 group - 2 years;
  • Groups 2 and 3 - 1 year.

After the expiration of the period, you will need to undergo re-examination.

New in 2017 was the emergence of the concept of “habilitation” as a criterion for determining disability. Rehabilitation and habilitation are activities aimed at social adaptation people with disabilities. If rehabilitation is the restoration of lost abilities, then habilitation is the formation of new skills.

Federal Law No. 181 reveals in detail the relationship of people with disabilities with society, establishes different kinds state assistance.

What benefits are provided?

The laws of the Russian Federation provide for privileges in the following areas:

  • taxes;
  • healthcare;
  • employment;
  • working conditions;
  • internal transport.

Cash payments are provided in the form of:

Housing and communal services

An elderly citizen can count on, if his family is classified as low-income, spending a significant portion of the money on paying for housing and communal services. The federal threshold is 22%; regions provide a similar or lower ratio.

The presence of documented disability will oblige social services to take advantage of the provisions of Article 17 of Federal Law No. 181. According to the postulates of the article, 50 percent compensation of funds spent by disabled pensioners is provided for:

  • maintenance of living quarters, repair of common property, rental (relative to municipal housing);
  • utilities taking into account consumption standards (all forms of housing ownership);
  • purchase and delivery of fuel for houses without central heating;
  • (for 1-2 groups).

Benefits on contributions for major renovation working pensioners and disabled people of group 3 are not provided.

Lonely old man can receive a 50 percent discount for major repairs if it does not work and is over 70 years old, 100 percent - if over 80 years old (Article 169 of the Housing Code). Disabled people of group 3 are assessed according to the same criteria.

Privileges apply to the disabled person himself and do not extend to his family members.


The taxation procedure for property - real estate, transport, land - is regulated by Chapters 32, 31,28 of the Tax Code.

  1. Article 407 (Chapter 32) says that disabled people of groups 1-2 (clause 2), as well as pensioners due to age (clause 10), have the right to claim one piece of real estate of each type. If real estate is received by a disabled person by inheritance, then no duty is charged for this object.
  2. When calculating (Chapter 31), a deduction is applied. According to the cadastre, 10 thousand rubles (federal standard) are deducted from the cost of the plot for disabled people of groups 1-2.
  3. There are no contributions for owning a special vehicle for a person with disabilities. A car purchased through social security authorities will be charged a duty with a 50% discount when its power is less than 100 hp.

Most of the powers to regulate the implementation of benefits have been transferred to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Regional and municipal authorities independently decide to what extent their budget allows them to provide additional preferences in tax revenues.

In many populated areas For disabled pensioners, a different procedure for collecting land and transport duties has been established.

Standard deductions, applied before personal income tax is calculated, in 2019 will be:

  • 500 rubles - for disabled people of groups 1-2;
  • 3,000 rubles - to the liquidators of the nuclear power plant accident, former military personnel, including the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who received disability due to injury.

This applies to those retirees who continue to work.


When providing services to disabled pensioners, medical institutions offer payment benefits:

  • prescribed medications, rehabilitation products;
  • spa treatment;
  • prosthetics;
  • orthopedic shoes.

Having a disability of group 1 will provide a pensioner with a 100% discount on:

  • prescription drugs, medical equipment;
  • prosthetics of teeth, limbs;
  • orthopedic shoes;
  • a trip to a sanatorium;
  • transportation costs to the vacation spot (including accompanying persons).

Benefits for disabled pensioners of group 2 are identical to the preferences assigned to group 1.

An exception is that the travel of those accompanying the beneficiary to the place of treatment is not paid.

Benefits for disabled pensioners of group 3 are significantly less.

  1. Discount on medicines and medical equipment - 50%.
  2. The cost of the voucher depends on the income of the pensioner, whether he has wages in addition to pension. The patient's illness also matters.
  3. Travel to and from the place of treatment is free if the trip is carried out by Russian Railways trains; a discount is provided for air travel and other domestic transport.

A person’s illness and infirmity will serve as the basis for assigning a social worker to a needy person, who will:

  • buy food, medicine;
  • do cleaning;
  • Cook;
  • provide sanitary and hygiene services.

Other types of privileges

It is much more difficult for a person with a disease to gain access to infrastructure facilities:

  • social;
  • engineering;
  • transport.

Article 15 of Federal Law No. 181 obligated authorities at all levels of government to provide conditions for unhindered access to these objects on an equal basis with other persons.

For example:

  1. Pharmacies and other social facilities are equipped with ramps.
  2. Institutional employees should provide assistance in overcoming barriers to services that arise.
  3. 10% of parking spaces are reserved for disabled vehicles (use is free).

Subjects of the Russian Federation, based on 181-FZ, provide benefits when traveling by intracity and suburban transport for elderly disabled people:

  • provide free road maps;
  • develop special tariffs;
  • pay compensation for expenses.

When an elderly person with disabilities wants to find a job, the company will consider his candidacy for a place with a quota for disabled people. In this case, the employer will offer a shortened working week, additional leave without maintenance (60 days). Upon dismissal, the administration will not be able to force such a person to work for 2 weeks.

According to Article 17 of the Federal Law-40, elderly people with disabilities of any degree pay 50% of the cost of the compulsory motor liability insurance policy. But only if the car has special equipment that meets medical indications.

Federal Law No. 178 (Article 6.1) states that people with disabilities have the right to apply for a set of social services, which includes:

  • sanatorium vouchers;
  • medications;
  • travel by suburban and intercity transport to the place of treatment.

The components of the kit and the procedure for provision were approved by order of the Ministry of Health (No. 328).

If the pensioner does not want to use the designated list, the Pension Fund will calculate an additional payment to the pension, which will be formed monthly.

For 2019, compensation in kind for the package of social services for persons of the 1st disability group is equal to 3,538.53 rubles. The amount of payments taking into account group 2 disability for pensioners is 2527.06 rubles. Compensation payments if there is a disability of 3 groups for a pensioner, it will be 2022.94 rubles.

The Pension Fund maintains a register of people with disabilities and resolves issues related to pension provision, additional payments. The preferences provided by regional and municipal authorities to people with disabilities are much broader than the federal ones. Local social service authorities will inform the applicant about all existing benefits and help implement them.

It is important to understand that the privilege can only take place at the request of the pensioner. Government employees will not be granted privileges by default.

Knowing your rights will allow an elderly person with a disability to realize possible government benefits.