How many days does it take to prepare an oncocytology test? Cytological examination in gynecology

Oncocytology is a microscopic examination that allows for timely detection.

A smear is taken from the cervix and cervical canal. During the procedure, biomaterial from different layers of tissue that lines the cervix is ​​examined.

Studying the structure of the epithelium makes it possible to determine how healthy the cells are and whether there are any mutated ones among them.

The analysis reveals not only the oncological component, but also various inflammatory processes. Thanks to timely diagnosis, most ailments can be successfully treated.


The study is relevant not only for the manifestations of any disease, but also in for preventive purposes.

If the doctor suspects cancer, the test is compulsory. But a woman can always refuse the study.

The indication for the study is planning pregnancy. Must be carried out in the second and third trimester. The results are entered into the exchange card and taken into account when choosing a method of delivery. If the cervix is ​​damaged during childbirth, then it is necessary to carry out diagnostics several times a year.

Oncocytology is one of those procedures that is prescribed to girls and women, regardless of their lifestyle. For people under 30 years of age, it is done once a year. After passing this border, the risk of getting sick is much higher. Therefore, a smear test is required twice a year.

Direct indications for the study are:

  • violation menstrual cycle,
  • erosion,
  • presence of cancer patients among close relatives.

Representatives of the fairer sex who smoke, have various immunodeficiencies, and infections of the reproductive system should pay special attention to their health. An indication for diagnosis is a deficiency of vitamins A and C.

Sometimes you may hear that after menopause, diseases of the genital tract may disappear. This opinion is erroneous: women of Balzac age and older need to undergo cytology once every 12 months.

If the requirement is not observed, cancer cells may be discovered that are very difficult or impossible to cure.

Types of cytology

There are two main types of diagnostics:

  • simple,
  • liquid.

They differ in the technique used and the use of special equipment.


This type involves applying biomaterial to glass. In this case, a smear is taken only from a certain area. The disadvantage of the method is that it can show the presence or absence of the disease, but it is not always possible to draw a conclusion about the quantitative characteristics of the virus.

The specificity of the study is that the doctor takes the material and makes a “smear-imprint”. To do this, touch the entire surface of the slide with a brush. It is then dried, placed in packaging and sent to the laboratory.


It differs from the previous version in that the taken material is completely immersed in a container with special composition. At the same time, the morphological and biological properties cells. You can store such material for any amount of time.

The liquid medium in which the taken material is placed protects the cells from bacteria, premature drying and damage. This material remains resistant to temperature changes. A kind of preservation occurs inside the liquid, so the biomaterial turns into an even layer of washed cells.

Preparing for analysis

The study does not guarantee an accurate result if the study was conducted against the background inflammatory process. It is recommended to take it after treatment and not during menstrual bleeding.

For two days you should abstain from sexual relations, the use of tampons, creams and medications. You are allowed to take a vertical shower the day before. It is best to avoid taking a bath. All these factors can lead to incorrect examination results.

Technique for taking a smear for oncocytology

The gynecologist does not pinch off a large number of epithelium from the surface of the cervix. There is no pain or painful sensations.

After collecting the analysis in in rare cases there is a slight red discharge.

Usually they do not require correction and end that day or the next.

The tools used are a special cervical brush or spatula. They are inserted into the vagina, and after taking the analysis, the material is placed on glass or in a container with liquid.

What do oncocytology results show, interpretation and norm

There are five classes of cervical condition:

1 There is not a single atypical cell, all elements are of normal size.Norm.
2 There are cells indicating an inflammatory process, but there are no criteria indicating the presence of tumors.Repeated research and diagnosis using other methods is required.
3 There are a small number of atypical cells.A dynamic study is prescribed.
4 There are malignant cells in the smear.Cells are evidence of cancer, required additional research and treatment.
5 A large number of malignant cells are noted.The patient is sent to the oncology clinic.

The result of oncocytology can be positive or negative. In the first case, the cells are carefully studied to determine the type of pathology. The final diagnosis is made based on the results of a comprehensive diagnosis.

Cytological studies may contain information about:

  • Smear from the cervical canal. Then cells are normally found columnar epithelium without change. Sometimes metaplastic epithelium appears in small quantities. It is considered a variant of the norm. Indicate that the analysis was taken from the transition zone.
  • Vaginal smear. In it, stratified squamous epithelial cells are considered the norm.

If any changes are detected, the cytologist must describe them in detail. If atypical cells are detected, colposcopy is performed. This method allows you to study cells under a microscope.

How many days does it take for results to be prepared?

In the laboratory, an analysis for oncocytology is prepared from 3 to 5 days to obtain big picture. If there is a change in cells, then the study takes place in several stages.

Therefore you will have to wait best case scenario at least a week. Cytological examination in municipal clinics is usually ready within two weeks.

Diagnostic price

The test is carried out in almost all clinics. In municipal and federal districts you can get diagnosed for free by medical policy. To do this, you will first have to make an appointment with a gynecologist.

In private clinics, a standard (simple) test is cheaper than a liquid test. The difference is almost double. Please note that the price lists usually include the cost of the analysis itself, without consulting a gynecologist. In some it is implemented comprehensive program cancer research. As part of this, a smear is also taken.

Oncocytology allows you to identify cancer cells even at the very beginning of the disease. At positive result a more thorough approach to examining the body is required.

Video about analysis for oncocytology of HPV and Pap test:

A modern woman should visit a gynecologist once a year. This is necessary so that if there is a danger of any violation, measures can be taken in a timely manner. After all, any disease, the earlier it is detected, the faster it is treated. For this purpose, the doctor antenatal clinic during examination, a smear is taken - biological material for oncocytology, the decoding and results of which are allotted time will indicate whether there is cause for concern.

Oncocytology of the cervix

Oncocytology of the cervix is ​​carried out in girls upon reaching puberty annually, when she visits gynecological office.

Unscheduled analysis shows:

  • in case of menstrual irregularities;
  • when you have pain in the lower abdomen;
  • after treatment with hormones;
  • women before cauterization of erosion or those predisposed to the papilloma virus;
  • at genetic predisposition when there are cancer patients among close relatives.

If there were ruptures or damage to the cervix during childbirth, such an analysis is recommended to be done twice a year.

Oncocytology of the cervix is ​​painless and does not create any discomfort. It is quite informative because it helps to identify atypical (cancerous) cells and diseases after analysis for oncocytology of the cervix and interpretation by a cytologist.

Indications for oncocytology of the cervix

Carrying out oncocytology - smear

In order for oncocytology of the cervix and its interpretation to give an informative result, a smear should be done immediately after the end of menstruation or before it begins.

Contraindications to the procedure

This analysis is not performed for inflammation in the uterus or vagina, since the presence of microbes that caused existing illness, will distort the picture and make decoding difficult. Don't contribute normal analysis and bleeding.

Any bleeding from the genital organs delays the collection of epithelium from the cervix (smear) until it is completed.

Also, with oncocytology, decoding becomes difficult if the simple rules preparation for it:

  • on the eve of a visit to the gynecologist, do not use tampons;
  • abstain from sexual intercourse two days before the procedure;
  • do not douche;
  • do not use funds intimate hygiene(gels, ointments, etc.);
  • a couple of days before visiting the antenatal clinic, it is better to take a shower and refrain from taking a bath.

How the analysis is performed

The epithelium is collected, or more simply put, a smear is made from the cervical canal and the outer part that extends into the vagina using a special brush, tassel and spatula.

The smear examined during oncocytology of the cervix can be:

  • simple, when the mucous material is distributed over the glass, fixed with the required solution, stained and then studied;
  • liquid, where a brush with cells is placed in a special medium. This type of smear is new and not yet used in all laboratories.

How to properly take a smear test for cervical oncocytology

Decoding the result is normal

The results of oncocytology of the cervix and their interpretation are obtained after examining the biomaterial under a microscope. In this case, it is possible to detect both atypical and mutation cells, as well as pathogens of sexual diseases: candida fungus, trichomonas, cocci, papilloma virus.

Upon completion of the study of oncocytology, five classes are distinguished in deciphering the results:

  • 1 – there is no pathological flora, nor pathogenic bacteria, no viruses, no Candida mycelium, epithelial cells are not changed. This smear for oncocytology is normal;
  • 2 – signs of inflammation were found in the cervix (colpitis);
  • 3 – the cytologist recorded a small number of atypical cells, which requires repeated analysis;
  • 4 – the smear contains modified cells;
  • 5 – everything in the smear is atypical and the risk of getting cancer is high. But it should be remembered that in this case, after studying oncocytology, deciphering the analysis only indicates the presence unusual formations, but does not confirm the fact of oncology. That is, a certain wariness arises, and more additional examinations, for example, colposcopy to examine in detail all areas of the cervix. And also a biopsy, when a small piece of tissue is taken from a suspicious area for thorough examination.


For every woman, oncocytology is considered mandatory. This is especially true for older ladies who, with the advent of menopause, believe that their women's problems are already over and you don’t have to think about going to the hospital. But age is not a problem for cancer, and genital cancer is not at all the least important among other diseases. And it is precisely at this period of life, when women’s problems fade into the background, that the risk of missing the onset of the disease increases. Therefore, a study such as oncocytology and its interpretation is relevant throughout life and, in order to avoid big problems, undergo a medical examination on time.

According to statistics, cervical cancer is given one of the leading places among malignant oncological pathologies in patients. Prevalence rate: 20 women out of 100,000. Age category, which in at risk ranges from 35 to 60 years; in girls under 20 years of age, the disease is extremely rare. A smear for oncocytology will allow you to diagnose this disease on early stage.

As a rule, with local cervical cancer, more than 80% of women live more than 5 years, and in the presence of metastases this indicator does not exceed 13%. It is important to carry out annual monitoring and get tested for oncocytology on time. Timely screening, identification of precancerous and cancerous conditions, as well as adequate treatment tactics will help to avoid loss of ability to work, disability and death.

Oncocytological diagnosis is the examination of a smear under a microscope by a doctor to diagnose the presence or absence of pathological changes mucosal epithelial cells. A smear for oncocytology of the cervix is ​​prescribed to all girls over 18 years of age at least once a year.

Why do you need a smear for oncocytology?

A procedure for the purpose of assessing the condition of the mucous membrane of the cervix, identifying the inflammatory process, as well as for timely detection of the formation of pre-tumor or tumor cells.

If according to the data laboratory diagnostics presence was established infectious agent viral, bacterial or protozoal in nature, then a smear for oncocytology is important to determine the body’s response to their presence. Besides, this method allows you to identify signs of proliferation, metaplasia or other modification epithelial tissue.

In addition, a smear for cervical cancer also allows you to identify factors that contribute to changes in epithelial tissue, among them:

  • pathogenic microflora;
  • exacerbation of the inflammatory process;
  • pathological reactions of the body to taking hormonal and other medications;
  • development of dysplasia.

Such a wide list of indicators that can be established with this type of diagnosis makes it possible to classify it as one of the most important in identifying visible pathological conditions of the mucous membranes on the cervix, as well as in a comprehensive screening examination.


Currently, there are 3 main varieties:

  • cytological diagnosis with Leishman staining is the most common type, which is most often used in public antenatal clinics;
  • The Pap test (Papanicolaou smear) is widely used in private laboratories and abroad. It is believed that the level of reliability of this type of diagnosis significantly exceeds the previous one. The analysis mechanism differs in the degree of complexity of staining the smear;
  • Liquid cytology is one of the the latest techniques diagnostics, equipment for which only a few laboratories have it. It occupies a leading position in terms of information content and reliability. With this type of smear for oncocytology, the biomaterial is introduced into a special liquid medium for research. After which the cells are purified and concentrated, forming a thin, even coating. The mucous epithelium prepared in this way is not dried when transported to the laboratory for microscopy, which significantly increases the accuracy of the data obtained.

Analysis for oncocytology of the cervix

The procedure for taking a smear for oncocytology is completely painless and does not cause any discomfort. This is a standard procedure when visiting a gynecologist. The algorithm for taking a smear for oncocytology consists of the following steps:

  • introduction gynecological speculum in the vagina;
  • collecting biomaterial (smear; scraping) with a special spatula or cytobrush;
  • additional collection of cell samples from the cervical canal with a cotton swab.

The taken biomaterial is spread evenly in a thin layer over the glass slide. The specimen is then stained with Leishman or Papanicolaou and then examined in detail under a microscope. In the case of liquid-based cytology, the glass slide is first placed in a special liquid.

In rare cases, taking a smear for oncocytology is accompanied by subsequent not abundant bloody discharge, lasting no more than 2 days. Similar manifestations are a variant of the norm and do not require seeing a doctor.

Important: inflammatory processes of the internal genital organs are a limitation for this type of analysis.

This fact is due to the possibility of obtaining distorted and unreliable results, which will entail an incorrect diagnosis and prescription. improper treatment. Therefore, the cause of the inflammatory process in the body is first diagnosed, followed by its relief. Only after this is it possible to cytologically examine the cervix.

How long does it take to prepare a smear for oncocytology?

The duration of cytogram preparation varies from 3 days to 2 weeks, not counting the day of taking the biomaterial, depending on the workload of the laboratory. In private clinics, results are usually provided within 3-4 working days. Ready results of liquid cytology are issued within 10-14 days.

Oncocytology smear - interpretation and normal values

Analysis of the mucous epithelium located on the cervix is ​​extremely informative for the practicing physician. However, often the gynecologist does not issue full transcript each patient individually.

Normal values ​​typical for healthy patients are presented in the table.

Indicators Normal values
Leukocytes 0-10 0-30 0-5
Flat epithelium 5-10
Key cells
Microflora The predominant number of gram-positive Dederlein rods
Slime Moderate amount Moderate amount

When is it possible to get erroneous results?

This situation is possible:

  • in young girls under the age of 20 against the backdrop of global hormonal changes, which affect and modify the mucous epithelium;
  • material for the study was collected during menstruation. In this case, the finished drug is represented by a predominant number of endometrium and blood;
  • contamination of the finished product (sperm, medications, suppositories or cream, as well as lubricant for ultrasound);
  • if the patient underwent bimanual vaginal examination, due to which talc from gloves remained on the cervix;
  • in case of ignoring the standards and rules for collecting biomaterial;
  • due to improper preparation and coloring of the finished product.

When and how often should I take a smear for oncocytology?

Starting from the age of 18, every girl must undergo this type of diagnosis once every year. The frequency of analysis increases for women who are at risk:

  • age exceeds 35 years;
  • abuse of tobacco smoking, psychotropic drugs and alcohol;
  • long-term use of oral contraceptives;
  • girls who had sexual intercourse very early;
  • frequent change of partner;
  • positive HIV and HPV status;
  • STD;
  • when identifying erosion or endometriosis;
  • often recurrent inflammatory diseases pelvic organs;
  • often recurrent genital herpes or cytomegalovirus infection;
  • identification of oncological episodes in the pedigree;
  • if the menstrual cycle fails.

Oncocytology for pregnant women

During pregnancy, the frequency of testing may increase to three times. This fact is due to the need early detection pathological processes which may pose a threat to mother and child.

Important: the procedure is carried out only in case of normal pregnancy and full health female patients.

If pathological conditions are detected, the study is postponed until complete recovery.

If the biomaterial collection technique is implemented correctly, the procedure does not harm the woman, is painless and does not affect the course of pregnancy.

Oncocytology for older women

It is a mistake to believe that during postmenopause women have a reduced risk of developing gynecological diseases. Oncology affects people at any age. Moreover, in the background concomitant diseases the risk of pathologies of the internal genital organs increases. That is why ladies over 55 years old are recommended to take this analysis at least twice a year.

The procedure for collecting material for research and the algorithm for conducting the research itself is similar to that for young girls. This does not cause any discomfort or pain to elderly patients. Timely diagnosis any pathological condition will allow you to start treatment as early as possible, achieving the most favorable outcomes, up to complete recovery.


To summarize, it is worth emphasizing the following important points:

  • It is recommended to conduct the study at least 5 days after the start of the menstrual cycle, and also no later than 5 days before the expected start;
  • before taking a smear, you must abstain from sexual intercourse for at least 1 day, and from lubricants, tampons, douching procedures, the use of medicated suppositories and spermicidal preparations - 2 days before;
  • in the presence of acute infectious process it is necessary to stop it first, and then take a control test at least after 2 months;
  • false negative results and erroneous classification of the studied material as class 1 are allowed, which is why it is important to conduct a control examination annually.

Oncocytological smear – microscopic analysis carried out for the purpose early diagnosis abnormal (cancerous) changes in the epithelium of the cervix. Biological material for analysis - cells selected from the vaginal part and cervical canal - ectocervix and endocervix.

Because of increased risk the occurrence of cancer, Papanicolaou analysis, as oncomicroscopy is also called, is recommended for women predisposed to cancer, as well as pregnant women. The results of the study are presented in the form of a description of the cells found in the material.

Preventive and diagnostic analysis can be taken at the Women's Medical Center. Research is carried out in short time- in the laboratory of the center. The cost of the service at the MLC is 1,500 rubles. Completion time: 10 working days.

Cost of smear for oncocytology*

Why take a smear test?

The Pap test gives a clear picture of the condition of the epithelial cells of the uterus and cervical canal. Oncocytology is used both as a preventive measure (therefore, the test is recommended for all women over 18 years old) and as the easiest way to detect cancer at an early stage.

At least once a year, patients who are at risk due to age and age should undergo a cervical smear. hereditary factors, women who have been diagnosed with cervical erosion or papillomavirus. For pregnant women, scrapings are taken three times.

Most often, cervical cancer is diagnosed in middle-aged women - from 35 to 55 years. Among those who have virtually no chance of cure are women who have not undergone treatment for several years. preventive examination and diagnostics, and self-medicated.


Preparing for analysis

Any inflammatory processes in the vagina can change the picture of oncocytology, so the analysis is carried out only after confirming the purity of the vaginal environment.

It is better to take a smear starting from the 5th day of the cycle, but no later than 5 days before the start of menstruation. If a colposcopy is prescribed, a scraping is taken the day before or 2 days after the procedure.

How to take a smear for cancer cells

The material is collected from the cervical canal and vaginal part with a special brush or spatula. A smear for oncocytology is examined in our center traditional way– transferred to sterile glass, stained and studied.

The average duration for preparing results is 7-10 days. The collection of material does not cause pain and is carried out during a gynecological examination.

Discomfort can only be caused by the insertion of speculums, which are used to expand the view of the inside of the vagina.

What oncocytology of the cervix shows: norm and interpretation

The essence of oncocytology is the study of the cellular composition and state of organelles - permanent components of cells. To ensure the reliability of the result, the doctor does not limit himself to taking a scraping from the vaginal part of the cervix, but takes a smear from the cervical canal for examination.

The results of the analysis are descriptive and indicate the presence or absence of cancerous or altered cells (characterizing a precancerous condition).

The term "without" anomalous features"in the cytogram speaks of negative result- normal. In positive oncocytology, abnormalities can be described as changes in cell morphology, single cells with abnormalities in structure or pronounced signs of malignancy, and a large number of abnormal cells.

Where to submit in Moscow

Oncocytology by innovative method You can get a PAP test at the Women's Medical Center. Receiving a positive cytogram is a cause for concern. Perhaps the diagnosis will not be confirmed, and the smear showed an inflammatory process, but for this you need to consult a gynecologist, and if necessary, undergo additional examination.

The task of every modern woman of any age is to carefully monitor her health, and, of course, gynecological health too. To do this, once a year you need to undergo a full medical examination, take all recommended tests, including conducting research such as oncocytology. What is it and why is the result of this analysis so important? This will be discussed in this article.

Oncocytology—what is it?

Cervical cancer is one of the most common women's diseases, which doctors and scientists around the world are fighting. Taking it allows you to detect precancerous cells and begin appropriate treatment as early as possible, which is why such an analysis is considered extremely important.

An oncocytological study involves taking a smear from the vagina and cervix, as well as examining and analyzing the bilayer epithelium covering the cervix.

The first layer of epithelium, a cylindrical single layer, covers the cervix from the side of the cervical canal. The second layer, flat and multi-layered, covers the vagina.

Studying the structure of these layers of epithelium under a microscope allows you to see how healthy the cells are and determine whether any of them are mutated, that is, cancerous.

Analysis for oncocytology of the cervix detects not only the presence of altered cells, but also shows the presence of any inflammatory process or any other changes in the epithelium. Many diseases detected at an early stage can be successfully treated.

Indications for taking an analysis for oncocytology

Taking a smear for oncocytology is indicated for all women starting from 18 years of age.

According to statistics, even women who do not have bad habits those involved in sports and presenters healthy image life, however, are susceptible to cancer.

Therefore, all representatives of the fair sex who have reached the age of majority are required to take an analysis for oncocytology of the cervix. This should be done both when suspicion arises and for preventive purposes.

If cervical pathology is detected, the test should be taken at least 2 times a year. For preventive purposes, one study every 12 months is sufficient.

Human papillomavirus is a mandatory indication for oncocytological research, since it is this virus that most often causes the formation of cancer processes.

In addition to the main indications, a cervical smear for oncocytology is prescribed for women with menstrual irregularities, infertility, complaints of pain in the lower abdomen, and prolonged hormonal treatment. Women who have close relatives with cancer are also at risk.

Oncocytology for older women

It happens erroneous opinion that in women, after menopause, problems with the sexual sphere disappear. This misconception leads to doctors discovering deeply advanced cancers, which are sometimes impossible to cure. Therefore, it would not be amiss to remind mothers and grandmothers that an oncocytology test is required annually, regardless of elderly age and health status.

Oncocytology for pregnant women

Every woman should know about the need for such an analysis as oncocytology, what it is and why it is needed, even at the stage of pregnancy planning.

The most correct thing would be to take a one-time test before the expected pregnancy, especially for women who have reached the age of thirty and older. Indeed, during pregnancy, all diseases tend to worsen sharply, which can lead to fetal loss and various complications.

During pregnancy, the doctor prescribes oncocytological studies three times. However, if there is a threat of miscarriage, the doctor may cancel the procedure, since taking this type of analysis involves some intervention, which can harm the pregnancy. In each case, the doctor makes a decision individually.

How is an oncocytology test taken?

The cells are collected by pinching off a small amount of epithelium from the surface of the cervix. To do this, the midwife uses a set of sterile instruments consisting of a brush and a special spatula.

The procedure does not require the administration of painkillers, as it is completely painless. However, many patients are afraid of some deformation of the epithelial surface and pain, but this is fundamentally wrong.

The vaginal area is not damaged in any way, the structure of the epithelium remains intact, since no trace remains from the sample collection. The analysis is absolutely non-traumatic and will not cause the woman to experience pain or discomfort.

After taking the test, spotting may be observed for one to two days, which goes away without treatment.

The collected analysis is placed on a sterile piece of glass; there can be up to 3 pieces of glass. They are then treated with a fixing solution and coloring solutions are added.

In the laboratory, a morphologist examines cells under a microscope and issues his conclusion. Based on the results of the cytological report, the attending physician prescribes appropriate treatment.

Preparation for the procedure

The patient’s health and life depend on the results of any analysis, and a smear for oncocytology is no exception. The results of the analysis will depend, among other things, on how correctly the woman prepared for the procedure.

It’s worth mentioning right away that you can’t take the test during the menstrual cycle, or if you have any other bloody discharge. Immediately before the start of menstruation or immediately after its end is the best time when it is recommended to take a smear for oncocytology. Inflammation of the external genital organs will also be a contraindication.

In order to get the most reliable result, two days before the examination it is recommended to avoid sexual relations, avoid douching, and not use a tampon, any creams, ointments and vaginal suppositories.

Before taking a smear for oncocytology, the results of which will largely depend on how thoroughly the woman has prepared, it is not recommended to visit a gynecologist or perform any manipulations on the gynecological chair for 48 hours. All visits to the doctor must be rescheduled for any time after the test.

Types of oncocytology

The type of analysis for onccytology can be of two forms:

  • simple oncocytology;
  • liquid oncocytology.

When performing liquid oncocytology, the taken material is not smeared on glass, as during simple oncocytology, but is lowered onto a special brush into a bottle with a special medium. The analysis is preserved inside the liquid, turning into an even layer of washed cells.

This method of taking analysis is innovative; it is not used in all clinics. Liquid oncocytology allows the cytologist to obtain the most reliable result.

Analysis transcript

After in treatment room The woman underwent oncocytology; the analysis is deciphered in the laboratory by a cytologist, which usually takes about two weeks.

There are five classes of cervical condition:

  1. First class is the norm. This means that not a single atypical cell was found in the smear. All cells are of normal shape and size.
  2. The second class - the presence of an inflammatory process, for example, colpitis, is noted.
  3. Third class - present in a smear in small quantities. A repeat analysis is required.
  4. Fourth class - there are malignant cells in the smear.
  5. Fifth class - all cells in the smear are atypical. Probability cancer high.

However, it is worth knowing that an oncocytology test is not an accurate indicator of cancer; it only indicates changes occurring in cells for subsequent more thorough study.

The final diagnosis is made by the doctor after conducting a number of tests and studies, as well as observing symptoms.

Also contains the following data:

  1. Cervical smear from the canal - assesses the condition of the squamous epithelium from the vaginal side and from the cervical canal.
  2. Vaginal smear - examines the cells of the stratified squamous epithelium covering the vaginal part of the cervix.

For a reliable result, a sufficient amount of test material is required. Otherwise, the doctor in the conclusion indicates an inadequate (insufficient for the study) amount of the drug.

Oncocytology during inflammation

For preventive purposes or if there is suspicion of gynecological disease The doctor prescribes oncocytology. Inflammation, if present, can prevent cancer cells from being identified.

In this case, you need to take a simple smear for microflora to determine the source of infection, as well as be tested for sexually transmitted diseases.

After treatment, the oncocytology test should be repeated. It will show whether the treatment helped and reliably determine the presence cancer cells in a smear.

Negative results

If an oncocytology test shows the presence of cancer cells, first of all, you need to not panic. Deviation from the norm most often does not mean that a woman is developing malignant neoplasms and that the situation cannot be corrected.

As studies show, a bad smear for oncocytology occurs quite often, and the uterus is much less common.

A qualified doctor will explain what type of abnormalities have been identified and prescribe additional tests, such as colposcopy or biopsy.

In any case, it should be remembered that an abnormal smear for oncocytology is not always evidence of the presence cancer in a woman.

Each modern woman should be informed about the importance of such an analysis as oncocytology, what it is and why the analysis is so necessary for timely detection cancer disease.