How long do guinea pigs grow? How long do guinea pigs live at home and how to extend their lifespan? How to determine the age of a guinea pig

Many pet owners are concerned about how long their pets should live and what care they require to increase their lifespan. The answer is often not so obvious and requires a detailed explanation, especially in relation to guinea pigs.

At home Guinea pigs live on average from 5 to 7 years. Thus, their lifespan is longer than other popular pet rodents such as rats, mice and hamsters, which rarely live longer than 3 years. However, there are a number of factors that influence how long a guinea pig will live. Depending on the breed, treatment and feeding, she can live more than 10 years, and the existing the record is a whopping 14 years and 10 and a half months. In the wild, guinea pigs have a shorter lifespan, only from 1 to 4 years, but, in fact, thanks to selection, they differ significantly from domesticated ones.


Although breed is less of a factor in life expectancy than the care the pig receives, some breeds tend to live longer. For example, Skinny guinea pigs live an average of 6 to 8 years, while Longhaired guinea pigs, on the other hand, live a little shorter, averaging 5 to 6 years.

Diet and feeding

The care your guinea pig receives is the most important factor in increasing its lifespan, and a major part of care is providing it with a healthy and balanced diet. For example, alfalfa-based pellets are not recommended for adult guinea pigs. But, at the same time, they are well suited for feeding growing and pregnant guinea pigs, as they contain a large amount of calcium. Granules based on timothy, various herbs, vegetables and fruits are considered more balanced.

Another important element in a guinea pig's diet is vitamin C. Since they cannot produce their own vitamin C, they need large amounts of it in their diet to stay healthy. Vitamin C is found in some types of kibble and in many vegetables such as carrots and lettuce, but it is important to remember that eating too many vegetables in your pig's diet can cause stomach upset. You can also use special vitamin tablets as an additional source of vitamin, but remember that they are not recommended to be dissolved in water.

Additional factors affecting health

Besides food, there are other factors that affect the health and lifespan of guinea pigs. If their cage is too small, they will have little room to run around. With a lack of activity, their muscles will not develop properly, and their overall fitness will be far from healthy. Regular cage cleaning also promotes good health.

In case of illness, the owner should immediately contact a veterinarian. It is also recommended that guinea pigs be weighed weekly, as weight loss is the most common and common symptom of a disease or disorder. Besides weight, other symptoms may include shortness of breath, heavy breathing, sneezing, lethargy, diarrhea, and blood in the urine. Prompt attention to these types of health problems will certainly increase your pig's possible lifespan and allow him to reach his full potential.

How long can they live?

On average, a decorative guinea pig can live 8-10 years. But, of course, it all depends on you. It depends on how you care for her and what to feed her. There have even been recorded cases of pets living up to 15 years.

These animals are quite active, so at least once a day they should be let out for a walk around the house (under your strict guidance, of course).

First of all, they need to provide place to live. The most comfortable option for them would be a spacious cage with good ventilation measuring approximately 30*40 cm.

At the bottom of this cage you need to pour sawdust (about 2-3 cm), which is sold in any pet store. They need to be changed approximately 2-3 times a week. You should not use newspapers as sawdust. These animals do not tolerate heat and sub-zero temperatures well, so the room should always be warm enough, but in no case stuffy or hot.

It is important to have house for guinea pig. Any design you come up with or a purchased “shelter” will do. It is very important for pigs to have a place where they can hide if necessary. The absence of such a place can lead to severe fear and stress, which affects their life expectancy.

You need to install a special one in the cage drinking bowl for rodents with a ball, also sold at any pet store. It should be changed once a day, but the volume of such drinking bowls means that you have the opportunity to go somewhere for several days.

1-2 times a year, pigs need to trim their claws with special scissors or forceps, but do this extremely carefully, because if done incorrectly, a bleeding wound may appear. This must be done because, unlike wild breeds, domestic guinea pigs have nowhere to sharpen their claws. For prevention, you can install a scratching post.

Video: conditions for detention

To make the life of your little pets more interesting and varied, you can buy them various tunnels and labyrinths, but you should not use ones that are too difficult or high, since these animals have short legs.

Another tip for keeping such pets is keeping them in pairs. You can do without this, but then you should remember that the owner will have to give his animal enough a lot of attention, because guinea pigs need communication. With its deficiency, pigs begin to worry, which leads to a decrease in life expectancy.

You should not take your guinea pig onto the sofa unless it is supervised at all times because it may fall and cause injury.

What to feed?

The lifespan of your pet largely depends on nutrition. It is very easy to choose a diet for a guinea pig, because they are herbivores. They eat various fruits, grass, hay(helps to grind teeth and promotes good digestion), special food, etc. But at the same time, certain proportions must be observed:

  • 60% of the diet should be special food for guinea pigs, because it already contains all those components that contain useful substances necessary for the life of pets.
  • 20% hay, grass, crackers (not to be confused with store-bought crackers that are sold for people. It is best to dry them yourself, or again, a pet store will come to the rescue).
  • 20% vegetables and fruits.

Of course, there are also things that guinea pigs should not eat:

  • any products of animal origin except milk and cottage cheese.
  • red cabbage (even though guinea pigs are big fans of cabbage in general).
  • sweets.
  • various fruits and berries that did not have time to ripen or, on the contrary, were overripe.
  • spoiled and damp food (check it carefully before giving it to your pet).

Pigs need to be fed 2-3 times a day(depends on individual characteristics). Serving is approximately 2-3 tablespoons. Guinea pigs need vitamin C, which they can only get from their food. Vitamin C should be given to pigs at the rate of 1 mg per 1 ml of water. This solution needs to be changed every day.

If you keep all these rules in mind and follow them, your guinea pig could become the new longest-living record holder!

Do they need a veterinarian?

Here, too, there are no special difficulties, because these pets very rarely suffer from viral diseases, they do not need vaccinations. However, they can catch various intestinal infections.

To protect them from this, you need to let them out for walks only on a clean surface, and carefully monitor the health of animals (if any) that come into contact with them. For complete peace of mind, you can take your guinea pig to the veterinarian once every 3-4 months.

Pet guinea pigs are ideal pets for those who don’t have time to devote much attention to dogs and cats, but still want a little furry friend.

This option is also suitable for fairly busy people, because caring for pigs is very simple, which even a child can handle. Of course, you want your pet to live a long and happy life, but in many ways this depends on you! Simple rules that you will follow as you care for pigs promise your pets longevity.

Who are guinea pigs

The origin and domestication of these rodents has a long history. It is believed that they began to be tamed back in the 5th century BC. In South America. Some tribes worshiped pigs, others used them as food: cave meat is considered a delicacy and tastes similar to rabbit meat. In Peru, guinea pig dishes are still on the menu of many restaurants.

Good-natured herbivores, with little ability to defend themselves, were easy prey. But their unusual appearance captivated the colonialists, who began to import funny animals to Europe. Soon even royalty acquired pigs, and breeders began serious work on breeding more and more new breeds.

The name rodents causes a lot of controversy among scientists, because the animals do not know how to swim, are clean and eat only plant foods. There are many versions, the most common of which is that the name comes from the abbreviation of the word “overseas”, that is, brought from overseas.

This family of rodents was called pigs, apparently, because of the sounds that the animals often make: they often grunt, although they can grumble, growl, whistle and imitate some birds. With their short neck, body proportions, and head structure, they are also very similar to ordinary piglets.

This is interesting! Among the varieties there are breeds; individual representatives, for example, the Peruvian Cui, can reach a height of 45 cm and a weight of up to 4 kg. But the most common guinea pigs weigh no more than 1 kg, and their body length is up to 35 cm.

Today, pigs are often recommended as first pets for older preschoolers and primary schoolchildren. Similar to soft toys, they do not require careful care and supervision, but they make children feel responsible for the life and health of their “little brother.”

They learn to care for living beings and find contact with them. Parents like that they don’t have to walk their pet 2-3 times a day, clean up endless piles and puddles, and wait for unpleasant surprises after returning home in the form of torn curtains and torn clothes and shoes.

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How long do guinea pigs live on average?

The lifespan of a pet is a question no less important than its diet and methods of upbringing. After all, no one wants to traumatize a child by the death of his pet.

And in this regard, guinea pigs are very suitable friends - depending on the conditions of detention, they can live from 5 to 10 years. There are cases where pigs felt normal even at 12 years old, but this is rare. A pig that lived for 15 years is included in the Guinness Book of Records. Proper housing and feeding conditions help prolong the life of the family pet (and the guinea pig will certainly become one) for the maximum possible period.

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Longevity depending on breed

There are up to 50 breeds of pigs, which are distinguished by the size, color and structure of their coat (there are already pigs that are completely devoid of hair). Sometimes breed affects the lifespan of an animal.

Hairless Skinny and Baldwin live from 5 to 8 years, the period that is considered normal for other pigs is limited for them. At first they lived much less. Completely devoid of hair, the pigs had weak immunity, easily caught colds and died.

Important! Careful care is required for a pig of any breed so that it remains cheerful and active.

But the work of breeders was not in vain; today, hairless representatives of pigs live quite a long time if the conditions are met. The main condition is a constant air temperature without drafts and changes from 22 to 24 degrees.

Very peculiar Abyssinian guinea pigs, which are called rosette pigs because of their peculiar hair growth, live up to 6 years. In some areas, the fur grows in rosettes; the more of them, the higher the value of the pig. They are very difficult to breed; requirements are imposed even on the number of areas with “sockets”.

These animals are very human-oriented. If you can’t spend a lot of time with them, you should definitely keep at least a couple of pigs so that they don’t get bored. Stress, long periods of feeding, and temperature changes can accelerate the death of a pet.

Smooth-haired guinea pigs live on average up to 8 years. They can be very large, with colors ranging from a mixture of dark and milky white, typical of Siamese cats, brindle, spotted (Dalmatians) to plain cream, brown, black and white.

Royal Rex guinea pigs live on average 7 years. They are probably the most unusual of rodents: wire-haired, with curls, hair length up to 2 cm. The hair does not fit tightly to the body, it seems that Reksiks are dressed in astrakhan fur coats.

Long-haired breeds live up to 7-8 years, sometimes longer than others. This is probably due to more careful care. The coat, which goes down like a mantle to the surface, is shiny, slightly wavy, makes the pig look like a Pekingese, they are often given haircuts and hairstyles, tied with bows, decorated with hairpins with rhinestones, combing and bathing almost every day, carefully rubbing in vitamin ointments to preserve the beauty of the hair cover, calculating the diet so that unusual animals have enough vitamins and minerals.

A good appetite, examinations by veterinarians, constant communication with the owners and walks around the apartment, running through a maze or on a wheel, swings - all this will help the pig keep fit and stay in good shape for many years.

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How to extend the life of a guinea pig

Every pet owner wants their pet to stay close to them for as long as possible. Is it possible to increase the lifespan of a guinea pig? The more correctly the feeding ration is selected, the better and closer to natural the conditions of keeping are, the more time the cavy and its owner will have for full communication.

Proper care of a rodent

A guinea pig needs a spacious “house” (cage, aquarium or container). The minimum dimensions are 50 by 20 cm for a young rodent. The larger the cage, the healthier and more fun your pet will be. It is advisable to cover the bottom with a special filler, but sawdust is also suitable, as it also absorbs waste well. These animals are very clean, so it will not be difficult to train them to go to the toilet in a certain place, cleaning which every day is much easier than changing all the bedding.

Important! You should not resort to water procedures if the apartment is cold; pigs catch cold very easily and die from pneumonia within 1-2 days.

The “room” reserved for the pig must have toys (mazes, a wheel in which she can run around to her heart’s content), a feeder and a drinking bowl. The pig will happily run around the apartment: it’s worth taking it out of the cage more often so that it can stretch its legs, bask in the hands of its beloved owner, and play with him.

Pigs don’t really like to swim, but if necessary, you can bathe the animal in a container filled with water at a temperature of at least 32 degrees, and then dry it with a towel or hairdryer and comb it. Long-haired pigs are brushed every day, possibly several times a day, if the animal and its owner like this procedure. Wire-haired dogs are brushed 2-3 times a week, while smooth-haired dogs need to be brushed once a month. Claws are trimmed as needed, usually once every six months.

A general cleaning of the cage should be carried out weekly, washing out all the dirt from the corners, treating surfaces, toys, feeders and drinking bowls are washed daily. These simple rules help to avoid many diseases caused by bacteria that multiply in all kinds of waste. Hygiene procedures will help accustom the rodent to examinations, which will also help avoid health problems.

Proper nutrition

Cavies happily eat grain, hay, green grass and vegetables. But any new component in the diet should be given in small portions to avoid digestive problems. You should not feed your rodent dairy and fermented milk products, as this causes intestinal upset. Under no circumstances should you give rotten vegetables and fruits or sweets.

Important! To replenish calcium reserves, you need to place chalk in the cage, which the pig can use to brush its teeth.

There should always be clean water in the drinking bowl; liquid vitamins can be added to it 2-3 times a week to maintain health. It is imperative to teach the animal to eat at the same time in the morning and evening, so that after the meal it is possible to remove uneaten food. Overfeeding a rodent is dangerous - obesity becomes one of the most common factors in the development of heart disease, joint disease, and early death of the animal.

Disease Prevention

Your guinea pig must have all the necessary vaccinations and must be examined by a veterinarian once every six months. It is he who will tell you what is best to feed the cave, what vitamins and minerals are required at a given age. Diseases of the oral cavity, teeth, and eyes detected in the early stages are easily treated.

If the owner has not noticed dangerous symptoms, then he will have to spend a lot of effort to save the pet.. Difficulty breathing, convulsions, loss of orientation, unusual behavior, aggression or reluctance to move - all this should make the owners wary and be sure to show the animal to a veterinarian in order to save its life.

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Description of the species

A guinea pig is a representative of a group of rodents that live in nature for about 7-8 years. In captivity, pets live less - their age limit depends on the conditions of detention, nutrition, breed and is 6-7 years. A guinea pig can easily replace a domestic cat or dog, which does not require daily walks, does not cause mischief in the kitchen, and does not leave odorous surprises in your slippers.

Breeds of domestic rodents

At home, guinea pigs are easy to care for. By nature, they are peaceful, calm animals that are easily adaptable and amenable to training. Rodents live in plywood houses, or a cage closed on 3 sides, as they are naturally quite shy. Every day you need to change the tray in the cage, fill the drinking bowl with clean water, add food. Sawdust is changed weekly, animals with long hair are combed with a fine comb.

Proper care, nutrition, lack of stress, and physical activity can extend the life of guinea pigs to 12-15 years. 15 years is the life record for a rodent, recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. Typically, pets live from 6 to 8 years.

International exhibitions and shows are regularly held with the participation of the best specimens of the oldest species: Abyssinian (rosette), English Self, Peruvian. Some pet breeds are obtained by crossing and remain unrecognized: Skinny, Baldwin, Somalia. The most popular for breeding at home are:

  • Rex;
  • Self;
  • Rosette or Abyssinian;
  • Sheltie;
  • Skinny;
  • Teddy;
  • Crested;
  • Ridgeback;
  • smooth-haired;
  • satin.

All breeds of pets can be divided into groups:

  • long-haired;
  • shorthaired.

Rare ones include:

  • Skinny;
  • Baldwin;
  • Ridgeback;
  • Teddy is Swiss and longhaired.

Lifespan of rodents depending on breed

How many years do guinea pigs of different breeds live? Depending on the breed, the lifespan of domestic rodents ranges from 5 to 10 years. The conditions in which pets live and their diet, which can sometimes be very varied and whimsical, are of decisive importance.

The Skinny and Baldwin breeds are hairless guinea pigs that were obtained through long-term crossbreeding. At first, their life did not last long due to weak immunity. But Skinnies turned out to be a stable, strong breed, which is now one of the rare and therefore most expensive. Skinny and Baldwin have special requirements for room temperature +22...+24C.

Rosette (Abyssinian) guinea pigs live up to 6 years. These are unusual animals with pronounced areas of fur that grow "sockets". The more rosettes a rodent has, the more valuable the specimen. Rosette rodents are a difficult breed to breed with special care requirements. Satin smooth-haired guinea pigs, the Dalmatian breed, live 7.5 years in captivity.

Regardless of the breed, guinea pigs require exercise, social interaction, and a significant other to live with throughout their lives. In the diet, it is important to consider how much green mass and dry food your pet needs. It is not recommended to have animals older than 2 years.

Diseases and their impact on life span

Diseases in guinea pigs can significantly shorten their lifespan. The main diseases of domestic rodents include:

Some diseases are deadly for the furry animal, as well as for its owners. If there are alarming symptoms, you should definitely show your pet to a veterinarian, and if the animal dies, an autopsy should be performed to identify the true cause of the disease and the degree of danger to people.

Rodent teeth require special care. Naturally inactive teeth grow rapidly, so they sometimes need to be filed down. Teeth that are too long can cause your pet to starve to death. You should periodically have your teeth examined by a veterinarian. The doctor will determine how much trimming needs to be done and perform the procedure painlessly for the animal.

Various sources indicate different life expectancies for guinea pigs - how many years a beloved pet will live depends on the conditions and its health. Do not forget that animals feel respect for themselves, reciprocate and, with a strong attachment to the owner, can live quite a long time. No matter how many years scientific sources estimate for rodents to live, it all depends on the warm atmosphere of the home, where the animal is loved, cared for and raised.

Features of care

At home, the life expectancy of guinea pigs depends on a number of factors:

  • temperature regime - from eighteen to twenty degrees;
  • a spacious cage with bridges and labyrinths;
  • fresh water and food, always dry bedding.

For a pet to live long, you need to constantly play and talk with it. In this case, he will remain cheerful and will delight you with a good mood. All kinds of ladders and labyrinths help improve health, thanks to which the animal can easily endure any adversity.


The rodent's home must be large enough, since the animals are very active and constantly move. At the same time, they are very clean. Therefore, for bedding, use not only sawdust, but also a suitable filler. Place it in the corners and fill the middle with fresh hay. Do not put newspapers in the cage - they can cause lead poisoning. Rags and cotton wool are no less dangerous - the threads can get wrapped around the paws and injure them.

The cage must be reliably protected from drafts. It needs to be ventilated once a day. During this process, clean up and change the bedding. Perform a thorough cleaning every week.

The pet should live in the most comfortable conditions.

The recommended temperature is from eighteen to twenty degrees. Animals do not like heat, but cold is also unacceptable to them. It is recommended to maintain an optimal humidity level of fifty to sixty percent. If the air in the room is dry, be sure to buy a humidifier. Next to the cage you can place flower pots or containers filled with water. But proximity to heating devices is extremely undesirable.

Guinea pigs are very active during the daytime, so provide them with adequate lighting. Remember that the sun's rays are harmful to animals; it is better to install the house away from windows. In summer, a rodent can live on the balcony, and if you have a private house, in the garden. To do this, be sure to cover the enclosure with a lid or net to protect your pet from attacks by insects and other animals.


When answering the question of how many years guinea pigs live at home, one cannot help but talk about nutrition. This is a very important part of overall care. The menu must include proteins and coarse fibers. Feed your pet hay, cereals, apples, lettuce, tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage. The best option is carrots, bran, oats, and in the summer - fresh grass. Add ascorbic acid to drinking water. You should not give your pig:

  • dishes from the human table;
  • overripe berries;
  • rotten feed;
  • sweets;
  • wild herbs.

Your guinea pig should be fed daily, morning and evening at the same time. There is always food in your pet's cage, as animals cannot stand hunger. Remember that an unhealthy diet can greatly shorten your pig's lifespan.


Fluffy rodents do not really like to bathe, so carry out water treatments only if absolutely necessary. Even if the pet is very dirty, local treatment of contaminated areas can be carried out. When swimming, the water temperature should be no more than thirty-eight degrees; if desired, you can add baby shampoo. Long-haired animals should be brushed frequently. In addition, it is necessary to trim the rodent's claws.

Check your pet's eyes regularly. If they are clean and there is no discharge, he is undoubtedly healthy. For any changes, swelling and redness of the eyes, wipe with napkins and find out why such a problem appeared. They are possible, for example, from drafts. In this case, send the cage to another location. If the problem persists, take the animal to the veterinarian, who will prescribe the necessary eye drops.


Guinea pigs are very active and curious, so they do not like to sit in a cage. Frequent walks will help improve and maintain health. Many owners let their pets go free for the day, but only put them in a cage at night.

When walking, you need to be careful not to accidentally step on an animal or hit it with doors. Remove electrical cords, small parts and all potentially dangerous objects from the floor. Don't force your pet to play if he doesn't want to. It's better to watch him from the side.

There should be two feeders - for green food and for dry food. Choose stable bowls, preferably ceramic ones, so that the animal cannot turn them over.

The guinea pig is an unpretentious pet, keeping and caring for which is quite simple. The most convenient size of a wire cage pallet for keeping a pair of guinea pigs at home is 120x60 cm. Sawdust or other filler from a pet store is poured onto the pallet in a layer of 3 - 5 cm. When choosing granulated sawdust, mix them with wood, otherwise the pigs will develop calluses on paws.

The height of the cage should be from 30 to 50 cm, which will give the animals the opportunity to stand on their hind legs. You can stack one cage on top of another to save space. The cage should be placed in a bright place, but without direct sunlight. It is very important to protect animals from drafts. The optimal average daily temperature for keeping a rodent is 18 – 20C˚. In summer, animals can be kept outdoors, for example in a garden, protected from light.

Many people prefer a cage to a closed terrarium. This is due to the fact that the filler flies from the first over a long distance. The terrarium protects well from drafts, but it is more problematic to secure a hammock, salt stones, a drinking bowl and other accessories in it. On the other hand, the cage is more breathable, and it is easier to take the animal out for communication. Required accessories for the cage:

  • drinking bowl;
  • two feeders;
  • flat pebble for grinding claws;
  • salt stone or mineral salt wheels;
  • tree branches;
  • hammock, ladders, shelves, manholes (optional).

Pet stores offer houses for rodents made of different materials: bark, wood, plastic. Although, experts do not recommend buying a house for kevi. The pet may become less tame and sociable; it will spend all its free time in solitude.

The cage is cleaned 1-2 times a week. Usually pigs go to the same place to relieve themselves, so you can teach them to relieve themselves in a special tray and change it daily.

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Guinea pigs feel calm and comfortable only in the company of a fellow partner. This is inherent in them by evolution and is due to the life of caves in the wild. It is easier to keep two or more females in one cage. If you have two boys, they should be given enough territory, food and water to avoid arguments. As a last resort, the animals can be separated by a thin wire partition, through which they will see each other and sniff. Keeping opposite-sex couples should not be practiced in order to avoid uncontrolled reproduction.

Members of the Federal Association of Medical Practitioners (Germany) have proven that 50% of Kevi's behavior comes from social communication with their own kind. In many European countries (Germany, Holland, Austria) it is prohibited to keep social animals alone. This includes the Hawaiian pig.


If there is enough space in the cage and there is an opportunity to “have fun” (hammock, ladders and other attractions), then walking your pet is not necessary. But if the cage is too small or there is nothing in it except for the feeder and water bowl, you can periodically organize walks for the pigs. To avoid such troubles as chewed furniture or damaged carpet, it is better to build a special fenced enclosure. You can let pigs out to run around in the fresh air, but they need to be closely monitored so that they don’t run into some hole or become prey to a larger animal.

Dental care

How you care for your guinea pig's front teeth is very important. They require special attention. Like all rodents, they grow throughout their lives and require constant grinding. Usually the animals themselves grind off the excess on the young branches of fruit trees, but sometimes they need help. The incisors can grow to a length that can pierce the tongue or gums. It also happens that kevi have an incorrect position of their incisors from birth. In this case, you have to contact the veterinarian once every 3-4 months so that he can shorten the overgrown teeth.

Ear care

Eye care

If discharge or crusts appear in the corners of the eyes, they are carefully removed with a cloth soaked in boiled water. Excessive tearing or redness of the eyelids symbolizes eye disease and requires immediate examination by a specialist.

Nail care

Nails need to be trimmed from the age of 1 year. Do this 1 – 2 times a year. For cutting, use a sharp nail clipper to trim the nails of cats or small breeds of dogs. To avoid injuring your pet, first read on the Internet how the procedure is carried out. You can contact your veterinarian for professional help. A damaged blood vessel passing through a claw takes a very long and painful time to heal. The wound can cause infection and blood poisoning.


For short-haired and rosette-haired individuals, it is enough to brush them 1 – 2 times a week. Every time you hold a pig in your hands, a small amount of hair remains from it. This is the norm. Just like the fact that there are small bald patches behind the rodent's ears.

Long-haired breeds are brushed daily. First with a long-tooth comb, then with a soft brush. To make combing easier, you can lightly moisten the fur with water from a spray bottle. Matted wool that cannot be untangled is trimmed with sharp scissors.


Animals are bathed only in cases of extreme necessity: if the fur is dirty in the ground, the animal has had diarrhea, etc. A shallow plastic bowl is suitable for bathing. Water is poured into it to a level of 3–4 cm from the bottom. The water temperature should not be higher than 38C˚. The pig is bathed using baby shampoo for little ones or a special veterinary shampoo for rodents. When swimming, protect your ears, eyes and nose from water. The bathed animal should be wiped dry with a warm towel. Long-haired individuals should be dried with a hairdryer using warm, not hot air. A freshly bathed pet is very sensitive to drafts and cold temperatures.


Feeding a pig is one of the most important factors in the harmonious development and good health of a pet. From the wrong menu, kevi quickly get sick and die. Ideally, a rodent's diet consists of the following types of food:

  1. Hay - 60% - the guinea pig should always have in excess (choose pleasant-smelling and greenish hay, in no case moldy).
  2. It is not recommended to make a balanced grain mixture from a pet store - 20% - on your own, since many grains are prohibited for cavy.
  3. Grass – 20% – this also includes fresh vegetables and fruits.
  4. Salt or mineral salt stone.
  5. Young twigs - fruit trees or spruce, willow, aspen (in unlimited quantities).
  6. Homemade crackers, without flavorings or dyes, are given occasionally in small quantities.

In terms of nutrition, the Hawaiian pig is a very delicate creature, therefore, when offering new food to the animal, it is necessary to constantly monitor whether the product has caused digestive upset. What suits one individual may cause diarrhea or allergies in another.

Important feeding rules:

  • Rodents' drinking bowl should always be filled with fresh water with vitamin C dissolved in it (the required dosage should be checked with a veterinarian in accordance with the weight and number of individuals in the cage).
  • There should always be hay in the cage, even in summer, when there is a lot of fresh greenery.
  • Guinea pigs are fed twice a day, large breeds - three times.
  • The serving size for feeding one pig is 1 – 2 tablespoons of food.
  • Cereal sticks with honey, popular in pet stores, can be given as a treat no more than 2 times a week.
  • Many herbs are deadly for rodents, so you can only give 5 - 10 names that you are sure of.

Some poisonous herbs:

  • Parsnip.
  • Lilac.
  • Bindweed.
  • Iris.
  • Chestnut.
  • Ambrosia.
  • Buttercup.
  • Hawthorn.
  • Lily of the valley.
  • Laurel.
  • Burdock.
  • Spinach.
  • Sorrel.
  • Dandelion flowers and stems (leaves and roots can be given).
  • Scillas.

Herbs allowed for cavy:

  • Anise.
  • Pansies.
  • Plantain.
  • Dandelion leaves and roots.
  • Melissa.
  • Lettuce.
  • Peppermint.
  • Chamomile.
  • Linden.
  • Calendula.
  • Clover (with caution, there may be bloating).
  • Strawberries.
  • Cowberry.
  • Coriander.
  • Yarrow.
  • Caraway.
  • Rose hip.
  • Blueberry.
  • Alfalfa.
  • Wheatgrass.
  • Sedge.


Preparing for pregnancy

Despite the fact that the animals reach sexual maturity early, experts recommend breeding them at the age of at least 10 months. When choosing a pair, give preference to individuals of the same breed and age category. Future parents should not be related. Obese individuals should also be excluded. A week before the expected mating, increase the amount of vitamin E in the animals’ diet.

It is advisable to plan a future pregnancy so that fertilization takes place no later than November, then the female will have time to feed her offspring before the spring molt. Otherwise, the combination of lactation and molting can be disastrous for the female, weakened after pregnancy. For the same reason, it is not recommended to cover females more than three times, and rare breeds that are difficult to care for and breed, twice a year.

Estrus in guinea pigs lasts 2 days and repeats every 12 to 20 days. The most favorable period for fertilization is the first 12 hours. It is not difficult to notice the pig’s readiness to become a mother; she takes a characteristic pose: she raises her back, spreading her legs and standing motionless. Males are almost always ready to mate.

The fertilized guinea pig is placed in a separate cage. If the next heat does not occur, then this indicates pregnancy, which will last about 10 weeks. Multiple pregnancies may result in earlier births.

Toxicosis in guinea pigs

So-called toxicosis can become a big problem during pregnancy. This is a painful condition that is typical for many individuals in the last weeks of pregnancy or the first days after childbirth. Often this condition leads to the death of the animal. Manifestations of toxicosis:

  • Muscle cramps.
  • Loss of appetite or complete refusal to eat.
  • Profuse drooling.
  • Tousled, dull fur.

The causes of toxicosis are poor nutrition, lack of water or vitamins, stress or multiple pregnancy. It is necessary to isolate the pregnant female from all these factors and provide her with special care.

Caring for a pregnant female

  • Calm walks 1 – 2 times a day.
  • Stable temperature and humidity in the room.
  • Keep in a cage with an area of ​​at least 1200 – 1500 cm2.
  • No stress - it is not recommended to handle the pig (it can cause miscarriage), pet it, or clean the cage often or for a long time.
  • A varied diet - in the first half of pregnancy, the feed rate is increased by 1/3, in the second half - by 2 times.
  • In addition to drinking water, they offer rosehip infusion, milk and tomato juice.
  • Mineral and vitamin supplements in food (according to the recommendation and dosage of a veterinarian).
  • Installation of a house in a cage with a nest made of fresh hay.
  • For hygiene purposes, long-haired females need to be trimmed a few days before giving birth.

Childbirth and baby care

Childbirth is usually quick and uneventful, lasting no more than 30 minutes. Newborns are born sighted, hearing and with developed incisors. Weight ranges from 50 to 140 g. A litter contains on average 3 – 5 individuals. The cubs grow quickly, and on the 2nd – 3rd day they begin to eat food familiar to adults. By one month they become full-fledged guinea pigs, which can be separated from their mother.

It may happen that the mother dies during childbirth or after it from toxicosis. Then the best option would be to place the offspring with another female, since it is better for the babies to be among relatives. It is usually possible to feed orphans with diluted dry cream from a pipette. Be sure to provide the little ones with access to eat the droppings of adult pets. If by the 17th – 20th day of life the weight of the cubs has doubled, then we can assume that they are saved and are developing normally.

Unfortunately, non-viable babies born weighing up to 40 grams must be disposed of immediately. It is almost impossible to get out of them and, even if possible, the individuals will be too weak and sickly to live a full life.

It is a contagious, fatal viral disease. There is no cure, so the animal will have to be euthanized. Symptoms: weakness, apathy, convulsions, impaired coordination of movements, paralysis.


This is a common bacterial disease in the mumps family that leads to paralysis of the limbs. A sick animal should be isolated and immediately taken to a veterinarian. Symptoms: diarrhea, refusal to feed, exhaustion.

Lymphocytic choriomeningitis

This is a contagious, incurable disease that can be transmitted to humans. Symptoms: difficulty breathing, convulsions, pleurisy, increased body temperature.

Attention! The normal body temperature of a guinea pig is 37 – 39.5 C˚.


The causative agent is a microbe of the genus Salmonella, which causes intestinal infections. Symptoms: diarrhea, lethargy, apathy, refusal to feed.


This is a dangerous incurable disease, the affected individual should be destroyed. The causative agent is a gram-negative, non-motile ovoid rod. Symptoms: purulent runny nose, sneezing, ulcers on the skin, wheezing, diarrhea, convulsions.

Signs of a sick animal:

  • Apathetic and lethargic behavior.
  • The pet’s desire to retire, to hide in a corner of a cage or house.
  • Dull and disheveled fur.
  • Discharge from the eyes or nose.
  • Soiled or wet fur in the anal area.

There are about a dozen breeds of guinea pigs. Many people are interested, for example, in how long hairless guinea pigs live and whether their life span differs from ordinary ones. On average, the lifespan of this animal is from 5 to 10 years. Agree, a significant difference. And centenarians can live up to 15 years.

Many people are interested in how long rosette guinea pigs live, because this breed is now quite popular. The fur of these animals grows in “rosettes”. Such pigs are difficult to reproduce, require special care, and live somewhat less than average - up to 6-7 years.

Let's find out how long skinny and baldwin guinea pigs live. When these breeds first appeared, they had weak immunity and, accordingly, did not live long. Even today you can find information that hairless pigs live only up to three years. But that's not true. As a result of selection, their health has become stronger, and they can live 8-9 years. Smooth-haired Satin and Dalmatian breeds live 7-8 years.

After all, these are conditional figures, and not only the breed of the animal matters, but also its living conditions, heredity, and health when purchasing. Let's talk about what you need to know to make sure your pig lives as long as possible.

Where can I buy?

First, let's figure out where you can buy guinea pigs. This may also determine how long the animal will live. Firstly, there are nurseries where purebred pigs are bred. Representatives of the nursery participate in rodent exhibitions. When buying a guinea pig from a nursery, you can be sure that the animal will meet all the characteristics of the breed. As in the nursery for cats and dogs, there are pet-class pets and show guinea pigs.

How long these animals live depends not only on health, but also largely on heredity and breed. In the nursery, you can not only look at the living conditions of your future pet and its parents, but also learn about its grandparents, their age and life expectancy.

Secondly, you can buy a pig through an advertisement from an amateur breeder. In this case, you will be able to at least assess the conditions of detention and the health status of the mother of the babies.

Finally, the third way to purchase a guinea pig is to buy the animal at a pet store. In this case, you will not learn anything about the animal’s parents and the conditions in which it was kept at an early age, so you must sensibly assess its condition today.

How to choose?

So, you came to a pet store or a breeder. Do you like pet guinea pigs? How long do these animals live in captivity? First of all, the life expectancy of your pet will greatly depend on the conditions under which it was kept after birth and its health status when purchased. After all, if you buy a sick animal, it will not live long.

If you don’t like dirty cages that clearly haven’t been cleaned for a long time, and the animals look untidy, then don’t rush into purchasing.

A healthy guinea pig is active, runs around the cage, minds its own business. Of course, the animal can rest. If an animal constantly sits with its muzzle buried in a corner, then this is a sign of stress or poor health.

Ask the seller to get the animal you like. It should not break out or squeak in your hands. Carefully examine his face. The eyes should be shiny, without tears or pus. The nose is dry, without discharge. The mouth should close well. The fur is shiny, clean, without bald spots.

Pay special attention to the anus. It must be clean. There should be no sticky dirty fur on the butt and belly. Wet fur on the butt is a sign of diarrhea. This means that the pig is sick and cannot be bought. The belly may be a little dusty due to sawdust.


It is in a cage or terrarium that guinea pigs spend most of their lives. How long these funny animals live in captivity directly depends on the conditions of their detention. The dwelling must have an area of ​​at least 30*40 cm, for a couple - 40*50 cm, and also protected from drafts.

Use medium fraction sawdust or granulated wood fillers as bedding. Do not use newspapers; lead poisoning may occur. Rags and cotton wool are also dangerous. The threads can get wrapped around your pig's fingers and seriously damage them. Keep the litter clean. If you use a harness for walking, make sure it fits correctly.

If the pig is kept in a dirty, small, damp room, it will start to get sick often and will not live long.


Let's talk about what guinea pigs eat, how long they live and what the normal weight of these animals is. After all, a proper diet is the key to the health of any animal. It is very important to follow the menu typical for pigs in nature. Proper nutrition is provided with the help of specialized feed, but feed alone is not enough. The pig needs fresh vegetables and fruits, hay, and twigs.

Feed and hay must be of high quality, without signs of rot, rot, excess dirt, mold, foreign odors, etc. Vegetables need to be washed and cut into pieces. There is no need to remove the skin. Poor nutrition can significantly shorten a pig's lifespan. Study the list of permitted and prohibited products.


Let's talk about what kind of care guinea pigs need. How long do these animals live in captivity and how difficult is it to care for them? Your guinea pig should be bathed periodically using dog shampoo. To maintain hygiene, you can use dry shampoo. In addition, your pig's nails need to be trimmed if necessary. Long-haired animals need brushing.


Various diseases are a factor that can significantly reduce the life expectancy of any pig. Let's consider the signs by which you can determine the onset of the disease, which will allow you to consult a doctor in time:

  1. Changes in behavior - lethargy, desire to hide, poor appetite.
  2. The pig lies in the corner, closes its eyes.
  3. Heavy breathing, shortness of breath, wheezing, cough.
  4. The animal began to drink much more often.
  5. Diarrhea, fur matted on the belly.
  6. Hair loss.
  7. Discharge from the nose, eyes.
  8. Skin ulcers, bald spots.
  9. Chills, trembling.
  10. Dry stool, lack of stool.
  11. Cramps.
  12. The pig itches frequently.

Silent, unpretentious and funny guinea pigs have been bred in captivity for a very long time. In ancient times, South American tribes specially tamed guinea pigs in order to obtain tasty meat and for sacrifices.

And to this day, this type of rodent is considered a delicacy among the inhabitants of Ecuador and Peru. On our continent, no one would even think of serving such charming animals to the table; they are kept exclusively as pets and they try to ensure that the rodent lives as long as possible and pleases the owner’s eye.

In natural wild conditions, the life expectancy of many rodents is not very long. In this regard, guinea pigs can even be called long-livers. Their age is 7-8 years. But the answer to the question of how long guinea pigs live at home is, oddly enough, ambiguous. Some believe that living in captivity shortens their life expectancy, while others argue that, under good conditions, domestic animals can significantly outperform their wild relatives. Be that as it may, according to statistics, guinea pigs live at home for about 6-9 years. But there are cases when rodents crossed the 10-year age limit and lived to be 13-15 years old.

Factors influencing the lifespan of guinea pigs:

1. Hereditary indicators.

2. Living conditions.

4. Food quality.

5. The health of a particular animal.

The history of captive breeding of guinea pigs goes back thousands of years. Today they are the favorite pets of many families - unpretentious, silent, funny. Some people get so used to small rodents that they absolutely cannot come to terms with the sudden loss of a pet from old age. Before buying a pet, you should know how long guinea pigs live in order to subsequently reduce worries to a minimum.

A guinea pig is a representative of a group of rodents that live in nature for about 7-8 years. In captivity, pets live less - their age limit depends on the conditions of detention, nutrition, breed and is 6-7 years. A guinea pig can easily replace a domestic cat or dog, which does not require daily walks, does not cause mischief in the kitchen, and does not leave odorous surprises in your slippers.

Breeds of domestic rodents

At home, guinea pigs are easy to care for. By nature, they are peaceful, calm animals that are easily adaptable and amenable to training. Rodents live in plywood houses, or a cage closed on 3 sides, as they are naturally quite shy. Every day you need to change the tray in the cage, fill the drinking bowl with clean water, add food. Sawdust is changed weekly, animals with long hair are combed with a fine comb.

Proper care, nutrition, lack of stress, and physical activity can extend the life of guinea pigs to 12-15 years. 15 years is the life record for a rodent, recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. Typically, pets live from 6 to 8 years.

There are about 50 breeds known in the world, different in length, structure, coat color, without hair at all (Skinny, Baldwin), in body weight of the animals and other characteristics.

International exhibitions and shows are regularly held with the participation of the best specimens of the oldest species: Abyssinian (rosette), English Self, Peruvian. Some pet breeds are obtained by crossing and remain unrecognized: Skinny, Baldwin, Somalia. The most popular for breeding at home are:

All breeds of pets can be divided into groups:

Rare ones include:

  • Skinny;
  • Baldwin;
  • Ridgeback;
  • Teddy is Swiss and longhaired.

Lifespan of rodents depending on breed

How many years do guinea pigs of different breeds live? Depending on the breed, the lifespan of domestic rodents ranges from 5 to 10 years. The conditions in which pets live and their diet, which can sometimes be very varied and whimsical, are of decisive importance.

The Skinny and Baldwin breeds are hairless guinea pigs that were obtained through long-term crossbreeding. At first, their life did not last long due to weak immunity. But Skinnies turned out to be a stable, strong breed, which is now one of the rare and therefore most expensive.

Rodents have a relatively long life expectancy - 5-8 years.

Skinny and Baldwin have special requirements for room temperature +22...+24C.

Rosette (Abyssinian) guinea pigs live up to 6 years. These are unusual animals with pronounced areas of fur that grow "sockets". The more rosettes a rodent has, the more valuable the specimen. Rosette rodents are a difficult breed to breed with special care requirements. Satin smooth-haired guinea pigs, the Dalmatian breed, live 7.5 years in captivity.

Regardless of the breed, guinea pigs require exercise, social interaction, and a significant other to live with throughout their lives. In the diet, it is important to consider how much green mass and dry food your pet needs.

At home, animals should be protected from drafts and stress, not frightened, and not left without food or attention.

Diseases and their impact on life span

Diseases in guinea pigs can significantly shorten their lifespan. The main diseases of domestic rodents include:

Some diseases are deadly for the furry animal, as well as for its owners. If there are alarming symptoms, you should definitely show your pet to a veterinarian, and if the animal dies, an autopsy should be performed to identify the true cause of the disease and the degree of danger to people.

Some viruses that cause death in pigs can cause serious health problems in humans.

Rodent teeth require special care. Naturally inactive teeth grow rapidly, so they sometimes need to be filed down. Teeth that are too long can cause your pet to starve to death. You should periodically have your teeth examined by a veterinarian. The doctor will determine how much trimming needs to be done and perform the procedure painlessly for the animal.

There is a stereotype that the lifespan of an animal depends on its size: the smaller the animal, the shorter its carefree life. However, guinea pigs can live more than 10 years.

Where does a guinea pig live longer - in the wild or in a cage?

This is an encyclopedic question to which there is no clear answer for 3 reasons:

  • lifespan depends not only on living conditions: heredity and accidents influence in the same way as living conditions and the presence of enemies in the wild;
  • a caring owner can extend the lifespan due to good care;
  • In the wild, natural selection of guinea pigs occurs: individuals remain that are less sick, run away faster and adapt better.

Parents who buy animals for children are interested in how long guinea pigs live at home, because the pain of losing a beloved pet is extremely stressful for a child. Life expectancy depends on the breed and care.

How long do guinea pigs of different breeds live?

Animals of different breeds live different numbers of years. Breeds formed in the wild underwent natural selection: only the strongest individuals survived. Therefore, such rodents live up to 10-12 years.

We suggest comparing the life expectancy of different breeds of guinea pigs using the table:

How to extend the life of a guinea pig

It is generally accepted that those varieties of guinea pigs that have been bred through selective breeding live less. The reason is that breeders were not interested in the health of their pets, but in the length, texture of the coat, its color - aesthetic characteristics. But numerous owners are willing to argue, because life expectancy depends not only on heredity:

  • Conditions of detention: hairless animals can live for ten years due to careful care: if the owner monitors the air temperature, then there is a lower risk of getting sick from hypothermia or heatstroke. The litter is regularly changed and the cage is washed out - the likelihood of infectious and viral diseases is reduced.
  • Nutrition: A balanced diet is important so that the pig does not lose weight or gain weight. You also need to take into account the characteristics of the breed and the time of year. Hairless guinea pigs need food to maintain their body temperature, so grains are important. The beauty of a long and curled coat depends on vitamins - emphasis on vegetables. In winter, the animals need more energy, so they are fed more densely. In summer, the density of the diet is reduced by 10-15%: food takes longer to digest due to the fact that the pets are warm.

  • Diseases: The danger is not in the diseases themselves - it is important to notice the first symptoms in a timely manner. Therefore, close contact with the guinea pig, games and stroking help to determine in time that the animal is unwell.

There is a lot of information on the Internet that the life record for a guinea pig is 15 years. But nothing is said at all about how this was achieved. And the whole secret is that she was scrupulously looked after. Want your guinea pig to live longer? - Bookmark this site so that useful articles are always at hand.

The guinea pig, or cavy, can be seen in many homes. This pet takes up little space, is quite easy to care for and is not picky about its diet. How long guinea pigs live in captivity depends on how properly to care for them and what to feed them, what living conditions are created and how to maintain health.

What does life expectancy depend on?

A domesticated rodent with a funny appearance in the wild can live no more than 8 years. Most often, the life expectancy of guinea pigs, which is affected by the presence of life-threatening enemies in the natural environment, malnutrition and infectious diseases carried by wild rodents, does not exceed 5 years.

In captivity at home, guinea pigs live much longer with proper care and adequate nutrition - on average up to 15 years.

Cases have been recorded where a domestic rodent lives 20-25 years.

Among the main factors that influence how many years guinea pigs live are:

  • breed line,
  • genetic diseases,
  • adherence to diet,
  • complete care, supporting the immune system with vitamin complexes,
  • timely contact a veterinarian for qualified help in case of emerging health problems,
  • adherence to the vaccination schedule,
  • rational breeding use.

It would be advisable to choose a pet from competent professional breeders who will give you the opportunity to get acquainted with the family tree of previous generations. This will allow you to find out about the predisposition of the breed line to genetically transmitted diseases, which sellers in a regular pet store will not be able to tell you.

Breed influence

Modern breeders have bred more than 80 varieties of cavia, each of which, in the process of breeding, undergoes the procedure of crossing with its relatives. This process does not always have a positive effect on the quality of health of rodents and often perpetuates unnecessary genetic diseases that affect how long a guinea pig lives.


The bred rodent, deprived of fur during the process of crossing, is included in the main risk group and lives the least and in terms of life expectancy pleases its owners. Together with the external characteristics fixed in the selection process within one species, these hairless rodents have received weakened immunity and do not live long.

In rare cases, the first hairless kavias reached an average of 4 years of life.

The maximum number of years that a hairless cavy lives does not exceed 6 years, and this is subject to all the basic rules for keeping and caring for the rodent.

Woolly kavias

Those breeds whose skin is covered with protective hair live much longer than their hairless relatives. So:

  • Abyssinians and Curlies, fastidious in their care and prone to various diseases, can live up to 7 years,
  • smooth-haired representatives of the Dalmatian and Satin lines will delight owners for about eight years,
  • agoutis, Peruvians, rexes, alpacas, with excellent health, along with teddies and selfies, live the longest and in many cases are ready to celebrate 10-year anniversaries.

Impact of diseases

How long a cavy can live in your home, even if it is a long-livers by breed, largely depends on the diseases carried by the rodent. The most dangerous diseases that threaten the life and health of a small pet:

Most of the above diseases are provoked by improper maintenance and improper care of the rodent and appear in many cases due to neglect of the animal’s condition and a violation of the diet.

Seemingly common health disorders in rodents can shorten the lifespan of a guinea pig, depending on subsequent complications and the severity of the disease, from one to three years.

Among the common causes of death of rodents are injuries they receive due to jumping, falling, or due to careless handling of household members. Even if the animal can be saved, the anesthesia it endured during surgical interventions shortens the actual life span of the cavy.

Impact of content quality


For home living, Kavia will need a fairly spacious cage, which is placed away from heating radiators and heating devices, where there is no access to direct sunlight. Even if the animal’s cage is quite large, it requires daily walking, since active movement has a beneficial effect on the balanced functioning of all organs of the animal.

In warm summer months, fresh air is beneficial for kavias. Caring owners walk their charges on special harnesses.


An important factor when keeping a rodent to increase its life expectancy is the ambient temperature and the absence of drafts. A too cool room and wind blowing through the apartment walls can cause colds and deterioration in the health of your rodent.

It is especially important to maintain the necessary warmth for breeds that lack fur. The room where the cage with the rodent is located must be at least 22’-25’.


Excessive dry air adversely affects the quality of the skin of hairless kaviyas, causing flaking and cracking, and affects the condition of the coat of other breeds, making it dull and leading to unseasonal shedding.

Excessive humidity also adversely affects the health of your pet, as it leads to the development of fungal skin diseases.


Compliance with the vaccination schedule for breeds with weak immunity is one of the preventive measures on which the health of the rodent and, accordingly, its life expectancy largely depend. However, some breeds are able to resist various diseases, and owners are in no hurry to vaccinate, providing their pets with sufficient proper care.

For healthy breeds, it will be enough to treat them against fleas and ticks and carry out prophylaxis against intestinal infections.


Taking warm baths and frequent water treatments is a real stress for a guinea pig. Therefore, if you want your pet to live as long as possible, try to wash your rodent as rarely as possible, it is better not to do this at all. In addition, after a forced bath, the guinea pig's fur needs to be thoroughly dried, and this is quite difficult to do, but it is necessary, since the risk of a cold will remain.

Influence of nutrition

How long a guinea pig will live in your home also depends on what you feed it. A balanced menu, which should include complete nutritional components, helps you live a long time without illnesses or health problems.

When planning a nutritious diet for your rodent, it is worth remembering that guinea pigs are herbivorous rodents.

What to exclude

You can extend the healthy life of your rodent by excluding from its menu:

  • all dairy products,
  • all meat and fish products, as well as poultry,
  • sweet and fatty, salty and spicy.

Nowadays most people have Pets, from dogs and cats to snakes and spiders. And now you are faced with the question: what kind of pet should you get?

For a dog, the apartment may be too small (and toy breeds are quite expensive), there may be an allergy to cat fur, but you want to have a little furry friend nearby, whose care will not take much time and will be interesting to play with and watch with the animal. him (for example, you can’t play with fish).

In this case, it would be ideal as a pet. decorative guinea pig. After all, caring for them is quite simple, and they don’t require much space; a spacious cage is enough. It won’t cost much to feed a guinea pig either, because all its food is plant-based.

This little pet will get along well with other household inhabitants, if there are any. Therefore, you need to monitor them more carefully, because, for example, a cat can seriously harm the health of a new pet.


On average, a decorative guinea pig can live 8-10 years. But, of course, it all depends on you. It depends on how you care for her and what to feed her. There have even been recorded cases of pets living up to 15 years.

These animals are quite active, so at least once a day they should be let out for a walk around the house (under your strict guidance, of course).

It should be remembered that wild guinea pigs in their habitat quickly run away and bury themselves somewhere when they notice danger. These instincts are also present in domestic pigs, so due to excessive noise or something else, you will have to look for them for quite a long time. Don't lose your pets and they will live happily ever after.

First of all, they need to provide place to live. The most comfortable option for them would be a spacious cage with good ventilation measuring approximately 30*40 cm.

At the bottom of this cage you need to pour sawdust (about 2-3 cm), which is sold in any pet store. They need to be changed approximately 2-3 times a week. You should not use newspapers as sawdust. These animals do not tolerate heat and sub-zero temperatures well, so the room should always be warm enough, but in no case stuffy or hot.

It is important to have house for guinea pig. Any design you come up with or a purchased “shelter” will do. It is very important for pigs to have a place where they can hide if necessary. The absence of such a place can lead to severe fear and stress, which affects their life expectancy.

You need to install a special one in the cage drinking bowl for rodents with a ball, also sold at any pet store. It should be changed once a day, but the volume of such drinking bowls means that you have the opportunity to go somewhere for several days.

1-2 times a year, pigs need to trim their claws with special scissors or forceps, but do this extremely carefully, because if done incorrectly, a bleeding wound may appear. This must be done because, unlike wild breeds, domestic guinea pigs have nowhere to sharpen their claws. For prevention, you can install a scratching post.

Video: conditions for detention

To make the life of your little pets more interesting and varied, you can buy them various tunnels and labyrinths, but you should not use too difficult or high ones, since these animals have short legs.

Another tip for keeping such pets is keeping them in pairs. You can do without this, but then you should remember that the owner will have to give his animal enough a lot of attention, because guinea pigs need communication. With its deficiency, pigs begin to worry, which leads to a decrease in life expectancy.

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You should not take your guinea pig onto the sofa unless it is supervised at all times because it may fall and cause injury.


The lifespan of your pet largely depends on nutrition. It is very easy to choose a diet for a guinea pig, because they are herbivores. They eat various fruits, grass, hay(helps to grind teeth and promotes good digestion), special food, etc. But at the same time, certain proportions must be observed:

  • 60% of the diet should be special food for guinea pigs, because it already contains all those components that contain useful substances necessary for the life of pets.
  • 20% hay, grass, crackers (not to be confused with store-bought crackers that are sold for people. It is best to dry them yourself, or again, a pet store will come to the rescue).
  • 20% vegetables and fruits.

Of course, there are also things that guinea pigs should not eat:

  • any products of animal origin except milk and cottage cheese.
  • red cabbage (even though guinea pigs are big fans of cabbage in general).
  • sweets.
  • various fruits and berries that did not have time to ripen or, on the contrary, were overripe.
  • spoiled and damp food (check it carefully before giving it to your pet).

Pigs need to be fed 2-3 times a day(depends on individual characteristics). Serving is approximately 2-3 tablespoons. Guinea pigs need vitamin C, which they can only get from their food. Vitamin C should be given to pigs at the rate of 1 mg per 1 ml of water. This solution needs to be changed every day.

If you keep all these rules in mind and follow them, your guinea pig could become the new longest-living record holder!


Here, too, there are no special difficulties, because these pets very rarely suffer from viral diseases, they do not need vaccinations. However, they can catch various intestinal infections.

To protect them from this, you need to let them out for walks only on a clean surface, and carefully monitor the health of animals (if any) that come into contact with them. For complete peace of mind, you can take your guinea pig to the veterinarian once every 3-4 months.

Pet guinea pigs are ideal pets for those who don’t have time to devote much attention to dogs and cats, but still want a little furry friend.

This option is also suitable for fairly busy people, because caring for pigs is very simple, which even a child can handle. Of course, you want your pet to live a long and happy life, but in many ways this depends on you! Simple rules that you will follow as you care for pigs promise your pets longevity.

Interesting fact: Many people wonder: why is a guinea pig called that? After all, it has nothing in common with either one or the other. This animal comes from America (from overseas), which means it is a sea animal. It was nicknamed the pig because sometimes it makes characteristic grunting sounds, just like a real pig.

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