Smecta application and dose. Smecta for children: instructions for use, how to dilute and give to a child, analogues

Smecta belongs to the clinical-pharmacological group of antidiarrheal drugs with adsorbent therapeutic effect. It is used for the development of diarrhea of ​​various origins.

Composition and release form

Smecta is a natural enterosorbent that promotes the rapid removal of toxins from the body; it also “works” against viruses, pathogenic microorganisms and harmful substances.

pharmachologic effect

Diosmectite is the abbreviated name for dioctahedral smectite (INN - international generic name). It is an aluminosilicate (a kind of porous clay), which is mined in smectite deposits. Acts as an enterosorbent.

It has the following properties:

  • has a stabilizing effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive system;
  • forms a chemical bond with protein compounds of the wall layer of mucus;
  • affects the amount of mucus produced and improves its immunological properties;
  • absorbs harmful bacteria and viruses that fill the lumen of the digestive tract.

IN therapeutic doses does not affect intestinal motility. Diosmectite is radiolucent and does not stain stool. Aluminum in smectite is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, including in gastrointestinal diseases accompanied by symptoms and colonopathy.

Feature of the drug– this is the possibility of using the medicine even among newborns. The components of the powder are well tolerated by both adult patients and children. The suspension has a pleasant aroma and taste.

The active ingredient of Smecta has a slight swelling effect; when taken in recommended doses, it does not change physiological time the passage of consumed food through the intestines, is not metabolized, is excreted unchanged and does not stain feces. The drug is radiolucent.

What does Smecta help with: main indications

Smecta stimulates the intestines to produce natural mucus. He will protect himself from harmful effects pathogenic organisms. This is a great advantage over other drugs in this series. In the complex treatment of diseases of the digestive system, it is prescribed only because of this ability to stimulate the intestines.

Smecta helps with the following conditions:

  • Diarrhea due to poor diet;
  • Diarrhea when taking medications, such as antibiotics;
  • Food poisoning, for example, when eating unusual foods;
  • Pain in the stomach, intestines;
  • Heartburn;
  • , intestines;
  • Bloating;
  • IN complex therapy for infectious diseases;
Vomit The drug is taken if vomiting is caused by poisoning and not by other diseases. Before drinking the medicine, you need to rinse your stomach, then the powder will act directly on the mucous membrane, this will lead to the desired result faster positive result– recovery. If the vomiting stops, you should stop taking the medication.
Diarrhea To get rid of the symptoms of diarrhea, you need to take 3 sachets of the product per day (9 grams). Before use, dilute the powder in 125 ml boiled water. IN ready mixture there should be no lumps left. When treating acute diarrhea, doctors recommend increasing the dose to 6 sachets of medicine (18 grams). An overdose can lead to more than just constipation. A person may experience an allergic reaction.
Poisoning Smecta in case of poisoning is effective drug, since it is capable of sorbing numerous toxic substances, causing clinical manifestations poisoning. As a result of sorption in the intestines, toxins cease to be absorbed into the bloodstream, and the symptoms of intoxication decrease. In case of poisoning with any substances, Smecta should be taken according to the rules for the treatment of diarrhea.

Instructions for use: methods of administration and dosage

How to take Smecta: before or after meals? For symptomatic treatment, it should be taken immediately after meals. In all other cases, the drug should be taken either one hour before or 2 hours after meals.

Newborn infants take Smecta with food or drink, or between feedings, if possible.

How to breed and take smecta for adults

The duration of treatment and dosage of Smecta does not depend at all on the weight or age of the patient. It is only important to take into account the intensity of intoxication, the severity of intestinal infection, and poisoning.

The dosage of Smecta varies:

  • 1-2 sachets per 1 dose;
  • 1-6 sachets per day;
  • from a single dose to 7 days of regular use.

At acute diarrhea daily dose Smecta for adults is 6 sachets.

Note: the drug has powerful adsorbing properties; it should absolutely not be taken simultaneously with any other medications, so as not to reduce the absorption of medicinal substances.

The method of preparing the medicine is as follows:

  1. Open the bag of powder after shaking the contents.
  2. The powder is poured into a glass of boiled warm water. It is necessary to dilute smecta in warm water. Too hot liquid reduces activity active substance, the powder may not dissolve in cold conditions.
  3. The solution is thoroughly mixed and left for several minutes until completely dissolved.
  4. For diarrhea and vomiting, adults are advised to drink a warm suspension at a time 3-4 times a day.

Instructions for taking Smecta for children

Doctors prescribe Smecta not only to adults, but also to children from infancy. For babies, the contents of one 50 ml packet are diluted. warm water. If the child cannot drink this amount of suspension at a time, then it can be given in several doses, while monitoring the baby’s condition.

The medicine must be diluted immediately before use; the diluted mixture cannot be stored long time, maximum 16 hours in the refrigerator in a closed container.

Smecta in the form of a ready-made suspension is well accepted by infants and children 1-2 years old, since the small dosage of the drug is easy to swallow and has a pleasant taste.

For acute diarrhea, the dosage of Smecta will be as follows:

  • newborn children and up one year old– 2 sachets of the drug per day for three days, then 1 sachet per day until full recovery/ normalization of stool;
  • children over one year old - 4 sachets per day during the first three days of illness, then 2 sachets per day until full recovery of health.

For other indications, see table below:

Most often, Smecta is prescribed with honey with meals. For babies who are on artificial feeding give Smecta in the form of a ready-made suspension or dilute the powder in 50 ml. warm boiled water or baby formula.


Taking Smecta powder suspension is contraindicated in several situations, which include:

  • Individual intolerance to any of the components (active or excipients) of the drug.
  • Impaired digestion and absorption of carbohydrates in the intestines (lactase deficiency, lactose intolerance, glucose-galactose).
  • Fructose intolerance.
  • Intestinal obstruction of any location.

Before starting to use the drug, it is important to ensure that there are no contraindications.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

approved for use in pregnant and lactating women. No dosage or regimen adjustment is required.

Side effects for the body

Smecta is given to children and adults in accordance with the instructions for use. It is well tolerated, but sometimes there may be side effects:

  • constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting;
  • allergic reactions: skin rash, itching, anaphylactic reactions, Quincke's edema, angioedema;
  • dizziness, headaches;
  • bloating;
  • frequent bowel movements;
  • digestive difficulties;
  • darkening of tooth enamel;
  • abdominal pain, feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

According to the instructions, side effects go away quickly and do not require drug discontinuation or symptomatic therapy.

special instructions

If the mucous membrane of the esophagus is inflamed, smecta should not be taken on an empty stomach - it must be taken after a meal. In all other cases, the medicine is taken between meals, that is, at least 1-2 hours before meals or 1 hour after meals. Of course, you can eat after smecta, but not right away.

Diarrhea (especially in children) increases the risk of electrolyte imbalance and dehydration. To avoid this, the child is usually prescribed Regidron and Smecta together. Instead of Regidron you can use:

  • Citraglucosolan,
  • Disol,
  • Trisol,
  • Reosolan,
  • Hydrovit.

Oral rehydration salt solution helps replenish electrolytes lost during vomiting and diarrhea, the glucose it contains improves salt absorption, and citrates help correct the balance in metabolic acidosis.

For adults, rehydration agents are prescribed if necessary.


Interaction with other drugs

The drug may reduce the rate and extent of absorption of concomitantly taken medications. It is not recommended to take Smecta at the same time as other medicines.

Best before date

  1. The shelf life of the powder for preparing the Smecta suspension is 3 years.
  2. It must be stored in its original undamaged original packaging, in a dry, dark place, out of reach of children, at an air temperature not exceeding +25° C.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Dispensed from the pharmacy without a prescription.


Synonyms of Smecta are the following medications:

  • Diosmectite powder for the preparation of suspension for oral administration;
  • Neosmectin suspension and powder for the preparation of solution for oral administration.

Analogues of Smecta are:

  • Neosmectin,
  • Diosmectite,
  • Enterosorbent SUMS-1,
  • Activated carbon,
  • Enterumin,
  • Microcel,
  • Enterosgel,
  • Enterosorb,
  • Lactofiltrum,
  • Entegnin,
  • Lignosorb,
  • Enterodesus,
  • Polyphepan,
  • Filtrum-STI.

Prices in pharmacies

On average, the price for Smecta with vanilla flavor varies from 127 to 155 rubles, and with orange flavor - from 139 to 156 rubles (for a package containing 10 sachets).

In case of poisoning and various kinds intestinal disorders specialists prescribe medications that neutralize the effects of toxic substances.

In contact with

One of the most effective, and therefore popular, drugs is Smecta. All indications for use relate to the gastrointestinal area; it effectively eliminates the symptoms of bloating and diarrhea.

Release form

Smecta represents powder for preparing suspension, which is consumed orally, that is, inside .

It is sold in sachets (sachets) and has White color with a slight grayish or yellowish tint.

It has a pleasant vanilla or orange aroma, which makes treatment easier even for small children, as they enjoy drinking sweet fragrant water.

One sachet contains 3.7 g. powder, they are packaged in cardboard packs of 10 or 30 pieces. If necessary, it is not necessary to buy a whole package; sachets are sold individually.


Main active ingredient- diosmectite. Its dosage in one sachet is 3 grams. Diosmectite is made from a special shell rock mined in Sardinia, so we can confidently say that the drug is of plant origin.

As additional ingredients the product contains:

  • vanilla or orange additive;
  • dextrose monohydrate;
  • sodium saccharinate.

Attention! Before taking the product, you should consult your doctor to ensure there are no contraindications.

Properties and mechanism of action

Due to its natural origin, the medication works gently, so it can be taken not only by adults, but even by infants.

Smecta instructions for use

Getting inside, the suspension acts as follows:

  • Envelops the gastrointestinal mucosa, due to its consistency, forms a thin protective film that protects the mucous membrane from damage and reduces the intensity of symptoms;
  • increases the production of mucus by the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to an improvement in the condition internal organs and protecting them from damaging factors;
  • suppresses toxic substances, removes them from the body


Once in the body, the product binds poisons, naturally removes them from the body. Thanks to pharmacological properties The drug adsorbs pathogenic bacteria located in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract.

The uniqueness of the product is that the active component is not absorbed into the walls of organs, but is displayed completely through feces at the same time with toxic substances. Moderate doses do not upset gastrointestinal motility, and how many times a day you can take the medicine depends on the etiology of the disease.

In what cases is it prescribed

Smecta indications for use

Indications for use of the drug are identical for adults and children. These include:

  • food poisoning;
  • diarrhea caused by an allergic reaction;
  • chronic diarrhea;
  • diarrhea caused by taking antibiotics;
  • cholecystitis;
  • ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • colitis of various origins;
  • intestinal flu;
  • salmonella;
  • cholera;
  • heartburn;
  • bloating.

Since the drug has not only adsorbent, but also medicinal properties, among the indications for use there are infectious diseases. With diarrhea, the body loses such vital important elements like magnesium, potassium and sodium, Smecta helps fill their shortage. Before preparing Smecta, you should carefully study all available information.


The drug has a relatively safe composition, but like any drug, it has its own limitations for use. First of all, this includes individual intolerance components. It can provoke various allergic manifestations, such as itchy skin, swelling skin or hives.

intestinal obstruction may occur

In addition, the drug is contraindicated in:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • indigestibility of fructose;
  • deficiency of sucrose-isomalt combination;
  • poor absorption of glucose, galactose;
  • osmotic diarrhea.

With great precautions, the drug is prescribed to patients suffering from chronic constipation. Given the existing restrictions, before taking Smecta, adults and children should consult a specialist.

Side effects and overdose

Negative manifestations after taking the drug are extremely rare. The study found that in some cases it can provoke the following adverse reactions:

  • constipation;
  • bloating;
  • vomiting;
  • allergic reaction.

The appearance of these signs is influenced various factors. These include how often the medication was taken, whether it was taken before or after meals, health status, and of course, individual characteristics body.

No specific signs indicating an overdose were identified. IN in rare casesmay appear severe constipation or formation foreign body in the stomach - bezoar.

How to prepare Smecta

Powder needed dilute in half a glass of warm water.

It is better to add it little by little, stirring constantly so that the solution is homogeneous. For adults, the dosage varies from 1 to 2 sachets per dose.

The daily norm can be up to 6 sachets, and the course of treatment ranges from one dose to a week of systematic use. How many times a day you can take depends on the type and severity of the disease.

Attention! The suspension is prepared immediately before use; it should not be stored.

How to use correctly

Instructions for using Smecta for different diagnoses may vary. Gastrointestinal disorders are accompanied by many symptoms. The effect of the medication is aimed at eliminating symptoms, so the methods of administration different cases are different.

For diarrhea

Smecta has a very good effect for diarrhea in adults and children. She brings back to normal even the most loose stool, regardless of the etiology of its appearance.

Medicine Suitable for getting rid of any type of diarrhea, so you can take it as an ambulance without a doctor’s prescription. The maximum daily dose for an adult is 6 sachets. This norm must be adhered to for 3 days, then for 3-4 days daily norm reduced to 3 sachets.

In case of poisoning

Smecta is universal remedy in case of intoxication, so they often take it with them when traveling around exotic countries. Use of Smecta for poisoning food products has the following scheme:

  1. In 100 ml. warm water, mix the powder thoroughly; 2-3 sachets;
  2. Drink after eating.

Highest daily amount medication for food poisoning- 9 sachets. Treatment should last at least 5 days, sometimes you need to take the medicine for a week until the signs of intoxication disappear - vomiting, diarrhea, heartburn.

Smecta for poisoning alcoholic drinks binds alcohol breakdown products and removes them from the body. Can be used for both treatment hangover syndrome, and for the purpose of preventing alcohol poisoning.

To reduce the state of intoxication, you need to dilute 3 sachets in half a glass of water and drink 15 minutes before drinking alcohol.

To prevent hangover syndrome, Smecta is drunk in the same proportion after drinking alcohol.

It often happens that after using the drug, vomiting occurs, in which case the medicine must be taken again. If intoxication of the body occurs as a result of consuming surrogate alcohol, first you need to empty your stomach and then drink 3 sachets.

For abdominal pain

Normal activity of the gastrointestinal tract can be disrupted under the influence of various diseases or reception antibacterial agents. In such cases, specialists prescribe drugs that bind and remove toxins from the body, as well as eliminate heartburn and pain.

Smecta for abdominal pain is prescribed in the amount of 3 sachets per day. Another therapeutic regimen involves taking the same amount throughout the week.

In case of gas formation

The accumulation of gas in the abdomen can cause not only discomfort, but also pain. Smecta for gas formation is prescribed one sachet 3-4 times a day.

Regular duration of treatment - 3 days, If symptoms do not go away during this time, the course is extended to a week.

There are many diseases that cause discomfort in the stomach. Only the attending physician can tell you how to take the medicine, how many times a day.

If not special instructions, then it should be taken three times a day, one sachet, until the symptoms disappear.

Additional information and interaction

How best to takeSmecta: before or after meals, determined by the presence of the disease and symptoms.

Important! Thanks to safe composition, the drug is allowed to be taken pregnant and lactating women.

Interaction with other medications

Smecta has a strong adsorbing property, therefore it reduces the rate of absorption of other drugs. To avoid this, between doses you need to maintain an interval at least 2 hours.

Video: Smecta instructions for use in bags for adults

The drug Smecta is a kind of “emergency” for poisoning and intestinal diseases, because, having unique composition, does not require strict doctor's instructions. However, we should not forget that having such characteristics, it is still a medicine, so you must adhere to all the prescriptions set out in the instructions for use.

Smecta is safe drug for adults and children, which helps cope with stomach disorders and diseases. This medicine creates a special barrier that prevents the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms (toxins) through the mucous membrane into the intestines. Smecta is a kind of adsorbent.

Smecta for children: indications for use

This medicine is ideal in cases where a child has diarrhea (diarrhea), especially if the cause is an allergy or the use of a medication or a diet disorder.

Smecta is often prescribed for rotavirus and intestinal infections in children. This remedy will help your child get rid of abdominal discomfort and heartburn, and will also help quickly recover from food poisoning. Smecta should be given to children in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases - gastritis, gastroduodenitis, esophagitis, intestinal colic, peptic ulcers 12pk and stomach.

Smecta for children under 1 year

One sachet of the substance must be diluted in half a mug of boiled water and given to the child in several doses throughout the day. The interval for taking the medication should exceed 4 hours. If a child refuses to drink a pure solution of the medicine, you can mix it with any other liquid (tea, juice) or add it to a semi-liquid product (porridge, puree).

Smecta for children from 1 to 2 years old

Children of this age can be given 1 to 2 smecta sachets per day. Each sachet is diluted in half a glass of water. The solution must be prepared immediately before use.

Smecta for children over 2 years old

Smecta for children: how long to take the medicine?

The optimal time for use by children of any age is from 3 to 7 days.

Interaction of smecta with other drugs

If the child is taking other medications, it must be remembered that smecta has adsorbing properties that may prevent other medications from being absorbed.
Experts recommend maintaining a time interval of 1 or 2 hours between taking this drug and another medicine.

Side effects

This medicine is the most optimal remedy for children, because side effects such as constipation can occur in extremely rare cases. If constipation still occurs, it is recommended to simply reduce the dosage slightly.
It is not recommended to give smecta to children who are hypersensitive to the components of the drug or have intestinal obstruction.

In any case, consult your pediatrician before using the drug.

Dear readers! Read the instructions carefully and take medications for the treatment of newborns with caution. Best treatment is prevention. Health to you and your kids.



The powder is grayish-white to grayish-yellow in color with a vanilla odor.

Dioctahedral smectite - 3 g.
Glucose - 0.749 g.
Sodium saccharin - 0.007 g.
Vanillin-0.004 g.

pharmachologic effect

A drug natural origin, has an adsorbing effect. Stabilizes the mucous barrier, forms polyvalent bonds with mucus glycoproteins, increases the amount of mucus, improves its gastroprotective properties (in relation to the negative effect of hydrogen ions of hydrochloric acid, bile salts, microorganisms and their toxins). It has selective sorption properties, which are explained by its discoid-crystalline structure; adsorbs bacteria and viruses located in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract. In therapeutic doses it does not affect intestinal motility.

Not absorbed, excreted unchanged.

Indications for use

- Spicy and chronic diarrhea(allergic, drug origin; violation of diet and quality food composition), diarrhea of ​​infectious origin - as part of complex therapy.
- Symptomatic treatment heartburn, bloating and abdominal discomfort due to gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, colitis.

Mode of application

A course of treatment of 3-7 days is recommended.

orally 3 g (1 sachet) 3 times a day. The contents of 1 sachet are dissolved in 1/2 glass of water, gradually adding the powder and stirring it evenly.

- up to 1 year - 1 sachet (3 g/day);
- 1-2 years - 1-2 sachets (3-6 g/day);
- over 2 years old - 2-3 sachets (6-9 g/day).

The contents of the sachet are dissolved in a baby bottle (50 ml) and distributed into several doses throughout the day or mixed with any semi-liquid product (porridge, puree, compote, baby food).

Side effects

In rare cases, constipation is noted. In this case, treatment can be continued
reducing the dosage.
Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


Hypersensitivity, intestinal obstruction.


The drug can be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Drug interactions

Reduces the rate and degree of absorption of simultaneously taken medications.


No cases of drug overdose have been reported.

Release form

Powder for the preparation of suspension for oral administration (sachets), 3 g. 10 or 30 sachets along with instructions for use in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions

Store at a temperature not exceeding 25°C out of the reach of children.
Shelf life - 4 years. Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.
Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies - without a prescription.

Active substance:

Dioctahedral smectite


The interval between taking smecta and other medications should be 1-2 hours.
If the painful condition is accompanied by vomiting or elevated temperature body, and if the condition does not improve within 7 days, you should consult a doctor.



  • Official instructions for the drug Smecta.
  • Modern medicines: complete practical guide. Moscow, 2000. S. A. Kryzhanovsky, M. B. Vititnova.
Description of the drug " Smecta"on this page is a simplified and expanded version official instructions by application. Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the instructions approved by the manufacturer.
Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

Smecta – medication, which is of natural origin and is distinguished by antidiarrheal and adsorbing characteristics. Thanks to the use of this substance, it is possible to cope with the symptoms of pathologies digestive system. To achieve good effect, the instructions for use of Smecta must be strictly followed.

1 sachet contains 3g active component– dioctahedral smectite. The substance also contains additional ingredients - dextrose monohydrate, aromatic additives, sodium saccharinate.

The drug is produced in the form of a powder from which a suspension is made. It may taste like vanilla or orange. The product is packaged in cardboard packaging. Each of them contains 10 or 30 packages.

Mechanism of action of the drug

The instructions for use of Smecta say that the drug has strong sorption properties and has an effect inside the intestine. Many people are interested in how Smecta works. After internal use the drug does not enter the blood, but travels its way through digestive tract. Because the probability side effects minimal.

Before taking Smecta, you need to study the properties of this drug. Thanks to the use of the substance, it is possible to achieve the following results:

  1. Adsorb bacterial microorganisms, viruses and other harmful agents that cause damage to the intestinal mucosa.
  2. Change the rheological properties of the mucous membrane, increasing its viscosity. In addition, the product inhibits mucolysis. This effect implies a decrease in mucus viscosity.
  3. Stop the progression of inflammation.
  4. Normalize intestinal motility.
  5. Remove salts bile acids from the intestines.
  6. Reduce the number of Helicobacter pylori bacteria, which often lead to pathologies of the digestive system.
  7. Increase the resistance of mucous membranes to the action of pepsin and hydrochloric acid.

The instructions indicate what Smecta helps with. Typically this substance is used for diarrhea. If we answer the question in more detail whether Smecta will help a person with diarrhea, it is worth saying that the substance reduces the number and volume of bowel movements, produces a cytoprotective effect on intestinal cells, and reduces the severity pain and dyspeptic phenomena.


Many people are interested in what Smecta helps with. The main indications for taking the drug are signs of pathologies of the stomach and intestines. Today the product is often used as part of complex treatment intestinal dysbiosis.

After entering the body, the ingredients of the substance are actively absorbed pathogenic bacteria. However, they do not affect beneficial microorganisms. Thanks to the use of Smecta for diarrhea, it is possible to minimize the volume coli and Escherichia.

In addition, Smecta helps to cope with the following conditions:

  • Dyspeptic symptoms of enzymatic nature;
  • food allergies;
  • rotavirus;
  • heartburn with ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum;
  • food poisoning;
  • pain with colitis;
  • toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • flatulence.

Smecta is also used for diarrhea, which is caused by poor diet or the use of low-quality products. The drug can be taken for diarrhea of ​​drug and allergic etiology.

The use of a substance is usually an element of complex therapy. So, in case of food poisoning, which is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, it is necessary to remove toxins from the digestive organs. To do this, rinse with water. Then you need to take Smecta and medications for recovery electrolyte balance. These include, in particular, Regidron.

On a note. Described successful cases treatment chronic gastritis and gastroduodenitis with Smecta. The medicine helps to cope with pain, nausea, and heartburn within a week after starting to take the substance.

Dosage and rules of use

For esophagitis, Smecta should be taken orally. Moreover, it is recommended to do this after eating. For other anomalies, the substance should be drunk between meals. To do this, the powder must be mixed with water.

How to dilute Smecta? An adult patient needs to gradually pour the contents of the sachet into 100 ml of water, then mix evenly to obtain a suspension. How to take Smecta? The daily volume should be divided into 3 times and the drug should be taken throughout the day.

If it is necessary to use the substance by children, the drug is prepared in a 50 ml bottle. The method of using Smecta is as follows: the daily volume must be distributed over several times. Also, the medicine can be mixed with food - puree, porridge.

Smecta for diarrhea acute nature applied like this:

  • adult patients are prescribed 6 sachets per day;
  • For babies under one year of age, 2 sachets per day are prescribed for the first 3 days, then 1 sachet is used;
  • patients after one year use 4 sachets per day for the first 3 days, then 2 sachets.

In other cases, adult patients are prescribed 3 sachets of the substance per day. The duration of treatment is 3-7 days.

On a note. The use of Smecta during pregnancy and lactation is quite acceptable. There is no need to adjust the dosage. Cases negative impact drugs on fetal formation were not noted.

special instructions

When treating adults, recovery measures water balance against the background of the use of Smecta, it is carried out if necessary. Choice therapeutic measures carried out taking into account the characteristics of the patient’s body, his age and the course of the disease.

At acute diarrhea Children must undergo rehydration measures. Other substances should be taken separately from Smecta. The interval between medication doses is 1-2 hours. The drug does not affect the ability to drive a car or operate complex devices.

Side effects

The suspension may cause constipation. However, reviews of Smecta indicate that this phenomenon occurs extremely rarely and goes away quite quickly. To do this, just change the dosage.

Some patients are at risk of vomiting and bloating. Smecta can also lead to reactions hypersensitivity. They include the appearance of a skin rash, itching sensation, and hives. In particular difficult situations Angioedema (Quincke's edema) develops.


Before diluting Smecta, you need to familiarize yourself with the main contraindications to its use. These include the following:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • sucrase-isomaltase deficiency;
  • high sensitivity to the components of the product;
  • fructose intolerance;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome.

Smecta – effective drug, which allows you to cope with the main symptoms of pathologies of the digestive system. In order for the treatment to be as effective as possible, you must strictly adhere to the instructions for using this substance.

Price, where to buy

We have selected for you trusted online pharmacies where you can buy Smecta inexpensively: