Funny scenes for Teacher's Day. Skits about teachers

Funny scenes about school become the decoration of almost every children's holiday. KVN held within our own walls, a New Year's party, the birth of a school - you never know the wonderful reasons to have fun!

We are pleased to offer you a selection of several scenes that will help create a festive mood.

Short dialogues

The little ones about school offered here do not require decorations or memorization of long texts at all.

One student sleepily says to another:

I must be allergic!

Why did you decide this?

Yes, I cover myself with a blanket and sleep all the time!

Two students after a geography lesson:

I still don't believe the Earth rotates!

Why is this?

Yes, if it had been spinning, the sea would have splashed out long ago!

The poor student angrily tells his friend:

Can you imagine? The teacher demanded that I name the simplest thing that reproduces by division! I'm not good at math at all!

In the computer class

The following funny scenes about school also do not require special decorations. Only the latter will require an imitation of a computer lab.

A stupid high school girl, showing off, looks at the tablet as if at a mirror:

My light, mirror, tell me! Tell me the whole truth! Am I the cutest in the world? Everyone is slimmer and more fashionable?

Mirror (drawn out, but angrily):

I'll give you my answer! You got it! I am a tablet!

A student asks the teacher:

Ivan Ivanovich, did you have a tablet as a child?

No, what are you talking about, there were no computers then!

What did you play on?

On the street!

The cleaning lady comes into the computer class and sternly asks:

Who here knows how to use computers?

All students, without exception, answer: “I.”

Cleaning lady (threateningly):

Then immediately go online and look for a site that teaches you how to use the toilet!

Sketch for a school anniversary: ​​funny and not very long

This scene requires only characteristic features from the actors. The “nerd” should wear glasses and speak sternly, while the girl and her friend should look silly, cutesy and enthusiastic.

A guy who looks like a typical “nerd” tells his friend:

Can you imagine, Tomka called me home to see what was wrong with her computer! I come, and she, apparently, cannot sit in one place at all! The chair is spinning, so the cord is wrapped around the chair leg. I swore, untangled the cord, inserted the plug that had popped out, turned on her computer and left.

Tomochka, rolling her eyes, enthusiastically tells her classmate:

Oh, this Lyutikov can also do magic!

What are you doing?!

Well, yes, he came to me, looked intently at the computer, raised his hands up, whispered something mystical, turned my chair 10 times counterclockwise, kicked the computer, whispered something mystical again and left. Imagine, everything worked!

Classmate, admiringly:

Wow! Witch!

Very funny scenes about school

After an explanation in a science lesson, the teacher asks the class:

Well, now do you understand why it snows in winter and not in summer?

Petrov, from the spot:

Of course, understandable! If it fell in the summer, it would melt!

During a Russian language lesson, the teacher says:

Petrov, “I’m studying, you’re studying, he’s studying” - what time is this?

Petrov, with a sigh:

Lost, Mary Ivanna!

Friends come up to an excellent student and say:

Andryukha, let's go to a cafe with the girls tonight!

Andrey, thinking:

No, I won't go with you! There the music is blaring, everyone is making noise...

So what?

Yes, I doubt that in such a situation I will be able to fully understand the essence of the Lebesgue-Stieltjes integral.

Skits for younger schoolchildren

The following funny scenes are for elementary school. They can be successfully shown at a children's party. True, high school students will have to help their younger comrades in this.

A high school student says to his friends:

Look how stupid this first-grader is! I'll show you now!

He calls the baby and, when he approaches, says to him:

In this hand I have 50 rubles, and in this hand I have 10 - what will you take for yourself?

The kid takes 10 rubles. The high school students laugh, twirl their fingers at their temples, and spread their arms.

A friend of a first-grader asks him on the sidelines:

Why did you choose 10 rubles?

Well, if I choose 50, then the game will be over!

A first-grader examines a manicure from a high school girl (admiringly):

Wow, your nails are so long!

A high school girl, simpering:

What, do you like it?

Well, yes! They must be so convenient for climbing trees!

Mom looks at the first-grader's diary. And there the two is crossed out, and there is a four next to it. Mom, with horror:

Vanechka! What is this?!

Vanechka, calmly looking at his mother:

The teacher told us that if we want, we can correct the bad grade!

Skits with teachers

You can play the following funny short skits about school yourself, or you can invite teachers to participate in them.

Conversation with the teacher:

Sidorkin, didn’t you promise me that you would correct your bad grade?

Yes, Mary Ivanna.

Didn’t I promise to call your parents if you didn’t do this?

Yes, Mary Ivanna, but if I didn’t keep my promise, then you don’t have to keep yours either!

The teacher looks sternly at the latecomer:

Semyon! You're late again! What's this time?

Semyon, it's my fault:

Mary Ivanna, I woke up, looked at what time it was, and blinked unsuccessfully.

The music teacher addresses mommy:

Your daughter needs to play the piano more!

Mommy, sighing heavily:

Lord, so much more! Our seventh neighbor has already moved out!

Dreams, dreams...

These little ones about school will require minimal scenery to show that the kids have left school, although these conversations can also take place during recess. It all depends on the director’s imagination.

Sidorov, sighing heavily, walks home from school. Ivanov asks him:

Sidorov, what are you doing? Did you get a two?

Sidorov sadly:

And he adds dreamily:

Can you imagine how much easier it would be to learn if a theorem in geometry could be proven with the words: “Well, you can see!”

The guy dreamily: “It would be great if we could read minds!” Then I would know what to answer in class!”

His friend: “Yeah, and I would also know what the teacher thinks when you answer incorrectly!”

Romantic relationships

Of course, funny short scenes about school cannot ignore how unexpectedly sometimes sympathy between boys and girls appears at school.

Vovochka escorts Masha home from school and says to her hesitantly:

Listen, Masha, I want to confess to you (pause), (he then speaks quickly) while you were walking to the board, I tore off the wings of a fly and threw it into your briefcase! Excuse me!

Masha, narrowing her eyes slyly:

I wonder if it tastes good?

Vovochka is confused:

I don’t know... Why are you asking?

Masha calmly:

Yes, I also want to apologize! I threw it in your soup in the dining room while you were going for bread!

Let's laugh a little more

Even the funniest scenes about school are often taken directly from life, so the organizers of the holiday can come up with something similar themselves.

During a Russian language lesson, Vovochka asks his neighbor at his desk:

Do you hear how to say correctly: cottage cheese or cottage cheese?

A neighbor, adjusting his glasses, looking smart:

Emphasis on "o"!

Vovochka, after a pause:

Thank you! Helped me out, really helped me out!

A classmate (who looks like an excellent student) says, sighing:

Yes, Lozhkin, you are not at all friendly with your head!

Lozhkin, shrugging his shoulders:

But I have a purely business relationship with her - I feed her, and she thinks!

Conversation with the teacher

Funny skits about school - whether you are organizing KVN or other fun events - are not complete without dialogues similar to those given below.

A teacher talks to a fashionably dressed high school student:

Lerochka, well done, you stopped being late for school!

Yes, Mary Ivanna, it’s all because of my mother.

Did she have an educational conversation with you?

No, she just bought herself some gorgeous Italian boots!

So what?

Like what? Now I get up first so I can put them on before mom! (Proudly walks away)

The teacher throws up her hands.

An elderly teacher sighs and says to her colleague:

I'll probably have to quit!

What are you saying? You are the best teacher in school!

I was completely overworked... I get on the tram in the morning, it’s full of people, I look up and say sternly: “Hello, sit down!”

Funny? Of course it's funny!

Funny skits about school are good because they are easy to perform and do not require exhausting rehearsals. The main thing is that your cheerful mood is conveyed to the audience!

Mitya, do you know what the word “super” means?

Well, yes, this is something so big that it cannot be bigger.

What about “hyper”?

And “hyper”... (Mitya rubs his forehead) Oh! This is what is more “super”!

Girls dancing at a disco:

Listen, don’t you know what mosol is?

Well, this is such a huge bone, they also put it in borscht. Why are you asking?

Yes, I heard a cool song here: “You my heart, You my soul...”

Music from a famous song performed by the group Modern Talking begins to sound on stage.

Petka with a huge “lantern” under his eye and his friend:

Petka, why are you covered in bruises?

Played snowballs with a girl!

So what?

So, it turns out, she’s from the youth handball team! And these guys don’t miss!

Incident in the locker room

Some funny scenes about school require the participation of extras. But they still won’t be difficult to stage.

The girls scream and drag the reluctant guy. The teacher stops them:

Stop! What's happened?!

One of the girls indignantly:

Lyutikov spied on us in the locker room!

The teacher, looking sternly at Lyutikov:

So what, did you like it?

Lyutikov is silent in confusion, then loudly says:

Girls in chorus, drawn out and offended:

How not?!

All funny scenes about school, as you understand, should be played sincerely and seriously. Minimal decorations won't hurt either.

You can place, for example, two desks and a blackboard on the stage to recreate the appearance of a classroom. If events happen during recess or on the way home, you can fantasize. For the “road home”, one tree or bench is enough. And a situation taking place in a school corridor can be played out in front of a large window in the background.

The main thing in these scenes is not to overload them with decorations. They are short, and therefore the emphasis should be on what the actor is saying, and not on what surrounds him at that moment.

To arrange skits in one concert, you can invite a presenter who will tell the audience where a given situation is happening. Fantasize, and your holiday will definitely be remembered and make the most wonderful impression!

An original script will help you spend a holiday at school dedicated to Teacher's Day in a fun and unusual way. The program will be complemented by funny and tear-jerking skits for Teacher's Day, telling about the work of teachers. We have collected ideas for writing skits about tests and a teacher's first day at school for elementary, middle and high schools. Unusual numbers with texts and video examples will help you write an unusual holiday script.

Funny scenes for Teacher's Day at school - cool ideas and examples of numbers

Simple ideas and examples will help our readers create funny and cool scenes for Teacher's Day at school. For you, we have selected original numbers about writing tests in various subjects. Funny and somewhat realistic productions will definitely appeal to all school teachers.

Ideas for funny skits at school for Teacher's Day

For many students, writing tests seems like a real challenge. Therefore, the topics of passing tests and solving complex problems can be used to compose funny skits. For example, students can beat a strict teacher who is trying to take away crib sheets or phones from students. Or you can talk about how teachers check tests after passing them. You can see examples of such scenes in our next videos. Ready-made texts can be used to quickly prepare your own numbers.

Video examples of cool and funny skits for Teacher's Day at school

With the help of our selection of video productions about taking tests, middle and high school students will be able to easily write new funny skits for Teacher's Day. If desired, texts from the examples can be borrowed to perform similar acts or to supplement with other more sparkling jokes.

Funny skits for high school on Teacher's Day - examples and ideas for productions

High school students usually prepare a real school concert for Teacher's Day. It may include funny skits, ditties, and musical battles. Our examples and ideas will help you create an original script. Using them, high school students can easily create really funny skits for Teacher's Day.

Ideas for funny skits for Teacher's Day from high school students

To make the finished numbers fun, high school students are advised to spice up the funny story with real life facts. In their funny performances, high school students can tell:

  • about the difficult life of a teacher during exams;
  • about communication (or discussion among students) in the staff room;
  • about the teacher's happiness of going home after a hard day at work;
  • about how teachers have to be at school when they have a cold because of tests and tests.

Any life situation can be presented in a funny and cool way if you spice it up with sparkling jokes. The idea for a skit about a teacher's first day at a new school is quite funny. For example, high school students can tell how a teacher is afraid of modern children or how he earns authority in front of poor students. In such a cool production, many teachers will be able to recognize their first day at school.

Video examples of funny skits from high school students for Teacher's Day

Video examples will help our readers write a simple and at the same time funny text for a production about a teacher’s first day at school, as well as about the pressing problems of teachers. They will allow you to choose the most successful jokes and create really cool numbers.

Cool skits for Teacher's Day for primary school - ideas and examples of texts

For primary school students, we have selected short funny skits for Teacher's Day. Using simple examples of texts and video numbers, creating an unusual and cool program of events will not be difficult. For students in grades 1-2, it is better to break such productions into 3-4 parts and include them in the script between different competitions, song numbers or skits with poetry readings. But students in grades 3-4 can perform all comic performances at once.

Ideas for creating funny skits for elementary school students for Teacher's Day

Primary school students will be most interested in talking not about the teachers themselves, but about their studies. Funny children's jokes can be used as the basis for skits from schoolchildren in grades 1-4. The guys just have to choose who will play what role and rehearse the number well. For example, for productions, elementary school students can use the following texts:

Teacher: Petrov, what book about famous travelers have you read?
Student Petukhov: “Frog Traveler”

Teacher: Kozyavin, please answer, what is the life expectancy of a mouse?
Disciple Kozyavin: Well, Mary Ivanna, it depends entirely on the cat.

Teacher: Khomyakov, answer, why do people need a nervous system?
Disciple Khomyakov: To be nervous.

A student asks the teacher: Ivan Ivanovich, did you have a tablet as a child?
Teacher: No, what are you talking about, there were no computers then!
Student: What did you play?
Teacher: On the street!

Teacher: Let's see how you learned your homework. Whoever answers first will receive a higher point.
Student Ivanov (raises his hand and shouts): Mary Ivanna, I will be the first, give me three at once!

What does the phrase "Labor of Sisyphus" mean?
- This means useless work. For example, you learned a lesson, but they didn’t ask you!

Sveta, let me carry your briefcase!
- Yes, it’s not heavy.
- Yes, and I’m not strong!

How do you say “Gogol-Mogol” in English?
- “Shakespeare-Mexpeare”!

Also, the video examples we have selected will be useful to them in creating funny skits for Teacher’s Day. They also talk about the “difficult” life of the kids and their attempts to understand all the complexities of modern science.

Original skits from students - funny video examples for Teacher's Day

A selection of the best video examples will help our readers create not just funny, but also original scenes for Teacher’s Day at school. In them you will also find performances by middle and high school students. Sparkling jokes from different productions can be combined into one number or included in different parts of the script.

Every year, teachers in more than 100 countries celebrate Teacher's Day. Thus, in Russia, since 1994, this professional holiday received state status and was moved to October 5, a date designated by the international community. According to tradition, on Teacher’s Day, schools hold ceremonial events, class hours, and, as part of the “unofficial” part, festive buffets or banquets. In addition to bouquets of autumn flowers and cute souvenirs, schoolchildren prepare concerts with songs and dances for their beloved teachers for such a significant date. We propose to introduce several original and “fresh” ideas into the Teacher’s Day scenario - primary and high school students can act out funny humorous scenes about teachers and school, and also learn beautiful dances. With appropriate preparation, such numbers are quite capable of being performed by all students - from 5th to 10th grade. And our videos will help young “artists” better prepare for their performances and amaze the audience with their outstanding theatrical and dancing abilities.

Funny humorous scenes for Teacher's Day for primary school students - ideas and videos

School humor is anecdotes, gags, riddles, jokes, jokes and a truly inexhaustible source of fun and good mood. Therefore, you can add funny humorous scenes on a school theme to the Teacher’s Day script. As a rule, such productions are based on stories from the everyday school life of students and teachers, slightly embellished and “seasoned” with notes of light humor. Thus, primary school students can prepare a funny skit for their favorite teacher on Teacher’s Day, the main characters of which are a strict teacher and a “lazy” student. As a plot, you can choose any, the most common case - “I forgot my diary at home,” “I was late for class,” “I put a button on my friend’s chair.” Such funny scenes on Teacher's Day are always relevant and evoke a lot of positive emotions in the audience. Of course, students need to properly rehearse their act, learn their lines, and most importantly, feel like real actors, albeit on a school “scale.” Inspiration and creative ideas to you!

A funny skit for Teacher's Day for primary classes - about a physical education teacher and Vovochkin's dad

Anecdotes about Vovochka and his parents have long become “classics” of modern humor. After all, teachers and parents of students are often two “opposing” camps, between which funny situations arise every now and then. So a similar scene for Teacher’s Day with the participation of these funny characters will undoubtedly appeal to both students and parents, and the “heroes” of the occasion.

So, at the beginning of the story, Vovochkin’s dad comes to the school principal - on crutches and with his head bandaged. In response to the director’s surprised look, a demand follows: the school physical education teacher must pay monetary compensation for the injury received, since the hospital refused to issue a bulletin. As an “argument,” Vovochkin’s dad cites his own appearance, obtained as a result of performing exercises given by the physical teacher for the children. At this time, Vovochka’s dad stood behind the closed door and tried to repeat the teacher’s assignment. “Children, raise your right leg!” - and dad raised his right leg. Then came the command to raise his left leg, which Vovochkin’s parent tried to lift, while holding the window sill with his hands - his right leg was already raised! Having lost his “fulcrum,” Vovochka’s dad falls and hits his head on the floor. It turns out his feet are stuck in the battery! So trust the teacher after such classes - more children will get hurt! Needless to say, it’s a very “topical” and interesting topic for a humorous skit for Teacher’s Day.

Funny humorous skit for Teacher's Day for primary school - “Control”, video

This funny school skit on Teacher's Day does not require any special decorations or costumes. In the story, the teacher presents the class with a “surprise” - a test. It is clear that students use all their ingenuity and resourcefulness to avoid an unexpected “test”. So, the boys begin to distract the teacher’s attention with various funny antics and ask questions on “abstract” topics. However, the teacher does not even think of following the lead of the cunning students.

Such a simple, but touching and funny scene for Teacher's Day will bring a kind smile to the audience, give a good mood and add a relaxed atmosphere of humor to the holiday atmosphere. And many “recognize” themselves and their classmates in the participants in the skit!

A funny humorous skit on Teacher's Day for primary classes - “Battle of the Teachers”, video

The main character in this funny scene is a student, whom three teachers, under the “guidance” of the presenter, are alternately trying to force to give up the diary. So, which teacher manages to take away the diary from a careless student in one minute will be the winner of the “battle.” After the leader announces the beginning, a primary school teacher is invited to the “field”. However, the “cunning” student begins to come up with excuses on the fly: “The diary got lost,” “Grandma took the diary,” and others. The teacher never manages to take possession of the diary, and she leaves the “battlefield.” The next participant tries to “bribe” the cunning student with sweets - however, without success. And only the third teacher-participant manages to take away the treasured diary by “threatening” to call the parents of the little sly one. At the sight of the teacher taking out a mobile phone, the determination of the main “hero” evaporates, and the diary is handed over to the winner. The moral of the scene is that in some cases teachers simply cannot do without the support of parents.

Funny humorous skits for Teacher's Day for high school students - ideas and videos

High school students show limitless imagination in staging funny humorous skits for Teacher's Day. For example, you can use popular TV shows as a “template” and come up with a skit in this format, adding musical accompaniment from famous hits. So, to begin with, a presenter is selected who will announce and “direct” the performance of other “artists”. And the skit itself will be “constructed” in the form of small funny numbers “from the lives of teachers and students.” Win-win!

Funny skit for Teacher's Day for high school - “Expectation and reality”, video

This funny skit on Teacher's Day shows the discrepancy between expectations and reality from certain phenomena or events. Since it’s Teacher’s Day, we use incidents and events from school life for the skit. How does a teacher imagine a student being late for class? Certainly not at all like a student. And the teacher’s idea of ​​how active students are in the lesson also differs from reality. Such a funny scene from the students will definitely cause cheerful laughter from the audience sitting in the hall.

Funny skit for Teacher's Day for high school - "Othello and Desdemona", video

It will be interesting for high school students to act out a funny skit, the plot of which is based on a parody of Shakespeare's immortal work. The main character of the scene is a teacher who devotes too much time to her work, while her husband and household chores remain unattended. Then the plot unfolds along a well-known line. Of course, the ending with the “strangulation” of Desdemona by the jealous Othello will also be humorous. For such a scene on Teacher’s Day, you can come up with poems in the “Shakespearean” spirit - it will turn out spectacular and will be remembered by teachers and parents for a long time.

Beautiful dances for Teacher's Day - for 5th grade, video

Dancing best conveys feelings and emotions. Therefore, for Teacher’s Day, you can learn a beautiful dance with 4th or 5th grade students, and choose famous rhythmic hits as the musical accompaniment. For a performance, the easiest way is to take a tape recorder or a music center with powerful speakers. The main thing is to be fiery and fun! For you, dear teachers!

Dance for Teacher's Day - “Teacher, control your dreams!”, video

Dance for Teacher's Day in hip-hop style - “Stop teaching - let's dance!”, video

Beautiful dances for Teacher's Day - for 10th grade, video

For students in grades 10 and 11, you can choose more “adult” dances than for restless fifth graders. Thus, catchy rock and roll performed by beautiful high school girls in dresses from the 60s will cause a storm of emotions among the audience. Simple movements and the unique charm of the girls - and a good mood on Teacher's Day will not keep you waiting. For greater effect, you can also prepare a dance number with an “assortment” of different styles - classical, breakdancing, rap.

Amazing dance from high school girls on Teacher's Day, video

Dance for Teacher's Day - from 10th grade students, video

Skits on Teacher's Day are a great opportunity not only to surprise and please your favorite teachers, but also to unite the class and make it more friendly. We have shared with you the best ideas for funny humorous skits about school and beautiful dances for Teacher's Day for primary and high schools - from 5 to 10. And with the help of our videos, students will be able to prepare the most fun and touching dance numbers for Teacher's Day.

Interesting and funny skits for schoolchildren. Sketch about school and teachers.

Sketch for schoolchildren.


(A play from school life)





Part 1

Leading(from students): Dear participants! I propose to declare our extremely important ceremonial meeting open! Today there is one problem on the agenda: to decide what we should do next with the school.

Students(from the seat): Correct! How long can you endure!

Leading: Because we do not comply with the main law of school life - “Learning should be fun!” The floor for the report is given to the main truant of the class, Zaitsev.

Zaitsev: Why am I skipping? Because my body requires sleep. And in comfortable conditions. I don't get enough sleep at my desk. And then, there are such insensitive teachers who wake you up at the most inopportune moment. I personally think this is disgraceful!

Lisitsyn(from the seat): If I don’t wake you up, you’ll fall on your neighbors! I believe that, on the contrary, the main problem is that the lesson is too boring! There must be loud music, a disco there, something like that!

Leading: Please follow the rules! And you, Lisitsyn, don’t stick your head out until you’ve been given the floor. Carry on, Zaitsev. What constructive suggestions do you have?

Zaitsev: I have such constructive suggestions. Since we are forced to go to this school, humane conditions must be created. At least put some folding beds in! And please, protect from any Lisitsyns. Let them study in the other wing, since they need music and noise! Personally, I don't need them.

Leading: So you are for separate education? There is a rational grain in this. Secretary, write down: cots and separate education. Who wants to add something substantive? Morkovkin!

Morkovkin: I personally don’t like the fact that our health suffers at school. Do you know the statistics? Complete scoliosis and gastritis. Lisitsyn is right - if not dancing, then they should have built a swimming pool in the assembly hall, or something. And we need a normal human restaurant with normal healthy food, so as not to ruin the stomachs here. There are kebabs and ice cream. Chebureks. The list can be compiled later.

Leading: I think no one has any objections. (Addresses the secretary.) Write down: a restaurant instead of a canteen, a swimming pool instead of an assembly hall. I would add a tennis table to each classroom. Who's next?

Enotov: That's not what we're talking about. After all, it's all peripheral. We come to school and spend the best 11 years of our lives there, and for what? What are we being taught? Dear brothers! I look sadly at the current education system. She is terribly far from the people. Therefore: attention! The school urgently needs to open additional courses in extremely important disciplines. They will study things that are truly necessary for the survival of the student. For example: the best way to cheat, the best way to distract a teacher in class, how to get parents to spend money on them, how to reduce the school load to a minimum, how to spend school time pleasantly and usefully.

Leading: Personally, I respect Enotov because he knows how to think not only constructively, but also within the framework of reality. Since we will be forced to serve this term anyway, we must carry it out with minimal losses. Secretary, please record Enotov’s speech almost verbatim! I invite everyone present to think at their leisure what disciplines we really need. So. Next question. What should we do with teachers? Goshkin will make a report.

Goshkin: I actually observed it here, but they, in fact, have gone completely crazy. They give me all sorts of rubbish, my dad ate half a pack of analgin yesterday after he tried to solve my math problems. His mother then lowered his blood pressure. And they're yelling! Why yell? Well, I blurted out yesterday that Vilnius is a breed of kangaroo, so what, who feels bad about it? I suggest that everyone who yells and harasses the house should be kicked out of school.

Koshkin: And who will be left? You, Goshkin, are fundamentally wrong. You need to work with the material that you have. Not to expel, but to re-educate!

Senkina: And I feel sorry for them! We must be patient too! You, Koshkin, especially! Who threw a cockroach into my compote yesterday in the dining room? You still have to re-educate and re-educate yourself!

Goshkin: Ha! It's a pity! Feel sorry for yourself! They are generally our class enemies, one might say!

Leading: Let's avoid class segregation, please. Carry on, Senkina.

Senkina: No, really, just think about it. By 8am every day. You won’t be able to skip much, because adults have even more serious problems in this regard. We tolerate them one at a time, they tolerate us at a rate of thirty at a time. Imagine, Goshkin, that you would have to communicate with thirty teachers for 45 minutes! Horror! Here only from Redkin and Fedkin you can go crazy - not only scream, but also start biting! This is any of us, just hit them on the head with a briefcase - and for fifteen minutes you can relax. But such methods are prohibited for teachers.

Koshkin: And my father says that everyone chooses their own destiny. Nobody forced them into school. Unlike us, by the way. Since they have already come, let them be patient.

Senkina: It's good for you to reason! And she, maybe, was a snotty girl when her parents persuaded her to go to ped. Do you know what kind of ancestors there are?! Can't really argue with that. And now she’s old enough to learn a new way, but doesn’t know how to do anything else. Your mother works as a cleaner, has she dreamed of this all her life?

Koshkin: Where will she go with three children? She might even go to school, but who will support her?

Senkina: So are teachers. They got into trouble once, but now they are enduring with all their might. And we, in turn, must show humanity and not become embittered, like you, Goshkin, but find ways to improve relationships and influence gently, delicately.

Leading: Okay, Senkina, everyone understands. You are smart, in short, your task is to organize classes to study teachers and correct their behavioral stereotypes.

Lastochkina: Or maybe we should even give them a vacation? Let them rest a little, and at the same time become better.

Leading: They would be happy, but who will allow them? They have the same attendance and program.

Lastochkina: Why can’t we teach the lesson ourselves? Let them slowly make their way to school, sit in the back desk, and we will all tell them what is supposed to happen there. Let them relax for at least a week or two. And some of them are really painful to look at—they’re so twitchy, they’re crying like a madhouse.

Leading: Personally, I don't mind. Who's in favor? Let's write it down. How do we present this to them?

Senkina: Let's come up with something!

Leading: OK. I believe that we had a useful meeting today. We'll work.

Everyone leaves.

Part 2

There are two people on stage - the Presenter and Senkina.

Leading: Dear teachers! We are extremely happy to congratulate you on the upcoming Teacher's Day! On this solemn day, we want to tell you how much we love you and how grateful we are to you for everything you do for us.

Senkina: Dear teachers! We know how tired you are from your hard work. That's why we have prepared a surprise for you. We are in a hurry to please you! You don't have to prepare for lessons for the next two weeks! Because we will lead them for you... we! And you will relax quietly and calmly in the back desks. Like your laziest students.

Leading: And we promise not to shame you, not to call your parents to school.

Senkina: Don't clutter your head with overwhelming tasks.

Leading: Don't pick on your appearance.

Senkina: You might even be late!

Leading: And skip classes!

Senkina: No, of course, we will try to make your classes interesting. But we won’t force you!

Leading: We also wish you all:

All(one by one):

- Happiness!

- Health!

- Energy!

- Courage!

- Have a good mood!

- Capable students!

- Responsible parents!

— Loyal administration!

- Optimism!

- And a big salary!

All(in chorus): Happy holiday!

Boys in full skirts come out, dance the cancan and sing a comic song to the melody of an operetta.

It’s impossible to live in the world without school, no.

It contains the happiness of life,

In it the dawn of fate.

Teachers teach us here

Me, you, you, me.

They and I are connected by the same fate.

You and I have been coming here since childhood,

School has replaced our home,

We come here every day.

We congratulate you on this holiday,

With all my heart and soul now

We will play and sing

About how fun we are.

We will play and sing

About how fun, how happily we live.

Sketch for schoolchildren


There are two teams on stage. In front of one is a sign that says “Parents” in big letters, and in front of the other is “Teachers.”

Leading: Attention, attention! Our microphone is installed at the parent meeting of the Nth school. Team of teachers versus team of parents. Who wins? So, dear fans, who are we rooting for? Yes, my parents, but I also feel sorry for the teachers... So, let's start!

1st teacher: Dear comrade parents! We invited you today to report on new outrages committed by your children.

1st parent: Dear fellow teachers! Our houses are located next to your school, and we see with our own eyes what your students afford.

2nd teacher: Your children.

2nd parent: Your students.

3rd teacher: I wonder who brings frogs from home and makes them croak in class?

3rd parent: And who forces children to saw the legs of chairs at home, supposedly doing their homework?

4th teacher: What if you do all your homework for your children?

4th parent: You assign stupid tasks and want the children to become smarter!

5th teacher: Yeah, but how wise you are! And who gives prizes to children for good grades? I just wonder how many of our fives your salary is enough for?

5th parent: And our settlements with children do not concern you.

6th teacher: Have you seen what your children did to the walls of the school?

6th parent: Who taught them to write?

7th teacher: And the sloppy ones!

7th parent: Look at your school! In general, it’s high time to organize parking. Otherwise, when you come to pick up your child, there is nowhere to park the car.

8th teacher: It would have been a good idea to help the school improve the grounds a long time ago.

8th parent: Your students...

9th teacher: Your children!

Leading: Stop, it's a draw, the question remains open.